River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Vandell's BNR Bonnet of Jecamo
WB304100; Fawn
COI: 27.05%
Vandell's Fling of Ha-Joy
(F) 03/11/1972
WC157640; Fawn
Ha-Joy's Ho-Tai Mc Davis CD
WD692472; Fawn
Medina's Mindy
WE569898; Brindle
Vandell's Forever Amber
() 03/11/1972
; Fawn
Vandell's Forever Friday
(F) 03/11/1972
; Fawn
Vandell's Idol O'Sun Bonnet
; Fawn
Vandell's Geronimo Joe
; Brindle
Vandell's the Deacon Jones
; Fawn