River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Sasdania's Diamond Diva
WF569830; Fawn
Zingara's Amstel
(F) 12/19/1987
WG279707; Brindle
Skydane's Turbo Boost
(M) 06/01/1991
WP84318401; Fawn
Am CH Sasdania's Cleo V Masterpiece
WP84318601; Fawn
Am CH Masterpiece's Jewel of Nile
(F) 11/10/2001
WR05179801; Fawn
Masterpiece's True Gem
(F) 04/15/2006
Skydanes Turbo Boost
LaReine's Manchester
LaReine's Boadicea
LaReine's Sigfried
LaReine's Diesel
LaReine's Sigfried
Can Ch LaReine's Tacoma
Can Ch Danefleets la Reines Gabriel
Can Ch Danefleets Miss Behaving
Can Ch Zingara's Echo of Love
(F) 12/19/1987
WG279708; Brindle
Can Ch Kozar's Karamel Kashmere
XS870492; Fawn
CGC, TT, TD1 Kozar's Aztec Gold
Kozar's Shades of Kier
Kozar's Ace High
CGC, TT, TD1 Kozar's Aztec Gold