River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It
WF487454; Fawn
COI: 8.67%
Am CH Annan's Brandywyne CCS
WG013864; Fawn
Owlwatch Aztec Eclipse
(F) 07/27/1990
Jecamo's Megan V Blackwatch
(F) 03/19/1993
Jecamo's Robroy V Blackwatch
(M) 03/19/1993
Jerdan's El Oso De Jecamo
(M) 02/06/1995
BIS, BISS, Am Ch Owlwatch Aztec Sun CGC
WP31743201; Fawn

Cave Creek's Against All Odds
(F) 05/20/1997
Am CH Cave Creek's Morning Star
Cave Creek's Tyler's Chance
(M) 05/20/1997
Dane Lane Scarlit V J-Gar
(F) 11/27/1997
WP83288201; Fawn
J-Gar's Lady Liberty
(F) 07/04/2003
J-Gar's Stargate
(M) 05/15/2002
WR06642702; Fawn
Am CH J-Gar's Voyage To the Stars
(M) 05/15/2002
BISS Ch Dane Lane's Celebration
(M) 11/27/1997
WP83288202; Fawn

Anjadane's Brady Ann Rose
(F) 07/22/2001
WR04231802; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Ananda V Malvern CGC
(F) 06/26/2006
WS19895901; Fawn
Anjadane's Jonathie V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
WS35109001; Fawn
Am GChG Anjadane's Regene V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
WS35109002; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Sweet Baby James V Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
Am GCh Lothlorien's Ode To Joy RN CGC CGCA AOE
(F) 05/22/2010
Am CH Anjadane's Mack A. Brady
(M) 07/22/2001
WR04231801; Fawn
Am GCh Celebration's All the Right Stuff
(M) 04/23/2008
WS26227501; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's It's All About Me
(F) 04/23/2008
WS26227502; Fawn
Celebration & Dane Lane's Expectation
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528503; Fawn
Am GChS Celebration's Johnny Walker Blue AOM
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528501; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration Party on the Deathst
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531506; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Holding The Party
(F) 05/12/2017
WS57531504; Brindle
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Party Crasher
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531503; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Post Party Blues
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531505; Fawn
Am GCh TNR & Celebration's First Team Allmac
(M) 05/08/2017
WS57531603; Fawn
TNR N Celebration's Really Love Your Peaches
(F) 05/08/2017
WS57531602; Fawn
TNR's Clara Initio Deo Volente
(F) 05/08/2017
WS57531601; Fawn
Tnr's Parabatai Thee To Me
(M) 05/08/2017
WS57531604; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's Straight No Chaser
(F) 04/14/2012
WS40528502; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's Taliskers Special Edition
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528505; Fawn
Dane Lane & Sylcrest A Million Dreams @ Evenstar
(M) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane & Sylcrest's Intuition
(F) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane Tuck Everlasting V Lost Creek
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327305; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dane Lane's Amazing Grace V Lostcreek CD RE
(F) 03/12/2003
WS03327302 / ERN24000574; Fawn
Am CH Hidden Hillz Blonde Bombshell CD, RA
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Sweet Baby Ruth
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Who's My Daddy
(M) 08/07/2005
Hiddenhillz Anothergirl 4 Lucy
(F) 08/07/2005
WS14349201; Fawn
Dane Lane's Commander-N-Chief
(M) 12/30/2013
WS46156206; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's Desdemona V Lost Creek
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Celeste
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666103; Fawn
Dane Lane's Heart of Glass
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666105; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's Illustration
(F) 12/02/2005
Dane Lane's Imagination
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666104; Fawn
Dane Lane's Singular Sensation
(F) 11/17/2010
Am CH Dane Lane's Jonathan V Lost Creek
(M) 12/02/2005
WS15666102; Fawn
Am CH Gracyn's He Will Reign V Lost Creek
(M) 10/04/2008
WS28269901; Fawn
Am CH Gracyns Tell Me Secrets V Lost Creek
(F) 10/04/2008
WS28269902; Fawn
Dane Lane's Tiny Dancer
(F) 12/02/2005
Dane Lane's Dick's Lament v Lost Creek Scandik
(M) 03/12/2003
Am CH Dane Lane's Doubletake V Lost Creek
(M) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Encore V Lost Ck
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327304; Fawn
Dane Lane's Full Circle
(F) 12/30/2013
Am CH Dane Lane's Miya v Lostcreek
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's My Marie V Lost Creek
(F) 03/12/2003
WS03327306; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's ReGroovin The Dream
(M) 12/30/2013
Dane Lane's Rhythm Romance VLC
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Singular Sensation
(F) 11/17/2010
Am CH Dane Lane's Thomas V. Lost Crk
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712708; Fawn
Am CH Dane Ln Tuck Evrlasting V Lst Crk
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327305; Fawn
Dane Ln's Dick's Lament Lst Crk V Scandik
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327303; Fawn
Jasmine's Jagged Ice Brislyn
(M) 05/11/2000
WP97437710; Fawn
Jasmine's Ninth Wonder
(F) 05/11/2000
Jasmine's Purple Bigshot
(M) 05/11/2000
Am CH Jd Debut Top Jimmy
(M) 02/22/2003
WS03189703; Fawn

Jd Debut's Joy To Justinian
(F) 02/22/2003
WS03189704; Fawn
Jd Debut's Our Grace at Imagine
(F) 02/22/2003
WS03189702; Fawn
Kativa's Highlander V Danair
(M) 06/16/2000
Kativa's Life After Love
(F) 06/16/2000
Lost Creek's Dane Lane V Hawthorns
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712702; Fawn
Lost Creek's Woo Who Dane Lane
(M) 05/22/2001
Lost Creeks Dane Lane V Hawthorns
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712702; Fawn
Am CH Obsidian's Forget Me Not
(F) 07/09/2001
WR03986703; Fawn
Obsidian's Kiss Me Kate
(F) 07/09/2001
Obsidian's Kissed the Girls
(M) 06/24/2003
Obsidian's Oskar Celebration
(M) 07/09/2001
Am CH Obsidian's Power House
(M) 07/27/2001
WR04219903; Fawn
Obsidian's Tinsel Town Celebration
(M) 07/27/2001
WR04219902; Fawn
Am CH Obsidian's Tuesday Celebration
(M) 07/27/2001
Raepark's Somewhere In Time
(F) 09/04/2001
WR04400301; Brindle
Rave Dane's Inspiration Indidane
(M) 10/18/2001
WR05558602; Black
Rave Danes Reflection
WR05558601; Black
SVF First Name In Sports
(M) 06/20/2002
WS01388103; Fawn
Trebor's Imagine Dane Martin
(M) 05/23/2001
WR03257402; Fawn
Am CH Von Bruno's Anticipation
(F) 06/20/2002
WS01388105; Fawn

Am, Fin, Swd, Dan &est Ch Daneboa's Sun of Owlwatch
WP57449905; Fawn

Fantelli's Precious Louise
(F) 07/11/2001
WR03498304; Fawn
Helisain Fuga V Graff
; Fawn
Helisain Ladykiller
FIN40953/98; Fawn
Helisain Lapponia
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40952/98; Fawn
CH Helisain Leda of Wynkarn
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40949/98; Fawn
Helisain Leona
Am CH Don-Lu's Cash Dividend CD
(M) 12/25/1994
WP61069003; Fawn
Am CH Don-Lu's Gift of Owlwatch
(F) 12/25/1994
Aztec Calander Girl V Kativa
(F) 08/20/1999
WP93507104; Fawn
Aztec Centerfold V Kativa
(F) 08/20/1999
Kativa's Brickyard
(M) 04/26/2004
WS09554601; Fawn
Am CH Kativa's Photo Finish BN RE
(M) 04/26/2004
WS09554604; Fawn
Kativa's Victory Lane
(F) 04/26/2004
Hadji's Harley Dakota
(M) 06/25/1997
J-Gar's Lois V Dane Lane
(F) 05/06/1997
Jecamo Sparklnwater Owlwatch
(F) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Firewater of Owlwatch
(M) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Sparkln Water Owlwatch
; Fawn
Am CH Jecamos Jameson v. Oakstone
(M) 12/28/1995
WP68995008; Fawn
Am CH Aldawn's Fire N Brimstone TT
(M) 10/24/1997
Aldawn's Holiday in Paris
(F) 04/25/2000
WP97190302; Fawn
Aldawn's I Won the Recall
(M) 10/20/2003
BISS Am Ch Aldawn's I'm The Intruder
(F) 10/20/2003
WS07729202; Fawn
Aldawn's In The Buff
(F) 10/20/2003
Andaney's I Get Carried Away
(F) 09/04/2000
Andaney's Manisa Hart Tugger
(F) 09/04/2000
Destiny Danes Tiger Lilly
(F) 05/21/2000
WP98627102; Brindle
Finess's Black Jack
(M) 06/22/2000
Finess's Tiger
(M) 06/22/2000
Gilham v Kareenas Phoenix Rising
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960109; Black
Am CH Gilham Wolke Run'n The Gamut
(M) 10/30/2003
WS06262702; Fawn
Am GCh Gilham's Boogie Woogie Piano Man
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960105; Black
Am CH Gilham's Holly Golightly
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262701; Fawn

Int Ch Gilham's JDG Mystic in Motion
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262704; Fawn

Gilham's November Rain
(F) 11/30/2009
WS32960101; Black
BISS Am Ch Gilham's Run For The Roses
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262703; Fawn
Gilham's The Big Easy
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960102; Black
Jecamo Presidio Spice of Life For Sixstar
(F) 08/24/2009
; Black
Am & Can Ch Jecamo's Bourbon
(M) 07/03/1997
WP79520701; Brindle
Jecamo's Gamay
(F) 05/27/2002
WS01139801; Fawn
Jecamo's Skyy v Gilham
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960106; Fawn
Jecamo's Zinfandel
(F) 07/03/1997
Am CH Manisa's Roulet of Andaney
(M) 09/04/2000
WP99157702; Fawn
Pena Zarlin's Beautiful Noise
(F) 09/25/1997
Am & Can Ch Penadane Daynakin Solitary Man
(M) 09/25/1997
WP81136601; Fawn
Am CH Penadanes Cracklin Rosie
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133603; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Penadanes Paquestone Play Me
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133609; Fawn
Penadanes September Morn VB
(F) 09/25/1997
Penadanes Sweet Caroline
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133602; Fawn
Roulets Newbest Friend Jecamo
(F) 09/04/2000
Zarlin's Earth Angel
(F) 02/02/1997
WP75986103; Fawn
Zarlin's My Girl
(F) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Ticket To Ride
(M) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Travelin' Man V Jecamo
(M) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Walk Like A Man
(M) 02/02/1997
Am CH Maitau's Cairo V Des'Dany
(F) 07/11/1994
WP56374105; Fawn
Am CH Des'Dany's Delusion v Lincoln
(M) 10/23/1996
WP73917303; Fawn
Am CH Des'Dany's Sheer Illusion
(F) 10/23/1996
WP73917301; Fawn
Des'Dany's Sheer Sensation
(F) 10/23/1996
Lincoln's Brett of Des'dany
(M) 05/15/1998
Am CH Meadowood's Razzle Mr Dazzle
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901603; Brindle
Meadowood's Renaissance Man
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901607; Brindle
Meadowood's Reuel Jisxer Rider
(M) 04/03/1995
CH Meadowood's Robin
(F) 04/03/1995
Meadowood's Whonsetler's Rascal
; Fawn
Misty Valley Lad V Foghollow
(M) 06/05/1996
Misty Valley's Levi S.
(M) 06/05/1996
Am CH Misty Valley's Liliuokalani
(F) 06/05/1996
WP70817801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Misty Valley's Logical Choice
(M) 06/05/1996
WP70817803; Fawn

Am CH Oakstone Dreamcatcher's Gryphon
(M) 01/20/1995
WP62110606; Fawn

Am CH Oakstone's Avante
(F) 12/28/1995
WP68995003; Fawn
CH Oakstone's Aztec Dream
(M) 01/20/1995
Oakstone's Call the Wind
(F) 12/28/1995
Am CH Oakstone's Dawn V Lonidane
(F) 12/28/1995
Oakstone's Dream Weaver
(M) 12/28/1995
Ch99 Oakstone's Here Comes the Sun
(F) 12/28/1995
Am CH Oakstone's Merry Aubrey Rose
(F) 12/28/1995
Bis Biss Am Ch Oakstone's Rock of Gilbraltar
(M) 01/20/1995
WP62110607; Fawn
Am CH Owlwatch Aztec Star V Maitau
(F) 07/11/1994
WP56374110; Fawn

Owlwatch Dance With the Sun
(F) 05/20/1997
BISS Ch Owlwatch Fire at Dawn
(M) 07/27/1994
WP57449902; Fawn

Owlwatch Spring To the Front
Am CH Owlwatch The Glory of Spring
WP70977003; Fawn
Am CH Shadam's Chloe Daneadair
WP55760602; Brindle
Sheadane's Fontana Abbey
(F) 01/04/1997
WP75722001; Fawn
Am CH Sheadane's Sun Still Shines
(M) 01/04/1997
WP75722002; Fawn
Soritas Dea Amy's Dream
(F) 12/20/1992
Soritas Dreaming Jazmin Reba
(F) 12/20/1992
(M) 12/20/1992
Tabordane Arch Rival
Am CH Tabordane Blame It on Rio CGC
(M) 08/19/1994
Am CH Tabordane Taffeta CD
(F) 08/19/1994
Am CH Tabordane Triple Expectation TD
(M) 08/19/1994
WP58629106; Fawn
Am CH Trikes Fanci
(F) 08/10/1996
West Wind Skye's The Limit
(F) 06/25/1997
West Wind The Gamblin' Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's My Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's The Only Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's Winning Ways
() 06/25/1997
Westwind's The Wrangler Way
(M) 06/25/1997
CH Owlwatch Makin' Waves
(M) 01/28/1992
Annan's Brazen Reginald
WF957195; Fawn

Am CH Diana-N-Link's Thief of Hearts
(F) 08/20/1989
WG367826; Black
Am CH Owlwatch Undeniable Dilink
(F) 10/24/1992
WP45250001; Blue
Owlwatch Unforgetable
Diana-N-Link's Wise Guy
(M) 08/20/1989
WG367825; Black
Diana-N-Link's Wind in His Hair
(M) 02/25/1991
WP34674604; Black
Di-Link Lady Amy Dee of Ruby
(F) 06/25/1992
WP42688502; Black / White
Diana-Link Above And Beyond
() 06/25/1992
Diana-N-Link Iron Mike
(M) 06/25/1992
DN And LK Countessa of Stonehill
(F) 06/25/1992
Diana-N-Link's Wiseguy
(M) 08/20/1989
WG367825; Black
Diana-N-Link Wind-In His Hair
(M) 02/25/1991
WP34674604; Black
Di-Link-Dsty Dangerous Desire
(F) 05/31/1993
Diana-N-Link Dstiny Diablo
(F) 11/08/1993
Diana-N-Link Miss Destiny
(F) 11/08/1993
Diana-N-Link's Dark N Debonair
(M) 05/30/1993
Jerdans Darklink V Saravilla
(M) 01/15/1996
Jerdans Kendra Spirit
(F) 01/23/1996
Jerdans Zane Grey CCW
(M) 01/15/1996
Kohinoor A Mighty Fortress
() 10/06/1993
Kohinoor Abraham Rothenstine
(M) 10/06/1993
Am CH Kohinoor Accolade
(M) 10/06/1993
WP51819001; Black
Kohinoor Ariel
(F) 10/06/1993
Kohinoor Augustus Tiberius
(M) 10/06/1993
Diana-N-Link's Late Night Show
(F) 02/25/1991
Diana-N-Link's Delilah Dane
(F) 06/10/1993
Am CH Dagon's Natalie Orion
(F) 11/06/1986
WF987966; Brindle
Dagon's Be Mine
(F) 02/03/1990
WG491624; Brindle
Dagon's Bound To Be
(M) 02/03/1990
WG273050; Brindle
Dagon's Lady Be Good Amerdane
(F) 02/03/1990
WG516387; Brindle
Amerdane's Goddess of Victory
(F) 06/25/1993
Bentley Son of Thunder Thor
(M) 12/12/1994
WP59580504; Brindle
Fortier's Forty-Five Caliber
(M) 07/10/1997
WP79332907; Brindle
Table Rock's Mighty Hercules
WP87433304; Brindle
Sunshine's Majestic Joy
(F) 12/12/1994
Amerdane's Jolly Rancher
(M) 06/25/1993
Amerdane's Astaire
(M) 04/02/1996
Fancy Pants Secret Copy
(M) 09/17/1996
Roundrock's Shere Khan
(M) 09/17/1996
Amerdane's Lovely Gatekeeper
(F) 06/25/1993
Gatekeepers Delight
(F) 06/01/1995
WP64147907; Brindle
Gatekeepers Huntfored Octobr
Gatekeepers Philadelphia
(M) 06/16/1996
Gatekeepers Stars N' Stripes
(M) 06/01/1995
Gatekeepers Striptease
WP71863009; Brindle
Orions Jump For Joy
BISS Ch Honey Lane's Casablanca
WF830956; Fawn

Artemis Flight
; Fawn
Am CH Elrid's Trustin
WG131961; Fawn
Honey Lane's Heavens to Betsy
(F) 06/08/1990
WP30308902; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Allure
(F) 07/07/1992
WP42528106; Brindle

Weaver's Encore De Avant
(M) 11/27/1996
WP75602201; Fawn
Fantasia's Alex at Dane Lane
(M) 06/06/1996
WP71603305; Brindle
Fantasia's Alex In Wonderland
(M) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Fantasy Weaver
(F) 06/06/1996
Am CH Fantasia's Follow Me V Lost Creek
(F) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Kazaam
(M) 06/06/1996
Am CH Fantasia's Lost Crk Follow Me
(F) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Pillow Talk Rivlr
(F) 06/06/1996
WP71603309; Fawn
Fantasias Phenomenon
(M) 06/06/1996
Maffei's Oliver Twist of Fate
(M) 06/06/1996
Weaver's Allouette De Avant
(F) 10/16/1997
WP81048902; Brindle
Weaver's Cover Girl De Avant
(F) 10/16/1997
WP81048901; Fawn
Weaver's Garcon Dore V Avant
(M) 10/16/1997
Honey Lane's Anything Goes
(M) 07/07/1992
CH Honey Lane's As You Like It
(F) 07/07/1992
Ch99 Dalmors the Rainier Rascal
(M) 08/26/1996
CH Delmor's Sanjuan Isle V Shala
(F) 08/26/1996
Delmor's the Rainier Rascal
(M) 08/26/1996
Azriel's Bathsheba
(F) 09/22/1991
WP37841405; Fawn
Azriel's Bathsheba Again
(F) 10/22/1993
Heberlim's Pandora
(F) 09/26/1996
Azriel's Hezekiah
(M) 09/22/1991
WP37841401; Fawn
Azriel's Israel
() 09/22/1991
WP37841404; Fawn
Azriel's Malachi
(M) 09/22/1991
Azriel's Leviathon
(M) 06/10/1994
Camelot's Guinevere Von Azriel
(F) 10/08/1995
Camelot's Excalibur V Azriel
(M) 07/05/1997
WP79521404; Fawn
Camelot's Lady of The Lake V Azriel
(F) 07/05/1997
Biyula Lia
(F) 06/10/1994
Azriel's Nehemiah
(M) 09/22/1991
WP37841402; Fawn
Aust Ch Elrid's Don'tell Mum V Maydinoz
(M) 04/26/1989
WG318600; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Call Me Madam
(F) 09/26/1991
(N)1247667; Fawn
Amasa Balmoral
(M) 06/19/1996
(N)1627522; Fawn
Amasa Highland Lass
(F) 09/19/1997
2100016436; Fawn
Aust Gr Ch Amasa Hyland King Regent
(M) 09/19/1997
2100016432; Fawn
Amasa Hyland Lass
(F) 09/19/1997
2100016436; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Hyland Lochmarie
(F) 05/19/1997
2100016437; Fawn
Amasa Lady Macginnis
(F) 10/14/1998
2100064337; Fawn
Amasa Lady Mackenzie
(F) 10/14/1998
Amasa Maclarren
(M) 10/14/1998
Aust Grand Ch Amasa Bonnie Lassy
(F) 06/19/1996
(N)1627523; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Grand Rapsody
(F) 06/15/1999
2100067341; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Ive Got Rhythm
(F) 06/15/1999
2100067344; Fawn
Amasa Nefertari
(F) 06/08/2003
Amasa Noteworthy Fondein
(M) 06/15/1999
2100067338; Fawn
Amasa Overture
(F) 06/15/1999
2100067346; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Piano Man
(M) 06/15/1999
2100067339; Fawn
Amasa Rapsody in Gold
(F) 06/15/1999
Aust Grand Ch Amasa Scottish Melody
(F) 06/15/1999
2100067343; Fawn
Amasa Symphony in G
(F) 06/15/1999
Aust Ch Amasa The Maestro
(M) 06/15/1999
2100067337; Fawn
Amasa the Powerof One
(F) 07/23/2002
Amasa Brave Heart
(M) 06/19/1996
(N)1627521; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Britonny
(F) 06/19/1996
(N)1627524; Fawn
Amasa Iceman
(M) 07/07/1993
(N)1384921; Fawn
Amasa Cheerleader
(F) 09/26/1991
(N)1247668; Fawn
Aust Ch Amasa Conan the Warrior
(M) 09/26/1991
(N)1247669; Fawn
Danios Aeratoa Miss
(F) 08/08/1994
Danios Keep The Faith
(M) 08/08/1994
Aust Ch Danios Keswick Musgrove
(M) 08/08/1994
N1463227; Fawn
Danios Kool Handluke
(M) 08/08/1994
(N)1463229; Fawn
Fentriss Advocaat
(M) 05/07/1993
; Brindle
Annador Back In Time
(F) 05/06/2016
3100341668; Fawn
Annador Feel the Rhythm
(F) 09/10/2019
3100398037; Fawn
Annador Back to the Future
(M) 05/06/2016
Aust Ch Annador How Sweet It Is TD ET
(M) 10/16/2006
3100176107; Fawn
Annador Reminiscence
(F) 05/06/2016
Annador Sweet as It Gets
(M) 10/16/2006
3100176106; Fawn
Aust Ch Annador Sweet Sensation
(F) 10/16/2006
3100176108; Fawn
Annador Chasing Harper
(M) 02/09/2009
; Fawn
Annador the Chase is Sweet
(F) 02/09/2009
Ardrhi Celtic Warrior
(M) 10/14/1991
NT 1244409; Fawn
Azadane N Chezdane
(M) 03/08/2011
Aust Ch Azadane Noble Max A Million
(M) 03/08/2011
4100197856; Fawn
Azadane Nostalgia
(F) 03/08/2011
Aust Ch Azadane Not That Kinda Girl
(F) 03/08/2011
; Fawn
Boarbadger Bedlam
(F) 11/18/1991
Aust Ch Boarbadger Templars
(M) 11/18/1991
; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Hot Rumour
(F) 01/13/1992
(V)1257589; Fawn
Danefred Abit Ogossip
(F) 02/01/1994
V1416732; Fawn
Barkingham Downmemorylne
(F) 03/07/1996
Barkingham Mademtalk
(F) 03/07/1996
(V)1587488; Fawn
Barkingham Myvon Rika
(F) 03/07/1996
(V)1587484; Fawn
Barkingham Tothemanaborn
(M) 03/07/1996
Danefred Double R
(M) 01/01/1997
(V)1669970; Fawn
Alquist Sarah Vaughan
(F) 03/29/1998
05544-1998; Brindle
Alquist Serenade
(F) 03/29/1998
Alquist Showboat
(M) 03/29/1998
05548-1998; Brindle
Amazha Rave Review
(F) 03/09/1998
04674-1998; Black
Dane Cawte of Rusher
(M) 06/13/1999
08390-1999; Fawn
Grosvanor of the Giants
(M) 12/01/1998
01408-1999; Fawn
Rockabilly Rebel of Amazha
(M) 03/09/1998
04672-1998; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Gypsy Dancer
(F) 02/01/1994
(V)1416792; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Perfect Harmony
(F) 10/30/1998
3100031986; Brindle
Danefred Ura Legend
(M) 10/30/1998
Aust Ch Danefred Hotlipsnaglpus
(F) 02/01/1994
V1416728; Fawn
Danefred Just Jackson
(M) 02/01/1994
Danefred Afresh Start
(F) 12/13/1999
Danefred Nevrending Story
(M) 11/08/2000
Danefred Rumours Arflyn
(F) 07/21/1997
3100010587; Fawn
Aust Gr Ch Danefred Sothisis Heaven
(F) 07/21/1997
3100010586; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Agiftfromheaven
(F) 03/13/2002
Aust GCh Danefred Couldbean Angel
(F) 11/03/2000
3100069426; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Heavens Me Mum
(F) 11/03/2000
3100069428; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Knock on Wood
(M) 03/13/2002
3100094688; Fawn
Danefred Playfor Keeps
(M) 03/13/2002
3100094692; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Pretty Boy Floyd
(M) 11/03/2000
Danefred Rumouz N Disguiz
(F) 03/13/2002
Aust Ch Danefred Seventh Heaven
(F) 03/13/2002
3100094693; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Trade Secret
(F) 11/03/2000
3100069427; Fawn
Aust Grand Ch Danefred Wewill Rocku
(M) 11/03/2000
3100069421; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Whoslaughin Now
(M) 02/13/2002
3100094689; Fawn
Danefred Woodys Me Dad
(M) 03/13/2002
Danefred StairwaytoHeavin
(F) 01/01/1997
Aust Ch Danefred Trustin Me
(M) 01/01/1997
(V)1669969; Fawn
Danefred Darcy O'Dare
(M) 04/14/1999
3100049336; Fawn
Danefred Maverick
Aust Ch Danefred My Only Maximus
(M) 05/31/2001
3100085836; Fawn
Danefred My OnlyAmber
(F) 05/31/2001
Aust Ch Danefred Young Einstein
(M) 02/01/1994
(V)1416725; Brindle
Danefred Rumours Arflyn
(F) 07/21/1997
3100010587; Fawn
Aust Gr Ch Danefred Sothisis Heaven
(F) 07/21/1997
3100010586; Fawn
Danefred Dundiditagain
(M) 12/07/1996
(V)1660174; Fawn
Aust Ch Danefred Heir Apparent
V1661076; Fawn
Danefred Ms Tique
(F) 12/07/1996
(V)1661077; Fawn
Danefred Nothinleicahors
(M) 07/29/1997
3100010594; Fawn
Danefred Show No Mercy
(M) 12/07/1996
(V)1661075; Brindle
Sasujea Excalibur
3100000912; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Hudson Hawke
(M) 01/13/1992
(V)1257587; Fawn
Audax Aussie Connection
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000566; Fawn
Charlemagne Evil Thoughts
(F) 05/28/2000
Charlemagne Finders Keepers
(F) 03/22/2001
NZ Ch Charlemagne Guilty As
(F) 05/28/2000
Charlemagne Guns N' Roses
(M) 03/18/2000
06028-2000; Fawn
Charlemagne Hit the Road Jak
(M) 03/22/2001
Charlemagne Man About Town
(M) 03/21/1999
Charlemagne Not Guilty
(F) 05/28/2000
Charlemagne Rose's R'Red
(F) 03/18/2000
Audax Golden Boy
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000571; Fawn
Audax Golden Hawke
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000572; Fawn
Audax Kimi
(F) 09/26/1997
9100000573; Fawn
Audax Maggie Dubois
(F) 09/26/1997
9100000570; Fawn
Aust Ch Audax Makes Thepoint
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000567; Fawn
Audax Aussie Invasion
(M) 02/08/1999
; Brindle
Audax John Flynn
(M) 02/08/1999
; Fawn
Audax Northern Star
(M) 02/08/1999
; Brindle
Audax Shooting Star
(F) 02/08/1999
; Fawn
Audax Southern Star
(F) 02/08/1999
; Fawn
Audax Tiger Eye
(F) 02/08/1999
; Brindle
Audax Pure Charm
(F) 09/26/1997
9100000568; Fawn
Audax Pure Gold
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000569; Fawn
Audax Tris
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000574; Fawn
Audax Zair
(M) 09/26/1997
9100000575; Fawn
NZ Ch Chezdane Simply the Best
(F) 09/21/1997
3100011864; Fawn
Charlemagne Simply a Rumor
(F) 05/17/2002
Charlemagne Simply Havin Fun
(F) 05/17/2002
06893-2002; Fawn
Charlemagne Simply Striking
(M) 05/17/2002
Chezdane Son O Hawke
(M) 09/21/1997
Chezdane Stares Nwispers
(F) 09/21/1997
3100011865; Fawn
Jolinga Chrystal
(F) 03/01/1997
; Fawn
Jolinga Golden Buccaneer
(M) 03/01/1997
; Fawn
Jolinga Golden Chrystal
(F) 03/01/1997
Aust Ch Chezdane Lady Hawke
(F) 01/13/1992
(V)1257588; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Diamond Jim
(M) 11/20/1998
3100032843; Fawn
Chezdane By Design
(M) 06/21/2002
Chezdane Piano Man
(M) 06/21/2002
3100099066; Fawn
Flamindane Grand Slam
(F) 07/19/2002
; Fawn
Flamindane Ready Set Go
(F) 07/19/2002
Aust Ch Chezdane Diamond Lil
(F) 11/20/1998
3100032844; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Lady in Red
(F) 01/30/1996
(V)1584328; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Cincinatti
(F) 10/09/2001
3100087390; Fawn
Chezdane Lady Luck
(F) 10/09/2001
Chezdane Scarlet Lady
(F) 10/09/2001
3100087389; Fawn
Chezdane Simply Red
(F) 10/09/2001
Chezdane The Hurricane
(M) 10/09/2001
Aust Ch Wanderdane Concerto
(F) 09/30/1999
4100045080; Fawn
Aust Ch Wanderdane I Got Rhythm
(F) 09/30/1999
4100045079; Fawn
Wanderdane Scheherezade
(F) 09/30/1999
Aust Ch Wanderdane the Composer
(M) 09/30/1999
4100045076; Fawn
Chezdane Somelike It Hot
(F) 01/31/1996
(V)1584330; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane The Highlanda
(M) 01/31/1996
(V)1584327; Fawn
Rorlyn Puppet Ona String
6100019569; Fawn
Aust Ch Chezdane Mata Hari
(F) 01/13/1992
(V)1257590; Fawn
Chezdane The Tattler
(M) 01/13/1992
(V)1257583; Fawn
Chezdane van Damme
(M) 01/13/1992
Danelyne Ulysses
(M) 12/16/1991
Danelyne Utah
(M) 12/16/1991
; Brindle
Danemania Bites The Dust
(W)1563356; Fawn
Danemania Cant Touchthis
(F) 08/08/1995
1563357; Fawn
Danemania Icingonthecake
(F) 12/07/1994
; Fawn
Danemania Mamas Main Man
(M) 10/12/1990
Danemania Mamma Mia
(F) 10/12/1990
(W)1183430; Fawn
Danemania Plain It Again
Danemania Plainly A Lily
; Fawn
Danemania Icingonthecake
(F) 12/07/1994
; Fawn
Aust Ch Danemania Plainly Has It
(F) 06/13/1992
(W)1298841; Fawn
Aust Ch Danemania Plainly Wrapt
(W)1298842; Fawn
Maydinoz Watch ThDuco
(F) 06/02/1991
1206940; Harlequin
Stardayne Centre Stage
(F) 11/19/1991
; Fawn
Stardayne Hollywood
(F) 11/19/1991
(S)217583; Fawn
Stardayne Looks Good
(F) 11/19/1991
Stardayne Movie Hero
(M) 11/19/1991
; Fawn
Stardayne Movie Idol
(M) 11/19/1991
; Fawn
Stardayne Movie Star
(M) 11/19/1991
; Fawn
Aust Ch Stardayne Show Business
(M) 11/19/1991
(S)217586; Fawn
Taoisach Goody Two Shoez
(F) 02/19/1991
(W)1202586; Fawn
Taoisach Hanky Panky
(F) 02/19/1991
; Fawn
Aust Grand Ch Taoisach Juzt Honky Dory
(M) 02/19/1991
(W)1202590; Fawn
Taoisach Kiss And Tell
(M) 01/30/1991
Aust Ch Taoisach Mums The Word
(F) 01/30/1991
(W)1196114; Fawn
Aust Ch Taoisach The Antz Pantz
(M) 02/19/1991
(W)1202583; Fawn
Aust Ch Taoisach The Beez Kneez
(F) 02/19/1991
(W)1202584; Fawn
Telstadt Cool Hand Luke
(M) 01/07/1992
; Fawn
Telstadt Raise a Riot
(M) 01/07/1992
; Fawn
Aust Ch Telstadt Ryan O'Neal
(M) 01/07/1992
(S)218930; Fawn
Telstadt Suzie Q
(F) 01/07/1992
; Fawn
Truemania Black in Style
(F) 06/01/1996
(W)6318600; Black
Kodiak's Rovin' Hollow Kalife
Zanadane's Bad To The Bone
WG468029; Fawn
CH Zanadane's Just Give It A Try
(M) 05/18/1993
Zanadane's Moonlighting
(F) 05/18/1993
WP50115009; Fawn
Zandane's Moonlighting
(F) 05/18/1993
Am CH Gemstone MJM Humphrey Bogart
(M) 06/19/1989
WG533318; Fawn
Am CH Gemstone's Kaitlyn La-Di-Da
(F) 06/19/1989
WG354498; Fawn
Shoreline Gemstone's Cutter
(M) 03/20/1993
Shoreline Jusonelk Vzanadane
(F) 11/20/1995
WP67643001; Fawn
Shoreline Tak'n T' Easy Wayout
(M) 11/20/1995
WP67643005; Fawn
Shoreline's All By Myself
Am CH Shoreline's Brand New Man
(M) 10/19/1996
WP77022503; Fawn
Am CH Shoreline's California Girl
(F) 10/19/1996
WP77022501; Fawn
Am CH Shoreline's Circle of Life
(M) 12/07/1994
WP61089103; Brindle
Am CH Shoreline's Keeping The Faith
(F) 10/03/1996
WP74728205; Fawn
Skyridge's Titan V Shoreline
Shoreline's If By Chance
(M) 03/20/1993
Shoreline's Just as I Am
WP48033401; Brindle
Shoreline's She's Got The Look
(F) 12/07/1994
Shoreline's the Thunder Rolls
(M) 10/19/1996
WP77022504; Fawn
Shoreline's Tufani Moonchild
(F) 03/20/1993
WP48033406; Brindle
Shoreline's Wolfgang Amadeus
(M) 12/07/1994
CH Gemstone's Play It Again Sam
(M) 06/19/1989
Here Comes Our Chance
Leading Lady at the Snuggery
(F) 06/19/1989
Maher's Amanda Lee
(F) 11/02/1987
Maher's Cover Girl
(F) 12/02/1987
Maher's Honey Bun
(F) 11/02/1987
Maher's Mystic Aura
(F) 11/02/1987
Maher's Special Edition
(M) 11/02/1987
Am CH Maher's Top Gun V Hardt's
WG085940; Fawn

Athena I'm the Hit
(F) 11/03/1993
Am CH Dagon's Hasta La Vista
(M) 10/01/1991
WP37364404; Fawn
Bellezarr's Dahlia Renee
(F) 04/21/1995
Brewsters Duchess of Avon
(F) 04/22/1995
Danlea's Apache Maiden
(F) 04/21/1995
WP62397807; Brindle
Donnadane's Asia
(F) 05/19/1994
WP56034902; Fawn
Hanna of Donnadane
(F) 05/19/1994
Kajon's Kalikola of Donnadane
WP54034904; Fawn
Lady Layla Kinder
(F) 04/21/1995
Am CH Dagon's Yours Truly
(F) 10/01/1991
WP37364401; Fawn
Am CH Hardt's Zackly The One
(M) 07/27/1992
; Fawn
Laurel Springs Bentley
(M) 07/02/1994
WP56226305; Fawn
Laurel Springs Sweet Justice
(F) 07/02/1994
Nightwinds Life of The Party
(M) 07/02/1994
BISS Am Ch Harley Davidson Hardt's CGC ROM HOF
(F) 07/27/1992
WP42880107; Fawn
Am CH Harley D Hardt's Electra Glide
(F) 02/23/1996
WP68601108; Fawn

Am CH Harley D Hardt's Heritage
(F) 05/20/1997
WP79209701; Fawn
Am CH Harley D Hardt's Sturgis
(M) 05/20/1997
WP79209705; Fawn
Am CH Harley D Hardt's Xmas Cruz
(M) 02/23/1996
WP68601105; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's American Beauty
(F) 05/20/1997
WP79209704; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's Chase My Hardt
(F) 02/23/1996
WP68601109; Fawn
Harley D's Dyna G. Cherryhill
(F) 02/23/1996
WP68601107; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's Hardt Throb
(F) 05/20/1997
WP79209703; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's Hildgarde So-Right
(F) 05/20/1997
WP79209702; Fawn
Harley D's Huckleberry
; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's Leather and Lace v Kenya
(F) 02/23/1996
WP68601104; Fawn
Am CH Harley D's Rosez Birthday Gift
(F) 02/23/1996
WP68601101; Fawn
M and M's Up-Town Dream
(F) 11/03/1993
M and M's Meltin Your Mouth
(M) 04/26/1997
Sasha Elizabeth Vhardt Greer
(F) 07/27/1992
WP42880102; Fawn
West Wind Ride A Kara-Cel
(F) 11/18/1989
Mjm's Barchetta
(F) 01/01/1988
Am CH MJM's Daytona Spyder
; Fawn
BRF's Danebridge Devil His Due
(M) 01/01/1992
Am CH Brf's Danebridge Shawnee
(F) 01/01/1992
WP39760404; Fawn
Brf Contessa of Crystalbrook
(F) 06/06/1995
WP63903303; Fawn
Brf Danbrdg Kool Hand Luke
(M) 11/21/1996
WP75882501; Brindle
Am CH BRF Danebridge Mad About You
(F) 06/06/1995
Brf's One Awesome Dude
(M) 11/09/1999
BRF Danebridge March Madness
(F) 03/21/1998
WP85247301; Brindle
Brf Highland All About Me
(M) 07/13/2001
Brf Kona's Supreme Gold
(M) 07/13/2001
Brf Rudy Valentino
(M) 02/14/2001
WR01902401; Fawn
Brf Spice of Life Tx-C
(F) 07/13/2001
WR03915602; Brindle
Danebridge's Cowboy Up Tx-C
(M) 10/03/2006
Tara's Golden Girl Tx-C
(F) 10/03/2006
WS19305202; Fawn
Tara's Seven Come Eleven Tx-C
(M) 10/03/2006
WS19305201; Brindle
BRF's All That Jazz
(F) 04/27/2002
Brf Frontiers Giacomo
(M) 09/11/2005
WS14709307; Brindle
Brf Patriotic Stars & Stripes
(M) 09/11/2005
Brf's "R-U" Ready For That Jazz
(M) 05/25/2007
Brf's America's Hope
(F) 09/11/2005
WS14709305; Brindle
Brf's Dark Angel
(M) 05/25/2007
Brf's Do You Remember
(M) 09/11/2005
Brf's Frontier's Tessellation
(F) 05/25/2007
Brf's Good Ride Cowboy
(M) 05/25/2007
WS22178201; Fawn
Brf's Shebangs
(F) 05/25/2007
Brf's She's Still the One
(F) 07/13/2001
Kona's Supreme Gold
(M) 07/13/2001
Brf Time Will Tell
(M) 11/21/1996
Brf's the Lost Creek Promise
(M) 11/21/1996
WP75882503; Fawn
Mjm's Dino Coupe
(M) 01/01/1988
Am CH MJM's Le Mans Von Meadowood
(M) 01/01/1988
WG160886; Fawn
Meadowood's Golden Bear
(M) 05/16/1990
Am CH Meadowood's Excalibresse
WG338973; Fawn
CH Meadowood's Halcyon
(M) 09/17/1990
Am CH Meadowood's Happy Go Lucky
(F) 09/17/1990
WP30833801; Fawn
CH Meadowood's Heirloom Can Do
(M) 09/17/1990
Meadowood's Isis
(F) 12/06/1990
WP32481101; Brindle
Am CH Meadowood's Razzle Mr Dazzle
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901603; Brindle
Meadowood's Renaissance Man
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901607; Brindle
Meadowood's Reuel Jisxer Rider
(M) 04/03/1995
CH Meadowood's Robin
(F) 04/03/1995
Meadowood's Whonsetler's Rascal
; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Meadowoods I'm Stormin Norman HOF
(M) 12/06/1990
WP32481102; Fawn
Am CH MJM's Mondial
(F) 01/01/1988
WG105960; Fawn

Am CH Mjm's Bodacious Affair
(M) 04/27/1992
Mjm's Bravo of Park
(M) 05/15/1991
Mjm's Countach V Caps
(F) 05/15/1991
WP34781406; Fawn
MJM's Diablo Marenti
Mjm's Espada
(F) 05/15/1991
Mjm's Silhouette
(F) 05/15/1991
Am CH MJM's Testarossa Marenti VDC
Petadane Cash Legacy
(F) 06/02/1990
Petadane Rombac
(M) 06/02/1990
Am CH Petadane Taly
WG539810; Fawn

Am CH Mjm's Bodacious Affair
(M) 04/27/1992
Snuggery's Barefoot By Design
(M) 03/22/1994
Am CH Snuggery's Good Time Charlie
(M) 03/12/1995
Snuggery's Painted Lady
(F) 03/12/1995
WP61644402; Fawn
Thor-Kourt Korvoisier Talykristal
(M) 12/16/2012
WS43206504; Fawn
Thor-Kourt Kroizet Talykristal
(F) 12/16/2012
Thor-Kourt Taly Talykristal
Weaver's Encore De Avant
(M) 11/27/1996
WP75602201; Fawn
Petadane's Polished Amber Abm
(F) 08/18/1989
Am CH Shoreline's Artemis Flight
(F) 03/29/1991
WP34683501; Fawn
Manatasquot's Diamond
(M) 10/21/1995
WP67039701; Black
Skyridge Bronte Vmist
(F) 01/01/2000
WR00640203; Black
Am CH Shoreline's Keeping The Faith
(F) 10/03/1996
WP74728205; Fawn
Am CH Skyridge's Black Beauty
(M) 10/21/1995
WP67039707; Black
Skyridge's Parsifal
(M) 09/19/1997
WP82101401; Fawn
Skyridge's Parsifal
(M) 09/19/1997
WP82101401; Fawn
Skyridge's Titan V Shoreline
Skyridge's Yoshi's Phantom
(F) 10/21/1995
WP67039704; Harlequin
Shoreline's Slobhann
(F) 03/29/1991
CH Snuggery's Strawberry Blonde
(F) 01/07/1991
Snuggery's Barefoot By Design
(M) 03/22/1994
Am CH Snuggery's Good Time Charlie
(M) 03/12/1995
Snuggery's Painted Lady
(F) 03/12/1995
WP61644402; Fawn
Spring Mt's Rock 'N Roll
(M) 05/30/1990
WG558337; Fawn
Shoreline's Time To Jitterbug
(F) 05/20/1992
Am CH Varick's Maddie Hayes
WG109575; Brindle

Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick
(M) 03/02/1991
WP33980009; Fawn

7th Heaven N Our Danes A Trinket From Tiffany's
(F) 07/21/2018
WS61997005; Fawn
7th Heaven N Our Danes Hell-On the Heart
(M) 07/21/2018
WS61997004; Fawn
7th Heaven N Our Danes Phoenix Victory of Life
(F) 07/21/2018
WS61997006; Fawn
7th Heavens Rhythm & Blues
(M) 07/21/2018
WS61997001; Fawn
Alpine's Cr's Royal Flush
(M) 02/10/2007
WS21415803; Fawn
Alpine's Ourdanes Miracle Storm
(F) 02/10/2007
WS21415802; Fawn
Am CH Our Dane's Furys Dino Thats Amore
(F) 05/18/2009
WS30965901; Fawn
Our Danes Chester
(M) 05/18/2009
WS30965902; Fawn
Am CH Our Danes Fury's N.Y. N. Y.
(M) 05/18/2009
WS30965905; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Alpines Rasin A Lil Havoc at Katcrew
(M) 02/10/2007
WS21415801; Fawn

Alpine's Lucky Catch Marlin THD
(M) 05/21/2010
WS34928902; Fawn
Am CH Alpine's Stand First Charlotte
(F) 10/23/2009
WS32321902; Fawn
Jap Ch Sherider JP's Spring Fairy NAO-MS
JKC GD-00122/14; Fawn
Cambio - Linders Epic Spy of Chaos
(M) 08/22/2010
Cattleya Danes Abaddon Hells Angel
(F) 09/17/2015
Cattleya Danes Agamemnon's Vendetta
(M) 09/17/2015
Cambio-Katcrew v Tribal Danes It Must Be Destiny
(F) 08/22/2010
WS35161203; Fawn
Am CH Cambio-Wildside's Turning Eyes Green
(F) 03/10/2011
WS36768901; Fawn
Am CH Wildside N Syvile's Setting the Pace
(F) 02/19/2014
WS46529303; Brindle
Am CH Wildside's Purple Reign
(M) 02/19/2014
WS46529301; Brindle
Cr's N Katcrew Showgirl
Castlerea N Harrel's Original Sin
(F) 11/27/2012
WS42457302; Fawn
Castlerea's Mo Chara GRA
WS39627906; Fawn
Am CH Katcrew N Alpine's Prime Cut
(M) 11/13/2008
WS28892001; Brindle
Katcrew N Tlc's Don'T Tell Grandpa
(F) 01/02/2019
WS63442604; Fawn
Katcrew's Cheating Chaos
(M) 02/23/2014
WS46581604; Fawn
Katcrew's Creating Chaos
(M) 02/23/2014
Katcrew's Raisin A LIL Chaos
(F) 02/23/2014
WS46581601; Fawn
Katcrew's Shady Lady of Darlin
(F) 11/13/2008
WS28892002; Brindle
KatCrews I Wear the Crown at TLC
(F) 01/02/2019
WS63442602; Black
Lamona's Reflections of Baylor
(F) 11/07/2011
WS39021202; Fawn
NZ Ch Lapsewood Stand and Deliver
(M) 02/10/2012
; Fawn
Lapsewood Star Attraction of Tenaya
(F) 02/10/2012
; Fawn
Aust Ch Lapsewood Strike a Pose
(F) 02/10/2012
01582-2012; Fawn
Moredane's Fistful of Dollars
(M) 07/05/2009
WS31477302; Fawn
Moredanes N Katcrews What Goes Around Comes Arou
(F) 07/05/2009
WS31477301; Fawn
Brislyn Way Too Kool Jasmine
(M) 05/16/1998
Brislyn Where There's Smoke
(M) 03/21/2001
WR01984002; Fawn
Brislyn's Diamond V Velikon
(M) 01/11/1994
Brislyn's Elite Design
(F) 08/13/1996
Am CH Brislyn's Funny Bone V. Longo
(M) 07/10/2001
WR03737602; Black

Jecamo's Amaretto
(F) 10/10/2004
WS11193001; Black
Jecamo Presidio Spice of Life For Sixstar
(F) 08/24/2009
; Black
Brislyn's Havachance
(F) 08/13/1996
WP72649507; Fawn
Brislyn's Miss Moneypenny
(F) 08/13/1996
Brislyn's Never Too Tan
(M) 08/13/1996
CH Brislyn's Pandemonium
(M) 10/08/1992
Am CH Brislyn's Playing the Field
WP63645703; Fawn
Am CH Brydane's Anchor's Away
WP56442701; Fawn
Can Ch Joana's Sweet Dream V Reann
Can Ch Reann's Gold Charm V Joana
; Fawn
Am CH Reanns Elegant Tiger V Joana
(M) 06/21/1995
WP68226001; Brindle
Brydane's Attitude Adjuster
(F) 12/04/1993
Nc Legend In Time Aj-Rainbo
(M) 06/13/1996
CH Brydanes Absolute Chaos
Caprata's Boy Toy
(M) 02/27/1998
WP84025104; Brindle
Alishi Princess Rahji
Am CH Caprata's Southern Charm
(F) 01/08/2001
WP01000701; Fawn
Biscaro's Sock It Toomey V Tlc
(M) 08/12/2005
TLC's Colorado Rocky Mtn High
(M) 08/12/2005
Northwind Donnatella
(F) 02/25/2002
WS05306506; Brindle
Northwind Running Down A Dream
(M) 05/14/2006
Zorah Jane
(F) 08/12/2003
WS05831303; Brindle
True Diamond Bon Bon
True Diamond Gretchen Again
WP42036903; Brindle
True Diamond R Forever Mine
WS05352601; Brindle
True Diamond Sweet Megan
True Diamond's Gretchen Girl
WP95134705; Brindle
True Diamonds Touche V Vicson
True Diamonds Trace of Vicson
WP95134702; Brindle
Caprata's True Diamonddestiny
(F) 02/27/1998
WP84025107; Fawn
Caprata True Diamond Serenity
(F) 02/08/2001
WR03206603; Fawn
True Diamond Zoom Zoom Zoom
(F) 01/11/2005
True Diamonds Ricochet on Ice
(M) 01/11/2005
Caprata Truediamond Loverboy
(M) 02/08/2001
WR03206604; Fawn
Northwind Fauna Vondane
(F) 12/30/2004
WS11583602; Fawn
Northwind Running Down A Dream
(M) 05/14/2006
Northwind Shelby's Jewel
(F) 12/30/2004
WS11583610; Fawn
Vicson's Tyra of Greenacres
(F) 09/19/2005
Zorah Jane
(F) 08/12/2003
WS05831303; Brindle
True Diamond Josie at Vicson
(F) 02/08/2001
WR03206605; Fawn
True Diamond on Thin Ice
WR00609401; Fawn
Flighty Brislyn Extra Edition
(M) 07/08/1997
Am CH Flighty Forever Brislyn Jecamo
(M) 05/24/1998
WP86750701; Black
Flighty Further Tales Jecamo
(F) 05/24/1998
WP86750702; Black

Am CH Harley D Coral's Calypso AOM RN CGC
(F) 02/10/2005
WS13646704; Fawn
Harley D Coral's Code of the Road
(M) 02/10/2005
Helisain Mademoiselle
(F) 04/09/1997
2696697FIN; Fawn
Am CH Helisain Monsieur
(M) 04/09/1997
FIN26965/97 / WP81315901; Fawn

Helisain Morgana
FIN26967/97; Fawn
Jonor's Hollyhock
(F) 11/23/1994
Am CH Brislyn's Dr Jay Banjoko
(M) 07/13/1997
WP79263205; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Mustang Sally V Flighty
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987103; Fawn
Brislyn Tinker Sooner Or Later
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987104; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn's Blackhawk Rising
(M) 07/08/2003
WS04987102; Brindle
Am CH Brislyn's Samsara
(M) 03/25/2001
WR01964402; Brindle
Flighty Prairiesky's This One Is For the Girls
(M) 06/15/2014
Am CH Flighty Prairiesky's Together Again Autumn Ridge
(F) 06/15/2014
WS48373105; Brindle
Flighty's Prairiesky's Out of the Ashes
(F) 06/15/2014
Am CH Jubellie's Mona Lisa
(F) 04/30/2012
WS41251801; Brindle
Am CH Jubellie's Operation Mercury
(F) 03/25/2001
Jubellies Operation Typhoon
(M) 03/25/2001
WR01964405; Brindle
Perridane's Herbie Hancock
(M) 04/30/2012
WS41251802; Fawn
Am CH Perridanes Miles Davis
(M) 04/30/2012
WS412518/\03; Brindle
Jonor's Best Laura Ashley
(F) 07/13/1997
Ashley's Best Britney
(F) 10/29/2001
Am CH Brislyn's Ludicrous Schaeuf CGC
(M) 10/29/2001
WR06123603; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn's No Regrets Jasmine
(F) 10/29/2001
WR06123602; Fawn
Jonor's Hugo
(M) 07/13/1997
Am CH Jubellie's Two Dozen Rose
(F) 07/13/1997
WP74557807; Brindle
Brislyn's Cut'n Up Jubellie
Am CH Brislyn's Mensa V Jubellie
(M) 02/16/2000
WP96945205; Brindle
Jubellie's Osha V Brislyn
(F) 02/16/2000
Brislyn Where There's Smoke
(M) 03/21/2001
WR01984002; Fawn
Jubellie's Texas Women
(F) 03/21/2001
WR01984001; Brindle
Jonor's Mostly Sunny
Jubellie's Texas Women
(F) 03/21/2001
WR01984001; Brindle
MacCal's Bounty Hunter Kajon
; Fawn
Mccal's Bounty Hunter Kajon
(M) 05/30/1993
WP49157504; Fawn
Mccal's Yankee Rose of Mkm's
(F) 05/30/1993
Nasindy Senna V Brislyn
(F) 03/17/1994
BISS Am Ch Olympus' Pillar of The Heavens AOM
(M) 10/27/2003
WS06629003; Fawn

Olympus' Rise of the Parthenon
(M) 10/27/2003
WS06629007; Fawn
Am CH Olympus' Sweet Victory
() 10/27/2003
WS06629001; Fawn
Olympus' the Enchantress
(F) 10/27/2003
WS06629004; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Olympus' The Midas Touch
(M) 10/27/2003
WS06629002; Fawn

Am CH Our Danes Fabulous Fabio
(M) 04/24/1994
WP55525707; Fawn
Am CH Our Danes Peachtree's Fallon
(F) 04/24/1994
CH Our Danes Sir Sampson
(M) 04/24/1994
Our Danes Sundays Stormy Day
(F) 04/24/1994
Our Danes Sundays Thunder
(M) 11/14/1992
Am CH Our Danes Wings of Glory
(M) 11/14/1992
Our Danes Zeppelin
(M) 04/24/1994
Am CH Shell's Raisin Havoc
(F) 07/10/2001
WR03737601; Black

Sisco's New Years Amazing Kiss of Zona
(F) 12/02/2010
WS37318902; Fawn
Siscos Pump Up The Volume
(M) 02/12/2010
WS37318901; Fawn
Am CH Tomarski's Distinguished Gentleman
(M) 05/10/2009
WS30338304; Brindle

Tomarski's Father of Peace
(M) 05/10/2009
WS30338303; Fawn
Tomarski's The Thrill of the Hunt
(M) 05/10/2009
WS30338302; Fawn

Tomarski's Wake Up the Echoes
(F) 05/10/2009
WS30338301; Fawn
Velikon's Morgana of Brislyn
(F) 01/11/1994
Waldenthree's Comet Kooshoe
(M) 12/05/1994
WP59828604; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Cupid
(F) 12/05/1994
WP59828608; Fawn
Waldenthree's Damian Donner
(F) 12/05/1994
WP59828602; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Dasher
(M) 12/05/1994
WP59828605; Fawn
CH Waldenthree's Gypsy
(F) 12/05/1994
Am CH Waldenthree's Prancer
(M) 12/05/1994
WP59828601; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Vixen
(F) 12/05/1994
WP59828606; Fawn
Am CH Waldnthree Diamond Solitair
(F) 05/02/1993
Am CH Brislyn Plain Sailing Varick
(M) 03/02/1991
Countrysides Sweet Tasha
(F) 12/17/1992
Autumn Star of Bear Creek
(F) 09/02/1995
Am CH Varick's Jim Dandy v Brislyn
(M) 03/02/1991
WP33980006; Fawn
Varick's Mr. Fantasy V Brislyn CD
(M) 03/02/1991
Am CH Varick's Sweet Pea v Brislyn
(F) 03/02/1991
Am CH Varick's Riprap of Brislyn
(M) 11/30/1987
WG120491; Fawn
Ashley's Best Britney
(F) 10/29/2001
CH Brislyn Holy Toledo V Danelaw
Brislyn's Cut'n Up Jubellie
Am CH Brislyn Mustang Sally V Flighty
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987103; Fawn
Am CH Flighty Never Say Never
(M) 05/15/2006
Am CH Flighty Nova
(M) 05/15/2006
WS18743305; Fawn
Flighty Now Or Never
(F) 05/15/2006
WS18743301; Fawn
Brislyn Tinker Sooner Or Later
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987104; Fawn

Am CH Brislyn's Blackhawk Rising
(M) 07/08/2003
WS04987102; Brindle

Brislyn's Let 'R Rip
(F) 08/23/1990
CH Brislyn Danelaw Dan V Varick
(M) 11/28/1993
Rumors Freestyle
(F) 05/04/1995
WP62561505; Fawn
Rumors Special Effects
(M) 05/04/1995
WP62561504; Brindle
Brislyn Joyful Spirit of Varick
(F) 11/28/1993
Brislyn Sierra V Varick
(F) 11/28/1993
CH Brislyn Sleepwalker V Varick
(M) 11/28/1993
Brislyn's Dust Bunny V Varick
(F) 11/28/1993
Brislyn's Elite Design
(F) 08/13/1996
Brislyn's Havachance
(F) 08/13/1996
WP72649507; Fawn
Brislyn's Miss Moneypenny
(F) 08/13/1996
Brislyn's Never Too Tan
(M) 08/13/1996
Am CH Brislyn's Longshot V Varick
(M) 11/28/1993
WP51929309; Brindle
Am CH Brislyn's Dr Jay Banjoko
(M) 07/13/1997
WP79263205; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Mustang Sally V Flighty
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987103; Fawn
Brislyn Tinker Sooner Or Later
(F) 07/08/2003
WS04987104; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn's Blackhawk Rising
(M) 07/08/2003
WS04987102; Brindle
Am CH Brislyn's Samsara
(M) 03/25/2001
WR01964402; Brindle
Flighty Prairiesky's This One Is For the Girls
(M) 06/15/2014
Am CH Flighty Prairiesky's Together Again Autumn Ridge
(F) 06/15/2014
WS48373105; Brindle
Flighty's Prairiesky's Out of the Ashes
(F) 06/15/2014
Am CH Jubellie's Mona Lisa
(F) 04/30/2012
WS41251801; Brindle
Am CH Jubellie's Operation Mercury
(F) 03/25/2001
Jubellies Operation Typhoon
(M) 03/25/2001
WR01964405; Brindle
Perridane's Herbie Hancock
(M) 04/30/2012
WS41251802; Fawn
Am CH Perridanes Miles Davis
(M) 04/30/2012
WS412518/\03; Brindle
Jonor's Best Laura Ashley
(F) 07/13/1997
Ashley's Best Britney
(F) 10/29/2001
Am CH Brislyn's Ludicrous Schaeuf CGC
(M) 10/29/2001
WR06123603; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn's No Regrets Jasmine
(F) 10/29/2001
WR06123602; Fawn
Jonor's Hugo
(M) 07/13/1997
Am CH Jubellie's Two Dozen Rose
(F) 07/13/1997
WP74557807; Brindle
Brislyn's Cut'n Up Jubellie
Am CH Brislyn's Mensa V Jubellie
(M) 02/16/2000
WP96945205; Brindle
Jubellie's Osha V Brislyn
(F) 02/16/2000
Brislyn Where There's Smoke
(M) 03/21/2001
WR01984002; Fawn
Jubellie's Texas Women
(F) 03/21/2001
WR01984001; Brindle
CH Brislyn's Pandemonium
(M) 10/08/1992
Am CH Varick's Gemini v Brislyn
(F) 11/28/1993
WP51929302; Fawn
Varick's Viper V Brislyn
(F) 11/28/1993
WP51929301; Brindle
Am CH Brislyn's Ludicrous Schaeuf CGC
(M) 10/29/2001
WR06123603; Fawn

Tomarski Diola Gold And Blue Thru'n Thru
(M) 01/26/2008
WS25038001; Fawn

Tomarski Diola Looking Glass at Jasmine
(F) 01/26/2008
Am CH Brislyn's Mensa V Jubellie
(M) 02/16/2000
WP96945205; Brindle
Am CH Jubellie's Mediterranean Caper
(M) 04/11/2005
Jubellies Mediterranean Caper
(M) 04/11/2005
Piccadillys Texas Pistol Pete
(M) 04/11/2005
WS13257701; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn's No Regrets Jasmine
(F) 10/29/2001
WR06123602; Fawn
Fantelli's Great Dane
(M) 08/24/1999
Fantelli's Chances Are Big
(M) 10/24/2001
WR04919803; Fawn
Fantelli's Phoebe By Gd
(F) 01/21/2001
Jubellie's Osha V Brislyn
(F) 02/16/2000
Jubellie's Above And Beyond
(M) 05/05/2003
Jubellie's Outta Da Blu Marday
(M) 05/05/2003
WS04049903; Fawn
Jubellie's Under the Fall
(F) 05/05/2003
Kwik-Dane's Spring Fawn Zoe
(F) 03/30/1993
Windfall's Golden Raven
(F) 03/27/1996
Am CH Mountaineer's Brislyn's
; Fawn
Bis Biss Am Ch Mountaineer's Brislyn's Jr
(M) 08/09/1989
WG368038; Fawn
Taormina of Jonor
Veedoc's Tidal Wave
(F) 08/24/1999
WP93755304; Fawn
Velikon's Pilsner Von Schultz
(M) 09/15/1989
Velikon's Riprap Reuben
(M) 09/15/1989
WG464715; Fawn
Wyntrebrook's Woodstock
Am CH Wyntrebrook's Wyndancer
WP34625503; Fawn
Bis Biss Am & Can Ch Wyntrebrook's Sun Dancer
(M) 06/23/1994
WP55895501; Fawn

CH Wyntrebrook's Wish
Am CH Honey Lane's Cheers
WF839758; Fawn

NCR's Desert Winds Rock
(M) 03/10/1992
WP40412204; Brindle
Camelot's Lady Madelaene
(F) 04/04/1996
Desert Winds Chamois
(F) 04/04/1996
WP72384403; Fawn
Mw's Microburst V Sandedane
(F) 05/29/1998
WP87041102; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Avalanche
(F) 08/10/2000
WP99614201; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes California Tremor
(M) 07/07/2001
WR03691704; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes El Nino
(M) 05/29/1998
WP87041103; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Force Nine Blew
(M) 05/29/1998
WP87041104; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Tsunami
(F) 07/07/2001
WR03691702; Fawn
Ncr's Indra Fashion
(F) 03/10/1992
Am CH Ncr's Who's The Boss
(M) 12/20/1990
WP32281501; Brindle

Donnadanes Target of Xcelnce
(F) 06/13/1997
WP79365102; Fawn
Dugan's Prime Time Krisda
(M) 09/28/1994
Am CH Fontana's Custm Made V Morekrisda
(F) 11/09/1995
WP66081301; Fawn
Am CH Fontana Krisda's Group Effort
(M) 05/02/2001
WR02917401; Fawn
Am CH Fontana Krisda's Joie De Vivre
(F) 05/02/2001
Am CH Fontana Krisda's Never Say Never CGC
(M) 05/02/2001
WR02917402; Fawn
Kennedy's Plain Fancy V Hauer
(F) 05/04/1993
Am CH Gold's Mine Single Guy V Kennedy
(M) 01/01/1996
WP67026502; Brindle
Kennedy's Ellen
(F) 01/01/1996
Kennedy's Plain Th'odds-Hauer
(M) 05/04/1993
Kennedy's Strange Luck V Krisda
(M) 11/09/1995
Kennedys Mad About You Dugan
(F) 09/28/1994
WP57728402; Brindle
Kennedy Trumps Krisda
(M) 06/29/1997
Am CH Kennedy's Designerwear V Notredane
(F) 06/21/1999
WP92565301; Brindle
Kennedy's Ivana V Krisda
(F) 06/29/1997
Kennedy's the Donald V Krisda
(M) 06/29/1997
Kennedys Alexandrite Vkrisda CD
(M) 06/29/1997
WP79408808; Fawn
Kennedys Jade V Krisda
(F) 01/29/1997
Kennedys Something So Right
WP83387301; Fawn
Kennedys Visitor V Krisda
(M) 01/29/1997
Kennedys Plain For Keeps Hauer
(M) 05/04/1993
Lady Charlie of the Rockies
(F) 05/17/1995
Am CH Kennedys Strange Luckvkrisda
(M) 11/09/1995
WP66081302; Fawn
Chantilly's Golden Lace
WR00847608; Fawn
Laid Back Layla
(F) 08/04/2003
WS05765901; Brindle
Kennedy Trumps Krisda
(M) 06/29/1997
Kennedy's Ivana V Krisda
(F) 06/29/1997
Kennedy's the Donald V Krisda
(M) 06/29/1997
Kennedys Alexandrite Vkrisda CD
(M) 06/29/1997
WP79408808; Fawn
Kennedys Jade V Krisda
(F) 01/29/1997
Kennedys Once And Again V Summit
Kennedys Original Sin
(M) 03/09/2002
WR06646802; Fawn
Kennedys Something So Right
WP83387301; Fawn
Kennedys Visitor V Krisda
(M) 01/29/1997
Am CH Krisda's Bastet ROM
(F) 11/09/1995
WP66081305; Fawn

Caprata's Monte' Krisda
(M) 04/25/1998
WP84785102; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Elan's Nash Bridges Royhl ROM HOF
(M) 10/13/1998
WP88174603; Fawn

Am CH Elan's Royhl Enchantment
(F) 10/13/1998
WP88174602; Fawn

Hauerdane's Break-N-Hearts
(F) 04/18/1999
Hauerdane's Light-N-Fires
() 04/18/1999
Am CH Kennedy And Krisdas Wild West
() 04/18/1999
WP91771004; Fawn
Am CH Krisda And Kennedys Abbey
(F) 04/18/1999
WP91771009; Fawn
Kennedys Once And Again V Summit
Kennedys Original Sin
(M) 03/09/2002
WR06646802; Fawn
Krisda Kennedys Kwik Fix V M.K.
(F) 04/18/1999
Am CH KrisdaKennedy's Fabled Egypt
(F) 04/18/1999
WP91771003; Fawn
Am CH Krisdakennedys Kwik Fix V M.K.
(F) 04/18/1999
WP91771007; Fawn
Am CH Royhl's Crown Jewel of Elan
(F) 10/13/1998
Krisda's Queen of My Heart
(F) 11/09/1995
WP66812901; Brindle
Am CH Jerdans Little Bit of Honey
(F) 04/08/1999
WP91084001; Brindle
Am CH Monarch-N-Jerdans Golden Star
(F) 04/21/2000
WP97324301; Fawn
CH Krisda's Strange Luckvkrisda
(M) 10/02/1994
Laurelwood's Calvin V D-Danes
(M) 06/13/1997
Am CH R-Danes Bailey V Michael Dn-Co-Op
(M) 04/07/1992
WP40713403; Fawn
Weluv's Been There Done That
(M) 06/13/1997
CH Honey Lane's Courtney
(F) 04/09/1986
Honey Lane's Heavens to Betsy
(F) 06/08/1990
WP30308902; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Allure
(F) 07/07/1992
WP42528106; Brindle

Weaver's Encore De Avant
(M) 11/27/1996
WP75602201; Fawn
Fantasia's Alex at Dane Lane
(M) 06/06/1996
WP71603305; Brindle
Fantasia's Alex In Wonderland
(M) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Fantasy Weaver
(F) 06/06/1996
Am CH Fantasia's Follow Me V Lost Creek
(F) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Kazaam
(M) 06/06/1996
Am CH Fantasia's Lost Crk Follow Me
(F) 06/06/1996
Fantasia's Pillow Talk Rivlr
(F) 06/06/1996
WP71603309; Fawn
Fantasias Phenomenon
(M) 06/06/1996
Maffei's Oliver Twist of Fate
(M) 06/06/1996
Weaver's Allouette De Avant
(F) 10/16/1997
WP81048902; Brindle
Weaver's Cover Girl De Avant
(F) 10/16/1997
WP81048901; Fawn
Weaver's Garcon Dore V Avant
(M) 10/16/1997
Honey Lane's Anything Goes
(M) 07/07/1992
CH Honey Lane's As You Like It
(F) 07/07/1992
Ch99 Dalmors the Rainier Rascal
(M) 08/26/1996
CH Delmor's Sanjuan Isle V Shala
(F) 08/26/1996
Delmor's the Rainier Rascal
(M) 08/26/1996
Am CH Honey Lane's Mac Heath
(M) 04/24/1991
Jbrk Camelot Ye Morgan Lafay
(F) 03/31/1995
Am CH Reimroc's Bexar-ly JBrooks
(M) 10/21/1992
Am CH Reimroc's Cordero Jbrooks
(M) 03/29/1993
WP47600501; Fawn
Honey Lane's Vanna
(F) 09/29/1988
Ncr's For Tears of Glory
(F) 05/10/1992
Ncr's Life Goes On
(F) 05/10/1992
WP41840806; Fawn
Nasindy Senna V Brislyn
(F) 03/17/1994
Ncr's The Artful Dodger
(M) 05/10/1992
WP41840801; Fawn
Honey Lanes Over N Over Again
(F) 04/04/1991
WP36203901; Fawn
Am CH Lambs Creek Deva-D
(F) 01/24/1987
WF980213; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lambs Creek Drogheda Sasy Sonya
(F) 08/12/1991
WP37013606; Fawn
CH Drogheda Biscaro's Buttercup of Tlc
(F) 05/20/1997
Drogheda Shenna
(F) 10/01/1995
WP68712416; Brindle
Drogheda Have Gun Wil Travel
(M) 04/19/1999
WP91937705; Brindle
Drogheda's Baby Girl Mariah
(F) 05/20/1997
Drogheda's Clea Queen O Nile
(F) 05/20/1997
Droghedas Coral Kadence
(F) 12/16/2002
Droghedas Princess Kaiulani
(F) 11/30/2003
WS07654901; Brindle
Droghedas Skyland Rose
(F) 07/06/2000
WP98754603; Brindle
Droghedas Tigerlily V Masaya
(F) 11/30/2003
WS07654902; Brindle
CH Drogheda's Keystone Strider
(M) 06/21/1994
Drogheda's Richard Lionheart
(M) 05/20/1997
Am CH Drogheda's Ricochet Steve
(M) 06/21/1994
WP58531401; Brindle
Droghedas Dreams of Past Present And Future Tens
(F) 05/02/2019
Droghedas Echoes of the Past Present And Future
(M) 05/02/2019
WS64623202; Fawn
Droghedas Ruby Ricochet Niqa
(F) 03/30/2014
WS47434801; Brindle
Am CH Drogheda's Serengeti Sunrise
(M) 10/01/1995
WP68712412; Brindle
CH Silken V Drogheda
Can Ch Striders Farakhan V Drogheda
(F) 10/01/1995
WP68712414; Fawn
Am CH Striders Gypsy V Drogheda
(F) 05/20/1997
WP78914310; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Striders Jagger V Drogheda
(M) 05/20/1997
WP78914304; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Striders KC Khan V Drogheda
(M) 06/21/1994
WP58531403; Fawn

Can Ch Striders Keystone Drogheda
Can Ch Striders Silken V Drogheda
(F) 06/21/1994
WP58531402; Fawn
Striders Take That v Drogheda
(F) 10/01/1995
WP68712419; Fawn
Am CH Lambs Creek I Am Paul's Choice
(F) 03/24/1990
Am CH Country Walk Twenty Four K
(F) 05/10/1993
WP48035203; Fawn
Country Walk Tuckerz Me Out
(M) 02/25/1998
Country Walk's Dynamite
(F) 02/25/1998
Am CH Country Walk's End It With a Z
(M) 02/25/1998
WP83812005; Fawn
Dreamaker KT's Cresendo v LaMar
(M) 08/17/2001
Am CH Dreamaker KT's Name That Tune
(F) 01/11/2000
WP96056801; Fawn
Am CH Dreamaker Music's Sunset Girl RN
(F) 06/21/2003
WS05709701; Brindle
La-Mar's Mr Z V Dreamaker
(M) 08/05/1999
Lambs Creek I Got U Thorncrest TT
Lambs Creek Ivan the Terrific
(M) 03/24/1990
Am & Mex Ch Lambs Creek Life Goes On
(F) 05/09/1993
Am CH Sugar Land Noble Tradition
(M) 04/26/1996
WP72594404; Fawn

Am CH Sugarland Vztop's Valdegra
(M) 04/26/1996
WP72594401; Fawn
Sugarland Zz Top Val De Gra
(M) 04/26/1996
Lambs Creek Lord Adam
(M) 05/09/1993
Bentley's Stratford
(M) 05/10/1996
Lambs Creek Mandamus Sir Charles
Lambs Crk Link To the Future CD
(M) 05/09/1993
WP48589206; Fawn
Bridlewoods A Brave New World
(M) 01/26/1998
Dana's Tlbrk Amy V Bridlwod of Tlc
(F) 01/26/1998
Dana's Tlbrk Ann Vbridlwd of Tlc
(F) 01/26/1998
Lambs Creek Do Know A Winner
Sheenwater Temptation
(F) 06/07/1988
CH Lambs Creek J. Morgan's Bluff CD CGC
(F) 12/13/1990
Am CH Southpaw's Santa Catalina
(F) 04/23/1988
WG171583; Fawn
Southpaw's Blazing Starr
(F) 07/21/1993
Stone Valleys Baby Grand
(F) 06/19/1988
Stone Valleys C'etait Toi
(F) 06/19/1988
Am CH Stone Valley Tango the Night
(M) 01/14/1992
Stone Valleys Just the Way U.r.
(F) 06/19/1988
Laureal's Daneboa Hanky-panky
WG066549; Fawn
Daneboa's Baby Doll
(F) 09/09/1990
WP35841404; Merle
Daneboa's Not So Listy Bitsy
(F) 06/24/1992
WP47812002; Harlequin
Daneboa's Good Golly Ms Molly
(F) 08/10/1995
WP64340202; Black / White
Am CH Daneboa's Big Ben
WG485800; Fawn
Azriel's Boaz
(M) 09/05/1992
WP43728004; Fawn
Azriel's Dane Hill Baby
(F) 09/08/1994
WP57877606; Brindle
Hope's Blue Diamond Dust
(F) 01/09/1996
WP67867104; Blue
Tabitha Rowe
(F) 01/09/1996
Camelot's Aurther V Azriel
(M) 01/13/1996
Camelot's Excalibur V Azriel
(M) 07/05/1997
WP79521404; Fawn
Camelot's Lady of The Lake V Azriel
(F) 07/05/1997
Avalon's Avant-Garde
(M) 02/01/2000
Azriel's Hannah
(F) 09/05/1992
Azriel's Leviathon
(M) 06/10/1994
Camelot's Guinevere Von Azriel
(F) 10/08/1995
Camelot's Excalibur V Azriel
(M) 07/05/1997
WP79521404; Fawn
Camelot's Lady of The Lake V Azriel
(F) 07/05/1997
Biyula Lia
(F) 06/10/1994
Azriel's Naomi
(F) 09/05/1992
WP43728011; Fawn
Azriel's Dane Hill Baby
(F) 09/08/1994
WP57877606; Brindle
Hope's Blue Diamond Dust
(F) 01/09/1996
WP67867104; Blue
Tabitha Rowe
(F) 01/09/1996
Camelot's Guinevere Von Azriel
(F) 10/08/1995
Camelot's Excalibur V Azriel
(M) 07/05/1997
WP79521404; Fawn
Camelot's Lady of The Lake V Azriel
(F) 07/05/1997
Avalon's Avant-Garde
(M) 02/01/2000
Camelot's Morganlefay V Azriel
(F) 10/26/1996
WP73996001; Fawn
Avalon's Belle of the South
; Fawn
Don-L's Hank W
Avalon's Bright Star
(F) 02/15/2000
Avalon V Edisto Last One Standing
(F) 10/09/2005
Edisto Hello Dolly
(F) 07/10/2004
Edisto's Fantasy of Rinks Mtn
(F) 07/10/2004
Fisto Triple "B" Teasing Tazz
(F) 05/27/2003
WS05577904; Fawn
Avalon's Doc Holiday
WR07508513; Fawn
Georgia Peach II
WS14308207; Fawn
Goofy Roofy
WS18849404; Fawn
Montegos Xcalibur Boballyhoo
(M) 10/26/1996
Danewalk Winterwood Cheyenne
(F) 08/06/1992
WP43656509; Fawn
Am CH Sequoyah's Double Shot
(M) 10/23/1991
Sequoyah's Free Spirit
(F) 10/23/1991
CH Sequoyah's Sheer Elegance
(F) 10/23/1991
Am CH Daneboa's Bit O'Honey
() 08/26/1989
WG489923; Fawn
Daneboa's Black Ambassador
(M) 09/09/1990
WP35841401; Black/White

BMW Beauregard
WP46766802; Fawn
BMW Bogart
(M) 02/20/1993
WP46766801; Harlequin
BMW Eve Messick
WP67010304; Harlequin
B And W MJ Glacial Lace
(F) 08/25/1999
WP93567606; Black
Cnt Banalli Blue Eyes
; White
CNT Dhemari
() 06/13/2003
Cnt Kirjac O So Sexy Sophia
WS04528704; Harlequin
Cnt Lincoln
(M) 04/13/2002
Cnt Madam Minka
WS04528702; Harlequin
Cnt Mr Bojangles
WR04770802; Harlequin
Lor Midnight Warrior
(M) 10/04/1995
BMW Flannel
; Harlequin
BMW Java
WP46766807; Fawn
BMW Opium
(F) 02/20/1993
WP46766804; Black with White

Am CH BMW Architect of Jericho
(M) 06/04/1995
WP63481203; Harlequin

Am CH BMW Windrose' Le Corbussier
(M) 06/19/1997
WP79110705; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz All The Rave
(M) 06/10/2003
WS04395201; Harlequin
Chanoz Hamlin Felt Like Dancing
(F) 09/16/2023
Chanoz Trumpeter
(M) 06/10/2003
WS04395202; Black
WindyCity-Chanoz Classic By Design
(F) 07/16/2017
WS58365501; Harlequin
BMW Windrose' Lexus UD
(F) 06/19/1997
WP79110701; Merle
Daneboa's Rachmaninoff
(M) 12/22/1996
WP75119401; Harlequin
Am CH Almosta Architect
(M) 04/09/1999
WP92418601; Harlequin
Almosta Cherokee Rose
(F) 10/22/2003
WS06230106; Mantle
Am CH BLK Almosta Avatar V Destiny
(F) 11/28/2004
WS11158004; Mantle
BLK's Almosta Blk-Eyed Susan
(F) 11/28/2004
WS11158005; Harlequin
Jodeco's Almosta Stryker
WS16289001; Merle
Am CH BMW Deyanera
(F) 07/22/1997
WP79182007; Harlequin
BMW Laura's Cymbal
(F) 09/18/1996
WP73712202; White
Bmw LR Cymbal's Melody
(F) 08/18/2002
WR07364401; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Miss Jean Harlow
(F) 09/18/1996
WP73712208; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Diamond Lil
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372601; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Lolita Ya Ya
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372603; Harlequin
Bmw LR Miss Notoriety
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372602; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Vicki Lee
(F) 08/04/2001
WR03705103; Harlequin
Bmw LR Victorian's Obsession
(F) 08/04/2001
WR03705104; Mantle
BMW Miss Amazing Grace
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372604; Harlequin
Chalk Hill's Brandenburg CD
(M) 12/03/2001
Cilka's Aranka Aj Kid CGN RN
Cilka's Duke of Jericho
() 02/14/2017
Cilka's Jericho bemyValentine
() 02/14/2017
GCh Cilka's Respect the Architect CGN
(F) 02/14/2017
EC695133; Mantle
GCh Cilka's Resurrect the Architect RA AOM
(F) 02/14/2017
EC691359; Harlequin
Cilka's Fortune Favours the Brave
(M) 12/17/2022
WS80243901; Mantle
CH Cilka's Godless Girl
(F) 03/03/2020
WS75633102; Harlequin
Cilka's Granite Heights
(M) 03/03/2020
; Merle Mantle
Can GCh Cilka's Milkway
(F) 03/03/2020
HE3982987; Harlequin
GChB Cilka's Rising Tsar
(M) 03/03/2020
75633101; Harlequin
Cilka's Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound
(M) 03/03/2020
; Mantle
Am CH Daneboa Melnyle Lady Godiva
(F) 07/12/2000
WP98910001; Mantle
Daneboa's A.J.'s Maverick
; Mantle
Daneboa's A.J.'s Sugar Baby
; Pied Harlequin
Daneboa's A.J.'s Sweet As Sugar
(M) 07/08/1999
WP93122302; Mantle
Am CH Daneboa's Architect's Design
(F) 08/27/1998
WP88469005; Harlequin
Almosta Custom Made To Order
(M) 07/23/2003
WS05309402; Mantle
Am CH Almosta's Fallen From Grace
WR04116808; Mantle
Almosta-BLK's Dress To Impress
(F) 07/31/2002
Am CH Almosta-BLK's Electric Blue
(F) 07/31/2002
WS01624512; Harlequin
Almosta-BLK's Mambo # 5
(M) 07/31/2002
Daneboa's Gallant Jericho Gent CD
(M) 07/08/1999
WP93122304; Mantle
Am CH Daneboa's Nighthawk v Sabila
(M) 08/27/1998
WP88469003; Mantle
Am CH Braewynd's Cash In Your Chips
(M) 06/29/2000
WP98895901; Harlequin
Am CH Braewynd's No Doubt About It
(F) 06/29/2000
WP98895902; Harlequin
Am CH Braewynd's on The Money
(M) 07/01/2001
WR03618501; Harlequin
Hartline's Arri Sundial
(M) 04/05/2000
WP97083602; Mantle
Am CH Hartlines Raven Beauty
(F) 04/05/2000
WP97083604; Mantle
Am CH Hartlines Zoot Suit Riot
(M) 04/05/2000
WP97083607; Mantle
Khess Alafair von Raven
(F) 11/19/1999
WP94936403; Harlequin
Khess porty Rory von Raven
; Mantle
Daneboa's Ooh La La
(F) 08/27/1998
WP88469004; Mantle
Amazona Missoni
(M) 05/12/2003
WS04626406; Harlequin
JPL's Emerald Jewel
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626407; Mantle
Am CH Jpl's Simulation Simone
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626409; Harlequin
Daneboa's Yum Yum
(F) 08/27/1998
WP88469001; Mantle
Bmw LR Custom Maid Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356606; Mantle
Bmw LR Maid of Sugar Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356603; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Maid to Show Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356604; Harlequin
Daneboa's Conqueror
(M) 05/07/2000
WP97356602; Harlequin
Bmw LR Dora the Explorer
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041402; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Magic Sprinkles
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041401; Harlequin
Dansk Avenger
BISS Am Ch Davishire's Beowulf of Chalk Hill
(M) 04/10/2006
WS17283902; Mantle
Davishire's Cosette
(F) 03/19/2004
WS08002402; Merle
Am CH Davishire's Epiphany A'la Aj
(F) 04/10/2006
WS17283901; Harlequin
BISS/Int BIS Am Ch Davishire's Impetuous A'La Aj ROM
(F) 04/09/2002
WR06628001; Harlequin
Davishire's Knight N White Satin
(M) 03/19/2004
WS08002401; White
Davishire's Me A More,Eh
(F) 04/09/2002
WR06628002; Pied Harlequin
Am CH Davishire'S'Mor Parfait A'La Aj Plz
(F) 08/09/2014
WS48603202; Mantle
Dreamspinner A Mischiefmaker
(F) 01/25/1998
WP82981803; Harlequin
Am CH Dreamspinner Absolute Delite
(F) 01/25/1998
WP82981802; Harlequin
Am CH Dreamspinner Ariel
(F) 01/25/1998
WP82981807; Harlequin
Dreamspinner As You Like It
() 01/25/1998
WP82981801; Harlequin
Am CH Dreamspinner Could Be Magic
(F) 06/20/2000
WP97443201; Mantle
Am CH Dreamspinner's A-Lot-A Ego
(M) 01/25/1998
WP82981804; Harlequin
BISS Am Ch Dreamspinner's Antiquity
(F) 01/25/1998
WP82981806; Harlequin
Am CH Dreamspinner's Cash-N-Carry
(M) 06/20/2000
WP97443202; Mantle
Almosta Custom Made To Order
(M) 07/23/2003
WS05309402; Mantle
Dreamspinner's Charisma
() 06/20/2000
WP97443203; Harlequin
Dtvs Paracletes Grace Ala Aj
(F) 03/10/2005
WS12721904; Black
Am CH Dtvs Regina's Ala Aj of Glacier Danes
(F) 03/10/2005
WS12721902; Harlequin
DTVS Ruppert's ALA AJ
(F) 03/10/2005
WS12721903; Harlequin
Dtvs Sydney's Ala Aj V Tered
(F) 03/10/2005
WS12721901; Black
Express' Bring N Down the House
(M) 12/03/2001
WR05969302; Mantle
Express' Chase N Butterflies P C
(F) 12/03/2001
WR05969301; Mantle
Katchadane AJ Edison of Dulce
(M) 03/02/2005
WS12208507; Mantle
Can Ch Katchadane's Miracle on Ice A'la Aj
() 03/02/2005
WS12208503; Harlequin
Kingsize Halfway To Heaven
(F) 02/16/2000
S43100/2000; Harlequin
Kingsize Happy Future
(F) 02/16/2000
S43104/2000; Black
Kingsize Heaven For Your Eyes Only
(M) 02/16/2000
S43099/2000; Harlequin
Kingsize Heavy Headed Hazel
(F) 02/16/2000
S43102/2000; Harlequin
Kingsize Highbred Holly
(F) 02/16/2000
S43103/2000; Black
Kingsize Higher And Higher
(F) 02/16/2000
S43101/2000; Harlequin
Lazy U's Boy From New York City
(M) 08/18/2009
WS31170705; Mantle
Am CH Lazy U's Livin' For The City
(M) 08/18/2009
WS31170704; Harlequin
Am CH Lazy U's Play at Your Own Risk
(F) 10/29/2010
WS35509501; Harlequin
Lazy U's Risky Business
(F) 10/29/2010
WS35509503; Mantle
Michaeldane JB Ajtater Briggadane
(F) 10/15/2001
WP96139505; Harlequin
Michaeldane JB Ices
WP96139507; White
Michaeldane JB Veto
(M) 01/30/2000
WP96139504; Merle
Am GCh Mor Davishire on Target A'La Aj
(M) 08/09/2014
WS48603204; Harlequin
Am CH Mor N Davishires Aj's Mockingjay
(F) 08/09/2014
WS48603201; Mantle
Am & Can Ch R'Brg Charli Angel Aj Magnus RN
(F) 04/04/2002
WS00867603 / ERN23001419); Harlequin
Reservation Aj's Arapaho River
; Harlequin
Richlyn's Ready To Rumble V Daneboa
(F) 08/27/1998
Am CH Rockbridge Charli Angel A/J Magnus AOM RN
(F) 04/04/2002
WS00867603; Harlequin
Rockbridge's Gunnar
(M) 04/04/2002
WS00867601; Harlequin
Rockbridge's Serendipity CD RE
() 04/04/2002
Int & Fin Ch Sardi How to Marry a Millionaire
FIN29965/00; Harlequin
Sardi Maximum Overdrive
() 05/19/2000
WP97256803; Mantle
Sardi Wyndans See No Evil
Sardi's A Piece of the Action
; Black/White
Sardi's Architect's Show Boat
(M) 05/19/2000
WP97356802; Harlequin
Sardi's Paris When It Sizzles
(F) 05/19/2000
WP97256801; Harlequin
Am CH Sasdania's Ticonderoga
(M) 01/05/2001
WR01135501; Mantle
Am CH Vi-Dayne's Johnny Angel
(M) 04/04/2000
WP97191603; Harlequin
Am CH West Coast JP's MDJB Cantkeepsecret
(F) 02/07/2001
WR04527501; Pied Harlequin
Am CH West Coast Jp's Mikldnjb Secret Agt
(M) 02/07/2001
WR04527901; Mantle
Am CH West Coast Jp's Mikldnjb Secret Luv
(F) 02/07/2001
WR04528201; Mantle
Am CH BMW Bullets Over Broadway
(M) 06/04/1995
WP63481201; Harlequin

Am CH BMW Arlecchina First Edition
(F) 07/22/1998
WP86485304; Harlequin
Bmw LR Mickey Mantle
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457803; Mantle
Bmw LR Old Black Magic
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457801; Black
Chanoz's Little Light
(F) 07/17/2003
WS04768901; Harlequin
Chanoz Adaiah Huntergreen
(F) 07/01/2007
WS22833001; Mantle
Chanoz Amazing Mannie
(F) 07/01/2007
WS22833007; Mantle
Am CH Chanoz Antz In My Pantz Hntrgreen
(M) 06/10/2006
WS17988601; Harlequin
Chanoz Buddy
(M) 11/12/2005
WS15110306; White
Swd Ch Chanoz Ivaroz Love
(M) 07/01/2007
S15582/2008; Black
Chanoz Lily of the Valley
(F) 11/12/2005
WS15110301; Harlequin
Chanoz N Hntrgrns A New Beginning V. Dakota
(F) 07/01/2007
WS22833003; Mantle
Chanoz Strike A Pose Jaya
(F) 06/10/2006
WS17988603; Merle
Chanoz Washed White As Snow
(M) 11/12/2005
Am CH Cokie's Color My World
(M) 03/11/2019
WS64395102; Harlequin
Cokie's Crazy Love
(F) 03/11/2019
WS64395103; Mantle
Am CH Cokie's Into the Mystic
(F) 03/11/2019
WS64395104; Harlequin
Cokie's Everybody Talks
(F) 08/14/2022
Cokie's Spotify
(M) 08/14/2022
Cokie's the Weight of the Badge
(M) 03/11/2019
WS64395101; Black
Notoriety Brodway Sensation
(M) 09/16/2000
Am & Can Ch Notoriety's Broadway Baby
(F) 09/16/2000
WR00632201 / 1079924; Mantle
Notoriety's Bulletsonbroadway
(M) 09/16/2000
WR00632203; Harlequin
Orion's Just Chillin' at Lazy U
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660603; Harlequin
Orion's Keeper of The Stars
(F) 08/01/2008
Orion's Shadow Fax
(M) 08/01/2008
WS27660609; White
Orion's Through The Looking Glass
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660602; Harlequin
Orion's Written in the Stars
(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660610; Black / White
Overlook's Bentley
(M) 11/06/2006
WS19484708; Harlequin
BISS Am Ch Overlook's Ghost In The Mirror
(M) 08/25/2005
WS14615501; Harlequin
Overlook's Sophie
(F) 11/06/2006
WS19484704; Mantle
Rare Earth N Davishire's A Game
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945103; Fawnequin
Rare Earth N Davishire's A Kind of Magic
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945102; Mantle
Am CH Rare Earth N Davishire's Artistry In Motion ATT CGCA CGCU TKI
(M) 05/04/2022
WS76945101; Merle Mantle
BMW Sprinkles
; Merle
BMW Remedy
; Harlequin
BMW Rhapsody
; Harlequin
BMW Windrose Amigo
(M) 03/04/1993
WP47795701; Merle
BMW Windrose Chamois
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795707; Fawn
Am CH BMW Windrose' Le Corbussier
(M) 06/19/1997
WP79110705; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz All The Rave
(M) 06/10/2003
WS04395201; Harlequin
Bmw Windrose Quest Zenobia
(F) 06/16/2006
WS18489404; Harlequin
Chanoz Buddy
(M) 11/12/2005
WS15110306; White
Chanoz Export of Joy
(M) 10/02/2006
WS19103902; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Greatest Act of Love
(F) 04/25/2005
WS12512701; Harlequin
Chanoz Lily of the Valley
(F) 11/12/2005
WS15110301; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Rahni Jaeger
(F) 10/02/2006
WS19103901; Harlequin
Chanoz Washed White As Snow
(M) 11/12/2005
Jake-N-R Son Is All the Rave
(M) 03/09/2005
WS12245913; Mantle
Liberty's I Hope You Dance
(F) 04/07/2005
WS13024205; Mantle
Liberty's Navajo Wind Talker
(M) 04/07/2005
WS13024201; White
Am CH Mercerwood's Prima Donna
(F) 02/12/2007
WS21673101; Mantle
Mercerwood's Santa Lucia
(F) 02/12/2007
WS21673102; Merle / White
Chanoz Hamlin Felt Like Dancing
(F) 09/16/2023
Chanoz Trumpeter
(M) 06/10/2003
WS04395202; Black
Halcón von der Faust
FCA10530; Harlequin
Hiena von der Faust
FCA535; Mantle
Homero von der Faust
Von Ferden Angelica
Von Ferden Born To Dance V Chanoz
(M) 03/31/2007
WS23175301; Harlequin
Von Ferden Extreme
(M) 06/27/2008
; Harlequin
Von Ferden Eye Candy V Chanoz
WS21537101; Mantle
Von Ferden Here I am v Chanoz
WS21535101 1110260;
Von Ferden Joselyn
Von Ferden Piu Bella von Pao
Von Ferden Sara Lee
Von Ferden Sarita
Von Ferden Sun Shine
Von Ferden Tizziano
WindyCity-Chanoz Classic By Design
(F) 07/16/2017
WS58365501; Harlequin
BMW Windrose' Lexus UD
(F) 06/19/1997
WP79110701; Merle
Am CH BMW Windrose Fiesta CDX
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795706; Harlequin
BMW Windrose Mercedes CDX
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795708; Merle
BMW Windrose Milan
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795703; Black
Am CH BMW Boomerang
(M) 04/30/1995
WP63532216; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Royale's Summer Ecstasy
(M) 06/04/1996
WP72480108; Harlequin

Royale's Anastasia
(F) 12/12/2000
WR00391701; Mantle
Royale's Clowning Around
(M) 12/12/2000
WR00391702; Harlequin
Royale's Strike A Winning Pose
(F) 12/12/2000
WR00391703; Harlequin
Royale's Midnight Sun
; Mantle
Royale's The Lady Isabella
; Harlequin
Royale's Worth the Wait Eqty
(F) 12/12/2000
WR00391705; Harlequin
Am CH Taylormade Crown Royale
(M) 04/23/2001
WR02694901; Harlequin
Tts Step'n Stone V Royale
; Harlequin
BMW Royale's Summer Edition
(M) 06/04/1996
WP72480110; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Royale's Summer Sunrise
(M) 06/04/1996
WP72480102; Harlequin
Royale's Midnight Sun
; Mantle
Royale's Notoriety Sunny's Bunny
BMW Windrose'allure
(F) 04/30/1995
WP63532211; Harlequin
BMW Windrose' Whats The Buzz
(M) 12/09/2001
WR05532504; Mantle
BMW Windrose'to Infinity UD
(M) 12/09/2001
WR05532502; Mantle
BMW Zorba
(M) 04/30/1995
WP63532214; Harlequin
B.A.K.'s Ballerina V High Acre
(F) 10/02/1996
WP74007001; Harlequin
B.A.K.'s DX India
(F) 06/28/1999
WP93836617; Black / White
B.A.K.'s DX Merlot V High Acre
(M) 06/28/1999
WP93836614; Mantle
B.A.K.'s The Nonesuch V High Acre
(M) 06/28/1999
WP93836616; Mantle
BAK's DX Chardonnay
(F) 06/28/1999
WP93836615; Mantle
Am CH High Acre's Wachuka V B.A.K.
(M) 06/28/1999
B.A.K.'s BMW Glacier
(M) 10/02/1996
WP74007002; White
California Bound Smith
(F) 10/12/1999
; Merle
BMW Windrose Rio
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795704; Black
BMW Windrose Touch of Grey
(F) 03/04/1993
WP47795707; Merle
BMW Rolls Royce Bak
(M) 12/17/1996
WP78326305; Harlequin
Southern Snow SSS
WP978228/01; White
Abbastans Sushi
WS01555201; Harlequin
Am CH Sir Cricket Abbastan
(M) 02/02/2005
WS12578104; Harlequin
ABW Classic Jewel Tiara
(F) 11/13/1998
WP89108802; Harlequin
ABW Deirdre Macdairbhre
WR01855202; Mantle
ABW Jewel's Game Over
ABW Kendall Lynn Pendalton Of
WS03496005; Mantle
ABW Lauren Panache
WR01855201; Harlequin
Am CH ABW Saber Spirit
WS03496003; Harlequin
ABW Shyla Von Liberte
ABW Classic Optimus Prime
(M) 11/13/1998
Am CH ABW Classic Sophie Lour Ren
(F) 11/13/1998
WP89108801; Harlequin
Int Ch ABW Hummer Sut
(M) 02/01/2004
WS06815405; Mantle
ABW She Is A Show Girl
(F) 12/18/2004
ABW Shunka Wakan V Palmcreek
(M) 12/18/2004
WS11700103; Harlequin
Don-Par's Bella Mia
(F) 09/04/2001
; Mantle
Kondor's Kai Von Riverwood
(M) 09/04/2001
WR04101907; Harlequin
Don-Par Cupids Cpt of My Heart
Am CH Don-Par's Classic Pantera
; Mantle
Donpar's Classic Pantera
(F) 09/10/1999
WP93305406; Mantle
Am CH DonPar's Sundance Kid
(M) 09/10/1999
WP93305403; Harlequin
BMW Wanda
(F) 12/17/1996
Acken Von Ferden
Von Ferden Delfina Leatrick
WS05724701; Harlequin
Sabrina Von Ferden
Von Ferden Delfina Leatrick
WS05724701; Harlequin
Von Ferden Mercedez
Von Ferden Born To Dance V Chanoz
(M) 03/31/2007
WS23175301; Harlequin
Von Ferden Here I am v Chanoz
WS21535101 1110260;
Von Ferden Piu Bella von Pao
Von Ferden Tizziano
Von Ferden Sanson Wanjo
(M) 04/23/2000
Von Ferden Wanjo Amadeus
WR07248801; Harlequin
Von Ferden Wanjo Amaranta
Von Ferden Angelica
Von Ferden Sun Shine
Daneboa's Apache Chief
(M) 12/06/1993
Daneboa's Black Satin
(F) 11/29/1993
WP53124502; Black
Daneboa California Dreamin'
Am CH Daneboa's Chm of The Board
(M) 02/04/1999
WP92257601; Harlequin
Bmw LR Custom Maid Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356606; Mantle
Bmw LR Maid of Sugar Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356603; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Ain't No Edsel
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704606; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Like A Rock
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704602; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR No Boundries
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704601; Harlequin
Bmw LR the Best Never Rest
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704603; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Tonka Tuff
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704605; Mantle
Am CH Bmwlr Brerdane Hurricane Harbor
(M) 07/08/2005
WS13741601; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Maid to Show Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356604; Harlequin
Bmw LR Mickey Mantle
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457803; Mantle
Bmw LR Cymbal's Melody
(F) 08/18/2002
WR07364401; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Vicki Lynn
(F) 12/01/2007
WS24247701; Harlequin
Bmw Vg A Shot of Ouzo Dl
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367406; Black
BMW VG A Splash of Ouzo
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367415; Mantle
Bmw Vg Bane Thomas Valerius
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367414; Black
BMW VG Be Dazzled By Me
; Mantle
Bmw Vg Bosley
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367413; Merle
Bmw Vg Eleanor of Aquitaine
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529205; Harlequin
BMW VG My Amazing Grace LR
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529210; Harlequin
Bmw Vg Ouzo's Be Dazzled By Me
(F) 10/11/2012
WS42367409; Mantle
Bmw Vg Ouzo's Chasing A Dream Grand Master Ace
(M) 10/11/2012
Bmw Vg Ouzos Piece of The Rock
() 10/11/2012
BMW VG Reflections of Ouzo
(F) 10/11/2012
WS42367402; Black / White
Bmw Vg Return To Ouzo Dl
() 10/11/2012
WS42367407; Black / White
Bmw Vg Sadie Love
(F) 10/11/2012
Bmw Vg Taken By Storm
(M) 09/04/2011
Bmw Vg Total Eclipse of The Moon
() 09/04/2011
WS38529208; Mantle
Bmwvg Raise Your Class A Ouzo
(M) 10/11/2012
Victorian's Bmw LR Lost Love
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529207; Harlequin
Victoriann's Bmw Circle of Life
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367405; Harlequin
Bmw LR Miss Vicki Marie
(F) 12/01/2007
WS24247703; Mantle
Bmw LR Karma's a Bitch CGC RN
(F) 09/28/2010
WS35426004; Mantle
Bmw LR Mark of Ouzo
(M) 10/10/2009
WS31768201; Harlequin
Am CH Mac's Double Shot of Ouzo
(M) 10/10/2009
WS31768203; Mantle
Bmw LR Old Black Magic
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457801; Black
Bmw LR Dora the Explorer
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041402; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Magic Sprinkles
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041401; Harlequin
Bmw LR Vittorio V. Daneboa
(M) 03/31/2001
WR02348801; Harlequin
BMWLR-Liebhunde Spirit N The Sky
Breken Unclaimed
(F) 07/13/2014
WS49286102; White
BMWLR-Liebhunde Walk The Line
(M) 06/19/2007
WS22475005; Harlequin
Liebhunde's Miss Babe Routh
(F) 05/03/2013
Daneboa's Conqueror
(M) 05/07/2000
WP97356602; Harlequin
Daneboa's Zachary
(M) 06/03/2002
WR06790001; Harlequin
TJH Touch O Class V Trplcrst
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226803; Mantle
Triplecrest Macedonian Conqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
WS04226801; Harlequin
Am CH Triplecrest Sweet Sensation
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226802; Harlequin
Trplcrst Macedonian Cnqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Diamond Lil
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372601; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Lolita Ya Ya
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372603; Harlequin
Bmw LR Miss Notoriety
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372602; Harlequin
BMW Miss Amazing Grace
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372604; Harlequin
Daneboa's Gregory
(M) 04/15/2002
WS01053401; Harlequin
Daneboa's I Have A Dream
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869812; Black
Daneboa's Miss Emma
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869804; Harlequin
Daneboa's Mr President
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869815; Harlequin
Daneboa's Portrait In Black
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869816; Black / White
Daneboa's Storm Alert
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869802; Harlequin
Four D's May the Fourth Be With You
(F) 05/04/2017
WS57094601; Mantle
Emperion Divine Providence V Chanoz
(M) 07/21/2014
WS47872202; Harlequin
Notoriety's Chief Executive PCD BN RI BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA
(M) 07/06/2014
WS48226801 / ERN18000303; Mantle
Notoriety's the Dignitary
(M) 07/06/2014
PaintedMds Chauffeured Mercedes
(F) 10/04/2001
WR04326603; Mantle
PaintedMds Cristal Blue Persuasion
(F) 10/04/2001
WR04326605; Harlequin
Triplecrest Officer And A Gentleman
(M) 08/21/2002
Daneboa's Divine Inspiration
WP92257603; Harlequin
TJH Touch O Class V Trplcrst
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226803; Mantle
Triplecrest Macedonian Conqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
WS04226801; Harlequin
Am CH Triplecrest Sweet Sensation
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226802; Harlequin
Trplcrst Macedonian Cnqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
Daneboa's Energizer
WP92257602; Harlequin
Daneboa's Zachary
(M) 06/03/2002
WR06790001; Harlequin
Zignature's God of Sky And Thunder
(M) 08/19/2017
WS62824901; Harlequin
Daneboa's Short Stuff
Am CH Daneboa's Stormi Reign
(F) 06/25/1997
WP79799005; Harlequin

Helwig's Payton
Daneboa's Bo Jangles
(M) 07/09/1993
Daneboa's Conquistador
(M) 04/30/1992
Daneboa's Storm Warning
(M) 01/11/1994
WP53124301; Harlequin
Am CH Daneboa's Stormi Reign
(F) 06/25/1997
WP79799005; Harlequin
Daneboa's Fat Albert
(M) 11/19/1992
WP45109009; Harlequin
Lil Miss Beasley
(F) 11/14/1998
WP88342302; Harlequin
Raincross Modjeska Woodland
(F) 09/04/1995
Shoofly Acres Arriba Roberto
(M) 11/14/1998
WP88342305; Merle / White
Woodland Danes Allegro
(F) 09/04/1995
WP66368102; Harlequin
Woodlands Blue Eyed Bandit CD
(M) 09/04/1995
WP66368101; Harlequin
Daneboa's Formal Attire
(M) 01/21/1992
Heart's Cody V Duff N'Bain
(M) 09/28/1994
Sardi Chaos Equipoise
(M) 12/29/1995
Sardi Daneboa Bound For Glory
(M) 05/03/1995
Sardi's Fancy Pants
(F) 12/29/1995
Sardi's Last Tango In Paris
Sardi's the Blue Max
(M) 04/09/1996
Am CH Daneboa's Great Uproar
(M) 06/08/1995
WP64473904; Black

Daneboa's Gran Victor
; Harlequin
Daneboa's One Man Band
(M) 02/02/1998
Daneboa's Victoria del Rio
WP85068101; Harlequin
Bmw LR Vittorio V. Daneboa
(M) 03/31/2001
WR02348801; Harlequin
Daneboa's Gregory
(M) 04/15/2002
WS01053401; Harlequin
Daneboa's I Have A Dream
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869812; Black
Daneboa's Miss Emma
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869804; Harlequin
Daneboa's Mr President
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869815; Harlequin
Daneboa's Portrait In Black
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869816; Black / White
Daneboa's Storm Alert
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869802; Harlequin
Darkhorse's Lonesome Dove
(F) 08/18/2005
RQ053267; Black
Can Ch Karador's Classic Design
(M) 12/18/1998
HY560611; Black
Can Ch Karador's High Fashion
HY560614; Black
Can Ch Karador's Style And Grace
(F) 12/18/1998
Y560612; Black
Laurs Alluring Alana
(F) 06/24/1999
WP92671601; Black
Laurs Amazing Amaya
(F) 06/24/1999
WP92671602; Black
Laurs Sky Scraper
(M) 06/24/1999
WP92671603; Black
Mercedes SSS
(F) 10/30/1998
WP91112608; Black
Abbastans Sushi
WS01555201; Harlequin
Am CH Sir Cricket Abbastan
(M) 02/02/2005
WS12578104; Harlequin
Zeke's Great Uproar
; Harlequin
Daneboa's Heidi
(F) 11/19/1992
WP45109008; Harlequin
Daneboa's Rachmaninoff
(M) 12/22/1996
WP75119401; Harlequin
Daneboa's Tuff E Nuff
() 03/04/1996
Mercedes SSS
(F) 10/30/1998
WP91112608; Black
Abbastans Sushi
WS01555201; Harlequin
Am CH Sir Cricket Abbastan
(M) 02/02/2005
WS12578104; Harlequin
Paladin's Kate SSS
(F) 03/04/1996
WP71822703; Harlequin
Southern Snow SSS
WP978228/01; White
Zeke's Great Uproar
; Harlequin
Daneboa's In Black and White
(F) 12/06/1993
Daneboa's One Man Band
(M) 02/02/1998
CH Daneboa's King Cole
(M) 11/19/1992
Daneboa's Lucky Charm
(F) 11/29/1993
WP53124503; Fawn
Am CH Trikes Fanci
(F) 08/10/1996
Am CH Trike's Why You Little . . .
(M) 03/19/1997
WP76797301; Fawn
Daneboa's The Bostonian
(M) 06/23/1993
WP49410901; Black / White
Daneboa's Good Golly Ms Molly
(F) 08/10/1995
WP64340202; Black / White
Daneboa's Winning Ways
(F) 07/09/1993
Hadji's Harley Dakota
(M) 06/25/1997
West Wind Skye's The Limit
(F) 06/25/1997
West Wind The Gamblin' Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's My Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's The Only Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's Winning Ways
() 06/25/1997
Westwind's The Wrangler Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Haye Daneboas Wildflower
(F) 06/08/1995
WP64473902; Black
Daneboa's Alana of Elrid
(F) 05/25/1997
Arf's Tiffany of Elrid
(F) 05/09/2000
WP97513709; Harlequin
Elrid's Lady Mina
; Harlequin
Am CH Elrid's Quintessential Prinz
(M) 04/23/1999
WP92538702; Harlequin
Daneboa's Annabelle Lee
(F) 05/25/1997
Triplecrest Officer And A Gentleman
(M) 08/21/2002
Am CH Daneboa's Mark of Excellence
(M) 05/25/1997
WP79462801; Harlequin
Amazona Missoni
(M) 05/12/2003
WS04626406; Harlequin
JPL's Emerald Jewel
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626407; Mantle
Am CH Jpl's Simulation Simone
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626409; Harlequin
Daneboa's Nathaniel
(M) 05/25/1997
WP79462803 / FCA/8568; Harlequin
CH Daneboa's Work of Excellence
Haye-Daneboas Evening Mystic
(F) 06/08/1995
Pmb's Bubblin' Crude V Trike
(M) 05/11/1996
WP72301801; Black
Rynds Jackboot Jodi Girl
(F) 09/11/1995
WP65942205; Harlequin
Sardi Daneboa Pillow Talk
(F) 11/14/1994
Int & Fin Ch Sardi How to Marry a Millionaire
FIN29965/00; Harlequin
Sardi Maximum Overdrive
() 05/19/2000
WP97256803; Mantle
Sardi Wyndans See No Evil
Sardi's A Piece of the Action
; Black/White
Sardi's Architect's Show Boat
(M) 05/19/2000
WP97356802; Harlequin
Sardi's Paris When It Sizzles
(F) 05/19/2000
WP97256801; Harlequin
Sfa Slap Jack Bulldozer
(M) 09/11/1995
Daneboa's Black Magic II
(F) 09/09/1990
BMW Jack J
(M) 03/22/1993
Am CH BMW Joydane's Classic Thunder
(F) 03/16/1996
BMW Summer Symphony J
(F) 03/16/1996
Daneboa BMW Bewitched
(F) 01/24/1992
BMW Merlin
(M) 11/12/1993
De Las Costas Frida Kahlo
(F) 03/13/1995
BMW Renegade
(M) 11/12/1993
Nabala's BMW BAK's Bewitched
(F) 11/12/1993
Sardi's BMW Victor Victoria
(F) 11/12/1993
Sardi's the Blue Max
(M) 04/09/1996
Daneboa's Bold Impact
(M) 08/26/1989
WG489922; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Brandon
WG485802; Fawn
Daneboa's Legacy
(F) 01/30/1992
WP40463502; Fawn
Cave Creek's Against All Odds
(F) 05/20/1997
Am CH Cave Creek's Morning Star
Cave Creek's Tyler's Chance
(M) 05/20/1997
Am, Fin, Swd, Dan &est Ch Daneboa's Sun of Owlwatch
WP57449905; Fawn

Fantelli's Precious Louise
(F) 07/11/2001
WR03498304; Fawn
Helisain Fuga V Graff
; Fawn
Helisain Ladykiller
FIN40953/98; Fawn
Helisain Lapponia
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40952/98; Fawn
CH Helisain Leda of Wynkarn
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40949/98; Fawn
Helisain Leona
Jecamo Sparklnwater Owlwatch
(F) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Firewater of Owlwatch
(M) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Sparkln Water Owlwatch
; Fawn
Owlwatch Dance With the Sun
(F) 05/20/1997
BISS Ch Owlwatch Fire at Dawn
(M) 07/27/1994
WP57449902; Fawn

Owlwatch Spring To the Front
Am CH Owlwatch The Glory of Spring
WP70977003; Fawn
CH Daneboa's Legal Tender
Daneboa's T-Time
(F) 01/30/1992
Winchime's Puttin on the Ritz
(F) 12/17/1994
Daneboa's Tracy Lacey
(F) 01/30/1992
CH Owlwatch Makin' Waves
(M) 01/28/1992
Aurora's Sudden Impact
(M) 05/20/1991
Daneboa's Jason v Laureal
(M) 12/15/1990
Daneboa's Back In Time
(M) 11/14/1999
WP95370003; Fawn
Daneboa's Special Edition
(F) 11/14/1999
WP95370002; Fawn
Am CH Trike's Why You Little . . .
(M) 03/19/1997
WP76797301; Fawn
CH Zanadane's Just Give It A Try
(M) 05/18/1993
Zanadane's Moonlighting
(F) 05/18/1993
WP50115009; Fawn
Zandane's Moonlighting
(F) 05/18/1993
Daneboa's Josie V Laureal
(F) 12/15/1990
WP32440102; Fawn
Gypsy Danes Princess Jasmine
(F) 08/23/1994
WP58083104; Fawn
Gypsydane's Carmel Candy
(F) 08/23/1994
CH Gypsydane's Cinnamon Girl
(F) 02/23/1993
Gypsydane's Princess Mecca
(F) 01/26/1994
CH Gypsydanes Carmella
(F) 02/23/1993
WP47049804; Fawn
Gypsydanes Myrah
(F) 02/23/1993
WP47049803; Fawn
Gypsydanes Pockets
(F) 02/23/1993
Gypsydanes Sammi Louise
(F) 01/26/1994
CH Don-Lu's Better Than Ever
(F) 05/30/1994
Don-Lu's Branded By Daneboa
(M) 05/30/1994
Don-Lu's Delorean
(F) 12/25/1995
WP69208203; Brindle
Don-Lu's Doin' It Right
(M) 12/25/1995
CH Don-Lu's Bristol Fashion
(F) 05/30/1994
Daneboa's Keepsake v Laureal
(F) 07/19/1991
WP36114001; Fawn
Daneboa's Black Satin
(F) 11/29/1993
WP53124502; Black
Daneboa California Dreamin'
Am CH Daneboa's Chm of The Board
(M) 02/04/1999
WP92257601; Harlequin
Bmw LR Custom Maid Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356606; Mantle
Bmw LR Maid of Sugar Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356603; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Ain't No Edsel
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704606; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Like A Rock
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704602; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR No Boundries
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704601; Harlequin
Bmw LR the Best Never Rest
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704603; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Tonka Tuff
(M) 04/09/2002
WS00704605; Mantle
Am CH Bmwlr Brerdane Hurricane Harbor
(M) 07/08/2005
WS13741601; Mantle
Am CH Bmw LR Maid to Show Daneboa
(F) 05/07/2000
WP97356604; Harlequin
Bmw LR Mickey Mantle
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457803; Mantle
Bmw LR Cymbal's Melody
(F) 08/18/2002
WR07364401; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Vicki Lynn
(F) 12/01/2007
WS24247701; Harlequin
Bmw Vg A Shot of Ouzo Dl
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367406; Black
BMW VG A Splash of Ouzo
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367415; Mantle
Bmw Vg Bane Thomas Valerius
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367414; Black
BMW VG Be Dazzled By Me
; Mantle
Bmw Vg Bosley
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367413; Merle
Bmw Vg Eleanor of Aquitaine
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529205; Harlequin
BMW VG My Amazing Grace LR
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529210; Harlequin
Bmw Vg Ouzo's Be Dazzled By Me
(F) 10/11/2012
WS42367409; Mantle
Bmw Vg Ouzo's Chasing A Dream Grand Master Ace
(M) 10/11/2012
Bmw Vg Ouzos Piece of The Rock
() 10/11/2012
BMW VG Reflections of Ouzo
(F) 10/11/2012
WS42367402; Black / White
Bmw Vg Return To Ouzo Dl
() 10/11/2012
WS42367407; Black / White
Bmw Vg Sadie Love
(F) 10/11/2012
Bmw Vg Taken By Storm
(M) 09/04/2011
Bmw Vg Total Eclipse of The Moon
() 09/04/2011
WS38529208; Mantle
Bmwvg Raise Your Class A Ouzo
(M) 10/11/2012
Victorian's Bmw LR Lost Love
(F) 09/04/2011
WS38529207; Harlequin
Victoriann's Bmw Circle of Life
(M) 10/11/2012
WS42367405; Harlequin
Bmw LR Miss Vicki Marie
(F) 12/01/2007
WS24247703; Mantle
Bmw LR Karma's a Bitch CGC RN
(F) 09/28/2010
WS35426004; Mantle
Bmw LR Mark of Ouzo
(M) 10/10/2009
WS31768201; Harlequin
Am CH Mac's Double Shot of Ouzo
(M) 10/10/2009
WS31768203; Mantle
Bmw LR Old Black Magic
(M) 05/01/2001
WR02457801; Black
Bmw LR Dora the Explorer
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041402; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Magic Sprinkles
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04041401; Harlequin
Bmw LR Vittorio V. Daneboa
(M) 03/31/2001
WR02348801; Harlequin
BMWLR-Liebhunde Spirit N The Sky
Breken Unclaimed
(F) 07/13/2014
WS49286102; White
BMWLR-Liebhunde Walk The Line
(M) 06/19/2007
WS22475005; Harlequin
Liebhunde's Miss Babe Routh
(F) 05/03/2013
Daneboa's Conqueror
(M) 05/07/2000
WP97356602; Harlequin
Daneboa's Zachary
(M) 06/03/2002
WR06790001; Harlequin
TJH Touch O Class V Trplcrst
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226803; Mantle
Triplecrest Macedonian Conqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
WS04226801; Harlequin
Am CH Triplecrest Sweet Sensation
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226802; Harlequin
Trplcrst Macedonian Cnqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Diamond Lil
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372601; Harlequin
Am CH Bmw LR Miss Lolita Ya Ya
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372603; Harlequin
Bmw LR Miss Notoriety
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372602; Harlequin
BMW Miss Amazing Grace
(F) 04/01/2002
WR06372604; Harlequin
Daneboa's Gregory
(M) 04/15/2002
WS01053401; Harlequin
Daneboa's I Have A Dream
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869812; Black
Daneboa's Miss Emma
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869804; Harlequin
Daneboa's Mr President
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869815; Harlequin
Daneboa's Portrait In Black
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869816; Black / White
Daneboa's Storm Alert
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869802; Harlequin
Four D's May the Fourth Be With You
(F) 05/04/2017
WS57094601; Mantle
Emperion Divine Providence V Chanoz
(M) 07/21/2014
WS47872202; Harlequin
Notoriety's Chief Executive PCD BN RI BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA
(M) 07/06/2014
WS48226801 / ERN18000303; Mantle
Notoriety's the Dignitary
(M) 07/06/2014
PaintedMds Chauffeured Mercedes
(F) 10/04/2001
WR04326603; Mantle
PaintedMds Cristal Blue Persuasion
(F) 10/04/2001
WR04326605; Harlequin
Triplecrest Officer And A Gentleman
(M) 08/21/2002
Daneboa's Divine Inspiration
WP92257603; Harlequin
TJH Touch O Class V Trplcrst
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226803; Mantle
Triplecrest Macedonian Conqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
WS04226801; Harlequin
Am CH Triplecrest Sweet Sensation
(F) 02/09/2003
WS04226802; Harlequin
Trplcrst Macedonian Cnqueror
(M) 02/09/2003
Daneboa's Energizer
WP92257602; Harlequin
Daneboa's Zachary
(M) 06/03/2002
WR06790001; Harlequin
Zignature's God of Sky And Thunder
(M) 08/19/2017
WS62824901; Harlequin
Daneboa's Short Stuff
Am CH Daneboa's Stormi Reign
(F) 06/25/1997
WP79799005; Harlequin

Helwig's Payton
Am CH Daneboa's Great Uproar
(M) 06/08/1995
WP64473904; Black

Daneboa's Gran Victor
; Harlequin
Daneboa's One Man Band
(M) 02/02/1998
Daneboa's Victoria del Rio
WP85068101; Harlequin
Bmw LR Vittorio V. Daneboa
(M) 03/31/2001
WR02348801; Harlequin
Daneboa's Gregory
(M) 04/15/2002
WS01053401; Harlequin
Daneboa's I Have A Dream
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869812; Black
Daneboa's Miss Emma
(F) 04/18/2003
WS04869804; Harlequin
Daneboa's Mr President
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869815; Harlequin
Daneboa's Portrait In Black
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869816; Black / White
Daneboa's Storm Alert
(M) 04/18/2003
WS04869802; Harlequin
Darkhorse's Lonesome Dove
(F) 08/18/2005
RQ053267; Black
Can Ch Karador's Classic Design
(M) 12/18/1998
HY560611; Black
Can Ch Karador's High Fashion
HY560614; Black
Can Ch Karador's Style And Grace
(F) 12/18/1998
Y560612; Black
Laurs Alluring Alana
(F) 06/24/1999
WP92671601; Black
Laurs Amazing Amaya
(F) 06/24/1999
WP92671602; Black
Laurs Sky Scraper
(M) 06/24/1999
WP92671603; Black
Mercedes SSS
(F) 10/30/1998
WP91112608; Black
Abbastans Sushi
WS01555201; Harlequin
Am CH Sir Cricket Abbastan
(M) 02/02/2005
WS12578104; Harlequin
Zeke's Great Uproar
; Harlequin
Daneboa's Lucky Charm
(F) 11/29/1993
WP53124503; Fawn
Am CH Trikes Fanci
(F) 08/10/1996
Am CH Trike's Why You Little . . .
(M) 03/19/1997
WP76797301; Fawn
Haye Daneboas Wildflower
(F) 06/08/1995
WP64473902; Black
Daneboa's Alana of Elrid
(F) 05/25/1997
Arf's Tiffany of Elrid
(F) 05/09/2000
WP97513709; Harlequin
Elrid's Lady Mina
; Harlequin
Am CH Elrid's Quintessential Prinz
(M) 04/23/1999
WP92538702; Harlequin
Daneboa's Annabelle Lee
(F) 05/25/1997
Triplecrest Officer And A Gentleman
(M) 08/21/2002
Am CH Daneboa's Mark of Excellence
(M) 05/25/1997
WP79462801; Harlequin
Amazona Missoni
(M) 05/12/2003
WS04626406; Harlequin
JPL's Emerald Jewel
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626407; Mantle
Am CH Jpl's Simulation Simone
(F) 05/12/2003
WS04626409; Harlequin
Daneboa's Nathaniel
(M) 05/25/1997
WP79462803 / FCA/8568; Harlequin
CH Daneboa's Work of Excellence
Haye-Daneboas Evening Mystic
(F) 06/08/1995
Daneboa's Legacy
(F) 01/30/1992
WP40463502; Fawn
Cave Creek's Against All Odds
(F) 05/20/1997
Am CH Cave Creek's Morning Star
Cave Creek's Tyler's Chance
(M) 05/20/1997
Am, Fin, Swd, Dan &est Ch Daneboa's Sun of Owlwatch
WP57449905; Fawn

Fantelli's Precious Louise
(F) 07/11/2001
WR03498304; Fawn
Helisain Fuga V Graff
; Fawn
Helisain Ladykiller
FIN40953/98; Fawn
Helisain Lapponia
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40952/98; Fawn
CH Helisain Leda of Wynkarn
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40949/98; Fawn
Helisain Leona
Jecamo Sparklnwater Owlwatch
(F) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Firewater of Owlwatch
(M) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Sparkln Water Owlwatch
; Fawn
Owlwatch Dance With the Sun
(F) 05/20/1997
BISS Ch Owlwatch Fire at Dawn
(M) 07/27/1994
WP57449902; Fawn

Owlwatch Spring To the Front
Am CH Owlwatch The Glory of Spring
WP70977003; Fawn
CH Daneboa's Legal Tender
Daneboa's T-Time
(F) 01/30/1992
Winchime's Puttin on the Ritz
(F) 12/17/1994
Daneboa's Tracy Lacey
(F) 01/30/1992
Am CH Daneboa's What a Gal
(F) 08/26/1989
WG485801; Fawn
Daneboa's Bo Jangles
(M) 07/09/1993
Daneboa's Winning Ways
(F) 07/09/1993
Hadji's Harley Dakota
(M) 06/25/1997
West Wind Skye's The Limit
(F) 06/25/1997
West Wind The Gamblin' Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's My Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's The Only Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's Winning Ways
() 06/25/1997
Westwind's The Wrangler Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Am CH Meadowood's Blitz Und Donner
(M) 07/27/1986
WF886874; Fawn
Meadowood's Burnt Biscuit
Meadowood's Golden Bear
(M) 05/16/1990
Millcreek's Son of A Bee