Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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[Printable W/O Images]
Reverse pedigree of:
Hotpoints Regal Blue Touch of Vanmore
(M) 08/20/1998
; Blue
COI: 13.81%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Dainoak Dangerous Liaison
(F) 09/19/2002
Dainoak Designer Dreams of Altusdane
(F) 09/19/2002
; Blue
Altusdane All My Loving
Nl Ch
Ascara von der Schlehhecke
(F) 05/01/2012
VDH 125784; Blue
Altusdane Dont Pass Me By For Droolakiss
(F) 05/27/2007
Droolakiss Here's Johnny
(M) 09/15/2011
Droolakiss Lech Walesa
(M) 09/15/2011
; Blue
Droolakiss N Tell at Ruhtusland
(M) 07/14/2010
; Blue
Altusdane Johnny B Goode for Droolakiss
(M) 05/27/2007
; Blue
Capora Atlantis at Leevindane
(M) 06/22/2010
IKC Y95322 / 4476CX; Blue
Damarkann Exodus at Ravendane
; Blue
Damarkann Indiana for WahyaKoda
(F) 08/25/2010
; Blue
Damarkann Work of Art
(F) 11/17/2011
; Blue
Droolakiss Confetti Breeze
(F) 12/10/2009
Droolakiss Miss Dynamite
(F) 08/27/2008
; Blue
Droolakiss Ocean of Dreams
(F) 03/20/2009
; Blue
Kingstonrose Bolt of Tayhamblue
Kingstonrose Periwinkle Among Clannalba
(F) 01/01/2012
; Blue
Kingstonrose Terence
Lebenkadane Black Diamond
(F) 12/06/2008
; Black
Puccini Boss Azzurra
(M) 08/17/2009
; Blue
Raejay Plant A Kiss
() 03/03/2015
Zeus King of Gods
(M) 03/05/2013
Altusdane Sea Breeze
(M) 10/03/2005
; Blue
Zafiro Rembrandt
(M) 02/04/2007
4654CW; Blue
Zafiro Rubens
(M) 02/04/2007
Dainoak Designer Genes
(M) 09/19/2002
AC03901801; Blue
Asoud Blueprint
; Blue
Asoud Carbon Copy
(M) 11/23/2003
Dainoak Designer Porche
AF00480001; Black
Dainoak Eis Quo Amo
() 02/04/2009
Dainoak Ex Animo
(M) 02/04/2009
Ebonory Aiming High at Dunstigdanes
(M) 04/06/2005
Ebonory Applause
(F) 04/06/2005
; Black
Kumalerstud's Quizzy Girl
Llwynderw Chaos
; Blue
Jamboree Prima Donna
Noirblanc Macey of Queens
(F) 07/05/2005
; Blue
Noirblanc Stormy Weather
(F) 07/05/2005
; Blue
Stormywillow Mighty Moose
(M) 07/10/2008
; Harlequin
Stormywillow Miss Machiko
(F) 07/10/2008
; Harlequin
Stormywillow Princess Elle
(F) 07/10/2008
; Blue
Nomansland Blushing Lady
Nomansland Forest Blush Dainoak
AF00780205; Blue
Aust Ch
Dainoak Affair to Remember
(F) 08/01/2008
AJ04118501; Blue
Dainoak Devil Wears Prada at Midcott
(F) 08/01/2008
; Blue
Dainoak Divine Inspiration for Mirabeau
(F) 09/19/2002
; Blue
Mirabeau Time of Your Life
(M) 12/14/2005
; Blue
Kenocto Topaz Diva of Teilamara
(F) 12/31/2007
Dainoak Judgment Day for Joyleague
(M) 09/16/2002
; Black
Dainoak Sword of Damocles
(M) 09/16/2002
; Blue
Dainoak Drop Dead Gorgeous
(F) 03/23/2004
Dainoak Eternal Sunshine
AE01971302; Blue
Ebonory Beau Gallier
AG05030402; Blue
Ebonory Blue Lavender
(F) 05/22/2006
; Blue
Ebonory Clansman
(M) 09/22/2007
Ebonory Cromcruecht For Yacanto
(M) 09/22/2007
Dainoak the Sweetest Thing Among Bigdeal
Ravendane Black Ice
(F) 03/25/2009
; Black
Ravendane Red Ribbons at Joopstar
Ravendane Red Rum
(M) 04/14/2006
AG02287701; Blue
Dainwood Steele Dawn
(F) 05/21/2004
Dainwood's Bowmore Black
(F) 03/01/2011
Dainwood Cherry Pie
(M) 05/12/2015
; Black
Dainwood's Prime Blue
(F) 03/01/2011
Dornoir Aeife at Dinahtron
; Blue
Dinahtron Banker For Primus
(M) 03/28/2005
; Blue
Primus Demmie at Chancemajor
() 07/09/2006
Dinahtron Bestman
(M) 03/28/2005
; Blue
Danemoor Marguerite For Jincbou
(F) 05/01/2008
Danemoor May Blossom
Danemoor Maybelline
(F) 05/01/2008
; Blue
Danemoor Black Prince
(M) 07/28/2009
; Black
Diamond Lucky Charm For Riverdragon
(F) 04/15/2007
; Black
Dinahtron BestMan x Bluestones Forbidden Fruit
Dinahtron First Lady Via Culseandanes
(F) 02/27/2012
Dinahtron Lady Luck From Dornoir
(F) 02/27/2012
; Blue
Dinahtron Money Man For Primus
(M) 02/27/2012
Dinahtron Supergirl To Internos
Ravendane Red Ribbons at Joopstar
Dinahtron Blue Print
(F) 06/07/2003
; Blue
Dorhan Anneddaday
(F) 04/05/2005
; Blue
Dinahtron Destined For Ravendane
Ravendane Red Rum
(M) 04/14/2006
AG02287701; Blue
Dinahtron In Carbon
Rotherdale's Nightingale
Rotherdale's Woodlark of Munslamb
Rotherdales Blue Cinders
(F) 12/16/2007
; Blue
Dornoir Erin
(F) 07/03/2001
; Blue
Dornoir Fiall
(F) 05/31/2007
; Blue
Dornoir Maeve by Dinahtron
(F) 05/31/2007
Dinahtron First Lady Via Culseandanes
(F) 02/27/2012
Dinahtron Lady Luck From Dornoir
(F) 02/27/2012
; Blue
Dinahtron Money Man For Primus
(M) 02/27/2012
Dornoir Midir at Zafiro
(M) 07/03/2001
; Blue
Leamap Cruise Control to Akura
(M) 03/25/2003
; Blue
Akura Black Diamond
(F) 04/15/2005
; Black
Akura Exclusive
(M) 10/08/2008
; Harlequin
Akura Knight Flyer
(M) 04/15/2005
; Black
Carsan's Little Miss Frosty
(F) 05/22/2008
; Blue
Sarawen Dom Perignon with Leamap
(M) 10/08/2005
; Black
Leamap Solitaire
(F) 05/25/2003
Leamap Bewitched
(F) 04/26/2007
; Black
Trishdane Blue Warrior
(M) 07/29/2005
Vardanel Phebe
(F) 06/30/2004
; Black
Zafiro Meissa
Zafiro Zidane
(M) 08/20/2002
; Black
Zafiro Zsofia
(F) 08/20/2002
; Blue
Zafiro Zuzana
(F) 08/20/2002
AC03083608; Blue
Primus Styled in Blue
Ravendane Red Dawn
(M) 05/20/2008
Ravendane Red Icon
(F) 05/20/2008
Ravendane Red Son
AJ02674504; Blue
Zafiro Rembrandt
(M) 02/04/2007
4654CW; Blue
Zafiro Rubens
(M) 02/04/2007
Dornoir Polly For Danemoor
(F) 07/19/2003
; Blue
Danemoor Marguerite For Jincbou
(F) 05/01/2008
Danemoor May Blossom
Horsewater Lad
(M) 05/23/2015
Danemoor Maybelline
(F) 05/01/2008
; Blue
Danemoor Black Swan
(F) 04/15/2011
; Black
Danemoor Calpurnia
(F) 07/24/2012
; Blue
Danemoor Lord Nelson
(M) 04/15/2011
Foaldown Regal Rain
(F) 06/02/2001
; Blue
Foaldown Christmas Rose
(F) 12/20/2002
; Blue
Foaldown Sorceress
(F) 03/31/2006
; Black
Foaldown Soul Sister at Roxmann
(F) 03/31/2006
; Black
Foaldown Dream Music
(F) 02/22/2004
; Blue
Jildadanes Blue Lad
(M) 05/06/2007
Jildadanes Little Miracle
Foaldown Rain Music of Mydane
(F) 02/22/2004
; Blue
Mydane Maple
(M) 01/24/2007
3701CW; Blue
Mydane Mimosa
(F) 01/24/2007
Rayjen Corbiere
Renescent Monsieur Alfonse
(M) 08/24/2008
; Blue
Daneblues Moon River at Valeblue
(F) 04/26/2014
; Blue
Jorofando Prince of The Skys
Leamap Crystal Ball
(F) 02/17/2010
Ir Ch
Rayjen Royal Palace at LeevinDane
(M) 09/20/2009
Renescent Hot Lap
(F) 04/08/2015
Renescent It's Hammer Time
(M) 04/08/2013
; Black
Renescent Pole Position at Sofala
(F) 04/08/2015
; Black
Shazdanes Lilly
(F) 10/13/2014
Rayjen Corbiere at Renescent
(M) 04/20/2001
; Blue
Galomax Owjado
(M) 07/07/2008
Rayjen Refuse to Bend
() 02/05/2012
Rayjen Tap On Wood
Internos Bojangles
(M) 04/19/2008
Renescent Haut Lacouture
(F) 09/15/2009
; Blue
Renescent Puy D'Amour
(F) 09/15/2009
; Blue
Internos Challenger
(M) 03/06/2007
; Black
Cenninpedr Ms Independant
(F) 07/04/2010
; Blue
Cenninpedr Sumer Challenge
(F) 07/04/2010
Internos Belle Starr
(F) 07/21/2008
Internos Katie Fisher
(F) 07/21/2008
Jildadanes Achilles
(M) 05/07/2015
Jildadanes Invictus of Internos
(M) 05/07/2015
Jildadanes Mighty Jo Junior
(M) 07/13/2010
2101CX; Black
Jildadanes Nieta del Tanque
(F) 05/07/2015
; Black
Internos Cosi Fan Tutte
(F) 04/19/2008
Internos the Heavyweight
(M) 03/06/2007
Renescent Mimi Labonq
(F) 08/24/2008
; Blue
Renescent L'Esperance
(F) 04/12/2012
; Black
Rayjen Minnehoma
Rayjen Ace of Hearts
Rayjen Chase The Ace
(F) 12/01/2010
; Blue
Rayjen Jack of Spades
(M) 12/01/2010
; Black
Rayjen Refuse to Bend
() 02/05/2012
Ir Ch
Rayjen Royal Palace at LeevinDane
(M) 09/20/2009
Rayjen Tap On Wood
Rayjen Texas Holdem
(M) 12/01/2010
Rayjen Best Mate
; Blue
Glentarn Harvi Moon
(M) 09/18/2007
Glentarn Moonlit Serenade
Ir Ch
Leevindane a Chuisle Mo Chroi
(F) 06/25/2009
IKC Y61565; Blue
Renescent I Dreamed a Dream
(F) 03/12/2006
; Blue
Renescent Who Am I
(M) 03/12/2006
; Blue
Sinikka's Blue Velvet
(F) 07/08/2010
Sinikka's The Dream Maker
(M) 07/18/2010
Sinikka's The Start of it All
(F) 07/08/2010
Vanmore Calendar Girl