River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Grand Fawn's Ramona
; Brindle
COI: 5.79%
Grand Fawn's Upis
S47777/97; Brindle
Grand Electra's Chämpe
S56866/2000; Fawn
Bleibergquelle Jonathan
(M) 02/04/2005
S18627/2005; Fawn
Thaidax Princess Maria
(F) 11/06/2007
S70664/2007; Fawn
Great Beauty Keen on You
S25467/2004; Fawn
Forslind's Atlas
(M) 12/14/2006
S15062/2007; Brindle
Great Beauty Kick Out of You
(M) 03/09/2004
Dk19410/2004; Fawn
Great Bel's Walther
FIN29341/08; Fawn
Great Beauty Knock Out
S25463/2004; Fawn
(F) 02/02/2007
S22919/2007; Fawn
Grand Electra's Illution
S69890/2007; Fawn
Grand Electra's Initiativ of Preveli
; Fawn
Irmagårdens Buick
(M) 12/28/2002
S13625/2003; Fawn
Irmagårdens Crownvictoria
(F) 12/28/2002
S13627/2003; Fawn
Irmagårdens Customline
(M) 12/28/2002
S13630/2003; Brindle
Irmagårdens Desoto
(M) 12/28/2002
S13629/2003; Fawn
Irmagårdens Lincoln
(M) 12/28/2002
S13626/2003; Brindle
Irmagårdens Studebaker
(M) 12/28/2002
S13628/2003; Brindle
Irmagårdens Sunliner
(M) 12/28/2002
S13631/2003; Brindle
Mølballe's Dynamic Dulli
(F) 12/06/2004
DK23905/2004; Fawn
Grand Electra's Dagg Droppe
(F) 05/02/2002
S17237/2002; Fawn
Grand Electra's Damm Tuzz
(M) 05/02/2002
S17241/2002; Fawn
Grand Electra's Diz & Dimma
(F) 05/02/2002
S17239/2002; Brindle
Grand Electra's Full Måne
(F) 02/21/2005
S22679/2005; Brindle
Be Born Aslan
(M) 09/23/2007
S64001/2007; Fawn
Be Born Caspian
(M) 09/23/2007
S63999/2007; Brindle
Be Born Jadis
(F) 09/23/2007
S63997/2007; Brindle
Be Born Narnia
(F) 09/23/2007
S64001/2007; Brindle
Be Born Peter
(M) 09/23/2007
S63998/2007; Brindle
Be Born Polly
(F) 09/23/2007
S64004/2007; Brindle
Grand Electra's Fullfart
(F) 02/21/2005
S22683/2005; Fawn
Grand Electra's Donna Diva
(F) 05/02/2002
S17240/2002; Brindle
Grand Fawn's Xenon
; Brindle
C'Mon Just For You
FIN14336/02; Fawn
C'Mon Pretty Woman
(F) 05/27/2004
FIN45525/04; Fawn
Great Bel's Walther
FIN29341/08; Fawn
C'mon This Is It
(M) 05/30/2005
FIN34201/05; Fawn
C'mon To Be Or Not To Be
(F) 05/30/2005
FIN34199/05; Fawn
C'mon High Five
Pine Garden's Idun
(F) 07/25/2002
S48116/2002; Fawn
Lion Dream Coloss
(M) 08/27/2005
S59848/2005; Fawn
Pine Garden's Irmelin
S48112/2002; Brindle
Pine Garden's Ego Eistla
(F) 05/27/2006
S44201/2006; Fawn
Pine Garden's Nattfaradis
S46738/2005; Fawn
Pine Garden's Absolut Angel
(F) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Actual Arany
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Swd Ch Pine Garden's Adorable Alva
(F) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Adventurous Arthur
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Affectionate April
(F) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ambitious Anna May
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Another Asterix
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Aristocratic Anthony
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Artistic Alicia
(F) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Athletic Aragorn
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ausom August
(M) 05/18/2008
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Rebel Racer
(M) 05/18/2009
; Brindle
Pine Garden's Rebel Rambler
(M) 05/18/2009
; Brindle
Pine Garden's Rebel Ray
(M) 05/18/2009
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Rebel Rocket
(M) 05/18/2009
; Brindle
Pine Garden's Rebel Rover
(M) 05/18/2009
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ruby Rene
(F) 05/18/2009
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ruby Rose
(F) 05/18/2009
S41289/2009; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ruby Roxy
(F) 05/18/2009
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ruby Ryding
(F) 05/18/2009
; Fawn
Pine Garden's Nattfreyja
S46739/2005; Fawn
Swd & Fin Ch Pine Garden's Glory Gilda
(F) 06/30/2007
S50348/2007; Brindle
Pine Garden's Glory Goliath
(M) 06/30/2007
S50340/2007; Brindle
Pine Garden's Glory Gordon
(M) 06/30/2007
S50341/2007; Brindle
Pine Garden's Glory Grace
(F) 06/30/2007
S50344/2007; Fawn
Int & Nord Ch Pine Garden's Isabella
S48113/2002; Fawn
Tikitoo's Amorosa
(F) 04/15/2005
Nor Ch Tikitoo's Baileys
Tikitoo's Baron De Ley
Tikitoo's Arai
() 04/15/2005