Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Sabila's Dread Pirate Roberts (M) 05/31/1989 WG346891; Fawn COI: 7.57% |
Lathom's Sabila Carlos (M) 06/30/1994 WP56682301;
Meja's Vip Dallas V Sabila (M) 01/13/1994 WP53494302; Fawn
Dreamer's Billy Boy Blue (M) 12/28/1995 WP67838307; Fawn
Am CH Dreamer's Chief of Dallas (M) 12/28/1995 WP67838308; Fawn
Meja's Chief Scout V Challas (F) 09/20/1998 WP88463703; Brindle
Am CH Meja's Jagd Panzer V Challas (M) 09/20/1998 WP88463702; Brindle
Dreamer's Spring Sunday Sadie (F) 12/28/1995 WP67838306;
Dreamers Sassy Girl (F) 12/28/1995 WP67838301;
Am CH Rodane's Wesley (M) 10/24/2000 WR00414501; Brindle
Am CH Dreamers Taka Chance v Liltn (M) 12/28/1995 WP67838310; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Nightwind's Deal of a Lifetime (M) 01/10/1998 WP83584202; Fawn
Windwalker's Timeless Warrior (M) 01/10/1998 ; Brindle
Windwood Savannah Gold NGTWD (F) 01/10/1998 WP83584207;
Winwood Savannah Gold Nightwind (F) ;
CH Dreamers-Spring Sunday Sadie (F) 12/28/1995 WP67838306;
Sabila's Sunhawk Dreamer (M) 12/28/1995 WP67838309; Fawn
Am CH Anandane's Angelique Dms 3rd AOM (F) 07/18/2004 WS09816202;
Anandane's Lovey Mary (F) 07/18/2004 WS09816205;
Anandane's Savanna Jade (F) 07/18/2004 WS09816206;
Challas' Ring O Kerry V Sabila (M) 12/16/2003 WR07840904;
Am CH Honey's Bunch of Oh's (M) 03/03/2004 WS08045203; Fawn
Honey's Ruler of the Gods (M) 03/03/2004 WS08045201; Brindle
Jerdans Graceful Honey (F) 03/03/2004 WS08045204; Fawn
Am CH Meja's Voluptous Blond Sabila (F) 01/13/1994 WP53494301; Fawn
Meja's Xceptionaly Fairwy Mica (M) 10/14/1996 WP75238512; Fawn
Meja's Xpedition To Mica (M) 10/14/1996 WP75238509; Fawn
Meja's Xtrordinarily Mica (M) 10/14/1996 WP75238510; Fawn
Meja's Y But of Course V Mica (F) 08/10/1998 WP88463601; Fawn
Meja's Y It's Marshall Dillon (M) 08/10/1998 WP88463605; Fawn
Enterprise Bodacious Brindle () 05/11/2001 WR02710802;
Enterprise Capt.Picard (M) 05/11/2001 WR02710803;
Enterprise Mr "Q" Bert Hollow (M) WS00723001;
Enterprise-Ceaser (F) 05/11/2001 WR02710801;
Meja Moonshine's Southrn Belle (F) 03/06/2004 WS08116709; Fawn
Meja's DBL Moca Latte Entrprise (F) 05/11/2001 WR02710809; Brindle
Meja's Golden Moonshine (F) 03/06/2004 WS08116711; Fawn
Meja's Moonshine Odyssey (F) 03/06/2004 WS08116712; Fawn
Am CH Meja's Yz Guy V Mica (M) 08/10/1998 WP88463603; Fawn
Zanadane's The Skyz The Limit (F) 01/12/2000 WP96452912; Fawn
Am CH Mica's Ny Stock Xchange V Meja (M) 10/14/1997 WP75238511; Fawn
Sabila Lathom's Bold Gold (F) 06/30/1994 WP56682303;
Sabila Lathom's Emmy Award (F) 06/30/1994 WP56682302;
Boston's Rudolph Valentino (M) 04/25/1997 WP78601206; Fawn
Hladik's Miss Heidi Williams (F) 12/16/1995 WP67070008; Fawn
Am CH Hladik Get A Grip (M) 01/11/1998 WP85629302; Brindle
Hladiks D Bich Is Back (F) 01/11/1998 WP85629301; Fawn
Hladik's Opportunity Knocks (M) 12/16/1995 WP67070004; Brindle
Hladik's Richard the Lion Hearted (M) 12/05/1997 WP82010001; Brindle
Hladik's Showbiz V Sunrise (M) 04/25/1997 WP78601201; Fawn
Hladiks Dalton of Greenwood (M) 04/25/1997 WP78601208; Fawn
Sunrise's Christa Bella Dona (F) WP93295006; Fawn
Hladiks Reddi at Sunrise (F) 04/25/1997 WP78601207; Fawn
Hladik's It's All About Sole (F) 06/17/2000 WP98929001; Fawn
Hladik's Sister Goldenhair (F) 08/19/1999 WP93710209; Fawn