River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Marie of Ouborough
(F) 04/28/1947
Lereta of Jataybar
(F) 03/07/1952
Pegasus of Ouborough
(M) 03/07/1953
Quad of Ouborough
(F) 03/07/1949
; Brindle
Rux of Ouborough
(F) 03/25/1950
Austin of Ridgedaine
(M) 03/09/1953
Bruce of Ridgedaine
UK Ch Sabre of Horsebridge
(M) 01/20/1957
; Fawn
Ballerina of Cynara
(F) 02/29/1960
Bandit of Cynara
(M) 02/28/1960
Clemoe of Clausentum
(F) 04/02/1962
Carl of Clausentum
(M) 03/01/1964
Gracelove Tinuss of Brookview
(M) 01/11/1968
Greta of Brookview
(F) 12/03/1966
Timus of Brookvlew
(M) 01/11/1968
Cracksman of Clausentum
(M) 04/02/1962
Craftsman of Clausentum
(M) 04/02/1962
Creditor of Clausentum
(M) 04/02/1962
Crescello of Clausentum
(F) 05/19/1962
Celebration of Clausentum
(F) 03/17/1965
Courtellay of Clausentum
(F) 03/17/1965
Persimmon's Celebration of Clausentum
(F) 03/17/1965
Hamblake Jacamiranda
(F) 03/09/1962
Heiress of Ouborough
Southgate Naughty Nymph
Southgate Nimble Nimrod
Am CH Hyperbole of Ouborough
(M) 11/07/1958
WA121222; Fawn
Burgundy Major
(M) 08/19/1960
Never Say Die of Tayntemead
(M) 07/13/1960
Quantas of Ouborough
CH Southgate Rare Rapture
WA233171; Fawn
Southgate Sir Stalwart
WA280146; Fawn
Mackinty of Merrowlea
(M) 06/17/1959
Magnificent of Merrowlea
(M) 04/26/1962
Marjon of Merrowlea
; Fawn
Auchnacraig Member of Merrowlea
; Fawn
Master Jake of Merrowlea
(M) 07/16/1965
Can Ch Miss Stremline of Merrowlea
695560; Brindle
Mr Knowall of Merrowlea
(M) 02/12/1966
Maybloom of Merrowlea
(F) 05/01/1961
Mr. Wiseboy of Merrowlea
(M) 05/02/1964
Much Fancied of Merrowlea
(M) 05/02/1964
Meedon of Oldmanor
(M) 03/09/1959
Meridian of Merrowlea
(M) 09/03/1962
Miskin of Merrowlea
(F) 02/28/1960
Millynd of Merrowlea
(F) 05/30/1964
Modern Madam of Merrowlea
55847/62; Brindle
Auchnacraig Miss Early Bird of Merrowlea
67826/65; Brindle
Can Ch Meet the Duke of Merrowlea CDX
(M) 04/30/1965
711200; Brindle
Miss Early Bird of Merrowlea
(F) 04/30/1965
Myalone of Merrowlea
; Fawn
Modford of Oldmanor
(M) 03/09/1959
Jake of Comyn
(M) 09/19/1961
Mollyneux of Merrowlea
; Brindle
Mannequin of Merrowlea
; Brindle
Tayntemead Make Merry of Merrowlea
(M) 04/18/1960
; Fawn
Eng Ch Moretime of Merrowlea
(M) 02/21/1961
; Fawn
Miss Carefree of Merrowlea
(F) 03/20/1964
; Fawn
Movra Maska of Merrowlea
(M) 09/21/1959
Muller of Merrowlea
(M) 02/21/1961
Karoline of Wignael
(F) 01/27/1964
Merrowlea Karoline of Wigmei
(F) 01/27/1964
My Dawn Serenade
(F) 01/27/1964
My Touch of Honey
(F) 01/27/1965
My Delight of Merrowlea
(F) 02/15/1960
UK Ch Mellory of Merrowlea
(F) 10/03/1961
Merrilord of Merrowlea
(M) 03/23/1964
Eng Ch Mighty Fine of Merrowlea
(M) 08/13/1963
; Fawn
Miss Sunseeker of Merrowlea
(F) 03/30/1965
Mistress May of Merrowlea
(F) 10/03/1961
My Style of Merrowlea
(F) 05/11/1966
Wigmel Melakrino of Merrowlea
(M) 10/03/1961
Eng Ch My Mink of Merrowlea
(F) 07/26/1962
; Fawn
Aust Ch Regal Monarch of Weydane
33023; Fawn
Barati of Weydane
(F) 05/15/1964
78466; Fawn
Caesar of Weydane
Ceasar of Weydane
Aust Ch Cliffdane Baron
Aust Ch Cliffdane Red Raider
(M) 08/28/1962
Aust Ch Cliffdane Susan
(F) 08/28/1962
Fabulous of Weydane
(N)46562; Fawn
Raatu Raana
(N)117003; Fawn
Raatu Radiant
(F) 07/15/1964
Aust Ch Raatu Recall
(M) 07/15/1964
(N)79756; Fawn
Aust Ch Raatu Replicca
(F) 07/18/1964
(N)78510; Fawn
Raatu Ruler
(M) 09/03/1966
Roshea Electra
Aust Ch Roshea Elma
(F) 10/25/1961
Aust Ch Roshea Sir Echo
(M) 10/25/1961
Weydane Andromeda
Aust Ch Winston of Weydane
46953; Fawn
Zephyros of Clausentum of Olympique
(M) 03/19/1962
Cinnamon of Ridgedaine
Eng Ch Hampton of Ridgedaine
(M) 11/26/1955
; Fawn
Lyndsey of Ridgedaine
(F) 11/26/1955
Natasha of Ridgedaine
(F) 11/26/1955
; Brindle
Rochester of Ridgedaine
(M) 11/26/1955
Sultan of Ridgedaine
Bandarilla Momma of Merrowlea
Bandarilla Bala Perdido
(M) 01/08/1963
14106/63; Brindle
Bandarilla Sarano's Hijo
(M) 01/08/1963
Wigmel Bandarilla Lucir Nina
(F) 01/08/1963
Eng Ch Madame of Merrowlea
(F) 11/18/1960
; Fawn
Misstress Quickly of Merrowlea
; Fawn
Mistress Quickly of Merrowlea
Mundell of Merrowlea
(M) 02/07/1964
Momma of Merrowlea
(F) 11/08/1960
Yana of Ridgedaine
(F) 11/26/1955
Harvey of Ridgedaine
(M) 03/29/1954
; Fawn
Michaela of Ridgedaine
(F) 09/29/1954
Miss Finny of Ridgedaine
(F) 03/29/1953
Eng Ch Squire of Ridgedaine
(M) 10/29/1954
; Fawn
Caesar of Guevillon
(M) 05/21/1958
Goldendale Galloway
(M) 05/05/1961
Eng Ch Goldendale Gay of Merrowlea
(F) 06/05/1957
; Fawn
Maynora of Merrowlea
(F) 05/26/1964
Milligan of Merrowlea
(M) 02/20/1967
; Fawn
Milly's Thrill of Merrowlea
(F) 02/20/1967
Murkano of Merrowlea
(M) 02/20/1967
Eng Ch Merry Deal of Merrowlea
(M) 10/18/1962
; Fawn
UK Ch Miss Freedom of Merrowlea
(F) 12/01/1966
25637/67; Fawn
Can Ch My Triumph of Merrowlea
722212; Fawn
My Valentine of Merrowlea
(M) 11/28/1967
Eng Ch Merry Monk of Merrowlea
(M) 10/02/1961
129231/61; Fawn
Auchnacraig Miss Early Bird of Merrowlea
67826/65; Brindle
Macree of Merrowlea
(M) 01/14/1964
24143/64; Fawn
Malibrand of Merrowlea
Mallinson of Merrowlea
(M) 03/30/1965
Can Ch Meet the Duke of Merrowlea CDX
(M) 04/30/1965
711200; Brindle
Miss Early Bird of Merrowlea
(F) 04/30/1965
Misstress Quickly of Merrowlea
; Fawn
Mistress Quickly of Merrowlea
Mundell of Merrowlea
(M) 02/07/1964
My Black Mammy of Merrowlea
(F) 10/12/1965
Tyegarth Elsinore
(F) 09/13/1966
Midheir of Merrowlea
(M) 02/06/1960
Eng Ch Miss Fancyfree of Merrowlea
(F) 10/18/1962
; Fawn
Milchester of Merrowlea
(M) 10/11/1968
Miss Carefree of Merrowlea
(F) 03/20/1964
; Fawn
UK Ch Mr. Softee of Merrowlea
(M) 10/18/1962
; Fawn
Caramandel's Montpelier of Merrowlea
(M) 04/28/1965
Millencia of Merrowlea
(F) 01/07/1964
Millynd of Merrowlea
(F) 05/30/1964
Miss Up-tO-Date of Merrowlea
(F) 01/05/1965
Mr. Wiseboy of Merrowlea
(M) 05/02/1964
Much Fancied of Merrowlea
(M) 05/02/1964
Tayntemead Marlena of Merrowlea
(F) 02/26/1960
Goldendale Guardsman
(F) 06/03/1957
Susan of Ridgedaine
(F) 05/31/1955