Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Tamora El Tovayne
COI: 3.08%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Tovayne El Tito
(M) 01/15/1974
; Blue
Eng Ch
Sarzec Blue Baron
(M) 10/03/1965
2218BA; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963
538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
(M) 02/02/1960
56298/60; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
Reine de Blue
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
(M) 04/11/1951
; Black
Eng Ch
Dawnlight of Ickford
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Blue Banner of Blendon
; Blue
Blackout of Bringtonhill
; Black
Eng Ch
Dawnlight of Ickford
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Boltyre Velvet
(F) 08/24/1953
Monarch of Woodwell
Grastyan Wistaria
Barrita of Bringtonhill
984AP; Blue
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
Biddy of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
(F) 05/09/1947
172AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
(F) 10/07/1961
; Blue
Ribot of Ouborough
(M) 08/03/1956
BIS Eng Ch
Elch Edler of Ouborough
(M) 04/26/1951
67AK; Fawn
Kalandus of Ouborough
; Fawn
Hektor of Ouborough (findling)
Relique of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Raet of Ouborough
(F) 04/15/1946
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Royalism of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ryot of Ouborough
Gay Christina of Dodford
Sheeba of Myrtle Manor
(F) 12/15/1957
Eclipse of Ashthorpe
Caroline of Gilccrux
Kana of Kilcroney
34088/64; Black
Kilcroney Shane of Cent Soucis
; Blue
Pharao Von Hutberg
VDH/DDC 045510; Blue
Sonny von Cent Soucis
Gmy Ch
Ike von Cent Soucis
48767; Blue
Cerberus vom Nordmannshof
Geraldine von Cent-Soucis
Aimee Von Cent Soucis
SHSB 57225; Blue
Ayeseha von Eulenhain
Gmy Ch
Ike von Cent Soucis
48767; Blue
Cerberus vom Nordmannshof
Geraldine von Cent-Soucis
Dunja Von Heusenstamm
Odin von der Gärtenau
Woge von der Förde
Libertas von Cent Soucis
Gmy Ch
Ike von Cent Soucis
48767; Blue
Cerberus vom Nordmannshof
(M) 02/05/1948
VDH/DDC 35161; Blue
Arco von der Wedelsburg
Petra vom Blaustern
Geraldine von Cent-Soucis
SHSB17807; Blue
Atol von Cent Soucis
Desiree von Cent Soucis
Aimee Von Cent Soucis
SHSB 57225; Blue
Kilcroney Jucilla of Winome
(F) 07/18/1961
; Fawn
Benjamin of Newton Regis
(M) 06/04/1958
; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
(M) 04/11/1951
; Black
Eng Ch
Dawnlight of Ickford
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Jeppello of Winome
Jilsking of Winome
; Fawn
Gem of Winome
Bringtonhill Christina
(F) 12/25/1970
0870BH; Blue
Eng Ch
Sarzec Blue Stewart
(M) 09/02/1968
53BG; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963
538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
(M) 02/02/1960
56298/60; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Blue Banner of Blendon
; Blue
Blackout of Bringtonhill
Boltyre Velvet
Barrita of Bringtonhill
984AP; Blue
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
(F) 10/07/1961
; Blue
Ribot of Ouborough
(M) 08/03/1956
BIS Eng Ch
Elch Edler of Ouborough
(M) 04/26/1951
67AK; Fawn
Kalandus of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Raet of Ouborough
Gay Christina of Dodford
Sheeba of Myrtle Manor
(F) 12/15/1957
Eclipse of Ashthorpe
Caroline of Gilccrux
Trousseau of Moonsfield
; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Blue Banner of Blendon
; Blue
Blackout of Bringtonhill
Boltyre Velvet
Barrita of Bringtonhill
984AP; Blue
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Serial of Leesthorphill
; Harlequin
Surson of Leesthorphill
(M) 09/26/1955
Eng Ch
Surtees of Leesthorphill
(M) 09/08/1950
; Harlequin
Eng Ch
Cloud of the Wideskies
Snow of the Wideskies
Susan of Leesthorphill
(F) 08/27/1952
Falke vom Löns-Land of the Wideskies
Mera of the Wideskies
Serena of Leesthorphill
Eng Ch
Sutton of Leesthorphill
(M) 05/14/1956
1311AG; Harlequin
Eng Ch
Surtees of Leesthorphill
Susan of Leesthorphill
Leesthorphill Arethusa of Estrecale
(F) 06/12/1955
Seagull of Leesthorphill
Leda of Estrecale
Sheliza of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Mercury of Nightsgift
(M) 01/03/1962
2364/AW; Blue
Arrenmount Milord of Hornsgreen
Black Banner of Blendon
; Black
Blackamoor of Blendon
; Black
Blendon Ysanne of Send
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Marquise of Hornsgreen
(F) 10/08/1955
; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
Sequin of Nightsgift
; Blue
Benjamin of Newton Regis
(M) 06/04/1958
; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
Basrella of Bringtonhill
Bonetta of Nightsgift
(F) 03/07/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bonhomie of Blendon
(M) 12/12/1949
; Brindle
Bonheur of Blendon
Jhelum of Winome
Eng Ch
Flambonetta of Billil
(F) 01/22/1953
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bronx of Blendon
Flamusine of Billil
Barsheba of Bringtonhill
(F) 07/20/1954
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
(M) 06/23/1944
712AD; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
Reine de Blue
Biddy of Bringtonhill
(F) 06/01/1948
; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
Tessa of Clinbury
; Black
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
(F) 05/09/1947
172AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Thelma of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
Blue Deroi of Blendon
Eng Ch
Tandye of Moonsfield
(F) 09/05/1948
1777AJ; Fawn
Eng Ch
Royalism of Ouborough
(M) 07/15/1945
552AE; Fawn
Eng Ch
Rafels of Ouborough
(M) 07/25/1943
; Fawn
Rebellion of Ouborough
(M) 03/07/1939
30WW; Fawn
Eng Ch
Raider of Ouborough
220TT; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
(F) 01/27/1929
343LL; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
Patsy of Ouborough
Zarte V Birkenhof of Oubough
(F) 05/18/1934
25474; Brindle
Cyrus V Herkules
(M) 03/26/1929
VDH/DDC 17785; Fawn
Dolf von der Saalburg
Nora v Edertal
Thora vom Birkenhof
(F) 05/22/1932
VDH/DDC 22350; Brindle
Kalandus vom Drachenstein
Perse v Birkenhof
Eng Ch
Rebeller of Ouborough
(F) 06/10/1934
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
(M) 09/21/1925
10659; Fawn
Atilla v Hexengold
Affra von Schönbuch
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Revive of Ouborough
(F) 03/21/1931
; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
(M) 06/29/1927
67KK; Fawn
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
Rufflyn Sheena
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Rockfern of Ouborough
Rampion of Ouborough
(M) 04/22/1934
324RR; Fawn
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
(F) 01/27/1929
343LL; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
Patsy of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
1099MM; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
(M) 07/28/1923
1418EE; Brindle
Eng Ch
Rufflyn Regan
Primley Nina
Rena von der Rheinschanze of Ouborough
13698; Brindle
Dolf von der Saalburg
Ilse von der Rhön
Rockspray of Ouborough
(F) 01/09/1936
326SS; Brindle
Ramilles of Ouborough
(M) 02/03/1933
228QQ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Return of Ouborough
(F) 09/18/1930
1487NN; Fawn
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Dwyth of Ouborough
Rosalind of Ouborough
(F) 06/02/1933
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
Gazelle von Loheland (of Ouborough)
(F) 05/27/1929
17937; Fawn
Holl Ch
Elch Edler von der Saalburg
Hella von der Rhön
Rezhitsa of Ouborough
(F) 11/13/1943
; Fawn
Rebellion of Ouborough
(M) 03/07/1939
30WW; Fawn
Eng Ch
Raider of Ouborough
220TT; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
(F) 01/27/1929
343LL; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
Patsy of Ouborough
Zarte V Birkenhof of Oubough
(F) 05/18/1934
25474; Brindle
Cyrus V Herkules
(M) 03/26/1929
VDH/DDC 17785; Fawn
Dolf von der Saalburg
Nora v Edertal
Thora vom Birkenhof
(F) 05/22/1932
VDH/DDC 22350; Brindle
Kalandus vom Drachenstein
Perse v Birkenhof
Eng Ch
Rebeller of Ouborough
(F) 06/10/1934
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
(M) 09/21/1925
10659; Fawn
Atilla v Hexengold
Affra von Schönbuch
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Revive of Ouborough
(F) 03/21/1931
; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
(M) 06/29/1927
67KK; Fawn
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
Rufflyn Sheena
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Rola of Ouborough
42VV; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruler of Ouborough
(M) 04/22/1934
713RR; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
(F) 01/27/1929
343LL; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
Patsy of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
1099MM; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
(M) 07/28/1923
1418EE; Brindle
Eng Ch
Rufflyn Regan
Primley Nina
Rena von der Rheinschanze of Ouborough
13698; Brindle
Dolf von der Saalburg
Ilse von der Rhön
Eng Ch
Rebeller of Ouborough
(F) 06/10/1934
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
(M) 09/21/1925
10659; Fawn
Atilla v Hexengold
Affra von Schönbuch
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Revive of Ouborough
(F) 03/21/1931
; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
(M) 06/29/1927
67KK; Fawn
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
Rufflyn Sheena
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Tango of Moonsfield
; Fawn
Garnstone's Grappler
; Fawn
Hansel of Trayshill
KCSB895/SS; Brindle
Bernard of Send
; Fawn
Glinger of Axwell
; Fawn
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
(M) 12/16/1924
VDH/DDC 9421; Fawn
Bruno v Fredersee
Afra Mikoda
Rufflyn Sheena
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Tirza of Pickhurst
Nada of Send
(F) 06/22/1927
Boris of Send
(M) 07/05/1925
Professor of Falklands
Rufflyn Rouvra
Anneliese Rott of Send
VDH/DDC 009359; Brindle
Bodo vom Federsee
Tosca v Bohmerwald
Cuckmere Claudine
(F) 10/22/1931
KCSB 473 PP; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
(M) 06/29/1927
67KK; Fawn
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
Rufflyn Sheena
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
1099MM; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
(M) 07/28/1923
1418EE; Brindle
Eng Ch
Rufflyn Regan
Primley Nina
Rena von der Rheinschanze of Ouborough
13698; Brindle
Dolf von der Saalburg
Ilse von der Rhön
Garnstone's Golden Hind
; Fawn
Arnoldsfield Christopher
(M) 05/13/1934
323RR; Fawn
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
(F) 01/27/1929
343LL; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
Patsy of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Cuckmere Clovis
(F) 03/28/1930
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Cuckmere Melody
(F) 02/07/1928
Brutus of Everley
Yolanda of Waltrim
Ravanna of Ouborough
(F) 06/22/1934
835RR; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
(M) 09/21/1925
10659; Fawn
Atilla v Hexengold
Affra von Schönbuch
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
(F) 05/21/1925
662GG; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Olga of Ouborough
Renown of Ouborough
764PP; Fawn
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Gazelle von Loheland (of Ouborough)
(F) 05/27/1929
17937; Fawn
Holl Ch
Elch Edler von der Saalburg
Hella von der Rhön
Terina of Moonsfield
; Fawn