Reverse pedigree of:
Sarzec Solitaire (F) ; Fawn COI: 25.49% |
Sarzec Silbina of Masnou (F) ; Blue
Sarzec Solbina of Masnou (F) 05/28/1968 ; Blue
Masnou Sahib (M) ; Blue
Masnou Silvester (M) KC69072/709; Blue
Masnou Vamedus (M) 08/25/1973 138818/73; Black
Masnou Boutique of Baronsdale (F) ;
Baronsdale Blue Tarn (M) ;
Baronsdale Night Music (F) ;
Masnou Isoocha (M) 04/04/1979 KCD3482; Blue
Masnou Opalesque (F) 12/23/1984 SF135377/85; Blue
Masnou Sazarhea (F) ; Blue
Masnou Sazarina (F) 02/26/1981 ; Blue
Masnou Zimanda (F) ; Blue
Masnou Offhanda of Landhurst (F) ; Black
Aust Ch Masnou Ophanda of Landhurst (F) 12/15/1976 B107201C5; Black
Landhurst Belerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Landhurst Bellerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Aust Ch Landhurst Croesus (M) 11/20/1980 (C)599009; Blue
Masnou Ophazia of Wharflake (F) 12/15/1976 2038BQ;
Wharflake D'Claude of Berevale (M) 11/09/1981 ;
Wharflake Dagmar (F) 11/09/1981 ;
Wharflake Donovan (M) ; Black
Masnou Ophendi of Daliam (M) 11/03/1977 ;
Daliam Moonbeam (F) 04/11/1979 ;
Daliam Moonraker (M) 04/11/1979 ;
Tredark Tuxedo Junction (M) 08/12/1981 ;
Masnou Opherro (F) 11/03/1977 ;
Woolmers Black Panther (M) 03/11/1980 ; Black
Just Leo (M) ;
Chincoteages El Portia (F) ; Black
Glensharon Ace (M) ; Black
Glensharon Juno of Grenadier (F) ;
Grenaddier Ilza (F) 06/04/1980 ; Black
Grenadier Elza (F) ;
Mybecca Myanna of Glensharon (F) ;
Glensharon Milady of Bichero (F) ; Harlequin
Glensharon Judy (F) ; Black
Glensharon Juno of Grenadier (F) ;
Grenaddier Ilza (F) 06/04/1980 ; Black
Grenadier Elza (F) ;
Chincoteages Ettiene vom Griefenbruch (M) ;
Vom Greifenbruch Arlo (M) ;
Grenaddier Ilza (F) 06/04/1980 ; Black
Grenadier Elza (F) ;
Grenadier Aramis (M) ;
Masnou Samanda (F) ; Blue
Masnou Lord Samquill (M) 07/05/1971 1972/8729; Blue
Alquist Black Bavanti (F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Alquist Bella Cheleste (F) 07/04/1975 8416/1975; Blue
Seabright Quick Silver (M) 04/17/1979 05562-1979; Blue
NZ Ch Alquist Black Safrelle (F) 07/04/1975 8420/1975; Black
NZ Ch Lavendel Black Velvet (F) 04/24/1979 05845-1979; Black
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue (M) 05846-1979; Blue
Alquist El Sendelero (M) 07/17/1976 ; Blue
Lemara Baron Patrasche (M) ; Blue
Lemara Blue Atlantis (M) 03/06/1978 ; Blue
Lemara Blue Charm (F) 02/22/1984 ; Blue
Lemara Blue Mist (F) 02/22/1984 ; Blue
Lemara Supreme Duchess (F) 03/06/1978 (S)120588; Blue
Smokeydane Olympus (M) 03/18/1983 158121; Blue
Alquist Shah Sassenach (M) 07/04/1975 8422/1975; Blue
Solario Precipitation (M) 11006-1978; Blue
NZ Ch Alquist Sharina Jasmine (F) 07/04/1975 8415-1975; Blue
Alquist Jenita (F) 04/21/1979 05110-1979;
Alquist Sharina Jay (F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Alquist Brave Baffler (M) 09/30/1973 ;
Alquist Von Basra (M) 09/30/1973 1973/12404; Black
Blue Belle of Avellino (F) 09/30/1976 11051-1976; Blue
Chien Noir of Avelline (M) 09/30/1976 ; Black
NZ Ch Melody Belle of Avellino (F) 09/30/1976 ; Blue
Solario Silvia (F) 02878-1975; Black
Solario Aquareine (F) 11/29/1979 13401-1979; Blue
Solario Blue Dawn (F) 02/08/1981 02650-1981; Blue
Solario Blue Geyer (F) 02/08/1981 02648-1981; Blue
Solario Bluestone (F) 02649-1981; Blue
Solario Gainsborough (M) 11/29/1979 13397-1979;
Solario Precipitation (M) 11006-1978; Blue
Solario Silver Wraith (F) 13402-1979; Blue
Solario Supreme (M) 02/08/1981 02656-1981; Black
Blue Baron of Glenhelen (M) 08/16/1974 1974/12708;
Daneyre of Rathgael (F) 1973/571; Black
Daizelle of Yarrowmere (F) ; Blue
Blue Belle of Avellino (F) 09/30/1976 11051-1976; Blue
Chien Noir of Avelline (M) 09/30/1976 ; Black
NZ Ch Melody Belle of Avellino (F) 09/30/1976 ; Blue
Fabricus of Yarrowmere (M) ; Blue
Alquist Sharina Jay (F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Fleur Bleu of Yarrowmere (F) 12/16/1974 1974/16435; Blue
Bombardil of Gaelyon (M) 10/24/1980 13514-1980; Black
Boromir of Gaelyon (M) 10/24/1980 13515-1980; Black
Isengard of Gaelyon (F) 10/24/1980 13516-1980;
Sir Lancelot of Gaelyon (M) 09/05/1978 ; Blue
Daniel of Rathgael (M) 11/28/1972 1973/567;
Domonique of Rathgael (F) 11/28/1972 1973/572; Black
Dusky of Rathgael (F) 11/28/1972 1973/575;
Electra of Glenhelen (F) 02/28/1973 1973/3053;
Freyja of Glenhelen (F) 02/28/1973 1973/3054;
Hippolyte of Glenhelen (F) 02/28/1973 1973/3052;
Hyperion of Glenhelen (M) 02/28/1973 1973/3048; Blue
Blue Baron of Danesburg (M) 05/02/1975 6172/1975; Blue
Contessa of Danesburg (F) 05/02/1975 1975/6177;
Startrek of Lavendel (M) 02/26/1975 1975/2184;
Lady Dana of Longlands (F) 15623-1974;
NZ Ch Charlemagne Black Magic (M) 06/30/1977 21215-1977; Black
Sumichers Shah (M) 01/15/1979 03387-1979;
Pablo of Bordyke (M) 1973/3137; Blue
Elsinor Minka (F) 18866-1975;
NZ Ch Devil's Doom of Shah Mona (M) 02/21/1980 06275-1980; Fawn
NZ Ch Tawny Lord of Carlanth (M) 11809-1978;
Patasha of Bordyke (F) 02/07/1973 ; Black
Pendragon of Bordyke (M) 02/07/1973 1973/3130; Black
Masnou Samantha (F) KC08069; Blue
Masnou Lady Saulena (F) 165964/72; Blue
Aust Ch Masnou Spacemaster of Landhurst (M) 02/25/1974 49394/74; Blue
Landhurst Adonis (M) 11/17/1975 (C)1161C75; Blue
Aust Ch Landhurst Croesus (M) 11/20/1980 (C)599009; Blue
Landhurst Aurora (F) 11/17/1975 (C)1167/75; Blue
Landhurst Belerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Landhurst Bellerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Landhurst Blue Astarte (F) 11/17/1975 (C)1164C75; Blue
Lemara Baron Patrasche (M) ; Blue
Lemara Blue Atlantis (M) 03/06/1978 ; Blue
Lemara Supreme Duchess (F) 03/06/1978 (S)120588; Blue
Smokeydane Olympus (M) 03/18/1983 158121; Blue
Navig Blue Countess (F) (N)416225; Blue
Wisuja Blue Mist (F) 541809; Blue
Navig Blue King (M) (N)416220; Blue
Banachek Blue Banshee (F) (N)481019; Blue
Navig Blue Princess (F) (N)416224; Blue
Navig Chambrey (F) (N)503836; Blue Harlequin
Masnou Lord Saunders (M) 10/09/1972 KC95972;
Masnou Isecara (F) 06/10/1977 KCB4187; Blue
Masnou Cyco (F) ; Blue
Masnou Tomboy at Margrdan (M) 06/27/1989 ; Blue
Masnou Tuesday Girl (F) ;
Masnou Tutti Frutti (F) ; Blue
Masnou Cyman (M) SF15942R/85;
Pir-Pauken Apila (F) ;
Pir-pauken Dahlia (F) ;
Masnou Cyrhama (M) ; Blue
Masnou Alerosa (F) ;
Masnou Madame Fatima (F) 08/15/1991 ; Blue
Masnou O'Kama (M) L3512007L02; Blue
Masnou O'Katy (F) 04/10/1986 ; Black
Masnou O'Koyara of Atikacharm (F) 04/22/1987 ; Black
Natasha Leanne of Crisselka (F) ;
Masnou Isemantha (F) 06/10/1977 ; Blue
Masnou Glendorena (F) J6776802K02; Blue
Masnou Gossip (F) ;
Masnou Guardian (M) P2503606P02; Blue
Masnou Gustella (F) ;
Masnou Guildera (F) ;
Natasha Leanne of Crisselka (F) ;
Masnou Visitor (F) ;
Masnou Vapluna (F) ;
Haseborne Tri Nitro (M) 01/17/1982 G1921495?; Blue
Haseborne Whatasuprise of Ventek (F) 07/09/1981 ;
Masnou Vistabella (F) ; Blue
Jetabella at Maxelga (F) 10/08/1978 ; Black
Maxelga Baletta (F) 10/14/1983 ; Black
Maxelga Balisha (F) 06/07/1985 ; Black
Maxelga Basando (M) 06/07/1985 ; Black
Jollyabella (F) 10/08/1978 ;
Maxelga Bravado (M) 10/08/1978 ; Blue
Bardiga of Maxelga (M) ;
Bavarro of Maxelga (M) 05/22/1984 ;
Brodawel Ashley (M) ;
Brodawel Cristalle (F) ;
Crystal Blue of Ollywood (F) ; Blue
Masnou Sarahbella (F) 11/02/1969 2174BG; Blue
Masnou Saruchque (F) ; Blue
Masnou Za Za (F) ; Blue
Masnou Sazarhea (F) ; Blue
Masnou Alphonse (M) ;
Masnou Antoine (M) ; Blue
Masnou Sazarina (F) 02/26/1981 ; Blue
Masnou Doolies Only One (M) M4162901M03; Blue
Masnou Zimanda (F) ; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut (M) 04/18/1987 ; Blue
Woodelrond Canderelle (M) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Woodelrond Celeste (F) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Woodelrond Centurion (M) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Masnou Zaqualyn (F) ; Blue
Wanda Beauty (F) ;
Selena The Dazzler (F) 08/24/1982 ; Black
Masnou Silvester (M) KC69072/709; Blue
Masnou Vamedus (M) 08/25/1973 138818/73; Black
Masnou Boutique of Baronsdale (F) ;
Baronsdale Blue Tarn (M) ;
Khylee Moonshine (F) 09/21/1981 ; Blue
Steele Blue Lady (F) 10/10/1983 ; Blue
Baronsdale Night Music (F) ;
Baronsdale Moonlight Shadow (F) ;
Masnou Isoocha (M) 04/04/1979 KCD3482; Blue
Masnou Opalesque (F) 12/23/1984 SF135377/85; Blue
Grosso Cocktailos (M) SF25774/88; Blue
Masnou Sazarhea (F) ; Blue
Masnou Alphonse (M) ;
Masnou Antoine (M) ; Blue
Masnou Sazarina (F) 02/26/1981 ; Blue
Masnou Doolies Only One (M) M4162901M03; Blue
Masnou Zimanda (F) ; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut (M) 04/18/1987 ; Blue
Woodelrond Canderelle (M) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Woodelrond Celeste (F) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Woodelrond Centurion (M) 01/20/1990 ; Blue
Masnou Offhanda of Landhurst (F) ; Black
Aust Ch Masnou Ophanda of Landhurst (F) 12/15/1976 B107201C5; Black
Landhurst Belerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Landhurst Bellerophon (M) 02/25/1979 ; Black
Aust Ch Landhurst Croesus (M) 11/20/1980 (C)599009; Blue
Banachek Aja Blue (F) 03/07/1986 (N)0866579; Blue
Banachek Carrie On (F) 05/08/1986 (N)879283; Blue
Banachek Copyright (F) 03/07/1986 (N)866581; Black
Banachek Halley (M) 03/07/1986 (N)0866583; Blue
Banachek Inka (F) 03/23/1987 (N)931112;
Aust Ch Banachek Moody Blue (M) 05/08/1986 (N)879281; Blue
Banachek Top Print (M) 03/23/1987 (N)931106; Black
Masnou Ophazia of Wharflake (F) 12/15/1976 2038BQ;
Wharflake D'Claude of Berevale (M) 11/09/1981 ;
Wharflake Dagmar (F) 11/09/1981 ;
Wharflake Nasir (M) 04/24/1986 ;
Wharflake Donovan (M) ; Black
Berevale Perseus (M) 08/25/1984 ; Black
Donna of Wharflake (F) 02/21/1986 ;
Masnou Ophendi of Daliam (M) 11/03/1977 ;
Daliam Moonbeam (F) 04/11/1979 ;
Daliam Moonraker (M) 04/11/1979 ;
Tredark Tuxedo Junction (M) 08/12/1981 ;
Masnou Opherro (F) 11/03/1977 ;
Woolmers Black Panther (M) 03/11/1980 ; Black
Just Leo (M) ;
Just Floella (F) 02/14/1989 ; Black
Sarzec Soulbina of Masnou (F) ; Blue