River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Smoky Bays Simply Red
(F) 07/09/1993
WP50827502; Fawn
COI: 4.16%
Smokey Bays Red October
(M) 10/16/1997
WP83591002; Fawn
Smokey Bay's L'L Bit O'Red
(F) 04/30/2001
WR03037005; Brindle
Am CH Smokey Bays Wyne Luvs-2 Talk
(M) 06/20/2003
WS05553002; Fawn
Am CH Wyne's Keep'Em Talk'N V Sb
(M) 06/20/2003
WS05553001; Fawn
Sandale's Wyne Just Do It
(M) 09/18/2006
WS19318803; Fawn
Can Ch Bayridge's Can't Keep A Secret
(F) 08/06/2006
SQ120955; Brindle
Can Ch Libertesse's LiarLiarPants on Fire
(F) 01/31/2010
XA340288 / WS39044801; Fawn
Am CH Wyne's Lil Bit O'Shangrila
(F) 04/30/2001
Sandale's Wyne Just Do It
(M) 09/18/2006
WS19318803; Fawn
Wyne's A Li'L Bit O'Tuff Talk
(M) 05/03/2005
WS13301603; Brindle
Am CH Wyne's A Li'l Bit Star Struck
(F) 05/03/2005
WS13301601; Fawn
Am CH Wyne's Li'l Touch O'Magic ROM
(F) 05/03/2005
WS13301602; Brindle
BISS Am GCh Wyne Sandale Island Time
(M) 11/09/2008
WS28659601; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Wyne Sandale Whisper Hill's Timeless
(F) 11/09/2008
WS28659603 / 1106622; Brindle
Am CH Whisperhill Wyne Sandale Aria
(F) 05/03/2013
Whisperhill Wyne Sandale Dunk'n
(M) 05/03/2013
WS 45843704; Fawn
Whisperhill Wyne Sandale Fiona
(F) 05/03/2013
Whisperhill Wyne Sandale Garbo
(F) 05/03/2013
Can Ch Whisperhill Wyne Sandale Gilda
(F) 05/03/2013
AJ526253 / WS45843705;
Am CH Whisperhill Wynesandale Gatsby
(M) 05/03/2013
Can Ch Whisperhill Wynesandale Rigby
(M) 05/03/2013
WS45843706 / AJ526256;
Whisperhill Wynesandale Willis
(M) 05/03/2013
Wyne's All In Good Time
(F) 10/19/2007
Am CH Wyne's Frozen In Time
(M) 10/19/2007
Wyne's God of Spirited Times
(M) 10/19/2007
Am CH Wyne's High Time For Coco Bella
(F) 10/19/2007
Am GCh Wyne's My Time-2-Talk
(M) 10/19/2007
Can Ch Libertesse Lets Talk Theory
Can GCh Libertesse's You're I My Spot RN
CL628917; Brindle
Am GCh Wyne's Once In A Lifetime
(F) 10/19/2007
Am CH Wyne's Ric Ramar del Lago
(M) 06/23/2011
WS38162102; Fawn
Wyne's Rosalinda del Lago
(F) 06/23/2011
WS38162109; Fawn
Am GCh & Can Ch Wyne's Some Like It Hot Hot Hot AOM
(F) 06/23/2011
WS38162106; Fawn
Am GCh & Can Ch Wyne's the Wild Thing
(M) 06/23/2011
Am GCh & Can Ch Wyne's Watch Time Fly
(M) 10/19/2007
Am CH Wyne's Come Fly With Me
(F) 11/15/2009
WS32600402; Fawn
Wyne's Watch Me Fly
(M) 11/15/2009
Wyne's Watch Out For Me
(F) 11/15/2009
Am CH Wyne-Sandale Turning Back Time
(M) 11/09/2008
WS28659602; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart In Brindisi
(F) 04/08/2012
WS40426604; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart In Milano
(M) 04/08/2012
WS40426605; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart In Palermo
(M) 04/08/2012
WS40426603; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart In Roma
(F) 04/08/2012
WS40426601; Fawn
Am CH Smoky Bays Red Hot Pepper
(F) 10/16/1997
WP83591001; Fawn