River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Haltmeiers Marian Taffaro
(F) 02/02/1983
WF496558; Black
COI: 15.48%
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's American Made
(M) 02/14/1986
WF878894; Blue

Aristophanes Blue Bird
(M) 06/04/1991
WP35479706; Blue
Boris Lee Blue
(M) 01/07/1991
WP32558804; Blue
Caeruleus Out of the Black and Into The Blue
(F) 11/08/2021
WS74513607; Blue

Caeruleus Say It Again
(F) 08/11/2021
WS74513606; Blue

Cagney's Dakota Blue
(F) 06/04/1991
WP35479704; Blue
Chaos Tartarus of Coleridge
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308708; Blue
Coleridge Blu Apache Mustang
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308705; Blue
Coleridge Haltmeier's Sioux
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308702; Blue
Coleridge Sapphire's Merlin
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794805; Blue
Coleridge Stellar Attraction
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794804; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Cheyenne
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794801; Blue
Larrabee's Blue Boy of Coleridge
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794802; Blue
Coleridges Lavendar Blue Dilly
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308703; Blue
Colrdg Srblu Dimor Mdicn Man
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308701; Blue
Am CH Colridg Shadowbrook Blu Sky
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308707; Blue
Coleridge Shadowbrooke's Koah
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576202; Blue
Seattles Blue Emma
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576204; Blue
Shawbrke N Colridges Mondays Child
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576201; Blue
Zachary Zane II
(M) 01/31/2000
WP96576203; Blue
Cagney's Uno Girl
(F) 01/07/1991
WP32558802; Blue
Am & Int Ch Cagney's Winston Blu-Dude
(M) 06/04/1991
WP35479703; Blue
Bonnie's Blue Sebastian
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727306; Blue
Coleridge's Blockbuster Blue
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727302; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Rhapsody Inblue
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727305; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Indigo Rapsody
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803312; Blue

Aftershock Elisha Blue
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388604; Blue
Aftershock Star Saphire Hak
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388601; Blue
Am CH Highland's Gotham's Bruce Wayne
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908202; Black
Highland's O-O Obsidian Star
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908203; Black
Highland's Onyx Moon
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908206; Black
Highland's Titus Ben Nevis
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908207; Black
Am CH Highlands Li'l Bit O Buck
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908201; Black
Highland's Fire And Ice
(F) 05/21/2005
WS13623801; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Ruin
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388602; Blue
Paris Diesel's Gabriella
(F) 11/23/2001
WR05683901; Blue
Aftershock's Cobalt Knight
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388605; Blue
Aftershock's Newt Blue Ray
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388603; Blue
Coleridge Belle Spirit
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504505; Blue
Coleridge Blue Haley Alexis
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929004; Blue
Coleridge Blue JJ Tucker
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942404; Blue
Coleridge's Blamin' Eamonn
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942406; Blue
Coleridge's Royal Attitude
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942401; Blue
Coleridge's Steel The Show
(F) 03/15/2001
WR01942405; Blue
Coleridge Cordon Blue
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929007; Blue
Coleridge Duke of Galway Bay
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511804; Blue
Coleridge Gran Greca
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929002; Blue
Coleridge Panoramic By George
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929001; Blue
Coleridge Addison Von BSG
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259404; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Think Pink
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259402; Blue
Coleridge's Geo Jetson V Kayjay
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259405; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Romeo True As Steel
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259401; Blue
Coleridges Blue Mys Tori
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259407; Blue
Quicksilver's Blue Sigyn
(F) 08/22/2016
DQ678021; Blue
Quicksilver's Blue Sjofn
(F) 08/22/2016
DQ678020; Blue
Can Ch Quicksilver's Blue Thor
(M) 08/22/2016
DQ678018; Blue
Can Ch Quicksilver's Blue Vidar
(M) 08/22/2016
DQ678019; Blue
Coleridge Rhythm of The Rhode
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504508; Blue
Rhodesend Chance of A Storm
(F) 12/25/2000
WR01228803; Blue
Rhodesend's Frequent Flyer
(M) 12/25/2000
WR01228804; Blue
Rhodesend's Unpredictable
(F) 01/27/2004
WS08056504; Blue
Rhodesends Blue Revelation
(M) 12/25/2000
WR01228801; Blue
Coleridge's Bathsheba
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504507; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Blue Amidala
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504501; Blue
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113209; Blue
Coleridge II
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113208; Blue
Coleridge Jmpstrt yur Hrtgot
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113207; Blue
Coleridge Lay'N Down The Law
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113203; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Hawaii
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113204; Blue
Coleridge's BlueJacket V Skyranch
(M) 11/01/2004
WS07113202; Blue
Coleridge's Chairman of The Board
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113210; Blue
Coleridge's Heart of J-Lyn
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113205; Blue
Coleridges Devil In A Blue Dress
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113201; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Skywalker
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504503; Blue
Coleridge's Elvis Blue
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511802; Blue
Coleridge's Nebraska
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511805; Blue
Coleridge's Obi-Wan Kenobi
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504502; Blue
Herdolf Captain Panaka
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41564/04; Blue
Herdolf Colerdgmarajade
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41559/04 / WS11130001; Blue
Herdolf Darth Sidious
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41563/04; Blue
Herdolf Darth Vader
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41560/04; Blue
Herdolf Han Solo Saradn
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41565/04; Blue
Herdolf Jaina Solo
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41557/04; Blue
Herdolf Jasen Solo
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41561/04; Blue
Herdolf Leia Organa
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41557/04; Blue
Herdolf Nute Gunray
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41562/04; Blue
Fin Ch Herdolf Padme Naberrie
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41556/04; Blue
Herdolf Qui-Gon Jinn
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41566/04; Blue
Coleridge's Scooby Dubois
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504506; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Conspiracy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221509; Blue
Coleridge's Master Ruffus
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221511; Blue
Coleridge's Sail Away With Me
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221506; Blue
Coleridge's Sophia-Blue V Copicut
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221505; Blue
Coleridges Alexandre V Ghent
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221507; Blue
Luna Azul
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221510; Blue
Roja's Brandy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221508; Blue
Vegas II
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221503; Blue
Coleridge's Xena Blue Warrior PRNCS
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511806; Blue
Coleridges Blue Nona Begonia
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511801; Blue
Coleridges Force of Aftershock
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504504; Blue
Aftershock All That Jazz
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046302; Blue
Aftershock Dontes Inferno
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046301; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Rain
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046303; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Reigan
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046308; Blue
Graf Von Runyan
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929005; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Danika
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748401; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Suede
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748407; Blue
Coleridge's Duke Snider CGC TKN
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775702; Blue
MBISS Can / MBIS Int'l / BISS Am CH GChB Coleridge's Just Doin' It In Black AOM, CGC
(M) 06/29/2007
WS23788303; Black
Harmon's Rose In Constant Bloom
(F) 03/09/2011
Harmons Rider on The Storm V WYSIWYG,
(M) 03/09/2011
Am CH Jcubedndajas Justifyd Midnyt Son
(M) 03/22/2011
WS36926307; Black
Jcubedndajas Not The Usual Suspect
(M) 03/22/2011
WS36926305; Black
Jcubedndajas Zoom Zealous Zoe
(F) 03/22/2011
WS36926306; Black
Coleridge's Thor The Magnificant
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748405; Blue
Coleridge's Willie Stargell
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775701; Blue
Caeruleus Calamity Jane
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187702; Blue
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187709; Blue
Caeruleus Hemi
(M) 01/10/2017
WS56187712; Blue
Caeruleus Hurry Up And Wait CGCU
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187708; Blue
Caeruleus I Am Not Fluffy at G8rcreek RN CGC
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187704; Blue
Caeruleus Nala van Africa
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187713; Blue
Caeruleus Need For Speed
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187707; Blue
Caeruleus Olive
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187710; Blue
Caeruleus Raider Grey Diaz
(M) 01/10/2017
WS56187711; Blue
Caeruleus Shield Agent Johnson
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187705; Blue
Caeruleus Skye Blue
(F) 01/10/2017
WS56187703; Blue
Caeruleus Tru Blue Kahu
(M) 01/10/2017
WS56187701; Blue
Kelso's Divine Intuition
(F) 11/25/2017
WS59616201; Black
Kelso's Guided By My Angels
(F) 11/25/2017
WS59616208; Blue
Kelso's Keepin' Me Grounded
(M) 11/25/2017
WS59616203; Blue
Kelso's Magic Armor
(M) 11/25/2017
WS59616205; Black
Kelso's Polished To Perfection
(M) 11/25/2017
WS59616202; Black
Kelso's Protector of The Ancients
(F) 11/25/2017
WS59616206; Blue
Kelso's Seeker of The Spiritual Realm
(F) 11/25/2017
WS59616207; Blue
Kelso's Warriors Stone
(M) 11/25/2017
WS59616204; Black
Coleridges Anya Blew By You CGC
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748404; Blue
Colridge's Orion's Blue Son
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748403; Blue
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775707; Blue
Freedoms' Charlie B Smokin
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748402; Blue
Harmony's Blue Diamond V Coleridge
(F) 06/29/2007
WS23788301; Blue
Rambow's Blue Grace Rhapsody
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803306; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Barron-Von-Blau
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803305; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Dahlias Shadow
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803307; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Kolr's Kiawah
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803303; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn's Hana Blue
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803301; Blue
Rpsdyclrgwdn Sassy Cecille
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803309; Blue
Rrsdy CLRDG Won Hunter Green
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803302; Blue
Coleridges Blue Kiss And Tell
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727301; Blue
Colrdges Christian Commander
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727303; Blue
Colrgs Rain Rflction V Aronf
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727307; Blue
SB CLRG Valentina Blaues Blut
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727308; Blue
Sir Rincon Coleridge Blue
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727310; Blue
Sirblu CLRG Klaus Blaues Blut
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727309; Blue
CLDG Sirblu By-U V Lovedanes
(M) 11/04/1989
WG451564; Blue

Ku's Blau Olympia
(F) 04/25/1993
WP48358608; Blue
Omega Love Kamee O's Shadow
(F) 10/06/1991
WP37371101; Black
Omega Love Son of Samson
(M) 10/06/1991
WP37371106; Black
Omega Love's Midnite Tracker
(M) 10/06/1991
WP37371109; Black

Omega Love's Son of Odin
(M) 10/06/1991
WP37371103; Blue
Omega Love's Sparkle Plenty
(F) 10/06/1991
WP37371108; Blue
Prolina Silverado V Lovedane
(M) 04/25/1993
WP48358605; Blue
(F) 04/25/1993
WP48358607; Blue
Provina Blue Thunder
(M) 04/25/1993
WP48358601; Blue
Provina Cadillac Style V Love
(F) 04/25/1993
WP48358604; Blue
Provina Gunnery Sergeant
(M) 04/25/1993
WP48358610; Blue
Provina's Bo-Duke of Dansie
(M) 04/25/1993
WP48358602; Blue
Roone Boris Von Wolff LD
(M) 10/06/1991
WP37371102; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Sophia De Macleo
(F) 01/07/1991
WP32558805; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Bandito De Macleo
(M) 01/07/1996
WP67780901; Blue

Caeruleus Coleridge The King
(M) 11/05/2007
WS24786501; Blue

Coleridge King's Blue Baby Girl
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527602; Blue
Coleridge Sapphire's Third Time RN
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527613; Blue
Coleridge Springsteen Caeruleus
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527611; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Sultan of Blue Suede Shoes AOM TT
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527603; Blue
Azulene's Can't Say No To This
(M) 02/23/2023
WS79875702; Blue
Am CH Azulene's EIO Angel Straight From Heaven
(F) 01/15/2013
WS43049707; Black
Azulene's Pb 2 Your J @Moonstone
(M) 02/23/2023
EIO Azulene Diesel
(M) 01/15/2013
WS43049702; Blue
EIO Azulene Tank
(M) 01/15/2013
WS43049705; Blue
Leonidas The Smokin' King of Sparta
(M) 09/05/2018
WS62313106; Black
Roxanne XXV
(F) 09/05/2018
WS62313107; Black
Smokin' Hot King of Kings at Azulene
(M) 09/05/2018
WS62313104; Black
Am GCh Smokin' Hot's Fiery Beacon CD BN RA GDCA-HOF
(F) 09/05/2018
WS62313101; Black
Am CH Smokin' Hot's Greek God RN
(M) 09/05/2018
WS62313102; Black
Am CH Smokin' Hot's I Love Lucy V Renegade BN RI
(F) 09/05/2018
WS62313103; Black
Coleridge's Calif Sunshine Girl at Kenyon'S
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527612; Blue
Eragon's Emperor Caesar V Kenyon's
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472813; Blue
Eragon's Queen Cleopatra V Kenyon's
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472810; Blue
Kenyon's Goddess Athena
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472813; Blue
Kenyon's Katie Scarlett
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472812; Blue
Kenyon's Majestic Berlin
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472807; Blue
Kenyon's Majestic Mckinley
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472809; Blue
Kenyon's Miss Abby
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472811; Blue
Kenyon's Miss Keva
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472806; Blue
Kenyon's Mistress Jill
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472801; Blue
Kenyon's Pretty In Pink
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472804; Blue
Kenyon's Stron Willed Ivy Blue
(F) 12/30/2011
WS39472803; Blue
Kenyon's The Life of Riley
(M) 12/30/2011
WS39472802; Blue
Coleridge's Dr.Faustus of Caeruleus
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527607; Blue
Coleridge's Pink Cadillac
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527601; Blue
Coleridge's Duke Snider CGC TKN
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775702; Blue
Coleridge's Willie Stargell
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775701; Blue
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775707; Blue
Coleridge's Spartacus of Beau
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527605; Blue
Caeruleus Meant To Be
(M) 11/05/2007
WS24786502; Blue
Caeruleus Ol' Reliable
(F) 11/05/2007
WS24786503; Blue
Caeruleus Doko Joe
(F) 08/02/2011
WS38568606; Blue
Caeruleus Veruka Tahiti
(F) 08/02/2011
WS38568606; Blue
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113209; Blue
Coleridge II
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113208; Blue
Coleridge Jmpstrt yur Hrtgot
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113207; Blue
Coleridge Lay'N Down The Law
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113203; Blue
Coleridge Shadowbrooke's Koah
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576202; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Hawaii
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113204; Blue
Coleridge's BlueJacket V Skyranch
(M) 11/01/2004
WS07113202; Blue

Coleridge's Chairman of The Board
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113210; Blue
Coleridge's Heart of J-Lyn
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113205; Blue
Coleridges Devil In A Blue Dress
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113201; Blue
Am CH Midnite Run-Wiedanes Tatum
(F) 06/07/1999
WP92857402; Blue
Midnite Runs Apollo The First
(M) 06/07/1999
WP92857403; Blue
Midnite Runs Layindo Wnthe Law
(M) 06/07/1999
WP92857401; Blue
Oceanblue Colerdige Sir Titan of Blue Steel
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231807; Blue
Oceanblue Colerdige Zeus Azul
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231806; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Captain Mips
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231805; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Dakota Pride CGC
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231809; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Dallas' Star Feed Zeke
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231810; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge It's About Time
(F) 11/16/2016
WS56231802; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Lady of Love
(F) 11/16/2016
WS56231803; Blue
Am CH Oceanblue Coleridge Rau BCAT
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231812; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Silver Wings
(F) 11/16/2016
WS56231804; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Sir Bob Probert
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231811; Blue
UKC CH Int/Nat Jr CH Oceanblue Coleridge Tangled In My Web RN TKN RATI TT CGC
(F) 11/16/2016
WS56231801; Blue
Oceanblue Coleridge Winning Titanium
(M) 11/16/2016
WS56231808; Blue
Pinza's Blue Third Times the Charm
(F) 07/30/2006
DK15852/2006; Blue
Seattles Blue Emma
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576204; Blue
Shawbrke N Colridges Mondays Child
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576201; Blue
Zachary Zane II
(M) 01/31/2000
WP96576203; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Chanson De Blumist
(F) 01/07/1996
WP67780906; Blue
Blumist Hercules The Mighty
(M) 04/22/1999
WP90987001; Blue
Blumist Pistol Packin Lover
(F) 04/22/1999
WP90987003; Blue
Blumist Travelin' Man
(M) 04/22/1999
WP90987002; Blue
Coleridge Lithe Gretchen
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091507; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Panoramic Amazing Grace
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091502; Blue
Coleridge Duke of Galway Bay
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511804; Blue
Coleridge's Elvis Blue
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511802; Blue
Coleridge's Nebraska
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511805; Blue
Coleridge's Xena Blue Warrior PRNCS
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511806; Blue
Coleridges Blue Nona Begonia
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511801; Blue
Coleridge Smokey Blu Coyote
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091504; Blue
Coleridge Taylored In Blue
(M) 01/07/1996
WP67780902; Blue
BGDAWGS Maximum Velocity
(M) 10/02/1998
WP87957405; Blue
Cozette Helena Macy
(F) 09/26/1997
WP80887006; Blue
Leah's Satin Dream
WR05168902; Blue
Clyde Von Poe Hill
(M) 03/01/2005
WS13349505; Black
Lady Sia's Mystic Dream
(F) 03/01/2005
WS13349503; Blue
Dalea's Miriah of Blue
(F) 10/02/1998
WP87957407; Blue
Adele's Blue Angel
WS01077401; Blue
Adeles Douglas Macarthur
(M) 07/30/2007
WS22894004; Blue
Ozark Mountain's Blue Pooh
(F) 05/05/2001
WR02538211; Blue
Booth's Blue Boy
WS05112801; Blue
Four Paws Silky Blue Sky
WS07238501; Blue
Danlea's Bit O Slate
(M) 10/02/1998
WP87957408; Blue
Addaline B Misbehaving Dadane
WP98734901; Blue
Diva IV
WS02437515; Blue
Maximus Leonardo Ignazio
WS02437510; Blue
Boshells Denim Blue
WP97780907; Blue
Jimmie Blue Sky Johnson
WR06336705; Harlequin
Cloverleaf Creeks Blu Tatonka
WR01677203; Blue
Blue Rose Tessa
Haven's Amadeus
(M) 04/30/2003
WS04747305; Blue
Masseys Lili Maranaroo
(F) 04/30/2003
WS04747309; Blue
Cool Kid Will
Great Blue Beauty Steel
(M) 03/02/2005
Novella Blu Shelby of Kadan
Cravens' Raven Rose
WP93825706; Black
Twilight Baby Blue
(F) 06/10/2004
WS09259602; Blue
Danlea's Shades of Blue
(M) 01/12/2001
WR01145302; Blue
Booth's Blue Boy
WS05112801; Blue
Four Paws Silky Blue Sky
WS07238501; Blue
Lady Madison Slate
WP97780903; Blue
B&B's Great Smokey Blues
(M) 12/21/2003
WS07183603; Blue
Zenas Blak Maglk
; Black / White
King Mufasa Wigent
(M) 09/26/1997
WP80887009; Fawn
Lady Storm's Rhapsody In Blue
(F) 10/02/1998
WP87957401; Blue
Libra Blue
(F) 10/02/1998
WP87957406; Blue
Mimorkunas' Zeus
(M) 10/02/1998
WP87957404; Blue
Ms Coleridge Scout-A-Bout
(F) 10/02/1998
WP87957403; Blue
Nikita Blue Satin
(F) 09/26/1997
WP80887002; Fawn
Sorigard of Poland
(M) 09/26/1997
WP80887008; Fawn
Am CH Coleridge's Aftershock Mala
(F) 01/07/1996
WP67780905; Blue
Aftershock All That Jazz
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046302; Blue
Aftershock Dontes Inferno
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046301; Blue
Aftershock Elisha Blue
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388604; Blue
Aftershock Paris' KNGT N Blu
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536808; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Rain
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046303; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Reigan
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046308; Blue
Aftershock Star Saphire Hak
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388601; Blue
Am CH Highland's Gotham's Bruce Wayne
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908202; Black
Highland's O-O Obsidian Star
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908203; Black
Highland's Onyx Moon
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908206; Black
Highland's Titus Ben Nevis
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908207; Black
Am CH Highlands Li'l Bit O Buck
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908201; Black
Highland's Fire And Ice
(F) 05/21/2005
WS13623801; Blue
Am CH Perlwin's Creek Wild Blue Karma
(F) 06/04/2008
WS26830003; Blue
Am CH Perlwin's Mbn Original Emma V Eio RN
(F) 06/04/2008
WS26830002; Blue
Perlwin's Wild Blue Angel
(M) 06/04/2008
WS26830001; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Eternity
(M) 10/15/1998
DK12564/99 / WP90536806; Blue
Bullcronans Haute Couture
; Blue
Bullcronans Katja of Sweden
; Blue
Grand-Apso Black Vanja
Logslund Black Valder
(M) 08/16/2007
DK18393/2007; Black
Grand-Apso Blue Akillos
(M) 06/15/2004
DK13512/2004; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Urban
(M) 02/20/2002
03729/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Victorys Challenge
(M) 08/05/2002
14990/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Wonderfull Tre'sor
(F) 10/08/2002
18328/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Yanky
Boarhunters Xandor
(M) 06/09/2007
S44904/2007; Blue
Boarhunters Xeline
(F) 06/09/2007
S44902/2007; Blue
Boarhunters Xiggy
(M) 06/09/2007
S44908/2007; Blue
Nanna Blaa SVK
() 12/13/2007
N05118/08; Blue
Grand-Apso Silver Star
; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Ruin
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388602; Blue
Paris Diesel's Gabriella
(F) 11/23/2001
WR05683901; Blue
Aftershock's Cobalt Knight
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388605; Blue
Aftershock's Eureka
(F) 10/15/1998
WP90536807; Blue
Aftershock's Newt Blue Ray
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388603; Blue
Barkley of Caledonia
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536804; Blue Fawn
Scooby Doo Skubi Scoobert
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536805; Blue Fawn
Coleridge's Ajax V Bluefire
(M) 01/07/1996
WP67780903; Blue
Coleridge's Luna Azul
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091503; Blue
Coleridge's Maya Azul
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091509; Blue
Coleridge's Sophie's Choice
(F) 01/07/1996
WP67780907; Blue
Coleridge Blue Jacob Tucker
(M) 10/31/1999
WP94641307; Blue
Coleridge Blue JJ Tucker
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942404; Blue
Coleridge's Blamin' Eamonn
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942406; Blue
Coleridge's Royal Attitude
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942401; Blue
Castle Danes Austin Powers
(M) 04/27/2003
S37531/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Haley Essence
(F) 04/27/2003
S37535/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Sapphire Ximona
(F) 04/27/2003
S37536/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Carmen De Sharoy
(F) 04/27/2003
S37534/2003; Blue
Castle Danes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
S37533/2003 / WS07431201; Blue
Castle Danes Nordic Son at Coleridge
(M) 04/27/2003
S37532/2003 / WS05011201; Blue
Castledanes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
WS07431201; Blue
Coleridge's Steel The Show
(F) 03/15/2001
WR01942405; Blue
Coleridge Bella
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161506; Blue
Coleridge Count of Monte Cristo
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161503; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Sassypants of Sapphire
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161507; Blue
Coleridge's PSSN Vinegar
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161504; Blue
Coleridge's Steelin Another Bow
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161502; Blue
Coleridges The Maltese Falcon
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161501; Blue
L-O-L-A Lola
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161508; Blue
Coleridge Gypsy Spirit
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641305; Blue
Coleridge's All Hallows Eve
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641301; Blue
Coleridge's Daddy's Boy
(M) 10/31/1999
WP94641310; Blue
Coleridge's Dutchess of Madison
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641303; Blue
Coleridge'sfranciscan Jezibel Bleu
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641304; Blue
Sierra Skye
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641308; Blue
Coleridge's Steel Magnolia
(F) 01/07/1996
WP67780904; Blue
Coleridges Joy To The World
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091501; Blue
Coleridge Addison Von BSG
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259404; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Think Pink
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259402; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Conspiracy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221509; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Danika
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748401; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Suede
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748407; Blue
Coleridge's Thor The Magnificant
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748405; Blue
Coleridges Anya Blew By You CGC
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748404; Blue
Colridge's Orion's Blue Son
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748403; Blue
Freedoms' Charlie B Smokin
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748402; Blue
Coleridge's Geo Jetson V Kayjay
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259405; Blue
Coleridge's Master Ruffus
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221511; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Romeo True As Steel
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259401; Blue
Coleridge Bella
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161506; Blue
Coleridge Count of Monte Cristo
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161503; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Sassypants of Sapphire
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161507; Blue
Coleridge's PSSN Vinegar
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161504; Blue
Coleridge's Steelin Another Bow
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161502; Blue
Coleridges The Maltese Falcon
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161501; Blue
L-O-L-A Lola
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161508; Blue
Coleridge's Sail Away With Me
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221506; Blue
Coleridge's Sophia-Blue V Copicut
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221505; Blue
Coleridges Alexandre V Ghent
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221507; Blue
Coleridges Blue Mys Tori
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259407; Blue
Coleridge's Gift From Heaven
(F) 09/12/2006
WS19423301; Blue
Coleridge King's Blue Baby Girl
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527602; Blue
Coleridge Sapphire's Third Time RN
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527613; Blue
Coleridge Springsteen Caeruleus
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527611; Blue
Am CH Coleridge Sultan of Blue Suede Shoes AOM TT
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527603; Blue
Coleridge's Calif Sunshine Girl at Kenyon'S
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527612; Blue
Coleridge's Dr.Faustus of Caeruleus
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527607; Blue
Coleridge's Pink Cadillac
(F) 02/17/2010
WS33527601; Blue
Coleridge's Spartacus of Beau
(M) 02/17/2010
WS33527605; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Message From Above V Skyranch
(F) 09/12/2006
WS19423302; Blue
Skyranch And Coleridge's Fire Angel
(F) 08/12/2009
WS31357805; Blue
Skyranch And Coleridge's Fire In The Sky
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357803; Blue
Skyranch And Coleridge's Fire Water With Lime
(F) 08/12/2009
WS31357801; Blue
Skyranch And Coleridge's Great Balls of Fire
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357802; Blue
Skyranch Earth Wind Fire V Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357804; Blue
Skyranch Fire N Thunder of Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357808; Blue
Skyranch Fire N Water of Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357806; Blue
Skyranch Hearts on Fire of Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357807; Blue
Skyranch Light My Life of Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357809; Blue
Skyranch Walk The Fire of Coleridge
(M) 08/12/2009
WS31357807; Blue
Luna Azul
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221510; Blue
Roja's Brandy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221508; Blue
Vegas II
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221503; Blue
(F) 12/18/1996
WP75091505; Blue
Coleridge Tcholuv Chynna Blu CD
(F) 01/07/1991
WP32558803; Blue
Coleridge Blumoon Overaustin
(M) 03/04/1994
WP53985405; Blue
Coleridge's Blu Remembrance
(F) 03/04/1994
WP53985401; Blue
Coleridge Belle Spirit
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504505; Blue
Coleridge Blue Haley Alexis
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929004; Blue
Coleridge Blue JJ Tucker
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942404; Blue
Coleridge's Blamin' Eamonn
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942406; Blue
Coleridge's Royal Attitude
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942401; Blue
Castle Danes Austin Powers
(M) 04/27/2003
S37531/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Haley Essence
(F) 04/27/2003
S37535/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Sapphire Ximona
(F) 04/27/2003
S37536/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Carmen De Sharoy
(F) 04/27/2003
S37534/2003; Blue
Castle Danes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
S37533/2003 / WS07431201; Blue
Castle Danes Nordic Son at Coleridge
(M) 04/27/2003
S37532/2003 / WS05011201; Blue
Castledanes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
WS07431201; Blue
Coleridge's Steel The Show
(F) 03/15/2001
WR01942405; Blue
Coleridge Bella
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161506; Blue
Coleridge Count of Monte Cristo
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161503; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Sassypants of Sapphire
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161507; Blue
Coleridge's PSSN Vinegar
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161504; Blue
Coleridge's Steelin Another Bow
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161502; Blue
Coleridges The Maltese Falcon
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161501; Blue
L-O-L-A Lola
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161508; Blue
Coleridge Cordon Blue
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929007; Blue
Coleridge Gran Greca
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929002; Blue
Coleridge Panoramic By George
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929001; Blue

Coleridge Addison Von BSG
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259404; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Think Pink
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259402; Blue
Coleridge's Geo Jetson V Kayjay
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259405; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Romeo True As Steel
(M) 11/06/2001
WR05259401; Blue
Coleridge Bella
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161506; Blue
Coleridge Count of Monte Cristo
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161503; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Sassypants of Sapphire
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161507; Blue
Coleridge's PSSN Vinegar
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161504; Blue
Coleridge's Steelin Another Bow
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161502; Blue
Coleridges The Maltese Falcon
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161501; Blue
L-O-L-A Lola
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161508; Blue
Coleridges Blue Mys Tori
(F) 11/06/2001
WR05259407; Blue
Coleridge's Gift From Heaven
(F) 09/12/2006
WS19423301; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Message From Above V Skyranch
(F) 09/12/2006
WS19423302; Blue
Quicksilver's Blue Sigyn
(F) 08/22/2016
DQ678021; Blue
Quicksilver's Blue Sjofn
(F) 08/22/2016
DQ678020; Blue
Can Ch Quicksilver's Blue Thor
(M) 08/22/2016
DQ678018; Blue
Can Ch Quicksilver's Blue Vidar
(M) 08/22/2016
DQ678019; Blue
Coleridge Rhythm of The Rhode
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504508; Blue
Rhodesend Chance of A Storm
(F) 12/25/2000
WR01228803; Blue
Rhodesend's Frequent Flyer
(M) 12/25/2000
WR01228804; Blue
Rhodesend's Unpredictable
(F) 01/27/2004
WS08056504; Blue
Rhodesends Blue Revelation
(M) 12/25/2000
WR01228801; Blue
Coleridge's Bathsheba
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504507; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Blue Amidala
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504501; Blue
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113209; Blue
Coleridge II
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113208; Blue
Coleridge Jmpstrt yur Hrtgot
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113207; Blue
Coleridge Lay'N Down The Law
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113203; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Hawaii
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113204; Blue
Coleridge's BlueJacket V Skyranch
(M) 11/01/2004
WS07113202; Blue
Coleridge's Chairman of The Board
(M) 01/11/2004
WS07113210; Blue
Coleridge's Heart of J-Lyn
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113205; Blue
Coleridges Devil In A Blue Dress
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07113201; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Skywalker
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504503; Blue
Coleridge's Obi-Wan Kenobi
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504502; Blue
Herdolf Captain Panaka
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41564/04; Blue
Herdolf Colerdgmarajade
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41559/04 / WS11130001; Blue
Herdolf Darth Sidious
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41563/04; Blue
Herdolf Darth Vader
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41560/04; Blue
Herdolf Han Solo Saradn
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41565/04; Blue
Herdolf Jaina Solo
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41557/04; Blue
Herdolf Jasen Solo
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41561/04; Blue
Herdolf Leia Organa
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41557/04; Blue
Herdolf Nute Gunray
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41562/04; Blue
Fin Ch Herdolf Padme Naberrie
(F) 08/24/2004
FIN41556/04; Blue
Fin Ch Herdolf Edoran Drey'Auc
Herdolf Halley's Comet
(F) 09/23/2006
FIN47230/06; Blue
Herdolf Harmony Cradle
(F) 09/23/2006
FIN47233/06; Blue
Herdolf Hayden Crusade
(F) 09/23/2006
FIN47232/06; Blue
Fin Ch Herdolf Herbina Cyclone
(F) 09/23/2006
FIN47229/06; Blue
Herdolf Herminia Castor
(F) 09/23/2006
FIN47231/06; Blue
Herdolf Hummer Crew
(M) 09/23/2006
FIN47228/06; Blue
Herdolf Humvee Cruise
(M) 09/23/2006
FIN47227/06; Blue
Herdolf Qui-Gon Jinn
(M) 08/24/2004
FIN41566/04; Blue
Coleridge's Scooby Dubois
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504506; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Conspiracy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221509; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Danika
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748401; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Suede
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748407; Blue
Coleridge's Thor The Magnificant
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748405; Blue
Coleridges Anya Blew By You CGC
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748404; Blue
Colridge's Orion's Blue Son
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748403; Blue
Freedoms' Charlie B Smokin
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748402; Blue
Coleridge's Master Ruffus
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221511; Blue
Coleridge's Sail Away With Me
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221506; Blue
Coleridge's Sophia-Blue V Copicut
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221505; Blue
Coleridges Alexandre V Ghent
(M) 10/20/2000
WR00221507; Blue
Luna Azul
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221510; Blue
Roja's Brandy
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221508; Blue
Vegas II
(F) 10/20/2000
WR00221503; Blue
Coleridges Force of Aftershock
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504504; Blue
Aftershock All That Jazz
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046302; Blue
Aftershock Dontes Inferno
(M) 06/15/2000
WP99046301; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Rain
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046303; Blue
Aftershock Sabiya Reigan
(F) 06/15/2000
WP99046308; Blue
Graf Von Runyan
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929005; Blue
Pearlescent Blue Boudicca
(F) 03/04/1994
WP53985404; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Lady Diana
(F) 06/01/1990
WG531523; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Maxwell CD
(M) 01/07/1991
WP32558815; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Titan
(M) 01/07/1991
WP32558810; Blue

Chaos Tartarus of Coleridge
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308708; Blue
Coleridge Blu Apache Mustang
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308705; Blue
Coleridge Haltmeier's Sioux
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308702; Blue
Coleridge Sapphire's Merlin
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794805; Blue
Coleridge Stellar Attraction
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794804; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Cheyenne
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794801; Blue
Larrabee's Blue Boy of Coleridge
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794802; Blue
Coleridges Lavendar Blue Dilly
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308703; Blue
Colrdg Srblu Dimor Mdicn Man
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308701; Blue
Am CH Colridg Shadowbrook Blu Sky
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308707; Blue
Coleridge Shadowbrooke's Koah
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576202; Blue
Seattles Blue Emma
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576204; Blue
Shawbrke N Colridges Mondays Child
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576201; Blue
Zachary Zane II
(M) 01/31/2000
WP96576203; Blue
Coleridge's SGT Marley Blue
(F) 01/07/1991
WP32558814; Blue
Coleridge's Sir Blue Zues
(M) 01/07/1991
WP32558811; Blue
Coleridge's Slate V Cardillo Lee
(M) 01/07/1991
WP32558809; Blue
Dewitt's Crt American Made Blue
(F) 10/30/2006
WS20147701; Blue
Can Ch Dewitt's Court Blue Country Skies CGN RE
(M) 09/25/2009
WS31995206 / 1117034; Blue
Dewitt's Court Made Me A Blue Easter Bonnet
(F) 04/10/2012
WS40872601; Blue
Dewitt's Court Fat Bottom Girl V Wysiwyg
(F) 12/01/2017
WS60299201; Blue
Dewitt's Court Made Me Wear My Dress Blues
(F) 05/01/2016
Dewitts Court Made Me Sing The Blues
(F) 09/25/2009
WS31995207; Blue
Dewitt's Court Along Way Home
(F) 02/22/2014
Am CH Dewitt's Court Blue Skies Ahead
(M) 11/06/2012
Dewitt's Court Made Me Wear My Dress Blues
(F) 05/01/2016
DeWitt's Court Hypoechoic
(M) 11/24/2016
WS55459602; Black
(F) 10/30/2006
WS20147703; Blue
Dewitts Crt Otto N'American Blue
(M) 10/30/2006
Haltmeier's Y Not A Healy
(F) 11/22/1988
WG303991; Blue
Haltmeier's What A Deal
(F) 05/13/1991
WP35424005; Black
Haltmeier's Jet Set
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549903; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Just A Little Ego
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549901; Black

Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black
Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Michaeldane Tahoe GBHT Rylaur
(M) 10/29/1996
WP75507403; Black
Rylaur's Little Secret MCHLDN
(F) 10/29/1996
WP75507401; Black
Haltmeiers Dawn's Just Aurora
(F) 10/11/1993
WP51549904; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Am CH Kappadane Colrdge Remmington Steele
(M) 03/08/1997
WP76868708; Blue
Coleridge Blue Jacob Tucker
(M) 10/31/1999
WP94641307; Blue
Coleridge Blue JJ Tucker
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942404; Blue
Coleridge's Blamin' Eamonn
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942406; Blue
Coleridge's Royal Attitude
(M) 03/15/2001
WR01942401; Blue
Castle Danes Austin Powers
(M) 04/27/2003
S37531/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Haley Essence
(F) 04/27/2003
S37535/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Blue Sapphire Ximona
(F) 04/27/2003
S37536/2003; Blue
Castle Danes Carmen De Sharoy
(F) 04/27/2003
S37534/2003; Blue
Castle Danes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
S37533/2003 / WS07431201; Blue
Castle Danes Nordic Son at Coleridge
(M) 04/27/2003
S37532/2003 / WS05011201; Blue
Castledanes God of Thunder
(M) 04/27/2003
WS07431201; Blue
Coleridge's Steel The Show
(F) 03/15/2001
WR01942405; Blue
Coleridge Bella
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161506; Blue
Coleridge Count of Monte Cristo
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161503; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Sassypants of Sapphire
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161507; Blue
Coleridge's PSSN Vinegar
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161504; Blue
Coleridge's Steelin Another Bow
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161502; Blue
Coleridges The Maltese Falcon
(M) 04/15/2005
WS13161501; Blue
L-O-L-A Lola
(F) 04/15/2005
WS13161508; Blue
Coleridge Gypsy Spirit
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641305; Blue
Coleridge's All Hallows Eve
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641301; Blue
Coleridge's Daddy's Boy
(M) 10/31/1999
WP94641310; Blue
Coleridge's Dutchess of Madison
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641303; Blue
Coleridge'sfranciscan Jezibel Bleu
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641304; Blue
Sierra Skye
(F) 10/31/1999
WP94641308; Blue
Kappadane's Captain Calvin
(M) 03/08/1997
Am CH Kappadane's Remington Steel V Coleridge
WP76868708; Blue

Kappadane's Ricochet CD
(F) 03/08/1997
WP76868709; Blue
Kappadane's Apache Warrior CD
(M) 05/27/1999
WP91691410; Black
Kappadane's Desert Diva CD
(F) 05/27/1999
Kappadane's Best Foot Forward CDX RE
(F) 08/04/2002
Kappadane's Dodger Blue Lava
(F) 08/04/2002
Kappadane's Desert Wind
(F) 08/10/2006
Kappadane's Sterling Silver
(F) 08/04/2002
WR07139802; Blue
Am CH Kappadane's Termintor Too RN
(M) 08/04/2002
Kappadane's Velvet Ellabella
(F) 08/04/2002
WR07139803; Blue
Kappadanes Magestic Odin
(M) 08/04/2002
Kappadane's Infinity CD RN
(M) 05/27/1999
Am CH Kappadane's Reach For The Sky CD RN
(M) 05/27/1999
WP91691407; Black
Kappadane's Desert Wind
(F) 08/10/2006
Sirblu Celestial Body V Kpadn
(F) 10/05/2001
WR05002202; Black
Am CH Sirblu's Shooting Star RN
(F) 10/05/2001
WR05002201; Black
Top Hat's Mystical Magic
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537703; Black
Top Hat's Putting on the Ritz
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15537701; Black
Top Hat's Swinging on A Star
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537702; Black
Sirblu's Starbound K'ehleyr
(M) 10/05/2001
WR05002205; Blue
Am CH Kappadane's To Sirblu With Luv
(F) 03/08/1997
WP76886707; Black
Sirblu Kapadane Warrior
(M) 04/12/2002
DK16893/2002; Blue
Sirblu Kapadn Cochise
(M) 04/12/2002
WR06343002; Blue
Sirblu Kapadn Mystic Warrior
(M) 04/12/2002
WR06343007; Blue
Sirblu Kapadn Spec for Success
(M) 04/12/2002
WR06343005; Blue
Sirblu Kapadn Warrior Princess
(F) 04/12/2002
WR06343001; Blue
Sirblu's Tasmanian Miss
(F) 08/19/2003
Sirblu's Warrior Thunder
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265001; Blue
Sirblu's Why Not Junior Mintz
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265002; Blue
McBride's Midnight Blue
(F) 02/09/1992
WP43783001; Blue
Gabrians Black Baron
(M) 07/11/1994
Am CH McBrides Bear In The Woods CGC
(M) 07/11/1994
WP56695202; Blue
Blumist Hercules The Mighty
(M) 04/22/1999
WP90987001; Blue
Blumist Pistol Packin Lover
(F) 04/22/1999
WP90987003; Blue
Blumist Travelin' Man
(M) 04/22/1999
WP90987002; Blue
Mcbrides Run Forrest Run
(M) 09/18/1996
WP73037801; Black
Polzin's Denmark Dream
(F) 07/11/1994
Am CH Nachtrns Astronomical
(M) 02/09/1992
WP43783003; Blue
Sir-Blu's Rebekah of Genesis CD
(F) 06/04/1989
WG319197; Blue
Sirblu Houston of Niguel
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449604; Blue
Sirblu's Star Dancer
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449601; Blue
Sirblu's Two For One
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449602; Blue
Sirblu's Why Not Y-Et
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449603; Blue

Sirblu's Tasmanian Miss
(F) 08/19/2003
Sirblu's Warrior Thunder
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265001; Blue
Sirblu's Why Not Junior Mintz
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265002; Blue
Akamines Blueberry Tart
Am CH Akamine Angel Eyes V Bgdawg
(F) 05/30/2000
WP98035801; Blue
BGDAWGS Avenging Angel
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325702; Blue
BGDAWGS Lady of the Knight
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325703; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Tomahawk Chop
(M) 02/16/2004
WS07325701; Blue
Sirblu Coleridg Dimor Harlow
(F) 11/04/1989
WG389144; Blue
Aristophanes Blue Bird
(M) 06/04/1991
WP35479706; Blue
Cagney's Dakota Blue
(F) 06/04/1991
WP35479704; Blue
Chaos Tartarus of Coleridge
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308708; Blue
Coleridge Blu Apache Mustang
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308705; Blue
Coleridge Haltmeier's Sioux
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308702; Blue
Coleridge Sapphire's Merlin
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794805; Blue
Coleridge Stellar Attraction
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794804; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Cheyenne
(F) 09/24/1998
WP87794801; Blue
Larrabee's Blue Boy of Coleridge
(M) 09/24/1998
WP87794802; Blue
Coleridges Lavendar Blue Dilly
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308703; Blue
Colrdg Srblu Dimor Mdicn Man
(M) 02/27/1995
WP61308701; Blue
Am CH Colridg Shadowbrook Blu Sky
(F) 02/27/1995
WP61308707; Blue
Coleridge Shadowbrooke's Koah
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576202; Blue
Seattles Blue Emma
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576204; Blue
Shawbrke N Colridges Mondays Child
(F) 01/31/2000
WP96576201; Blue
Zachary Zane II
(M) 01/31/2000
WP96576203; Blue
Am & Int Ch Cagney's Winston Blu-Dude
(M) 06/04/1991
WP35479703; Blue
Bonnie's Blue Sebastian
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727306; Blue
Coleridge's Blockbuster Blue
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727302; Blue
Coleridge's Miss Rhapsody Inblue
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727305; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Indigo Rapsody
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803312; Blue
Aftershock Elisha Blue
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388604; Blue
Aftershock Star Saphire Hak
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388601; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Ruin
(F) 04/23/1999
WP93388602; Blue
Aftershock's Cobalt Knight
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388605; Blue
Aftershock's Newt Blue Ray
(M) 04/23/1999
WP93388603; Blue
Coleridge Belle Spirit
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504505; Blue
Coleridge Blue Haley Alexis
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929004; Blue
Coleridge Cordon Blue
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929007; Blue
Coleridge Duke of Galway Bay
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511804; Blue
Coleridge Gran Greca
(F) 04/27/1998
WP84929002; Blue
Coleridge Panoramic By George
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929001; Blue
Coleridge Rhythm of The Rhode
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504508; Blue
Coleridge's Bathsheba
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504507; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Blue Amidala
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91504501; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Skywalker
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504503; Blue
Coleridge's Elvis Blue
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05511802; Blue
Coleridge's Nebraska
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511805; Blue
Coleridge's Obi-Wan Kenobi
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504502; Blue
Coleridge's Scooby Dubois
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504506; Blue
Coleridge's Xena Blue Warrior PRNCS
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511806; Blue
Coleridges Blue Nona Begonia
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05511801; Blue
Coleridges Force of Aftershock
(M) 04/08/1999
WP91504504; Blue
Graf Von Runyan
(M) 04/27/1998
WP84929005; Blue
Coleridge Blue's Danika
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748401; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Suede
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748407; Blue
Coleridge's Duke Snider CGC TKN
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775702; Blue
MBISS Can / MBIS Int'l / BISS Am CH GChB Coleridge's Just Doin' It In Black AOM, CGC
(M) 06/29/2007
WS23788303; Black
Coleridge's Thor The Magnificant
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748405; Blue
Coleridge's Willie Stargell
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775701; Blue
Coleridges Anya Blew By You CGC
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15748404; Blue
Colridge's Orion's Blue Son
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748403; Blue
(M) 12/07/2013
WS48775707; Blue
Freedoms' Charlie B Smokin
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15748402; Blue
Harmony's Blue Diamond V Coleridge
(F) 06/29/2007
WS23788301; Blue
Rambow's Blue Grace Rhapsody
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803306; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Barron-Von-Blau
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803305; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Dahlias Shadow
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803307; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn Kolr's Kiawah
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803303; Blue
Rpsdyclrdgwdn's Hana Blue
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803301; Blue
Rpsdyclrgwdn Sassy Cecille
(F) 10/12/1995
WP65803309; Blue
Rrsdy CLRDG Won Hunter Green
(M) 10/12/1995
WP65803302; Blue
Coleridges Blue Kiss And Tell
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727301; Blue
Colrdges Christian Commander
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727303; Blue
Colrgs Rain Rflction V Aronf
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727307; Blue
SB CLRG Valentina Blaues Blut
(F) 09/16/1992
WP43727308; Blue
Sir Rincon Coleridge Blue
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727310; Blue
Sirblu CLRG Klaus Blaues Blut
(M) 09/16/1992
WP43727309; Blue
Sirblu Coleridge Carol LMBRD
(F) 11/04/1989
WG468863; Blue
Sirblu CLRDG Maria Blaues Blut
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270103; Blue
Am CH Sirblu Colerdge Above The Rest
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270101; Blue
Sirblu Coleridge Blue Avalon
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270104; Blue
Nord Ch Sirblu Jamie of Blubak
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270102 / DK05458/94; Blue
Nwy Ch Tallchief's Black Adder Leon
(M) 02/18/1997
N09323/97; Black
Sirblu's Schuler Von Sanders
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270105; Blue
Sirblu Coleridge Dimor Gable
(M) 11/04/1989
WG388798; Blue
Am CH Sirblu Coleridge Edwd G RBNSN CGC
(M) 11/04/1989
WG468862; Blue

Jamar's Rhapsody In Blue
(F) 05/17/1993
WP48348005; Blue
Lucas of Flintridge
(M) 05/17/1993
WP48348011; Blue
Pushkin Aleksander Segeev
(M) 05/17/1993
WP48348009; Blue
Sirblu Arrow Flynn Mahler
(M) 05/17/1993
WP48348016; Blue
Sirblu Breanna Robinson
(F) 05/17/1993
WP48348003; Blue
Sirblu Essence of Midnight
(F) 05/17/1993
WP48348007; Blue
Sirblu Houston of Niguel
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449604; Blue
Sirblu's Genesis of Blubak
(F) 05/17/1993
WP48348006 / FIN33523/96; Blue
Sirblu's Obvious Answer
(F) 05/17/1993
WP48348012; Blue
Sirblu's Star Dancer
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449601; Blue
Sirblu's Two For One
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449602; Blue
Sirblu's Why Not Y-Et
(M) 04/27/1995
WP62449603; Blue

Sirblu's Tasmanian Miss
(F) 08/19/2003
Sirblu's Warrior Thunder
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265001; Blue
Sirblu's Why Not Junior Mintz
(M) 08/19/2003
WS05265002; Blue
Akamines Blueberry Tart
Am CH Akamine Angel Eyes V Bgdawg
(F) 05/30/2000
WP98035801; Blue
BGDAWGS Avenging Angel
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325702; Blue
BGDAWGS Lady of the Knight
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325703; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Tomahawk Chop
(M) 02/16/2004
WS07325701; Blue
Sirblu Colrdg Mty Maximilian CDX
(M) 11/04/1989
WG456498; Blue
Akamine's Oceanic Nena
(F) 10/29/1995
WP66107801; Blue
Akamines Blueberry Tart
Am CH Akamine Angel Eyes V Bgdawg
(F) 05/30/2000
WP98035801; Blue
BGDAWGS Avenging Angel
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325702; Blue
BGDAWGS Lady of the Knight
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325703; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Tomahawk Chop
(M) 02/16/2004
WS07325701; Blue
California Rastaspirit Kalee
(F) 02/12/1997
WP76259401; Blue
Odin Von Valhalla
(M) 02/12/1997
WP76259406; Blue
Qajar's Blu Rostam V Akamine
(M) 10/29/1995
WP66107802; Blue
Qajar's Blu Sultan V Sajc
(M) 11/03/1992
WP45078302; Blue
Sajc's Devilish Danielle
(F) 11/03/1992
WP45078301; Blue
Sajc's Super Cooper
(M) 11/03/1992
WP45078303; Blue
Shem Ben Noah
(M) 10/29/1995
WP66107803; Blue
Sirblu's Thor-Cagen's Colosus
(M) 06/04/1989
WG375011; Blue
Xanadu's Kassandra of Valinor
Into the Mystic of Valinor
(F) 06/25/1992
WP42297401; Black
Am CH Valinor's Forest Winds
(M) 10/14/1996
WP73866607; Black
Valinor's Keanu Gran Noir
(M) 01/31/1995
Valinor's Luna Negra
(F) 01/31/1995
Valinor's Mandolin Wind
(F) 10/14/1996
WP73866605; Black
Am & Int Ch Valinor's Shaquille O
WP42297405; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentine
(F) 02/14/1986
WF942396; Black
Haltmeier's Mr. X-Ecutive
(M) 04/24/1988
Haltmeier's Mr. X-Traordinaire
(M) 04/24/1988
Haltmeier's X-Ception
(F) 04/24/1988
WG470171; Black
Haltmeier's One and Only
(F) 05/22/1990
WP29493201; Black
Haltmeier I'm Sir Vonderheyden
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045108; Black
Frauelein Gretchen Vonderheyden
(F) 07/25/1995
Heidi Ho Haltmeier Mack
(F) 12/13/1994
Haltmeier's Lou of Atlantic
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094710; Black
Danafield Impressive Lady
FIN14090/00; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Forbidden But nice
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Handsome Quality
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Once A Thief
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Perfect Partner
(M) 01/11/1999
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Practice Makes Perfect
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Ozaenas Deerhunter
FIN19242/00; Harlequin
Ozaenas Delailah
Am CH Haltmeier's The Look
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094701; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Sasha
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531402; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Special Girl
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531401; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Haltmeiers I'm Such A Mench
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045103; Black
Haltmeiers Layla V Hollywood
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094702; Black
Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black
Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Hollywood's Ego La Femme
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Jasmin of Elrid
(F) 02/11/1997
Haltmeiers Legacy V Dominion
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094704; Black
CH Dominion's Desparado
(M) 06/09/1997
Haltmeiers Lil Ace of Spades
(M) 07/04/1994
WP57094705; Black
Aliano's Montana Miner
(M) 03/01/1996
Aliano's Jedziah Daxhana
(F) 01/25/1999
WP89980106; Black
Vomega Jeramiah Blu Frog MVP
(M) 01/25/1999
Dane Hill's Ninja Jack
(M) 09/07/1995
Dane Hills Lady Wigs
(F) 03/23/1997
Dane Hills Blue Honor
(F) 03/01/1996
Mama's Little Girl
(F) 08/04/1996
Sadie Dane B.G.U. Enterprise
(F) 07/21/1997
WP79441406; Black
Sadie Danes Dante's Inferno
(M) 07/21/1997
WP79441407; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Zealy
(F) 08/28/1989
WG375535; Black

Haltmeier Enchantress V Ebon CD
(F) 10/11/1991
WP38383907; Black
Ebon's Eternal Black Jasmine
(F) 04/11/1994
Ebon's Music of the Night
(F) 10/30/1996
WP75405402; Black
Am CH Ebon Jewel of T'nile Blevr
(F) 11/29/2000
WR00671609; Black
Ebon Postcards From the Edge V Shakti
(F) 12/27/2005
WS16072503; Black
Ebon's Dirty Pretty Thing
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon's Starlight Guardian
(M) 05/12/2004
Ebons Hvnly Queen Cassiopeia
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon Romancing T' Stone Blevr
(M) 11/29/2000
WR00671610; Black
Ebon's Sher Day's Shaka Zulu
(M) 04/11/1994
Ebon's Simply Irresistible
(F) 04/11/1994
Am CH Ebon's Who Do U Voodoo
(M) 10/30/1996
WP74505401; Black
Swd Ch Haltmeier's Edsel For Celeber
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383904; Black
Celeber's Värsting Till Bigbeauties
(M) 07/17/1995
S43501/95; Black
Grande Negros Only Love
S20909/99; Black
Grande Negros Organza
S20911/99; Harlequin
Celeber's Vendetta
(F) 07/17/1995
Mighty Dane's Ambra
S11727/2000; Black
Mighty Dane's Aramis
(M) 12/13/1999
S11724/2000; Black
Celeber's Vild Vittra
(F) 07/17/1995
S43506/95; Black
Celeber's Winnie-Winnie
S49660/97; Harlequin
Gute Grandios Eos
S58746/2001; Harlequin
Celeber's Vovve
(M) 07/17/1995
S43503/95; Black
Kingsize Famous Filibuster
(M) 08/07/1999
S47902/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Femme Fatale
(F) 08/07/1999
S47904/99; Black
Kingsize Flip-Flap
(M) 08/07/1999
S47901/99; Black
Kingsize Flying Free
(F) 08/07/1999
S47903/99; Black
Kingsize Frontpage Favorite
(F) 08/07/1999
S47905/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Funtastic Fellow
(M) 08/07/1999
S47900/99; Black
Galanthus Name O'The Game
Hotpoints Gentle Giant
(M) 03/04/1997
N09675/97; Black
Hotpoints Good Vibrations
(F) 03/04/1997
N 09679/97; Black
Grandisons Candy Floss
Grandisons Chittie-Chittie Bangbang
Hotpoints Grand Slam
(M) 03/04/1997
N09674/97; Black
Galanthus Naughty Neddy
; Black
Galanthus Right Choice
(F) 02/28/1998
N11188/98; Black
Galanthus Roll on Big Mama
(F) 02/28/1998
; Black
Nwy Ch Galanthus Noble And Nice
; Black
Galanthus Serene Sovereign
(M) 03/07/1999
; Black
Hotpoints Oh What A Thrill
(M) 07/05/1994
N25360/94; Black
Hotpoints on Parade at Vanmore
(M) 07/05/1994
V95245V02; Black
Caribdane Dennis the Menace
(M) 04/16/1997
; Black
Caribdane Doctor Daydream
Keila's Collaborater at Tiparone
(M) 11/19/1999
Kilcroney Kallona
(F) 04/22/1997
; Black
Kilcroney Kourious
(F) 04/22/1997
; Blue
Vanmore Checkmate
(M) 01/10/1997
Vanmore Mystify Me at Berevale
(F) 01/10/1997
; Black
Vanmore Secret Solution
; Black
Nwy Ch Hotpoints Opportunity Knocks
(F) 07/05/1994
N25364/94; Black
Nwy Ch Tallchief's Black Adder Leon
(M) 02/18/1997
N09323/97; Black
Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Handsome Highlight
(M) 07/03/1994
S48164/94; Black / White
Grandenspitz Tapioca
Grandisons Candy Floss
Grandisons Chittie-Chittie Bangbang
Kingsize Back To Basic
(F) 10/27/1998
S55792/98; Black
Kingsize Beast of Burdon
(M) 10/27/1998
S55790/98; Black
Kingsize Belle of The Ball
(F) 10/27/1998
S55793/98; Harlequin
Kingsize Born And Bound For Export
(M) 10/27/1998
S55791/98; Harlequin
Kingsize Dark Dario
(M) 04/15/1999
S29450/99; Black
Kingsize Days Dawning
(F) 04/15/1999
S29456/99; Black
Kingsize Demon Dragon
(F) 04/15/1999
S29452/99; Black
Kingsize Designed For Down Under
(M) 04/15/1999
S29453/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Dinos Daughter
(F) 04/15/1999
S29455/99; Black
Kingsize Dominant Diablo
(M) 04/15/1999
S29451/99; Black
Kingsize Dressed For Success
(F) 04/15/1999
S29454/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Eve of Eden
(F) 04/28/1999
S29449/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Perfectly Painted
(M) 12/25/1995
S13340/96; Halequin
Celeber's Winnie-Winnie
S49660/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Persecuted Pagan
(M) 12/25/1995
S13339/96; Black
Kingsize Poorly Painted
(M) 12/25/1995
S13341/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Pretty Pastime
(F) 12/25/1995
S13343/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Pricy Patches
(F) 12/25/1995
S13342/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Principal Paragon
(F) 12/25/1995
S13345/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Printed Pattern
(F) 12/25/1995
S13344/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Talent Tudor
(M) 02/05/1997
S18878/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Talk of The Town
(M) 02/05/1997
S18874/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Terrible Terry
(F) 02/05/1997
S18881/97; Black
Kingsize Thousand Thanks
(M) 02/05/1997
S18875/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Tidy Typhoon
(M) 02/05/1997
S18879/97; Black
Kingsize Timothy Termite
(M) 02/05/1997
S18876/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Topsy-Turvy
(M) 02/05/1997
S18877/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Typical Tigress
(F) 02/05/1997
S18880/97; Black
Mighty Dane's Evolution
(M) 05/20/2007
S44898/2007; Black
Nordic Giant's Leonard
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36604/20; Black
Nordic Giant's Leonore
(F) 03/03/2020
NO36603/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's Leopold at Tamzdane
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36606/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's Lydia To Kingsize
(F) 03/03/2020
NO36602/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giants Legolas
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36607/20; Harlequin
Kingsize Happy Hooker
(F) 07/03/1994
S48166/94; Black
Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Head Over Heels
(M) 07/03/1994
S48165/94; Black
Kingsize High Harlequin Hope
(M) 07/03/1994
S48162/94; Harlequin
Kingsize Hot As Hell
(M) 07/03/1994
S48163/94; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Egoiste'
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383902; Black

Anna Black of Deacon Hill
(F) 04/04/1994
(M) 08/03/2001
WR04184501; Black

Ebon Postcards From the Edge V Shakti
(F) 12/27/2005
WS16072503; Black
Shaktistarz Dolce Chloe
(F) 07/12/2008
Shaktistarz Prodigal Son
(M) 07/12/2008
Ebon's Dirty Pretty Thing
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon's Starlight Guardian
(M) 05/12/2004
Ebons Hvnly Queen Cassiopeia
(F) 05/12/2004
Am CH Haltmeier's Hello Girlfriend
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054901; Black
Haltmeier's HRH Princess Charlotte V BGDAWGS
(F) 04/19/2015
Am GCh Haltmeiers Hold My Heart A T Bgdawgs
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054902; Black
Am CH Highland's Gotham's Bruce Wayne
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908202; Black
Highland's O-O Obsidian Star
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908203; Black
Highland's Onyx Moon
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908206; Black
Highland's Titus Ben Nevis
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908207; Black
Am CH Highlands Li'l Bit O Buck
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908201; Black
BGDAWGS Drs One Tru Luv Got
(F) 08/03/2001
WR04184502; Black
Am CH BGDAWGS Bella Sera
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253802; Black
BGDAWGS Beautiful Nite 4 A Moondance
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167502; Black
BGDAWGS Heir Apparent
(M) 04/10/2010
WS34167501; Black
BGDAWGS Lady Sings the Blues
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167505; Blue
Am GCh BGDAWGS The Hurricane
(M) 04/10/2010
WS34167503; Blue
Bgdawgs-Shakara Blu-V-Linro
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167506; Blue
BGDAWGS I'll Show You
(M) 12/12/2005
WS16253801; Black
BGDAWGS Signal Kate Crusader
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253808; Black
Am CH BGDAWGS Numero Uno
(M) 08/03/2001
Top Hat's Mystical Magic
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537703; Black
Top Hat's Putting on the Ritz
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15537701; Black
Top Hat's Swinging on A Star
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537702; Black
Brana's Formal Attire
(M) 07/29/1995
Brana's Strut Your Stuff
(M) 07/29/1995
WP64582603; Black
Brana's Jerry Lee
(M) 02/03/1997
WP76255504; Black
Brana's Jump For Joy
(M) 05/19/1998
WP85668906; Blue
Brana's Lady Gunhilde K
(F) 05/19/1998
Brana's Little Black Banshee
(F) 10/23/1996
Brana's Queen of Spades
WP80500905; Black
Ramac's Believe'N'Miracles
(F) 11/16/2002
WS03340003; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramac's First Edition
(M) 06/16/2000
WP98420306; Black
Ramac's Miracle Kid 'N Spades
(M) 11/16/2002
WS03340002; Black
Ramac's Stella di Mezzanotte
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214907; Black
Ramac's Stix'n Stones V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214906; Black
Ramacas Blackngold Catasaurus
(M) 11/16/2002
FIN38772/03; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramacs 'N Excess V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214903; Black
Ramacs Maid'N Heaven V Hauer
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214901; Black
Dakota Dane's Dovesrest Pippin
(F) 06/21/1999
WR01391812; Harlequin
Elrid's Black Russian Nakita
Elrid's Mister Hollywood
(M) 02/25/1995
WP63431609; Black
Hollywood's Ego La Femme
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Jackie Steele
(F) 11/26/1996
Hollywood's Jasmin of Elrid
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Sultan of C Bar J
(M) 11/26/1996
Am CH Elrid's Rator
(M) 02/25/1995
WP63431612; Black

Arf's Tiffany of Elrid
(F) 05/09/2000
WP97513709; Harlequin
Indadane's Mondota Hiawasee
WP92557905; Fawn
Indadane's Nonnie Nunnuk
(F) 06/16/1999
WP92567904; Black
Indadanes Ninneka Jasmine
Haltmeier's Jazz' Alter-Ego
(M) 12/24/2000
WR01446801; Black
Patriot's Little Bit of Jazz
(F) 12/24/2000
WR01446802; Black / White
Indadanes Stella Yesrej
Nobles Kindred Spirit
(F) 01/28/1998
WP83860503; Black
Zanadane's Freeze Frame
(F) 05/09/1998
Elrid's Truthordare Vrhodsend
(F) 02/25/1995
Rhodesend's Dare To Compare
(F) 12/06/1997
WP83031005; Black
G'dieter's Against the Grain
(F) 04/24/1994
WP55192502; Black
Am CH G'Dieter's Chance Encounter
(M) 04/24/1994
WP55192503; Black

Aftershock The Almighty Zeus
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296008; Black
Mattie of Danes Country
; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Revival
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296009; Blue
Aftershock Paris' KNGT N Blu
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536808; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Eternity
(M) 10/15/1998
DK12564/99 / WP90536806; Blue
Aftershock's Eureka
(F) 10/15/1998
WP90536807; Blue
Barkley of Caledonia
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536804; Blue Fawn
Scooby Doo Skubi Scoobert
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536805; Blue Fawn
Aftershocks Roqua V Sheldane
(F) 04/10/1997
WP78296002; Black
Jewels of Wolff Farms
Ch99 Blueberry Hill In A Nik A Time
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453801; Black
Am CH Blueberry Hill-Nightingale's Wyatt
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453802; Black
Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Aspen's Dante's Inferno V Bbhill
(M) 11/03/2000
Aspen's Gia V Blueberry Hill
(F) 11/03/2000
WR00162401; Black
Aspen's Thief of Hearts V Bbhill
(F) 11/03/2000
Kenyon's Wyatt Aldea Anij CDX RE
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113903; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Belanna Torres
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113901; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Katalina Janeway
(F) 03/31/2001
Am CH Blueberry Hills-Win For Liza
(F) 09/04/1997
WP80453803; Black
Chelmor Radar V Nightingale
(M) 04/24/1996
G'Dieter's Chelmor
(M) 04/24/1996
WP69981601; Black
G'dieter's Just By Chance
(F) 02/10/2001
WR02993601; Fawn
G'dieter's Miracle By Chance
(M) 02/10/2001
WR02993602; Black
Am CH Ga-Mac's Total Eclipse
(M) 02/10/1996
WP68595407; Black
Ga-Macs Gale Force
(F) 02/10/1996
WP68595406; Black
Am CH Ga-Macs Savoir Faire
(F) 02/10/1996
WP68595408; Black
Loki's Encounter With Tyler
(M) 05/04/1998
WP84877005; Black
Nightingale's Chase Encounter
(M) 09/16/1998
Am CH Nightingale's Injun Joe
(M) 11/07/2002
WR07470001; Fawn
Nightingale's Make It So
(M) 09/16/1998
WP87368102; Black
Am CH Nightngale Ribbons Buttons N Bows
(F) 01/27/1999
WP89624302; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black

Haltmeier's A-Rod
(M) 06/12/2007
WS23328701; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Z-Best Purple Pride V Kenya
(F) 11/26/2012
WS43190202; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Zephyr
(M) 11/26/2012
WS43190204; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Zero To Sixty V Amb
(M) 11/26/2012
WS43190203; Black
Icon of Mica's Zillionaire V Haltmeier
(F) 11/26/2012
WS43190201; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Hello Girlfriend
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054901; Black
Haltmeier's HRH Princess Charlotte V BGDAWGS
(F) 04/19/2015
Am GCh Haltmeiers Hold My Heart A T Bgdawgs
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054902; Black
Haltmeier's Dakota Christmas
(F) 11/03/1994
WP59243308; Black
Haltmeier's Gretchen
(F) 05/23/1997
WP79846308; Merle
Haltmeier's Oreo Cookie
(F) 05/23/1997
WP79846306; Black / White
Haltmeier's Organizer
(M) 05/23/1997
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846307; Black / White
Haltmeiers "O" My Guy
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846302; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeier's Sasha
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531402; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Special Girl
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531401; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeiers Quote The Kaizer
(M) 08/24/1998
WP88442701; Harlequin
Br Ch Haltmeiers Only The Best
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846301; Harlequin
Haltmeiers's O! Henry
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846305; Merle
Haltmeier's Jazz' Alter-Ego
(M) 12/24/2000
WR01446801; Black
Haltmeier's Jet Set
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549903; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Just A Little Ego
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549901; Black

Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black
Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Michaeldane Tahoe GBHT Rylaur
(M) 10/29/1996
WP75507403; Black
Rylaur's Little Secret MCHLDN
(F) 10/29/1996
WP75507401; Black
Haltmeier's Lou of Atlantic
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094710; Black
Danafield Impressive Lady
FIN14090/00; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Forbidden But nice
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Handsome Quality
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Once A Thief
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Perfect Partner
(M) 01/11/1999
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Practice Makes Perfect
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Ozaenas Deerhunter
FIN19242/00; Harlequin
Ozaenas Delailah
Haltmeier's M V Nightingale
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292106; Black
Nightingale's Chase Encounter
(M) 09/16/1998
Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Nightingale's Make It So
(M) 09/16/1998
WP87368102; Black
Haltmeier's Mariah
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292108; Black
Haltmeier's Miss Thing
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292102; Black
Haltmeier's Royal Red Pepper
(F) 06/12/2007
WS23328705; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Sensational Sawyer
(M) 08/05/2011
WS39076303; Black
Haltmeier's Shippendam Roxie
(F) 06/12/2007
WS23328708; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's The Look
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094701; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Sasha
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531402; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Special Girl
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531401; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Haltmeiers Dawn's Just Aurora
(F) 10/11/1993
WP51549904; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Haltmeiers Layla V Hollywood
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094702; Black
Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black
Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Hollywood's Ego La Femme
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Jasmin of Elrid
(F) 02/11/1997
Haltmeiers Legacy V Dominion
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094704; Black
CH Dominion's Desparado
(M) 06/09/1997
Haltmeiers Lil Ace of Spades
(M) 07/04/1994
WP57094705; Black
Aliano's Montana Miner
(M) 03/01/1996
Aliano's Jedziah Daxhana
(F) 01/25/1999
WP89980106; Black
Vomega Jeramiah Blu Frog MVP
(M) 01/25/1999
Dane Hill's Ninja Jack
(M) 09/07/1995
Dane Hills Lady Wigs
(F) 03/23/1997
Dane Hills Blue Honor
(F) 03/01/1996
Mama's Little Girl
(F) 08/04/1996
Sadie Dane B.G.U. Enterprise
(F) 07/21/1997
WP79441406; Black
Sadie Danes Dante's Inferno
(M) 07/21/1997
WP79441407; Black
Haltmeiers Masterpiece
(M) 12/02/1995
WP67292101; Black
Haltmeiers Mirabella
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292103; Black
Haltmeier at Allron Xenophon
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874304; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Bavarian Classic
(M) 08/29/2001
WR05534201; Black
Haltmeier's Beaujolais
(F) 08/29/2001
WR05534202; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's X's and O's
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874303; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Xtra Sharp
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874302; Black
Can Ch Haltmeiers Echo in the Night
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874306 / ERN23000733; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Quote The Kaizer
(M) 08/24/1998
WP88442701; Harlequin
Haltmeiers More Than Words
(M) 02/12/1995
WP67292112; Black
Danemain Anubis
(F) 12/24/1997
S48709/98; Black
Great Beauty Albert av Monaco
(M) 03/31/1999
S27548/99; Black
Great Beauty Amore Amorina
(F) 03/31/1999
S27553/99; Black
Great Beauty Big Lucky Gay
(M) 02/28/2000
S17679/2000; Black
Great Beauty Crazy For You
S54581/2000; Black
Great Beauty Funcy Face
(F) 12/24/2001
S13966/2002; Black
Genedda Just For Fun
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35974/97; Black
Fin Ch Genedda Just Kidding
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35975/97; Black
Haltmeiers Morena Fiora
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292107; Black
Krudell's Harriette Delphyne
(F) 10/05/1994
Lady Sheba of Khanquest
(F) 04/04/1994
Nakia's Princess Sheba
(F) 04/30/1996
Laurel Spring Lights V Jorivan
(F) 06/27/1993
WP49980203; Black
Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Fire In The Night
WP90445901; Black
Can Ch Skydane's Lady Grace
(F) 09/25/1999
JS657291; Black
Laurel Springs Touch O Nitewnd
(F) 06/27/1993
Nightwind's Roxanne
(F) 07/03/1994
Laurs Fatal Attraction
(F) 04/22/1994
WP55562301; Black
Laurs Odysseus
(M) 04/22/1994
Me Dane's Mufasa
(M) 04/28/1997
Me-Dane's Mufasa
(M) 04/28/1997
Medane's Gabrielle
(F) 04/28/1997
Miller's Black Knight Dancer
(F) 05/29/1994
Miller's Black Knight Teego
(M) 05/29/1994
Nightendane A King's Ransom
(M) 10/17/1994
Nightendane Destiny
(F) 10/17/1994
Nightendane Kharima
Nightendane Mirage
(F) 11/15/1993
Nightendane Morse Code
(M) 11/15/1993
Patriot's Little Bit of Jazz
(F) 12/24/2000
WR01446802; Black / White
Rylaurs Sundance Kid V Tocan
(F) 05/20/1999
WP92021101; Black
Whtshdws' Ldy Victoria Vehrle
(F) 09/19/1997
WP82413006; Black
Am & Can Ch WYSIWYG's Black Sambvca CGC
(M) 03/11/1993
WP47816912; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
WYSIWYG's Devious Diva
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816909; Black
WYSIWYG's I Came Out Wagging
(M) 04/26/1995
WYSIWYG's Starlight Athena
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816905; Black
Brana's Soaring Beauty
(F) 12/10/1994
WP59606602; Black
Brana's Living Destiny
(M) 04/26/1997
WP77976603; Black
Coty's Eminent Starlight
(F) 12/10/1994
WYSIWYGs' Glorys Sweet Rebel
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816908; Black
WYSIWYGs' My Girl Vada
(F) 03/11/1993
Haltmeier's Equal To None
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383901; Black
Haltmeier I'm Sir Vonderheyden
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045108; Black
Frauelein Gretchen Vonderheyden
(F) 07/25/1995
Heidi Ho Haltmeier Mack
(F) 12/13/1994
Haltmeiers Herr Hans
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104401; Black
Haltmeiers Huntington
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104403; Black
Destiney's Darling Daisy
(F) 06/05/1996
Destiney's Hershey Kiss
(F) 06/05/1996
Haltmeiers I'm Such A Mench
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045103; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Zoe
(F) 08/28/1989
WG383049; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Effin Big Deal
(M) 12/02/1992
WP45194206; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Expect To Win STS
(F) 06/26/1994
WP57094603; Black
Ch99 Blueberry Hill In A Nik A Time
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453801; Black
Am CH Blueberry Hill-Nightingale's Wyatt
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453802; Black
Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Aspen's Dante's Inferno V Bbhill
(M) 11/03/2000
Aspen's Gia V Blueberry Hill
(F) 11/03/2000
WR00162401; Black
Aspen's Thief of Hearts V Bbhill
(F) 11/03/2000
Kenyon's Wyatt Aldea Anij CDX RE
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113903; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Belanna Torres
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113901; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Katalina Janeway
(F) 03/31/2001
Am CH Blueberry Hills-Win For Liza
(F) 09/04/1997
WP80453803; Black
Haltmeier Keep'm Effin Guess'n
(M) 06/26/1994
WP57094601; Black
Bruport's Deal Kinsey In
(F) 04/19/1994
WP55041805; Black
Bruport's Power Play v Eastwick
(M) 04/19/1994
WP55041806; Black
Bruport's First Knight
(M) 06/01/1997
Bruport's Yes I Am V Eastwick
(F) 06/01/1997
WP77699603; Black
Hi Spirit's Sanshar by Design
; Black
Hispirit's Sanshar By Design
(F) 12/02/1992
WP45194204; Black
Sanshar's Casmir
(F) 01/11/1996
Sanshar's Heavenly Mersadez
(F) 03/16/1997
WP76952004; Brindle
Sanshar's Who's Coming T'dinner
(M) 03/16/1997
CH Hispirits Cadillac Style II
(F) 12/02/1992
Neely Danes Stylish Savannah CD
(F) 07/11/1996
Neely Danes Zuben Nubi
(M) 07/11/1996
Am CH Haltmeier's Zorina
(F) 08/28/1989
WG470172; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Expect To Win STS
(F) 06/26/1994
WP57094603; Black
Ch99 Blueberry Hill In A Nik A Time
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453801; Black

Am CH Blueberry Hill-Nightingale's Wyatt
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453802; Black

Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Aspen's Dante's Inferno V Bbhill
(M) 11/03/2000
Aspen's American Idol
(F) 03/07/2007
WS23067801; Blue
Kenyon's Blue Skies Over Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Dante Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Madam Butterfly By Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Aspen's Gia V Blueberry Hill
(F) 11/03/2000
WR00162401; Black
Aspen's Thief of Hearts V Bbhill
(F) 11/03/2000
Kenyon's Wyatt Aldea Anij CDX RE
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113903; Blue
Kenyon Vista Do You Believe
(F) 03/01/2004
WS07915905; Black
Kenyon's Abida Louie's Hocus Pocus
(F) 03/01/2004
Kenyon's Bad Moon Rizin on Louie
(M) 03/01/2004
WS07915908; Black
Kenyon's Gibson B Holiday
(F) 08/18/2005
Kenyon's Wyatt Belanna Torres
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113901; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Katalina Janeway
(F) 03/31/2001
Kenyon Echo Dance in the Dark
(F) 02/15/2003
WS03189807; Black
Kenyon's Blue Skies Over Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Dante Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Madam Butterfly By Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Am CH Kenyon's Sevy Check Out Devin
(M) 02/15/2003
WS03189806; Black
Kenyon's Titan Sun of Magnum
(M) 04/21/2005
WS13099103; Blue
Am CH Blueberry Hills-Win For Liza
(F) 09/04/1997
WP80453803; Black
Haltmeier Keep'm Effin Guess'n
(M) 06/26/1994
WP57094601; Black
Haltmeier's M V Nightingale
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292106; Black
Nightingale's Chase Encounter
(M) 09/16/1998
Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Nightingale's Make It So
(M) 09/16/1998
WP87368102; Black
Haltmeier's Mariah
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292108; Black
Haltmeier's Miss Thing
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292102; Black
Haltmeier's Walker's Own Sheba
(F) 05/13/1992
WP44531401; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers I Z Spots
(F) 06/16/1996
WP70978202; Harlequin
Haltmeiers Herr Hans
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104401; Black
Haltmeiers Huntington
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104403; Black
Destiney's Darling Daisy
(F) 06/05/1996
Destiney's Hershey Kiss
(F) 06/05/1996
Haltmeiers Masterpiece
(M) 12/02/1995
WP67292101; Black
Haltmeiers Mirabella
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292103; Black
Haltmeier at Allron Xenophon
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874304; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Bavarian Classic
(M) 08/29/2001
WR05534201; Black
Haltmeier's Beaujolais
(F) 08/29/2001
WR05534202; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's X's and O's
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874303; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Xtra Sharp
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874302; Black

Can Ch Haltmeiers Echo in the Night
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874306 / ERN23000733; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Quote The Kaizer
(M) 08/24/1998
WP88442701; Harlequin
Haltmeiers More Than Words
(M) 02/12/1995
WP67292112; Black
Danemain Anubis
(F) 12/24/1997
S48709/98; Black
Great Beauty Albert av Monaco
(M) 03/31/1999
S27548/99; Black
Rainshoe's Zandy Zip
S16560/2001; Blue
Great Beauty Amore Amorina
(F) 03/31/1999
S27553/99; Black
Great Beauty Deborath
S50820/2001; Black
Great Beauty Gladys del Pilar
S35273/2002; Black
Great Beauty Big Lucky Gay
(M) 02/28/2000
S17679/2000; Black
Grand Rayon's Antos
(M) 04/11/2003
S29344/2003; Blue
Great Beauty Crazy For You
S54581/2000; Black
Great Beauty Jarod
S61147/2003; Blue
Great Beauty Jolyn For Sjökullen's
S61154/2003; Black
Great Beauty Funcy Face
(F) 12/24/2001
S13966/2002; Black
(F) 12/24/2002
S63614/2003; Black
Genedda Just For Fun
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35974/97; Black
Fin Ch Genedda Just Kidding
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35975/97; Black
Haltmeiers Morena Fiora
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292107; Black
Haltmeier's Zurich
(M) 08/28/1989
WP25435701; Black

Haltmeier's What A Deal
(F) 05/13/1991
WP35424005; Black
Haltmeier's Jet Set
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549903; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Just A Little Ego
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549901; Black

Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black
Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Michaeldane Tahoe GBHT Rylaur
(M) 10/29/1996
WP75507403; Black
Rylaur's Little Secret MCHLDN
(F) 10/29/1996
WP75507401; Black
Haltmeiers Dawn's Just Aurora
(F) 10/11/1993
WP51549904; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Pappy Jack Out of the Blue
WP40083509; Blue
Pappy Jack Sweet Licorice
WP35777007; Black
Pappy Jacks Just Missy
WP40083508; Blue
Haltmeiers X-Tra Special
(F) 04/24/1988
WG173734; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentino
(M) 02/14/1986
WF891531; Black

Haltmeier Enchantress V Ebon CD
(F) 10/11/1991
WP38383907; Black
Ebon's Eternal Black Jasmine
(F) 04/11/1994
Ebon's Music of the Night
(F) 10/30/1996
WP75405402; Black
Am CH Ebon Jewel of T'nile Blevr
(F) 11/29/2000
WR00671609; Black
Ebon Postcards From the Edge V Shakti
(F) 12/27/2005
WS16072503; Black
Shaktistarz Dolce Chloe
(F) 07/12/2008
Shaktistarz Prodigal Son
(M) 07/12/2008
Ebon's Dirty Pretty Thing
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon's Starlight Guardian
(M) 05/12/2004
Ebons Hvnly Queen Cassiopeia
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon Romancing T' Stone Blevr
(M) 11/29/2000
WR00671610; Black
Ebon's Sher Day's Shaka Zulu
(M) 04/11/1994
Ebon's Simply Irresistible
(F) 04/11/1994
Am CH Ebon's Who Do U Voodoo
(M) 10/30/1996
WP74505401; Black
Swd Ch Haltmeier's Edsel For Celeber
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383904; Black
Celeber's Värsting Till Bigbeauties
(M) 07/17/1995
S43501/95; Black
Grande Negros Only Love
S20909/99; Black
Grande Negros Organza
S20911/99; Harlequin
Celeber's Vendetta
(F) 07/17/1995
Mighty Dane's Ambra
S11727/2000; Black
Mighty Dane's Aramis
(M) 12/13/1999
S11724/2000; Black
Celeber's Vild Vittra
(F) 07/17/1995
S43506/95; Black
Celeber's Winnie-Winnie
S49660/97; Harlequin
Gute Grandios Eos
S58746/2001; Harlequin
Spear Dane's Casillero del Diablo
(F) 10/19/2004
S68149/2004; Black / White
Spear Dane's Castillo de Gredos
S68146/2004; Harlequin
Celeber's Vovve
(M) 07/17/1995
S43503/95; Black
Kingsize Famous Filibuster
(M) 08/07/1999
S47902/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Femme Fatale
(F) 08/07/1999
S47904/99; Black
Kingsize Flip-Flap
(M) 08/07/1999
S47901/99; Black
Kingsize Flying Free
(F) 08/07/1999
S47903/99; Black
Kingsize Frontpage Favorite
(F) 08/07/1999
S47905/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Funtastic Fellow
(M) 08/07/1999
S47900/99; Black
Galanthus Name O'The Game
Hotpoints Gentle Giant
(M) 03/04/1997
N09675/97; Black
Hotpoints Good Vibrations
(F) 03/04/1997
N 09679/97; Black
Grandisons Candy Floss
Grandisons Chittie-Chittie Bangbang
Hotpoints Grand Slam
(M) 03/04/1997
N09674/97; Black
Galanthus Naughty Neddy
; Black
Galanthus Right Choice
(F) 02/28/1998
N11188/98; Black
Galanthus Roll on Big Mama
(F) 02/28/1998
; Black
Nwy Ch Galanthus Noble And Nice
; Black
Galanthus Serene Sovereign
(M) 03/07/1999
; Black
Hotpoints Oh What A Thrill
(M) 07/05/1994
N25360/94; Black
Hotpoints on Parade at Vanmore
(M) 07/05/1994
V95245V02; Black
Caribdane Dennis the Menace
(M) 04/16/1997
; Black
Caribdane Doctor Daydream
Keila's Collaborater at Tiparone
(M) 11/19/1999
Perfect Gem
Tiparone Zachmoo Blue
(M) 05/27/2001
; Blue
Trishdane Midnight Mountain
Kilcroney Kallona
(F) 04/22/1997
; Black
Kilcroney Kourious
(F) 04/22/1997
; Blue
Vanmore Checkmate
(M) 01/10/1997
Vanmore Mystify Me at Berevale
(F) 01/10/1997
; Black
Vanmore Secret Solution
; Black
Nwy Ch Hotpoints Opportunity Knocks
(F) 07/05/1994
N25364/94; Black
Nwy Ch Tallchief's Black Adder Leon
(M) 02/18/1997
N09323/97; Black
Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Handsome Highlight
(M) 07/03/1994
S48164/94; Black / White
Grandenspitz Tapioca
Grandisons Candy Floss
Grandisons Chittie-Chittie Bangbang
Kingsize Back To Basic
(F) 10/27/1998
S55792/98; Black
Kingsize Beast of Burdon
(M) 10/27/1998
S55790/98; Black
Kingsize Belle of The Ball
(F) 10/27/1998
S55793/98; Harlequin
Kingsize Born And Bound For Export
(M) 10/27/1998
S55791/98; Harlequin
Kingsize Dark Dario
(M) 04/15/1999
S29450/99; Black
Kingsize Days Dawning
(F) 04/15/1999
S29456/99; Black
Kingsize Demon Dragon
(F) 04/15/1999
S29452/99; Black
Kingsize Designed For Down Under
(M) 04/15/1999
S29453/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Dinos Daughter
(F) 04/15/1999
S29455/99; Black
Kingsize Dominant Diablo
(M) 04/15/1999
S29451/99; Black
Kingsize Dressed For Success
(F) 04/15/1999
S29454/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Eve of Eden
(F) 04/28/1999
S29449/99; Harlequin
Kingsize Perfectly Painted
(M) 12/25/1995
S13340/96; Halequin
Celeber's Winnie-Winnie
S49660/97; Harlequin
Gute Grandios Eos
S58746/2001; Harlequin
Kingsize Persecuted Pagan
(M) 12/25/1995
S13339/96; Black
Kingsize Poorly Painted
(M) 12/25/1995
S13341/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Pretty Pastime
(F) 12/25/1995
S13343/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Pricy Patches
(F) 12/25/1995
S13342/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Principal Paragon
(F) 12/25/1995
S13345/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Printed Pattern
(F) 12/25/1995
S13344/96; Harlequin
Kingsize Talent Tudor
(M) 02/05/1997
S18878/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Talk of The Town
(M) 02/05/1997
S18874/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Terrible Terry
(F) 02/05/1997
S18881/97; Black
Kingsize Thousand Thanks
(M) 02/05/1997
S18875/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Tidy Typhoon
(M) 02/05/1997
S18879/97; Black
Kingsize Timothy Termite
(M) 02/05/1997
S18876/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Topsy-Turvy
(M) 02/05/1997
S18877/97; Harlequin
Kingsize Typical Tigress
(F) 02/05/1997
S18880/97; Black
Mighty Dane's Evolution
(M) 05/20/2007
S44898/2007; Black
Nordic Giant's Leonard
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36604/20; Black
Nordic Giant's Leonore
(F) 03/03/2020
NO36603/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's Leopold at Tamzdane
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36606/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giant's Lydia To Kingsize
(F) 03/03/2020
NO36602/20; Harlequin
Nordic Giants Legolas
(M) 03/03/2020
NO36607/20; Harlequin
Kingsize Happy Hooker
(F) 07/03/1994
S48166/94; Black
Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Head Over Heels
(M) 07/03/1994
S48165/94; Black
Kingsize High Harlequin Hope
(M) 07/03/1994
S48162/94; Harlequin
Kingsize Hot As Hell
(M) 07/03/1994
S48163/94; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Egoiste'
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383902; Black

Anna Black of Deacon Hill
(F) 04/04/1994
(M) 08/03/2001
WR04184501; Black

Ebon Postcards From the Edge V Shakti
(F) 12/27/2005
WS16072503; Black
Shaktistarz Dolce Chloe
(F) 07/12/2008
Shaktistarz Prodigal Son
(M) 07/12/2008
Ebon's Dirty Pretty Thing
(F) 05/12/2004
Ebon's Starlight Guardian
(M) 05/12/2004
Ebons Hvnly Queen Cassiopeia
(F) 05/12/2004
Am CH Haltmeier's Hello Girlfriend
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054901; Black
Haltmeier's HRH Princess Charlotte V BGDAWGS
(F) 04/19/2015
Am GCh Haltmeiers Hold My Heart A T Bgdawgs
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054902; Black
Am CH Highland's Gotham's Bruce Wayne
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908202; Black
Highland's O-O Obsidian Star
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908203; Black
Highland's Onyx Moon
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908206; Black
Highland's Titus Ben Nevis
(M) 04/13/2003
WS03908207; Black
Am CH Highlands Li'l Bit O Buck
(F) 04/13/2003
WS03908201; Black
BGDAWGS Drs One Tru Luv Got
(F) 08/03/2001
WR04184502; Black
Am CH BGDAWGS Bella Sera
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253802; Black
BGDAWGS Beautiful Nite 4 A Moondance
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167502; Black
BGDAWGS Dancin In the Moonlite
(F) 01/05/2014
WS46188603; Blue
Am GCh BGDAWGS Midwinters Cobalt Moon
(M) 01/05/2014
WS46188602; Blue
BGDAWGS Perpetrator of the Crime
(M) 01/05/2014
WS46188601; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Sonic Boom
(M) 01/05/2014
WS46188604; Blue
BGDAWGS Heir Apparent
(M) 04/10/2010
WS34167501; Black
BGDAWGS Lady Sings the Blues
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167505; Blue
Am GCh BGDAWGS The Hurricane
(M) 04/10/2010
WS34167503; Blue
Kelso's Singing The Blues at BGDAWGS
(F) 06/22/2013
WS44391702; Blue
Kelso-Sylvan's at Last
(F) 06/22/2013
WS44391704; Blue
Am CH Kelso-Sylvan's I Found My Thrill
(M) 06/22/2013
WS44391705; Black
Kelso-Sylvan's Jinx Blues
(M) 06/22/2013
WS44391703; Blue
Bgdawgs-Shakara Blu-V-Linro
(F) 04/10/2010
WS34167506; Blue
BGDAWGS I'll Show You
(M) 12/12/2005
WS16253801; Black
BGDAWGS Signal Kate Crusader
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253808; Black
Am CH BGDAWGS Numero Uno
(M) 08/03/2001
Top Hat's Mystical Magic
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537703; Black
Top Hat's Putting on the Ritz
(M) 11/08/2005
WS15537701; Black
Top Hat's Swinging on A Star
(F) 11/08/2005
WS15537702; Black
Brana's Formal Attire
(M) 07/29/1995
Brana's Strut Your Stuff
(M) 07/29/1995
WP64582603; Black
Brana's Jerry Lee
(M) 02/03/1997
WP76255504; Black
Brana's Jump For Joy
(M) 05/19/1998
WP85668906; Blue
Am CH Brana's Obsydyan Butterfly
WR01386409; Blue
Brana's Lady Gunhilde K
(F) 05/19/1998
Brana's Little Black Banshee
(F) 10/23/1996
Brana's Queen of Spades
WP80500905; Black
Ramac's Believe'N'Miracles
(F) 11/16/2002
WS03340003; Black
Ramac's Aspen of Niobrara
(F) 12/05/2005
WS15767802; Black
Ramacs St Franks Blsng To Lmgd
(F) 12/05/2005
WS15767805; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramac's First Edition
(M) 06/16/2000
WP98420306; Black
Nightingale's Panama Hattie
(F) 06/09/2003
WS04540101; Black
Nightingale's Panama Jack
(M) 06/09/2003
WS04540103; Black
Nightingales Kiss This V Ramac
(F) 06/09/2003
WS04540102; Black
Ramac's Diva'N'Disguise
(F) 06/11/2002
WR06868003; Black
Ramac's Miracle Kid 'N Spades
(M) 11/16/2002
WS03340002; Black
Ramac's Stella di Mezzanotte
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214907; Black
Taro West Texas Intermediate Mud
(M) 08/23/2007
WS23411102; Black
Taro Western Mudslinger
(F) 08/23/2007
Taro's I-C-U Causin Chaos
(F) 07/26/2005
Taro's I-C-U Drool-N
(M) 07/26/2005
WS13975701; Black
Ramac's Stix'n Stones V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214906; Black
Ramacas Blackngold Catasaurus
(M) 11/16/2002
FIN38772/03; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramacs 'N Excess V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214903; Black
Aneroks Dark Sky
WS12558001; Black
Coneygrey's Camelot
(F) 02/14/2005
Juno's Leave Em Speechless
(F) 03/05/2004
WS09180402; Black
Juno's Ruff N Ready RN
(M) 03/05/2004
Am & Int Ch KRW Asbury Back In Black
(F) 09/05/2005
WS14860304; Black
KRW Asbury Let There B Roc
(M) 09/05/2005
WS14860302; Black
Am & Int Ch KRW Asbury Must B Black Magic
(F) 09/05/2005
WS14860301; Black
Ramac's Aspen of Niobrara
(F) 12/05/2005
WS15767802; Black
Ramacs St Franks Blsng To Lmgd
(F) 12/05/2005
WS15767805; Black
Victory's Trinity
Willowrun's Trace to Ramac
(F) 10/24/2004
WS12144103; Black
Ramacs Maid'N Heaven V Hauer
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214901; Black
Dakota Dane's Dovesrest Pippin
(F) 06/21/1999
WR01391812; Harlequin
Elrid's Black Russian Nakita
Elrid's Mister Hollywood
(M) 02/25/1995
WP63431609; Black
Hollywood's Ego La Femme
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Jackie Steele
(F) 11/26/1996
Hollywood's Jasmin of Elrid
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Sultan of C Bar J
(M) 11/26/1996
Am CH Elrid's Rator
(M) 02/25/1995
WP63431612; Black

Arf's Tiffany of Elrid
(F) 05/09/2000
WP97513709; Harlequin
Indadane's Mondota Hiawasee
WP92557905; Fawn
Indadane's Nonnie Nunnuk
(F) 06/16/1999
WP92567904; Black
Indadanes Ninneka Jasmine
Haltmeier's Jazz' Alter-Ego
(M) 12/24/2000
WR01446801; Black
Patriot's Little Bit of Jazz
(F) 12/24/2000
WR01446802; Black / White
Indadanes Stella Yesrej
Nobles Kindred Spirit
(F) 01/28/1998
WP83860503; Black
Zanadane's Freeze Frame
(F) 05/09/1998
Elrid's Truthordare Vrhodsend
(F) 02/25/1995
Rhodesend's Dare To Compare
(F) 12/06/1997
WP83031005; Black
G'dieter's Against the Grain
(F) 04/24/1994
WP55192502; Black
Am CH G'Dieter's Chance Encounter
(M) 04/24/1994
WP55192503; Black

Aftershock The Almighty Zeus
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296008; Black
Mattie of Danes Country
; Blue
Myia Danes County
; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Revival
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296009; Blue
Aftershock Paris' KNGT N Blu
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536808; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Eternity
(M) 10/15/1998
DK12564/99 / WP90536806; Blue
Bullcronans Haute Couture
; Blue
Grand-Apso Black Vanja
Grand-Apso Blue Akillos
(M) 06/15/2004
DK13512/2004; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Urban
(M) 02/20/2002
03729/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Victorys Challenge
(M) 08/05/2002
14990/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Wonderfull Tre'sor
(F) 10/08/2002
18328/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Yanky
Grand-Apso Silver Star
; Blue
Aftershock's Eureka
(F) 10/15/1998
WP90536807; Blue
Barkley of Caledonia
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536804; Blue Fawn
Scooby Doo Skubi Scoobert
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536805; Blue Fawn
Aftershocks Roqua V Sheldane
(F) 04/10/1997
WP78296002; Black
Jewels of Wolff Farms
MT Tucker Hanson
; Black
Ch99 Blueberry Hill In A Nik A Time
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453801; Black

Am CH Blueberry Hill-Nightingale's Wyatt
(M) 09/04/1997
WP80453802; Black

Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Aspen's Dante's Inferno V Bbhill
(M) 11/03/2000
Aspen's American Idol
(F) 03/07/2007
WS23067801; Blue
Kenyon's Blue Skies Over Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Dante Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Madam Butterfly By Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Aspen's Gia V Blueberry Hill
(F) 11/03/2000
WR00162401; Black
Aspen's Thief of Hearts V Bbhill
(F) 11/03/2000
Kenyon's Wyatt Aldea Anij CDX RE
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113903; Blue
Kenyon Vista Do You Believe
(F) 03/01/2004
WS07915905; Black
Kenyon's Abida Louie's Hocus Pocus
(F) 03/01/2004
Kenyon's Bad Moon Rizin on Louie
(M) 03/01/2004
WS07915908; Black
Kenyon's Gibson B Holiday
(F) 08/18/2005
Kenyon's Wyatt Belanna Torres
(F) 03/31/2001
WR03113901; Blue
Kenyon's Wyatt Katalina Janeway
(F) 03/31/2001
Kenyon Echo Dance in the Dark
(F) 02/15/2003
WS03189807; Black
Kenyon's Blue Skies Over Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Dante Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Madam Butterfly By Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Am CH Kenyon's Sevy Check Out Devin
(M) 02/15/2003
WS03189806; Black
Kenyon's Titan Sun of Magnum
(M) 04/21/2005
WS13099103; Blue
Am CH Blueberry Hills-Win For Liza
(F) 09/04/1997
WP80453803; Black
Chelmor Radar V Nightingale
(M) 04/24/1996
G'Dieter's Chelmor
(M) 04/24/1996
WP69981601; Black
G'dieter's Just By Chance
(F) 02/10/2001
WR02993601; Fawn
G'dieter's Miracle By Chance
(M) 02/10/2001
WR02993602; Black
Am CH Ga-Mac's Total Eclipse
(M) 02/10/1996
WP68595407; Black
Ga-Macs Gale Force
(F) 02/10/1996
WP68595406; Black
Am CH Ga-Macs Savoir Faire
(F) 02/10/1996
WP68595408; Black
Loki's Encounter With Tyler
(M) 05/04/1998
WP84877005; Black
Nightingale's Chase Encounter
(M) 09/16/1998
Am CH Nightingale's Injun Joe
(M) 11/07/2002
WR07470001; Fawn
Nightingale's Make It So
(M) 09/16/1998
WP87368102; Black
Am CH Nightngale Ribbons Buttons N Bows
(F) 01/27/1999
WP89624302; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black

Haltmeier's A-Rod
(M) 06/12/2007
WS23328701; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Z-Best Purple Pride V Kenya
(F) 11/26/2012
WS43190202; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Zephyr
(M) 11/26/2012
WS43190204; Black
Am CH Icon of Mica's Zero To Sixty V Amb
(M) 11/26/2012
WS43190203; Black
Icon of Mica's Zillionaire V Haltmeier
(F) 11/26/2012
WS43190201; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Hello Girlfriend
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054901; Black
Haltmeier's HRH Princess Charlotte V BGDAWGS
(F) 04/19/2015
Am GCh Haltmeiers Hold My Heart A T Bgdawgs
(F) 04/19/2015
WS51054902; Black
Haltmeier's Dakota Christmas
(F) 11/03/1994
WP59243308; Black
Haltmeier's Gretchen
(F) 05/23/1997
WP79846308; Merle
Haltmeier's Oreo Cookie
(F) 05/23/1997
WP79846306; Black / White
Haltmeier's Organizer
(M) 05/23/1997
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846307; Black / White
Haltmeiers "O" My Guy
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846302; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeier's Sasha
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531402; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Special Girl
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531401; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeiers Quote The Kaizer
(M) 08/24/1998
WP88442701; Harlequin
Br Ch Haltmeiers Only The Best
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846301; Harlequin
Haltmeiers's O! Henry
(M) 05/23/1997
WP79846305; Merle
Haltmeier's Jazz' Alter-Ego
(M) 12/24/2000
WR01446801; Black
Haltmeier's Jet Set
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549903; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Just A Little Ego
(M) 10/11/1993
WP51549901; Black

Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black

Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Michaeldane Tahoe GBHT Rylaur
(M) 10/29/1996
WP75507403; Black

Rylaur's Little Secret MCHLDN
(F) 10/29/1996
WP75507401; Black
Haltmeier's Lou of Atlantic
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094710; Black
Danafield Impressive Lady
FIN14090/00; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Forbidden But nice
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Handsome Quality
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Once A Thief
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Perfect Partner
(M) 01/11/1999
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Practice Makes Perfect
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Ozaenas Deerhunter
FIN19242/00; Harlequin
Genedda Secret Admirer
(F) 08/22/2001
FIN40948/01; Harlequin
Genedda Secret Solution
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40946/01; Harlequin
Genedda Si Senor
() 08/22/2001
FIN40944/01; Harlequin
Fin Ch Genedda Star of Bemu's
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40947/01; Harlequin
Genedda Symphonyofspots
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40945/01; Harlequin
Ozaenas Isoldev Anxious
() 04/13/2002
FIN27234/02; Harlequin
Ozaenas Izarre Megappon
FIN27235/02; Harlequin
Ozaenas Delailah
Genedda U-Turn
(M) 05/09/2002
EJ26138/02; Harlequin
Genedda Ugly Duckling
(F) 05/09/2002
EJ26140/02; Harlequin
Genedda Upon Adream
(F) 05/09/2002
FIN26139/02; Harlequin
Genedda Upper Class
(M) 05/09/2002
FIN26136/02; Harlequin
Genedda Urban Legend
(M) 05/09/2002
12379/2002; Harlequin
Haltmeier's M V Nightingale
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292106; Black
Nightingale's Chase Encounter
(M) 09/16/1998
Nightingale's Eldiablo Christina
(M) 11/24/1999
WP94528207; Black
Nightingale's Make It So
(M) 09/16/1998
WP87368102; Black
Haltmeier's Mariah
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292108; Black
Haltmeier's Miss Thing
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292102; Black
Haltmeier's Royal Red Pepper
(F) 06/12/2007
WS23328705; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Sensational Sawyer
(M) 08/05/2011
WS39076303; Black
Haltmeier's Shippendam Roxie
(F) 06/12/2007
WS23328708; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's The Look
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094701; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Sasha
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531402; Harlequin
Haltmeier's Special Girl
(F) 02/17/1999
WP91531401; Harlequin
Am CH Haltmeiers Passion For Witches
(F) 08/05/1997
WP80139603; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Haltmeiers Dawn's Just Aurora
(F) 10/11/1993
WP51549904; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Haltmeiers Layla V Hollywood
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094702; Black
Haltmeier 'n Nanzee's Niko
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032508; Black
Haltmeiers Forever Night
(M) 08/11/1996
WP73032507; Black

Haltmeiers Night Onyx
(F) 08/11/1996
WP73032509; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Wotan Hellzapoppin
(M) 04/28/2000
WP98043903; Black
Haltmeier's Tego
(M) 10/13/1999
WP96027301; Black
Haltmeier's The Wright Stuff
(F) 04/28/2000
WP98043902; Black
Hollywood's Ego La Femme
(F) 02/11/1997
Hollywood's Jasmin of Elrid
(F) 02/11/1997
Haltmeiers Legacy V Dominion
(F) 07/04/1994
WP57094704; Black
CH Dominion's Desparado
(M) 06/09/1997
Haltmeiers Lil Ace of Spades
(M) 07/04/1994
WP57094705; Black
Aliano's Montana Miner
(M) 03/01/1996
Aliano's Jedziah Daxhana
(F) 01/25/1999
WP89980106; Black
Princess Nala III
WP98330002; Blue
Vomega Jeramiah Blu Frog MVP
(M) 01/25/1999
Dane Hill's Ninja Jack
(M) 09/07/1995
Dane Hills Lady Wigs
(F) 03/23/1997
Dane Hills Blue Honor
(F) 03/01/1996
Mama's Little Girl
(F) 08/04/1996
Sadie Dane B.G.U. Enterprise
(F) 07/21/1997
WP79441406; Black
Sadie Danes Dante's Inferno
(M) 07/21/1997
WP79441407; Black
Haltmeiers Masterpiece
(M) 12/02/1995
WP67292101; Black
Haltmeiers Mirabella
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292103; Black
Haltmeier at Allron Xenophon
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874304; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Bavarian Classic
(M) 08/29/2001
WR05534201; Black
Haltmeier's Beaujolais
(F) 08/29/2001
WR05534202; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's X's and O's
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874303; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Xtra Sharp
(M) 08/14/2000
WP99874302; Black

Can Ch Haltmeiers Echo in the Night
(F) 08/14/2000
WP99874306 / ERN23000733; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Quote The Kaizer
(M) 08/24/1998
WP88442701; Harlequin
Haltmeiers More Than Words
(M) 02/12/1995
WP67292112; Black
Danemain Anubis
(F) 12/24/1997
S48709/98; Black
Great Beauty Albert av Monaco
(M) 03/31/1999
S27548/99; Black
Rainshoe's Zandy Zip
S16560/2001; Blue
Great Beauty Amore Amorina
(F) 03/31/1999
S27553/99; Black
Great Beauty Deborath
S50820/2001; Black
Great Beauty Gladys del Pilar
S35273/2002; Black
Great Beauty Big Lucky Gay
(M) 02/28/2000
S17679/2000; Black
Grand Rayon's Antos
(M) 04/11/2003
S29344/2003; Blue
Great Beauty Crazy For You
S54581/2000; Black
Great Beauty Jarod
S61147/2003; Blue
Great Beauty Jolyn For Sjökullen's
S61154/2003; Black
Great Beauty Funcy Face
(F) 12/24/2001
S13966/2002; Black
(F) 12/24/2002
S63614/2003; Black
Genedda Just For Fun
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35974/97; Black
Fin Ch Genedda Just Kidding
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35975/97; Black
Haltmeiers Morena Fiora
(F) 12/02/1995
WP67292107; Black
Krudell's Harriette Delphyne
(F) 10/05/1994
Lady Sheba of Khanquest
(F) 04/04/1994
Nakia's Princess Sheba
(F) 04/30/1996
Laurel Spring Lights V Jorivan
(F) 06/27/1993
WP49980203; Black
Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Fire In The Night
WP90445901; Black
Can Ch Skydane's Lady Grace
(F) 09/25/1999
JS657291; Black
Laurel Springs Touch O Nitewnd
(F) 06/27/1993
Nightwind's Roxanne
(F) 07/03/1994
Laurs Fatal Attraction
(F) 04/22/1994
WP55562301; Black
Laurs Odysseus
(M) 04/22/1994
Me Dane's Mufasa
(M) 04/28/1997
Me-Dane's Mufasa
(M) 04/28/1997
Medane's Gabrielle
(F) 04/28/1997
Miller's Black Knight Dancer
(F) 05/29/1994
Miller's Black Knight Teego
(M) 05/29/1994
Nightendane A King's Ransom
(M) 10/17/1994
Nightendane Destiny
(F) 10/17/1994
Nightendane Kharima
Nightendane Mirage
(F) 11/15/1993
Nightendane Morse Code
(M) 11/15/1993
Patriot's Little Bit of Jazz
(F) 12/24/2000
WR01446802; Black / White
Rylaurs Sundance Kid V Tocan
(F) 05/20/1999
WP92021101; Black
Whtshdws' Ldy Victoria Vehrle
(F) 09/19/1997
WP82413006; Black
Am & Can Ch WYSIWYG's Black Sambvca CGC
(M) 03/11/1993
WP47816912; Black
Dj Mystery Onit V Haltmeier
(M) 04/25/1996
Dj's Graceful Falls V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
Dj's Sweet Prserverance V Haltmeier
(F) 04/25/1996
WYSIWYG's Devious Diva
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816909; Black
WYSIWYG's I Came Out Wagging
(M) 04/26/1995
WYSIWYG's Starlight Athena
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816905; Black
Brana's Soaring Beauty
(F) 12/10/1994
WP59606602; Black
Brana's Living Destiny
(M) 04/26/1997
WP77976603; Black
Am CH Mylady Destiny M Azing Grace
(F) 02/06/2002
WS00117602; Black
Am CH Mylady Knock on Wood
(M) 02/06/2002
WS00117606; Black
Royal Blue Thunder III
(M) 10/29/1999
WP94569302; Blue
Royal Princess Madeline
(F) 10/29/1999
Coty's Eminent Starlight
(F) 12/10/1994
WYSIWYGs' Glorys Sweet Rebel
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816908; Black
WYSIWYGs' My Girl Vada
(F) 03/11/1993
Haltmeier's Equal To None
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383901; Black
Haltmeier I'm Sir Vonderheyden
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045108; Black
Frauelein Gretchen Vonderheyden
(F) 07/25/1995
Heidi Ho Haltmeier Mack
(F) 12/13/1994
Haltmeiers Herr Hans
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104401; Black
Haltmeiers Huntington
(M) 12/21/1992
WP46104403; Black
Destiney's Darling Daisy
(F) 06/05/1996
Destiney's Hershey Kiss
(F) 06/05/1996
Haltmeiers I'm Such A Mench
(M) 07/18/1993
WP50045103; Black
Scrimshaw Gemini Moriah
(F) 11/18/1989
WP26323301; Black
Brana's Gentle Heart
(F) 01/01/1995
Scrimshaw Black Cloud
(M) 01/01/1995
Scrimshaw Sea Shadows
(F) 04/04/1993
Scrimshaw Take A Chance W Brana
(F) 04/04/1993
WP48932807; Black
Brana Black Sunshine
(F) 11/07/1995
Brana's Athena Elizabeth
(F) 05/10/1996
Brana's Beaumont Shiraz
(M) 03/11/1998
Mervyndane Sashjae
Valleyvine Eikendal
; Blue
Brana's Black Orchid
(F) 12/16/1994
WP60464703; Black
Brana's Jerry Lee
(M) 02/03/1997
WP76255504; Black
Brana's Jump For Joy
(M) 05/19/1998
WP85668906; Blue
Brana's Lady Gunhilde K
(F) 05/19/1998
Brana's Queen of Spades
WP80500905; Black
Ramac's Believe'N'Miracles
(F) 11/16/2002
WS03340003; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramac's First Edition
(M) 06/16/2000
WP98420306; Black
Ramac's Miracle Kid 'N Spades
(M) 11/16/2002
WS03340002; Black
Ramac's Stella di Mezzanotte
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214907; Black
Ramac's Stix'n Stones V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214906; Black
Ramacas Blackngold Catasaurus
(M) 11/16/2002
FIN38772/03; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramacs 'N Excess V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214903; Black
Ramacs Maid'N Heaven V Hauer
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214901; Black
Brana's Saving Grace
WP86354009; Blue
Am CH Brana's New Era
(M) 03/09/2001
WP99864119; Blue
Am CH Brana's Obsydyan Butterfly
WR01386409; Blue
Brana's Diamond In the Rough
(F) 05/10/1996
Brana's Miss New Jersey
(F) 12/16/1994
Branas Daena By Day
(F) 05/10/1996
Scrimshaw Tru Blu Bonacker
(M) 11/15/1993
WP51919503; Blue
Scrimshaw's Mystic Seabreeze
(F) 04/04/1993
Ebony Shag Golden
(M) 03/12/1995
Scrimshaw's Wyatt Earp
(M) 03/12/1995
CH Scrimshaw's Sea Biscuit
Vedalia D Bantry Scrimshaw
(F) 03/04/1990
WG511735; Black
Bantry Tagh Savannah Blue
(F) 12/08/1992
Bantry Tagh Magical Bluehope
Bantry Taghollow Excaliber
(M) 12/08/1992
WP46413702; Black
Brana Black Sunshine
(F) 11/07/1995
Brana Lennons Holly
(F) 10/15/1995
Double "r" Mercedes
(F) 11/04/1996
Zack IX
(M) 11/04/1996
Brana Shetan's Serenade
(M) 06/15/1994
WP56472201; Black
Brana's Nalana's Dreaming
(F) 04/29/1996
WP70398702; Black
Baby's My Boomer
JDP's Our Divine Miss M
WP82554002; Fawn
Jdp's Say Goodnight Gracie
Brana's Saving Grace
WP86354009; Blue
Am CH Brana's New Era
(M) 03/09/2001
WP99864119; Blue
Am CH Brana's Obsydyan Butterfly
WR01386409; Blue
Brana's Athena Elizabeth
(F) 05/10/1996
Brana's Beaumont Shiraz
(M) 03/11/1998
Mervyndane Sashjae
Valleyvine Eikendal
; Blue
Brana's Black Heart Bear
(M) 06/15/1994
Brana's Black Orchid
(F) 12/16/1994
WP60464703; Black
Brana's Jerry Lee
(M) 02/03/1997
WP76255504; Black
Brana's Jump For Joy
(M) 05/19/1998
WP85668906; Blue
Brana's Lady Gunhilde K
(F) 05/19/1998
Brana's Queen of Spades
WP80500905; Black
Ramac's Believe'N'Miracles
(F) 11/16/2002
WS03340003; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramac's First Edition
(M) 06/16/2000
WP98420306; Black
Ramac's Miracle Kid 'N Spades
(M) 11/16/2002
WS03340002; Black
Ramac's Stella di Mezzanotte
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214907; Black
Ramac's Stix'n Stones V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214906; Black
Ramacas Blackngold Catasaurus
(M) 11/16/2002
FIN38772/03; Black
Am & Int Ch Ramacs 'N Excess V Hauer
(M) 12/02/2001
WR05214903; Black
Ramacs Maid'N Heaven V Hauer
(F) 12/02/2001
WR05214901; Black
Brana's Saving Grace
WP86354009; Blue
Am CH Brana's New Era
(M) 03/09/2001
WP99864119; Blue
Am CH Brana's Obsydyan Butterfly
WR01386409; Blue
Brana's Diamond In the Rough
(F) 05/10/1996
Brana's Egyptian Dancer
(F) 06/15/1994
Brana's Little Black Banshee
(F) 10/23/1996
Brana's Jackie O
(F) 06/15/1994
Brana's Magic Shaquille
(M) 09/20/1994
Brana's Bleu Odyssey
(F) 12/12/1995
Brana's Touch of Magic
(F) 12/12/1995
WP67297504; Black
Brana's Jump For Joy
(M) 05/19/1998
WP85668906; Blue
Brana's Lady Gunhilde K
(F) 05/19/1998
Brana's Miss New Jersey
(F) 12/16/1994
Brana's Royal Dalton
(M) 09/20/1994
Brana's Mighty Zeus
(M) 12/21/1995
Brana's Soaring Beauty
(F) 12/10/1994
WP59606602; Black
Brana's Living Destiny
(M) 04/26/1997
WP77976603; Black
Am CH Mylady Destiny M Azing Grace
(F) 02/06/2002
WS00117602; Black
Am CH Mylady Knock on Wood
(M) 02/06/2002
WS00117606; Black
Royal Blue Thunder III
(M) 10/29/1999
WP94569302; Blue
Royal Princess Madeline
(F) 10/29/1999
Branas Daena By Day
(F) 05/10/1996
Coty's Eminent Starlight
(F) 12/10/1994
Bantry Taghollow Rocky Road
(M) 12/08/1992
Brana's My Only Destiny
(F) 08/25/1994
Brana's Mighty Zeus
(M) 12/21/1995
Brana's Sapphire Stone
(F) 03/14/1995
Ebony Shag Golden
(M) 03/12/1995
Scrimshaw's Wyatt Earp
(M) 03/12/1995
Am CH Haltmeier's Excalibur
(M) 06/16/1987
WG070895; Black