River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Lil' of Guilerdane
COI: 4.28%
Crescendo of Guilerdane
Am CH Crescendo's Lady Shasta
(F) 06/26/1956
Dane Eden's Samson del Guard
Dane Eden's Guard II
Laubshausen's Igor
(M) 12/25/1963
Laubshausen's Peter Pan
Othinn's Myth
Gowindane's Golden Fury
Ledezan's Lady Lisa
Jeb's Biggy von LLL-Zip
; Brindle
Jeb's Fancy von LLL Zip
; Fawn
Ledezan's Lady Zelda
Gibraltar's Duke of Lamora
Ledezan's Lorelei von Fury
(F) 06/22/1964
WA484234; Fawn
Merindowns Maia
(F) 04/22/1968
WB137312; Brindle
Merindowns Majestic Marta
Am CH Merindowns Mischievous Maud
(F) 05/18/1966
WA752341; Fawn
Am CH Merindowns Mr Marque
(M) 05/18/1966
WA752337; Brindle
Am CH Merindowns Mr Maximilian
(M) 05/18/1966
WA752336; Brindle
Ledezan's Mein Schatz
Ledezan's Princess Najah
; Fawn
Ledezan's Golden Knave
(M) 09/22/1966
WB168372; Fawn
Ledezan's Heritage Von Osmin
Princess Najah's Tinkerbelle
; Fawn
CH Ledezan's Sir Guy of Marrick
(M) 11/07/1963
Am CH Crockerly's Thursday Gowin
(F) 04/06/1967
WA951862; Fawn
Storm Crags' Bruno
; Fawn
Sonny Sheba
; Fawn
Sonny's Sheba
; Fawn
Cruiskeen Saad Sakh
Maggie of Cruiskeen
W895360; Fawn
Star Cassiopeia
Bringold's Granada Siers
(F) 12/01/1962
WA314905; Fawn
Helmut's Golden Dawn Doirde
(F) 11/17/1964
WA534512; Fawn
Rockney of Gideon
Shayne's Hyldee of Dun Roman
Dagmar of Martin Crest
Penzant of Martincrest
; Fawn
Martincrest's Lollypops CD
WA759728; Fawn
Martincrest's Komus
; Brindle
Martincrest's Mame
WA803876; Fawn
Am CH Martincrest's Taffi-a-Go-Go
Martincrests Lollypops
; Fawn
Martincrests Komus
; Brindle
Am CH Pirate of Martincrest CD
WA285724; Fawn
Abigail of Sycamore
WB526166; Brindle
Lotus of Martincrest
Precious A-Maja Dee
Renette of Martin Crest
Lady R
Rayburn's Anna Pay Penny
Rayburn's Lady Alwin Sabreta
Rayburn's Lady O'Samantha
Rayburn's Lady Tawny Sher-Kahn
Sarena of Martincrest
Prinz Eugene of Daninheim
(M) 07/08/1963
; Fawn
Gretchen del Conejo
(F) 11/10/1965
WA709794; Fawn
September Miss
Martha Velvet Eyes
Danach Gottin of Huntington
(F) 04/26/1968
; Fawn
Dagmier of Downs Crest
WA42506; Brindle
Benscoter's Naughty Jezebel
WA189891; Black
Nick's Black Ace of Westwood
(M) 12/17/1961
WA226425; Black
A Daisy
Countess Sabrina of Westwood
Max's Desiree
; Black
Nick's Nanga Negus
WB176937; Black
Am CH Sir Lucius of Nick's Black Ace
(M) 11/18/1964
WA558811; Black
Solitaire Sapphire
(F) 12/22/1961
; Black
Falley's Forest Fury
Imperial Duke
Sheba Princess
Cinni Bar of Fields West
Peggie v Koopmans
Star Cassiopeia
Bringold's Granada Siers
(F) 12/01/1962
WA314905; Fawn
Helmut's Golden Dawn Doirde
(F) 11/17/1964
WA534512; Fawn
Rockney of Gideon
Shayne's Hyldee of Dun Roman
Am CH Riolo's Mimi
(F) 06/26/1956
W791271; Fawn
Crockerly's Riolo's Risk
Bar B Samantha
(F) 05/19/1966
December's Playboy
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Riolo's Ryot
(M) 12/12/1961
WA242702; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Krueger
(M) 07/18/1963
WA377801; Fawn
Am CH Riolo Mimi's Lace
CH Dane Hill's Flame
Danehill's Ginger Snap
Tasca Lee Mayo
Danehill's Golden Wisp
(F) 07/06/1965
; Fawn
Am CH Lyceum's Twinkle CD
(F) 09/16/1967
WB19761; Fawn
Tivoli's Major of Lyceum
; Fawn
Am CH Riolo Mimi's Roxanne
(F) 12/17/1960
WA135455; Brindle
Am CH Roxanne's Rose of Rudane
(F) 11/03/1963
WA429027; Brindle
Maximilian Saegar of Rudane
Am CH Seymour of Rudane CD
(M) 12/26/1966
WA932103; Brindle
Am CH Riolo's Venus of Laubshausen
(F) 12/17/1960
WA130381; Fawn
Laubshausen's Igor
(M) 12/25/1963
Laubshausen's Peter Pan
Kamindane's Song of the South
(M) 03/19/1966
WA726241; Fawn
Xmas Candy Laubshausen
; Fawn
Amos's Twanya Rebop A Rebow
; Brindle
Am CH Dane Eden's Maximillian
(M) 08/16/1953
W726482; Fawn
Am CH Blaise O'Goldust
(F) 05/31/1961
Cloud's Lollipop XMas
(F) 04/11/1960
; Fawn
Lil's Rockette of Guilerdane
Canute of Daneheath
Liberty Belle of Mulldane
Fairdane's Odin of Belledane
(M) 11/14/1967
WB110830; Fawn
Niki of Belle Dane
(F) 11/14/1967
WB45211; Fawn
Fairdane's Bonnie Phaedra
(F) 10/20/1969
WB982084; Brindle
Fairdane's Brendo
Daneheaths Kim
Am CH Downs Crest Quella
Quellas Flicka of LuDane
; Fawn
Sonny Sheba
; Fawn
Bas Sheva
Sonny's Sheba
; Fawn
Thursday II
; Fawn
Long-Crest Sky Rocket
; Fawn
Long-Crest Jennifer
; Brindle
Lady Sydney of Ashworth
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's Jacquelyn
WB61916; Fawn
CH Lincoln's H'Toro of Grimadane
WC254683; Brindle
Lincoln's Happiness Is
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's Harmony
WC371337; Brindle
Lincoln's Honey
; Fawn
Lincoln's Lady Tamara
Am & Can Ch Ben's Jason Beckett CD
(M) 04/25/1969
WB391798; Fawn
Am CH Lincoln's Petra
(F) 05/03/1967
WB43792; Fawn
Can Ch Lincoln's Thor v Prairedane
(M) 12/30/1968
WB330521 / 827529; Fawn
Can Ch Aurora's Autumn Honey
Can Ch Beldane's Brandy Beau Geste
; Fawn
Am CH Beldane's Heidi's Jezebel
Can Ch Beldane's Majestic Jetson
; Fawn
Can Ch Beldane's Ruler's Zoea
; Fawn
Heidi's Dusk of Richmanor
; Fawn
CH Heidi's Rory of Richmanor
FQA814; Fawn
Can Ch Lady Fiona of Beldane CD
(F) 01/26/1973
EA42363; Fawn
Am CH Lincoln's Dark Lantern
WA586018; Brindle
Rock 'n Roll of Guilerdane
; Fawn
Candy of Guilerdane
Puster's Coco
Aquila of Angel's Crest
Asta of Angel's Crest
(F) 05/07/1962
CH Skjonn of Fjord
WA749166; Fawn
Heidi's Girl of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Downs Crest Blue Indigos Miss
WA431078; Blue
Blue Indigo's Mingo
WB267270; Blue
Charmee L'Enchantee
WB553434; Mantle
Haynes' Tonda of J.C.
(F) 07/07/1969
WB941437; Harlequin
Ebony Pharoh of Sanlar
Seebar's Heinrich
WA743092; Blue
Beaver La Booth
WD493369; Blue
Heidi of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Butch of Kims
; Fawn
Shannon Black of Aeolian
WA750863; Black
Shayne's Dutchess Traleen
Le Demon of Guilerdane
Abella's Bare Bluth
Lehrer's Dainty Duchess
El Diablo De Amada
Jack Dempsey's Golden Boy
WA628622; Fawn
Bas Sheva
Jezebel Bas-Sheva
Ebon King of Wilmarnan
; Black
Cherril Ann of Wilmarnan
(F) 05/05/1968
; Black
Lady Astor
; Black
Mister Sebastian Forbes
; Black
Lady Madonna II
Bit of Licorice
Lucifer of Harvard
WB990858; Black / White
Dame of Geneva
WC224306; Fawn
Misty Glen of Ojai Hallow
Hickory's Brandywine
(F) 05/11/1972
Obsidian of the Piutes
Domiabra of Stone Canyon
Thursday II
; Fawn
Le Demon's Heidi
(F) 02/02/1966
WA736132; Fawn
Pigeon Hollow's Tara
; Fawn
Pigeon Hollow's Boris
; Black / White
Pigeon Hollow's Dena
Phidabe's Abigail
; Fawn
Pigeon Hollow's Distinction
WA428933; Fawn
Bar B Samantha
(F) 05/19/1966
Canady's Candy Girl
WB348839; Fawn
Candy's Candy Girl
(F) 11/19/1967
Mars' Circle
(F) 11/19/1967
Am CH Roxine Cindy of Guilerdane
(F) 04/26/1958
WA15456; Fawn
Royal Wan's Sugar
; Fawn
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
CH Sham's Michoacan
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle

Acerino's Debutante V Sham-Tum
(F) 04/19/1966
WA751025; Brindle
Acerino's Design V Sham-Tum
(F) 04/19/1966
WA751023; Brindle
Am & Mex Ch Amber of Tallbrook Farms
WA628988; Fawn
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
(M) 04/01/1968
WB152093; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Ben Von Overcup CD
(M) 04/10/1965
WA627763; Fawn
Boomber Von Overcup
Am CH Brenda Von Overcup
WA627764; Brindle
Fairdane's Valkyrie
(F) 03/01/1968
WB143295; Brindle
Fairdane's Vanessa
(F) 03/01/1968
WB100378; Fawn
Am CH Fairdane's Viking
(M) 03/01/1968
WB152877; Brindle
Am CH Henriette's Mini Sock Overcup
(F) 04/01/1968
WB153442; Fawn
Am CH Honeygold Von Overcup
(F) 06/22/1964
WA497578; Fawn
Kay Rio's Vashti of Taneric
(M) 05/27/1968
; Fawn
Kay Rio's Voro of Taneric
(M) 05/27/1968
WB165117; Brindle
Kay Rio's Wendy
Kay Rio's Wxy Zodiac
; Brindle
Am CH Kay-Rio's Warlock
Lady Dana von Lyndee
Am CH Lady Guinevere of Overcup
(F) 06/22/1964
WA562040; Fawn
Am CH Lady Gwinevere of Overcup
(F) 06/22/1964
WA562040; Fawn
Laird of Tallbrook Farm
WA800291; Brindle
Lark of Tallbrook Farms
WA800293; Brindle
Laurel of Tallbrook Farms
; Brindle
Locket of Tallbrook Farms
; Brindle
Lucern's Miss Maybelline
WB117860; Fawn
Am CH Maria Von Nida
Merindowns Magnificent Mars
(M) 01/26/1969
Merindowns Maia
(F) 04/22/1968
WB137312; Brindle
Merindowns Mr Merlyn
Octave of Tempodane
; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
(M) 06/22/1964
WA505182; Fawn
CH Polldane's Angelique D'amor
Polldane's Nan V Lindenthaler
Polldane's Penny Von Woodward
Polldane's Regalo D'sacerdote
Polldane's Socrates of Sock
(M) 10/15/1969
Ranger of Westwood
WA506137; Brindle
Sandane Christie van Zander
Am CH Shrdn's Odysseus Sacerdotes
(M) 11/09/1967
WB52765; Fawn
Am CH Soc's Legend of Legend Rock
(F) 10/26/1969
WB490187; Brindle
Am CH Soc's Operetta of Tempodane
(F) 11/16/1966
WA927922; Brindle
Am CH Solid Gold Jack's Simba
WA709038; Fawn
Am CH Sun-E-Dane's Darling Diana
WA503365; Brindle
Sun-E-Dane's Overcup's Sock it to Me
; Fawn
Am CH Sun-E-Dane's Sinbad of Sock
WA905980; Brindle
Sun-E-Dane's Sock-It-To-Me
Sun-E-Tempo's Eye Opener
(M) 03/12/1970
Sun-E-Tempo's Hickory
(M) 02/03/1969
WB369382; Brindle
Sun-E-Tempo's Miss Straw Hat
Can Ch Sun-E-Tempo's Silk Hat
; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Tallbrook Farms Taly Overcup
WB215805; Brindle
Thor Von Holsk
; Fawn
Tip Top of Von Overcup
Tip Top's Tawney Lady
Von Neff's Glory of Sacerdotes
; Brindle
Von Neff's Sabrina Sacerdotes
WB487863; Fawn
Am CH Warmaker O'Din of Valhalla
(M) 07/06/1969
WB444652; Fawn
Sun-E-Dane's This Is Dusk
Sun-E-Dane's This is Misty Dawn
Dawn's Flirtatious Wind
; Brindle
Am CH Sun-E-Dane's The Delight of Dawn
WA945743; Fawn
Am CH Sun-E-Dane's This is Twilight
WA598790; Brindle
Am CH Quillwood's Ballerina
(F) 12/06/1968
WB293025; Brindle
Am CH Quillwood's Cassiopeia
(F) 05/29/1967
WA976950; Brindle
Quillwood's Kiss Me Kate
(F) 06/11/1969
Quillwood's Kognac N Kola
Tawny Storm of Guilerdane
Tawny Storm's Poquita
Triar's Tawnee de Pugh
CH Ben's Pylet of Lynward
WA826904; Fawn
Bodell's Duchis of Lynward
(F) 09/27/1966
; Fawn
Claudine of Sanward
(F) 09/27/1966
Am CH Tawny Storm's Victoria
(F) 03/23/1961
WA178619; Fawn
Yenal's Roadrunner
CH Yenal's Tante Mia
Am CH Rocky-Bye of Guilerdane
Am CH Craig Jim Again Winged Victor
Bardic's Queen Cleopatra
(F) 01/20/1964
Crytser's Royal Thor
(M) 01/20/1964
CH Craig's Jim Again Winged Victor
(M) 11/22/1958
Am CH Gideon of Guilerdane
(M) 05/29/1957
W823937; Fawn
Am CH Bermount's Cliza of Gideon
Am CH Bringold Sier Salem
(M) 05/19/1965
WA646372; Fawn
Bringold's Granada Siers
(F) 12/01/1962
WA314905; Fawn
Helmut's Golden Dawn Doirde
(F) 11/17/1964
WA534512; Fawn
Tilghman's Aposha O'Doirde
(F) 11/22/1969
WB550277; Brindle
Bringold's Rocky Bye
Cannibal's Mitzie Sue
Am CH Dynamic Dyna V Da-Dori
(F) 09/12/1971
WC096549; Fawn
Gilham's Cherokee V Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
WC446496; Fawn
Gilham's Just-a-Tort v Da Dori
Jolly Roger V Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
Mitzie's Heidi V Da Dori
(F) 09/12/1971
Ulysses v Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
WC230459; Fawn
Little Cannibal Von Neff
Bringold's Sword
(M) 01/04/1963
WA311736; Fawn
Doirde's Tawni of Sword
(F) 01/28/1967
WB040073; Fawn
Am CH Frae-Bo's Doirde of Matilija
(F) 06/06/1969
Tilghman's Cronus O'Doirde
(M) 06/06/1969
WB388335; Fawn
Warlock's Titan O'Doirde
WB378108; Brindle
Am CH Crockerly Legs Leffingwell
(M) 09/07/1963
WA438052; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Harlow
(M) 09/21/1962
WA289225; Fawn
Amber Tiffany of Vidal
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Maybe Someday
Tova of Katjadane
Am CH Crockerly's Owen Everybody
(M) 09/03/1965
WA640782; Fawn
CH Crockerly's Uara Dewsy
Crockerly's Umber Ella
Harlow's Happy Honeybunch
; Fawn
Am CH Roxanne's Rose of Rudane
(F) 11/03/1963
WA429027; Brindle
Maximilian Saegar of Rudane
Am CH Seymour of Rudane CD
(M) 12/26/1966
WA932103; Brindle
Siers' Goldstreet Sierra
CH Bringold's Hurd O'Hustler
Bringold's Hustler's Hatty
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Harmony Siers
(F) 09/21/1962
WA288777; Fawn

Am CH Crockerly's Thursday Gowin
(F) 04/06/1967
WA951862; Fawn
Am CH Crockerlys Yessa Nosir
(F) 07/20/1969
WB393953; Fawn
Crockerly's Whale of a Webster CD
(M) 05/29/1968
WB147013; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Humphrey
(M) 09/21/1962
WA304032; Fawn
Crockerly's Laura's Lace
; Fawn
Crockerly's Plenty of Zip
CH Crockerly's Rasil Bathbone
Crockerly's Whale of a Webster CD
(M) 05/29/1968
WB147013; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Polly Penthouse
Crockerly's Pongee Panama
WA668097; Fawn
CH Crockerly's Uara Dewsy
Crockerly's Umber Ella
Barclay's Babylon
(M) 03/29/1971
; Fawn
BIS Ch Crockerly's Primrose
(F) 11/16/1965
WA694893; Brindle

Am CH Crockerly's Prunella Piano
Crockerly's Shiffon Lace
(F) 03/14/1967
WA908268; Fawn
Abner's Achilles of Danehill
(M) 03/04/1971
WB862320; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amanda Von Raseac
(F) 03/04/1971
WB827898; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amanus
(M) 03/04/1971
WB885093; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amy Do
(F) 03/04/1971
Crockerly's Silk Lace
Amber Tiffany of Vidal
; Fawn
Doirde's Aurora
(F) 03/11/1964
WA453834; Brindle
Doirde's Zorba
(M) 12/10/1965
WA803255; Brindle
Am CH Frae-Bo's Doirde of Matilija
(F) 06/06/1969
Lolita von Rophyl's
(F) 03/11/1973
WM018280; Brindle
Tilghman's Cronus O'Doirde
(M) 06/06/1969
WB388335; Fawn
Warlock's Titan O'Doirde
WB378108; Brindle
Zorba's Athena
Zorba's Dirk O'Doirde
(M) 11/13/1967
WB264428; Brindle
Jason's Sonata O'Doirde
Doirde's Bolero
(M) 09/09/1970
Phantom Rock's Degen of Doirde
Gideon's Ballad of Danskar
Siers' Goldstreet Sierra
CH Bringold's Hurd O'Hustler
Bringold's Hustler's Hatty
; Fawn
Am CH Gideon's Brigit of Alora
(F) 03/09/1962
WA403696; Fawn
Brigit's Honey Chile
Gideon's Ballad of Danskar
Am CH Siers' Samantha of Gideon
(F) 03/17/1967
WA981536; Fawn
Bringold's Dino of Mardi Gras
; Brindle
Lady Dana Sue
; Fawn
Mardi Gras Gypsy v Duggenhaus
(F) 06/14/1964
WA487338; Brindle
The Rock of Wendiwea
(M) 05/18/1966
WA770786; Brindle
Our Copperina v Duggenhaus
Rois Joi v Duggenhaus
Etfa-Too V Duggenhaus
(F) 06/08/1967
Tisha-Too v Duggenhaus
Am CH Gideon's Damon of Alora
(M) 01/04/1963
WA332393; Fawn
Am CH Gideon's Gibraltar of Alora
(M) 03/09/1962
WA254511; Fawn
Gibraltar's Duke of Lamora
Am CH Duke Dukas of Wesdayn
(M) 04/10/1971
WB847134; Fawn
Duke's Valiant of Wesdayne
(M) 04/10/1971
; Brindle
Gibraltar's Jacob of Alora
Hyldee's Cinderella of Pearcy
Mosskel's Buttercup Davis
Shayne's Shannon of Ferouk
Shayne's Sherrie of Ferouk
Merhaba Alaturka
The Deacon of Richmar
Am CH Merhaba Altan Ahu
(M) 03/28/1968
WB97901; Fawn
Opheim's Man-O-War of Richmar
(M) 01/04/1972
Merhaba Aslan De Colimas
Shayne's Gibraltar of Alora
(M) 07/13/1967
WB78122; Fawn
Bermount's Shari of Shayne
; Fawn
Shayne's Delightful Delema
(F) 05/30/1969
; Fawn
Shayne's Delightful Delilah
(F) 05/30/1969
WB451519; Brindle
Shayne's Mel-o-dee of Gibraltar
WB005251; Fawn
Kingswood Song of Solomon
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
(M) 02/06/1971
WB832199; Fawn
Shildee's Cinderella of Pearcy
; Fawn
The Rock of Wendiwea
(M) 05/18/1966
WA770786; Brindle
Nabob's Stark
(M) 08/23/1972
WC290600; Fawn
Gideon's Granite of Alora
Rockney of Gideon
Shayne's Hyldee of Dun Roman
Hyldee's Cinderella of Pearcy
Shayne's Gibraltar of Alora
(M) 07/13/1967
WB78122; Fawn
Shayne's Mel-o-dee of Gibraltar
WB005251; Fawn
Shildee's Cinderella of Pearcy
; Fawn
Am CH Siers' Samantha of Gideon
(F) 03/17/1967
WA981536; Fawn
Am CH Siers' Song of Gideon
(F) 03/09/1962
WA254510; Fawn
Jim's Lady Lu of Downscrest
Tabhill's Hi-Jac Junior
WB079104; Black
Baby Blue
WB621649; Blue
Beaver La Booth
WD493369; Blue
Cass of Meledor
Caesar's Ballou
Thora del Ensalmo
Pine Grove's Sheba
Kamindane's Song of the South
(M) 03/19/1966
WA726241; Fawn
Am CH Watkins' Bo of Guilerdane
(M) 05/29/1957
Kay Rio's Franchot
Am CH Kay Rio's Tumbleweed
(F) 02/08/1964
WA457812; Fawn
Acerino's Debutante V Sham-Tum
(F) 04/19/1966
WA751025; Brindle
Acerino's Design V Sham-Tum
(F) 04/19/1966
WA751023; Brindle
Am CH Ross' Sheela of Guilerdane
(F) 08/16/1954
W502184; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Jac of Zel Thor
W968125; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Fay Riolo
(F) 09/21/1959
WA45602; Fawn

Am CH Crockerly Legs Leffingwell
(M) 09/07/1963
WA438052; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Harlow
(M) 09/21/1962
WA289225; Fawn
Amber Tiffany of Vidal
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Maybe Someday
Am CH Crockerly's Owen Everybody
(M) 09/03/1965
WA640782; Fawn
CH Crockerly's Uara Dewsy
Crockerly's Umber Ella
Harlow's Happy Honeybunch
; Fawn
Am CH Roxanne's Rose of Rudane
(F) 11/03/1963
WA429027; Brindle
Siers' Goldstreet Sierra
Am CH Crockerly's Harmony Siers
(F) 09/21/1962
WA288777; Fawn

Am CH Crockerly's Thursday Gowin
(F) 04/06/1967
WA951862; Fawn
Crockerly's Whale of a Webster CD
(M) 05/29/1968
WB147013; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Humphrey
(M) 09/21/1962
WA304032; Fawn
Crockerly's Laura's Lace
; Fawn
Crockerly's Plenty of Zip
Am CH Crockerly's Polly Penthouse
Crockerly's Pongee Panama
WA668097; Fawn
BIS Ch Crockerly's Primrose
(F) 11/16/1965
WA694893; Brindle
Am CH Crockerly's Prunella Piano
Crockerly's Shiffon Lace
(F) 03/14/1967
WA908268; Fawn
Crockerly's Silk Lace
CH Crockerly's Rasil Bathbone
Am CH Crockerly's Feather
(F) 09/21/1959
WA35539; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Fillmore
(M) 09/21/1959
WA34015; Fawn
Crockerly's Riolo's Risk
Bar B Samantha
(F) 05/19/1966
December's Playboy
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Riolo's Ryot
(M) 12/12/1961
WA242702; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Krueger
(M) 07/18/1963
WA377801; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Folly
(F) 09/21/1959
WA52197; Fawn

Am CH Crockerly's Krueger
(M) 07/18/1963
WA377801; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Gingersnap
(F) 03/31/1960
WA95911; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Maybe Someday
Tova of Katjadane
Am CH Crockerly's Owen Everybody
(M) 09/03/1965
WA640782; Fawn
Duke of Zel Thor I
(M) 05/01/1958
; Fawn
Am CH Gowindane's Image of Amber
(F) 06/02/1957
W824676; Fawn
Am CH Kristina of Laubhausen
(F) 05/01/1958
W929548; Fawn
Dane Eden's Guard II
Laubshausen's Igor
(M) 12/25/1963
Laubshausen's Peter Pan
Kamindane's Song of the South
(M) 03/19/1966
WA726241; Fawn
Am CH Sheela's Kay Dee of Karendane
(F) 05/01/1958
W918159; Fawn
Am CH Karendane's Doric Breeze
Am CH Karendane's Doric Buff
Am CH Ledezan Bewitching Mischips
(F) 05/08/1961
WA173128; Fawn
CH Ledezan Rochlein Von Mischna
WA418933; Fawn
Delisa's Bit of Rock
(M) 09/24/1967
WB232278; Fawn
Am CH Four Winds Ferouk
(M) 05/03/1966
WA758986; Fawn
Sheela's Samson
Am & Can Ch Sheela's Scheherazade
(F) 05/01/1958
W954311; Fawn
Sterling's Bruno of Guilerdane
Ledezan's Duchess Antionette
Am CH Bringold Sier Salem
(M) 05/19/1965
WA646372; Fawn
Am CH Talbot's Mr Chips
(M) 12/01/1955
W793823; Fawn
Anderson's Russet Rebel
; Fawn
Jan-Mar's Joy of Gowindane
; Fawn
Jan-mar's Duke of Joy
; Black
Ledezan's Lady
WA431633; Black
Ledezan's Thunder
(M) 02/08/1964
; Black
Jan-Mars Portrait in Ebony
Duchess of Hansen
Ledezan's Delisa of Doric
WA478447; Fawn
Delisa's Bit of Rock
(M) 09/24/1967
WB232278; Fawn
Cinnamon of Four Winds
Dawn of Four Winds
(F) 02/24/1969
WB434696; Fawn
Dutchess of Four Winds
Four Winds Fury
Four Winds Shana Again
WB796954; Fawn
Four Winds Sherouk
Orionna of Four Winds
Princess of Four Winds
Tara's Tornado of Four winds
; Fawn
Four Winds Delilah
; Fawn
Am CH Caspers Sheba of Daneridge
(F) 04/10/1972
WC205136; Fawn
Jamie of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
Kharas of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
WC210501; Fawn
King Kamehameha of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
WC161086; Fawn
Maggie Mae of Daneridge
Am CH Tibbals Pistol Sue Daneridge
Am CH Four Winds Rapture
(M) 08/17/1968
WB205726; Fawn
Kewi's Kelly of Jimalee
; Fawn
Gowindane Peg O'My Heart
Ledezan's Prince Tawn
Aquila of Angel's Crest
Asta of Angel's Crest
(F) 05/07/1962
CH Skjonn of Fjord
WA749166; Fawn
Gowindane's Prince Camille
; Fawn
Ledezan's Delisa of Doric
WA478447; Fawn
Delisa's Bit of Rock
(M) 09/24/1967
WB232278; Fawn
Cinnamon of Four Winds
Dawn of Four Winds
(F) 02/24/1969
WB434696; Fawn
Dutchess of Four Winds
Four Winds Fury
Four Winds Shana Again
WB796954; Fawn
Four Winds Sherouk
Orionna of Four Winds
Princess of Four Winds
Tara's Tornado of Four winds
; Fawn
Four Winds Delilah
; Fawn
Am CH Caspers Sheba of Daneridge
(F) 04/10/1972
WC205136; Fawn
Jamie of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
Kharas of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
WC210501; Fawn
King Kamehameha of Daneridge
(M) 04/10/1972
WC161086; Fawn
Maggie Mae of Daneridge
Am CH Tibbals Pistol Sue Daneridge
Am CH Four Winds Rapture
(M) 08/17/1968
WB205726; Fawn
Kewi's Kelly of Jimalee
; Fawn
Ledezan's Rozlyn of Ra's Kelly
Ledezan's Lady Lisa
Jeb's Biggy von LLL-Zip
; Brindle
Jeb's Fancy von LLL Zip
; Fawn
Ledezan's Lady Zelda
Gibraltar's Duke of Lamora
Ledezan's Lorelei von Fury
(F) 06/22/1964
WA484234; Fawn
Merindowns Maia
(F) 04/22/1968
WB137312; Brindle
Merindowns Majestic Marta
Am CH Merindowns Mischievous Maud
(F) 05/18/1966
WA752341; Fawn
Am CH Merindowns Mr Marque
(M) 05/18/1966
WA752337; Brindle
Am CH Merindowns Mr Maximilian
(M) 05/18/1966
WA752336; Brindle
Ledezan's Mein Schatz
Ledezan's Princess Najah
; Fawn
Ledezan's Golden Knave
(M) 09/22/1966
WB168372; Fawn
Ledezan's Heritage Von Osmin
Princess Najah's Tinkerbelle
; Fawn
CH Ledezan's Sir Guy of Marrick
(M) 11/07/1963
Am CH Crockerly's Thursday Gowin
(F) 04/06/1967
WA951862; Fawn
Merindowns Mr Miracle
; Fawn
Ledezan's Tawnya
; Brindle
Ledezan's Lady
WA431633; Black
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Lady McKay
WB 85597;
Malchik Rasputin
(F) 09/01/1967
Ledezan's Thunder
(M) 02/08/1964
; Black
Black Dalia of Dixie Leigh
Ledezan's Black Beauty
WB 605362; Black
Mister Sebastian Forbes
; Black
Gowindane's Princess Sinka
; Fawn
Ledezan's Golden Tiki Lee
; Fawn
Jan-Mar's Gambling Lady
WA497020; Fawn
Blazed Beauty of Madrid
Caesar's Raynie of Edgewood
WA811529; Fawn
Ceasar's Golden Pandora
(F) 09/15/1966
Vagabond Lover of Yore
; Brindle
Gowindane's Sunni Shasta
Ledezan's Duchess Antionette
Am CH Bringold Sier Salem
(M) 05/19/1965
WA646372; Fawn
Helen's Heidi of Stormcraig
Am CH Audric's Golden Chip
Olderr's Heidi von Audric's
Audric's Mark von Lauritz
; Fawn
Am CH Karendane's Doric Breeze
Am CH Karendane's Doric Buff
Am CH Ledezan Bewitching Mischips
(F) 05/08/1961
WA173128; Fawn
CH Ledezan Rochlein Von Mischna
WA418933; Fawn
Delisa's Bit of Rock
(M) 09/24/1967
WB232278; Fawn
Cinnamon of Four Winds
Dawn of Four Winds
(F) 02/24/1969
WB434696; Fawn
Dutchess of Four Winds
Four Winds Fury
Four Winds Shana Again
WB796954; Fawn
Four Winds Sherouk
Orionna of Four Winds
Princess of Four Winds
Tara's Tornado of Four winds
; Fawn
Am CH Four Winds Ferouk
(M) 05/03/1966
WA758986; Fawn
Four Winds Delilah
; Fawn
Am CH Four Winds Rapture
(M) 08/17/1968
WB205726; Fawn
Kewi's Kelly of Jimalee
; Fawn
Am CH Chablis' Vanity of Fourwinds
(F) 06/18/1969
WB451521; Fawn
Priscilla of Four Winds
(F) 06/18/1969
WB578542; Fawn
Shayne's Shannon of Ferouk
Shayne's Sherrie of Ferouk
Am CH Tara's Bierka of Four Winds
(F) 06/18/1969
WB423343; Fawn
Mark's Rusty of Ferdane
(M) 10/08/1959
WA035542; Fawn
Dot's Shanda Lei
(F) 01/26/1965
WA689634; Fawn
Nabob's Ramona
(F) 07/19/1970
WB724404; Fawn
Nabob's Stark
(M) 08/23/1972
WC290600; Fawn
Grant's Prince Robert
Meg's Tonia of Guilerdane
; Fawn
Candy of Guilerdane
Puster's Coco
Aquila of Angel's Crest
Asta of Angel's Crest
(F) 05/07/1962
Le Demon of Guilerdane
Abella's Bare Bluth
Lehrer's Dainty Duchess
Jack Dempsey's Golden Boy
WA628622; Fawn
Bas Sheva
Ebon King of Wilmarnan
; Black
Lady Astor
; Black
Lady Madonna II
Lucifer of Harvard
WB990858; Black / White
Misty Glen of Ojai Hallow
Obsidian of the Piutes
Thursday II
; Fawn
Le Demon's Heidi
(F) 02/02/1966
WA736132; Fawn
Brandy of Alphadane
Bringold's Sword
(M) 01/04/1963
WA311736; Fawn
Doirde's Tawni of Sword
(F) 01/28/1967
WB040073; Fawn
Am CH Gideon's Damon of Alora
(M) 01/04/1963
WA332393; Fawn
Meg Tonia of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Victoria Marma Dutchess CD
; Black
Adrian Angus
; Black
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
(F) 03/23/1964
WA482510; Blue
Am CH Siers' Antoinette de Doiron
Doirde's Aurora
(F) 03/11/1964
WA453834; Brindle
Doirde's Zorba
(M) 12/10/1965
WA803255; Brindle
Jason's Sonata O'Doirde
Doirde's Daisy-Mae
Zorba's Dirk O'Doirde
(M) 11/13/1967
WB264428; Brindle
Doirde's Ellie Mae
(F) 04/30/1965
WA835248; Brindle
Doirde's Tawni of Sword
(F) 01/28/1967
WB040073; Fawn
Samson's Echo
Martha Velvet Eyes
Danach Gottin of Huntington
(F) 04/26/1968
; Fawn
Sheela's Samson
Tisha of Guilerdane
Am CH Siers' Mardi Gras of Jim Again
(M) 12/26/1958
W993385; Brindle
Brigit's Honey Chile
Gideon's Ballad of Danskar
Siers' Goldstreet Sierra
Am CH Siers' Samantha of Gideon
(F) 03/17/1967
WA981536; Fawn
Bringold's Dino of Mardi Gras
; Brindle
Lady Dana Sue
; Fawn
Elli's Black Lightning
; Blk wh on chst
Helen's Honey Boy of Jim Again
Am CH Audric's Golden Chip
Olderr's Heidi von Audric's
Mardi Gras Gypsy v Duggenhaus
(F) 06/14/1964
WA487338; Brindle
The Rock of Wendiwea
(M) 05/18/1966
WA770786; Brindle
Nabob's Stark
(M) 08/23/1972
WC290600; Fawn
Meg Tonia of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Victoria Marma Dutchess CD
; Black
Adrian Angus
; Black
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
(F) 03/23/1964
WA482510; Blue
Am CH Siers' Golden Helmut
(M) 09/10/1960
WA116419; Fawn
Helmut's Golden Dawn Doirde
(F) 11/17/1964
WA534512; Fawn
Tilghman's Aposha O'Doirde
(F) 11/22/1969
WB550277; Brindle
Sir Lancelot II of Guilerdane
Brandy of Alphadane
Bringold's Sword
(M) 01/04/1963
WA311736; Fawn
Doirde's Tawni of Sword
(F) 01/28/1967
WB040073; Fawn
Am CH Gideon's Damon of Alora
(M) 01/04/1963
WA332393; Fawn
Sir Lancelot of Guilerdane