River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Berge's Somthin Like That TM
WP98092102; Blue / White
COI: 0.65%
Hardcastle's Trueblue Ruby
(F) 11/28/2002
WS03520706; Blue
Anthony's D'Vine Touch of Ruby
Mercedes White Diamond Divo
WS03308002; Black / White
Sunrise's Marvelous Morgan
WS10029707; Blue / White
Northernaire's Creek Dharma
(F) 10/16/2006
WS19586507; Blue
Am CH Creek Perlwyn Loki Starshadow
(M) 01/27/2009
WS29822406; Blue
Am GCh Creek's Madison's Res Judica in Blue Velvet
(F) 07/27/2010
WS53176606; Blue
Creek's Perlwin Sanchez
(M) 01/27/2009
WS29822405; Blue
Creek's Perlwin Wild Blue Yonder Ditto
(F) 07/27/2010
Am CH CreekDanesBlueChasingPavement Adele
(F) 05/12/2011
WS37917501; Blue
Creeks Blue Outlaw
(M) 05/12/2011
WS37917506; Black
Creeks Perlwin Dharma's Back in Town
(F) 01/27/2009
WS29822402; Blue
Creeks Perlwin Summerset's Reaching For The Skye
(F) 07/27/2010
WS35176608; Blue
Am CH Creeks Perlwin Wild Blue Luka Motion
(F) 01/27/2009
WS29822401; Blue / White
Am GCh Creeks Summerset's Caught Your Eye
(M) 05/12/2011
WS37917502; Blue
Am GCh Dbd Isabella's The Ultimate Diva
(F) 01/27/2009
WS29822401; Fawn
Northernaire's Joint Custody
(M) 05/18/2010
Northernaire's Kiss at Sunrise
(F) 10/04/2008
WS28074502; Blue
Northernaire's Loochi Maja
(F) 04/20/2009
WS30202401; Blue
Northernaire's Southern Trade Winds
(M) 06/13/2012
WS41321204; Blue
Northernaires Vivian Secrets
(F) 06/13/2012
WS41321202; Blue
Northernaire's Reaching For Freedom
(M) 10/16/2006
Northernaires Bella of Rhythm N Blues
(F) 06/20/2011
WS38023401; Blue
Can Ch Northernaire Guardian of The Galaxy V Invogue
(M) 10/05/2014
WS48617702 / 1128695; Blue
Riley on Minnehaha
WS21813807; Blue