River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Mendel's Might of Masterdane
Idub's Valkerie
Valkyrie of Hillside
Dutchess of Beefeater
; Fawn
Jecamo's Caesar of D.r.m.
Majestic Might of Masterdane
Idub's Valkerie
Valkyrie of Hillside
Dutchess of Beefeater
; Fawn
Jecamo's Caesar of D.r.m.
Rachel's Magpie
Am CH Daiquiri Von Dach
WB46961; Fawn
Brutus M. Von Dach
Sheiba Sati of McDermotts'
(F) 10/22/1971
Meri Macs Kontrary Lady
Katrinka of Astrodane
; Fawn
Priscilla of Astrodane
; Fawn
Isis of Gentle Giants
; Fawn
Talitha of Astrodane
Valkyrie of Hillside
Dutchess of Beefeater
; Fawn
Jecamo's Caesar of D.r.m.