River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Bell's A Blue Called Alice
(F) 02/14/1997
WP76242706; Blue
COI: 3.03%
Am CH Bell's A Charmed Life
(F) 02/17/2000
WP96349301; Black
Am CH Bell's Blue Enchantment
(F) 02/01/2000
WP96349302; Blue
Bell's Jenna Is Blue Magic
(F) 11/09/2004
WS10633508; Blue
Am CH Bell's No Blues Songs For Me
(F) 02/09/2003
Bell's on The Rock V Big Royal
(M) 11/09/2004
Bigroyal's Beetlejuice
(M) 02/06/2006
; Blue
Am CH Bell's Out of The Blue
(M) 02/09/2003
WS03362807; Fawn
Hal-Mar's Samantha V Bell
(F) 06/04/2004
WS08695104; Fawn
Ramacs Double The Trouble
(F) 05/06/2010
WS34225303; Blue
Ramac A Dozen Blue Roses
(F) 11/27/2015
WS52365601; Blue
Am CH Bell's Semper Fidelis
(M) 02/09/2003
WS03362808; Black
Darkhorse Me & My Big Mouth
(F) 08/12/2007
TQ174224; Blue
Can Ch Darkhorse's Go Big Or Go Home GDCC-AOM
(M) 08/12/2007
TQ174229 / WS37700401; Black

Dark Horse's Pickle of A Dilly V Sterling
(F) 07/26/2011
WS38478105; Black
Darkhorse Sterling Pickled Pink
(F) 12/21/2014
WS49796501; Black
Darkhorse's Fuzzy Pickle RN
Am CH Enzo's Ain't She Purdy at Blue Moon
(F) 08/22/2012
WS41633201; Black
Blue Moon's Smoke Follows Beauty
(F) 06/17/2016
Blue Moon's Smokin' Hot Handsome Hank
(M) 06/17/2016
WS54634002; Blue
Am & Int Ch Enzo's Derek Zoolander Blue Steel Remyd AOM
(M) 08/22/2012
WS41633202; Blue
Am GCh Creek Danes Daddy's L'il Raya Sunshine V Enzo
(F) 12/05/2014
WS49490202; Blue
Am CH Creek Danes Princess Persia
(F) 12/28/2018
WS63777901; Blue
Creek Danes A Walk In The Park Zion
(M) 06/02/2018
WS61992411; Black
Creek Danes Book of Life V Dantry
(F) 06/02/2018
WS61992402; Black
Creek Danes Good N' Plenty V Dantry
(F) 06/02/2018
WS61992401; Black
Creek Danes She Wow Wow
(F) 07/29/2020
WS69648101; Blue
Creek Danes Van der Zon
(M) 07/29/2020
WS69648103; Blue
BIS BISS GChG Creek Danes I'm The Head Honcho El Jefe V Enzo HOF AOM
(M) 12/05/2014
WS49490201; Blue
Am GCh Creek Danes 'N Providence's Iconic Expression
(F) 09/12/2016
WS55064601; Blue
Creek Danes Queen of Donegal Alinn V Donegal
(F) 09/12/2016
WS55064602; Blue
Bbd's Dulce Canvas of My Experiences
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025702; Harlequin
Bbd's Elementary My Dear Watson
(M) 03/25/2020
WS68025703; Black
Bbd's I Name Him I Keep Him
(M) 03/25/2020
WS68025704; Merle
Bbd's The Lady Obsidian
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025708; Black
Blue Hood's Pepper's Lane
Cheshire's I Have A Crush on You
(F) 06/07/2018
Am CH Creek Danes I Am Here To Clean House Roomba
(M) 08/07/2019
WS67080301; Blue
Creek Danes I'M the Big Cheese
(F) 05/23/2022
Creek Danes Lady Sings the Blues V Sanlor CGC
(F) 07/12/2020
WS69331301; Blue
Creek Danes Living the Grand Life
(F) 05/23/2022
Creek Danes N Diriso Actlikealady Thinklikeaboss
(F) 06/05/2019
WS65495101; Blue
Creek Danes N Sarama Danes Not Just Another Kare
(F) 08/07/2019
WS67080302; Blue
Creek Danes N Sarama Take Me To The Top
(M) 06/05/2019
WS65495102; Blue
Creek Danes Sure I'll Have Another
(F) 04/25/2017
WS58448304; Blue
Creek Danes Where Theres Thunder
(F) 06/05/2019
BISS Am Ch Devine's Blacklister Doc Holliday RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA GDCA-V
(M) 07/10/2017
WS57804307; Black
Am GCh Devines Blacklister Boy From Brooklyn V Ravensne
(M) 07/10/2017
WS57804312; Black
Devines Honcho of Love
(M) 07/10/2017
Am GCh & Int Ch Dulce 'N Enzo's New Shade V Bbd RATN
(F) 03/25/2020
WS68025701; Harlequin
Am CH Enzo's There's Only One Hugo Boss
(M) 10/23/2016
WS55030001; Blue
Euphorias Head Over Heels V Creekdanes
(F) 02/04/2020
WS67463201; Blue
Am CH Euphorias When All Is Said And Done V Creek Dane
(M) 02/04/2020
WS67463202; Blue
Am CH Madison's at Creek Danes Just Give Me Purple Ora
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782802; Blue
Madison's C'est La Vie, Paris Can Wait!
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782805; Blue
MBISSOH GCHB CH Madison's Grin & Bear It, He's the One! AOM
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782801; Blue
Am CH Madison's Hedy Lamarr
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782803; Blue
Am CH Madison's I'm Worth Your Time at Northernaire
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782804; Blue
Madison's Rhapsody In Blue
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782806; Blue
Midnight's Marcus Corvinus V Creek
(M) 08/31/2019
Midnight's Selene the Death Dealer
(F) 08/31/2019
Morningdews Cullinun Diamond
(F) 08/19/2019
GJ810129; Blue
Am CH Northernaire's I'm A Monster In Disquise
(F) 07/03/2017
WS58005102; Blue
Northerner's Stay Wild Moon Child
(F) 07/03/2017
Am CH Rana's Blue Slate Special
(F) 12/31/2017
WS59749401; Blue
Rana's Forged in Fire at GE
(M) 12/31/2018
WS59749402; Blue
Rana's the Gilded Lilly V Creek Danes
(F) 12/31/2017
Am GChS Rosecran's Larger Than Life
(M) 10/23/2017
WS59138101; Black
Am GChS Creek Danes Once In A Lifetime V Enzo AOM
(F) 12/05/2014
WS49490203; Blue
Enzo Eio Brave Heart
(M) 01/21/2022
Am CH Enzo's Merci Devi V Shades AOM
(F) 12/01/2014
WS48919401; Blue
Enzo's Bond Dbl-O-Svn
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076705; Blue
Enzo's First Dibs
(F) 02/19/2018
WS60076702; Black
Am CH Enzo's Grateful as a Midnight Rain
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076701; Black
Enzo's Stormin' Norman
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076707; Blue
Enzo's You'Re A Cute Little Heart Breaker Zelda BN CGC TKN
(F) 02/19/2018
WS60076706; Black
Enzo's Flight of the Phoenix at Rana
(F) 02/05/2019
WS63728601; Blue
Am GCh & Int Ch Enzo's Maneki Neko Dana AOM
(F) 02/05/2019
WS63728603; Blue
Enzo's Marvel at My Zen CGCA
(M) 02/05/2019
WS63728604; Blue
Enzo’s Coulda Shoulda Woulda Did
(M) 08/01/2023
WS81318506; Harlequin
Am GCh Shades Nakoa V Enzo A Warrior's Heart
(M) 12/01/2014
WS48919403; Blue
Lazy Days Sail on Sailor
(M) 05/01/2016
Lazy Days Shining Star di Noche
(F) 05/01/2016
Silver Linings Steele Unwritten V Shades
(F) 06/17/2018
WS61325705; Blue
Can Ch Jonniedanes Kate Moss
Am GCh Sterling's Dwt Black Calla Lily V. Darkhorse
(F) 07/26/2011
WS38478103; Black
Sterling's Azure Fibonacci CD RA CGC
(M) 04/01/2017
WS56799804; Blue
Sterling's Obsidian Rosette Delizy
(F) 08/25/2017
WS54726103; Black
Sterling N Cedarhill Cranmoor Wishing On A Star
(M) 04/20/2020
WS68187009; Blue
Can Ch Sterling's Bluebonnet v KRW
(F) 03/04/2021
WS72347202; Blue
Am CH Sterling's Northern Sentry Hudson V Oceanblue
(M) 04/20/2020
WS68187004; Black
Sterling's Tabula Rasa
(F) 08/25/2016
WS54726101; Blue
Can GCh Sterling's Whitewater Knight CGN
(M) 08/25/2016
WS54726106 / 1133526; Blue
Sterling's Worth Her Wait v Darkhorse Kismet
(F) 04/01/2017
WS56799801; Blue
Can Ch Darkhorse's Showdwn at Big Sky
(M) 08/12/2007
TQ174228 / WS37700402; Black
Allyndanes Love Bandit
WQ378267; Black
Can GCh Allyndne Gunpwdrnlace Zendale ATD
CG605627; Black
Can GCh Allyndanes Last Bet on Black NTD
(F) 03/07/2018
FE751154; Black
Allyndanes Last Showman
(M) 03/07/2018
Can Ch Allyndanes The Last Word
(F) 03/07/2018
Can Ch Allyndanes Sleepover Bandit
(M) 08/07/2010
XQ378246; Black
Can Ch Allyndanes Daretodream
Can Ch Allyndanes Dreammaster
ZW502680; Black
Can GCh Allyndne Gunpwdrnlace Zendale ATD
CG605627; Black
RBIS Can GCh Darkhorse U Can Cancel The Pie
(F) 12/15/2014
BY582677 / WS64491501; Black
Darkhorse's U Wish V Akiva
(F) 12/15/2014
BY 585774;
Darkhorse Sterling Pickled Pink
(F) 12/21/2014
WS49796501; Black
Darkhorse's Fuzzy Pickle RN
Darkhorse Casts A Giant Shadow
(M) 12/16/2012
ZY483908; Black
Northernaire's Southern Trade Winds
(M) 06/13/2012
WS41321204; Blue
Northernaire's Here for the Party
(F) 12/05/2014
WS49285901; Blue
Northernaires Vivian Secrets
(F) 06/13/2012
WS41321202; Blue
Am CH Eastwood's Sudden Impact
(M) 05/28/2009
WS30891701; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Saving Grace CD RN
Can Ch Adonis' Skye's Manchester
Am CH CreekDanesBlueChasingPavement Adele
(F) 05/12/2011
WS37917501; Blue
Am GCh Creek Danes 'N Providence's Iconic Expression
(F) 09/12/2016
WS55064601; Blue
Creek Danes Queen of Donegal Alinn V Donegal
(F) 09/12/2016
WS55064602; Blue
U-CH Creek Danes Set Fire To The Rain Over River Rock BN
(M) 10/28/2015
WS52174806; Black
Creeks Blue Outlaw
(M) 05/12/2011
WS37917506; Black
Am CH Creek Danes Princess Persia
(F) 12/28/2018
WS63777901; Blue
Creek Danes Her Royal Highness
(F) 12/01/2022
WS79005901; Blue
Am GCh Creeks Summerset's Caught Your Eye
(M) 05/12/2011
WS37917502; Blue
Am CH Maydanes 'N' Von Bruno's French Connection
(F) 08/04/2012
Maydanes Aluminum Overcast V Stuhr
(M) 06/29/2015
WS51155001; Blue
Am CH Maydanes Can't Say No V Stuhr
(F) 06/29/2015
WS51155002; Blue
Maydanes Stuhr Cora Bella
(F) 12/17/2018
WS63654503; Black
Maydanes I Am Titanium V Fleur Delis
(F) 06/29/2015
WS51155003; Blue
Maydanes N Von Bruno's Pardon Moi Mademoiselle
(F) 08/04/2012
WS41458702; Blue
Can GCh Wil-Joi Alluring Larkspur V Meraki ATD TKA RI CGN THDN VGD VDX
(M) 06/24/2017
WS57782103 / 1136798; Blue
Ovd Aquila's Blue Eagle
(M) 10/22/2019
WS66723601; Blue
OVD Under the Radar V Meraki ATD RN CCF1 NTD-Masters
(F) 10/22/2019
WS66723603; Blue
Wil-Joi Aurores Boreales V DaJa
(M) 01/14/2016
WS53007903; Blue
Wil-Joi Belladonna
(F) 06/24/2017
WS57782101; Fawn
Wil-Joi Black Alluring Larkspur V Meraki
(M) 06/24/2017
WS57782101; Black
Wil-Joi Black Jettus Bleeding Heart
(M) 06/24/2017
WS57782103; Blue
Wil-Joi Black Locust
(M) 06/24/2017
WS57782106; Black
Wil-Joi Chevalier En Bleu
(M) 01/14/2016
WS53007906; Blue
Am GChB Wil-Joi Je-Ne Sais Quoi
(M) 01/14/2016
WS53007904; Blue
Blueprint's Sharingan of The Shadows BCAT
(M) 04/07/2020
EIO Black Diamonds If You Please
(F) 12/27/2019
WS66914205; Black
Am GCh EIO Danes Ask Me Anything CGC TKN
(F) 12/27/2019
EIO Hair Toss Check My Nails at Addadane
(F) 12/27/2019
WS66914206; Black
Enzo's Flight of the Phoenix at Rana
(F) 02/05/2019
WS63728601; Blue
Am GCh & Int Ch Enzo's Maneki Neko Dana AOM
(F) 02/05/2019
WS63728603; Blue
Enzo's Marvel at My Zen CGCA
(M) 02/05/2019
WS63728604; Blue
Glory's Night Fury of Trieste
(M) 07/21/2021
WS74099501; Black
Can Ch Meraki's Maybe She's Born With It TKA VHMP
(F) 07/30/2021
WS74521201; Black
Wil-Joi International Man of Mystery V Wildhurst
(M) 11/19/2019
WS66769903; Blue
Wil-Joi La Belle Espionne at Meraki TKA ATD
(F) 11/19/2019
; Blue
Wil-Joi JE-t Adore Princesse
(F) 01/14/2016
WS53007901; Blue
Wil-Joi Day Dream Believer
(F) 06/12/2021
WS73170701; Black
Wil-Joi International Man of Mystery V Wildhurst
(M) 11/19/2019
WS66769903; Blue
Wil-Joi La Belle Espionne at Meraki TKA ATD
(F) 11/19/2019
; Blue
Wil-Joi JE-Vais Manger Vorte Canape
(F) 01/14/2016
WS53007905; Blue
Wil-Joi Poison Ivy
(F) 06/24/2017
WS57782105; Blue Fawn
Am CH Wil-Joi Sacre Blue
(M) 01/14/2016
WS53007902; Blue
Wil-Joi Wolfsbane
(M) 06/24/2017
WS57782104; Black
Am CH MoreDane's All Or Nothing
(F) 03/29/2013
WS44297004; Blue
YDANES She's on A Roll
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51002101; Blue
Ydanes Viva Las Vegas
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51002102; Blue
Moredane's Devil In the Deep Blue
(F) 03/29/2013
Moredane's Jackpot Party
(F) 03/29/2013
WS44297002; Blue

Moredane's Frozen In Time at Sundown Etc
(F) 09/27/2015
WS52244401; Black
Sundown's Queen Vashti
(F) 02/14/2019
WS63737410; Black
Am GChB Sundown's What's One More at Waters Edge CGC TKN RI AOM
(M) 02/14/2019
WS63737402; Harlequin
Moredane's Maximum Bet
(M) 03/29/2013
WS44297003; Blue
Moredane's All Jazzed Up at Amare
(F) 11/29/2014
MoreDane's Spin To Win at WWDanes
(F) 03/29/2013
WS44297001; Blue
Errantry's the Plank Owner
(M) 07/20/2018
Am GCh Ramac's You've Been Thunderstruck By Glory RN
(F) 03/07/2011
Ws37148006; Blue
Am CH Chariots of Fire For Glory
(M) 12/29/2014
WS49259805; Fawn
Glory's Bad Boy Boogie
(M) 12/29/2014
Am GCh Glory's Ruler of the Thunderous Seas
(M) 03/16/2016
Am GCh Glory's Tempest of the Sea
(F) 03/16/2016
Glory's Calm Before the Storm at Storm
(F) 10/12/2020
Glory's Got My Mojo Working
(F) 10/12/2020
Glory's Night Fury of Trieste
(M) 07/21/2021
WS74099501; Black
Glory's Onyx Talisman
(M) 10/12/2020
Am CH She's Got the Look of Glory
(F) 12/29/2014
Am CH Tolsina's Winter Solstice V Glory RE TKN
(F) 12/29/2014
WS49259802; Black
Ramacs Just Do It V Greatness
(F) 01/03/2014
WS46441101; Blue
Spirituals Lady Liberty
(F) 09/04/2010
WS36532101; Blue
Timeless Magic's Just One Look
(M) 08/29/2011
WS40462301; Blue
Von Bruno 'N' Maydanes Mvp
(M) 08/04/2012
WS41458703; Blue
Von Bruno's N Maydanes Put Me N Coach
(M) 01/09/2012
WS40087401; Blue
Enzo's Bond Dbl-O-Svn
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076705; Blue
Enzo's First Dibs
(F) 02/19/2018
WS60076702; Black
Am CH Enzo's Grateful as a Midnight Rain
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076701; Black
Enzo's Stormin' Norman
(M) 02/19/2018
WS60076707; Blue
Enzo's You'Re A Cute Little Heart Breaker Zelda BN CGC TKN
(F) 02/19/2018
WS60076706; Black
Bells Countess De Merentha
(F) 11/09/2004
WS10633504; Blue
Bells Genesis V Shadowcaster
() 02/01/2000