Reverse pedigree of:
Briggadane-MichaeldaneJB Bubblegum (F) 10/15/2001 WR05466301; COI: 12.17% |
Briggadane Absolutely Angelic (F) 08/17/2003 WS05399801;
TDT's The Big Bang (F) WS17965201; Mantle
Am CH TDT Briggs An Interview With Fate (M) 04/09/2011 WS37599901; Harlequin
TDT Briggs The Wild Priestess of Isis (F) 04/09/2011 WS37599902; Mantle
Am CH TDT's Limited Edition AOM (M) 05/22/2014 WS47635401; Mantle