River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
BISS Am Ch Misty Valley's Heir Apparent
(M) 01/22/1986
WF843589; Fawn
COI: 17.29%
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Aljamar's Colby of Sherwood
(F) 04/27/1988
Aljamar's Forever Summer
(F) 04/27/1988
Am CH Aljamar's Rudolph Valentino
Anre's Annie Adkins
(F) 08/31/1992
Am CH Anre's Bogart Bear Adkins
(M) 07/03/1995
WP64627902; Fawn
Anre's Keota Adkins
(F) 07/03/1995
Anre's Show Stopper
(M) 07/03/1995
Anre's the Bear's Fact V Adkins
(F) 07/03/1995
Am CH Anre's Duchess of Houston
(F) 12/26/1999
WP95384705; Fawn

Am CH Houston First Lady of Anre
(F) 02/19/2003
; Fawn
Anre's Bello Guido
(M) 04/25/2005
Anre's Chief Executive Officer
(M) 04/25/2005
Anre's Marie Antoinette
(F) 04/25/2005
Houston's Cache' Noir Le Danois
(M) 07/23/2005
WS16108603; Fawn
Houston's Fancyfree Femme Fatale
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356509; Fawn
Farren's Fancy Tristan Svf
(M) 08/05/2005
Summit View G I Jane
(F) 08/05/2005
Summit View Life of the Party
(F) 08/05/2005
Summit View Lord of the Jungle
(M) 08/05/2005
Summit View Stand By Me
(M) 01/30/2006
WS16859101; Fawn
Houston's First Lady of Anre
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356510; Fawn
Houston's Just A Flirt
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356508; Fawn
Am CH Summit View Just Call Me
(F) 07/25/2004
WS09782801; Fawn
Am GCh Summit View Kiss And Tell
(F) 05/24/2011
Am CH Summit View Picture Perfect
(M) 07/25/2004
Summit View Reflections
Summit View Samantha
(F) 03/24/2005
WS12753701; Fawn
Summit View Sandra Kay
(F) 11/30/2008
Summit View Smooches Gracias of Anre
(F) 01/25/2007
Am CH Summit View Smooth Sailing
(F) 01/25/2007
WS21728104; Fawn
Summit View Sweetheart
(F) 03/24/2005
Summitview Lookout Gotta Have It My Way
(M) 01/25/2007
Summitview's Gotta Have It My Way
(M) 01/25/2007
WS21728102; Fawn
Houston's Majestic Lady
(F) 06/03/2004
Houston's Mojo Magic
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356505; Fawn
Am CH Houston's Ray of Sunshine
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356501; Fawn
Houston's Much Ado About Daisy
(F) 09/17/2007
WS23455007; Fawn
Am CH Houston's Ready To Rumble
(M) 10/05/2008
Houston's She's All That Jazz
(F) 09/17/2007
WS23455001; Fawn
Houston's Thundering Avatar
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356506; Fawn
Houstons Delicate Sound V Thundr
(F) 06/03/2004
Kundinika's 1st Fall Leaf
; Fawn
Exquisite's Black is Back
WS22715406; Black
Kundinikas Son of Karma
(M) 04/28/2007
WS22715408; Fawn
Am CH Lookout Houston That's My Cowboy
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356504; Fawn
Lookout's Circle of Life
(M) 08/28/2007
Lookout's Heaven Can Wait
(F) 02/21/2007
Lookout's Kuda
(F) 02/24/2006
Am CH Lookout's Made For Me
(F) 02/24/2006
WS16846501; Fawn
Lookout's Spectaclular Save
(M) 02/21/2007
WS21548802; Fawn
Anre's As You Like It
(M) 12/07/1990
Char-Mats Hydane Stella Dallas
; Fawn
Char-Mats No Kin To Clinton
(F) 01/26/1995
Char-Mats One And Only
(M) 05/31/1999
Char-Mats Fire And Ice
(F) 05/13/2001
Char-Mats Four Alarm Fire
(M) 05/13/2001
Char-Mats St Elmo's Fire
(M) 05/13/2001
Char-Mats Wizard of Oz
(M) 07/28/1994
Miss Tess II
SaintGermain's Catalina
WR02248205; Brindle
Sagebrush Tatanka
(M) 07/02/1996
Am CH Anre's Desiree
(F) 10/07/1992
Anre's Apocalypse of Deco
(M) 04/21/1996
Anre's From Ragz To Riches
(M) 04/21/1996
Anre's Million Dollar Baby
(F) 05/16/1997
Anre's One In A Million
(F) 05/16/1997
Am CH Anre's Iago of Astro
(M) 12/07/1990
WP32595210; Fawn
Char-Mats Astro's Callaway
; Fawn
Char-Mats V Anre A Cut Above
(F) 10/01/1994
Anre's Leonardo
(M) 03/05/1994
Anre's Lord Willoughby
(M) 12/07/1990
AnRe's Ma Cherie Amour
(F) 03/05/1994
Anre's Magic Moment V Adkins
(F) 10/26/1997
Anre's Schantillidos Jarisch
(F) 10/26/1997
WP81788705; Fawn
AnRe's Under My Spell
(M) 10/26/1997
WP81788702; Fawn
Anre's Witchy Woman
(F) 10/26/1997
Anre's Midsummer Night's Dream
(F) 12/07/1990
Char-Mats Neon Moon
(M) 10/01/1993
Char-Mats Straight Talk
(F) 10/01/1993
Miss Tess II
SaintGermain's Catalina
WR02248205; Brindle
Sagebrush Tatanka
(M) 07/02/1996
Am CH Char-Mats Traces Golden Boy CGC
WP50914805; Fawn
Char-Mats Working Man
(M) 10/01/1993
WP50914806; Fawn
Char-Mats Into Gold V Geilow
(F) 11/29/1994
Anre's Payton
(F) 08/31/1992
Anre's Millicent Guinn
(F) 03/22/1996
Anre's Sugar Plum
(F) 02/14/1997
WP76577707; Fawn
Anre's Satin Doll
Anre's Spirit of St. Nick
Am CH Anre's Starr of Midland
(F) 08/28/1993
WP50717508; Fawn
CH Char-Mats Alex Ragz Timegirl
(F) 03/06/1998
Char-Mats Fire And Ice
(F) 05/13/2001
Char-Mats Four Alarm Fire
(M) 05/13/2001
Char-Mats St Elmo's Fire
(M) 05/13/2001
Am CH Char-Mats Destined by Ragz
(F) 03/06/1998
WP84354602; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi New Kid N Town Zarlin
(M) 08/19/2002
WR07146609; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi One of Thsnights ZRLN
(F) 08/19/2002
WR07146607; Fawn
Kaviroz Carved In Stone
(F) 04/03/2006
WS17543202; Fawn
Am CH Kaviroz Code of Excellence
(M) 04/03/2006
WS17543201; Fawn
Kaviroz Diamond in the Rough
(F) 06/24/2009
WS31168501; Fawn
Am GCh Kaviroz Expression of Eminence V Bwk AOE
(F) 11/13/2011
WS39046106; Fawn
Am GCh Kaviroz First In Excellence
(M) 11/13/2011
WS39046101; Brindle
Am & Int Ch Ace-Hi Takeit To TH LMT Zarlin
(F) 08/19/2002
WR07146603; Fawn
Ace-Hi Love To Watch Her Strut
(F) 07/01/2005
Ace-Hi Onthe Edge V Oakarsdesign
(M) 07/01/2005
WS13925906; Fawn
Oakarsdesign Daisy Living on the Edge at Asans
(F) 06/01/2008
Oakarsdesign I'll Be A Thorn In Your Side at Asa
(M) 06/01/2008
Am CH Ace-Hi Turn the Page V Kaviroz
(F) 07/01/2005
WS13925904; Fawn
Kaviroz Diamond in the Rough
(F) 06/24/2009
WS31168501; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi Zarlin's Still the Same
(M) 07/01/2005
WS13925903; Fawn
Deer Run & Otter Ponds Sierra Lolita
(F) 05/16/2009
WS30742204; Fawn
Deer Run's Ace-Hi Gift of Gab
(F) 05/16/2009
WS30742204; Fawn
Deer Run's Creekside Piper
(F) 05/16/2009
WS30742205; Fawn
Deer Run's Creekside Tebow
(M) 05/16/2009
WS30742206; Fawn
Deerrun's Creekside Sunfrost
(M) 05/16/2009
WS30742206; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi's Like A Rock
(M) 07/01/2005
WS13925907; Fawn
Am CH Vall's Argentina A Chevy
(M) 05/13/2014
WS48172201; Fawn
Ace-Hi's Love To Watch Her Strut
; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi's You'll Accompany Me
(F) 07/01/2005
WS13925905; Fawn
Ace-Hi's You Ain'T Seen Nothin' Yet
(F) 12/12/2008
WS28631701; Fawn
Am CH Ace-Hi Witchy Woman V Zarlin
(F) 08/19/2002
WR07146601; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Ace-Hi's Tequilasunrise ZRLN
(F) 08/19/2002
WR07146608; Fawn
Ace-High's Master of Dreams
; Fawn
Char-Mats Ragz A-D Annie
(F) 03/06/1998
WP84354606; Fawn
Char-Mats Ragz Time Boy
(M) 01/24/1997
Am CH Char-Mats Ragz To Riches
(M) 01/24/1997
WP75749902; Fawn
Wolke's Blaze of Glory IV Dun Roman
(M) 07/26/1998
WP86422803; Brindle
Wolke's Destination Unknown
(F) 06/26/1998
WP86422806; Brindle
Wolke's Here Comes The Sun
(F) 07/26/1998
Wolke's Majestic Treasure
(F) 07/26/1998
WP86422805; Brindle
Am CH Wolke Shufaa She's Got The Look
(F) 01/23/2002
WR05826001; Fawn
Am CH Wolke Shufaa's No Doubt
(F) 01/23/2002
WR05826003; Brindle
Wolke's Freeze Frame
(F) 11/15/2004
WS12187501; Fawn
Wolke's Jgd Incandescent Dayla
(F) 11/17/2004
Wolke's Palladium Print
(M) 11/07/2004
WS12187507; Fawn
Wolke's Over the Rainbo IV Dun Romn
(F) 07/26/1998
WP86422806; Brindle
Wolke's Somthin To Talk About
(F) 07/26/1998
WP86422801; Brindle
Int & Am Ch Wolke's Unforgettable
(F) 07/26/1998
WP86422809; Fawn

Am CH Wolke XXIV K Goldcharm Donbar
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378407; Fawn
Wolke's Cookin' The Books
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378406; Fawn
Wolke's Gold Standard V Pask
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378403; Fawn
Am CH Wolke's Hot Commodity v Pask
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378402; Fawn
Wolke's Monopoly on The Market
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378404; Fawn
Am CH Wolke's Power Play v Pask
(M) 06/23/2001
Char-Mats Ragz-A-Muffin
; Fawn
I'skytrouble's Angelica
N06828/99; Fawn
I'skytrouble's Dream of My Life
N09252/02; Fawn
Danes of Broen's Alpen Rondo
N06625/04; Fawn
I'Skytrouble's Importentgirl
(F) 12/10/2003
; Black
I'skytrouble's Berzerk-caro
N09658/00; Fawn
Emotions In Motion
22906/03; Fawn
Highesteem I'll Show You
(F) 05/01/2006
N10325/06; Fawn
Am CH Char-Mats Ragztime Harmony
(F) 03/06/1998
WP84354605; Fawn

Wolke's Apparently An Heiress
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595502; Fawn
Wolke's Crown Jewel
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595508; Fawn
Int & Nat Ch Wolke's Crowning Glory CGC
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595501; Fawn
Fall Hollow's As You Like It V Britusa
(F) 04/06/2008
WS26325503; Fawn
Fall Hollow's Beyond The Trend V Cheshire
(M) 04/06/2008
WS26325501; Black
Fall Hollow's Coat of Arms V Britusa
(M) 11/25/2008
WS29371502; Fawn
Fall Hollow's Glory-ously Tailored Storm
(M) 11/25/2008
WS29371501; Black
Magic's Blacktie Aleczander
Wolke Shufaa Song
(M) 09/10/2006
Wolke Shufaa's Eternal Flame
(F) 09/10/2006
Shufaa's Dark Side of The Moon
(M) 11/01/2011
WS39146509; Fawn
Shufaa's Don't Stop Believin
(M) 11/01/2011
WS39146507; Fawn
Shufaa's Give Me All Your Lov'n
(F) 11/01/2011
WS39146501; Fawn
Shufaa's Heart And Soul
(F) 11/01/2011
Shufaa's Summer Breeze V Steelrose
(F) 11/01/2011
Wolke Shufaa's Fun Fun Fun
(F) 09/10/2006
Wolke Shufaa's Ruby Tuesday
(F) 09/10/2006
WS19069602; Fawn
Wolke Shufaa's Simply the Best
(M) 09/10/2006
Wolke's Dutches of York
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595506; Fawn
Wolke's American Gladiator
(M) 09/10/2005
Wolke's Final Answer
(M) 09/10/2005
Wolke's Queen of Hearts
(F) 02/21/2006
Wolke's You Bet Your Life
(M) 09/10/2005
WS14631407; Fawn
Wolke's Royal Sceptre
(M) 10/13/2000
WR07595507; Fawn
Am CH Wolke's A King's Ransom
(M) 10/02/2000
Am CH Wolke Shufaa She's Got The Look
(F) 01/23/2002
WR05826001; Fawn
Am CH Wolke Shufaa's No Doubt
(F) 01/23/2002
WR05826003; Brindle
Wolke's Freeze Frame
(F) 11/15/2004
WS12187501; Fawn
Wolke's Jgd Incandescent Dayla
(F) 11/17/2004
Wolke's Palladium Print
(M) 11/07/2004
WS12187507; Fawn
Am CH Wolke's Just Joey
(M) 10/02/2000
WP99240303; Fawn
Am CH Cosmic Maitau's Star Status
(M) 06/25/2006
WS18096003; Fawn
Cosmic Maitaus Samson Sans Delilah
(M) 06/25/2006
WS18096007; Fawn
Cosmic's Cover Girl Brinkley
(F) 06/25/2006
WS18096008; Fawn
Cosmics Raising Caine
(M) 06/25/2006
WS18096005; Fawn
Cosmics Sine's King Titan
(M) 06/25/2006
WS18096004; Fawn
Jgd Dreamer's King Drako
WS17245301; Fawn
JGD Chantilly Laci
(F) 12/21/2013
WS46777404; Fawn
Jgd Daisy Has Her Dukes On
(F) 12/21/2013
Nat & Int Ch Jgd the Rocket's Red Glare
Rosendane's Totally Blonde
(F) 11/06/2005
WS15057706; Fawn
Yamrb Gustav von Sugar Hill
(M) 06/11/2008
WS26796704; Fawn
Am CH Wolke's King's Ransom
Heritage Jp Rd Devil Or Angel
Int & Am Ch Wolke's Winsome Gilham ROM
(F) 10/02/2000
WP99240202; Fawn

Am CH Gilham Hudson's Fade To Black
(F) 03/25/2005
WS12854303; Black
Gilham Rocon Midnight Special
(F) 03/25/2005
WS12854309; Black
Am CH Gilham Wolke Run'n The Gamut
(M) 10/30/2003
WS06262702; Fawn
Wolke's Queen of Hearts
(F) 02/21/2006
Am CH Lampe Eleanor's Sweet Honey Lager
(F) 01/30/2007
WS20507407; Fawn
Lampe's Prima Mia
(F) 01/30/2007
WS20507404; Brindle
Wolke's Freeze Frame
(F) 11/15/2004
WS12187501; Fawn
Wolke's Jgd Incandescent Dayla
(F) 11/17/2004
Wolke's Palladium Print
(M) 11/07/2004
WS12187507; Fawn
Gilham's Action JaxZen
(M) 03/25/2005
WS12854308; Fawn
Am CH Gilham's Darktown Strutter CGC
(M) 03/25/2005
WS12854301; Black
Gilham Caughtcha Lookin' V Highgates
(F) 05/20/2008
WS26346901; Fawn
Gilham Patterson Limited Edition
(M) 05/20/2008
WS26346902; Fawn
Am CH Gilham's Ebony Queene
(F) 03/25/2005
WS12854306; Black
Am GChB C & L's Queene Lily O' The Valley
(F) 03/20/2008
WS26282801; Black
Am CH C&L's Downtown Brown
(M) 03/20/2008
WS26282804; Black
C&L's Princess Leila V Jv
(F) 03/20/2008
WS26282803; Black
Gilham's Fool Me Once
(F) 04/01/2006
WS17411902; Black
Dark Heaven's It Was Written In The Stars By L.D
(F) 07/09/2012
Gilham v Kareenas Phoenix Rising
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960109; Black
Am GCh Gilham's Boogie Woogie Piano Man
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960105; Black
Gilham's November Rain
(F) 11/30/2009
WS32960101; Black
Gilham's The Big Easy
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960102; Black
Jecamo's Skyy v Gilham
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960106; Fawn
Literary Dane's Where's Waldo.
(M) 07/09/2012
Am CH Gilham's Holly Golightly
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262701; Fawn
Gilham Caughtcha Lookin' V Highgates
(F) 05/20/2008
WS26346901; Fawn
Gilham Patterson Limited Edition
(M) 05/20/2008
WS26346902; Fawn
Am CH Gilham's I'Ll Remember April
(F) 04/01/2006
WS17411901; Fawn
Int Ch Gilham's JDG Mystic in Motion
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262704; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Gilham's Run For The Roses
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262703; Fawn
Yamrb Gustav von Sugar Hill
(M) 06/11/2008
WS26796704; Fawn
Colras Who Dat? V 2j
(M) 03/23/2010
Am GCh Yamrb Icon Boys Nite Out V Dimnd Star
(M) 06/19/2007
WS22465305; Fawn
Yamrb's Come Fly With Me on A Harley D.
(F) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's I DID It My Way AOM
(F) 06/19/2007
Am CH Yamrb's the Best Is Yet To Come
(M) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's This Lady is a Tramp
(F) 06/19/2007
Jecamo & Gilham Korbel Brut
(M) 03/25/2005
WS12854307; Black
Am CH Jecamo Gilham Last Call
(M) 04/01/2006
WS17411903; Fawn
Jecamo's Rose v Gilham
(M) 03/25/2005
WS12854302; Fawn
Anre's Tago of Astro
Anre's Wellington's Baron I
(M) 08/28/1993
Am CH Anre's Bogart Bear Adkins
(M) 07/03/1995
WP64627902; Fawn
Anre's Keota Adkins
(F) 07/03/1995
Anre's Magic Moment V Adkins
(F) 10/26/1997
Anre's Millicent Guinn
(F) 03/22/1996
Anre's Schantillidos Jarisch
(F) 10/26/1997
WP81788705; Fawn
Anre's Show Stopper
(M) 07/03/1995
Anre's Sugar Plum
(F) 02/14/1997
WP76577707; Fawn
Anre's the Bear's Fact V Adkins
(F) 07/03/1995
Am CH Anre's Duchess of Houston
(F) 12/26/1999
WP95384705; Fawn

Am CH Houston First Lady of Anre
(F) 02/19/2003
; Fawn
Anre's Bello Guido
(M) 04/25/2005
Anre's Chief Executive Officer
(M) 04/25/2005
Anre's Marie Antoinette
(F) 04/25/2005
Houston's Cache' Noir Le Danois
(M) 07/23/2005
WS16108603; Fawn
Houston's Fancyfree Femme Fatale
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356509; Fawn
Farren's Fancy Tristan Svf
(M) 08/05/2005
Summit View G I Jane
(F) 08/05/2005
Summit View Life of the Party
(F) 08/05/2005
Summit View Lord of the Jungle
(M) 08/05/2005
Summit View Stand By Me
(M) 01/30/2006
WS16859101; Fawn
Houston's First Lady of Anre
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356510; Fawn
Houston's Just A Flirt
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356508; Fawn
Am CH Summit View Just Call Me
(F) 07/25/2004
WS09782801; Fawn
Am GCh Summit View Kiss And Tell
(F) 05/24/2011
Am CH Summit View Picture Perfect
(M) 07/25/2004
Summit View Reflections
Summit View Samantha
(F) 03/24/2005
WS12753701; Fawn
Summit View Sandra Kay
(F) 11/30/2008
Summit View Smooches Gracias of Anre
(F) 01/25/2007
Am CH Summit View Smooth Sailing
(F) 01/25/2007
WS21728104; Fawn
Summit View Sweetheart
(F) 03/24/2005
Summitview Lookout Gotta Have It My Way
(M) 01/25/2007
Summitview's Gotta Have It My Way
(M) 01/25/2007
WS21728102; Fawn
Houston's Majestic Lady
(F) 06/03/2004
Houston's Mojo Magic
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356505; Fawn
Am CH Houston's Ray of Sunshine
(F) 02/19/2003
WS03356501; Fawn
Houston's Much Ado About Daisy
(F) 09/17/2007
WS23455007; Fawn
Am CH Houston's Ready To Rumble
(M) 10/05/2008
Houston's She's All That Jazz
(F) 09/17/2007
WS23455001; Fawn
Houston's Thundering Avatar
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356506; Fawn
Houstons Delicate Sound V Thundr
(F) 06/03/2004
Kundinika's 1st Fall Leaf
; Fawn
Exquisite's Black is Back
WS22715406; Black
Kundinikas Son of Karma
(M) 04/28/2007
WS22715408; Fawn
Am CH Lookout Houston That's My Cowboy
(M) 02/19/2003
WS03356504; Fawn
Lookout's Circle of Life
(M) 08/28/2007
Lookout's Heaven Can Wait
(F) 02/21/2007
Lookout's Kuda
(F) 02/24/2006
Am CH Lookout's Made For Me
(F) 02/24/2006
WS16846501; Fawn
Lookout's Spectaclular Save
(M) 02/21/2007
WS21548802; Fawn
AnRe's Under My Spell
(M) 10/26/1997
WP81788702; Fawn
Anre's Witchy Woman
(F) 10/26/1997
Char-Mats Pretty Woman V Anre
Char-Mats Something In Red
(F) 04/22/1992
Char-Mats Into Gold V Geilow
(F) 11/29/1994
Char-Mats Willow In The Wind
(F) 04/22/1992
Char-Mats Astro's Callaway
; Fawn
Char-Mats V Anre A Cut Above
(F) 10/01/1994
As Cleopatra
WP32780001; Fawn
Vixen With Grace
(F) 05/26/1995
WP66586809; Fawn
Christel's Choice
WP96320103; Fawn
Nobles Kodiak King Thunder
(M) 04/10/2003
WS03705404; Fawn
Noblek's Bring Back The Magic
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454607; Fawn
Rokadanes Noblek Bella Mia
(F) 06/10/2007
WS22640504; Fawn
Rokadanes Zamboni
(M) 06/10/2007
WS22640502; Brindle
Rokadanes Ziegfeld
(M) 06/10/2007
WS22640501; Brindle
Rokadanes Zsa Zsa
(F) 06/10/2007
WS22640503; Fawn
Noblek's Who's The Blonde Straner
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454608; Fawn
Nobleks Hey Hey Good Lookin
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454603; Fawn
Nobleks High Dollar Mover
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454604; Brindle
The Dragonslayer
(M) 06/05/2001
WR03470003; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Brandywine
(F) 05/28/2003
; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Crimson Jewel
(F) 05/28/2003
WS04158610; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Dina
(F) 06/15/2005
; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Rough Boy
(M) 05/28/2003
; Brindle
MyLady's Dress to M Press
(F) 04/22/2009
WS30286705; Fawn
Ruby Glens Damsel of Two Ponds
(F) 11/21/2005
WS15596702; Brindle
Jake In The Box
WP96320104; Fawn
Cavender's Cayman Island Dream
(F) 09/28/2001
WR04489207; Fawn
Noblek Peanut Butter Conspiracy
(F) 04/02/2005
WS12982001; Fawn
Noblek Ruger O' Northwind
(M) 09/29/2004
WS10281501; Brindle
Northwind The Boy Is Back In Town
(M) 02/27/2006
WS16806505; Brindle
NobleK's Don't Stop the Carnival
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275303; Brindle
NobleK's FU Money Talks BS Walks
(M) 04/02/2005
WS12982007; Fawn
Can Ch NobleK's Lady I Can't Explain
(F) 10/23/2005
WS14895204; Fawn
NobleKs Great Expectations
(F) 09/29/2004
WS10281505; Fawn
Nobles Lovely Maiden Lucious
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275302; Brindle
M & M's Mac Daddy
WR05287809; Fawn
Casey's Cain
WS06095606; Brindle
Casey's Nash
WS13791201; Brindle
Heavenly Quincey James
WS06372509; Fawn
Lokey's Olive Juice
WS24669509; Fawn
M & M's Booyah Boy
(M) 09/29/2007
M & M's Trickster of Waterdance
(M) 09/22/2012
As Magnum A I
; Brindle
As Sport Illustrated
WP44503303; Fawn
Vixen With Grace
(F) 05/26/1995
WP66586809; Fawn
Christel's Choice
WP96320103; Fawn
Nobles Kodiak King Thunder
(M) 04/10/2003
WS03705404; Fawn
Noblek's Bring Back The Magic
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454607; Fawn
Noblek's Who's The Blonde Straner
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454608; Fawn
Nobleks Hey Hey Good Lookin
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454603; Fawn
Nobleks High Dollar Mover
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454604; Brindle
The Dragonslayer
(M) 06/05/2001
WR03470003; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Brandywine
(F) 05/28/2003
; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Crimson Jewel
(F) 05/28/2003
WS04158610; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Rough Boy
(M) 05/28/2003
; Brindle
MyLady's Dress to M Press
(F) 04/22/2009
WS30286705; Fawn
Ruby Glens Damsel of Two Ponds
(F) 11/21/2005
WS15596702; Brindle
Jake In The Box
WP96320104; Fawn
Cavender's Cayman Island Dream
(F) 09/28/2001
WR04489207; Fawn
Noblek Peanut Butter Conspiracy
(F) 04/02/2005
WS12982001; Fawn
Noblek Ruger O' Northwind
(M) 09/29/2004
WS10281501; Brindle
NobleK's Don't Stop the Carnival
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275303; Brindle
NobleK's FU Money Talks BS Walks
(M) 04/02/2005
WS12982007; Fawn
Can Ch NobleK's Lady I Can't Explain
(F) 10/23/2005
WS14895204; Fawn
NobleKs Great Expectations
(F) 09/29/2004
WS10281505; Fawn
Nobles Lovely Maiden Lucious
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275302; Brindle
M & M's Mac Daddy
WR05287809; Fawn
Casey's Cain
WS06095606; Brindle
Heavenly Quincey James
WS06372509; Fawn
M & M's Booyah Boy
(M) 09/29/2007
As Deacon of Fawn Grove
(M) 01/22/1994
Am CH Barban Daiquiri v Glynnadane
Misty Valley Barban Candy
(F) 01/30/1988
Misty Valley Peach Parfait
Am CH Misty Valley's Joint Venture
WP44307604; Brindle
Ariel's Legal Tender
(M) 09/23/1995
Misty Valley's Kabuki
(F) 04/27/1993
WP48508606; Fawn
Misty Valley Lad V Foghollow
(M) 06/05/1996
Misty Valley's Levi S.
(M) 06/05/1996
Am CH Misty Valley's Liliuokalani
(F) 06/05/1996
WP70817801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Misty Valley's Logical Choice
(M) 06/05/1996
WP70817803; Fawn

Melnyk's Definitive Logic
(M) 01/18/2003
WS03328901; Fawn
Melnyk's Double Take
(M) 01/18/2003
Melnyk's Dramatic Impact
(M) 01/18/2003
WS03328904; Fawn
Melnyk's Misty Valley Diva
(F) 01/18/2003
WS03328903; Fawn
Misty Valley's Konfetti
; Fawn
Misty Valley's Kopper Koin
(F) 04/27/1993
Am CH Misty Valley's Peach Parfait
(F) 03/21/2004
WS08331803; Fawn
Misty Valley's Portfolio
(M) 03/21/2004
WS08331802; Fawn
Misty Valley's Private Stock
(M) 03/21/2004
WS08331805; Fawn
Misty Valley's Probable Cause
(M) 03/21/2004
WS08331801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Owlwatch Heir Ways
(M) 06/03/2000
WP98458303; Fawn

BISS Am Ch Creekside-Bayside Just Tina ROM HOF
(F) 07/20/2003
WS06329902; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Bayside Just A Gentleman
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752901; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Kuster's Athena
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198302; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Vztop's Hillside Just A Diva
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198304; Fawn
Vztop's Hillside Just A Ladies Man
(M) 04/24/2014
WS47198305; Fawn
Am GCh Vztop's Hillside Just Another Scandelous Affair
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198303; Fawn
Vztop Hillside Beholders Eye Envy of the Gods
(F) 09/22/2018
WS63042805; Fawn
Vztop Hillside I Feel the Need For Speed
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042803; Fawn
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just A Tease V Skylardanes
(F) 09/22/2018
WS63042808; Fawn
MBIS NSBIS MBISS MRBIS GChP AM CH Vztop Hillside Just Another Southern Gentleman AOM HOF
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042802; Fawn
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just Apollo's Warrior
(M) 09/22/2018
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just Sentry of Valhalla
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042806; Fawn
Am GChS Vztop's Hillside Sweet Child O' Mine AOM
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042801; Fawn
Am CH Vztophillside Beau
(M) 04/24/2014
Am GCh Bayside Just Another Day In Paradise CGC AOM
(M) 02/24/2008
Affaire's Adventurous Gypsy
(F) 07/02/2011
Affaire's Cruising For Adventure
(F) 07/02/2011
WS37834101; Fawn
Am CH B and K Black DIamond Let's Play Ball
(M) 10/05/2010
Am GCh B And K I'M Here For The Party In Paradise
(F) 04/11/2012
Am CH B & K Paradise St Declan Stone V Harmony
(M) 03/14/2018
B And K Paradise Classic Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
WS60415403; Fawn
B&K Venus De Milo V Harmon
(F) 02/03/2023
B&K's Drama
(F) 02/03/2023
WS79988201; Fawn
BISS Am GChG, Can GCh & Int Ch B And K Paradise El Patron AOM
(M) 06/09/2016
WS53898608 / ERN17000525; Fawn
B And K Paradise High Voltage
(M) 02/02/2015
Am CH B And K Paradise Party On AOM
(F) 02/02/2015
Dazy Danes Walking on Sunshine
(F) 07/09/2018
B And K Paradise Pixie Dust
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898607; Brindle
Am CH B & K Claire & Present Danger
(F) 07/20/2019
WS65394009; Fawn
B & K Quintessential Never Ending Story
(M) 07/20/2019
WS65394006; Brindle
Am GCh B&K This Girl Is On Fire
(F) 07/20/2019
WS65394001; Fawn
B And K Paradise Playing With Magic
(F) 02/02/2015
B And K Party With the Wild Irish V Paradise
(F) 03/14/2018
Paradise B&K It's Celebration Time
(M) 02/02/2015
Paradise B&k Luck of the Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
Am GCh Paradise B&K Tis A Bit of Blarney
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898610; Fawn
Am CH B And K Just Another Dane In Paradise
(M) 04/11/2012
B And K Madison
(F) 10/05/2010
Am CH B And K Rookie of The Year
(F) 10/05/2010
Bloomgren B And K Million Dollar Baby
(M) 09/27/2014
Am GCh B And K Sean's Grand Slam V. Paradise
(M) 10/05/2010
B and K The Closer
(F) 01/05/2010
B And K's Double Eagle V Lo Nevada
(M) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Hard Candy of B & K
(F) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Material Girl of B And K
(F) 04/21/2011
WS38287107; Fawn
Lo Nevada's Mr. Right of B And K
(M) 04/21/2011
WS38287105; Fawn
Voyager DayStar Tender Mercies
(F) 05/15/2012
WS41045502; Fawn
Am CH DayStar Rosewood's Standing In The Son
(M) 11/28/2017
WS59253804; Fawn
Daystar Voyager Command Patsy Takes The Cake
(F) 11/28/2017
WS59253801; Fawn
DayStar Voyager Command Soul on Fire
(M) 11/28/2017
WS59253807; Brindle
Daystar's More Than A Conqueror
(M) 11/28/2017
WS59253802; Brindle
Daystar's Rio In Vegas
(M) 11/28/2017
WS59253808; Brindle
Voyager Daystar Valley Girl
(F) 05/15/2012
Voyager's A Star Is Born For Carla
(F) 05/15/2012
Am GCh Voyagers Return of the Jedi!
(M) 05/15/2012
WS41045504; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just And True
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854707; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just the Way You Are
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854703; Fawn

Am GCh Bayside's Just Because I Can
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854708; Fawn
Bayside's Just Call me Mister
(M) 02/26/2009
WS29668904; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Just Daddys Little Girl
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854701; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside's Just Dana
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854706; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Back To Georgia V Mirabell
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088006; Fawn
Mirabell's No Strings Attached
(F) 09/09/2015
Am & Can Ch Bayside's Best Bet
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088001 / 1127397; Fawn
Can GCh & Am Ch Paquestone's Intense Rush CGN RATI VGD VDX SJATD
(M) 04/08/2015
CG604030 / WS51727501; Brindle
Can, Int & Nat Ch Royal Jazz Blue Devil
(M) 06/01/2017
DK10308/2017 / 1136602; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Golden Boy
(M) 02/06/2012
Bayside's Golden Girl
(F) 02/06/2012
Indian Ch Bayside's Just in Time v Makario
() 02/07/2007
Am CH Bayside's Just Look at Me Now
(F) 02/24/2008
Am CH Bayside's Just My Luck
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752907; Fawn
Bayside's Just Out For A Good Time
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752906; Fawn
Am CH Bayside One Accord at Owlwatch
(F) 06/29/2011
WS38412207; Fawn
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Accord's Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657505; Fawn
Accord's Joy of My Life
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657501; Fawn
Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657502; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Just Wicked DMD RN
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752903; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest Bayside Your Still the One AOM
(F) 05/28/2011
Sunquests Boomer at Kappadane
(M) 07/23/2017
WS58354502; Fawn
Am GChS Sunquest Rocks at Sunstrike CGC
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989803; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest's Amtrak Zephyr All Adored
(M) 05/28/2011
WS37989805; Fawn
Am GChB Sunquest's More of A Good Thing
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989801; Brindle
Am CH Sunquest Bayside Jess One More Tsun Rise
(F) 07/12/2017
WS58191501; Brindle
Sunquest Iba Tsun of A Gun
(M) 07/12/2017
WS58191503; Brindle
Sunquest Jess Driving Me Wyld
(M) 07/12/2017
WS58191505; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest Jess One More Time
(F) 07/12/2017
WS58191502; Fawn
Sunquest's Not Just A Pretty Face
(F) 05/28/2011
Am CH Bayside-Creekside Justone Look
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752905; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Just A Touch of Class
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668906; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Just Daisy
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668905; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Creekside Bayside Just Mystyle
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752902; Fawn
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Creekside I'm Too Sexy For My Clothes
(F) 12/22/2008
WS29461301; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Crekside I'll Take Romance
(F) 07/04/2013
Mcemn's-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
Am CH McEmn Hauer N Glacier's What's N Style
(F) 03/27/2017
WS57015904; Fawn
McEmn's Eliza's Henry Higgins
(F) 03/27/2017
McEmn's the Dancing Queen
(F) 02/13/2016
WS52826401; Brindle
(F) 03/27/2017
McEmn's Wonder Woman
(F) 03/27/2017
WS57015901; Fawn
Am CH McEmn-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
McEmn's Ryan's Blitz
(M) 02/13/2016
McEmn's Soul Sister
(F) 03/27/2017
WS57015904; Brindle
McEmn's Stormy Weather
(F) 02/13/2016
McEmn-Crekside's Walking In Memphis
(M) 07/04/2013
WS44415501; Fawn
Crekside Styker of Vidane
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320703; Fawn
Vidane's Annie Get Your Gun
Vidane's Joy to Ride
Abalone's Vidane's Dolly Dancer
Abalone's Born to Win
(M) 04/10/2015
; Fawn
Vidane Fabulous Starivy
(F) 05/07/2012
; Fawn
Creksidelast Tango In Paris
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320701; Brindle
Creksides Come Fly With Me
(M) 12/20/2003
WS07222603; Fawn

Apollo Russell
() 02/19/2005
Caeruleus Shipwrecked Tyrant
(M) 04/27/2007
WS22277701; Black

Creekside's Bad To the Bone
(F) 02/05/2005
Creekside's Too Loose Lautrec
(M) 05/07/2006
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Crekside North By Northwest
(F) 02/05/2005
Am CH Crekside's To Catch A Thief
(F) 02/05/2005
Creksides Born To Be Bad
() 02/05/2005
Creksides I'M No Angel Thunder
() 02/05/2005
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer
(F) 04/20/2008
Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome
(F) 08/14/2007
Am CH Dar-Lins Midnight Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618803; Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618802; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584004; Fawn
Am GCh Shalako It's All About Me V Regent
(F) 11/18/2009
Am CH Shalako N Olympian Universal Harmony
(M) 05/12/2012
WS41304201; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584003; Fawn
Shalako's Angel of the Morning
(F) 11/18/2009
WS32584002; Fawn
Am GCh Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576903; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Augustus McCrae Tx Ranger
(M) 07/23/2015
Am CH Southern Star Dar-Lin's C-W-O-5
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star Easterly's Rock N Roll Presley
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327401; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Freya Rules In Asgard
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551304; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Gen P G T Beauregard
(M) 05/10/2012
Am GCh Southern Star Gen Stonewall Jackson AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
Am GCh Southern Star New Orleans Lady
(F) 05/10/2012
Am GChP Southern Star Norse God Odin at Valhalla
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551301; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Vztop Hillside Beholders Eye Envy of the Gods
(F) 09/22/2018
WS63042805; Fawn
Vztop Hillside I Feel the Need For Speed
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042803; Fawn
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just A Tease V Skylardanes
(F) 09/22/2018
WS63042808; Fawn
MBIS NSBIS MBISS MRBIS GChP AM CH Vztop Hillside Just Another Southern Gentleman AOM HOF
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042802; Fawn
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just Apollo's Warrior
(M) 09/22/2018
Am CH Vztop Hillside Just Sentry of Valhalla
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042806; Fawn
Am GChS Vztop's Hillside Sweet Child O' Mine AOM
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042801; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Southern Star Valkyries Choose The Victor
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551303; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Viking Shield Maiden Ilsa
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551302; Fawn
Southern Star Viking Viggo the Loki at Lmgd
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551305; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star Yellow Rose of Texas
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327404; Fawn
Am GChP Southern Star's Darvon of the Desert AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
WS35327412; Fawn
Southern Star's Norco of Troon North
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star's Sophia Von Raseac
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327402; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star's Texas Rose
(F) 05/10/2012
WS40837406; Fawn
Am GChG Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt
(M) 04/24/2008
WS27576905; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Crekside I'll Take Romance
(F) 07/04/2013
Mcemn's-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
Am CH McEmn-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
McEmn-Crekside's Walking In Memphis
(M) 07/04/2013
WS44415501; Fawn
Deer Run's Boo Delicious
(F) 08/20/2012
WS42187108; Fawn
Deerrun Boo Brumel V Sarum
WS51375501; Fawn
Am GCh Deerrun's Echo Ln No Doubt About It
(M) 10/28/2011
Am CH Echolane's Alacazar Alacazam
(M) 08/07/2013
Am CH Echolane's Glitz & Glamour
(F) 08/07/2013
Echolane-Deerrun's Beyond Imagination
(F) 03/09/2010
WS33691506; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Gale Force Wind
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714906; Fawn
Am GCh & Can Ch Laurado's Wind Chill
(F) 07/16/2014
WS48087201 / ERN15000370; Fawn
Laurado's Windswept
(F) 07/16/2014
WS48087202; Fawn
Laurado's Great Blue Norther
(M) 07/07/2010
WS34714901; Fawn
Laurado's Storm Warning
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714905; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576901; Fawn
Am GCh Pegasus Grabbin The Bull By The Horns V Tts
(M) 08/27/2012
WS42302801; Black
Am GChB Big Paws N EB Always Bet On Black
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777701; Black
Big Paws N EB at Last
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777707; Black
Am CH Big Paws N Eb Chosen Jewel
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777708; Black
Am GCh Big Paws N EB Fawn Is The New Black
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777705; Fawn
Big Paws N Eb Neelydanes Fifty Shades of Hauerda
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777711; Fawn
Am CH Big Paws N Eb Night Shade Remember When Von Brun
(M) 10/27/2014
Am GCh Big Paws N Eb Off Da Chain
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777703; Black
Big Paws N EB Queen of Hearts
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777702; Black
Black Gold Go Your Own Way
(M) 02/28/2019
Black Gold N Von Bruno's Black Friday Special
(F) 02/28/2019
WS64291602; Black
Black Gold Tupinamba
(M) 02/28/2019
WS64291609; Black
Blackgold Million Dollar Cowboy
(M) 02/28/2019
WS64291607; Black
Am GCh Colras Drr I'M Gonna Whoopass AOM
(M) 02/22/2018
WS60632901; Black
Hauerdane's Dark Horse V Pegasus
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777706; Black
Am CH Pegasus Black Tie Affair
(M) 07/30/2015
Pegasus I Got Plenty To Say@Memore
(F) 09/11/2022
Pegasus Life's A Beach @ Barwise
(F) 09/11/2022
Pegasus Murder She Wrote
(F) 09/11/2022
Pegasus Notorious B.I.G. @ Doce-Eck
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000504; Fawn
Pegasus Run Wild, Live Free
(M) 02/15/2022
WS75789002; Fawn
Pegasus Takin Care of Business
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000505; Black
Pegasus Talk To Me Goose
(M) 09/11/2022
WS78459301; Black
Pink Star's Limited Edition Sole Mate CGC
(F) 08/17/2017
WS58722501; Harlequin
Am CH Rivendell's Lil Miss Firecracker@ YamRB
(F) 07/04/2015
WS50734604; Fawn
Rivendell's Mr. Indy-Pendence Dayne
(M) 07/04/2015
WS50734602; Fawn
Am GCh Pegasus Rising Outta the Shadows
(F) 08/27/2012
Am CH Pegasus Tts Let The Good Times Roll
(M) 04/14/2013
WS45290101; Fawn
PGS TTS Steppin Outta The Shadow
(F) 03/25/2010
WS34812201; Fawn
Dar-Lyns Pipe Dreams
() 02/19/2005
Am CH Echolane Creekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Am CH Echoln Crekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Sequoyah's Amazing Grace Willobend
(F) 06/09/2007
WS22336504; Fawn
Sequoyah's Cherohala
(F) 06/09/2007
Sequoyah's I Taw A Putty Tat V. Hglnd
(F) 06/09/2007
Am CH Creksides Fantasy of Flight
(M) 12/20/2003
Creekside Cavecrksstolenkisses
(F) 07/09/2005
Sarum Rocky Mountain High
(M) 06/12/2006
WS18288802; Fawn
Sarum My Mona of Castlerea
(F) 03/31/2009
WS29678404; Brindle
Castlerea's Martha Speaks
WS36471101; Brindle
Castlerea's Celtic Moon
WS41870901; Brindle
Sarum Rm Magnum
(M) 10/02/2010
WS36471102; Brindle
Am CH Creksides Stcar Named Desire
(F) 07/05/2004
WS10320704; Fawn
Bayside's Fine Cohiba Cigar v Bragg
(F) 03/07/2009
; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Lady Heather
(F) 03/07/2009
WS29662701; Fawn
Bayside's Time After Time
(F) 10/13/2014
WS48670401; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's My Cousin Vinny
(M) 03/07/2009
WS29662705; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Can GCh Striders Bona Fide Wishmaster
(M) 06/14/2014
BL570523 / WS54774101; Fawn
Striders BF Gaia V Mystic Mist
; Fawn
Striders Bf Kaleena V Drogheda
(F) 04/25/2017
WS59103202; Fawn
Am Ch & Can GCh Striders Leinenstone Kalanimcr
(F) 04/25/2017
EG713284 / WS59103201; Fawn
Forge Valleys Golden Touch
(M) 06/25/2004
WS09118706; Fawn
Am CH Forge Valley Shania V Sequoyah
(F) 03/26/2007
WS21834108; Fawn
(F) 03/26/2007
WS21834103; Fawn
Chaudry's Mercedes of Corbin
WS27572908; Fawn
Chaudry's Chelsea of Crobin
(F) 07/24/2010
WS34724401; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Gina's Summer Knight Heir
(F) 12/22/2002
WS02669304; Fawn
Gina's Jag Flyn In the Heir
(M) 09/23/2004
Am CH Lucy's I Will
(M) 06/25/2004
WS09118701; Fawn
Am CH Good Time Charley
(M) 02/17/2017
WS56540301; Fawn
Lucy's Reason To Believe
(M) 08/20/2009
Shakti N Lucy's Sir Blaise Pascal
(M) 02/17/2017
WS56540303; Fawn
Lucy's Let It Be
(M) 06/25/2004
WS09118702; Brindle
Misty Valley Quid Pro Quo V Jsun
(M) 06/11/2006
WS17836902; Fawn
Am CH Misty Valley's Quid Pro Quo
(M) 06/11/2006
; Fawn
Am CH Misty Valley's Quinta Sential
(F) 06/11/2006
WS17836904; Fawn
Am CH Misty Valley's Quotation
(M) 06/11/2006
WS17836903; Fawn
Misty Valy Quite A Quest V Jsun
(M) 06/11/2006
Msty Valy Quid Pro Quo V Jsun
(M) 06/11/2006
Msty Valy Quite A Quest V Jsun
(M) 06/11/2006
Rebel's Absolutely Cupid
(F) 02/14/2005
Rebel's Argus Odysseus CD BN RE THD
(M) 02/08/2009
WS29490304; Black
Am CH Remo's Tropical Storm Gustov
(M) 06/03/2002
Owlwatch Majestic Heir
(M) 06/05/2000
WP98458305; Fawn

Am CH Owlwatch Sun See An Heir
(M) 06/05/2000
WP98458301; Fawn
Am CH Ariel Bishop's Investment CGC CD RN
(F) 06/02/2003
WS04538103; Fawn
Ariel Danebridge Money Talks
(F) 06/02/2003
Am CH Ariel's Fort Knox V Owlwatch
(M) 06/02/2003
Am CH Ariel's Lira Black Owlwatch
(F) 06/02/2003
WS04538105; Fawn
Am CH Owlwatch An Obsidian Summer
(F) 06/21/2007
Owlwatch Summer Heir V Ariel
(M) 06/21/2007
WS22640103; Brindle
Swd Ch Owlwatch Summer In Sweden
(M) 06/21/2007
WS22640105; Fawn

Am GChG Crowbay's Wind in the USA AOM NJP CAX CGCA
(F) 06/21/2009
WS33353001; Fawn
Neet's All U Need is Luv n Chocolate
(F) 02/07/2013
WS43877405; Brindle
Olympian Neet's Red White & Bloop
(F) 07/04/2017
WS57504403; Brindle
Olympian's Neet Big Ben
(M) 07/04/2017
WS57504407; Fawn
Olympian's Neet Mr Hamilton
(M) 07/04/2017
WS57504406; Fawn
Olympian's Neet Revolution for IndependenceV Lak
(M) 07/04/2017
WS57504405; Brindle
Olympian's Neet Star Spangled Buddy
(M) 07/04/2017
WS57504406; Fawn
Can Ch Olympian's Neet Stars & Stripes RN
(F) 07/04/2017
WS57504402 / 1139238; Brindle
Am CH Olympian's Neet Victory CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA
(F) 07/04/2017
WS57504401; Fawn
BISS Am GChG Olympian-Neet N RkyCrk's Freedoms Rebel Mo Cridh
(M) 07/04/2017
WS57504404; Brindle
Am CH Neet's Aristocat
(F) 11/26/2013
WS45670404; Fawn
(M) 12/20/2017
WS60181401; Brindle
Neet's BigKat He's No Simba
(M) 12/20/2017
WS60181402; Brindle
Neet's Bigkat Savanna Dream
(F) 12/20/2017
WS60181403; Fawn
Neet's California Adventure For Crowbay
(M) 11/26/2013
Am CH Neet's For the Love of Thor
(M) 02/07/2013
WS43877403; Brindle
Am GCh Neet's Grand Californian
(M) 11/26/2013
WS45670402; Fawn
Neet's Jungle Cruise
(M) 11/26/2013
Am CH Neet's Prince Charming
(M) 02/07/2013
WS43877402; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Princess Bride
(F) 02/07/2013
WS43877406; Brindle
Neet's Don't Laugh at Me
(M) 05/24/2016
WS53632704; Fawn
Neet's Laugh Out Loud
(F) 05/24/2016
WS53632701; Fawn
Neet's Laughter Is the Best Medicine
(M) 05/24/2016
Am CH Neet's Make Me Laugh
(M) 05/24/2016
WS53638702; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Tomorrowland
(M) 11/26/2013
WS45670401; Fawn
Divine Acres Back Rivers New Dream Girl
(F) 04/07/2016
WS53536405; Fawn
Divine Acres Enjoy The View at Regent
(F) 04/07/2016
WS5356301; Fawn
Can Ch Divine Acres Phoenix Rising
(M) 04/07/2016
WS53563002 / 1133965; Fawn
Am CH Divine Acres The Headliner
(M) 04/07/2016
WS53563003; Fawn
Am GCh Divine Acres The Royal Guard
(M) 05/08/2016
WS53536403; Fawn
(M) 04/02/2016
WS53956706; Brindle
CH Neet's Baby I'm All About The Golden Rule CGCA TKN
(F) 04/02/2016
WS53956701; Brindle
Am CH Neet's Baby I'm The One
(M) 04/02/2016
WS53956707; Brindle
Am GCh Neet's Baby Talk CA
(F) 04/02/2016
WS53956703; Brindle
Neet's Bossa Nova Baby
(M) 04/02/2016
WS53956708; Fawn
Am & Can GCh Neet's California Baby
(F) 04/02/2016
WS53956704 / ERN17000047; Fawn
Am GChG Neet's Don't Call Me Baby AOM
(F) 04/02/2016
WS53956705; Fawn
Neet's Pretty Baby
(F) 04/02/2016
WS53956702; Brindle
Neet's Welcome to the Magic
(M) 11/26/2013
WS45670409; Brindle
Neet's What a Vision
() 11/26/2013
(M) 02/07/2013
WS43877401; Fawn
Am CH ArborHills Big Boss Man
(M) 01/12/2016
WS52710704; Fawn
Am GCh ArborHills Dream with a V8 Engine
(F) 01/12/2016
WS52710701; Fawn
Am GCh ArborHills High Heel Sneakers
(F) 01/12/2016
WS52710703; Fawn
MBISS Am GChP ArborHills Hunk A Burning Love AOM
(M) 01/12/2016
WS52710706; Fawn
Am CH ArborHills Overnight Sensation
(F) 01/12/2016
WS52710705; Fawn
ArborHills Rising Sun
(F) 01/12/2016
WS52710702; Fawn
Am CH C&D Neet's Bold As Love
(M) 05/10/2015
WS51575902; Fawn
Am CH C&D Neet's The Zephyr Song
(M) 05/10/2015
WS51575901; Fawn
Am CH C&D Neet's Travelin Man
(M) 05/10/2015
WS51575903; Fawn
Am CH Danekraafts Neet Tilt-A-Whirl FDC CGC TKN CAA BCAT RATN
(F) 10/31/2016
WS56456401; Fawn
Danekraafts Neet Whirlybird
(M) 10/31/2016
WS56456402; Fawn
Am GCh Danekraafts Up In A Whirl
(F) 10/31/2016
WS56456403; Fawn
Am GCh Danekraafts Whirl Effect V Den-En
(M) 10/31/2016
WS56456404; Fawn
Divine Acres Deputy Dawg
(M) 01/13/2015
WS52881401; Fawn
Divine Acres I'll Take Romance V Kativa
(F) 01/13/2016
WS52881405; Fawn
Am GCh Golden Rule & Neet Batten Down the Hatches FDC BCAT DNA CGCA CGCU TKA VHMA
(F) 11/17/2019
WS66881501; Fawn
Am CH Golden Rule & Neet If Music Could Talk BCAT
(F) 03/22/2021
WS72469601; Brindle
Am CH Golden Rule & Neet Seas the Day
(M) 11/17/2019
WS66881504; Fawn
Golden Rule's Neet Banshee Breeze V Adelaide
(M) 08/27/2019
WS66171102; Fawn
Golden Rule's Neet Whirlaway
(M) 08/27/2019
WS66171101; Fawn
Kissme's You Got Some Splainin To Do
() 06/23/2018
WS61318401; Fawn
Am GCh MoonRiver's After All This Time
(F) 04/17/2016
WS53723206; Brindle
Am GCh MoonRiver's Chances And Choices
(M) 04/17/2016
WS53723201; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Confederate Rebel V Easterly
(M) 04/17/2016
WS53723205; Fawn
MoonRiver's Serqet at Stargate
(F) 04/17/2016
WS53723202; Fawn
MBISS BISOH Am GChB Can Ch MoonRiver's The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter RN CA DCAT ACT2 SCN SIN SBN TKP
(F) 04/17/2016
WS53723203 / ERN17000670; Brindle
Am GCh MoonRiver's Where The Heart Is V Turbo
(F) 04/17/2016
WS53723204; Fawn
Am GCh Neet's Heart of Glass FDC CAX BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN
(F) 10/07/2015
WS51586201; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart of the City
(M) 10/07/2015
WS51586203; Fawn
Am CH Neet's Heart of Zen
(M) 10/07/2015
WS51586202; Fawn
Neet's Wish Upon A Star For Crowbay
(F) 11/26/2013
Am CH Neet's World of Color
(F) 11/26/2013
WS45670405; Brindle
Neet's BigKat I'll Live at the Beach
(F) 06/21/2018
WS62899702; Brindle
Neet's BigKat Malibu's Most Wanted
(F) 06/21/2018
WS62899701; Brindle
Neet's BigKat Ocean Pearl
(F) 06/21/2018
WS62899703; Fawn
Neet's BigKat Resting Beach Face
(F) 06/21/2018
WS62899704; Fawn
Am GCh Neet's You Had Me at Hello v Adelaide AOM
(F) 02/07/2013
WS43877404; Brindle
RSA Ch Dane Garden's Swan The One for Me
(M) 06/18/2011
SE 45575/2011; Fawn
Danesworld Built HSV Tough
5100090748; Brindle
BISS Aust Ch Dannelsa Somethin T Talk About
(F) 01/12/2017
5100098204; Fawn
Aust Ch Dannelsa Tierhofgestromt Blitz
(M) 01/12/2017
5100098206; Brindle
Danesworld on The Catwalk
RSA Ch Danish Danehouse's Wellington
(M) 08/27/2013
DK16086/2013; Fawn
Cry For Me of Fairytale Giant
(F) 12/28/2016
SHSB 748694; Brindle
Eppwood Hamilton For Danojan
(M) 03/22/2019
Eppwood Indiana
(F) 03/22/2019
Eppwood Montgomery
(M) 03/22/2019
BISS Gaitewai a Falcon Flies of Fairmoor
(M) 06/15/2016
ZA012639B16; Fawn
Gaitewai Legally Blond
(F) 06/15/2016
ZA012641B16; Fawn
Gaitewai Tatum ONeal
(F) 06/15/2016
ZA012642B16; Brindle
Gaitewai the Huntsman of Fairmoor
(M) 02/27/2019
ZA007730B19; Fawn
Opertunity's All I Want F Christmas
Danish Danehouses Wega
; Fawn
Vom Danois Miss Moneypenny
(F) 05/18/2019
ZA011385B19; Fawn
Vom Danois the Legend
(M) 05/18/2019
ZA011386B20; Fawn
VomDanois King Arthur
(M) 07/06/2016
RSA Ch VomDanois Mae West
(F) 07/06/2016
ZA013140B16; Fawn
RSA Ch VomDanois Paddington Bear
(M) 07/06/2016
ZA013142B16; Fawn
Smalltall's Beautiful Mind
SE14932/2011; Fawn
Djurhedens Alma Af Lise
(F) 07/18/2014
SE45350/2014; Fawn
Djurhedens Aron Af Lise
(M) 07/18/2014
Ganteus Jon Snow King of The North
(M) 10/20/2016
; Fawn
Ganteus Sansa Stark of Winterfell Lomondane
Djurhedens Baltazar Af Lise
Red Rublev Indian Summer
(F) 05/23/2020
FI34760/20; Brindle
Djurhedens Bentley Af Lise
(M) 01/22/2016
SE14233/2016; Fawn
Djurhedens Birka Af Lise
(F) 01/22/2016
SE14228/2016; Fawn
Nwy & Swd Ch Smalltall's Believe In Me
; Fawn
Smalltall's Fairytale
(F) 03/07/2014
3813DC; Fawn
Smalltall's Feel Good
NO36517/14; Fawn
Smalltall's Fly Me To the Moon
(M) 03/07/2014
0774DB; Fawn
Smalltall's Forever Yours
S49604/2014; Fawn
Smalltall's Gentle Touch
(F) 02/27/2015
; Fawn
Smalltall's Good As Gold
NO37269/15; Fawn
Owlwatch Summer Love at Cave Creek
(F) 06/21/2007
WS22640104; Fawn
Ariel's PD Sterling V Owlwatch
(M) 06/02/2003
WS04538101; Fawn
Am CH Bayside One Accord at Owlwatch
(F) 06/29/2011
WS38412207; Fawn
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Accord's Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657505; Fawn
Accord's Joy of My Life
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657501; Fawn
Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657502; Fawn
Owlwatch Amelia Bedelia
(F) 08/04/2002
WS01398805; Fawn
Owlwatch Caught In Her Web
(F) 08/04/2002
WS01398801; Fawn
Owlwatch Wanna Be Like You
(M) 08/04/2002
CH S and K's Bounty Hunter
(M) 10/13/1987
Anre's Frazier
I M Hot Under the Collar
(M) 11/24/1989
Iron Mark the Eyes Have It
(F) 04/28/1995
Iron Mark Holy Alliance
(M) 05/17/1998
Iron Mark Hypnotize the Moon
(M) 05/17/1998
Am CH McGovern's Duran Duran
(M) 11/24/1989
Mcgovern's Essex of Topaz
(M) 03/16/1992
Mercer's Arizona Sunset
(M) 10/22/1993
Mercer's Essence of Honey
(F) 10/22/1993
CH Mercer's Little Yipper
(F) 10/22/1993
July's Blairmore of Lockwood
(F) 08/20/1997
July's Brinderella
(F) 08/20/1997
July's Busterly Winds
(M) 08/20/1997
July's Pharoah Davalcher
(M) 08/20/1997
July's Summer Heat In August
(F) 08/20/1997
WP80024604; Fawn
Int Ch Mercer's Poppyseed Danish
(F) 10/22/1993
Mercer's A-One Meson
(M) 06/09/1998
Mercer's Charmed Quark
() 06/09/1998
Mercer's Heavy Lepton
(M) 06/09/1998
Mercer's J-Psi Danemar
(F) 06/09/1998
Mercer's Tau Neutrino
(M) 06/09/1998
Mercer's Vector Boson
(M) 06/09/1998
Musicbox Serenade
(F) 04/02/1993
Am CH Musicbox Flash To Spring
(F) 03/20/1997
WP77168002; Fawn
Musicbox Play Misty For Me
(F) 03/20/1997
WP77168001; Fawn
CH Shannon's at the Biltmore
(M) 03/04/1989
Can Ch Modessa N Striders Shala Khan
() 11/27/1993
BW158635; Brindle
Int Ch Striders Meshach Drogheda
(M) 05/18/1996
WP75799301; Fawn
Drogheda Have Gun Wil Travel
(M) 04/19/1999
WP91937705; Brindle
Shannon's Berry More V Modessa
(M) 11/27/1993
CH Woodric's Bachmore V Modessa
(M) 11/27/1993
Dove's Pc R & D V Danemar
(M) 04/15/2000
WP97340602; Fawn
Am CH Doves Blue Rockman
(M) 04/15/2000
Doves Danemar PC Multimedia
(F) 04/15/2000
WP97340601; Brindle
Am CH Doves Danemar PC Michelangelo
(M) 01/13/2005
WS13218401; Brindle
Goldstike Lord Nike
(M) 04/02/1998
Goldstrike Hot on Your Heels
(F) 04/02/1998
Goldstrike Lady Sierra
(F) 04/02/1998
Iron Mark Holy Alliance
(M) 05/17/1998
Iron Mark Hypnotize the Moon
(M) 05/17/1998
July's Blairmore of Lockwood
(F) 08/20/1997
July's Brinderella
(F) 08/20/1997
July's Busterly Winds
(M) 08/20/1997
July's Pharoah Davalcher
(M) 08/20/1997
July's Summer Heat In August
(F) 08/20/1997
WP80024604; Fawn
Woodzric's Bachmore V Modessa
(M) 11/27/1993
Shannon's Dunnmier of Artisan CD
(M) 11/30/1989
Shannons Octania
(F) 07/10/1990
Shannon's Jack of Hearts
(M) 03/26/1994
Shannon's Simba of Pride Rock
(M) 03/26/1994
Shannons Porsha
(F) 07/10/1990
R and R's Jazz-Ma-Tazz
R and R Flam'g Oak's Make-M-Dizzy
(F) 05/22/1995
Taro's M & C's Life's A Beach
(F) 04/15/1997
Rnr's Bjorn of Sun Valley
(M) 02/27/1994
Rnr's Jetero Mystic Jazztime
(F) 07/12/1997
Rr Spotlights Ragtime Fly'n Solo
(M) 07/12/1997
RR Flmg Oak Destined to Travel
(F) 05/22/1995
WP62714901; Brindle
Sir Bently of Aljamar
(M) 04/27/1988
Brutis XXV
(M) 06/26/1993
Cassie of Valley Mist Farm
(F) 09/27/1991
Black Caesar of Riverbend
(M) 09/12/1996
Boones Domain
(M) 03/23/1996
Sir Bentley Althea
(F) 05/17/1992
Sadie Althea Safire Bentley
(F) 08/24/1997
SK Warwicks Brand-X
(F) 10/13/1987
Wolke's Apparently An Heiress
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595502; Fawn
Wolke's Crown Jewel
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595508; Fawn
Int & Nat Ch Wolke's Crowning Glory CGC
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595501; Fawn
Fall Hollow's As You Like It V Britusa
(F) 04/06/2008
WS26325503; Fawn
Fall Hollow's Beyond The Trend V Cheshire
(M) 04/06/2008
WS26325501; Black
Fall Hollow's Coat of Arms V Britusa
(M) 11/25/2008
WS29371502; Fawn
Fall Hollow's Glory-ously Tailored Storm
(M) 11/25/2008
WS29371501; Black
Magic's Blacktie Aleczander
Wolke Shufaa Song
(M) 09/10/2006
Wolke Shufaa's Eternal Flame
(F) 09/10/2006
Shufaa's Dark Side of The Moon
(M) 11/01/2011
WS39146509; Fawn
Shufaa's Don't Stop Believin
(M) 11/01/2011
WS39146507; Fawn
Shufaa's Give Me All Your Lov'n
(F) 11/01/2011
WS39146501; Fawn
Shufaa's Heart And Soul
(F) 11/01/2011
Shufaa's Summer Breeze V Steelrose
(F) 11/01/2011
Wolke Shufaa's Fun Fun Fun
(F) 09/10/2006
Wolke Shufaa's Ruby Tuesday
(F) 09/10/2006
WS19069602; Fawn
Wolke Shufaa's Simply the Best
(M) 09/10/2006
Wolke's Dutches of York
(F) 10/13/2002
WR07595506; Fawn
Wolke's American Gladiator
(M) 09/10/2005
Wolke's Final Answer
(M) 09/10/2005
Wolke's Queen of Hearts
(F) 02/21/2006
Wolke's You Bet Your Life
(M) 09/10/2005
WS14631407; Fawn
Wolke's Royal Sceptre
(M) 10/13/2000
WR07595507; Fawn