River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion
(M) 02/21/1956
W690303; Fawn
Bryndane's Bianca
(F) 07/11/1958
W 921859; Fawn
Am CH Charbo's Golden Czar
(M) 06/19/1960
WA97017; Fawn
CH Highgait's Czarina
CH Hamon's Sheba
Am CH Harmon's Sheba
(F) 12/19/1961
WA108388; Fawn
Am CH Bodon's Daniel V Regenbogen
WA834118; Fawn
Dutchess Sheba of Arustin
Dunne's Bonny Brett
Am CH St. James Brigitta
(F) 01/01/1971
WB841617; Fawn
Am & Can Ch St. James Gideon
WB947972; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Bodon's de Caesar V Regenbogen
Am CH Del Rado's Canis Major
(M) 02/07/1969
WB291284; Fawn

Chee-Odin's Major Delight
(F) 04/15/1971
WB940489; Fawn
Am CH Del Rado's El Diablo
WC266269; Fawn
Del Rado's Nikolai V Chee Odin
Am CH Imperial J's Joyous Lyndee
(F) 03/07/1973
WC427809; Fawn
Am CH Rimar's Bellissima del Rado
(F) 02/07/1969
WB401184; Fawn
Bodon's Miss Assist
(F) 05/30/1964
WA 527635; Fawn
Boden's Cameo Girl Von Fury
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
(F) 05/02/1966
WA 847073; Fawn
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
WB249111; Fawn
Colonial's Madam Fury V Bodon
Charbo's Shining Sirius
Major's Mark of Glencoe
Charbo's Tammy
Charbo's Picina V Rimar
Am CH Upland's Demon
(M) 12/17/1960
WA231849; Fawn
Am CH Bonanza Hoss of Wellswood
(M) 02/24/1963
WA349166; Fawn
CH Dane-Acre's Carrie
; Fawn
CH Dane-Acre's Cameo
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Cameo Caprice
Dane-Acre's Fantasia
Can Ch Dane-Acre's Kissing Bandit
(M) 10/23/1969
; Fawn
CH Wellswood Geni
Am CH Wellswood Laurel
(F) 02/21/1965
WA603179; Fawn
Am CH Copper Fella of Wellswood
WA603180; Fawn

Am CH Arndale's Miss McCoy of Betts
(F) 04/28/1971
WC056978; Brindle
Arndale's Miss Sydney of Betts
(F) 04/28/1971
WB921441; Brindle
Bandit V
Wellswood Bar Bee
Am CH Tivoli's Eli Argintar
WA984689; Fawn
Am CH Tivoli's Emmily
WA984684; Fawn
Am CH Tivoli's Erikke
WA984686; Fawn
Tivoli's Esa
; Fawn
Am CH Cedardane's Roman Astaroth
(M) 08/18/1966
WA806836; Brindle
Bru's Rapscallion of Shijo
; Fawn
CH Bru's Razzmatazz at Cedardane
WB214828; Brindle
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Lorre
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Penny
; Fawn
CH Cedardane's Razzy Wisecrack
Bru's Romping Roge of Shijo
; Fawn
Bru's Romping Rougue of Shijo
Am CH Bru's Zingaling of Shijo
(F) 09/21/1968
WB214830; Fawn

Cedardane's Star Seraph
; Brindle
Cedardane's Star Thorn
; Brindle
Cedardane's Wondrous Demonio
; Brindle
Am CH Cedardane's Nellian Diablo
Evelina T of Farradane
Farradanes Lady Madonna
(F) 01/17/1976
WD408034; Brindle
Am CH Cedardane's Roman Belias
(F) 08/18/1966
WA806843; Fawn
Am CH Cedardane's Belle Saadi
(M) 02/03/1971
WB810101; Fawn
Cedardane's Belle Vashi
(F) 02/03/1971
WB810106; Fawn
Evelina T of Farradane
Farradane's Butch Cassidy
(M) 01/08/1974
WD023375; Fawn
Farradane's Cat Balou
(F) 01/08/1974
WD023376; Fawn
Am CH Meyer's Dane Daphne
(F) 04/20/1964
WA461896; Fawn
Am CH Meyer's Dane Dawn O' Gold
(F) 04/20/1964
WA461895; Fawn
Meyer's Dane Dresden Doll
Am CH Meyer's Dane Drummer Boy
(M) 04/20/1964
WA461892; Fawn
Meyer's Dane Duchess of Earl
; Fawn
Upland's Amulet
Upland's Grand Duke
CH Wellswood Jewel
Am CH Copper Fella of Wellswood
WA603180; Fawn

Am CH Arndale's Miss McCoy of Betts
(F) 04/28/1971
WC056978; Brindle
Arndale's Miss Sydney of Betts
(F) 04/28/1971
WB921441; Brindle
Bandit V
Wellswood Bar Bee
Am CH Bryndane's Boris
(M) 07/11/1958
W 921856; Fawn
Golden Imp of Exeter
Am CH Diana of Danewold
(F) 04/12/1962
WA321708; Fawn
Honey Hollow Onyx of Danewold
; Black

Am CH Honey Hollow Beaux Yeux
W902746; Brindle
Daneboa's Beaux Caprice
Brightfield Beau Charlie
Diara's Grindle
Am CH Emerald Hill's Bold Ruler v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD654047; Brindle
Emerald Hill's Native Dancer v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
; Fawn
CH Eml'd Hill's Bold Rulervdiara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD651017; Brindle
Am CH Daneboa's Brightfield Ventur
Am CH Daneboa's Wendy
WC90840; Fawn
Daneboa's Laurel Lee
Titolia's Deedle-D of Jubilee
(F) 01/28/1971
WB889765; Brindle
Danericks Delilah ex Deanvyu
; Fawn
Robmars Joshua Smith
Daneboa's Carbon Copy
WA259648; Black
Daneboa's Golden Mist
(F) 04/21/1968
WA561285; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Diplomat
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913821; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Daneboa Kelly's Merry Mark
Daneboa's Lord Chester
Daneboa's Menchic Kaboola
Daneboa's Rock-A-Fella
Golden Grizelda of Nordic
CH Daneboa's Jolly Roger
Am CH Daneboa's Uproar
(M) 11/06/1967
WB119304; Fawn
Kristania's Magna Turk
WB506519; Fawn
CH Russia's Risin' Rebel
Daneboa's Happy Harry
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Daneboa's Royal Impression
Daneboa's Victor
Hi-Jinx Sunglow Topaz CD
Hijinx Brutus of Graham
; Fawn
Hijinx Sassy Lady
Hijinx Spartacus of Graham
; Fawn
Small Hollybell V Graymanor
; Brindle
Highflight Teta Tete
Duke of Seigfried
Jo-K's Brenna CD
Lady Cassandra of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Thor
(M) 08/22/1966
WA845695; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Molly Bee
(F) 08/22/1966
WA913818; Fawn
Honey Hollow Mark O'Beaux
CH Honey Hollow Princess Sarata
Dane-Acre's Princess Zsa-Zsa
; Brindle
Sansco's Bathsheba
Sansco's Grand Slam II
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Sunday's Angel
Dane-Acre's Baron V Bodon
Dane-Acre's Ebb-Tide
Kingsbridge Amelia
Am CH Daneboa's Harvey
(M) 11/08/1963
WA449604; Brindle
CH Kingsbridge Kolossus
Lady Cassandra of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Thor
(M) 08/22/1966
WA845695; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Molly Bee
(F) 08/22/1966
WA913818; Fawn
Am CH Pedernales Von Riesenhof
(F) 12/06/1963
WA507284; Brindle
Athens Red Riverdane
; Brindle
Bowie Red Riverdane
; Fawn
CH Early Red Riverdane
(M) 12/30/1970
Earth Red Riverdane
(F) 12/30/1970
WB772939; Fawn
Electra Red Riverdane
(F) 12/30/1970
Decatur Red Riverdane
Deltadane's Assyria
Childress Red Riverdane
WB520522; Brindle
CH Early Red Riverdane
(M) 12/30/1970
Deltadane's Assyria
Earth Red Riverdane
(F) 12/30/1970
WB772939; Fawn
Electra Red Riverdane
(F) 12/30/1970
Von Riesenhof Beauregard
Ponder's King Brutus
Von Riesenhof Grindle
; Brindle
Von Riesenhof Chaparral
(M) 06/04/1967
WB089539; Brindle
Von Riesenhof Polara
WB181887; Brindle
Von Riesenhof Star Fire
; Fawn
Honey Hollow Delight v Dion
Dane Amor's Pandora V Dana
Am CH Adonic Ace of Staats
(M) 03/01/1962
WA281851; Fawn
Am CH Atilla of Staats
(M) 11/21/1963
WA397614; Fawn
Devrok's Luck Be A Lady
WA956908; Fawn
Devrok's Mad Mad Monday
; Fawn
Devrok's Quite A Doll
WB587583; Fawn
Devrok's Quo Titan Sabak CD
Am CH Devrok's You Devil You
WB868322; Fawn
Am CH Devrok's Yum Yum of Bardo
WB942450; Fawn
Honey Hollow Dion's April
Am CH Honey Hollow Broadway Jim
(M) 08/08/1962
WA290234; Fawn

Am CH Honey Hollow Broadway Encore
Jason's Hebeshe V Polldane
Mr. Beau Jangles V Dudley
(M) 08/04/1972
Am CH Polldane's Jason Dandi-Dandy
(F) 02/12/1970
WB534452; Fawn

Polldane's Jason's Dot-C-Dots
(F) 02/12/1970
Am CH Polldane's Jason's Mery Merily
(F) 02/12/1970
Polldane's Penny Von Woodward
Am CH Honey Hollow Broadway Guy
(M) 01/28/1966
WA705773; Fawn
Broadway Princess Pat
WB280096; Fawn
Am CH Broadway Annie Oakley
(F) 04/25/1970
WB695776; Fawn
Am CH Broadway Buffalo Bill
WB695777; Fawn
Broadway Oh Calcutta
; Fawn
Am CH Broadway Stage Door Johnny
WB280098; Fawn
CH Honey Hollow Stagedoor Johnny
Rob's Broadway Grenadier
WA980980; Fawn
Honey Hollow Caljimark Thor
Am CH Gina's Smile v Sirius
WC139890; Brindle
Cayenne's Lotte Lenya
Tara Lynn's Jason
CH Honey Hollow Cameo Caprice
Honey Hollow Cici's A'noel
Loch Tara Cheech V Sultan
WA789210; Fawn
Loch Tara Hans-Sohn V Donner
(M) 06/13/1965
Loch Tara Turbo Furens
CH Dane-Acre's Carrie
; Fawn
CH Dane-Acre's Cameo
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Cameo Caprice
Dane-Acre's Fantasia
Can Ch Dane-Acre's Kissing Bandit
(M) 10/23/1969
; Fawn
CH Dane-Acre's Rebel
Dane-Acre's Lucianna
; Fawn
Can Ch Dane-Acre's Robin the Hood
; Fawn
Three Springs Ana of Dane Mate
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Lisette
CH Dane-Acre's Rebel
Can Ch Delmanor's Fantasia
CH Lisette of Dane-Acre
CH Marksman of Dane-Acre's
CH Dane-Acre's Cameo
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Cameo Caprice
Renee V Kim of Dane-Acres
CH Honey Hollow Donna Dee
Am CH Honey Hollow Golden Sooner
(M) 08/19/1965
WA645165; Fawn
CH Honey Hollow Frivolous Tawny
Honey Hollow Deutsche Dame
(F) 09/21/1967
Int, Fin, Nwy & Swd Ch Honey Hollow Jaqueline
DKK 315154/246374; Fawn

Int, Fin, Nor & Swd Ch Troldegaard's Aramis
S12709/67; Fawn
Troldegaards Anita
Troldegaards Clou
Troldegaards Elsa
Honey Hollow Rimmugygi
; Fawn
Honeydoon Dana
WA688795; Fawn
Am CH Thorwald's Brunhilde
(F) 01/22/1969
WB333579; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi Sultan
(M) 08/08/1962
WA296554; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Glorilane's Billy Bonick
WA730741; Fawn
Dunkirk's Prima Donna
Dunkirk's Challenger
Dunkirk's Imperial
WC549255; Black
Dunkirk's Vega
WC549252; Black
Can Ch Kemac's Mirror Image
; Fawn
Kemac's Sassy Frass
WB784711; Fawn
Milrose Yorick
WC296925; Fawn
Am CH Glorilane's Blaze D'Amber
(F) 05/04/1966
WA730738; Fawn
Can.Ch. Glorilane's Bluff N Bluster
WA730740; Brindle
Glorilane's La Grande Monde
WB343284; Black
Loch Tara Cheech V Sultan
WA789210; Fawn
Honey Hollow Dion's Lord Jim
; Black
Honey Hollow Margo of Tomar
; Black
Honey Hollow Black Derek
; Black
Kristian's Dark Delilah
; Black
Kristian's Bismarck
(M) 12/29/1972
WC480912; Harlequin
Am CH Honey Hollow J-Bar Maverick
(M) 07/12/1963
WA36424; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Honey Hollow Jabar's Thunder
WA367214; Black
Con Amore Chere Brandy Sue
; Fawn
Be Nicole Again v Heldenheim
; Black
Big Brutus von Heldenheim
Heldenheim's Cha-Di V Loch Tara
; Black
Am CH Loch Tara Chaida Apollo V Src
WA830248; Fawn
Loch Tara Chaida Ebony Noria
(F) 05/04/1966
WA789213; Black
Loch Tara Chaida Ebony Thor
; Black
Loch Tara Chaida Golden Donar
; Fawn
Am CH Loch Tara Chaida Thunder
(M) 05/04/1966
WA789214; Fawn
Loch Tara Hello Jabar
; Black
Loch Tara Ja-An Windihil
Loch Tara Hello Jabar
; Black
Src's Helga Von Thunder
Am CH Honey Hollow Tall Timber
WA280951; Black

CH Honey Hollow My Own Tar Baby
Nigella of Auburn Hill
(F) 01/13/1964
WA433671; Black
Honey Hollow Big Red
Am CH Honey Hollow Golden Sooner
(M) 08/19/1965
WA645165; Fawn
Honey Hollow Honey Bea
WA590841; Fawn
Honey Hollow Gae-A V Glorilane
WA880645; Black
Glorilane's La Grande Monde
WB343284; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Timber
Ace of Spades Cleopatra CD
(F) 05/28/1967
WB162720; Black
Ace of Spades Timberlynn
(F) 05/28/1967
Baron Von Steuben
Honey Hollow Midland's Joy
Honey Hollow Stormi Venus
Honey Hollow Lady of Chatham
Honey Hollow's Stormi Venus
Honey Hollow Aramis
Myers Commancho Boy
(M) 09/25/1967
WB044825; Fawn
T.T.'s Comet of Ravenblu
(M) 02/10/1965
WA551365; Black
Tall Timber's Comet of Ravenblu
Am CH Honey Hollow Sir Guy of Tomar
CH Paldane's Dandy Dancer
WA392398; Fawn
Dancer's Kimson of Paldane
; Fawn
Andmor's Rock of Paldane
; Fawn
Honey Hollow Whisp of Tomar
Honey Hollow Dark Deidre
Prince Hamlet Von Elsinore II
Honey Hollow Dionna V Dion
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi Dawn
Honey Hollow Dawns Sunrise
; Fawn
Honey Hollow Mistress CD
(F) 11/25/1963
WA436970; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Donner
(M) 02/12/1959
W976457; Black

Angello's Dixie Countess
Am CH Diana of Danewold
(F) 04/12/1962
WA321708; Fawn
Greco's Rothgar
; Black
Laurado's Black Atlas
(M) 10/26/1967
WB149531; Black
Laurado's Black Andrea
WB518494; Black
Laurado's Black Armun
WB751847; Black
Laurado's Black Dinah
Laurado's Bleau Royale
(M) 10/26/1967
WB150846; Blue
Laurado's Blue Mist
(F) 10/26/1967
; Blue
Laurado's Blue of Silver Dawn CDX
(M) 10/26/1967
WB183158; Blue
Honey Hollow Black Derek
; Black
Kristian's Dark Delilah
; Black
Kristian's Bismarck
(M) 12/29/1972
WC480912; Harlequin
Honey Hollow Cici's A'noel
Loch Tara Cheech V Sultan
WA789210; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Donner's Gypsy
(F) 10/22/1963
WA410608; Black
Paynedane's Dutch Patches
(M) 12/11/1967
Am CH Honey Hollow J-Bar Maverick
(M) 07/12/1963
WA36424; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Honey Hollow Jabar's Thunder
WA367214; Black
Con Amore Chere Brandy Sue
; Fawn
Be Nicole Again v Heldenheim
; Black
Heldenheim's Pretty Penny
WC121101; Black
Big Brutus von Heldenheim
Countess Dagmar's Grand Greta
Heldenheim's Cha-Di V Loch Tara
; Black
Am CH Loch Tara Chaida Apollo V Src
WA830248; Fawn
Loch Tara Chaida Ebony Noria
(F) 05/04/1966
WA789213; Black
Loch Tara Chaida Ebony Thor
; Black
Loch Tara Chaida Golden Donar
; Fawn
Am CH Loch Tara Chaida Thunder
(M) 05/04/1966
WA789214; Fawn
Loch Tara Hello Jabar
; Black
Loch Tara Ja-An Windihil
Loch Tara Hello Jabar
; Black
Src's Helga Von Thunder
Honey Hollow Lone Jack Lance
(M) 10/22/1963
Am CH Honey Hollow Machen of Donner
(F) 10/25/1961
WA236968; Fawn
Honey Hollow Onyx of Danewold
; Black

Am CH Honey Hollow Tall Timber
WA280951; Black

CH Honey Hollow My Own Tar Baby
Nigella of Auburn Hill
(F) 01/13/1964
WA433671; Black
Honey Hollow Big Red
Am CH Honey Hollow Golden Sooner
(M) 08/19/1965
WA645165; Fawn
Honey Hollow Honey Bea
WA590841; Fawn
Honey Hollow Gae-A V Glorilane
WA880645; Black
Glorilane's La Grande Monde
WB343284; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Timber
Ace of Spades Cleopatra CD
(F) 05/28/1967
WB162720; Black
Haltmeier's Black Herr Bodi
; Black
Ace of Spades Timberlynn
(F) 05/28/1967
Baron Von Steuben
Baron's Beau Geste of Dane Hill
; Black
Moses of Dane Hill
Von Blue Max
Honey Hollow Midland's Joy
Honey Hollow Stormi Venus
Honey Hollow Lady of Chatham
Honey Hollow Watt's My Dad Kim
Honey Hollow's Stormi Venus
Honey Hollow Aramis
Myers Commancho Boy
(M) 09/25/1967
WB044825; Fawn
T.T.'s Comet of Ravenblu
(M) 02/10/1965
WA551365; Black
Tall Timber's Comet of Ravenblu
Loch Tara Hans-Sohn V Donner
(M) 06/13/1965
Loch Tara Turbo Furens
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968
WB378944; Black
Am CH Long Jacks Great Satan
; Black
Prince Gallant Gibralter
Am CH Ravenblu's Last Hurrah
(F) 02/20/1965
WA551363; Fawn
Ravenblu's Franz Joseph
Wyndane's Jet Noir of J-Bar
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Heidion Heide
Am CH Honey Hollow Jackson's Talley
CH Honey Hollow My Own Tar Baby
Nigella of Auburn Hill
(F) 01/13/1964
WA433671; Black
Honey Hollow Kikuppa Storm
Honey Hollow Parsifal
Am CH Honey Hollow Plato Renate
(M) 07/31/1963
WA382823; Fawn
Honey Hollow Charlie Big
Honey Hollow Aramis
Honey Hollow Lady of Chatham
Am CH Honey Hollow Our Hello Dolly CD
(F) 06/14/1965
WA628823; Fawn
Honey Hollow the Contessa
Honey Hollow Big Kim's Khandine
Am CH Honey Hollow Linda Mia Again
W962575; Fawn
Daneboa's Great Impact
WA466634; Fawn
Bold Ghengis Khan of Wynridge
; Fawn
Brightfield's Merry Miss
; Fawn
Brightfield's Clamordane Hud
Gabriel Clyda Rosebud
Brutus Kong
Blackwell's Bruce of Yordane
Danas Eloise
(F) 01/21/1968
Am CH Daneboa's Custom Maid
Daneboa's Beau Tod II
Daneboa's Menchic Kaboola
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Daneboa's Rock-A-Fella
Daneboa's Royal Impression
Daneboa's Victor
Hi-Jinx Sunglow Topaz CD
Hijinx Brutus of Graham
; Fawn
Hijinx Sassy Lady
Hijinx Spartacus of Graham
; Fawn
Small Hollybell V Graymanor
; Brindle
Am CH Daneboa's Wendy
WC90840; Fawn
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
WB141365; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn

Ashbun Acres Affidavit
; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981688; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Cool Million
(M) 09/13/1973
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Daneboa Kelly's Merry Mark
Daneboa's Lord Chester
Darawa Saradane of Turra-Dane
(F) 02/27/1968
Saradane's Classic Beauty
Saradane's Ginger
Saradane's Golden Echo of Fury
Saradane's Sofisticated Lady
; Brindle
Saradane's Tytus of Impact
WB348836; Brindle
Daneboa's Sheer Delight
Daneboa's Beaux Caprice
Brightfield Beau Charlie
Diara's Grindle
Am CH Daneboa's Brightfield Ventur
Am CH Daneboa's Wendy
WC90840; Fawn
Daneboa's Laurel Lee
Titolia's Deedle-D of Jubilee
(F) 01/28/1971
WB889765; Brindle
Danericks Delilah ex Deanvyu
; Fawn
Robmars Joshua Smith
Am CH Daneboa's Uproar
(M) 11/06/1967
WB119304; Fawn
Kristania's Magna Turk
WB506519; Fawn
CH Russia's Risin' Rebel
Am CH Fury's Thunder of Daneboa
WA425555; Fawn
Am CH Balthazar's Princess Eugenia
Brightfield's Clamordane Hud
Gabriel Clyda Rosebud
Daneboa's Beau Tod II
Am CH Daneboa's Diplomat
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913821; Fawn
Daneboa's Golden Thor
(M) 08/22/1966
WA845695; Fawn
Daneboa's Laurel Lee
Titolia's Deedle-D of Jubilee
(F) 01/28/1971
WB889765; Brindle
Daneboa's Maxx A Million
Am CH Daneboa's Molly Bee
(F) 08/22/1966
WA913818; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn

Ashbun Acres Affidavit
; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981688; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Cool Million
(M) 09/13/1973
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Daneboa Kelly's Merry Mark
Daneboa's Lord Chester
Daneboa's Menchic Kaboola
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Daneboa's Rock-A-Fella
Golden Grizelda of Nordic
Fritz V Balthazar
CH Miss Heide of Rothenburg
(F) 05/01/1970
Hijinx Sun Dance
; Fawn
Hijinx Anthony of Graham
Hijinx-Springhollow Sun Baby
WB858513; Fawn
Am CH Ozark Crest Beau Regarde
(M) 03/11/1966
WA780482; Brindle
Ozark Crest City Squire
(M) 11/09/1966
; Brindle
Ozark Crest Dark Venture
(M) 11/09/1966
WA922208; Brindle
Ozark Crest Golden Rule
(F) 04/24/1969
WB452300; Fawn
Ozark Crest Hondo
(M) 04/24/1969
WB453136; Brindle
Ozark Crest My Regards CD
(F) 03/11/1966
WA780481; Brindle
Darawa Saradane of Turra-Dane
(F) 02/27/1968
Saradane's Golden Echo of Fury
Saradane's Sofisticated Lady
; Brindle
Ozark Crest Paper Doll
(F) 04/24/1969
WB448150; Brindle
Am CH Ozark Crest Sparkle Plenty
(F) 04/24/1969
WB454117; Fawn
Ozark Crest Tiger Lily
(F) 11/09/1966
WB395231; Brindle
Am CH Ozark Crest Tops of Kristania
(M) 11/09/1966
WB210751; Fawn
Am CH Ozark Crest Wotan
(M) 11/09/1966
WB146260; Fawn
Pffhazaazz of Ozark Crest
WA761855; Brindle
Princess Bea
Daneboa's Happy Harry
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Taurus V Lindi-Dane
Tina Marie of Sherico
Kingsbridge Amelia
Am CH Daneboa's Harvey
(M) 11/08/1963
WA449604; Brindle
Honey Hollow Nemesis
Elizabeth of Westwood
Acerino's Babe V Barkel
(F) 02/04/1968
Kaiser Von Brewmeister
Pandora La Traviesa
Peggy's Pandera
; Harlequin
Tony of Westwood
WA445404; Black
Bolero of Westwood
Jedynak's Herr Burgermiester
WB592819; Black / White
Brutus of Dixie Leigh
; Black
Dixie Leigh's Basic Black
WB626582; Black
Bruts Force of Dixie Light
(M) 10/11/1971
WC22316; Black
Cajac's Etta Place
Am CH Carjac's Etta Place
(F) 01/23/1974
WC701084; Black
Carjac's Johnny Ringo
(M) 01/23/1974
WC730580; Black
CH Carjac's Sam Bass
(M) 10/11/1971
WC105283; Black
Duchess Mitzy of Lockmanor
Grafin Der Schwarzberg
A Daisy
Windy Dande Lion
(F) 07/28/1970
Lady of Westsood
WA860077; Black
Son Del's Kismet
Story of Dixiedane
(F) 12/29/1968
; Black
Tra Mar's Westwood Athena
(F) 10/01/1966
Honey Hollow Penny of Lansee CD
Am CH Tozer's Golden Rex
(M) 03/14/1965
WA560482; Fawn

Baroness Von Sabra
Son-of-a-Gun of Arle Dane
Dudley-Do-Right of Fauna
(M) 10/06/1970
; Fawn
Mr. Beau Jangles V Dudley
(M) 08/04/1972
CH Erasmus Alcibiades
CH Fauna von Leslie Dane
WB92413; Fawn
Dudley-Do-Right of Fauna
(M) 10/06/1970
; Fawn
Mr. Beau Jangles V Dudley
(M) 08/04/1972
Am CH Fauna's Golden Echo v Leslie
WB721490; Fawn
Stonehenge Echo v Joaquin
Am CH Fauna's Golden Echo v Leslie
WB721490; Fawn
Stonehenge Echo v Joaquin
Leslie's Calamity Jane
Leslie's Eleanor Lee
Leslie's Miss Honey Loper
(F) 01/24/1968
Am CH Leslie's Thumper V Barnhardt
WB117945; Fawn
Am CH Leslie's Venus of Rose Dane
(F) 01/24/1968
WB138303; Fawn
Am CH Me No Naughty
WB91040; Fawn
Morrison's King George
Am CH Weiner's Bruno of Leslie Dane
WB91095; Fawn
Am CH Jupiter of Exeter
(M) 01/10/1958
W875762; Fawn
Knajar's Tammy
Am CH Knajar's Altair of Westview
WA694570; Fawn
Knajar's Rufus
; Brindle
Falconroc Escapade Louis Bourg
(F) 04/29/1972
Louis Bourg Legacy v Falconroc
() 07/02/1974
; Brindle
Falconroc Lord Essex
(M) 04/29/1972
Miller's Tanyah of Debrick
; Brindle
Knajar's Apollo
Phidabe's Abigail
; Fawn
Knajar's Bold Venture
Gildan's Mardi Gras
WA611362; Brindle
CH Roc 'N Ril Terror Of Marydane
Roc N Ril's Rhapsody
WB590335; Fawn

Roc N Ril's Ringleader
Roc N Ril's Thunder of Meja
WB620669; Fawn
Roc'n Ril's Miss Brindle Dorcas
WB209501; Brindle
Knajar's Dominique
Am CH Knajar's Balletina
(F) 03/01/1969
WB413915; Fawn
Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Aldydane's Fontina
Knajar's Georgie Girl
Beezy's Bandi of Woodbrook CD
(F) 12/01/1970
Beezy's Golden Fantasy
Beezy's Sweet Georgia
Knajar's Marmaduke P. Body
; Brindle
Knajar's Merrymaker
; Fawn
CH Knajar's Brandy of Belmont
(F) 03/10/1972
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
Knajar's Michele Mabel
; Brindle
Lisebon of Blaublitz
; Harlequin
Bascolm vom Winston
(F) 03/31/1965
WA600339; Harlequin
Riko's Apple of My Eye
; Harlequin
Riko's I've Been Spotted
(F) 09/20/1969
WB569531; Harlequin
Riko's Khan
(M) 09/20/1969
WB506400; Harlequin

Riko's Meiko
Knights Schatze of Bo-Mar
Taylor's Nui Ba Den
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Baron von Koenigstein
(M) 10/13/1962
WA309105; Fawn
Cassandra of Wellswood
CH Wellswood Geni
Am CH Wellswood Laurel
(F) 02/21/1965
WA603179; Fawn
Am CH Lukay's Delphinus
(F) 09/29/1964
WA527140; Fawn
Lukay's Star Gemma
WB336265; Fawn
Mimi von Koenigstein
WA342729; Brindle
Can Ch Anka Von Koenigstein
WB134869 / 846229; Brindle
CH Baron Boris V Koenigstein
WC9954; Fawn
Elle Von Koenigstein
(F) 11/05/1971
Eric von Koenigstein II
(M) 11/05/1971
WC015134; Brindle
Miss Schiendeldecker
; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Tara von Koenigstein CD
; Brindle
Kolyer's Kow Tow Kim of Hedgerow
Holly Von Hofsass
; Fawn
Am CH Rolf Von Koenigstein II
(M) 09/05/1966
WA918610; Fawn
Sigrid von Koenigstein
WA815274; Brindle
Holly Von Hofsass
; Fawn
Miss A.O.K. of Wellswood
CH Bittel's Gemini Cricket
(F) 03/24/1965
; Fawn
Am CH Bittel's Jagla
(M) 02/14/1966
WA811305; Brindle
Dane Amor's Princess Starlight
; Brindle
Walker's Golden Lady
; Fawn
CH Mary's Valentine Joe Joe
Am CH Tivoli's Quebec
WA726098; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle

Alfie of Dane Manor
(M) 05/09/1967
Alloran's Beaumont
Audric's Mark von Lauritz
; Fawn
Am BIS Ch Bart Spanish of Bella Dane
(M) 02/15/1964
WA441042; Brindle

CH Don Diego of Hayron
WA784548; Brindle
Showdane's Anna Ivanovna
WB230011; Fawn
Am CH Showdane's Attila The Hun
Thunderdane's Captain Chord
(M) 06/26/1969
WB403568; Brindle
Am CH Thunderdane's Classic Major
(M) 06/26/1969
WB425494; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
WA784549; Brindle
Hayron's Jamber Joy
Am CH Hayron's Jingle Belle
Am CH Hayron's Johnny My Boy
(M) 11/19/1969
WB502393; Brindle
Am CH Hayron's Kristi
Hayron's Krusader King
Hayron's O'Rion Sunday Man
Hayron's O'Shannon CD
(F) 02/27/1973
CH Hayron's O'Shay
(M) 02/27/1973
WC569465; Brindle
Teridane's Ana-Lisa D'Oro
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Elbils Tiara Tar Face of Taffy
Elbils Solid Gold Apache
(M) 05/01/1970
Gillfjells Sidereal Pride
WB304487; Brindle
Am CH Hayne's Lorie
(F) 10/22/1965
WA664556; Brindle
Hayron Peterson Giggles
; Brindle
Ki-Dane's Noble Image
Am CH King's Golden Challenge
(M) 07/02/1967
WA993291; Brindle
Am CH Peterson's Taco v Lindi-Dane
WB136333; Brindle
Am CH Bart's Faith of Ran-Lyn
(F) 10/13/1970
WB849410; Brindle
Am CH Kal-Dayn's Odyssey V Zeus
(M) 05/24/1976
WD648835; Brindle
Am CH Bella Duchess of Jeb Ranch
(F) 06/15/1964
WA468129; Fawn
Am CH Bellador's James Bond
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
(M) 02/15/1965
WA441041; Fawn

Can Ch Anka Von Koenigstein
WB134869 / 846229; Brindle
CH Baron Boris V Koenigstein
WC9954; Fawn
Elle Von Koenigstein
(F) 11/05/1971
Eric von Koenigstein II
(M) 11/05/1971
WC015134; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Tara von Koenigstein CD
; Brindle
Dane-Acre's Lisette
CH Dane-Acre's Rebel
Kolyer's Kow Tow Kim of Hedgerow
Holly Von Hofsass
; Fawn
CH Lisette of Dane-Acre
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968
WB378944; Black
Am CH Long Jacks Great Satan
; Black
CH Marksman of Dane-Acre's
CH Dane-Acre's Cameo
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Cameo Caprice
Am CH Nandane's Shalimar
(F) 06/10/1966
WA819891; Fawn
Am CH Nandane's Sweet Silhouette
WA833910; Brindle
Am CH Nandane's SweetPea
(F) 06/10/1966
WA799021; Fawn
Ravenblu's Franz Joseph
Renee V Kim of Dane-Acres
Am CH Rolf Von Koenigstein II
(M) 09/05/1966
WA918610; Fawn
Sigrid von Koenigstein
WA815274; Brindle
Holly Von Hofsass
; Fawn
Am CH Abraham von Waldheim
; Fawn
Am, Bda & Can Ch Baronin Kimimi V Koenigstein
(F) 10/26/1967
WB47383; Brindle
Beaudane's Cassandra
Ardlyn's Ceres Sherritu UD TD
Sabila's Alexi of Ardlyn
(F) 05/02/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Wakefield's Daisy Clover
WB876409; Fawn
Am CH Broadway Annie Oakley
(F) 04/25/1970
WB695776; Fawn
Am CH Broadway Buffalo Bill
WB695777; Fawn
Broadway Oh Calcutta
; Fawn
Geller's Broadway India
; Fawn
Dacar's Beautiful Bit of Rora
Lieberfreund's Bit of Blarney
Dacar's Bit a Sweet v Waco
Beckrex My Stars v Pegasus
Am CH Dacar's Burgandy Royal
WA775788; Brindle
Da Maris' Anastasia
Am CH Dacar's D'Kim Royal v Prin-Zel
Dacar's Valentine Von Char-Kay
Am CH Prin-zel's Kahlua of Dacar
(F) 01/26/1974
WC699117; Brindle
Sinlay's Siegerin V Burgandy
Dancer's Kimson of Paldane
; Fawn
Andmor's Rock of Paldane
; Fawn
Am CH Danelagh's Saga
(F) 03/22/1968
WB100576; Fawn
Saga's Akush
WC459827; Fawn
Saga's Alataka
WC497107; Fawn
Am CH Saga's Anya
WC497106; Fawn
Saga's Athla
WC509654; Fawn
Saga's Avachoya
; Fawn
Saga's Aya
; Fawn
Am CH Sega's Anya
Danelagh's Skjonn
WB100583; Fawn
Tar Baby Nuba
WB876627; Black
Danelagh's Sogne
WB100580; Fawn
Danelyn's Maxibeau
WB086879; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Danelyn's Miss Marcie
WB776122; Fawn
Davelyn's Texas Yanke v Kolyer
WB410203; Fawn
Am CH Caleb IV
WC359936; Fawn
Hutchinson's Lady of Davelyn
(F) 06/17/1970
WB750425; Fawn
Thor of Davelyn Danes
WB672979; Fawn
Am CH Duncan of Stornoway
Am CH Ellismuir Lady Iona
Levigne's Eleanor of Rhomboid
Can Ch Shelma's Marmaduke von Moravia
; Fawn
Enchanted Elsa of Hayron
Hayron's Jamber Joy
Am CH Hayron's Jingle Belle
Am CH Hayron's Johnny My Boy
(M) 11/19/1969
WB502393; Brindle
Fanta Athena of Breaside
; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's A Kiss of Kim Dak
(F) 10/19/1971
WC95760; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's Abraham von Waldheim
(M) 10/19/1971
WC92759; Fawn
Dancing Doll von Waldheim
; Fawn
Fanta's Danaity v Chatawa
; Brindle
Abe's Isaac von Waldheim
; Fawn
Am CH Abe's Liten Flicka of Mel-San
(F) 06/02/1974
WC779088; Fawn
Annabella vom Waldheim
Consider Me Tops von Waldheim
CH Danehill's Able Von Waldheim CD
(M) 11/05/1976
WD558057; Fawn
Danehill's Adam von Waldheim
(M) 11/05/1976
; Fawn
Klimko's Bella Rose of Mel-San
Mel-San's Ecstasy
WD889517; Brindle
Mel-San's Fig Newton
; Fawn
My-Jon's Magda Von Waldheim
WD568770; Fawn
Princeton's Icon Von Waldheim
WD879120; Fawn
Fanta's Ace in the Hole von Kim
; Fawn
Fanta's Cover Girl
(F) 07/15/1974
; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's Athena of Braeside
(F) 10/19/1971
WC122952; Fawn
Am CH Heather of Braeside
WC833615; Fawn
Am CH McAfee of Braeside
(M) 05/06/1974
WC863820; Fawn
Am CH Sultan No-White of Braeside
(M) 05/06/1974
WC787134; Fawn
Am CH Torry of Braeside
WD487189; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's-Ambassador-Of-Kim
WC21870; Fawn
Fanta's Ambassadress v Mosel
(F) 07/25/1974
WD016418; Brindle
Fanta's Bewitching Brat
WC680916; Fawn
Fanta's Bonnie Belle
Fanta's Buccaneer V Mosel
Fanta's Image of Ambassador
Ginbos Arabella of Bass
WD324151; Brindle
Glorilane Psyche of Bella-D
Greenwood's Irish Peter
Handsome's Hundchen Jetzt
WB600087; Fawn

Handsome's Love
Am CH Heidere's Apollo
(M) 11/19/1969
WB517152; Fawn
Am CH Heidere's Hamborger Deern
(F) 12/23/1967
WB097210; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heidere's Kolyer Kimbayh
(M) 12/12/1968
WB379793; Fawn

CH Baron Boris V Koenigstein
WC9954; Fawn
Elle Von Koenigstein
(F) 11/05/1971
Eric von Koenigstein II
(M) 11/05/1971
WC015134; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Tara von Koenigstein CD
; Brindle
Geller's Broadway India
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heidere's Moon Shot
(F) 11/19/1969
WB517156; Fawn

Honey Hollow Big Kim Too
Honey Hollow Big Kim's Khandine
Am CH Honey Hollow Kim's Lil' Lucifer
(M) 12/11/1967
WB114804; Fawn
Honey Hollow Kim-Jodi Julia
Honey Hollow Watt's My Dad Kim
CH Honey Hollow's Dr. Terry V Kim
Imperial-David's Kelly
(F) 06/20/1967
Irish Born to Stardom
; Fawn
Irish I Love Limelight
; Fawn
Can Ch Irish Pete of Regdane
; Fawn
Am CH Jo-Dane's I'm Diablo V Kim CD
(M) 02/24/1971
WB824652; Fawn
Jo-Dane's Kaerlighed v Kim
; Fawn
Jo-Dane's Karbon Kopy V Kim
; Fawn
Jo-Dane's Kustom Kurt V Kim
; Fawn
Am CH Jo-Dane's Leading Lady v Kim
WC227329; Fawn
Keefe's Countess Electra
WA964005; Fawn
Electra's Gypsy Tiger
(F) 08/19/1969
WB452207; Brindle
Kim's Rootie Ka-zoo
; Fawn
Am CH Kim's Sabu of Lyndane
(M) 02/22/1970
WB544151; Fawn
Kim's Tim-Bali
CH Kim's Trailblazer of Kalidane
Kimber-Lyre of Lyndane
Am CH Kolyer's Big-Ben-Be-Mine
(M) 12/12/1968
WB324194; Fawn
Kolyer's Buff Barth
(F) 10/29/1969
WB622459; Fawn
Kolyer's Everlovin' Louis
(M) 12/16/1969
WB802048; Fawn
Kolyer's F. Louie
Kolyer's Freya v d Yellowhaven
; Fawn
Kolyer's Heidere's Kim Hellion
(F) 12/12/1968
WB379792; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Kolyer's Karlen's Gar
(M) 12/19/1969
WB546288; Fawn
Kolyer's Karlen's Kim Tiffa
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Kellie
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Dino
(M) 04/24/1969
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Gina
(M) 04/24/1969
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Kellie
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Sadje of Glenwood
(M) 06/17/1969
WB426045; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Kim Sari
(F) 12/23/1967
WB130067; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Yum Yum
Kolyer's Kim-Tsa
(M) 12/10/1969
WB594782; Fawn
Kolyer's Kimbalina of Heidere
(F) 12/23/1967
WB130069; Fawn
Kolyer's Maybe Sari
; Fawn
Kolyer's Piper of Hillsdale
; Brindle
Kolyer's S. F. Louie
; Fawn
Kolyer's Tory
WC243358; Fawn
Am CH Kolyers Kowtow Kim V Hedgerow
(M) 12/23/1967
WB112841; Fawn
L'Enfant York of Wolfdane
WA768649; Fawn
Lady Kim III
Ellisacre's Candi V Sugarbush
(F) 04/24/1971
WC275678; Fawn
Sothern Belle of Sugar Bush
Milrose Yorick
WC296925; Fawn
Dutches Sheree Royal O
WC907583; Fawn
Am CH Moonraker of Bella-Dane
Am CH Sir Brutus of Greenvale
(M) 12/12/1968
WB299211; Fawn

Stapleton's Kim of Geordon's
Stornoway Darcel of Davos
Stornoway Duncan of Davos
Sukim of Lyndane
Sabuki's King
; Fawn
Sylvia's Kim-Son Apollo
(M) 06/27/1972
WC289723; Fawn
Sylvia's Kimbauh Athena
(F) 06/27/1972
WC289725; Fawn
Am CH Tyras of Stornoway
; Fawn
CH Wescol's Maximus Augustus
; Fawn
Brad-Ann's Dee Dee of Gaycrest
; Brindle
Czarina Lady
WA756344; Black / White
Blue Gene of Miramor
WB865285; Blue
Am CH Miramor's von Schwartz
Am CH Carla's Liebchen v Deedane
WA659158; Fawn
Deedane's Collette
WA821297; Fawn
Hi Jinx King's Ransom V Gemini
WB282845; Brindle
Hijinx Alexander V Gemini
; Fawn
Can Ch Hijinx King's Ransom v Gemini
; Brindle
Gemini's Dulcinea of Dee Dane
Am CH Gemini's Solicitor of Dee Dane
(M) 06/10/1970
WB620402; Fawn, Black Mask
Am CH Liebchen's Bronze Gidget
(F) 03/17/1969
WB348018; Fawn
Singerdane's Alina V Liebchen
WB166298; Fawn
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle

Rojon's Little Sheba
WB420735; Brindle
Rojon's The Desert Fox
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle

Am CH Crane's Mr. Terrific of Radwin
(M) 01/01/1967
WA932182; Fawn
Cin-Lyn's Al-Lye of Honey-Lane
WB780423; Fawn
J Caesar of Palatine Hill
(M) 08/09/1973
WC592183; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Cranedane's Javelin
WB525095; Fawn
Lord Duffus of Morstondane
Am CH Marstondane's Javelin
(F) 01/13/1974
WC693595; Fawn
Morstondane's Hercules
Am CH Yoredane's Ms D.D. Marston
WC678941; Fawn
Am CH Crane's Taste of Honi of Radwin
(F) 01/01/1967
WA930849; Fawn
D.d.'s Golden Dutchman
(M) 09/03/1966
Am CH Dacar's Dawn of Waco
(F) 03/31/1964
WA576259; Fawn
Am CH Dac-Rau's Mr Rex Again
(M) 09/17/1968
WB267651; Brindle
Kamshe's Magnificent Malibu
Rachmaninoff Joy CDX
Am & Can Ch Davos Zarina of du Kay
(F) 11/08/1965
WA687243; Brindle
Can Ch Davos Clap of Thunder
(M) 04/18/1969
WB980003; Brindle
CH Singleton's Marcus of Penn
WC987102; Brindle
Singleton's Veni Vedi Vice
CH Davos Nero of Rhomboid
Rhomboid Dee Dee Lee Grssybrk
Rhomboid Demimond Grassybrook
Rhomboid's Bettina
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Davos Sir Deacon of LBK
(M) 04/18/1969
WB750051; Brindle
Jason von Zordane
EJC451; Fawn
CH Davos Sugar Plum of Rhomboid
CH Rhomboid Angel's Alibi
Rhomboid's Apache Renegade
Davos Von Tristan
Stornoway's Deus V Machina
Am CH Davos' Baroness Zareba
(F) 04/18/1969
WB507284; Brindle
Can Ch Davos' Reagan of Tarnhows
; Fawn
Am CH Duncan of Stornoway
Stornoway Darcel of Davos
Stornoway Duncan of Davos
Am CH Tyras of Stornoway
; Fawn
Can Ch Davos' Sir Deacon of L.B.K.
CH Cinidane's King Valdemar of L.J.S.
(M) 06/21/1973
; Fawn
Miss Scheherazade
Patrikel's Tara "D"
Rockbrune's Golden Idelle
Zascha von Zordane
Am CH Deedane's Ace V Waco
(M) 06/10/1965
WA651419; Brindle
Deedane's Atlas the Titan
Deedane's Collette
WA821297; Fawn
Hi Jinx King's Ransom V Gemini
WB282845; Brindle
Hijinx Alexander V Gemini
; Fawn
Can Ch Hijinx King's Ransom v Gemini
; Brindle
Gemini's Dulcinea of Dee Dane
Am CH Gemini's Solicitor of Dee Dane
(M) 06/10/1970
WB620402; Fawn, Black Mask
Deedane's Gina of Lady Luxas
WB503992; Fawn
Deedane's Katrinka
(F) 07/24/1971
WC025421; Fawn
Deedane's Magda V Gemini
(F) 02/12/1975
WD033334; Fawn
K't Danes Chantel Azurdee
Am & Can Ch Konseler V Hildydane
WC887135; Fawn
CH Deedane's Zoe's Ransom
WA546681; Fawn
Am CH Dorridane's Sweet Molly
WC072958; Brindle
Am CH Ding's Impulse of Dorridane
WC937832; Fawn
CH Dorridane's Le Roi of Kentwood
CH Dorridane's Sioux Zee
(F) 02/10/1978
Dorridane's Sweet Dorinda
CH Dorridane's Sweet Molly Again
(F) 02/10/1978
CH Live Oak Dorridane Voyager
(M) 02/10/1978
WE068899; Brindle
Mary's Dr Brodie of Dorridane
; Brindle
Am CH Tomike's Ringer of Dorridane
WD166084; Fawn
Dorridanes Coquette
Electra's Gypsy Tiger
(F) 08/19/1969
WB452207; Brindle
Am CH Lascro of Woodlands
(M) 03/30/1971
WC110308; Brindle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
(M) 03/30/1971
WB816055; Fawn
Am CH Ding's Impulse of Dorridane
WC937832; Fawn
CH Dorridane's Le Roi of Kentwood
CH Dorridane's Sioux Zee
(F) 02/10/1978
Dorridane's Sweet Dorinda
CH Dorridane's Sweet Molly Again
(F) 02/10/1978
CH Live Oak Dorridane Voyager
(M) 02/10/1978
WE068899; Brindle
Mary's Dr Brodie of Dorridane
; Brindle
Am CH Tomike's Ringer of Dorridane
WD166084; Fawn
Woodland Dane's Little Gypsy
; Brindle
Ellisacre's Candi V Sugarbush
(F) 04/24/1971
WC275678; Fawn
Ellis Acres Candi Bee
() 11/19/1974
; Fawn
Ellis Acres Cara Mel
() 11/19/1974
; Fawn
Ellis Acres Classi Chassi
() 11/19/1974
; Fawn
Ellis Acres Copper Candi
() 11/19/1974
; Fawn
Ellis Acres Critics Choice
() 11/19/1974
; Fawn
Ellisacre's The Boss Lady
(F) 11/19/1973
WC644127; Fawn
CH Seabring's Joshua Bates
(M) 11/09/1978
WE281773; Fawn
Am CH Ellisacre's The Boss Man
(M) 11/19/1973
WC644126; Fawn
Anka's Blossom of Ellis Acres
; Fawn
CH Ecarg's Annie Oakley
Am CH Edeldane's Shana V Ellisacre
WD484268; Fawn
Marjoka's Quest of Quentin
Am CH Tara's Liberty For All
(F) 04/18/1976
WD547563; Fawn
Ellisacres Chantilly Lace
(F) 11/19/1974
WC984273; Fawn
Abby Lane Harris of Lazycroft
Ellisacres Cinnamon Brandye
Hardt's Forever Amber
; Fawn
Hardt's Precious Love
; Fawn
Hardt's Rocky Mountain High
Hadley's Dane Anne
; Brindle
Briarwood's Choo Coa Too
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Dark Disciple
Choo Coa's Sassy Tigress
(F) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Taurus
(M) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Tigerlilly Too
(F) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Miss Astor of Briarwood
Am CH Harmony Hill Happy Holiday
(F) 05/20/1967
WA960784; Brindle
Fjord's Branstock
(M) 01/27/1971
; Brindle
Fjord's Cassandra
Fjord's Froken Stjarna Skina
Nord Ch Harmony Hill Fjord of Airways
(M) 01/27/1971
S40694/71 / WB839479; Fawn
Harmony Hill Hot Sauce
(F) 05/20/1967
WB001230; Brindle
Alba's Mr Chomper
; Brindle
Hi Jinx King's Ransom V Gemini
WB282845; Brindle
Grayhouse Daphne V Hi Jinx
; Brindle
Small Hollybell V Graymanor
; Brindle
Hijinx Alexander V Gemini
; Fawn
Can Ch Hijinx King's Ransom v Gemini
; Brindle
Hijinx Barnabus
; Brindle
Hijinx King's Gold v Graham
; Fawn
Puppin von Hijinx
; Brindle
CH Honey Hollow Big Kim's Jodi
Honey Hollow Kim-Jodi Julia
Am CH Jill's Java of Rivercrest
WA671081; Brindle
Am CH Bellador's James Bond
Gina's Jazmin V Rivercrest
WC498137; Brindle
Ginas Jazmin v Rivercrest
Glentrail's Mr. Icha-Bod
; Brindle
Hawk Sun Goddess v Rivercrest
; Brindle
Hawks Chieftain V Rivercrest CD
(M) 03/30/1971
WB840588; Fawn
Jonor's Agena of Rivercrest
Jonor's Midas of Rivercrest
Jonor's Honda
Jonor's Taurus of Rivercrest
; Brindle
Tiger Ty of Rivercrest CD
Tompy of Somerset
WA993136; Fawn
Valle Lanes Lara v Rivercrest
; Brindle
Am CH Jill's Jonah of Rivercrest
Jo-Dane's Harvey Wallbanger
(M) 12/29/1970
; Brindle
Jo-Dane's Heiress of Fanta
; Brindle
Dancing Doll von Waldheim
; Fawn
Chalet's Irma La Duce
Fanta's Danaity v Chatawa
; Brindle
Fanta's Dictator
; Brindle
Jo-Dane's Tnt Von Andy
; Fawn
CH Jo-Dane's Honey Do V Tamanaco
Am CH Jonar's Jupiter of Waco
(M) 04/22/1964
; Fawn
Am CH Jonor's Jupiter of Waco
WA457698; Fawn
Elsa Rion of Jupiter
Jonor's Honda
Jonor's Sassy Celeste
; Fawn
Jonor's Venus of Waco
Am CH Arndale's Sir Echo of the King
(M) 06/16/1967
WA970460; Brindle
Arndale's Brindia of Jamick
Arndale's Cinnamon Candace
(F) 05/19/1970
WB597619; Fawn
Am CH Arndale's Dashing Damon
(M) 11/03/1973
WC613842; Fawn
Arndale's Laurie Ann
(F) 03/08/1969
WB323760; Brindle
Jonor's Echo of the King
(F) 06/16/1967
Glentrail's Mr. Icha-Bod
; Brindle
Jonor's Agena of Rivercrest
Karla of Kalidane
; Brindle
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
(M) 04/07/1969
WB336363; Fawn
Furylane's Socrates
WC352254; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's High Voltage
; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Keepsake
(F) 02/25/1972
WC128382; Fawn
HoneyLane's Keeley
(F) 02/25/1972
WC106093; Fawn
Am CH HoneyLane's Knight Service
(M) 02/25/1972
WC106095; Fawn
Mecca Dane's Thunder Bay
; Fawn
Nero's Fortuna of Innesfree
WC374570; Fawn
Nero's Taffy Von Danehardt
; Fawn
Windane's Hello Sunshine
WC338045; Fawn
CH Karla's Tiger Baby of Kalidane
WB455078; Brindle
Yankee's Rebal of Kalidane
Radwin's Bonnie Brinda
WB147503; Brindle
Radwin's Master Mack of Waco
(M) 01/01/1967
WB065909; Fawn
Radwin's Sonya
WB371886; Fawn
CH Ran-Lyn's Representative
Ran-Lyn's Tama-King of Amerdane
; Brindle
Roderick's Randikent
Sabuki's King
; Fawn
CH Scudders Viking of Borgendane
Senta Mosel of Dorridane
Fanta's Ambassadress v Mosel
(F) 07/25/1974
WD016418; Brindle
Fanta's Buccaneer V Mosel
Sothern Belle of Sugar Bush
Tamanaco's Bunny Von Hi Jinx CD
Am CH Tamo's Charisma of Dorridane
(F) 01/17/1969
WB531682; Brindle
Am CH Thelin's Frivolous Sal CD
(F) 04/15/1963
WA352251; Fawn
Am CH Tiara Star of Belle Dane
WA441039; Brindle
CH Waco's Ballerina
CH Waco's Bewitched V Stephan
WA659252; Brindle
Can Ch Waco's Bronco
Am CH Waco's Butterscotch
(F) 03/10/1965
WA643984; Fawn
Waco's Cindy of Radwin
Am CH Waco's D'king Solomon V Prinzel
(M) 12/29/1966
WA935123; Fawn
CH Waco's Daiquire of Prin-Zel
Waco's Drohende of Devrok
Waco's Durango Jack
(M) 12/29/1966
; Brindle
CH Waco's Gay Gretchen of Dee Dane CD
WA597793; Brindle
Waco's Gidget of Prin-zel CD
Hijinx Sun Dance
; Fawn
Hijinx Anthony of Graham
Hijinx-Springhollow Sun Baby
WB858513; Fawn
Waco's Ginger Gold of Prin-Zel
; Fawn
Waco's Granada of Prin-Zel
Da Maris' Anastasia
Mecca Dane's Thunder Bay
; Fawn
Nero's Fortuna of Innesfree
WC374570; Fawn
Am CH Waco's Jingling Spurs
(F) 02/18/1963
WA332888; Fawn
Tompy of Somerset
WA993136; Fawn
Am CH Waco's No No Prince V Ran-lyn
(M) 04/29/1969
WB355120; Fawn
Am CH Waco's Peco's Pete
WA383338; Fawn
Singerdane's Alina V Liebchen
WB166298; Fawn
Am CH Waco's Tamarac
Dacar's Bit a Sweet v Waco
Beckrex My Stars v Pegasus
Waco's the Quija V Hijinx
Hijinx King's Gold v Graham
; Fawn
Am CH Waco's Zodiac
(F) 11/09/1964
WA593592; Brindle
CH Ward's No No Prince V Ran-Lyn
Am CH Winwood's Elegant Lady Waco
Am CH Winwood's Queen of Sheba V Waco
WA450673; Brindle
Am CH Nandane's Tar-Baby
(F) 06/18/1961
WA181678; Brindle
Am CH Nandane's Shalimar
(F) 06/10/1966
WA819891; Fawn
Am CH Nandane's Sweet Silhouette
WA833910; Brindle
Am CH Nandane's SweetPea
(F) 06/10/1966
WA799021; Fawn
Am CH Sputnik of Exeter
Am CH Lukay's Aldebaran
(M) 08/24/1959
Am CH Lukay's Andromeda
(F) 08/24/1959
WA26238; Fawn
Am CH Lukay's Delphinus
(F) 09/29/1964
WA527140; Fawn
Lukay's Star Gemma
WB336265; Fawn
Lukay's Csillag
Lukay's Electra
(F) 03/26/1965
Lukay's Eques Stellula
(F) 03/26/1965
WA738518; Fawn
Am CH Lukay's Erigonius
(M) 03/26/1965
WA703477; Fawn
Honey Hollow Deutsche Dame
(F) 09/21/1967
Lukay's Star Gemma
WB336265; Fawn
Lukay's Angus
Am CH Lukay's Argustella
(F) 07/06/1963
WA363881; Fawn
Lukay's Electra
(F) 03/26/1965
Lukay's Eques Stellula
(F) 03/26/1965
WA738518; Fawn
Am CH Lukay's Erigonius
(M) 03/26/1965
WA703477; Fawn
Honey Hollow Deutsche Dame
(F) 09/21/1967
Lukay's Star Gemma
WB336265; Fawn
Am CH Thunderbon of Blaublitz
WA206762; Black
Duke of Greensboro
Aldridge's Brute
Arlene's Lucretia Borgia
; Harlequin
Konak's Huckelberry Finn
WD202223; Harlequin
Scarbrough's Fair
; Harlequin
Waldo Glenda
(F) 08/21/1967
Elke Denmarann
WA929567; Fawn
Dutches Sheree Royal O
WC907583; Fawn
Berge's Caeser Augustus
WD687081; Fawn
Ackles' Missy Anne
(F) 04/30/1980
WF323557; Fawn