Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Reverse pedigree of:
Alvenor Amour
(F) 09/18/1971
3560BK; Brindle
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Keredayne Carlyle of Byebrue
Byebrue Brae of Danesbarr
(F) 02/11/1983
; Brindle
Danesbarr Birthday Girl
Kenar Helen
(F) 11/03/1988
; Fawn
Dancing Duet
Keredayne Oberon
(M) 05/15/1975
3454BL; Brindle
Byebrue Cotton Candy
Byebrue Melody Maker
Byebrue Brae of Danesbarr
(F) 02/11/1983
; Brindle
Danesbarr Birthday Girl
Byebrue Silken Girl of Edcath
Edcath the Pirate
(M) 05/05/1979
Dunbracken Desdemona
(F) 12/03/1981
; Brindle
Lochcote Mungojerrie
(M) 08/27/1983
5529BW; Brindle
Lochcote Rumpelteazer Kiness
(F) 08/27/1983
; Brindle
Lochote Mungo Jerrie
(M) 08/27/1983
Edcath Misty Mountain
Edcath the Enkelin
(F) 03/09/1983
; Fawn
Sacha Marodona of Kinauld
Carrona's Danzatore
(M) 09/17/1984
; Fawn
Tara of Highlands
(F) 02/09/1981
; Brindle
Eminents Golden Dream
Byebrue Taffeta Tilley
Marvac Sceptre
Hermany Acorn
(F) 06/01/1985
Doocot Pied Piper
(M) 10/09/1989
; Brindle