Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Amherst's Blazing Star (M) 05/28/1991 WP35606603; Harlequin COI: 7.89% |
Am CH Amherst Czar Peter The Great (M) 03/06/1994 WP55830408; Harlequin
Raudane's Fly-N High Prin-Zel () 06/10/2001 WR03814501;
Can Ch Raudanes High Stakes Classic CD (M) 06/10/2001 WR03814508 / ERN22000181; Mantle
IO's Blaze of Glory () ;
Io's Born on the Fourth of July (M) 07/04/2004 WS09072805; Mantle
Jmar's Diamons R Forever Vrau () 01/25/2003 WS03331301;
Jmar's Indepndent'Label V Rau (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331312; Mantle
Jmar's Label of Success V Rau (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331310; Mantle
Jmar's Girl With An Attitude (F) 10/23/2005 WS16198103; Mantle
Jmar's Man on A Mission (M) 10/23/2005 WS16198108; Mantle
Jmar's Man on The Move (M) 10/23/2005 WS16198107;
Jmar's Sweet Polly Pure Bred (F) 10/23/2005 WS16198104; Mantle
Jmar's Mesha () 01/25/2003 WS03331311;
Jmar's Once A Bluemoon Haley () 01/25/2003 WS03331307;
Jmar's Private Label V Rau (M) 01/25/2003 WS03331306; Mantle
Jmarr's Fushions N Jazz V Rau () 01/25/2003 WS03331302;
Raudane's Sophisticated Lady (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331313; Harlequin
Raudane Jesse's Girl (F) 07/24/2005 WS14440304;
Raudane Laras Song (F) 07/24/2005 WS14440306;
Raudane's de la Renta (M) 01/23/2005 WS11820104; Harlequin
Raudane's R Laurent (M) 01/23/2005 WS11820103;
Raudanes Beautiful Loser (F) 07/24/2005 WS14440302;
Raudanes Blue Suede Shoes () 07/24/2005 WS14440308;
Raudanes Calvin Klein (M) 01/23/2005 WS11820101;
Raudanes Mr Armani To You (M) 01/23/2005 WS11820108; Harlequin
Raudanes Return To Innocence (F) 07/24/2005 WS14440301; Harlequin
Raudanes Spirit In The Sky () 07/24/2005 WS14440303;
Raudanes Three Times A Lady (F) 01/23/2005 WS11820109; Harlequin
Raudanes Kaleidoscope () 06/10/2001 WR03814509; Harlequin
Raudanes Key Largo CD RA (M) 09/10/2005 WS15792601; Harlequin
Raudanes Rhinestone Cowboy (M) 06/10/2001 WR03814503;
Raudanes Serena () 06/10/2001 WR03814507;
Raudanes Summer Solstice () 06/10/2001 WR03814504;
Am CH Dansk Star Blazer (M) 11/22/1993 WP52271402; Harlequin
Amherst's Handsome Harry CD (M) WP62737305;
Kare Fre Bright Star (M) 11/14/1995 WP68557805;
Kare Fre Star Light (F) 11/14/1995 WP68557802;
Kare Fre Star Dancer (M) 07/08/1998 WP86813801;
Am CH Prin-Zel's Zero Gravity V Rau CGC (M) 08/03/1997 WP80407403; Harlequin
Prin-Zels Galactic Raudane () 08/03/1997 WP80407402;
Prinzel Zacks Eclipse V Rau (M) 08/03/1997 WP80407404;
Prinzels Mornstar V Raudane (F) 08/03/1997 WP80407401;
Am CH Prinzels Zero Gravity V Rau (M) 08/03/1997 WP80407403; Harlequin
Maple Ridge Sam I Am (M) 05/17/2001 WR03188601;
Rau's Every Cloud Has One V. Esq (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095106; Harlequin
Esq Cross'N The Line (F) 04/27/2006 WS17265311; Black / White
Esq Hit Me With Ur Best Shot (F) 07/15/2010 WS34531201; Harlequin
Esq Locked N Loaded V Rau (M) 04/27/2006 WS17265304; Harlequin
ESQ Son of A Gun (M) 11/02/2008 WS28028901; Harlequin
Rau's Forever And For Always (M) 03/05/2003 WS04095105; Harlequin
Raudane's Don Quixote (M) WS00909504; Harlequin
Raudane's Lady Sapphire () WS00909508;
Raudane's Once Upon A Time (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095102; Harlequin
Raudane's Classic Brocade (F) 05/22/2009 WS30763707; Harlequin
Raudane's Dressed for Success (M) 05/22/2009 WS30763706; Harlequin
Raudane's Fabric of Dreams (M) 05/22/2009 WS30763703; Harlequin
Raudane's Sambuca di Amore' (M) 12/01/2008 WS29270202; Mantle
Raudane's Tanqueray With A Twist (F) 12/01/2008 WS29270209;
Raudane's Yahtze (F) 05/30/2008 WS26855708; Harlequin
Raudane's Pot of Gold () WS00909506;
Raudanes Platinum Edition (M) WS00909505; Harlequin
Annausty's-Brighton My Day (F) WS07245406; Harlequin
Shadowdanes Black Jack Magie (M) 02/10/2004 WS07949001;
Raudanes Queen of Hearts (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095103;
Raydanes Prince Charming (M) 03/05/2003 WS04095107;
Rd's Sophisticated Pink Lady (F) WS00909502;
Raudansk Prin-Zel's Dazlin Star (F) 08/03/1997 WP80407405; Harlequin
Am CH Runway's Playing With Fire V Dansk (F) 05/22/2018 WS61515702; Harlequin
Runway Gmj Diamondsragirlsbestfriend (F) 07/17/2020 WS68975606;
Runway Pokers Bubble Factor V Gmj (F) 07/17/2020 WS74007202; Harlequin
Sara of Little Horse West (F) ; Harlequin
Vancurl's Ambr Star V Dansk (M) 10/23/1999 WP95014003; Harlequin
Vancurls Elegant Fizzy Bublz (F) 10/15/2002 WS02095103; Harlequin
Vancurl's Madame Heart Throb (F) 10/23/1999 WP95014006; Harlequin
Am CH Dansk Vanagin (F) 11/22/1993 WP52271401; Harlequin
Dansk Amherst Myluv () 04/08/1998 WP84584707;
Dansk Amherst Sabrina (F) 04/08/1998 WP84584701;
Dansk Avenger (M) WP91803904;
Can Ch G-Dieters Rau-Gem Cephas (M) 12/11/2001 WX00031903; Mantle
Moonchilds Klownin Around RN (M) WS03406701; Harlequin
Moonchilds Korben Dallas (M) 01/30/2004 WS07071403;
Moonchilds Lunar Influence CD CGC RN RE RA CGC (F) WS03241302; Harlequin
Dansk Pride Takes A Walk (M) 04/08/1998 WP84584706; Harlequin
Prin-Zel's Ruby Slippers V Rau (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893409; Harlequin
Prin-Zel's Lalapalooza Sundae (M) 06/11/2006 WS18481404; Harlequin
Prin-Zel's Souffle' (F) 06/11/2006 WS18481403;
Prin-Zels Ruby Slippers V Ray (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893409; Harlequin
Am CH Prin-Zel's J Barrymore V Rau (M) 12/11/2002 WS02320801; Mantle
Prin-Zel's Jean Harlow V Rau (F) 12/11/2002 WS02320805;
Prin-Zels D. Fairbanks V Rau (M) 12/11/2002 WS02320808; Harlequin
Raudanes Daphne Blank-Conway (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893402;
Raudanes Kitty Kat Kato (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893405;
Raudansk Forever In Blujeans (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893401; Merle
Jmar's Diamons R Forever Vrau () 01/25/2003 WS03331301;
Jmar's Indepndent'Label V Rau (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331312; Mantle
Jmar's Label of Success V Rau (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331310; Mantle
Jmar's Mesha () 01/25/2003 WS03331311;
Jmar's Once A Bluemoon Haley () 01/25/2003 WS03331307;
Jmar's Private Label V Rau (M) 01/25/2003 WS03331306; Mantle
Jmarr's Fushions N Jazz V Rau () 01/25/2003 WS03331302;
Raudane's Sophisticated Lady (F) 01/25/2003 WS03331313; Harlequin
Raudansk Miss Moneypenny (F) 11/12/1999 WP96893408;
Dansk-Amherst My Guy (M) 04/08/1998 WP84584705; Harlequin
Harlwood Angel Eyes (F) 03/26/2001 WR02265004; Harlequin
Harlwood Great Expectations (M) 03/26/2001 WR02265002;
Am CH Harlwood's Sparklin' Sequin (F) 12/22/2002 WR07685601; Harlequin
Teslor And Wisdom's Pryde (M) 02/06/2001 WR01744703; Harlequin
Donaldson's Bar-Room Bandit (M) 03/30/2005 WS12595508; Mantle
Donpar & Teslor's Strike A Pose (F) 10/15/2006 WS19842107; Harlequin
Donpar's Hailey Girl (F) 03/30/2005 WS12595502; Mantle
True's Ruff V Vindane (M) 05/02/2000 WP97441009; Harlequin
Am CH Vindane's Hannah of Royal CD, RN (F) 07/13/2001 WR05936901; Mantle
True's-Dxd-Starlite-Giggolo (M) 05/02/2000 WP97441006;
Am CH True-Amherst Isabella (F) 05/02/2000 WP97441001; Harlequin
Raudansk What Dreamsrmade Of (F) 04/08/1998 WP84584703; Harlequin
Rau's Every Cloud Has One V. Esq (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095106; Harlequin
Esq Cross'N The Line (F) 04/27/2006 WS17265311; Black / White
Esq Hit Me With Ur Best Shot (F) 07/15/2010 WS34531201; Harlequin
Esq Locked N Loaded V Rau (M) 04/27/2006 WS17265304; Harlequin
ESQ Son of A Gun (M) 11/02/2008 WS28028901; Harlequin
Rau's Forever And For Always (M) 03/05/2003 WS04095105; Harlequin
Raudane Gunthers Pride () WS08389905;
Raudane's Don Quixote (M) WS00909504; Harlequin
Raudane's Lady Sapphire () WS00909508;
Raudane's Once Upon A Time (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095102; Harlequin
Raudane's Classic Brocade (F) 05/22/2009 WS30763707; Harlequin
Raudane's Dressed for Success (M) 05/22/2009 WS30763706; Harlequin
Raudane's Fabric of Dreams (M) 05/22/2009 WS30763703; Harlequin
Raudane's Sambuca di Amore' (M) 12/01/2008 WS29270202; Mantle
Raudane's Tanqueray With A Twist (F) 12/01/2008 WS29270209;
Raudane's Yahtze (F) 05/30/2008 WS26855708; Harlequin
Raudane's Pot of Gold () WS00909506;
Raudane's Roxy Hart (F) WS08389901; Harlequin
Raudanes H Bogart (M) WS08389906;
Raudanes King Zedekiah (M) WS08389904;
Raudanes Platinum Edition (M) WS00909505; Harlequin
Annausty's-Brighton My Day (F) WS07245406; Harlequin
Shadowdanes Black Jack Magie (M) 02/10/2004 WS07949001;
Raudanes Queen of Hearts (F) 03/05/2003 WS04095103;
Raydanes Prince Charming (M) 03/05/2003 WS04095107;
Rd's Sophisticated Pink Lady (F) WS00909502;
Thorkil Lady Portia (F) 03/15/1993 WP46996204; Harlequin
Am CH Thorkil E Equals Mc Sqared (M) 01/12/1998 WP83802608; Harlequin
Thorkil Karix Curoi Macdaire (M) 01/12/1998 WP83802609; Harlequin
Thorkil's Gemstone (F) 01/12/1998 WP83802612; Harlequin
Thorkil's Oscar Madison (M) 10/08/2001 WS00359201; Mantle
Noblesse Michelangelo Thorkil (M) 03/25/2005 WS12459909; Mantle
Thorkil the Gyrfalcon (M) 02/05/1994 WP54006001;