Reverse pedigree of:
Constellation Miss V Hi Jinx (F) ; |
Charjer's Court Jester (M) ;
Helmers Countess Angelique (F) ;
Little Miss (F) WE078521; Harlequin
Meister Bones (M) WE269922; Harlequin
Johme Dublin Scottish Lad (M) WF368098; Harlequin
Princess Samantha VII (F) WF595936; Harlequin
Misty Blue Dawn II (F) ;
Lady Sacha of Champlain (F) WE291647; Blue
Diamant Bleu of Champlain (M) ; Blue
Am CH Darce's Shaka of Champlain (M) 04/07/1984 WF653643; Black
Darce's Sieraleon V Champlain (F) 01/26/1989 WG274091;
Stardust Towbe of Champlain (M) 01/26/1989 WG276526; Blue
Naissant Bleu of Champlain (F) 07/07/1982 WF733282;
Ashanti of Champlain (F) ;
Willowrun's Taste of Chmplain (M) 10/20/1986 WG004710; Blue