River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Am CH Warwick's Valinor Flair
(F) 05/29/1996
WP70634407; Black
COI: 0.66%
Am, Mex & Int Ch Verlin Caprata's Troubadour CD CGC

(M) 10/18/1992
WP45339103; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino

(M) 07/19/1985
WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph

(M) 09/01/1980
WE827382; Black
Am CH Shadowbrook's Bask

(M) 05/30/1977
WD730097; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
WA33815; Fawn
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Godiva
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
WA646752; Black
Barrett's Thunder II
Barrett's Queen of Sheba
Rebelro's Satanic Lady CD
WC726100; Black
Wildwind Darktown Strutter
; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Rebelro's Witchcraft
; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Segredo
WB551538; Fawn
Jecamo's Bourbon on the Rox
Am CH Tahra's Fallacy of Rebelro
Rebelro's Morticia
(F) 10/15/1966
; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Tahra of Rebelro
Longo's Foxxy Lady

WD182808; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
WA33815; Fawn
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Godiva
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
WA646752; Black
Barrett's Thunder II
Barrett's Queen of Sheba
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968
WB378944; Black
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
(M) 02/15/1965
WA441041; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Stars and Stripes of Kalidane
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Donner
Miss Gaybrook
Barkers Lady Katrina
(F) 03/11/1968
WB148863; Black
Honey Hollow Sir Lancelot II
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi's Apache
Honey Hollow Black Susan
Myer's Ebony Girl
; Black
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra

WF479369; Black
Am & Mex Ch Aquino's Oso Negro

WE070373; Black
Mex Ch Jecamo's Oso Negro d'Aquinos
WD610771; Black
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Jecamo's Cutty Sark v Paradise
WC537728; Fawn
Am CH Jecamo's Scotch On The Rox
Am CH Tallbrook's Vicki of Paradise
Jecamo's Beefeaters' Misty
(F) 06/07/1967
WB021479; Fawn
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Of Mountdania
Jecamo's I'm of Beefeater
Rodane Velvet Hammer V Jecamo
WC843911; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
WC211302; Brindle
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
WC165653; Black
Jecamo's Black Label of Landy
Suti of Rodane
Aquino's Lolita Von Under Pop
WD382300; Fawn
Ulysses v Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
WC230459; Fawn
Am CH Jecamo's Scotch On The Rox
(M) 09/25/1967
WB95919; Fawn
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Of Mountdania
Am & Mex Ch Jecamo's Roxanne
Cannibal's Mitzie Sue
Am CH Von Neff's Cannibal of Heather
Bringold's Rocky Bye
Mibar's Kirsten
WD008100; Fawn
Am CH Duke Dukas of Wesdayn
(M) 04/10/1971
WB847134; Fawn
Gibraltar's Duke of Lamora
Polldane's Nan V Lindenthaler
Mibar's Cianmn Cindy V Liberte
Valenkay's Dashaway
Liberte's Heidi of Penbo's
Sarah Maegan Blue
WF056977; Blue
Brennan's Blue Scooby-Doo
WD532633; Blue
Magnum My Son
Am CH Ravon's Rigi Raki UD
(M) 02/15/1969
WB439278; Black
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Kali Kalua Kilaeueau CDX
Santana IV
Greco's Blue Blitz
Rajah's Greatest
Scarlett's Southern Blue Sky
Mi Montego
WC251165; Blue
Zar aus dem Schwarzwald
Medeham aus dem Schwarzwald
Blitz's Blue Girl
Greco's Blue Blitz
Rajah's Greatest
Dane Crest's Quentel
Jecamo's Sazarac V Dibo
WD271895; Fawn
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Jecamo's Cutty Sark v Paradise
Jecamo's Beefeaters' Misty
Treseder Bogart Out of Sight
WC296871; Fawn
Barnette's Bogart CD
Treseder's Merrily Merrily
Jecamo's Dane Crest Black Velvet
WE384252; Black
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Jecamo's Cutty Sark v Paradise
Jecamo's Beefeaters' Misty
Jecamos' Black Kandy
; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
Kyande's Soda Gamousa
Am CH Verlin's Princess of Power

WG094622; Black
Am CH Winhurst Joshua J Justice

(M) 06/12/1982
WF352337; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph

(M) 09/01/1980
WE827382; Black
Am CH Shadowbrook's Bask
(M) 05/30/1977
WD730097; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
Rebelro's Satanic Lady CD
WC726100; Black
Wildwind Darktown Strutter
; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Rebelro's Witchcraft
; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Segredo
Rebelro's Morticia
Longo's Foxxy Lady
WD182808; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968
WB378944; Black
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Barkers Lady Katrina
(F) 03/11/1968
WB148863; Black
Honey Hollow Sir Lancelot II
Myer's Ebony Girl
CH Winhurst Trace of Farah
; Black
Am CH San Carley's Ringo Starr
(M) 11/18/1975
WD327051; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
WC211302; Brindle
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
WC165653; Black
Jecamo's Black Label of Landy
Suti of Rodane
Pasha's Tingaling San Carley
WC180785; Blue
Pasha's Blu Bozo CD
WB662860; Blue
Julemar's Blue Iron CD
Sloane's Renata of Iroquois
Pasha's Blu Baybee CD
WB619004; Blue
CH Julemar's Blue Chief Iroquois
Pasha's Blu Miss Trimm
Am CH Glen-Glo's Farah of Winhurst
(F) 01/07/1973
WC588612; Black
Am & Can Ch Jocopa's Trebl Maximinus
WB381037; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
Tandee's Kahni of Thorn Run
; Fawn
Am CH J C P Golden Flash of Thorn Run
Devil D's Tandee of Windhaven
Glen-Glo's Ebony Coquette
(F) 03/31/1970
WB728787; Black
Am CH Ravon's Rigi Raki UD
(M) 02/15/1969
WB439278; Black
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Kali Kalua Kilaeueau CDX
Am CH Glen-Glo's Ain't Mis Behavin CD
(F) 02/12/1967
WA917869; Blue
Am CH Baron Von Hessel of Maradane
Ebony Shadow CDX
Verlin's Dory Genes By Dorev
Caprata Verlin's Blackmail
(M) 10/23/1983
WF493421; Black
Verlin's Domadoma of Juron
Karen's Domino of Dartmouth
(M) 01/02/1982
WF130639; Black
Black Marmaduke
(F) 09/12/1980
WE679285; Black
Deener's Black Maximilian
(M) 03/24/1978
Wanak's Blue Shamu
Wanak's Black Duchess
Chambers Black Ebony
(F) 09/14/1977
El Diablo del Robinson II
Lady Key of West Germany
Am CH Warwick's Working Without A Net

(F) 06/24/1993
WP50732303; Black

(M) 04/10/1991
WP38203401; Black with White
Michaeldane N'Co Jus Havin Fun
(M) 11/29/1988
WG265868; Black
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge

(M) 02/21/1986
WF825717; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Kodiak
(M) 03/02/1982
WF182174; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981
WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975
WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976
WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
Haltmeiers Fortune Seeker
(F) 09/11/1979
WE408645; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
(M) 09/28/1974
WD133354; Blue
Bantry Santana Azul
Sharon's Blackberry Brandy
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976
WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
Michaeldane's Dream Girl
(F) 11/13/1982
WF787779; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977
WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
Rojon's Risque
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
WD430050; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Windane's Hello Sunshine
Jolly's Gypsy Rose Lee
(F) 05/10/1979
WE314255; Fawn
Kal-Dayn's Nikolas v Spartacus
WD994536; Brindle
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
Am CH Kal-Dayn's Hera v Samson
Knollwoods She Can't Miss
(F) 05/06/1975
WD160821; Fawn
CH Can't Miss of Tamerlane
Michaeldane's Cher-D-Lite
(F) 03/23/1978
WE234616; Blue
Lees Kodiak Rambo Michaeldan
Am CH Haltmeiers Kodiak
(M) 03/02/1982
WF182174; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981
WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Am CH Azurs Elbina
Haltmeiers Fortune Seeker
(F) 09/11/1979
WE408645; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
Am CH Azurs Elbina
Dianadane's Shady Lady Xanadu
(F) 10/13/1981
WF057480; Black
Dianadane's the Duke of Earl
(M) 08/10/1978
WE165567; Black
Am CH San Carley's Ringo Starr
My Blue Heather
Dianadane Shady Lady Othello
(F) 03/07/1980
Am & Mex Ch Sancarley's Black Velvet
Am CH Kal-Karee's Shady Lady Othello
Michaeldane's Cher-D-Lite's Rachada
Michaeldane's Secret Storm v B.R.
Schilling's Blue Grendel
Michaeldane's Tara
(F) 01/02/1974
WC756383; Black
Cher-D'lites Dutchess
(F) 03/20/1987
Am CH Darce's Shaka of Champlain
(M) 04/07/1984
WF653643; Black
Diamant Bleu of Champlain
; Blue
Am CH San Carley's Ringo Starr
(M) 11/18/1975
WD327051; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
Pasha's Tingaling San Carley
WC180785; Blue
Pasha's Blu Bozo CD
Pasha's Blu Baybee CD
Lady Sacha of Champlain
WE291647; Blue
Darce's Bleu Renaissance
Ter-Ron's Octavious
Lady Devious Echo of Darce
Misty Blue Dawn II
Charjer's Court Jester
Sama's April Storm
Darce's Tarnished Angel
(F) 05/30/1979
WE923171; Black
Darce's Angus Knight of Ember
WD077135; Black
Ter-Ron's Octavious
WC728503; Blue
Glen-Glo's Blu Shado of Taurner CD
Ter-Ron's Blue Bo-Jangle
Lady's Delta Queen of Darce
Blue Chip's Dividend
Lady Ash of Iroquois
Darce's Fall'n Angel
WD431034; Black
CH Darce's Spartan Warrior
Lady's Delta Queen of Darce
Blue Chip's Dividend
Lady Ash of Iroquois
Diana-N-Link Dagon Cher-D-Lite
(F) 03/29/1983
WF443304; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Jones Cleo of Erin-Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
WA784549; Brindle
Am BIS Ch Bart Spanish of Bella Dane
Hayron's Merryann
Smith's Regina D'Oro
WA890598; Fawn
Smith's Great Caesar's Ghost
Smith's Miss Priss
Dagons Blossom of Windane
(F) 12/03/1979
WE628643; Brindle
Dagons Czar Maxmillian
(M) 02/06/1977
WD706788; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
(F) 11/04/1973
WC704511; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Tuff Marmike of Pattidane
Windane's the Wind Mariah
(F) 01/05/1978
WD936757; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Piper's Ragalia v Earl-Mar
WC071532; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Am CH Earl-Mar's Sandpiper
Am CH Kaidane Warwicks Alligaeta

(F) 05/12/1987
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM

(M) 02/21/1983
WF381346; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF

(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
WA804395; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
WA434701; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Fury's Thunder of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Mist
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
WB141365; Fawn
Daneboa's Great Impact
Neudane's Sassy Lady
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
(F) 04/15/1975
WD176151; Fawn
Pine Hollow's Gamblin Man
WC562685; Fawn
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Sherwood Joker
(M) 01/23/1967
WA920968; Brindle
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Fortissimo
Gilberts Gallant Lady
Am CH Timberlake Rejoice of O'Kala
WB115303; Fawn
Am CH Harmony Hill Xmas Lyons' Pride
Am CH Doggenhof's Drambuie
Reann's Charming Aleathea CD
WC660864; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Witch Doctor
(M) 06/09/1971
WB943554; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Monarch
Sherwood's Witch Girl
Highland's Mistress Royal
WB304193; Fawn
Am CH Harmony Hill Xmas Lyons' Pride
CH Highland Huntress
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn

WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
(M) 02/03/1975
WD096143; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Am CH Sheenwater Heat Wave
(F) 10/18/1972
WC302955; Fawn
Am CH Mr. Pacific Of Marydane
WB203446; Fawn
Laird of Tallbrook Farm
Reggen's Mona Of Marydane
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
WD630559; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Ragtime Cowboy Joe
(M) 05/09/1975
WD126162; Fawn
Am CH Jeffrey Mc Davis
(M) 10/01/1973
WC642473; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Chief Justice
Am CH Abigail Davis of Tallbrook
Am CH Sunridge's Li'l Liza Jane
(F) 11/08/1971
WC55961; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Am CH Mountdania's Heather
(F) 03/25/1972
WC179825; Fawn
Fair Lady V Beelen Beaudane's Heathcliff of Breniar
Mountdania's Miss Mischief
Am CH Kai-Dane's Lina B. Lovett
(F) 11/15/1981
WF115534; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF

(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
WA804395; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
WA434701; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Fury's Thunder of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Mist
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
WB141365; Fawn
Daneboa's Great Impact
Neudane's Sassy Lady
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
(F) 04/15/1975
WD176151; Fawn
Pine Hollow's Gamblin Man
WC562685; Fawn
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Sherwood Joker
(M) 01/23/1967
WA920968; Brindle
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Fortissimo
Gilberts Gallant Lady
Am CH Timberlake Rejoice of O'Kala
WB115303; Fawn
Am CH Harmony Hill Xmas Lyons' Pride
Am CH Doggenhof's Drambuie
Reann's Charming Aleathea CD
WC660864; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Witch Doctor
(M) 06/09/1971
WB943554; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Monarch
Sherwood's Witch Girl
Highland's Mistress Royal
WB304193; Fawn
Am CH Harmony Hill Xmas Lyons' Pride
CH Highland Huntress
Coriander Annie Lovett
Am CH Dinro H Lovett
(M) 12/21/1974
WD299269; Fawn
Am CH Justamere Lovett
WB906230; Fawn
Am CH Murlo's Ceasar of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WB009563; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Craig's Saar of Greenbrier
Lovett's Bitta Amber
WB355365; Fawn
Airways Cyrus of Danelagh
Am CH Fairway's Royal Queen
Am CH Dinro Mai-Tai
(F) 06/12/1972
WC262816; Fawn
Am CH Gen-Ton's Sulton of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WA985241; Brindle
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Craig's Saar of Greenbrier
Dinro's Sister Cormack
(F) 07/30/1967
WB273837; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Thendara Megaera
Harmony Hill I Lovett
(F) 05/16/1976
WD426354; Brindle
Am CH Harmony Hill Midas of Delphi
(M) 01/06/1975
WD016952; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Witch Doctor
(M) 06/09/1971
WB943554; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Monarch
Sherwood's Witch Girl
Murlo Mona Lisa
WC516395; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Naughty Marietta
Am CH Corina of Ju-Wil's Dane
(F) 04/18/1972
WC199157; Brindle
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Sherwood Joker
(M) 01/23/1967
WA920968; Brindle
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Fortissimo
Gilberts Gallant Lady
Roc N Ril's Rhapsody
WB590335; Fawn
Am CH Reggen's Marcus Of Marydane
Gildan's Mardi Gras