River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Chasnell Benjamin
; Brindle
COI: 14.28%
Glad Brocade von Wahlberg
; Brindle
Glad Miss America
; Fawn
Am CH St. James Brigitta
(F) 01/01/1971
WB841617; Fawn
Billy-Joe De Shaugers' Dane
(M) 11/05/1974
WC995356; Fawn
Kara Lazarus of Shaugerdane
(M) 11/05/1974
Am & Can Ch St. James Gideon
WB947972; Fawn
Kolyer's Sheba von Bibble
Sciba Star of Meadow Hill
Am CH Byron Balmore of Oxford Knoll
Princess XVII
Am CH Turkadana Ben Ben
(M) 02/20/1960
WA077705; Brindle

Lesledane's Ben Jarrett
; Brindle
Ari Jarson of Lesledane
; Fawn
Lyn-Ard's Nebby of Carlsdane
CH Karl of Edgebrook
Am CH Lyn-Ard's Mister Solo
(M) 10/22/1964
WA517165; Fawn
Lyn-Ard's Princess Samantha
Jane's Dane Mister Flashy
(M) 04/13/1967
Am CH Pierre of Lyondane
(M) 07/01/1963
WA366920; Fawn

Ajax of Carlsdane
Cochise of Carlesdane
Daneville Ajax of Carlsdane
(M) 06/30/1969
; Fawn
Duke of Carlsdane
Geritom's El Groucho
; Fawn
Miller's Samantha of Edendane
Brandy of Edendane
(F) 10/22/1974
WD564146; Fawn
CH Edendanes Macska V Barrister
(F) 09/18/1975
Am CH Vivelo's Brandywine CD
(F) 06/27/1973
Mirando's Maya the Mooch
Mirando's Cindy of Danewin
Mundane Cochise of Carlsdane
Mundane Geronimo V Carlsdane
; Fawn
Mundane's Alexi
(F) 06/25/1970
Am CH Hedgerow's Cygni-Kimtow of Tor
(M) 06/25/1970
WB721429; Fawn

Kolyer's Hy-De-Ho of Flander's
(F) 06/25/1970
WB672404; Fawn
Mundane's Aloha
; Fawn
Mundane's B
; Fawn
Wynridge Haley of Carlsdane
; Fawn
Am CH Wynridge Heddy of Carlsdane
(F) 06/30/1969
WB390226; Fawn
Geritom's I.v. of Wynridge
Geritom's Irish of Wynridge
; Fawn
Am CH Rani of Fawnridge
(F) 01/23/1964
WA851895; Fawn
Hanni's Attila of Fawnridge
Rani's Ajax of Fawnridge
; Fawn
Rani's Alex of Fawnridge
Am CH Thor of Fawnridge
(M) 08/02/1968
WB249893; Fawn
Rani's Attila of Fawnridge
; Brindle
CH Romano's Lord Czardas
Valiant Prince of Carlsdane
(M) 04/11/1962
; Brindle