River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Notre Dane's Uptown Girl
(F) 10/01/1995
WP65831701; Fawn
COI: 2.72%
Moredane's Nsync of Notre Danes
(M) 08/17/1999
WP93452003; Brindle
Am CH Moredane's Forever Brigett
(F) 05/28/2003
WS04355101; Brindle
Am CH Weco's Rhythmofmyheart
(M) 09/06/2005
Wecodanes Coco Chanel on Rodeo
(F) 09/06/2005
WS14686403; Brindle
Am CH Wecodanes Forever Young Mackenzie
(M) 09/06/2005
WS14686402; Brindle
Wecodanes I Wanna Talk About Me
(M) 09/06/2005
WS14686406; Fawn
Moredane's Forget Me Not
(F) 02/17/2002
WS00456805; Brindle

Can Ch Moredane's Across The Border
WS18342403; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Moredane's Chances Are
(M) 11/17/2005
WS16182101; Brindle
Moredane's The Beat Go's On
WS02517605; Fawn
Can Ch Moredane Saul's How Sweet It Is
(F) 01/03/2008
WS25211102; Fawn
Am CH Moredane's Best Kept Secret
(F) 01/03/2008
WS25211104; Fawn
Am CH Moredane's Chantilly Lace
(F) 01/03/2008
WS25211101; Fawn
Moredane's More Than a Memory at Shae
(M) 01/25/2009
WS29712703; Fawn
Am CH Moredane's There's No Place Like Home
(M) 01/25/2009
WS29712702; Fawn

Moredane's Third Times A Charm
(F) 01/25/2009
WS29712701; Fawn
Am CH Moredane's What Dreams Are Made Of
(M) 01/03/2008
WS25211103; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Moredanes Rack 'Em & Stack 'Em
(M) 10/02/2006
WS20029201 / 1105395; Fawn

Moredane's United We Stand
(F) 02/17/2002
WS00456801; Brindle
Notre Dane's Believe It Or Not
(F) 08/17/1999
WP93452001; Fawn
Notre Dane's Andre
(M) 01/23/2002
WR06001411; Fawn
Harrel's Just Fancy That
Am CH Notre Dane's The Whole Nine Yrds
(M) 01/23/2002
WR06001401; Fawn
Notre Dane's A Spoonfull of Sugar
(F) 04/26/2005
WS13081802; Brindle
Notre Danes Mojo of Blake-Manor
(M) 04/26/2005
WS13081801; Brindle