River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Aust Gr Ch Daneozetal Coupe de Tat
(M) 04/26/1996
(V)1608566; Brindle
COI: 9.06%
GreatByDane Black Rose
(F) 07/18/1999
Danevalley Blacktie Ntails
(M) 04/08/2001
Danevalley Color My World
(M) 04/08/2001
GreatByDane Karl
(M) 07/18/1999
Underane Brazen
(F) 07/29/1999
3100046917; Fawn
Underane Oregon
(F) 06/27/2002
3100101670; Fawn
Underane So Good So Far
3100118450; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Emotions
(F) 02/19/2006
Underane Perfect Image
(F) 11/01/2009
Underane Playboy
(M) 11/01/2009
3100230153; Brindle
Underane Ultimate Gold
(M) 06/22/2011
Underane Ultra Posh
(F) 06/22/2011
Underane Independent
(F) 10/26/2007
3100197648; Fawn
Underane Made My Day
(M) 09/08/2008
3100213955; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Stacked Deck
(M) 05/22/2003
Aust Ch Underane Sun Dancer
(M) 05/22/2003
3100118444; Fawn
Aust Ch Ondane Dancin Ona Star
(F) 06/04/2010
3100240083; Fawn
Aust Ch Ondane Dream Lover
(M) 02/14/2014
3100302056; Fawn
Ondane Love Is In The Air
(F) 02/14/2014
3100302057; Fawn

Ondane Just Wild About Harry
(M) 04/16/2019
Ondane Walk on The Wild Side
(F) 04/16/2019
3100392460; Brindle
Underane Quiet Melody
(F) 03/29/2010
3100237006; Fawn
Underane Adventurer
() 02/23/2014
Underane Aiming High
3100302459; Fawn
Divadanes Locked And Loaded
(M) 12/02/2016
4100285308; Black
Divadanes Right On Target
(F) 12/02/2016
4100285313; Fawn
Aust Ch Okelani Black Be It
(M) 05/18/2018
2100499031; Black
Okelani Dark Intentions
(F) 05/18/2018
2100499033; Black
Aust Ch Olympasdanes Hear The Thunder
(M) 10/13/2017
3100367085; Fawn
Ondane Captain Marvel
(M) 07/05/2022
Ondane Soldier of Fortune
(M) 07/05/2022
3100455045; Brindle
Aust Ch Ondane The Girls Gone Wild
(F) 07/05/2022
Ondane Tiger Lily
(F) 07/05/2022
3100455046; Brindle
Ondane Wild Card
(M) 07/05/2022
3100455043; Fawn
Aust Ch Ondane Wild Honey
(F) 07/05/2022
3100455047; Fawn
BISS Aust GCh Underane American Gold RN
(M) 02/23/2014
3100302458; Fawn
Aust Ch Buckersdane Californian Dream
(M) 10/24/2015
3100332671; Fawn
Aust Ch Buckersdane Jitterbug
(F) 10/24/2015
3100332674; Fawn
Aust Ch Buckersdane Whoa Black Betty
(F) 10/24/2015
3100332675; Black
Danefed A Well Tailored Man
(M) 12/30/2017
3100369230; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred A Well Tailored Man
(M) 12/20/2017
3100369230; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Fashion Ista
(F) 12/20/2017
3100369232; Fawn
Danefred Fashion Parade
(F) 12/20/2017
3100369236; Fawn
Danemeadows Fawn Istha New Blk
(F) 03/29/2018
5100105659; Fawn
Aust Ch Danemeadows Rykasreign
(M) 03/29/2018
5100124329; Fawn
Aust Ch Strykerdane The Cookie Monsta
(F) 12/14/2015
3100335252; Fawn
Strykerdane Tickle Me Elmo
(M) 12/14/2015
3100335253; Fawn
Underane Dark Intention
(F) 12/21/2015
3100337975; Black
Underane Fairest of Them All
(F) 03/20/2018
Aust Ch Underane Just Jazz
(F) 03/22/2021
3100428702; Black
Underane Dragon
(M) 12/21/2015
Aust SupCh Underane Dual Purpose
(M) 12/21/2015
3100337970; Black
Divadanes All The Right Stuff
(F) 03/21/2018
4100305451; Black
Divadanes Dare to Compare
(M) 03/21/2018
Divadanes Just One Look
(M) 03/21/2018
4100305440; Black
Underane Sweet Beginnings
(F) 05/22/2003
3100118447; Fawn
Underane Rave Review
310000861; Black
Daneozetal Classic Cut
(M) 12/27/2003
; Brindle
Daneozetal Off The Rack
61000356; Black
Daneozetal Back In Black
(M) 03/08/2007
6100050980; Black
Aust Ch Daneozetal Emerald Isle
(M) 03/17/2009
; Black
Aust Ch Daneozetal Four Leaf Clover
; Black
Daneozetal Pattern Piece
(F) 12/27/2003
; Brindle
Kaizadanes Sequoyah
; Brindle
Aust Ch Daneozetal Belloftheball
; Fawn
Aust Ch Daneozetal Emerald Isle
(M) 03/17/2009
; Black
Aust Ch Daneozetal Four Leaf Clover
; Black
Daneozetal Roar of Thunder
(M) 08/31/2010
; Fawn
Daneozetal Pure Mayhem
Daneozetal China Girl
(F) 12/19/2005
; Brindle
Dragos All About The Mischief
(F) 11/04/2008
; Fawn
Daneozetal Uptown Girl
(F) 12/19/2005
Kiazadane Cobwise
(M) 04/12/2001
Aust Ch Underane Rhad Rahnee
(F) 07/14/1997
3100008619; Fawn
Underane Show Ntell
(F) 09/02/1997
3100010900; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Made Torder
3100089285; Black
Rorlyn Kahlua N Cream
6100033550; Fawn
Rorlyn Always on My Mind
(M) 05/20/2005
Rorlyn Dnt Funkwithmyhrt
(F) 11/12/2005
6100044064; Harlequin
Rorlyn Phantom Ofmystery
(M) 11/12/2005
6100044066; Harlequin
Aust Ch Rorlyn Three Times Alady
(F) 05/20/2005
6100041982; Fawn
Aust Ch Rorlyn Hunka Burnin Luv
(M) 07/31/2007
6100052698; Fawn
Rorlyn Luv Is the Drug
(F) 07/31/2007
6100052705; Fawn
Underane Simply theBest
(M) 09/02/1997
Underane Sparks Willfly
(M) 09/02/1997
Underane Storm Warning
(F) 09/02/1997
Underane Country Gold
(F) 10/22/1999
Underane Yosemite
(M) 05/12/2004
3100136174; Fawn
Underane You ra Honey
(F) 05/12/2004
3100136177; Fawn
Underane Your Special
(F) 05/12/2004
3100136181; Black
Underane Vintage Red
(F) 05/01/1998
3100025911; Fawn
Underane Whispers
(F) 05/10/1998
3100025916; Fawn
Underane Causing Chaos
Danelyne Ace In The Hole
(M) 10/02/2003
Underane Deadly Sin
(F) 05/24/2005
3100153103; Fawn
Underane Drawcard
Underane Perfect Image
(F) 11/01/2009
Underane Playboy
(M) 11/01/2009
3100230153; Brindle
Darjoce Isabella Rosselini
(F) 05/20/2013
Ondane Just Wild About Harry
(M) 04/16/2019
Ondane Walk on The Wild Side
(F) 04/16/2019
3100392460; Brindle
Aust Ch Danelyne Brindabella
(F) 10/02/2003
5100030849; Brindle
Underane Class Act
(F) 10/22/1999
3100050426; Brindle
Underane Clementine
(F) 10/22/1999
3100050424; Fawn
Underane Nite 0 The Devil
(M) 05/17/2002
3100099209; Black / White
Underane Yosemite
(M) 05/12/2004
3100136174; Fawn
Underane You ra Honey
(F) 05/12/2004
3100136177; Fawn
Underane Your Special
(F) 05/12/2004
3100136181; Black
Underane X Rated CD
(F) 03/22/2004
3100134375; Black
Underane Real McCoy
(M) 03/16/2003
3100113705; Fawn