Reverse pedigree of:
Augustus Caesar Haviland (M) 06/03/1992 WP41967402; COI: 0.00% |
Lady Alexis' Prissy Girl (F) 12/16/1993 WP52222410;
Dragonmans T Bar Mistress (F) 12/19/1996 WP76276803;
Dragons Colorme V Twin Blue (F) 12/19/1996 WP75276802;
Ladybug Fury of Patriots Way (F) 12/15/1993 WP52222403;
Apatcha White's Nicky Kaiser (M) 02/27/1996 WP68533407;
Blue Fury of Patriots Way (F) 10/19/1996 WP73898906;
Buster Brody I (M) 02/27/1996 WP68533404;
Reba Joy Ross (F) 04/10/1997 WP77919804;
Sir Winston Miller of Hicone (M) 04/10/1997 WP77919801;
Mahktar Von Asheford (M) 10/19/1996 WP73898907;
Peyton Alanis Von Asheford (F) 02/27/1996 WP68533405;
Pebbles of De Rollin Roc (F) 12/16/1993 WP52222406;