River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
D'Ikarus Grand Duke Boris Beefcake
WS33708901; Harlequin
COI: 3.22%
Amiga vom Hause Faith
(F) 06/22/2012
WS41960306; Mantle
Mcclard's Midnight Rider Beleza De Amaral
(M) 06/26/2015
WS51135902; Mantle
Athena of Gentle Giants Of Tn
(F) 01/17/2017
WS56062901; Mantle
BIS UKC, UKC & Int Ch Dynamic Danes' Aria's Razzle N Dazzle N FDC CAA FCAT DN CGCA CGCU TKN ATT
(F) 01/28/2020
WS67153101; Harlequin

Evolve's A Splash Of Summer V Bbnb
(F) 07/08/2022
WS77112003; Mantle
Evolve's Have A Drink On Me CGC TKI VHMA VHMP
(F) 07/08/2022
WS77112001; Mantle
Evolve's Top Gun V Sparrow
(M) 07/08/2022
WS77112004; Mantle
Kaitlin Cunningham
(F) 01/28/2020
Lady Sansa of Dynamic Danes
(F) 01/28/2019
Stellah Beleza de Amaral
(F) 03/31/2014
WS46846602; Harlequin
Thorin Oakenshield Riner Beleza De Amaral
(M) 03/10/2016
Beefcake A-N-P' S Penelope Cruz
(F) 01/21/2012
Beefcake Danes Zeus Comandante Delle Armi
(M) 01/21/2012
WS40009811; Harlequin
Beefcake Danes Jayce
(F) 03/09/2015
WS50079610; Mantle
Beefcake Danes Lambo
(M) 08/18/2015
WS51395701; Mantle
Beefcake Danes Prudence
(F) 05/22/2016
WS54330809; Black / White
Antry's Bonnie Bailey Jane
; Mantle
Comandante Delle Armi's A rare Diamond
(F) 08/07/2013
WS46291603; Harlequin
Comandante Delle Armi's Ali All That And More
(F) 08/07/2013
WS46291606; Mantle
Comandante Delle Armi's Apollo Star Is Born
(M) 08/07/2013
WS46291601; Harlequin
Comandante Delle Armi's Ava A Sweet Dream
(F) 08/07/2013
WS46291602; Mantle
Comandante Delle Armi's Azra
(F) 08/07/2013
WS46291607; White
Comandante Delle Armi's Kung Fu Panda
(M) 08/07/2013
WS46291604; Mantle
Comandante Delle Armi's Zeek
(M) 08/07/2013
WS46291605; Harlequin
Cavalo Beleza de Amaral
WS38232704; Harlequin
Mcclard's Midnight Rider Beleza De Amaral
(M) 06/26/2015
WS51135902; Mantle
Athena of Gentle Giants Of Tn
(F) 01/17/2017
WS56062901; Mantle
BIS UKC, UKC & Int Ch Dynamic Danes' Aria's Razzle N Dazzle N FDC CAA FCAT DN CGCA CGCU TKN ATT
(F) 01/28/2020
WS67153101; Harlequin

Evolve's A Splash Of Summer V Bbnb
(F) 07/08/2022
WS77112003; Mantle
Evolve's Have A Drink On Me CGC TKI VHMA VHMP
(F) 07/08/2022
WS77112001; Mantle
Evolve's Top Gun V Sparrow
(M) 07/08/2022
WS77112004; Mantle
Kaitlin Cunningham
(F) 01/28/2020
Lady Sansa of Dynamic Danes
(F) 01/28/2019
Stellah Beleza de Amaral
(F) 03/31/2014
WS46846602; Harlequin
Thorin Oakenshield Riner Beleza De Amaral
(M) 03/10/2016
Isa vom Hause Faith
(F) 02/07/2014
Pink Star's Lightning on My Feet
(F) 12/09/2016