River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Sandra of Warrendane
Am CH Gilbert's Dolf Crusader
; Fawn

Am CH Dolfina
(F) 09/06/1947
W60969; Brindle
Gilbert's Dolfina's Queen
W263381; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's King Ward
(M) 07/21/1953
W430895; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Queen Heidi
W430894; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Blossomtime
(F) 07/20/1949
W155218; Fawn

Am CH B and B's Beauty
(F) 12/11/1951
W317136; Fawn
Am CH B and B's Braggart
(M) 12/11/1951
W349282; Fawn
Kalmar's Jeppe
Kalmar's Lady Jansen
Kalmar's Rakkason Lady Falcon
; Fawn
Am CH Mr Magoo of Taves
Dinro Volocity
(F) 01/08/1953
W391132; Fawn
CH Gilrose B and B's Banter
(M) 12/11/1951
W349283; Fawn
CH Jocopa's Banshee
W597956; Fawn

Am CH Dean's Kim of Fairleigh
Am CH Dean's Liza of Fairleigh
Am CH Jocopa's Biretta
(F) 05/21/1955
W597955; Fawn
Lor-Mar's Edelwiss
; Fawn
Lor-Mar's Ensign
WA065432; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Ensign
(M) 06/12/1948
W100215; Fawn
Carliss Donna
W254095; Brindle
Lillard's Charm of Vizier
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
(M) 08/06/1955
W627326; Fawn

Am CH Lillard's Prince Valiant
Gard's Duchess of Aosta
Martins Viking Lord Valiant
Gard's King of Lakeview
D'Essendane's Debra
Am CH Gilbert's Jersey Betsy
W299749; Fawn

Am CH Faust of Washburn
W543573; Fawn

Gilbert's Braeview Captain
; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braeview Lady
W605451; Fawn
Gilbert's Braeview Queen
W605452; Fawn
Gilbert's Clearview Lassie
Gilbert's Crestview Tiny
W563500; Fawn
Venus of The Maples
; Fawn
CH Gilbert's Jersey Queen
Am CH Gilbert's Braeview Thor
(M) 06/17/1955
W622905; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Duchess of Bard
Am CH Jo-art's Gilbert's Penny
W346903; Fawn
Bolo's Baroness
(F) 01/01/1957
W 766388; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Bettina
(F) 01/01/1957
W766389; Fawn
CH Peggy's Duke of Bola
Am CH Penny's Duke of Bolo
Am CH Penny's King of Bolo
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Eric
(M) 06/12/1948
Kalmar's Simon
(M) 01/04/1954
W594984; Fawn
Am CH Helen's Katrina
Am CH Kingcourt's Cecelia
(F) 07/11/1949
W168595; Fawn
Robertson's Crusading Sue
Am CH Robertson's Valiant Vizier CD
W267218; Fawn
Lillard's Charm of Vizier
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
(M) 08/06/1955
W627326; Fawn

Am CH Miss Bets of Thorn Run
(F) 11/30/1953
W471727; Fawn
Am CH Senta's Astrid
W60966; Fawn

Am CH Astrid's Bodo
(M) 06/02/1946
W196491; Fawn

Am CH Alano's De Oro Azucar
W736857; Fawn
Alano's De Oro Bodo
Alano's De Oro Sunkist Glamour
Am CH Alano's De Oro Sunkist Maya
(M) 05/04/1957
W873080; Fawn

Bodo's Juno
; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Ace Hasso
(M) 10/05/1956
W769990; Fawn
Bolo's Ajax
(M) 06/01/1957
; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Magnificent
(M) 07/18/1955
W630281; Fawn

Int, Fin Nor & Swd Ch Duysters Euclid of Ralwin
Am CH Duysters' Edythe of Golf Links
(F) 01/04/1955
W591913; Fawn
Am CH Duysters' Sabina of Golflinks
(F) 01/04/1954
W591914; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Winged Victory II
(M) 01/04/1955
W590056; Brindle
Am CH Faust of Washburn
W543573; Fawn

Gilbert's Braeview Captain
; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braeview Lady
W605451; Fawn
Gilbert's Braeview Queen
W605452; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braeview Thor
(M) 06/17/1955
W622905; Fawn
Gilbert's Clearview Lassie
Gilbert's Crestview Tiny
W563500; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Duchess of Bard
(F) 04/02/1953
W410144; Fawn
Am CH Hycon Tech Rep
(M) 10/07/1957
; Brindle
Am CH Mr Lastly of Taves
CH Peggy's Duke of Bola
Am CH Penny's Duke of Bolo
Am CH Penny's King of Bolo
Am CH Trebor's Harmony of Rentsreg
Am CH Trebor's Hasty Pudding
Trebor's Hecate
Am CH Trebor's Henry Harold
(M) 10/07/1957
W847206; Fawn
Trebor's Herbie
Am CH Trebor's Hycon Tech Rep
(M) 10/07/1957
W847207; Brindle
Venus of The Maples
; Fawn
Can Ch Shir-Van's Dulce
; Fawn
Brenda von Zordane
Can Ch Zebee von Zordane
; Fawn
Can Ch Zimba von Zordane
; Brindle
Am CH Zefton von Zordane
; Brindle
Can Ch Zimba von Zordane
; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Zen von Zordane
(M) 03/04/1951
W337377; Fawn
Am CH Cairndania Zen's Zebar
(M) 11/01/1952
W459898; Fawn
Am CH Chief Sam of Evanger
(M) 04/19/1953
W495993; Fawn
Evanger's Hi-D-Ho of Regnave
(M) 04/19/1953
W500330; Fawn
Can Ch Highland's Mighty Duke
; Fawn
Can Ch Laurado's Orion
CH Zete von Zordane
Am CH Gilbert's Thor of Kalmar
W12227; Fawn
Kalmar's Cheeba
(F) 11/01/1946
W062027; Fawn
Kalmar's Lady Dana
W236867; Fawn
Am CH Kalmar's Lady Kezla
Kalmar's Miss Cosima
; Fawn
Am CH Kalmar's Wonder Girl
(F) 06/20/1950
W243910; Fawn
Kalmar's Simon
(M) 01/04/1954
W594984; Fawn
Kalmar's Duke Beauregarde
(M) 04/03/1947
W061812; Fawn
Kalmar's Rye and Ginger Ale
Kalmar's Waccamaw Hoota
Jocopa's D'Hoota
W660497; Black
Jocopa's Dektor
Shuba of Lumber Corp
Kalmar's Duchess II
Sally of Guilerdane
Kalmar's Duchess III
; Fawn
Truby's Tigeressa
; Fawn