River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Shadam's Rhythm V Carma-Que
WG461333; Brindle
COI: 8.95%
Carma-Que Dancing With Jerdans
(F) 01/22/1992
Carma-Que's Out of Left Field
(F) 03/03/1993
WP47677201; Fawn
Carma-Que's Out of the Park
(F) 04/04/1995
WP62501602; Fawn

Carma Que's Angel In the Outfield
(F) 08/24/1997
Carma Que's Icandy Shady Crk
(F) 05/18/2000
WP97381911; Fawn

Am CH Shady Creek You're So Vain
(F) 09/10/2004
WS10146702; Fawn
Derby N Downtown Rockin Da House
(M) 07/13/2010
WS35091202; Fawn
Derby N Shady Crks Infield Party Girl
(F) 06/04/2007
Derby N Shady Crks Photo Finish
(M) 06/04/2007
WS22175103; Brindle
Derby N Shady Crks Run For The Roses
(F) 06/04/2007
WS22175101; Brindle
Derby Shdycrk N Wck's Chas'N Rac'N
(M) 06/04/2007
WS22175102; Brindle
Sc-N-Dd Ima Knockout V Masaya
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764110; Fawn
Sc-N-Dd N Rhydts Essence of the Sun
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764102; Fawn
Sc-N-Dd's Girls Rule Boys Drool
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764101; Fawn
Shady Creeks Forever Yours
(F) 02/07/2002
WR06172401; Fawn

BISS Am Ch Moon Rvr N Shady Crks Im N Vogue
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161102; Fawn
Shady Creek's Canyon Quake
(M) 11/30/2005
WS155720503; Fawn
Shady Creeks All Others Pale
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks Beauty Abound
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks No Other Dogs Before Me
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks Sloe Gin Fizz
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572504; Fawn
Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs Charismatic
() 12/17/2006
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs I No U N V Me
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161101; Fawn
Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs I'M Hot N U No It
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161104; Fawn
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs Im N Uptown Girl
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161109; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572505; Fawn
Shdy Creeks Diva-Licious V Equiss
(F) 11/30/2005
BISS Am Ch Shady Creeks Sister Golden Hair AOM
(F) 09/10/2004
WS10146703; Fawn

Am CH Von Charm's Excalibur of Laurado
(M) 07/12/2009
WS30798603; Fawn
Am CH Von Charm's My Immortal Love
(F) 07/12/2009
WS30798601; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Von Charm's Return of the King CGC
(M) 03/28/2008
WS25518101; Brindle
Von Charm's Something Wiccan
(F) 03/28/2008
WS25518103; Fawn
Von Charm's Strange Magick
(F) 03/28/2008
Shady Creeks Tiberius
(M) 02/07/2002
Aldydane's Marcheline
(F) 04/15/2008
Aristo's Chance Encounter
(M) 09/01/2005
Am CH Shady Crks Mr Saturday Nite Special
(M) 09/10/2004
WS10146701; Fawn
Danehills Order of the Phoenix
; Fawn
Am CH Equiss A Midsummers Night Kiss
(M) 06/14/2006
WS18339801; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Equiss Kiss N Mr Big Stuff
(M) 06/14/2006
WS18339804; Fawn
Equiss Kissing the Danes Away
(F) 06/14/2006
Equiss N Shady Creeks Kiss My Grits
(F) 06/14/2006
Equiss Scarletoak Kiss Me Kwik
(F) 06/14/2006
WS18339802; Fawn
Fendanes Lil' Redneck
(M) 08/29/2007
WS23436505; Fawn
Just Do It
(M) 05/25/2009
2009030353 IN; Fawn
Meja Kally Fendanes Expresso Machiato
(F) 08/29/2007
Shady Creek's Canyon Quake
(M) 11/30/2005
WS155720503; Fawn
Shady Creeks Sloe Gin Fizz
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572504; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572505; Fawn
Shdy Creeks Diva-Licious V Equiss
(F) 11/30/2005
Carma Que's Lightning Strikes
(M) 08/24/1997
Carma-Que's Icon of Shady Creek
(M) 08/24/1997
WP79979308; Fawn
Shawnee Summer Moon
WP97381904; Fawn
Magdelaina Sweet Summer Meadow
(F) 04/17/2005
WS12973303; Fawn
Am GCh Summer Meadow-Spellbound's Bewitched
(F) 04/07/2009
WS29830601; Fawn
Summer Meadows Navigator Right on Course
(M) 04/07/2009
WS29830607; Brindle
Am GCh Summer Meadows Welcome To The Jungle
(M) 04/26/2010
Nobles Sir Rockingham V Kast
(M) 06/23/2002
WS01264401; Brindle
Princess Moon Gina
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07461507; Brindle
Gold's Urban Special V Carma Que
(M) 04/04/1995