Reverse pedigree of:
Excaliburs Majestic Dubi-Doo (F) 05/07/1986 WF936872; Harlequin COI: 3.09% |
Desiree Von Meistersinger II (F) 07/27/1990 WP30103601; Harlequin
Dashydane's Iceman of BMW (M) 05/10/1993 WP48632105;
Abby Gale Triumph (F) 06/15/1994 WP57105005;
Kayla Jo Rinehart (F) 12/20/1994 WP60239302;
Sir Ransom Rinehart (M) 08/23/1996 WP72900406;
Ms Harley Von Meistersinger (F) 12/20/1994 WP60239301;
Af Blue Venus (F) 07/31/1996 WP73215102; Merle
Sir Rafiki of Aspen (M) ; Merle / White
Pinkerton A Harley (F) 06/15/1994 WP57105006;
Aspen Farms Aces and Eights (M) 11/30/1996 WP74396801; Black / White
Sir Rafiki of Aspen (M) ; Merle / White
Gamble's Voo Doo Dolly (F) 11/30/1996 WP74396805; Harlequin
Gamble's Enchanted Eve (F) WP86751601; Harlequin
Schatzi Regina of Windsor (F) 12/20/1994 WP60239306;
Foster Brooks of Sherman (M) 07/12/1996 WP76123401;
Sirius Bard of Meistersinger (M) 09/03/1994 WP57954905;
Cemi Sirius Jahraus (F) ; Black / White
Cool Danes Bozworth Bellington (M) WP98853301; Harlequin
Toby Adkins Von Meistersinger (M) 09/03/1994 WP57954902;
Sir Max Von Meistersinger (M) 10/31/1996 WP74413505;
Dixie V Mistersinger Mine (F) ; Harlequin
Can Ch Walkadane's Carter By Choice (M) ; Harlequin
Can Ch Borduas Concerto Olivia (F) ; Harlequin
Fin & Est Ch Borduas Monsieur Pico (M) ; Harlequin
Borduas Dixy La Jolie Fleur (F) ; Mantle
Can Ch Borduas Casse Noisette (M) LL780671; Harlequin
Medralys Angel Sky By Choice (F) KN691538; Harlequin
Medralys Francis Ford Coppola (M) 08/17/2004 PQ966771; Harlequin
Medralys on Broadway (F) 05/19/2003 NJ881267; Harlequin
Medralys Liz Taylor By Choice (F) ; Harlequin
Can Ch Medralys James Dean By Choice CDX (M) 05/29/2002 MJ802534; Harlequin
Medralys Just My Style (F) 05/29/2002 MJ802538; Harlequin
Medralys Liondor LaVidaLoca (F) 05/29/2002 ; Harlequin
Normel's Rodeo Clown CD () KN665615;
Excaliburs Marquis (F) 09/30/1994 WP58031102;
Excaliburs Queen Desa (F) 02/13/1994 WP53763601;
Princess Star Nertune (F) 03/17/1997 WP77110205;
Excaliburs Tori the Majestic (F) 09/30/1994 WP58031103; Black / White
Excaliburs Pokemon (M) WP94813701; Harlequin
Bella of Excalibur (F) WS04186403; White
Butlerhills Sophira Excalibur-1 (F) WS21087305; Harlequin
Excalibur's Izzabella (F) 04/21/2010 WS33850802; Harlequin
Cockatrice's Somerset Maiden (F) ;
Excalibur's Midnight Special (F) WS06898211; Mantle
Excalibur Chief of Sir's Nobel (M) ;
Excalibur's Lady Genevieve (F) 10/22/2007 WS24285103; Harlequin
Excalibur's Midnight Sparkles (F) WS28859808; Harlequin
Meadowlarks Natalya Simonova (F) WP98389502; Harlequin
Gidget's Giggolo (F) 02/13/1994 WP53763601; Black / White
Jazz-Man V Meistersinger (M) 10/26/1996 WP74274807; Harlequin
Freespirit V Meistersinger (F) WP83655005; Harlequin
Precious Jewel Of The Manor (F) 09/08/1999 WP93663309; Harlequin
Sweet Little Jazzmyne (F) WS00324303; Harlequin
Star Shine V Meistersinger (F) ; Harlequin
Jazzmin The Shy Lady (F) ; Black / White
Phoebe Von Meistersinger II (F) 10/26/1996 WP74247802;
Kiss' Next Thue Me (M) ;
Kiss' I'm Bringing Sexy Back (M) ;
Hannah of Cheekwood (F) 09/30/1994 WP58031110;
Mjm Marks Boston Ranger (M) 06/26/1997 WP78102006;
Majestic Princess of Desiree (F) 05/10/1993 WP48632106;
Latham's Guiesha Girl (F) 01/28/1996 WP67817607;
Lex Von of Claypool (M) 01/28/1996 WP67817605;
Littlefoot Bechard (M) 05/10/1995 WP62475902;
Lady Fubar of Littlefoot (F) 06/27/1996 WP71214805;
Nikita von der Altenburg (F) 03/08/1997 WP76882402;
Sidney Von Meistersinger (F) 09/30/1994 WP58031113;
Excaliburs Only Sherlock (M) 12/26/1987 WG082567;
Sherlock Whirlwind Trump (M) 05/15/1989 WG319980;
Angelwoods Onyx Omar Rock (M) 02/09/1994 WP53712610;
Angelwoods Trump Tower (M) 11/07/1996 WP74194705;
My Little Snow Cloud (F) 07/27/1990 WP30103603; Harlequin
Savannah of Rock Springs (F) 01/27/1993 WP48267402; Harlequin
Dakota West (M) 08/02/1994 WP56879307; Harlequin
China Doll Bahn (F) WP91657801; Harlequin
Dodge Dakota Country (M) ; Harlequin
Danehill's Mystic Solitude (F) 08/02/1994 WP56879304; White
Danehill's Crystal Ball (F) ; Harlequin
Kasinodane Triple Martini (F) WS01540505; Harlequin
Danehill's Halley's Comet (F) 06/27/1998 WP86414009; Harlequin
Drummers God-Given Grace (F) 08/01/2002 WS01393201; Mantle
PCG's Delta Hale to the Chief (F) 01/20/2000 WP95380812; Harlequin
Danehills Crystal Ball (F) 06/27/1998 WP86414010; Harlequin
FarView's Rose D' Lanuti (F) WP96138311; Black / White
Princess Di Von Norton (F) 06/27/1998 WP86414005; Harlequin
Lady Megan Jackson (F) WS06871503; Harlequin
Lincoln Fast and Furious (M) 05/26/2003 WS04661001; Harlequin
Geordane's Rj Jingles (F) 08/29/1995 WP65154405;
Rojeka Dream of Perfection (M) 08/02/1994 WP56879306;
Rojekas Runs With the Wind (M) 08/16/1995 WP64638205;
Savannah's Little Marmaduke (M) 12/23/1996 WP75642201;
Sydney V (F) 08/02/1994 WP56879309;
J.c.penney Queen of Neptune (F) 06/03/1997 WP78592702;
T Bone's Last Chance (M) 08/02/1994 WP56879305;