River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Stone Valley's Lady Madonna
(F) 03/31/2003
WS04316706; Brindle
COI: 15.90%
Shadowweavers Commander Cody
(M) 03/11/2005
WS12957701; Fawn
Hr's Always A Star of Shadowweaver's
(F) 04/23/2011
WS37563906; Fawn
Labau's Amazing Grace
(F) 08/04/2015
WS51363206; Fawn
Revenir-Labau's Elysian Fields V Champlain
(F) 08/09/2016
WS54705606; Fawn
Revenirs Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds V Champla
(F) 08/09/2016
WS54705604; Black
Shadowweavers Head of State V Labau
(M) 12/26/2014
WS49927501; Fawn
Shadowweavers Commander N Chief
(M) 12/14/2009
WS32879707; Fawn
Shadowweavers Head of State V Labau
(M) 12/26/2014
WS49927501; Fawn
Shadowweavers Sir Dreyfus
(M) 03/11/2005
WS12957703; Brindle
Witamy's Aiming High
(F) 10/28/2007
WS30325204; Brindle
Witamy's Classic Pinstripe Suit
(M) 11/30/2014
WS49433801; Brindle
Witamy-Cabine's Winds of Paris
(F) 05/10/2007
; Brindle
Witamy-Lexis Ima Dreamcatcher
(F) 08/18/2006