Reverse pedigree of:
Emma's Dreamcatcher (F) 05/01/2005 WS13001409; Harlequin COI: 1.88% |
Big Daddy Diesel The Rock Star (M) 05/20/2007 WS21858806; Mantle
Queen of Ice Elsa (F) 06/12/2014 WS47718610; Harlequin
Evergreen's Calm Before the Storm CGCU TKN (F) 03/09/2018 WS60627509; Black / White
Evergreen's Teenage Mutant Ninja Myrtle (F) 04/04/2021 WS72652801;
Evergreen's Fairest of Them All (F) 03/09/2018 WS60627502; Harlequin
Alta's Listen To the Rhythm (F) 05/28/2020 WS68779506;
Alta's Now Bring On the Horizon (F) 02/04/2022 WS75687411;
Alta's Today Was A Good Day (M) 01/02/2021 WS71365210;
Evergreen's North Side Diamond In the Ivy (F) 02/28/2019 WS64213002; Harlequin
General Test Tickle of Apiary (M) 05/20/2007 WS21858805; Mantle
My Master's Charming Prince L.M.S. (M) 09/13/2010 WS35070704; Mantle
Sally Ann Rose (F) 12/01/2011 WS39325504; Harlequin
Lazy T's Quickdraw Colt 45 (M) 01/18/2016 WS52660808; Harlequin
Thor's Dreamcatcher (M) WS47945310; Mantle
The Deacon of Bear Creek (M) 05/20/2007 WS21858807; Harlequin
Emma's Lil Baby Dreamcatcher (F) WS31243404; Pied