River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Boarhunters Nordman
(M) 03/09/1996
S26361/96; Blue
COI: 2.83%
Thunderfire Bluchipstock
(F) 09/29/1997
Aust Ch Thunderfire Hi Ho Silver TDX ET
(M) 09/30/1997
3100014074; Blue
Monteral Full Circle
(F) 09/19/2009
01941-2010; Blue
Thunderfire Lone Ranger
; Fawn
Thunderfire Silver Cerulean
(F) 02/14/2014
; Blue Harlequin
Thunderfire Silver Chimera
(F) 02/14/2014
; Harlequin
Thunderfire Royal Flush
(F) 09/30/1997
3100014072; Blue
Aust Ch Archance Beau Bleu Ami
(M) 12/25/2002
; Blue
Archance Belle Celeste
5100027049; Blue
Mulgadane Blue Bayou
(M) 07/23/2004
Mulgadane Dakota Blac
(F) 07/23/2004
2100191576; Black
Mulgadane Knight Rider
(M) 07/23/2004
2100191573; Black
Mulgadane Knightstar
(F) 10/14/2006
2100240624; Harlequin
Mulgadane Litllizzie
(F) 08/26/2011
2100347062; Black
Voncavadane Bent on Bedazzling
(M) 07/15/2014
3100311621; Harlequin
Voncavadane Bent on Bewitching
(F) 01/09/2014
3100300166; Mantle
Voncavadane Bent on Winning
(M) 01/09/2014
3100300170; Harlequin
Mulgadane Rythnblue
2100347056; Harlequin
Mulgadane Ink N Decent
(F) 04/24/2016
2100453339; Harlequin
Reblue Alisana Nisha
3100236538; Blue
Aust Ch Issis Aurora
Saphiredanes Alisanaasha River
(F) 06/18/2012
3100277231; Blue
Saphiredanes Paris Divinty
(F) 06/02/2018
3100277231; Blue
Aust Ch Saphiredanes Issis Arora
(F) 08/01/2014
3100311147; Blue
Stordansk Davincis Demonheart
(M) 04/10/2018
2100496956; Black
Stordansk Davincis Persephone
(F) 04/10/2018
2100496957; Black
Saphiredanes Trinity Storm
3100332228; Blue
Saphiredanes London Realm
(F) 10/01/2018
3100383001; Blue
Reblue Arch Angel
(M) 06/12/2008
3100205578; Blue
Reblue Enchanted Candelicous
3100205707; Blue Harlequin
Reblue Charli Bubbles
(F) 03/02/2010
3100237362; Harlequin
Waytago Miss Magic
2100374944; Blue
Waytago Zorro Masked Warrior
; Mantle
Reblue Enchanted Dream
(F) 05/19/2007
3100188800; Blue
Reblue Gift from the Heart
(F) 06/12/2008
Reblue Heart Breaker
(M) 06/12/2008
3100205577; Black
Reblue Riders Delight
(F) 03/31/2008
3100203790; Harlequin
Reblue Christmas Surprise
(F) 12/24/2009
3100233903; Harlequin
Danefoolery Willow
Reblue Shes My Lady
Archance Queen of Hearts
(F) 03/27/2001
5100020126; Black
Mysticdanes Backin Black
(F) 02/13/2004
Aust Ch Mysticdanes Belle De Jour
(F) 10/01/2004
Mysticdanes Blu Hearts
(M) 10/01/2004
Mysticdanes Blu Heaven
(F) 10/01/2004
4100115966; Blue
Bluethunder Phailan
(F) 06/03/2006
4100138290; Blue
Mysticdanes Hell Bells
4100106378; Fawn
Wolfcrests Artful Dodger
; Harlequin
Wolfcrests Black Shadow
(F) 08/15/2006
Aust Ch Wolfcrests Black Sway
(F) 08/15/2006
4100138029; Black
Swayd Bite Your Tongue
(F) 11/28/2010
3100248777; Black
Swayd Buttons N Bows
(F) 11/08/2009
3100229674; Fawn
Swayd Cat Gotcha Tongue
(M) 11/28/2010
3100248773; Black
Swayd Cat N Mouse
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229676; Fawn
Swayd Chain N Sprocket
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229675; Fawn
Swayd Hide N Seek
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229679; Black
Swayd In N Out
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229680; Black
Swayd Liquorice N Lace
(F) 11/08/2009
3100229677; Black
Swayd Slip Ov The Tongue
(M) 11/28/2010
3100248772; Black
Swayd Spick N Span
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229678; Black
Swayd Stix N Stone
(M) 11/08/2009
3100229681; Black
Swayd Tongue In Cheek
(F) 11/28/2010
3100248774; Black
Swayd Tongue Tied
(F) 11/28/2010
3100248775; Black
Swayd Tongue Twister
(F) 11/28/2010
3100248776; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Blu Swayd
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202009; Blue
Swayd Crazy For You
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263118; Fawn (Blue Mask)
Swayd Crazy In Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263115; Blue
Swayd Crazy Kind of Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263119; Blue
Swayd Crazy Like A Fox
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263116; Blue
BISS Aust SCh Swayd Doing It My Way ET RN
(M) 07/07/2012
3100274603; Black
Aust Ch Swayd Every Which Way But Yours
(M) 07/07/2012
3100274605; Black
Aust Ch Swayd Going It Alone
(F) 07/07/2012
3100274602; Black
Aust Ch Swayd She Drives Me Crazy
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263117; Blue
Swayd Standing on My Own
(F) 07/07/2012
3100274604LR; Black
Thunderfire Brilliant Onyx
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202006; Black
Thunderfire Dark Crystal
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202005; Black
Thunderfire Life of Pi
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Like Mike
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Lord Oth Lake
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Smokin Blu Swayd
(M) 03/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Swaydt Blakk
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Wolfcrests Blu Cloud
(F) 08/15/2006
Wolfcrests Blu Sky
(F) 08/15/2006
4100138031; Blue
Daneclouds Lil Isabelle
(F) 03/26/2009
8010004575; Blue
Wolfcrests Mystic Blue Star
4100165441; Blue
Mysticdanes Blu Singa Buckley
(M) 08/05/2009
Mysticdanes Blu Singa Starlett
(F) 08/05/2009
4100177090; Blue
Aquadane Girl In the Moon
(F) 04/08/2016
4100273114; Blue
Aquadane Truth Or Dare
(F) 10/29/2012
4100221201; Harlequin
Divadanes Delilah
(F) 08/24/2011
4100204048; Fawn
Grandane Victoria
(F) 05/08/2014
Wolfcrests Silver Princess
(F) 08/29/2008
4100165444; Blue
Wolfcrests Taho Dodger
(M) 07/22/2007
; Harlequin
Mysticdanes Memphis Belle
(F) 10/01/2004
4100115963; Blue
Mysticdanes Blu Singa Buckley
(M) 08/05/2009
Mysticdanes Blu Singa Starlett
(F) 08/05/2009
4100177090; Blue
Aquadane Girl In the Moon
(F) 04/08/2016
4100273114; Blue
Aquadane Truth Or Dare
(F) 10/29/2012
4100221201; Harlequin
Aquadane Dare To Compare
(F) 06/04/2015
4100259376; Blue Harlequin
Mysticdanes Money Talks
4100106380; Fawn
Heavenslott Cashed Up
(F) 11/25/2006
Heavenslott Crusin
(M) 11/25/2006
2100268891; Fawn
Heavenslott Advocate
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Angelica
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Enchantress
() 06/08/2009
2100297829; Black
Heavenslott Gallantry
(M) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Justifiable
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Make Me Famous
() 01/21/2011
2100332779; Fawn
Heavenslott Prince in Hotpants
(M) 01/21/2011
2100332784; Black
Heavenslott Sargent Steel
(M) 11/04/2013
2100395685; Black
Heavenslott Symphony
(M) 06/08/2009
Mysticdanes Queen Oclubs
(F) 10/01/2004
Mysticdanes Riff Raff
(M) 02/13/2004
4100106373; Fawn
Lloki Mr Dynamic
2100231180; Fawn
Lloki Blue Provence
(F) 09/25/2007
Lloki Day Dreamin
(M) 04/25/2008
Lloki Lady Granada
(F) 09/25/2007
2100258956; Black
Heavenslott Advocate
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Angelica
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Enchantress
() 06/08/2009
2100297829; Black
Heavenslott Gallantry
(M) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Justifiable
(F) 06/08/2009
Heavenslott Make Me Famous
() 01/21/2011
2100332779; Fawn
Heavenslott Prince in Hotpants
(M) 01/21/2011
2100332784; Black
Heavenslott Symphony
(M) 06/08/2009
Lloki Must B Dreamin
(M) 04/25/2008
Lloki Sierra Silk
(F) 04/25/2008
2100272963; Black
Barghest Agirushka
(M) 03/07/2011
2100335921 LR; Black
Barghest Andromeda
(F) 03/07/2011
2100335925 LR; Black
Aust Ch Barghest Bram
(M) 03/24/2012
2100358663; Black
Barghest Celeste
(F) 03/07/2011
2100335924 LR; Black
Barghest Dark Angle
(F) 03/07/2011
2100335926 LR; Black
Barghest Lunar Eclipse
(F) 03/24/2012
; Black
Barghest Midnight Express
(M) 03/24/2012
2100358659; Black
Aust Ch Barghest Mums Little Angel
(F) 03/24/2012
2100358656; Black
Barghest Rocky Benjamin Lee
(M) 03/07/2011
2100335918; Black
Barghest Romanadvoratrelunar
(F) 03/07/2011
2100335927 LR; Black
Barghest Sasha
(F) 03/07/2011
2100335923 LR; Black
Aust Ch Barghest Twist of Fate
(M) 03/07/2011
2100335920; Black
Barghest Valentine
(M) 03/07/2011
2100335919; Black
Lloki Velocity Blue
(F) 09/25/2007
Aust Ch Mulgadane Kausin Khaos
(F) 11/25/2007
2100264395; Fawn
Aust Ch Taliekin Blackarachnia
(F) 05/17/2013
2100385540; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Etched In Stone
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385541; Blue
BIS RUBISS Aust GCh Taliekin The Bourne Legacy
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385542; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Grand Larceny
(M) 03/23/2011
2100338841; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Legally Blonde
(F) 03/23/2011
2100338845; Fawn
Taliekin Mystery N Mayhem
(M) 03/23/2011
2100338849; Blue
Taliekin Ranten n Raven
(F) 03/23/2011
2100338840; Black
Mulgadane Manfred Man
(M) 11/25/2007
2100264398; Fawn
Mulgadane Miss Anna
2100264397; Fawn
Mulgadane Back tothe Future
2100355535; Fawn
Mulgadane Maggie May
(F) 12/28/2011
2100355542; Fawn
Aust Ch Mysticdanes Thundastruk
(M) 02/13/2004
Mysticdanes TNT Im Dynamyt
(F) 02/13/2004
4100106376; Fawn
Mysticdanes Dance N Jive
(F) 10/30/2007
4100152686; Fawn
Aust Ch Mulgadane Not on Ya Nelly
(F) 07/13/2010
2100324158; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Legend of Th Ark
(M) 10/11/2015
; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Threads of Gold
(F) 09/17/2013
; Fawn
Thunderfire Whos That Girl
(F) 12/01/1998
Thunderfire Wild Man Blue
(M) 12/01/1998
3100032398; Blue
Thunderfire Carrythflame
(F) 03/22/2000
Mulgadane Leroythunda
(M) 09/20/2003
2000178450; Blue
Aust Ch Mulgadane Not on Ya Nelly
(F) 07/13/2010
2100324158; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Legend of Th Ark
(M) 10/11/2015
; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Threads of Gold
(F) 09/17/2013
; Fawn
Mulgadane Thunda Bloosho
Thunderfire Dipt in Gold
(M) 03/22/2000
Thunderfire Millennia
(F) 03/22/2000
3100060336; Black
Danedreamer DaysofThunda
(M) 04/28/2002
3100096936; Black
Danedreamer Stormnthunda
(M) 04/28/2002
3100096935; Black
Manningdanes Angel Wings
(F) 07/20/2007
2100255232; Black
Hildydane Anais Anais
2100287294; Harlequin
Hildydane Great Spartacus
(M) 06/24/2011
2100342713; Blue
Hildydane Sapphire Queen
(F) 06/24/2011
2100342712; Blue Harlequin
Hildydane Astrid
(F) 10/24/2008
Aust Ch Hildydane Athenah
(F) 10/24/2008
2100287295; Blue Harlequin
Aust Ch Audacieux Back In Black
(M) 11/18/2013
; Black
Aust Ch Audacieux Black Magic Woman
(F) 11/18/2013
5100078990; Black
Audacieux Eye of The Tiger
(F) 11/18/2013
Audacieux GoodGollyMissMolly
(F) 11/18/2013
; Harlequin
Audacieux Still Got The Blues
(M) 06/24/2011
; Blue
Hildydane Countess Hera
(F) 09/05/2012
Aust Ch Hildydane Rasputin
(M) 06/21/2011
2100343071; Harlequin
Hildydane Queen Ysabella
(F) 01/23/2015
2100422219; Harlequin
Hildydane Rudyard Kipling
(M) 08/29/2013
2100390510; Harlequin
Notradane Darf Vadar
(M) 02/01/2016
2100445740; Black
Aust Ch Manningdanes Ghostwalker
(M) 07/20/2007
2100255236; Blue
Arowdane Darci
(F) 08/25/2010
4100189714; Blue
Arowdane Shelby
(F) 09/05/2013
4100232596; Blue
Arowdane Zephyrus Kingdom
4100276480; Blue
Arowdane Lacy
(F) 08/25/2010
4100189715; Blue
Arowdane Milly
4100219942; Blue
Arowdane Kalesi
(F) 05/22/2015
4100258546; Blue
Hildydane Great Spartacus
(M) 06/24/2011
2100342713; Blue
Hildydane Queen of Zamba
(F) 07/10/2012
Hildydane Sapphire Queen
(F) 06/24/2011
2100342712; Blue Harlequin
HildyDane I van The Great
2100384467; Harlequin
Hildydane The Imperialist
(M) 05/20/2013
Hildydane The Quiz Master
(M) 06/17/2011
Hildydane Zireon of Lord Teal
(M) 07/10/2012
2100365049; Blue
Rydiadane Duke
4100232798; Blue
Rydiadane Princess Stella
(F) 09/20/2014
4100249489; Blue
Rydiadane Valhalla Blue Skies
(M) 12/28/2016
4100285437; Blue
Rydiadane Zia Loyola
(F) 01/01/2016
4100268821; Blue
Aust Ch Manningdanes Blade Runner
(M) 02/27/2009
2100291067; Blue Harlequin
Manningdanes Blue Suede
(M) 07/25/2009
2100300532; Blue
SuedeGiants Lady Zahmiira
(F) 07/30/2015
4100261877; Blue
Manningdanes Code of Honor
(M) 03/22/2013
; Fawn
Manningdanes Ice Breaker
(F) 02/27/2009
2100291068; Harlequin (Blue)
Muddruza Emma
Muddruza Moonie
Muddruza Smiley
(M) 01/07/2013
4100201423; Harlequin
Manningdanes Mate
(M) 02/19/2010
2100314505; Black
Manningdanes Silver Lining
(F) 09/26/2009
2100305347; Blue
Aust Ch Notradane Argo
(M) 01/30/2013
2100379019; Mantle
Notradane Norma Jean
(F) 01/30/2013
2100379022; Harlequin
Aust Ch Notradane Victory
(M) 01/30/2013
2100379013; Harlequin
Manningdanes Stormguard
(M) 06/18/2012
; Blue
Manningdanes Storms Legacy
(M) 02/19/2010
2100314506; Black
Manningdanes The Gladiator
(M) 04/17/2011
2100339836; Harlequin
Manningdanes Wicked Angel
(F) 02/19/2010
2100314502; Blue Harlequin
Aquadane Bluer Than You
(F) 06/10/2012
4100214944; Blue
Aquadane Violet Star
(F) 06/10/2012
4100214945; Blue Harlequin
Manningdanes Hells Angel
(F) 11/27/2007
2100262976; Harlequin
Manningdanes Mate
(M) 02/19/2010
2100314505; Black
Manningdanes Storms Legacy
(M) 02/19/2010
2100314506; Black
Manningdanes The Gladiator
(M) 04/17/2011
2100339836; Harlequin
Manningdanes Wicked Angel
(F) 02/19/2010
2100314502; Blue Harlequin
Aquadane Bluer Than You
(F) 06/10/2012
4100214944; Blue
Aquadane Violet Star
(F) 06/10/2012
4100214945; Blue Harlequin
Manningdanes Ladyinblack
(F) 07/20/2007
2100255236; Black / White
Aust Ch Hildydane Emperor Klaudius
(M) 04/15/2010
2100316563; Black
Aust Ch Ashadanois Rose Tyler
(F) 09/25/2019
2100528758; Harlequin
Aust Ch Hildydane Empress Kristina
(F) 04/15/2010
2100316574; Harlequin
Hildydane Erik The Great
Sambeclyn Miss QT
(F) 08/07/2011
7100026128; Harlequin
Hildydane Kahlua And Cream
(F) 04/15/2010
2100316560; Black
Hildydane Klaudius
(M) 04/15/2010
Hildydane Pretty Edelweiss
2100306026; Harlequin
Priorydane Black Pearl
(F) 09/10/2012
7100028484LR; Harlequin
PrioryDane Eye Candy
(M) 08/24/2011
; Harlequin
Priorydane Gypsy Lea
(F) 08/24/2011
7100026475; Harlequin
Priorydane Little Miss
(F) 08/24/2011
7100026474; Harlequin
Hildydane Roman Emperor
(M) 09/20/2009
Aust Ch Hildydane The Kaiserin
(F) 04/15/2010
; Harlequin
Hildydane Handsome Zircon
Manningdanes Stormchaser
(F) 07/28/2007
2100255234; Blue
Cruiserdane Beast of Blumist
(M) 08/26/2011
Thunderfire Supa Nova
(F) 03/22/2000
Thunderfire Shadow Dancer
(F) 09/13/2003
Thunderfire Silvadusk
(F) 09/13/2003
Emblazzon Ashur Nite
; Black
Emblazzon Black Magik
; Black
Emblazzon Blue Moon
(M) 05/11/2007
Emblazzon My Blue Angel
(F) 05/11/2007
Emblazzon My First Nite
; Black
Emblazzon Sierra Nite
; Black
Emblazzon Travellin Man
; Black
Wittstone Revillution
(F) 04/11/1997
WP89657401; Blue
Am CH Bluestone Invincible
(M) 01/11/2000
WP96097301; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Electric Blue TDI
(M) 08/02/2003
NQ892112; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Emerging Perfection
(F) 08/02/2003
NQ892110 / WS18850401;
Can Ch Adonis' Etched In Stone CD Cgn
(F) 08/02/2003
NQ892126; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Evolution of Blue
() 08/02/2003
Bluestone Black Magic Woman
(F) 10/08/2002
; Black
Bluestone Bottoms Up
(F) 01/20/2007
WS21068203; Black
Bluestone Lo And Behold! Ravedane
(F) 01/11/2009
Am CH Bluestone's Silver Lining To Tnt
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053501; Black
Knopf's Avatar Omaticaya
(M) 10/28/2012
WS43206601; Blue
Knopf's Bring on the Blues
(F) 10/26/2012
Aust Ch Taliekin Blackarachnia
(F) 05/17/2013
2100385540; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Ghost N the Darkness
(M) 01/09/2017
2100468736; Blue
Taliekin Rogue One
(F) 01/09/2017
2100468733; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Etched In Stone
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385541; Blue
Mandav Secret Stone
(F) 10/23/2015
; Fawn
BIS RUBISS Aust GCh Taliekin The Bourne Legacy
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385542; Black
Eleganser F
Mandav In the Line of Fire
(M) 10/26/2015
3100332913; Black
Mandav the Force Awakens
(M) 10/26/2015
3100332912; Black
Taliekin Legacy of Ashes
(M) 12/22/2014
Taliekin Legacy of Blondes
(F) 12/22/2014
Taliekin The Legacy Begins
(M) 12/22/2014
Bluestones Promise Keeper
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053502; Black
Bluestone King Pin
(M) 10/08/2002
WR07613201; Black
V Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794106; Black
V Stelz Night Moves Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Am CH V Stelz Radioactive Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794101; Blue
Von Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Bluestone Midnight Lace Shirwin
(F) 06/26/2008
WS26773303; Black
Bluestones Vincenzo V Ravedane
WS24899801; Black
Bluestone Lo And Behold! Ravedane
(F) 01/11/2009
Am CH Bluestone's Silver Lining To Tnt
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053501; Black
Knopf's Avatar Omaticaya
(M) 10/28/2012
WS43206601; Blue
Knopf's Bring on the Blues
(F) 10/26/2012
Aust Ch Taliekin Blackarachnia
(F) 05/17/2013
2100385540; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Etched In Stone
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385541; Blue
BIS RUBISS Aust GCh Taliekin The Bourne Legacy
(M) 05/17/2013
2100385542; Black
Bluestones Promise Keeper
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053502; Black
Am GCh Bluestone Willowrun Silver Tongued Devil
(M) 05/26/2010
WS34602001; Black
Creek Danes Crash My Party V Northeraire
(M) 07/10/2015
; Blue
Marble Rocks Drop Dead Darling
(F) 03/11/2015
Am CH Marble Rocks Same Old Situation
(M) 03/11/2015
WS49685101; Black
Northernaire All The Way To The Moon V KRW ABW
(M) 05/31/2013
WS44936006; Black
Northernaire Covergirl V KRW ABW
(F) 05/31/2013
WS44936007; Blue
Northernaire Heartbeat of America
(M) 04/19/2014
BISS Am GCHB Northernaire's Smokin' Hot Lightening BN RE
(M) 05/31/2013
WS44936004; Blue
Am GCh Northernaire's Sweet Summertime
(F) 05/28/2015
Northernaires Famous In A Small Town
(F) 05/31/2013
WS44936002; Black
Unity's Since I'm Grateful CGC
(M) 01/22/2018
WS60228901; Black
Bluestone Willowrun Song of Joy
(F) 05/26/2010
WS34602002; Black
Am GCh Bluestone Smokeringsnthedark T'Fire
(F) 08/04/2013
WS45750701; Black
Am CH Bluestone's Flying High Again
(M) 11/24/2014
WS49214403; Blue
Bluestones DeLorean
(F) 11/24/2014
WS49214401; Blue
Am CH Bluestones Gunpowder & Lead TT
(M) 07/02/2012
WS41667101; Blue
Can GCh Britlinblues Out of the Blue
(F) 04/11/2011
YG401559; Fawn
Britlinblue's Bayou Brees
(M) 04/07/2014
WS48176101; Fawn
Can Ch Britlinblue's Catch on Fire
(M) 04/07/2014
BG560164; Fawn
Britlinblue's Spirit Vadventure
(F) 04/07/2014
WS48176102; Fawn
Can Ch Britlinblues One Time Only CGN VGD
(F) 04/07/2014
BG560489; Fawn
Can GCh Britlinblues Walkingonsunshine CGN
BG560490; Blue
Can Ch Tonquin Time at Britlin Blue
(F) 09/15/2015
Mirabile Visu's Divine Goddess
(F) 03/07/2018
Mirabile Visu's Divine Son
(M) 03/07/2018
WS60662503; Black
MirabileVisu's Divine Goddess
(F) 03/07/2018
WS60662505; Black
Mirabilevisu's Divine Son
(M) 03/07/2018
Bluestone Make Mine A Double
(M) 01/20/2007
Am CH Bluestone Shirwin Sabrina
(F) 05/08/2002
WR06761703; Blue
Bluestone Midnight Lace Shirwin
(F) 06/26/2008
WS26773303; Black
Shirwin Lukeskywalker V Charma
(M) 08/30/2006
WS19219802; Blue
Bluestone's K Sera
(F) 10/08/2002
WR07613203; Black
Bluestone's Supernova For Denim
(M) 10/08/2002
Denim Danes Dirty Dancing
; Black
G-Dieter's Diva
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Samson
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Xena of Potmac Run
() 03/09/2003
WS03455304; Blue
Potomacrun Bewitching Moment
WS12768301; Blue
Quartermile's Tangled in Blue v Potomarun
WS30529201; Blue
Am CH CC's Double Take v Quartermile
(M) 02/09/2011
WS36648501; Black
Am CH CC's Sharcon's Top Gun
(M) 07/04/2012
WS41233101; Blue
Am CH Quartermile's Fired Up
(F) 02/09/2011
WS26648504; Blue
Quartermile's Sargent of Sundown v Omen
Am CH Quartermile's Tangled in Black
(F) 01/26/2013
WS42945205; Black
Quartermile's the Sargent at Sundown V Omen
(M) 07/04/2012
WS41233103; Blue
G-Dieters Grayson
(M) 03/09/2003
WS03455306; Blue
Kelso's Darkside Rendezvous
(M) 07/09/2004
WS09397003; Black / White

Autumn Royal Fickle North Wind CGC
(F) 01/14/2010
WS33275207; Harlequin
UKC CH Autumn Royal Bring Me A Dream CGC
(F) 10/03/2012
WS43251501; Harlequin
Autumn Royal Collector of Souls at Carnevale
(M) 08/01/2014
WS48376001; Black
Autumn Royal Song Fora Winter Night CGC
(F) 01/14/2010
WS33275201; Black
Autumn Royal Miracle of Miracles
(M) 02/11/2013
WS44448101; Mantle
Kelso's American Justice
(M) 01/26/2006
WS16073503; Harlequin
Am CH Kelso's Gem That Filled Its Sparkles
(F) 09/17/2010
WS35097903; Blue
Kelso's Crown Jewel
(F) 10/16/2014
WS48326102; Black
Kelso's Hunting For The Treasures of Troy
(M) 10/16/2014
WS48326101; Blue
Kelso's Guardian of a Darkside Rendezvous
(M) 04/24/2021
WS72249501; Black
Am CH Kelso's I'm Your Huckleberry
(M) 09/17/2010
WS35097907; Black
Kelso's Key of Life
(F) 04/24/2021
WS72249502; Black
Am CH Kelso's Magicians of Water
(F) 12/20/2009
WS32392806; Blue
Am CH Kelso & Daily's Strykin Black Gold
(M) 06/21/2013
WS44635503; Black
Kelso-CC's Reflections After A Double Dare
(F) 12/27/2012
WS42800004; Black
Kelso-Cc's Reflections in the Cold November Rain
(F) 12/27/2012
WS42800008; Black
Kelso-Cc's Reflections of A Darkside Rendezvous
(M) 12/27/2012
WS42800005; Black
Kelso's Mist That Thunders
(M) 12/20/2009
WS32392802; Blue
Kelso's Out of the Ash at Morningstar
(F) 05/03/2009
WS29982903; Harlequin
Am CH Kelso-Davinci's Turning Morningstarz Golden
(F) 05/31/2013
WS44334103; Harlequin
Twilight's Onyx Just One Time
Twilight's Rumbling Storm
(M) 06/21/2010
WS34368002; Black
Magic's Just Before Sundown
Magic's Michaelangelo
; Blue
Sundown's Greystone Amber Freyja
(F) 07/11/2005
WS14277003; Blue
Sundown's Shooting Star
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397001; Black
Sundown's Vixen at Lakeside
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397006; Black
Lakeside's Ballroom Blitz
(M) 11/01/2009
Lakesides Raising Caine
(M) 11/01/2009
Sundown Lakeside's Indigo Night
(F) 04/28/2008
WS26236106; Blue
Sundown's Diesel of Star Danes
(M) 04/28/2008
WS26236105; Blue
Int Ch G-Dieters Merci Be CGC TT
(F) 03/09/2003
WS03455302; Blue
Int Ch Fall Hollow G-Dieter's Inspiration
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165205; Blue
Int Ch Fall Hollow's Blue Slate Special
(F) 10/01/2008
WS28233101; Blue
Fall Hollow's Blissful Reality
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165204; Blue
Fall Hollow's Diamond in the Rough
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Gentle Grace
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Hita Bonita
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447704; Blue
Fall Hollow's Mischief Maker
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Queen Tabitha
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Sophistication
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165206; Black
Fall Hollows In The Nikko Time
(M) 06/21/2006
WS18165201; Black
Valentinos Blu Symphony V Fallhollow
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447702; Blue
Am CH Bluestone Smooth Von Stelz
(F) 01/11/2000
V Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794106; Black
V Stelz Night Moves Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Am CH V Stelz Radioactive Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794101; Blue
Von Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Bluestones Good Fella
(M) 08/08/2000
Stonehenges Cabo Mistico Esb
(M) 08/02/2003
Stonehenge's Macha V La Dane
(F) 09/21/2007
Am CH La Stonehenge the Beach Is Back
(F) 03/02/2012
WS40658301; Black
Can GCh La Stonehenge Fly By Knight
(M) 09/12/2014
WS48447501 / 1129364;
Am CH La Stonehenge Muzic of The Knight at Azulene
(F) 09/12/2014
WS48447506; Black
Am CH Azulene's the World Was Waiting Just For You
(F) 02/27/2018
WS60532001; Black
Stonehenge's Supernatural V La Danes
(M) 03/28/2008
Stonehenges Pica Encanto Es3
(F) 08/02/2003
WS08811307; Blue
Stonehenge The Road Back V G.O.T.
(M) 09/21/2006
WS20192401; Black
Stonehenge's Macha V La Dane
(F) 09/21/2007
Am CH La Stonehenge the Beach Is Back
(F) 03/02/2012
WS40658301; Black
Can GCh La Stonehenge Fly By Knight
(M) 09/12/2014
WS48447501 / 1129364;
Am CH La Stonehenge Muzic of The Knight at Azulene
(F) 09/12/2014
WS48447506; Black
Am CH Azulene's the World Was Waiting Just For You
(F) 02/27/2018
WS60532001; Black
Stonehenge's Supernatural V La Danes
(M) 03/28/2008
Wittstone Thunder Moon
(F) 04/05/1997
3100004757; Blue
Aust Ch Hailstone Hazee Daiz
(F) 06/26/2001
Hailstone Hurricane Willy
(M) 06/26/2001
Aust Ch Halestone Haizee Daiz
(F) 06/26/2001
Halestone Hurricane Willy
Aust Ch Wittstone Thunderstruck
(M) 04/05/1997
3100004759; Blue