River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH GMJ's The Northtown Rock
(M) 08/31/1996
WP72538703; Harlequin
COI: 35.48%
Am CH BLK's GMJ Think Tank DD
(M) 11/13/2003
WS06902206; Harlequin
BLK Destiny Call's
(M) 12/19/2006
Destiny's One Kool Kat
(M) 04/18/2008
Am CH Regent's Worth The Tripp To Bonehenge CGC TKI
(M) 06/08/2012
WS40926902; Harlequin
Von Bonehenge's A Touch of Destiny RN CGC
(F) 06/08/2012
WS40926901; Merle
Destiny's Pocketful of Miracles
(F) 04/18/2008
WS25789809; Mantle
Danu's Andromedae Blast V Sum-Dane
(F) 11/20/2010
WS35692806; Harlequin
Danu's Cassiopeia Explosion RN
(F) 11/20/2010
WS35692805; Mantle
Danu's Cygnus Nova Explosion of Rome and Roses
(M) 11/20/2010
WS35692802; Harlequin
Danu's Thermonuclear Explosion
(M) 11/20/2010
; Harlequin
Danu's Thermonuclear Supernova
(M) 11/20/2010
WS35692803; Harlequin
Am GCh Rainmaster Danu Rogue Explosion RN CD
(F) 11/20/2010
WS35692801; Harlequin
2k Refresh the Standard CD BN RN CGC TKN
(F) 05/09/2016
WS54929301; Merle Mantle
Am CH 2K Time Bomb CD RN CGC
(M) 11/11/2016
WS55401901; Mantle
Rainmaster's Can You Hear Me Now
(F) 06/05/2014
WS47626005; White
Rainmaster's Connect the Dots
(F) 06/05/2014
WS47626004; Harlequin
Destiny's Ride the Wind
(F) 12/05/2008
Am GCh Destiny's Some Like It Hot
(F) 04/18/2008
WS25789808; Harlequin
Am CH Bignutt's Can't Tie Me Down
(F) 08/14/2012
WS41992907; Mantle
Bignutt's Ode to Magnus
(F) 06/24/2016
WS54410502; Harlequin
Am GCh Destiny's One Hot Reflection
(F) 06/11/2011
WS38884101; Mantle
Destiny's One Cool Reflection CGC
(M) 10/26/2014
WS48956901; Harlequin
BLK's All Tanked Up
(F) 12/19/2006
Skylardanes-Blk Alchemy's Carboncopy
(M) 11/22/2009
WS32388103; Harlequin
Nanpars Hidalgo CGC, BH, TT, RN, BN
(M) 11/07/2011
WS39439201; Harlequin
Nanpars Unbridled Spirit
(F) 11/07/2011
WS39439202; Mantle
Skylardanes-BLK The Sky's the Limit
(F) 11/22/2009
WS32388102; Harlequin
Skylardanes-Blk Chief's Heart In the Sky
(M) 10/14/2012
WS43281801; Mantle
BLK's Beyond the Glory
(M) 12/19/2006
WS20507703; Harlequin
BLK's Cold Hard Cash
(M) 02/19/2005
BLK's River Song
(F) 10/08/2011
BLK's Tank Jr For Custn'n
(M) 02/19/2005
WS11963601; Harlequin
Custennin Drop Dead Gorgeous
(F) 02/16/2007
S23730/2007; Harlequin
BLK's Tourist Attraction
(M) 12/27/2006
WS20507306; Mantle
BLK-Almosta Knee Deep In the Hoopla
(F) 02/04/2008
Jazzebella Hot N Sizzling
BISS Aust Ch Stordansk Davincis Aria
(F) 12/05/2012
2100375551; Harlequin
Stordansk Davincis The Maestro
(M) 12/05/2012
2100375553; Mantle
Jazzebella Hot Spice
(F) 04/20/2009
4100170710; Harlequin
Aust Ch Jazzebella Im Hot U R Not
(M) 04/20/2009
4100170708; Harlequin
Harlvalley Bandit
(M) 10/05/2010
; Harlequin
Harlvalley Minnie the Moocher
(F) 10/05/2010
2100332802; Harlequin
Harlvalley Prinny
(F) 01/11/2015
2100430132; Mantle
Stordansk Awesum Spirit
(F) 11/04/2019
2100531332; Harlequin
Stordansk Beauty for Ashes
(F) 03/09/2019
2100517375; Mantle
Stordansk Its A Celebration
(F) 03/09/2019
2100517374; Mantle
Stordansk Thy Will Be Done
(M) 11/04/2019
2100531331; Harlequin
Stordansk Davinciniteatheopera
(F) 12/20/2013
2100399142; Mantle
Float Down Here
(M) 04/12/2017
WS56814906; Black
Morningstarz Mythical Man Horse
(M) 04/12/2017
WS56814901; Black
Morningstarz Mythical Shape Shifter
(F) 04/12/2017
WS56814903; Harlequin
Morningstarz Mythical Water Horse
(M) 04/12/2017
WS56814904; Harlequin
Morningstarz Mythical Wingedstallion
(M) 04/12/2017
WS56814902; Harlequin
Rhett (Imp) Emerson Wrigh
(M) 04/12/2017
WS56814905; Merle
Jazzebella I'm All Class
(M) 06/28/2011
4100201761; Mantle
Jazzebella Mr Bo Jangles
(M) 06/28/2011
4100201762; Mantle
Kyeye Get Off ov My Cloud
(M) 06/06/2011
4100202198; Harlequin
Kyeye Gypsy Queen
() 06/06/2011
4100202204; Mantle
Tisbutadane In the Mood
(F) 05/16/2014
4100247923; Harlequin
Jazzebella Little Hottie
(F) 04/20/2009
4100170711; Harlequin
Jazzebella Bad to the Bone
(M) 01/12/2014
4100239046; Harlequin
Jazzebella Show Stopper
(M) 12/04/2017
4100300076; Harlequin
Aust Ch Jazzebella Tears From Heaven
(F) 01/13/2016
4100270041; Harlequin
BISS Jazzebella The Chozen One
(F) 05/05/2017
4100290336; Harlequin
Jazzebella Unchained Melody
(F) 07/20/2020
4100339694; Mantle
Jazzebella Foxy Roxy
(F) 08/21/2014
Jazzebella Show Stopper
(M) 12/04/2017
4100300076; Harlequin
Jazzebella Unchained Melody
(F) 07/20/2020
4100339694; Mantle
Aust Ch Jazzebella Juz Cruzn
(M) 10/09/2011
4100205606; Harlequin
Jazzebella Simply the Best
(F) 01/12/2014
4100239047; Mantle
Jazzebella Smokn Hot
(F) 12/07/2012
4100222647; Mantle
Aust Ch Jazzebella Tears From Heaven
(F) 01/13/2016
4100270041; Harlequin
Jazzebella Sweet Pea
(F) 01/12/2014
Jazzebella Red Hot Harlie
(F) 04/24/2009
4100170720; Harlequin
Oakover Dressed to Kill
(M) 07/11/2012
7100028116; Mantle
Oakover She's A Keeper
(F) 07/11/2012
; Harlequin
Aust GCh Jazzebella S'Dansk Hot Stuff
(F) 04/20/2009
4100170709; Harlequin
Stordansk Drds Prophet o Trade
(M) 09/04/2013
2100392079; Mantle
Aust Ch Stordansk Drds The Revival
(M) 09/04/2013
2100392080; Mantle
Divadanes Fearless Legend
(M) 07/10/2017
4100294259; Harlequin
Wagatude Legendary Love
(F) 09/09/2022
6100137669; Black
Wagatude Legends Obsession
(F) 09/09/2022
6100137668; Black
Aust Ch Divadanes Grease Monkey
(F) 07/10/2017
4100294253; Mantle
Bocsavil Oils Aint Oils
(M) 06/09/2021
2100566760; Harlequin
Divadanes Lookin To the Future
(M) 09/06/2020
4100345734; Mantle
Divadanes N To Mischief
(F) 09/06/2020
4100345733; Mantle
Great Bel's Enough Spots To Me
(F) 07/13/2017
WS58738201; Harlequin
Runa's Frampton Comes Alive
(M) 04/17/2021
WS72864702; Harlequin
Runa's While My Guitar Gently Weeps
(M) 04/17/2021
WS72864701; Mantle
Great Bel's Yakushima
Great Bel's Heart of Hope Honey
(F) 09/06/2018
WS65228901; Harlequin
Painted in Black v Jewels Blue at Ravendane
Harlvalley Prinny
(F) 01/11/2015
2100430132; Mantle
Stordansk Awesum Spirit
(F) 11/04/2019
2100531332; Harlequin
Stordansk Beauty for Ashes
(F) 03/09/2019
2100517375; Mantle
Stordansk Its A Celebration
(F) 03/09/2019
2100517374; Mantle
Stordansk Thy Will Be Done
(M) 11/04/2019
2100531331; Harlequin
Jonradane Autumn
(F) 12/09/2016
2100467309; Mantle
Jonradane the Desired One
(F) 06/24/2017
2100478684; Mantle
Jonradane After Midnight
(M) 09/04/2020
2100547533; Mantle
Aust Ch Stordansk Jupiter Ov Ganymede
(M) 06/29/2015
2100433084; Harlequin
Aust GCh Stordansk Supernatural
(M) 06/29/2015
2100433083; Harlequin
Stordansk Superstar
(M) 12/17/2020
2100554213; Harlequin
Aust Ch Stordansk The Chosen One
(F) 06/29/2015
2100433085; Harlequin
Jonradane Manderlay
(F) 09/17/2020
2100548453; Harlequin
Stordansk Blaze Ov Glory
(M) 05/14/2019
Stordansk Thy Kingdom Come
2100520132; Harlequin
Mahame's Runnin' Down A Dream
(M) 03/20/2008
Mahame's Tankful of Dreams V Almosta-Blk
(F) 03/20/2008
Sequoyah Cave Creek's Sacajawea
() 07/13/2009
Sequoyah's Junaluska
() 07/13/2009
Sequoyah's Sir Mystic Shadow
(M) 07/13/2009
Dane D'Coeur's Anna of Orion CD
(F) 07/19/2006
Am CH Dane D'coeur's I Love Rock N' Roll
(F) 05/24/2010
WS43048402; Harlequin
Am CH Dane D'coeur's Khy-Ann
(F) 05/24/2010
WS34925201; Mantle
Am GChB Dane D'coeur's She Rocks My World
(F) 10/24/2012
WS43048401; Harlequin
Dane D'Coeur Orion's Born 2 Perform
(M) 02/10/2015
WS50060701; Harlequin
Am CH Dane D'Coeur-Orion's The Pursuit of Perfection
(F) 02/10/2015
WS50060702; Harlequin
Dane D'Coeur N Siscos Just Lucy
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395410; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur Point of Impact
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395407; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur Watch Your Six
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395406; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Dealin-N-Cash
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395403; Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Diamond Girl
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395402; Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Enchanted Siren of the Sea
(F) 01/25/2019
Dane D'Coeur's Gretsch Country Gentleman
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395405; Harlequin
Dane D'coeur's Mademoiselle Isabelle
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395401; Harlequin
Dane D'coeur's Point of Impact
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395407; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Saturday Night Lights
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395404; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Summer Seraphina CD
(F) 07/19/2006
WS18481201; Black
Dane D'coeur's Summer Spirit
(M) 07/19/2006
Am & Can Ch Davishire's Knock Your Rocks Off
(M) 08/25/2005
WS14422702; Harlequin
Asgard Im A Knock Out
NZ Ch Asgard First Impressions at Crestwells
(M) 04/07/2011
03873-2011; Harlequin
Crestwell Fancy Pants
(F) 03/30/2017
Asgard Knock Your Soks Off
NZ Ch Crestwells Impress Me Much
(M) 05/15/2009
; Harlequin
NZ Ch Crestwells Sweet Temptation
(F) 05/15/2009
; Harlequin
Crestwells Better By Design
(M) 10/27/2014
07000-2014; Harlequin
Boogie Hollow Gmj The Pharoah
(M) 09/17/2009
Am GCh Davishire's Meant To Be Mor AOM RN CGC
(M) 06/18/2007
WS22248302; Harlequin

Am GCh Davishire's Dragonheart
(M) 03/31/2013
WS43528603; Harlequin
Davishire's Audacious
(F) 06/12/2017
WS57402501; Mantle
MBPIS Hnr/Intl/Natl Ch Am & Can Ch Am BPISS Davishire's Dragon Song BN RN BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VHMA
(F) 06/12/2017
WS57402502 / ERN18000142; Mantle
Rare Earth N Davishire's A Game
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945103; Fawnequin
Rare Earth N Davishire's A Kind of Magic
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945102; Mantle
Am CH Rare Earth N Davishire's Artistry In Motion ATT CGCA CGCU TKI
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945101; Merle Mantle
Rare Earth N Davishire's Blazing Fire
(M) 01/18/2023
WS79441001; Mantle
RareEarth N Davishire's Better Together Wit Lazy U
(M) 01/18/2023
WS79441002; Harlequin
Davishire's Look @ You Look @ Me
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402508; Harlequin
Davishire's The Iceman Cometh
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402507; Harlequin
Am CH Davishire's You'll Not See Nothing Like Him
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402506; Harlequin
Am CH Ellenni's Windy Oak Careful What You Wish For
(F) 07/07/2017
WS58154301; Harlequin
Windy Oak Ellenni Desire Caught By the Tail
(M) 06/29/2022
Davishire's Hootenanny
(F) 05/05/2014
WS47002101; Harlequin
Am CH Davishire's Dulcinea
(F) 07/01/2016
WS54167101; Harlequin
Davishire's All About That Bass
(F) 11/20/2020
Davishire's On A Whim And A Wag
(F) 05/28/2021
Am CH Davishire's the Best of Friends
(F) 11/20/2020
WS70586102; Mantle
Am GCh Davishire's Won'T You Come Out To Play @ Everhea FDC CGCA CGCU TKN
(F) 11/20/2020
WS70586103; Merle
Am CH Davishire's Dance Wit'Me @ Lazy U
(F) 03/29/2018
WS60423101; Harlequin
BISS Am GChB Davishire's Pryoritize It FDC AOM
(M) 03/29/2018
WS60423102; Harlequin
Colorwork's Oxford Blue
Davishire's Sugar Shack
(F) 03/29/2018
WS60423103; Mantle
Davishire's Macy J.R.
(M) 05/05/2014
WS47002103; Mantle
Am GCh Davishire's Peace Love N' Everheart
(F) 05/05/2014
WS47002102; Harlequin
Am CH Everheart's Faugh A Ballagh Davishire
(F) 08/12/2017
WS58680412; Harlequin
Everheart's-Davishire Midnight Moondance
(F) 08/12/2017
WS58680411; Mantle
Am & Int Ch Davishire's Remy is Cooking Up a Storm CGC
(M) 05/05/2014
WS47002106; Mantle
Am CH Davishire's Taj Mahal
(M) 06/18/2007
WS22248301; Harlequin

Davishire's Wham Bam Thank U Ma'am
(M) 03/04/2010
WS33651401; Mantle
Am CH Ellenni's Don't Knock the Rock
(M) 07/08/2018
WS62772010; Merle
Ellenni's I Love Rock N Roll
(F) 07/08/2018
WS62772009; Mantle
Ellenni's If You Can'T Stand The Heat V Stuck Ru
(F) 08/05/2021
WS75225701; Harlequin
Am CH Ellenni's Rock In The Casbah CGC
(F) 07/08/2018
WS62772006; Merle
Am CH Davishire's Rock Candy
(F) 08/25/2005
WS14422701; Harlequin

Am CH Davishire's Howl'N Wulf V. Rocknspot CGC
(M) 08/31/2009
WS31684702; Harlequin
Casabali The Rightful Heir RN
() 08/19/2013
Can Ch Casabali's Bow N Arrow
(M) 08/19/2013
AQ563965; Mantle
Casabali Bordvas Atlantica
(F) 12/06/2017
EY746421; Harlequin
Casabali Gntl G Loki Rau
(M) 12/06/2017
WS61329302; Merle
Rau Wildfire V Casabali
(M) 12/06/2017
WS61329301; Harlequin
Rau's Song of Ice & Fire V Casabali
(M) 04/15/2019
WS64599706; Harlequin
Raudane's A Man of Honor
(M) 04/15/2019
WS64599703; Harlequin
Raudane's Lord of the Narrow Seas
(M) 04/15/2019
WS64599704; Harlequin
Raudane's Politics Or Power
(M) 04/15/2019
WS64599705; Merle
Raudane's Power Passion & Glory
(F) 04/15/2019
WS64599709; Harlequin
Raudane's Sansa of Winterfell
(F) 04/15/2019
WS64599707; Mantle
Raudanes Kissed By Fire While Dreaming
(F) 04/15/2019
WS64599708; Harlequin
Can Ch Casabalis Rockit Fuel
Am GChB Glacier's Little Blue Diamond Rio AOM
(M) 03/19/2013
WS43844204; Harlequin
Bbds Im Going Back In Time And Its A Sweet Dream
(M) 06/29/2018
WS62239801; Harlequin
Dane Dreamin's Bring the Confetti BCAT CGC
(F) 04/21/2016
WS54299801; Merle Mantle
Dane Dreamin' Standing In The Spotlight @ Roseci
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821705; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's And the Winner Is Fountain of You
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821702; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's Bringing Hope To Grand Denali
(F) 08/20/2019
WS65986204; Harlequin
Dane Dreamin's I'd Like To Thank My Mom
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821708; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's In Honor of Grand Denali
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821703; Harlequin
Dane Dreamin's Ravenclaw Wins The House Cup
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821704; Mantle
Am CH Danedreamin' Sheron May I Have The Envelope Plea
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821701; Mantle
Lighthouse Dane's Drinking With the Devil In Rom
(M) 08/20/2019
Am CH Dulce Avery Eyes Are on Me
(F) 12/17/2015
WS52196501; Harlequin
Am CH Dulce BBD's Spread My Wings And Fly DN
(F) 03/12/2017
WS56602501; Harlequin
Bbd's Dulce Canvas of My Experiences
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025702; Harlequin
Bbd's Elementary My Dear Watson
(M) 03/25/2020
WS68025703; Black
Bbd's I Name Him I Keep Him
(M) 03/25/2020
WS68025704; Merle
Bbd's The Lady Obsidian
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025708; Black
Am GCh & Int Ch Dulce 'N Enzo's New Shade V Bbd RATN
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025701; Harlequin
Dulce Do You Believe In Magic
(F) 03/12/2017
Am CH Dulce Glacier Colorado's Gold
(F) 12/17/2015
WS52196505; Mantle
Glacier's Pitch Perfect
(F) 08/27/2020
Glacier's Smokin Gun
(M) 08/27/2020
Glacier's-Rosecity Fire And Ice
(M) 04/06/2019
WS64951411; Harlequin
Dulce Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
(M) 12/17/2015
WS52196503; Harlequin
Rhgd What A Beautiful Mess
(F) 07/28/2015
WS51134902; Harlequin
Stardust Glacier's Let the Spectacle Astound You
(M) 03/05/2019
WS64153505; Mantle
Stardust's 867-5309
(F) 03/05/2019
WS64153501; Harlequin
Stardust's Do A Lil' Dollop
(F) 03/05/2019
WS64153504; Merle Mantle
Am CH Stardust's Good Time K9 Cowboy Casanova CGC TKN
(M) 03/05/2019
WS64153503; Mantle
Stardust's Play It Again
(M) 03/05/2019
WS64153507; Merle Mantle
Stardust's You're So Fine
(M) 03/05/2019
WS64153502; Mantle
BISS Am GCh Davishirevrocknspots Lone Wolf TT
(M) 08/31/2009
WS31684703; Mantle
Bella Vista's Davishire Sim Sala Bim
(M) 05/29/2013
WS44157202; Harlequin
Colorwork N Davishire's You Had Me At Merlot FDC
(F) 05/17/2021
WS72952801; Merle
Am CH Davishire's Dulcinea
(F) 07/01/2016
WS54167101; Harlequin
Davishire's All About That Bass
(F) 11/20/2020
Davishire's On A Whim And A Wag
(F) 05/28/2021
Am CH Davishire's the Best of Friends
(F) 11/20/2020
WS70586102; Mantle
Am GCh Davishire's Won'T You Come Out To Play @ Everhea FDC CGCA CGCU TKN
(F) 11/20/2020
WS70586103; Merle
Am GCh Davishire's Moving Hearts
(M) 03/15/2011
WS37224501; Mantle
Davishire's Yours N Mine N Mor
(F) 03/15/2011
WS37224503; Mantle
Am CH Davishire'S'Mor Parfait A'La Aj Plz
(F) 08/09/2014
WS48603202; Mantle
Am GCh Mor Davishire on Target A'La Aj
(M) 08/09/2014
WS48603204; Harlequin
Am CH Davishire's Dance Wit'Me @ Lazy U
(F) 03/29/2018
WS60423101; Harlequin
BISS Am GChB Davishire's Pryoritize It FDC AOM
(M) 03/29/2018
WS60423102; Harlequin
Davishire's Sugar Shack
(F) 03/29/2018
WS60423103; Mantle
Am CH Mor N Davishires Aj's Mockingjay
(F) 08/09/2014
WS48603201; Mantle
Davishire's Audacious
(F) 06/12/2017
WS57402501; Mantle
MBPIS Hnr/Intl/Natl Ch Am & Can Ch Am BPISS Davishire's Dragon Song BN RN BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VHMA
(F) 06/12/2017
WS57402502 / ERN18000142; Mantle
Davishire's Look @ You Look @ Me
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402508; Harlequin
Davishire's The Iceman Cometh
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402507; Harlequin
Am CH Davishire's You'll Not See Nothing Like Him
(M) 06/12/2017
WS57402506; Harlequin
Lazy U's She's A Bad Mama Jama
(F) 05/22/2015
WS50337501; Mantle
Am GCh Pch Some Heads Are Gonna Roll
(M) 08/24/2012
WS41615601; Harlequin
Destiny's One Cool Reflection CGC
(M) 10/26/2014
WS48956901; Harlequin
Am GCh Davishirevrocknspots Wulf Hunter Doce-Eck
(M) 08/30/2009
WS31684701; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Got Attitude
(F) 06/24/2014
Bent-On Katching A Box-O-Roks
(F) 05/15/2017
WS57279702; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Little Joe
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57279704; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Rawkin The Boat
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57279701; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Rockin Windy City
(F) 10/17/2016
WS55090101; Harlequin
Doce-Eck Slam Dunk
(M) 06/21/2014
Rocknspots Moonshinetakemetothestarsdoce-Eck
(F) 06/21/2014
Flagstone Category 5 V Dmania
(M) 12/10/2006
WS20438403; Harlequin
Flagstone Rock'n Bounce'n Django
(M) 12/10/2006
WS20438404; Mantle
Muse Catch Me if You Can v Breken
(F) 03/17/2008
WS25813105; Harlequin
Breken Legend Zuko Grooms
(M) 12/06/2011
WS39470711; Harlequin
Am CH Muse Country Ridge Calynda
(F) 08/25/2009
WS31471207; Harlequin
Country Ridge Do You Believe In Magic
(F) 03/31/2012
Country Ridge I'm A Believer
(M) 03/31/2012
WS40350905; Mantle
Country Ridge Just A Dream
(F) 03/31/2012
WS40340904; Mantle
Country Ridge Nights In White Satin
(F) 03/31/2012
WS40350902; Harlequin
Country Ridge Onyx
(F) 06/20/2013
WS44308604; Mantle
Country Ridge Sapphire
(F) 06/20/2013
Country Ridge Silver Wings
(M) 03/31/2012
WS40350901; Harlequin
Am GCh Country Ridge Sparkles
(F) 06/20/2013
WS44308603; Harlequin
Country Ridge Harley
(F) 01/28/2016
WS52653201; Harlequin
Country Ridge Jennie
(F) 01/28/2016
WS52653202; Mantle
Country Ridge Poison Ivy
(F) 01/28/2016
WS52653202; Mantle
Country Ridge Zippy Do Dah
(F) 01/28/2016
WS52653204; Mantle
Am CH CR Heart of Texas at Kindlefire
(M) 01/28/2016
WS52653205; Mantle
Country Ridge Tanzanite
(F) 06/20/2013
WS44308602; Harlequin
Gambler GMJ's Son Of A Sailor
(M) 12/15/2018
Glacier's Spicy Salt and Pepa v GMJ
(F) 09/12/2011
WS39214502; Harlequin
GMJ's Formalattirequir'd Orion
(M) 01/01/2001
WR00962805; Harlequin
GMJ's The Aaron Ruben Nash
(M) 11/03/2002
WR07378605; Harlequin
Great Bel's Ikaros
DK00293/2004; Black
Great Bel's Athen
DK01034/2009; Harlequin
Great Bel's Unforgettable Harlequin
(F) 01/09/2007
DK01619/2007; Harlequin
Great Bel's Firenze
(F) 04/21/2010
DK08844/2010; Harlequin
Great Bel's Manific
(F) 03/12/2005
; Harlequin
Great Bel's Xcellent Harlequin
(F) 01/13/2008
DK03241/2008; Harlequin
Great Bel's Jersey
(F) 09/11/2011
DK15431/2011; Harlequin
Aust Ch & Neut Ch Daneholz Benson
(M) 10/09/2015
Daneholz Roxanne
(F) 10/09/2015
2100441042; Harlequin
Daneholz Sams Song
(M) 10/09/2015
Daneholz Stardpreadin Thenews
(M) 10/09/2015
Great Bel's Xcellent Nitro
(M) 01/13/2008
DK03243/2008; Harlequin
Great Bel's Xcellent Xanadu
Great Magic's Inky Illusion
(M) 11/01/2010
DK20305/2010; Harlequin
Great Bel's Michelangelo
(M) 03/12/2005
DK03838/2005; Harlequin
Blaaholms Karat
(F) 01/18/2009
DK02306/2009; Harlequin
Great Bel's Monique
(F) 03/12/2005
Am CH Great Bel's Zita at Patientdane
(F) 08/02/2008
WS29005101; Harlequin
Patientdanes Desert Spirit V Tered-Dbm-Everheart RA CGC
(F) 08/03/2010
WS35305605; Harlequin
Am CH Patientdanes Just Too Cool
(M) 07/25/2013
WS44919901; Harlequin
Moredane's Patentdanes Get the Facts
(F) 12/11/2016
WS57141001; Mantle
Moredane's She's Extraordinary
(F) 12/11/2016
WS57141002; Mantle
Patientdanes An American Dream for Stormdance
Patientdanes Grand Design
(F) 01/26/2015
WS49702003; Harlequin
Can Ch Patientdanes Just Chillin @ KatCrew
(F) 01/26/2015
WS49702006 / 1131612; Harlequin
Patientdanes Mesmerize
(F) 01/21/2015
WS49702004; Harlequin
Patientdanes Rowdy Boy
(M) 06/01/2016
Patientdanes The Dark Side of Accord
(M) 01/26/2015
WS49702001; Mantle
Sundown's Queen Vashti
(F) 02/14/2019
WS63737410; Black
Am GChB Sundown's What's One More at Waters Edge CGC TKN RI AOM
(M) 02/14/2019
WS63737402; Harlequin
Am GChG Patientdanes Making Waves Dori
(F) 03/04/2014
WS46651602; Harlequin
Am CH Patientdanes Crazy Stupid Love
(F) 11/09/2017
WS59344202; Harlequin
Am CH Thunder Road's Madeline Cahn
(F) 11/09/2017
Thunder Road's Makin' A Splash
(M) 07/20/2020
Thunder Road's Riding That Wave
(M) 07/20/2020
Am CH Thunder Roads I'm Only Here For Fun
(F) 11/09/2017
WS59344201; Harlequin
Thunder Roads Tibbys Sunrise Mountain
(F) 11/09/2017
Am CH Patientdanes Our Dream Continues
(M) 08/03/2010
WS35305602; Harlequin
Am GCh Patientdanes Arthur of Firehouse Tavern
(M) 10/31/2015
Am CH Patientdanes Here's Brucie
(M) 10/31/2015
WS52169202; Harlequin
Am CH Patientdanes Perfect Harmony
(F) 08/03/2010
WS35305607; Harlequin
Patientdanes I'm Your Huckleberry
(M) 09/28/2015
Am CH Patientdanes Quintessential Grace
(F) 08/03/2010
WS35305604; Harlequin
Patientdanes Grand Design
(F) 01/26/2015
WS49702003; Harlequin
Am CH Patientdanes Just Call Me Chanel at Mica
(F) 07/15/2014
WS54790501; Harlequin
Can Ch Patientdanes Just Chillin @ KatCrew
(F) 01/26/2015
WS49702006 / 1131612; Harlequin
Patientdanes Mesmerize
(F) 01/21/2015
WS49702004; Harlequin
Patientdanes The Dark Side of Accord
(M) 01/26/2015
WS49702001; Mantle
Patientdanes W' Lotz of Luv
(F) 07/25/2013
WS44919902; Harlequin
Am CH Lotz of Luv W' Patientdanes Midnight Orders
(M) 01/12/2017
Lotzofluv Sunshine Superman In A Gloomy Yr W' Pd
(M) 08/16/2018
Patientdanes Lol For Pete's Sake @Slã¡Ine BCAT
(M) 01/12/2017
WS56258102; Harlequin
Patientdanes Lotzoluv Dream-Sparkle-Shine
(F) 08/16/2018
WS62254504; Mantle
Patientdanes What's Not To Love V Tered-Dbm
(F) 08/03/2010
WS35305606; Harlequin
GMJ's The Hi-Stakes Roulette
(F) 02/02/1998
WP84204702; Harlequin
Hi-Stake's N'trpriz'g Gmj Hallelujuah Baby
(F) 01/27/2004
WS09236701; Harlequin
Am CH Hi-Stakes Luck O the Draw GMJ
(F) 09/14/2001
WR06346201; Harlequin
Hi-Stake's Calling on Lady Luck
(F) 12/07/2006
Am GCh Hi-Stake's Adrenaline Rush - Revolution
(M) 07/19/2013
Hi-Stake's Rogue Guardian
(M) 03/26/2020
WS68366803; Merle
Hi-Stakes Daneridge Enterprising Playboy
(M) 09/25/2018
WS62483501; Harlequin
Hi-Stakes Solo Revolution
(M) 03/26/2020
Tered-Dbm Hi-Stake's Moonlit Kick'O Adrenaline
(F) 06/01/2019
WS65527002; Harlequin
Am GCh CH Tered-Dbm's Midnight Moonshine RI
(M) 06/01/2019
WS65527001; Mantle
Am CH Hi-Stake's Lucky Caribbean Studd
(M) 12/07/2006
ws20605401; Harlequin
Chroma Hi-Stakes Get Off of My Cloud CDX, RA, CGCA
(F) 08/12/2011
Chroma Ignite the Light and Let it Shine TD TKN CGC
(M) 08/17/2015
WS51069702; Harlequin
Am CH Chroma Paint The Towne UD RA CGCA TKA
(F) 10/31/2014
WS48457003; Harlequin
Chroma Hi-Stakes Riders on the Storm
(M) 08/12/2011
WS38284301; Mantle
Hi-Stake's Lucky Spo(r)t
(M) 12/07/2006
WS20605404; White
Am GCh Jamesdane Daneridge Hi-Stake's Gunslinger
(M) 12/16/2009
Am CH Daneridge Hi-Stakes Inception's Lucid Dreamer CGCA
(M) 11/23/2014
WS48704904; Harlequin
Am CH Daneridges Bet'R Late Than Nev'R
(F) 04/11/2012
WS40440801; Harlequin
Stake's Luck O' The Draw GMJ
GMJ's The Ruben Nash
(M) 11/03/2002
; Harlequin
Am CH Orion GMJ The Clever Miz Mackenzie
(F) 01/01/2001
WR00962802; Harlequin

Am CH Orion Highlander Duncan's Heart Tessa
(F) 11/18/2003
WS06342909; Mantle
BISS Am Ch Highlander Dulce's Looney Toon CD, RN, AOM, TDI, CGC
(F) 02/29/2008
WS25168403; Mantle
Dulce Don't Call Me Baby
(F) 05/02/2010
WS33830308; Mantle
Dulce Whatever Floats Your Boat
(M) 11/01/2012
WS42307404; Harlequin
Dulce's Electric Shock of Braveheart
(F) 11/01/2012
WS42307403; Harlequin
Am GCh Dulce Have Dessert First CD BN RN CGC
(F) 05/22/2011
WS37631907; Harlequin
Dulce Blow Me One Last Kiss
(M) 02/08/2015
WS49759301; Harlequin
Am CH Dulce Danebridges Suit N Tie Required
(M) 12/20/2013
WS46057201; Mantle
Dulce N Drd's You Had Me at Merlot
(F) 12/20/2013
WS46057206; Mantle
Am CH Dulce Save Room For Dessert
(F) 02/28/2015
WS49759304; Harlequin
Dulce Set Fire To The Rain
(F) 02/28/2015
WS49759306; Harlequin
Dulce You Better Work
(F) 12/20/2013
WS46057203; Harlequin
Am CH Dulce's Once Upon A Dream Aurora
(F) 02/28/2015
WS49759302; Mantle
Am GCh Dulce Standing Outside the Fire CGC
(F) 05/22/2011
WS37631906; Mantle
Am CH Dulce Avery Eyes Are on Me
(F) 12/17/2015
WS52196501; Harlequin
Am CH Dulce Glacier Colorado's Gold
(F) 12/17/2015
WS52196505; Mantle
Dulce Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
(M) 12/17/2015
WS52196503; Harlequin
Am GChS Dulce 'n Runa's Fight Fire With Fire AOM
(M) 05/28/2014
WS47308204; Harlequin
Dulce Stand Back
(F) 05/28/2014
WS47308205; Harlequin
Am CH Dulce's Chief Peacemaker at Gunstock CGC
(M) 12/31/2014
WS49215204; Harlequin
Dulce's The Pheonix Rises at Twinoaks
(M) 12/31/2014
WS49215201; Mantle
Am CH Dulce's Conviction of The Heart CGC
(M) 09/20/2012
WS41848204; Mantle
BISS Am GChS Ink Spot's Beach Blanket Bingo V Sum-Dane AOM CGC TKN
(F) 01/30/2014
WS46257007; Harlequin
Ink Spot's Catch A Wave at Twinoaks
(F) 01/30/2014
WS46257001; Mantle
Ink Spot's Extreme Surf Advisory
(M) 01/30/2014
WS46257012; Mantle
Am GChS Ink Spot's From Sea To Shining Sea
(F) 01/30/2014
WS46257005; Mantle
Ink Spot's Sitting on The Dock of The Bay
(M) 01/30/2014
Dulce's Firestarter
(F) 05/02/2010
WS33830301; Mantle
Am GChB Dulce Danebridge's Suit N Tie
(M) 02/04/2013
WS43207002; Mantle
Am GCh Dulce I Triple Dog Dare You
(M) 02/04/2013
WS43207001; Harlequin
Am CH Highlander Pch Hearts Truth Be Told RN
(M) 08/28/2009
WS31463803; Harlequin
Am CH Highlander Pch It's Not My Fault at Lecheval RN
(M) 08/28/2009
WS31463801; Mantle

Show Stopper's Kiss Em And Leaven Em Remington
(M) 04/01/2013
WS43627601; Mantle
Highlander Place a Star is Born
(F) 03/10/2009
WS29682902; Harlequin
Am CH Highlander's Badge of Honor
(M) 03/10/2009
WS29682903; Mantle
Am CH Highlander's Christmas In Boston
(M) 12/16/2006
WS20146503; Mantle
Highlander's DBLM Storm of Justice
(M) 03/10/2009
WS29682903; Mantle
Highlander's Leap-N-Lizard
(F) 03/10/2009
WS29682901; Harlequin
Highlander's Look Before Ya Leap Into Dblm
(F) 02/29/2008
Highlander's the First Noel
(F) 12/16/2006
WS20146501; Harlequin
Orion's Forrestette of Highlander
(F) 12/16/2006
WS20146502; Mantle
Orion's I Know What Matters
(M) 03/20/2010
WS33473307; Harlequin
Orion's Little Miss Independent
(F) 03/20/2010
WS33473301; Harlequin
Am CH PCH I Came To Get Down V Highlander CGC
(F) 08/28/2009
WS31463805; Harlequin
Am CH Orion's Bling Bling
(F) 10/27/2005
WS15234401; Harlequin
Am CH Heart's All Outta Bucks
(M) 05/27/2008
Heart's Family Jewels
(M) 05/27/2008
Heart's Family Treasure
(F) 05/27/2008
WS26722003; Mantle
Am CH Heart's Keep The Change BN RN
(M) 05/27/2008
WS26722004; Mantle
Hearts Keep the Change
(M) 05/27/2008
Am CH Orion's EZ Cash AOM
(F) 11/18/2003
WS06342908; Harlequin

Orion's Just Chillin' at Lazy U
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660603; Harlequin

Orion's Keeper of The Stars
(F) 08/01/2008
Orion Windycity's Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy CGC
(M) 04/24/2013
WS43949702; Harlequin
Am GChS Orion-Windycity's Steel Guitar V Dane D'coeur
(M) 04/24/2013
WS43949701; Harlequin
Dane D'Coeur Orion's Born 2 Perform
(M) 02/10/2015
WS50060701; Harlequin
Am CH Dane D'Coeur-Orion's The Pursuit of Perfection
(F) 02/10/2015
WS50060702; Harlequin
Orion-Wintycity's Ghost Ryder In The Sky
(M) 11/01/2012
WS42355101; Harlequin
Orion's Shadow Fax
(M) 08/01/2008
WS27660609; White
Orion's I Know What Matters
(M) 03/20/2010
WS33473307; Harlequin
Orion's Little Miss Independent
(F) 03/20/2010
WS33473301; Harlequin
Orion's Through The Looking Glass
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660602; Harlequin
Orion's Written in the Stars
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660610; Black / White

Orion Windycity-I'm Sexynknowit
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38022205; Mantle
Am CH Windycity Orion's Move To My Melody
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38022207; Mantle
Windycity's Abba Cadabra Dq Blizzard
() 05/31/2011
Windycity's Full Volume
() 05/31/2011
Windycity's Moonlight Sinatra
() 05/31/2011
WindyCity-Orion's Edge of Glory RN
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38022204; Harlequin
Am GChS Windycity-Orion's Guitar Hero CGCA TKN VHMA VSWB
(M) 05/31/2011
WS38022206; Mantle

Bent-On Katching A Box-O-Roks
(F) 05/15/2017
WS57279702; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Little Joe
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57279704; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Rawkin The Boat
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57279701; Harlequin
Box-O-Roks Bent-On Rockin Windy City
(F) 10/17/2016
WS55090101; Harlequin
Am GCh Hi-Stake's Adrenaline Rush - Revolution
(M) 07/19/2013
Orion Windycity's Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy CGC
(M) 04/24/2013
WS43949702; Harlequin
Am GChS Orion-Windycity's Steel Guitar V Dane D'coeur
(M) 04/24/2013
WS43949701; Harlequin
Orion-Wintycity's Ghost Ryder In The Sky
(M) 11/01/2012
WS42355101; Harlequin
Am CH Patientdanes Just Too Cool
(M) 07/25/2013
WS44919901; Harlequin
Patientdanes W' Lotz of Luv
(F) 07/25/2013
WS44919902; Harlequin
Am GCh Addadane-Chanoz Bombshell
(F) 02/06/2013
WS43200501; Harlequin
Addadane-Chanoz Captain Jack
(M) 02/06/2013
WS43200504; Harlequin
Addadane-Chanoz Masked Phantom
(M) 02/06/2013
WS43200502; Harlequin
Addadane-Chanoz Summer Lovin' Happened So Fast
(F) 02/06/2013
WS43200503; Harlequin
Am CH Barbee's Command Sergeant Major's Mojo
(M) 01/16/2015
WS49502501; Mantle
BMW Windrose Mazel Tov
(M) 07/19/2012
WS41771803; Mantle
Chanoz Big Shoes To Fill
(M) 09/23/2013
WS45381801; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz If Your Happy And You Know It
(M) 03/22/2015
WS50510701; Harlequin
Chanoz Let Your Light Shine RN CGCA TKI
(F) 03/22/2015
WS50510702; Harlequin
Chanoz's To The Moon And Back V Glacier
(F) 03/22/2015
WS50510704; Harlequin
Chroma Hamlin Playing With Fire
(M) 05/04/2015
WS50782403; Harlequin
Can Ch Cilka's Gale Force
(F) 03/15/2024
ME4306082; Mantle
Can Ch Cilka's Swiss Kiss
(M) 03/15/2024
ME4306081; Mantle
Crimson's Just a Spoonful of Sugar
(F) 06/14/2017
WS58592401; Merle Mantle
Dane Dreamin' Standing In The Spotlight @ Roseci
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821705; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's And the Winner Is Fountain of You
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821702; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's I'd Like To Thank My Mom
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821708; Mantle
Dane Dreamin's In Honor of Grand Denali
(M) 03/04/2018
WS60821703; Harlequin
Dane Dreamin's Ravenclaw Wins The House Cup
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821704; Mantle
Am CH Danedreamin' Sheron May I Have The Envelope Plea
(F) 03/04/2018
WS60821701; Mantle
Am GCh Danu's Atom Eve CGC TKN
(F) 09/19/2012
WS41799403; Harlequin
Danu's Atomic Bombshell
(F) 09/19/2012
WS41799401; Mantle
Danu's Atomic Hero
(M) 09/19/2012
WS41799406; Mantle
Am CH Danu's Sweet Indulgence CGC TKN
(F) 08/02/2018
WS62168203; Mantle
Am CH Danus Not About That Rushed Life
(M) 08/02/2018
WS62168201; Mantle
Danus Violet Flame CGCA CGCU TKN
(F) 08/02/2018
WS62168202; Harlequin
Am CH Davisdane's Ducktor Drakken I Presume BN RI CGC TKN
(M) 12/04/2014
WS49216002; Mantle
Am GCh Davisdane's the Duck Stops Here RI CGC
(M) 12/05/2014
WS49216001; Harlequin
Davisdane's Wild Thing V Chroma
(F) 12/19/2015
WS52517801; Mantle
Deacon's Bogues Stealin My Heart
(F) 04/22/2018
WS61489101; Harlequin
Deacon's Runway Above The Law at Dewitt's Court
(M) 07/28/2016
Deacon's Runway For The Roses
(F) 07/28/2016
WS54642303; Mantle
Am GCh Deacon's Runway Louisville Express
(M) 07/28/2016
WS54642302; Harlequin
Dellisdane Tiberius Gaius
(M) 03/20/2016
WS53041904; Harlequin
Am CH Dellisdane's Summer Renaissance BN RN NAP ACT2 CGCA TKI
(F) 03/20/2016
WS53041901; Harlequin
Deluna Dnd Murbe's Black Widow
(F) 05/19/2017
WS57870901; Mantle
Am CH Deluna Dnd Murbe's Queen of Gotham
(F) 05/19/2017
Dtvs It Ain't My Fault
(M) 08/02/2019
Am GCh Dtvs Make It Sweet AOM FDC
(F) 08/02/2019
Dtvs Sunshine And Whiskey
(F) 08/02/2019
Am CH Dx Danes Million Dollar Baby
(M) 01/08/2013
WS43200604; Harlequin
Flighty Foto Dice
(M) 06/25/2014
WS47576003; Mantle
Flighty Foto Yin Yang
(F) 06/25/2014
WS47576004; Mantle
Am CH Hamlin's This Song's About Me
(F) 05/04/2015
WS50782405; Mantle
Hamlin-Orion Piece of My Heart
(F) 05/04/2015
WS50782402; Harlequin
Am CH High Stakes It's Time To Shine
(F) 07/30/2017
WS58060505; Mantle
Am CH High Stakes Life of The Party
(M) 07/30/2017
WS58060507; Harlequin
Hoppingham's Kitara Sankari
(M) 09/04/2018
FI31436/18; Merle
BISS Multi Ch Hoppingham's Love Me Tender Love Me Dear
(F) 04/24/2017
FI36320/17; Mantle
Hoppingham's Take Me To Your Heart
FI36319/17; Mantle
I've Spotted Windycity The Music Man
(M) 04/16/2016
WS53501204; Harlequin
Aust Ch Inkworkz Fender OzGuitar Dream
(F) 09/14/2018
2100507000; Mantle
Inkworkz Fenders Katana
(F) 09/14/2018
Inkworkz Fenders Prodigy
() 09/14/2018
; Harlequin
Jaeger's Bruiser's Non Stop Commotion
(M) 08/02/2015
WS51669308; Mantle
Jaeger's Its All About Karma Von Evans
(F) 08/02/2015
WS51669309; Mantle
Jaeger's Miss Beam Born Under a Desert Star
(F) 08/02/2015
WS51669301; Mantle
Jaeger's Second Chances Keep Them Coming
(M) 08/02/2015
WS51669307; Harlequin
Jpl's the One
(F) 12/09/2012
WS43048102; Mantle
BISS BIF Am GChS JPL's The Velvet Dog AOM
(M) 12/09/2012
WS43048106; Harlequin
Jpl's Win Big
(M) 12/09/2012
WS43048105; Harlequin
Koc Eb One Guitar In A Million
(M) 02/26/2015
WS49505701; Harlequin
Koc Eb Only One Classic Guitar
(F) 02/26/2015
WS49505702; Harlequin
Koc Eb Only One Guitar Superhero
(M) 02/26/2015
WS49505703; Mantle
Nordic Giant's Hot Gibson Guitar
SE10433/2016; Black
N UCh Nordic Giant's I'm A Gangster Girl
(F) 08/26/2015
NO51121/15; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's I'm A Knock Out
(F) 08/26/2015
NO51119/15; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's Image of Snow
(F) 08/26/2015
NO51120/15; Harlequin
Onyxdanes Brekfastwith Fender
(F) 04/20/2020
4100335177; Harlequin
Aust Ch Onyxdanes D Fender Downunder
(M) 04/20/2020
4100335175; Mantle
Orion Bent-On Do Yourself Justice
(F) 01/31/2023
WS80170301; Mantle
Patchntux Based on Your Eyes
(M) 10/30/2015
; Harlequin
Aust Ch Patchntux Shes So Fine
(F) 10/30/2015
; Harlequin
Patchntux Up From Downunder
(M) 10/30/2015
; Mantle
Am CH Patientdanes Crazy Stupid Love
(F) 11/09/2017
WS59344202; Harlequin
Am CH Saravilla Color Me Badd at Tristar
(M) 01/06/2016
Am CH Saravilla Crazysexycool at Tristar
(F) 12/28/2016
WS56113507; Mantle
Am CH Saravilla Gambler's Harbour Lights
(F) 01/06/2016
WS52788802; Harlequin
Saravilla's A Token of My Extreme
(M) 07/01/2015
WS50912403; Harlequin
Saravilla's Legend of the Six String
(M) 12/28/2016
WS56113508; Mantle
Am CH Saravilla's Semi Charmed Life
(F) 12/28/2016
WS56113501; Mantle
Saravilla's Set the World on Fire
(M) 07/01/2015
WS50912402; Harlequin
Am CH Saravilla's Sharp Dressed Man
(M) 12/28/2016
WS56113502; Mantle
Saravilla's Sweet Painted Lady
(F) 07/01/2015
WS50912404; Harlequin
Saravilla's Who's that Lady
(F) 07/01/2015
WS50912402; Harlequin
Am CH Saravilla's Wild Heart
(F) 07/01/2015
WS50912401; Harlequin
Saybrook's Im Your Huckelberry
WS64136506; Harlequin
Saybrook's Running Against the Wind
(M) 02/02/2019
WS64136501; Harlequin
Am CH Seven Hawk's Shoot First Ask Questions Later
(M) 11/14/2019
WS66330407; Harlequin
Sevenhawk's First Failure To Launch CA BCAT CGC RATO TKA
(M) 11/14/2019
WS66330410; Merle Mantle
Sevenhawk's First Wish Upon A Lucky Star RN FDC CA BCAT SWA SHDN RATO DS CGCA CGCU TKA AT
(F) 11/14/2019
WS66330411; Harlequin
Sublime N Chanoz Gift From God
(M) 05/21/2018
WS61524302; Harlequin
Sublime's Black Tie White Noise
(M) 05/21/2018
WS61524304; Harlequin
Sublime's Crowd Control
(M) 05/21/2018
WS61524301; Harlequin
Sublime's Luminosity
(F) 05/21/2018
Sublime's Sugar Rush
(F) 05/21/2018
WS61524303; Harlequin
Tauson Prinzessin Fara
(F) 08/05/2013
Am CH Tauson Prinzessin Friederike Indra
(F) 08/05/2013
WS45135101; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt Koi Knemofendr
(M) 11/02/2018
WS62946201; Mantle
Thor-Kourt Konnie Knemofender
(F) 11/02/2018
WS62946202; Harlequin
Am CH Thunder Road's Madeline Cahn
(F) 11/09/2017
Am CH Thunder Roads I'm Only Here For Fun
(F) 11/09/2017
WS59344201; Harlequin
Thunder Roads Tibbys Sunrise Mountain
(F) 11/09/2017
BISS Am GCh Trila Windandsea California Dream at Oleander AOM CGC
(M) 07/05/2016
WS54792503; Mantle
Trila Windycity N Journey's Only the Beginning
(F) 07/05/2016
WS54792510; Mantle
Am GCh Trila's Blinded By the Light
(F) 03/09/2017
WS57607601; Harlequin
Trila's Color Outside the Lines @ Old Mission NTD CGC
(F) 07/05/2016
WS54792505; Harlequin
Trila's Good Riddance To Mediocrity
(M) 07/05/2016
WS54792502; Mantle
Am GCh Trila's Little Deuce Coupe AOM
(M) 07/05/2016
WS54792506; Harlequin
Am GCh Trila's Made For Me at Cokie
(F) 03/09/2017
WS57607602; Mantle
Trila's Ramblin' Gamblin' Man at Wildwyn
(M) 07/05/2016
WS54792501; Harlequin
Trila's Uptown Girl @ Rosecran
(F) 07/05/2016
WS54792504; Harlequin
Can GCh Trila's Workin the Strip
(F) 03/09/2017
WS57607603 / 1136322; Mantle
Aust Ch TuxDanes Lady Luc
(F) 12/18/2018
; Harlequin
Windycity @ Hi-Stakes Rogue One
(F) 04/16/2016
WS53501203; Mantle
Windycity N Journey's Done Dirt Cheap
(M) 04/16/2016
WS53501207; Harlequin
Am CH WindyCity's Life In The Fast Lane With Lynbar
(M) 04/16/2016
WS53501205; Mantle
WindyCity-Chanoz Secondhand News Is A Rumor
(F) 04/16/2016
WS53501206; Merle Mantle
Yk American in Paris
(M) 10/18/2017
WS59154308; Harlequin
Yk Bright And Shining Star at Grand Denali
(F) 10/18/2017
Yk N Flynn Catch Me If You Can
(M) 10/18/2017
WS59154302; Harlequin
Am GChG YK Paris Can Wait CGCA CGCU
(F) 10/18/2017
WS59154301; Harlequin
Yk Ragnar Lothbrok Equipe Mk
(M) 10/18/2017
Am CH YK WindyCity's Lachtoberfest TKN
(M) 10/18/2017
WS59154303; Harlequin
Orion-Briggadane Cash on Delivery
(M) 11/18/2003
WS06342907; Mantle
Briggadane's Fashion Queen
(F) 08/04/2005
WS14113402; Mantle
Briggadane Clears The Runway V Hltmr
(M) 11/10/2008
WS28980301; Mantle
Briggadanetdt Plane Crazy Vrw
(F) 07/17/2010
Am CH Haltmeiers The Dude V. Rnwy Brgdn
(M) 11/10/2008
WS28980307; Mantle
Braewynd's Kiss This
(F) 07/29/2011
WS39036801; Harlequin
Dewitts Court Dude Shes Hot
WS35273503; Mantle
Haltmeier's Danika
(F) 07/19/2011
WS38454301; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Jolee V Brwyd
(F) 07/29/2011
WS39036806; Mantle
Am CH Haltmeiers Strut Your Stuff V Triger
(M) 11/25/2012
WS42708903; Mantle
Am CH Runway Brigg Me My Teddy Bear v HTMR
(M) 11/10/2008
WS28980304; Mantle
Runway's Interstellar
(F) 11/11/2015
WS52020402; Harlequin
Runway's Not a Sirius Moment at Deacon Danes
(M) 11/11/2015
WS52020404; Harlequin
Runway's When Stars Collide
(M) 11/11/2015
WS52020410; Mantle
Am GCh Runway's Dream Come True VBD CGC
(F) 07/17/2010
WS34559601; Harlequin
Runway's Interstellar
(F) 11/11/2015
WS52020402; Harlequin
Runway's Not a Sirius Moment at Deacon Danes
(M) 11/11/2015
WS52020404; Harlequin
Runway's Orient Express V Deacon
(F) 12/16/2013
WS45900002; Harlequin
Runway's Peach Blossom Express
(F) 12/16/2013
WS45900007; Harlequin
Runway's When Stars Collide
(M) 11/11/2015
WS52020410; Mantle
Briggadanes First Dutchess of Conway
(F) 08/04/2005
Am CH Haltmeiers Precious Conwayvchaka Cahn
(F) 06/06/2008
WS27159607; Mantle
Dane D'Coeur N Siscos Just Lucy
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395410; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur Point of Impact
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395407; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur Watch Your Six
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395406; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Dealin-N-Cash
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395403; Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Diamond Girl
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395402; Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Enchanted Siren of the Sea
(F) 01/25/2019
Dane D'Coeur's Gretsch Country Gentleman
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395405; Harlequin
Dane D'coeur's Mademoiselle Isabelle
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395401; Harlequin
Dane D'coeur's Point of Impact
(M) 01/25/2019
WS64395407; Merle Mantle
Dane D'coeur's Saturday Night Lights
(F) 01/25/2019
WS64395404; Merle Mantle
Danu It Takes Two @Rocnl
(M) 12/08/2014
WS49343302; Harlequin
Danu Tdt Let It Go
(F) 12/08/2014
Danu's Drop It Like It's Hot V Aesir
(M) 12/08/2014
Danu's TDT Let It Go
(F) 04/02/2014
Accio Dane"s Gringott's Hidden Treasure
(M) 06/02/2018
; Harlequin
Am CH Orion-Dreamweaver Dreamin' On
(F) 10/21/2004
Orion-Sisco Poetic Justice
(F) 11/18/2003
WS06342905; Mantle
Am CH T And T's A Second Chance
(M) 04/11/1998
WP85206002; Harlequin
Am CH T and T's Miss Calla Lily
(F) 04/11/1998
WP85206003; Harlequin
Am CH T And T's A Formal Affair
(F) 10/20/2003
WS06266001; Mantle
Am CH T And T's The Major General
(M) 11/03/2007
T And T's A Well Dressed Gentleman
(M) 01/08/2014
WS46159802; Mantle
T And T's Elegance In Black & White
(F) 01/08/2014
WS46159801; Harlequin
T And T's I DID It My Way
(M) 01/08/2014
WS46159804; Harlequin
Am CH T and T's Dancing With Destiny
(F) 10/20/2003
Wildwynn's Talk of The Town Orion
(M) 07/08/2005
Wildwynn's Uptown Girl Orion
(F) 07/08/2005
WS14409005; Harlequin
Wildwynn's Duck & Run
; Harlequin
Am CH Romance's He's A Smooth Operator
(M) 12/14/2010
WS36157306; Harlequin

Romance N Rose's Band Me In Black N White
(F) 04/24/2014
WS46999708; Mantle
Gcd Jammin Till The Jam Is Through
(F) 08/03/2017
WS62668901; Mantle
GCD Positive Vibes Radiating
(F) 12/17/2016
; Harlequin
Romance N Rose's Jada Omega Secret
(F) 04/24/2014
WS46999707; Mantle
Michaeldane JB Chatty Cathy Rose
(F) 04/23/2018
Rose Grimoire's Aron's Secret
(M) 04/22/2017
WS56843301; Mantle
Am CH Rose Omega's Precious Snow White
(F) 04/22/2017
WS56873302; Harlequin
Am CH Rose Omega's Thunder Hammer
(M) 04/22/2017
WS56843301; Mantle
Rosedane GB Pearl of Secrect Prophacy
(F) 04/22/2017
WS56843305; Harlequin
Romance's Magic Mike
(M) 07/08/2012
WS41595901; Mantle
Romance's Radiant Rose
(F) 12/19/2012
WS42872901; Mantle
Romance's Leather and Lace
(F) 03/29/2015
Romance's Magically Moonstruck
(F) 06/10/2016
WS54219802; Mantle
Romance's Ziva Rose
; Mantle