Reverse pedigree of:
Smokey Blue (M) ; |
Black Shadow X (M) ; Black
Letigera (M) WG259040; Brindle
Akosa Gray (F) WP29731902; Blue
Akasha's Shady Lady (F) WP65862103; Blue
Chief Blue Boy Perro (M) WP87136602; Blue
Hardcastle's Zeus (M) WP92122007; Blue / White
Monday Night Nitro (M) WP92122003; Black
Mr King II (M) WP92122002; Blue
Shady Ladys Blue Princess (F) WP87136604; Blue
Fales King Mufasa (M) ; Fawn
Fales A Magic Moment (F) ; Fawn
Rambo Letigera Reed (M) WP29731904; Fawn
Grendle' ghost (M) ; Fawn
Mr. Jack Danel's of Bin (M) 04/09/2000 WP96703805; Brindle
Red River's Calypso Gold (F) WP96703807; Fawn
Moose on The Loose (M) WP69718707; Black / White
MT Brockens Eternal Eruption (M) WP87121608; Black / White
Tigger The Not So Grate Dane (M) WG533204; Brindle
Ginger's Golden Echo (F) WP51635911; Brindle
King Brewtus Thompson (M) WP60581604; Fawn
Puf-Prides Coco (F) WP60581602; Brindle
Goff's Big Bubba Bear (M) WP51635901;
Goff's Peaches and Honey (F) 11/15/1996 WP74234704;
Grandest Tiger of Them All (M) WP51635904; Brindle
Flashy King Clyde (M) ; Brindle
Jemima's Ophelia Figress (F) WP98311207; Fawn
Heavenly Thunderstorm (M) WP41319507; Brindle
Caleb's Lady Dane Daphne (F) WP85967605; Brindle
Serenity's Lil Bit of Heaven (F) WP85967608; Brindle
Jana's Princess Emily (F) WP41302501; Fawn
My Little Tawny One (F) WP80321003; Fawn / White
Jane's Mercedes of Texarkana (F) WP41319505;
Jonathans Kandi Kane (F) 10/31/1996 WP73795808;
Our Girlfriend of Texarkana (F) 10/31/1996 WP73796813;
Rei Von Grider Clan (M) 04/29/1994 WP55481107;
Lacy Von Hess (F) WP44850302; Brindle
Jamoka Jamal (M) 06/27/1995 WP63708407;
Rhoden's Big Jake (M) 06/27/1995 WP63708408; Black
Shadow Mist Lady (F) ; Black
Duke Von Schwarzenegger (M) WF888698; Black
Dutches Von Shadow (F) WG360755; Black
Akosa Gray (F) WP29731902; Blue
Rambo Letigera Reed (M) WP29731904; Fawn
Tigger The Not So Grate Dane (M) WG533204; Brindle
Duke of Oak's (M) WP44410215; Fawn
Jamie's Toby Joe (M) 12/24/1988 WG322001;
Elke of Cove Creek (F) 02/14/1990 WP27312001;
Midnight Run Roxy (F) 05/02/1996 WP70172503;
Sheba's Black Velvet Heart (F) ;
Marcys Blue Boy (M) 12/21/1989 WP28123602;
Mercedes Magical Mystery (F) WP28123601; Blue
Hercules Magical Storm (F) WP36016204; Merle