River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Milady of Mars
(F) 07/10/1979
; Brindle
Dana of Edenderry
(F) 01/26/1982
; Fawn
Dawn of Kesh
Abute at Anndale
(F) 03/28/1986
; Fawn
Anndale Angie
(F) 09/09/2009
; Fawn
Anndale Aldino
; Fawn
Sheba Janus Santomarc
(F) 07/20/1981
; Brindle
Alex Kristus Damsel
Ballywillin Lady
(F) 04/19/1985
; Fawn
Ballywillin Tunnel of Love
Elsa's girl
(F) 05/21/1994
; Black
The Dutchess of Rosegraden
Sheba of Benbradagh
Acanthus at Arondyke
; Fawn
Arondyke Ad Lib
(F) 07/05/1990
; Brindle
Arondyke Amy the Scorceress
Arondyke Asia the Designer
(F) 05/07/1993
; Brindle
Arondyke Annalistic
(F) 08/02/1988
Arondyke Annonymous at Tyak
(F) 07/30/1989
Eng Ch Arondyke Arnold the Bouncer
(M) 07/05/1990
1034CB; Brindle
Acoeurouvert Aurore
Acoeurouvert Satin at Thornbrae
(F) 05/07/1996
; Brindle
Acoeurouvert Selika
(F) 05/07/1996
Anmeya Mulberry
(M) 11/30/1995
Anmeya Oriana at Learsaar
(F) 11/30/1995
Anmeya the Squire
(M) 11/30/1995
Eng Ch Arondyke Against All Odds
(M) 09/23/1992
4293CD; Fawn
Arondyke Akira The Spirit
Arondyke Alvin the Ruler
(M) 04/21/1995
Arondyke Amaris the Heroine
(F) 04/21/1995
Arondyke Amber Nector
(F) 09/13/1996
; Brindle
Arondyke Amearis the Heroine
(F) 04/21/1995
Arondyke American Star
Arondyke Andrei the Russian
(M) 06/05/1993
0436CF; Fawn
Arondyke Angus McTavish
(M) 09/13/1996
Arondyke Arlin the Enforcer
Arondyke Asha The Princess
(F) 06/01/1994
; Brindle
Arondyke Asume the Position
(F) 09/23/1992
Arondyke Ava The Dressmaker
(F) 06/01/1994
Arondyke Avita the Hippy
(F) 09/13/1996
Arondyke Await the Hour
(F) 09/23/1992
; Brindle
Arondyke Axiver
(F) 01/14/1993
Bringtonhill Emma
(F) 11/14/1993
; Blue Fawn
Broomemanor Bated Breath
(M) 01/26/1993
; Fawn
Cheney Huffy High Time
; Fawn
Classy Pamelia of Arban
; Fawn
Digby Darling of Arban
(M) 04/21/1993
Eng Ch Garsak Fire at Bronorn
(F) 09/13/1993
; Fawn
Garsak Summer Storm
(F) 02/25/1993
; Fawn
Jaydania Breeze
(F) 01/12/1994
Jaydania Jervis
(M) 12/12/1993
Jaydania John Joe
(M) 12/12/1993
Jaydania Storm
(M) 01/12/1994
Khunrath Sweetwine of Epernay
(F) 09/17/1992
4668CE; Brindle
Kirksea Fatal Attraction of Zardukhan
(M) 01/24/1993
; Brindle
Kirksea Kiss of the Dawn
(F) 01/24/1993
Kirksea Spirit of the Dawn
(F) 02/22/1996
; Brindle
Kirksea the Beachcomber
(M) 02/04/1995
; Fawn
Kuccara Classique
(F) 03/04/1994
; Fawn
Kuccara Conquerer
(M) 03/04/1994
Kuccara Coquette
Kuccara Crystal
Kuccara Eureka
(F) 08/30/1993
; Brindle
Leadane Miss Margaux
(F) 04/28/1996
UK Ch Leadane Young Hustler
(M) 04/28/1996
; Brindle
Lucerne Hot Off the Press For Yacanto
(F) 10/24/1992
Lucerne Too Hot To Handle
Pennardane Pansy
(F) 12/04/1993
Pennardane Pryz Possession
(F) 12/04/1993
2108CG; Brindle
Samani Fantasy
Samani Touch Above
(F) 06/21/1994
Sherlisa Night Shadow at Nikami
(M) 06/07/1995
; Fawn
Arondyke Aspiration
(F) 07/30/1989
Arondyke Apostrophe at Broomemanor
(M) 02/15/1988
; Fawn
Arondyke Asterisk
Broomemanor Bated Breath
(M) 01/26/1993
; Fawn
Ziggie of Redwing
Vicky of Dawsongrove
(F) 10/18/1983
; Fawn
Saidhthe Suaraighe
(F) 11/23/1987
; Fawn
Diana She of The Groves
(F) 10/21/1987
; Fawn
Bluebell Beauty
(F) 11/05/1991
; Fawn