River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Willowruns Remona Taylor
(F) 04/21/1985
WF734525; Blue
COI: 11.43%
Countryrun Jessica Lynn
(F) 05/29/1990
WP31060001; Blue
Cntryrn Baby Grnd Mastrpiece
WP48204901; Black
Dewitt's Court Weep No More
(F) 07/11/1995
WP62124304; Black
Dewitt's CRT Aussie Darkbrew
(M) 06/01/1998
WP86640402; Black
Can Ch Dewitt's Crt Unto The Wicked
(M) 06/01/1998
WP86640401 / ERN21001973; Black
Am & Can Ch Dewitt's Crt A Leagueofherown
(F) 01/02/2002
WR05861101 / ERN22002102; Black
Am CH Dewitt's Court Candle In The Wind
(F) 07/06/2006
WS18144802; Black
Dewitt's Court Dodger Blue
(M) 07/06/2006
Dewitt's Crt Speak Of The Devil
(M) 07/06/2006
WS18144801; Black
Am CH Dewittscrt Don Diego Dela Vega
(M) 07/06/2006
Omen's Dawn's Second Rising
(M) 03/23/2004
WS07824401; Harlequin
Omen's Rock My House Diva
(F) 03/23/2004
WS07824402; Blue
Dewitt's CT Wind of T'Willow
(F) 06/01/1998
Dewitts Crt Aussie Dark Brew
(M) 06/01/1998
Countryruns 'damage Inc'-Tyson
(M) 03/22/1993
Countryruns Black Rasberry
(F) 03/22/1993
Victory's Image of Countryrun
(F) 03/22/1993
WP48204903; Black
Kohinoor Ecclesiastes
(M) 07/02/1996
WP72472701; Black
Eastwds Preachn To The Choir V Kohnr
(F) 04/09/2004
WS08887702; Black
Eastwds TTYL Im Bizy V Kohnr
(F) 04/09/2004
WS08887701; Black
Eastwds And the Oscar Goes Too
(M) 11/15/2005
Eastwds Emmy Award For Grace
(F) 11/15/2005
Eastwood's 2 Bizy 2 Listen
(F) 11/17/2008
WS28690901; Black
Int CH Eastwood's Courage To Change
(F) 08/10/2006
WS18911901; Blue
Spirituals My Wish V Sharcon
(M) 01/25/2010
WS34180101; Blue
Spirituals Lady Liberty
(F) 09/04/2010
WS36532101; Blue
Eastwood's Rhythim & Blues
(M) 11/17/2008
1104851; Blue
Eastwoods A Steel Horse I Ride
(M) 11/15/2005
Eastwood's Freedom V Kohinoor
(F) 05/02/2002
WS00881701; Blue
Can Ch Eastwds Make Mine A Double V Kohnr CD RN
(M) 11/28/2004
Can Ch Adonis' U Aint Seen NothinYet CD RN
Eastwood's Majestic Midnight Merlin
(M) 01/10/2007
WS20764002; Black
Eastwood's Waiting For Agnes
(F) 04/23/2008
WS26286602; Black
Am CH Eastwoods'Abracadabra
(F) 01/10/2007
WS20764001; Blue
Eastwood N Ramac's Illegally Blonde
(F) 11/28/2009
Am CH Eastwood's All About Truth V Havemanns'
(F) 11/28/2009
WS32960802; Black
Am CH Eastwood's Sudden Impact
(M) 05/28/2009
WS30891701; Blue
Stellars C Draconis Eastwood
(M) 11/17/2005
WS15579701; Blue
Eastwood's 2 Bizy 2 Listen
(F) 11/17/2008
WS28690901; Black
Eastwood's Rhythim & Blues
(M) 11/17/2008
1104851; Blue
Eastwood's The Lady In Black
(F) 05/02/2002
WS00881709; Black
Eastwood's Adelaide V Knoor
(F) 06/06/2004
WS09794401; Blue
Kohinoor Pascal's Wager
() 11/03/2000
Am CH Kohinoor Poetry In Motion
(F) 11/03/2000
WP27472701; Blue
Kohinoor Pride And Joy
(M) 11/03/2000
WR00648402; Black
Eastwood's Adelaide V Knoor
(F) 06/06/2004
WS09794401; Blue
Kohinoor's Hallucination
(M) 03/27/1998
WP85103701; Blue
Kohinoor L Kane Lilliputian
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Leviathan
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Lexus Harley
(M) 08/16/1999
WP93656903; Blue
Can Ch Eastwds Make Mine A Double V Kohnr CD RN
(M) 11/28/2004
Kohinoor's Locomotion
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor's HMS Myah
() 03/27/1998
Kohinoor's Honey Pepper
() 03/27/1998
Kohinoors Hagar
(M) 03/27/1998
Ripley of Wildwd
() 03/27/1998
Victory's Gold Is Galen
(F) 12/20/1997
WP83578801; Black
Can Ch Victory's Lyric Kozar CD
(F) 12/04/1999
WP96764401 / 1071980; Blue
Victorys Gallant Gent
(M) 12/20/1997
WP83578806; Blue
Am CH Ebj's Mischief Maker of the Sea V Victory RN CGC
(M) 02/05/2014
WS46773203; Blue
EBJ's Striving For Victory
(M) 10/22/2012
WS42937501; Blue
Kohinoor Echo Affirmed
() 07/02/1996
Kohinoor Electric Shaka
(M) 07/02/1996
Kohinoor Jordan V. Karador
Kohinoor Just For Victory
Victory's Vivacious Valkyrie
Victory's Play on Piper
(F) 12/16/2004
WS12658007; Blue
Victory's Simply Sassy
(F) 08/04/2005
WS15123301; Black
Victory's Velvet In Black
(F) 02/24/2006
WS17907004; Black
Kohinoor's Jaunty Thor
Kohinoor's Jigsaw Goliath
Kohinoors Jaimani Montrose
WP90283711; Black
Kohinoor's Excaliburs Edge
(M) 07/02/1996
WP72472703; Black
Victorys Eros Extreme
Kohinoor's Kiramaya
() 01/23/1999
Tanglewood's Drakkar Bleu
(M) 11/07/2000
KW711973; Blue
Tanglewood's Duncan
(M) 11/07/2000
KW711975; Black
Victory Kiss Kohnr v Tanglwd
(F) 01/23/1999
WP90996901; Black
Victorys Keltes V Kohinoors
() 01/23/1999
Katie My Lady v Willowrun
(F) 06/02/1989
WG524359; Black
Cntrurn-Wilrn Rock Blue
() 03/22/1992
Cntry-Wil Pollyanna Sunshine
(F) 03/22/1992
WP41867707; Black
Cntryrn Diamond In the Rough
(F) 03/22/1992
WP41867705; Black
Countryrun's Ace of Spades
(F) 11/09/1995
Countryruns Gretel Goes Solo
(F) 03/10/1993
WP50095001; Harlequin
Bob's Boy Cash
(M) 11/10/1994
Cntryrun's Sweet'r T'n Tulucy
(F) 11/10/1994
WP59225901; Harlequin
Countryrun's Joey T
(M) 06/20/1995
WP64493602; Harlequin
Dewitt's Court Luv Luv Me Do
(F) 11/27/1996
Dewitt's Court Hells Bells
(F) 02/22/1999
DeWitt's Court Nevermore
WP80394704; Black
Dewitt's Court Irish Spring
(F) 03/17/2000
WP96783802; Harlequin
Dewitt's Court Not X-Zach-Ly
(M) 03/17/2000
WP96783801; Harlequin
DeWitt's Court Wild Card
(M) 11/27/1996
WP74997503; Harlequin
Genedda Genuine Risk
(M) 01/30/1997
FIN16277/97; Harlequin
Fin & Est Ch Genedda Get Though
(F) 01/30/1997
FIN16280/97; Harlequin
Fin & Est Ch Genedda Never Say Never
(M) 08/02/1999
FIN31999/99; Harlequin
Genedda New Creation
(F) 08/02/1999
FIN32001/99; Black
Fin Ch Genedda No More Tears
(M) 08/02/1999
FIN31998/99; Harlequin
Genedda No Regrets
(F) 08/02/1999
FIN32000/99; Harlequin
Genedda Nobody's Fool
(M) 08/02/1999
FIN31997/99; Harlequin
Genedda Go For It
(M) 01/30/1997
FIN16279/97; Harlequin
Horsebjerg A Piece of Art
(M) 06/05/1998
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Chase The Wind
(M) 06/05/1998
DK13101/98; Black
Horsebjerg Count on Me
(F) 06/05/1998
DK13102/98; Black
Horsebjerg Jump For Joy
(M) 06/05/1998
; Black
Horsebjerg Simply Smashing
(M) 06/05/1998
; Black
Horsebjerg Sweet Symphony
(F) 06/05/1998
DK13103/98; Black
Horsebjerg Forbidden But nice
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Handsome Quality
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Once A Thief
(M) 01/11/1999
; Black
Horsebjerg Perfect Partner
(M) 01/11/1999
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Practice Makes Perfect
(F) 01/11/1999
; Black
Fin & Est Ch Genedda Going Gets Tuff
(F) 01/30/1997
FIN16281/97; Harlequin
Fin Ch Genedda Mad About You
(M) 05/07/1999
FIN27031/99; Harlequin
Genedda Made For Bemu's
(F) 05/07/1999
FIN27028/99; Harlequin
Genedda Man In Mirror
(M) 05/07/1999
FIN27033/99; Black
Genedda Modern Art
(F) 05/07/1999
FIN27029/99; Harlequin
Genedda Moment In Time
(M) 05/07/1999
FIN27034/99; Black
Genedda Mostly Magic
(F) 05/07/1999
FIN27030/99; Black
Genedda My Main Man
(M) 05/07/1999
FIN27032/99; Black
Genedda Secret Admirer
(F) 08/22/2001
FIN40948/01; Harlequin
Genedda Secret Solution
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40946/01; Harlequin
Genedda Si Senor
() 08/22/2001
FIN40944/01; Harlequin
Fin Ch Genedda Star of Bemu's
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40947/01; Harlequin
Genedda Symphonyofspots
(M) 08/22/2001
FIN40945/01; Harlequin
Genedda Vanilla Ice
(F) 01/08/2003
FIN20303/03; Harlequin
Genedda Vanity Fair
() 01/08/2003
FIN20299/03; Harlequin
Genedda Very Important
(F) 01/08/2003
FIN20302/03; Harlequin
Genedda Vice Guy
(M) 01/08/2003
FIN20304/03; Black
Genedda Vice Versa
(F) 01/08/2003
EJ20300/03; Merle
Genedda Visual Effect
(F) 01/08/2003
FIN20301/03; Harlequin
Genedda Got It Going On
(M) 01/30/1997
16278/97; Harlequin
Nefrosinan An Saradane's
Genedda Gotta Love Me
(F) 01/30/1997
FIN16282/97; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Echo The Mask
(F) 05/14/2000
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Especial Painted
(F) 05/14/2000
; Mantle
Horsebjerg Especially For Too
(F) 05/14/2000
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Esprit Black Diamond
(M) 05/14/2000
; Black
Horsebjerg Gambling Girl Estelle
(F) 05/14/2000
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Handel With Care
(F) 06/15/2001
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Handsome Colourful Lady
(F) 06/15/2001
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Heart of Gold
(F) 06/15/2001
; Black
Horsebjerg High Time For A Hero
(M) 06/15/2001
DK11849/2001; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Highlight Heaven
(M) 06/15/2001
DK11850/2001; Pied Harlequin
Horsebjerg Mr Mugapbi Ez at Chichou
(M) 05/14/2000
; Harlequin
Fin, Rus & Est Ch Genedda Gun Smoke
(M) 01/30/1997
FIN16276/97; Harlequin
Sankarittaren Allweneedislove
16278/97; Harlequin
Countryruns Sparkling Jewel
(F) 03/10/1993
Countryruns Zeus Von Bohne
(M) 11/09/1995
Cntryrn-Wil Raisin Inthe Sun
(F) 03/22/1992
WP41867701; Blue
Countryrun Surprise v Genedda
(F) 09/05/1995
WP64558305; Black
Genedda Just For Fun
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35974/97; Black
Fin Ch Genedda Just Kidding
(M) 09/05/1997
FIN35975/97; Black
Genedda Passed on To Primus
(F) 03/17/2000
FIN18192/00; Blue
Genedda Perfect Love
(F) 03/17/2000
Genedda Walk This Way
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23762/03; Black
Genedda Warm Up
(M) 03/13/2003
FIN23766/03; Black
Genedda Watch Out
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23763/03; Black
Genedda Water Proof
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23757/03; Black
Genedda What's Up
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23758/03; Black
Genedda Whoopy Doo
(M) 03/13/2003
FIN23768/03; Black
Genedda Why Allways Me
(M) 03/13/2003
FIN23767/03; Black
Genedda Wicked Witch
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23761/03; Black
Genedda With Much Ado
(M) 03/13/2003
FIN23765/03; Black
Genedda Without A Clue
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23759/03; Black
Genedda Word For Word
(F) 03/13/2003
FIN23760/03; Black
Genedda Worst Case
(M) 03/13/2003
FIN23764/03; Black
Genedda Perfect Picture
() 03/17/2000
FIN18188/00; Blue
Fin Ch Genedda Play it Though
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18186/00; Blue
Genedda Playboy
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18182/00; Black
Genedda Poetry'n Motion
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18185/00; Black
Genedda Pole Star
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18187/00; Blue
Genedda Poor Looser
(F) 03/17/2000
FIN18191/00; Blue
Genedda Power Play
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18184/00; Black
Genedda Pret tee Woman
(F) 03/17/2000
FIN18189/00; Black
Genedda Pride And Joy
(M) 03/17/2000
FIN18183/00; Black
Horsebjerg A Piece of Art
(M) 06/05/1998
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Chase The Wind
(M) 06/05/1998
DK13101/98; Black
02679/2001; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Count on Me
(F) 06/05/1998
DK13102/98; Black
Horsebjerg Take Me Nice
(F) 05/01/2001
S53099/2004; Black
Horsebjerg Time To Go
(M) 05/01/2001
; Black
Horsebjerg To Dam Good
(F) 05/01/2001
08831/2001; Black
Horsebjerg To Special Son
(M) 05/01/2001
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Top Priority
(F) 05/01/2001
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg True Master Piece
(M) 05/01/2001
; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Jump For Joy
(M) 06/05/1998
; Black
Horsebjerg Simply Smashing
(M) 06/05/1998
; Black
Horsebjerg Sweet Symphony
(F) 06/05/1998
DK13103/98; Black
Sandø's Feodora
(F) 11/04/2000
18986/2000; Black
Sandø's Inka
(F) 03/24/2002
05311/2002; Black
Sandø's Isis
(F) 03/24/2002
05313/2002; Harlequin
Sandø's Jasmin
(F) 03/30/2003
05577/2003; Black
Sandø's John
(M) 03/30/2003
05582/2003; Harlequin
Pinza's Blue Count on Me
(F) 04/23/1999
N09294/99; Blue
Sekila's All Shook Up
(F) 05/03/2003
N10570/03; Blue
Sekila's Always on My Mind
(F) 05/03/2003
; Black
Pinza's Blue Davina
(F) 04/23/1999
; Blue
Pinza's Blue Take me
DK15274/2001; Blue
Horsebjerg Cover Girl
(F) 04/26/2002
DK08392/2002; Blue
Horsebjerg Davina Deligt
(F) 01/21/2004
Mølballe's Kosmic K-9
(M) 01/13/2009
DK03167/2009; Blue
Mølballe's Kosmic K:O
(M) 01/13/2009
DK03169/2009; Blue
Mølballe's Magic Moonlight
(F) 12/20/2009
DK00456/2010; Blue
Horsebjerg Dream Dancer
(M) 01/21/2004
S60172/2006; Blue
Horsebjerg New Choice
DK08391/2002; Blue
Countryrun's Blue Moose
() 09/05/1995
Countryrun's Gavi De Gavi
(M) 09/25/1996
Countryrun's Volley Girl
(F) 09/05/1995
Cntryrn-WLRN Jake
(M) 03/22/1992
Cntryrn-WLRN Jarvis Boone
(M) 03/22/1992
Cntryrn-WLRN U R Butch
() 03/22/1992
Cntryrn-WLRN U R Sundance
() 03/22/1992
Countryrn Raves on Willowrun
(M) 03/22/1992
WP41867708; Black

Countryrun's Je Nesais Pas
(F) 06/30/1996
WP72925902; Black
Countryrun's Ours Noir
(M) 06/30/1996
Countryruns Beau Garscon
(M) 06/30/1996
Countryruns Corbeau
(F) 04/01/1995
Countryruns Kadie
(F) 04/01/1995
Countryruns Love Is Blue
(F) 04/01/1995
WP62955004; Blue
Countryrns Belladonna V WLRN
(F) 03/22/1992
Countryrun's Rhythm In Blue
(F) 10/26/1996
WP73746702; Blue
Countryruns Fleetwood Mac
(M) 10/26/1996
Countryrun's Mae West
(F) 06/14/1999
Countryrns Elijah Blue Wlrn
(M) 03/22/1992
Countryruns Forget Me Not
(F) 01/30/1994
CH Countryruns Hot and Spicy
(F) 01/30/1994
Countryrun Ed M-Man Willowrn
(M) 03/22/1992
WP41867715; Blue
Bonel Beauty
(F) 07/31/1995
FIN43838/95; Blue
Bonel Faro
FIN28475/95; Blue
Bonel Jackpot V WYSIWYG
() 09/24/1999
Bonel Jolanda
(F) 09/24/1999
FIN37710/99; Blue
Bonel Onella
(F) 09/18/2002
FIN41628/02; Blue
Bonel Oona
(F) 09/18/2002
FIN41626/02; Blue
Bonel Oswald
(M) 09/18/2002
FIN41624/02; Blue
Bonel Roland
FIN14105/04; Blue
CH Bonel Joli Vega of Roshanda
CR007411; Blue
Roshanda Coodblue Cushca at Gameleeper
Bonel Francesca
(F) 11/13/1997
WP84464201; Blue

Am & Can Ch Sterling Blunote Gambler
(M) 07/27/2002
WR06962208 / 1082306; Blue
Am, Can & Int Ch Sterling Starry Skye So WYSIWYG CD RN CGC TDIA GDCA-VA
(F) 06/03/2001
WR03330611 / ERN22001443; Blue
Sterling's Blue Chrysanthemum
(F) 07/27/2002
WR06962205; Blue
Sterling's Blue Gilia V WYSIWYG
(F) 06/03/2001
WR03330610; Blue
Sterling's Singular Opportunity
(F) 03/26/2000
WP97013302; Blue
Sterlings Deja Blue
(M) 09/29/2003
WS06159302; Blue
OTCH MACH2 Sterlings Lazy Days Chntly Lace UDX6 RN NAJ MXG MJC GDCA-HOP GDCA-Venerable
(F) 07/27/2002
WR06962202; Blue
Bonel Indiana
(F) 03/26/1999
FIN21110/99; Blue
Bonel Patrica
(F) 11/02/2002
Bonel Yön Lumous
(F) 02/05/2007
Fin 17654/07; Blue
Bonel Penelope
(F) 11/02/2002
FIN45452/02; Blue
Bonel Pilleriini
(F) 11/02/2002
FIN45451/02; Blue
Bonel Poems of Passion
(F) 11/02/2002
FIN45453/02; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Egeus v Hearts
(M) 07/07/2008
; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Oberon v Hearts
(M) 06/10/2007
Nobel Herzensbrecher Puck v Hearts
(M) 07/07/2008
; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Titania v Hearts
(F) 06/10/2007
Fin 53700/07; Blue
Bonel Matilda
Bonel Quintessa
(F) 05/17/2003
FIN28154/03; Blue
Bonel Bristol
(F) 07/31/1995
FIN43840/95; Blue
Fin Ch Bonel Heartbreaker
(F) 10/05/1998
FIN39433/98; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Aragornvhearts
(M) 03/22/2005
FIN29643/05; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Elrond v Hearts
(M) 03/22/2005
FIN29644/05; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Egeus v Hearts
(M) 07/07/2008
; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Oberon v Hearts
(M) 06/10/2007
Nobel Herzensbrecher Puck v Hearts
(M) 07/07/2008
; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Titania v Hearts
(F) 06/10/2007
Fin 53700/07; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Legolasvhearts
(M) 03/22/2005
FIN29642/05; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Undomielvhearts
(F) 03/22/2005
FIN29646/05; Blue
Nobel Herzensbrecher Varda Herdolf
(F) 03/22/2005
FIN29645/05; Blue
Bonel Cindy My Saphir
Countryrun's Bosom Baby
(F) 10/10/1994
Countryrun's Miss Kitty
(F) 08/23/1994
Countryrun's Mae West
(F) 06/14/1999
Countryruns Mona
(F) 08/23/1994
Countryruns Olivia
(F) 10/10/1994
Kozmic Blue's Bofur
(F) 07/18/1997
Kozmic Blue's Chleo
(F) 03/20/2000
Kozmic Blue's Elizabeth
Kozmic Blue's Evening Star
(F) 03/01/2003
Kozmic Blue's Don Quijote
Countryrun's Maxwell Smart
(M) 03/22/1992
Countryruns Willie Boy WLRN
(M) 03/22/1992
Victorys Countryrun V Wlwrn
(M) 02/23/1992
WP41867706; Blue
Blue Moon Marc Anthony
(M) 06/08/1995
Blue Moon's Bayou Buddy V Stinson
(M) 06/08/1995
Colossal Maggy V the Adams CD
Blue Moon's Mandolin Glory
(F) 06/08/1995
WP63740701; Black
Blue Moon's Glory Go Spritely
(F) 04/03/2001
WR02364201; Blue
Blue Moon's Navigator To Glory
(M) 06/08/1995
Blue Moon's Prince of Tides
(M) 06/08/1995
Blue Moon's Sailor Song of Glory
(M) 06/08/1995
WP63740715; Blue
Blue Moon's True Lies Victory
(M) 06/08/1995
Victorys Fantam Fury
WP78604802; Blue
Victory's Magic In The Moonlight
(M) 08/19/2004
WS11392403; Blue
Dynasty Collection
Kohinoor's Desiree
(F) 06/21/1996
WP71384403; Black
Kohinoor's Kiramaya
() 01/23/1999
Victory Kiss Kohnr v Tanglwd
(F) 01/23/1999
WP90996901; Black
Victorys Keltes V Kohinoors
() 01/23/1999
Kohinoor Fancy Boy
Kohinoor Fantasia Anastasia
Kohinoor Fire In The Sky
Kohinoor Friski Zaire
WP74235303; Black
Kohinoor Jordan V. Karador
Kohinoor Just For Victory
Victory's Vivacious Valkyrie
Victory's Play on Piper
(F) 12/16/2004
WS12658007; Blue
Victory's Simply Sassy
(F) 08/04/2005
WS15123301; Black
Victory's Velvet In Black
(F) 02/24/2006
WS17907004; Black
Kohinoor's Jaunty Thor
Kohinoor's Jigsaw Goliath
Kohinoors Jaimani Montrose
WP90283711; Black
Kohinoor's Class Act
(F) 06/04/1995
WP63881303; Black
Am CH Kohinoor's Geisha Girl
(F) 03/27/1998
WP85103801; Black
Kohinoor Pascal's Wager
() 11/03/2000
Am CH Kohinoor Poetry In Motion
(F) 11/03/2000
WP27472701; Blue
Kohinoor Pride And Joy
(M) 11/03/2000
WR00648402; Black
Eastwood's Adelaide V Knoor
(F) 06/06/2004
WS09794401; Blue
Kohinoor's Goodnight Gracie
(F) 03/27/1998
Kohinoor's Contradiction
() 06/04/1995
Kohinoors Carbon Copy
() 06/04/1995
Kohinoors Fabulous Reina
Samson's Victory Desire
(M) 09/15/1996
WP74235307; Black
Victorys Carina
(F) 02/19/1996
WP69830503; Black
Angie's Big bubba Dane
WP84289701; Black / White
Lassen's Oochee Creek Buck
WP95616103; Black
Chapman's Sampson ll
WR06303905; Blue
After Midnight Blue Diamond
Circle Rm's Texas Blues
(M) 06/03/2007
Benson's Delilah
Victorys Dynasty Collection
(F) 12/12/1994
WP59671505; Black
Kohinoor's Diza
(F) 06/21/1996
Kohinoor Ilovbo
() 12/05/1998
Kohinoors Illustrious Mr Manuku
(M) 12/05/1998
WP89715405; Black
Kohinoors Incredible Bossman
(M) 12/05/1998
Kohinoor's Dominique
(F) 06/21/1996
WP71384402; Blue
Kohinoor's Hallucination
(M) 03/27/1998
WP85103701; Blue
Kohinoor L Kane Lilliputian
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Leviathan
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Lexus Harley
(M) 08/16/1999
WP93656903; Blue
Kohinoor's Locomotion
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor's HMS Myah
() 03/27/1998
Kohinoor's Honey Pepper
() 03/27/1998
Kohinoors Hagar
(M) 03/27/1998
Ripley of Wildwd
() 03/27/1998
Kohinoor L Kane Lilliputian
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Leviathan
() 08/16/1999
Kohinoor Lexus Harley
(M) 08/16/1999
WP93656903; Blue
Can Ch Eastwds Make Mine A Double V Kohnr CD RN
(M) 11/28/2004
Kohinoor's Locomotion
() 08/16/1999
Victorys Eros Extreme
Kohinoor's Kiramaya
() 01/23/1999
Tanglewood's Drakkar Bleu
(M) 11/07/2000
KW711973; Blue
Tanglewood's Duncan
(M) 11/07/2000
KW711975; Black
Victory Kiss Kohnr v Tanglwd
(F) 01/23/1999
WP90996901; Black
Victorys Keltes V Kohinoors
() 01/23/1999
Victorys Holy Moley Man
(M) 12/18/1994
Victorys Read My Mind Aspen
(F) 12/18/1994
Aspen's Wy Not Me
(F) 01/25/1997
WP76248601; Blue
Aspen's Dante's Inferno V Bbhill
(M) 11/03/2000
Aspen's American Idol
(F) 03/07/2007
WS23067801; Blue
Kenyon's Blue Skies Over Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Dante Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 09/28/2003
Kenyon's Madam Butterfly By Dante
(F) 09/28/2003
Aspen's Gia V Blueberry Hill
(F) 11/03/2000
WR00162401; Black
Aspen's Gus the Main Event CD RN RA
(M) 04/25/2002
WR06686001; Blue
Aspen's Japara Von Abba Stan
(F) 04/25/2002
WR06686005; Blue
Abbastan's Deja Blue
(F) 03/31/2004
WS08145301; Blue
Abbastan's Taking the Odds
(M) 10/06/2006
Abbastans Rey De Los Azules
(M) 03/31/2004
WS08145303; Blue
Aspen's Living Proof RN
(F) 04/25/2002
WR06686002; Blue
Aspen's American Idol
(F) 03/07/2007
WS23067801; Blue
Aspen's Thief of Hearts V Bbhill
(F) 11/03/2000
(M) 01/25/1998
Victorys Rhythm Is A Dancer
(F) 02/19/1996
Victory's Vivacious Valkyrie
Victory's Play on Piper
(F) 12/16/2004
WS12658007; Blue
Victory's Simply Sassy
(F) 08/04/2005
WS15123301; Black
Victory's Velvet In Black
(F) 02/24/2006
WS17907004; Black
Victorys Sweet Gatekeeper
(F) 11/16/1993
WP51771206; Blue
Dd's Carbon Copy Merlin Blue
(M) 10/02/1995
WP66074206; Blue
Blue Nightshade
Dd's Merlin's Magic Man Blu
WP91336902; Blue
Dd's Maxamus Onceina Blumoon
WS05988305; Blue
Flyin Blue Belle
WS02718508; Blue
Dd's Mighty Roaring Thunder
WP81093001; Black
Thor Trajon Tulanko
WP92451805; Black
Dd's My Sweet Sopheia
WP81093002; Black
Dd's Im The KPR of Dreams
WP94084109; Blue
Heinz's Colonel Titan
WP94084105; Blue / White
Goughs Midnight Star
Mystic's Cry Me A River
(F) 06/12/2001
Goughs Wind Dancer
(F) 07/14/1998
WP86411203; Blue
Mystic's Blue Victory
WR02685301; Blue
Mystic's Give Me A Chance
WR02685305; Blue
Luck of Ruby Is Turnin Blue
WP92741708; Blue
Eastwood's Freedom V Kohinoor
(F) 05/02/2002
WS00881701; Blue
Eastwood's The Lady In Black
(F) 05/02/2002
WS00881709; Black
Master Frey of Penrose
Mavro's Flight Into My Heart
WP86411201; Black
Scooby Blue of Frischkorns Farm
Dd's Sapphire Out of the Blu
(F) 10/02/1995
Gatekeepers City Hall
(M) 10/02/1995
WP66074204; Blue
Gatekeepers Ace Ventura II
WP79993104; Blue
Gatekeepers The Full Monty
WP95057204; Black
Gatekeepers Deuce Bigelo
WP83018604; Blue
Adele's Blue Angel
WS01077401; Blue
B&B's Great Smokey Blues
(M) 12/21/2003
WS07183603; Blue
Diva IV
WS02437515; Blue
Gatekeepers Moonstruck
WR00087101; Blue
Lady Miracle Grace
Leah's Satin Dream
WR05168902; Blue
Maximus Leonardo Ignazio
WS02437510; Blue
Sir Beauregard II
Thrones Eisenhowers Ike
(M) 01/17/2002
WS00083407; Blue
Twilight Baby Blue
(F) 06/10/2004
WS09259602; Blue
Zena Venita
My Blue Shannon V Willowrun
(F) 10/17/1998
WP88559102; Blue
Rebels Silver Arrow
(F) 10/17/1998
WP88559101; Blue
Odie Z Kenobi
WR07407301; Blue
(F) 10/17/1998
WP88559103; Blue
Oscar's Blues Traveler
WP98690604; Blue
Victorys Wind In the Willow
(F) 12/18/1994
WP60128609; Blue
Aftershock The Almighty Zeus
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296008; Black
Mattie of Danes Country
; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Revival
(M) 04/10/1997
WP78296009; Blue
Aftershock Paris' KNGT N Blu
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536808; Blue
Aftershock's Blue Eternity
(M) 10/15/1998
DK12564/99 / WP90536806; Blue
Bullcronans Haute Couture
; Blue
Grand-Apso Black Vanja
Grand-Apso Blue Akillos
(M) 06/15/2004
DK13512/2004; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Urban
(M) 02/20/2002
03729/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Victorys Challenge
(M) 08/05/2002
14990/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Wonderfull Tre'sor
(F) 10/08/2002
18328/2002; Blue
Grand-Apso Blue Yanky
Grand-Apso Silver Star
; Blue
Aftershock's Eureka
(F) 10/15/1998
WP90536807; Blue
Barkley of Caledonia
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536804; Blue Fawn
Scooby Doo Skubi Scoobert
(M) 10/15/1998
WP90536805; Blue Fawn
Aftershocks Roqua V Sheldane
(F) 04/10/1997
WP78296002; Black
Jewels of Wolff Farms
Willowrun's Rolex
(M) 06/02/1989
WP23871002; Blue
Negressa Medium
(F) 02/22/1994
; Blue
Zoelly Margarejro
Arizona Magnaterios
Czardasz Magnaterios
(M) 11/16/2003
Zorika Margarejro
Kalina Calamites
Kasandra Cynos Familiaris
; Blue
Kassandra Cynos Familiaris
Zorilla De San Margarejro
(F) 10/06/1996
; Blue
Ulysses dan Fodio Margarejro
PKR 66753;
Personal Effect Picador Balao
(M) 08/20/2002
FIN45192/04; Blue
Falaris Dancing Dragon V Denim
(F) 12/16/2004
FIN11824/08; Blue
Falaris Estonia From Isaevka
; Blue
Genedda Bene Est Mihi
(M) 10/28/2005
FIN50860/05; Blue
Genedda Bonum Omen
(F) 10/28/2005
FIN50861/05; Blue
Zorrilla de San Margarejro
Ursula Margarejro
Nirvana Margarejro Z Fabiani
Noah-Fry Z Fabiani
PKR II-83887;
Yasmina Margarejro
Viva Vae Victis Margarejro
PKR.II-63835; Blue
Paprika Margarejro
(F) 11/15/2002
PKRII 73372-PL; Blue / White
Perle-Bleue Margarejro
Platinum Margarejro
PKR.II-73416; Blue
Nelson Medium
; Blue
Pl Ch Jasmin Medium
(F) 06/02/2000
; Blue
No Doubt Balao
; Blue
Madame Butterfly Balao
(F) 11/19/2007
; Black
Moonshine Balao
(M) 11/19/2007
; Blue
Oh My Darling Balao
Inferno Balao
(M) 08/23/2009
; Blue
Out of Law Billy the Kid Balao
; Blue
Zeus von Gigantic Blau
(M) 01/16/2010
WS37386701; Blue
Pl Ch Louis Medium
(M) 05/21/1999
Angelina Blue Ecstasy
Watanay Dolansky Dvur
CMKU ND/19439/08;
Yperid Dolanský Dvur
Aszra Modry Efekt
PKR II-68768;
Czarina Modry Efekt
PKR II-79475; Black
Gaio Modry efekt
DDC4871; Blue
Galizia Modry Efekt
; Black
Gerome Modry Efekt
(M) 01/31/2007
Guerrino Modry Efekt
(M) 01/31/2007
WS30574601; Black
El Corazon Modry Efekt
(M) 02/10/2006
PKRII-88714; Black
Espagnola Modry Efekt
Noirdesir Modry Efekt
Favola Modry Efekt
; Blue
Madane PHD Messiah of Guardian Elite
; Blue
Figaro Modry Efekt
Blue Stone Margarejro
PKRII 98845 / VDH/DDC123343;
Droolakiss Here's Johnny
(M) 09/15/2011
Droolakiss Lech Walesa
(M) 09/15/2011
; Blue
Kayden Modry Efekt
(M) 10/28/2009
Indy Bohemia Ouni
(M) 08/11/2004
KCC 285605; Blue
Kalina Calamites
Kasandra Cynos Familiaris
; Blue
Kassandra Cynos Familiaris
Kylie Minogue Calamites
(F) 02/11/2002
PKR II 70683; Blue
Marihuana Magiczne Kolo
PKR.II-76434; Black
Nike Magiczne Kolo
Noibe Magiczne Kolo
(F) 05/09/2004
PKR.II-85014; Black
Nyno z Blekitnych Wydm
(M) 06/27/2002
PKR II 71977; Blue
Parysa Amigo Perro
(M) 05/05/2002
PKR II 71812; Blue
Int Ch Nikita Medium
PKRII35123; Blue

Kobe Medium
(F) 05/31/1999
WP93931501; Blue

G'Dieter's Fancy That
() 07/14/2001
G-Dieters Mr. Diesel
Int Ch Fall Hollow's Blue Slate Special
(F) 10/01/2008
WS28233101; Blue
G'Dieter's Godwin
() 07/14/2001
G'Dieter's Phoebe
(F) 07/14/2001
G'Dieter's Tobi
() 07/14/2001
G'dieter-Gibson Levi Strauski
(M) 07/14/2001
G-Dieter's Diva
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Samson
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Xena of Potmac Run
() 03/09/2003
WS03455304; Blue
Potomacrun Bewitching Moment
WS12768301; Blue
G-Dieters Grayson
(M) 03/09/2003
WS03455306; Blue
Kelso's Darkside Rendezvous
(M) 07/09/2004
WS09397003; Black / White
Magic's Just Before Sundown
Sundown's Greystone Amber Freyja
(F) 07/11/2005
WS14277003; Blue
Sundown's Shooting Star
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397001; Black
Sundown's Vixen at Lakeside
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397006; Black
Int Ch G-Dieters Merci Be CGC TT
(F) 03/09/2003
WS03455302; Blue
Int Ch Fall Hollow G-Dieter's Inspiration
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165205; Blue
Int Ch Fall Hollow's Blue Slate Special
(F) 10/01/2008
WS28233101; Blue
Fall Hollow's Blissful Reality
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165204; Blue
Fall Hollow's Diamond in the Rough
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Gentle Grace
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Hita Bonita
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447704; Blue
Fall Hollow's Mischief Maker
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Queen Tabitha
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Sophistication
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165206; Black
Fall Hollows In The Nikko Time
(M) 06/21/2006
WS18165201; Black
Valentinos Blu Symphony V Fallhollow
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447702; Blue
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM
(M) 07/14/2001
WR03850602; Blue

Abbastan's Deja Blue
(F) 03/31/2004
WS08145301; Blue
Abbastan's Taking the Odds
(M) 10/06/2006
Abbastans Rey De Los Azules
(M) 03/31/2004
WS08145303; Blue
Amador's Black Apache
(M) 10/15/2003
; Black
Amador's Dream Catcher
(F) 10/15/2003
WS06260308; Black
Amador's Red Thunder
(M) 10/15/2003
WS06260302; Black
Sardi Silkwd Simply Irresistible
(F) 12/17/2009
WS32752101; Black
Amador's Suletawv
(M) 10/15/2003
WS06260303; Black
Amador Claddaghdanes Shades of Midnight
(M) 11/05/2012
WS42784901; Black
Amador's Two of Hearts
(F) 11/05/2012
WS42784902; Black
MoreDane's Amador My Girl
(F) 01/26/2011
WS37633701; Blue
Moredane's In Living Color
(F) 01/26/2011
WS37633702; Black
Moredane's Let It Ride
(M) 01/26/2011
WS37633704; Blue
Moredane's Where the Heart Is
(F) 01/26/2011
WS37633703; Black
BGDAWGS Avenging Angel
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325702; Blue
BGDAWGS Sweet Sadie
(F) 01/08/2009
WS29555201; Black
BGDAWGS Lady of the Knight
(F) 02/16/2004
WS07325703; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Tomahawk Chop
(M) 02/16/2004
WS07325701; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Bella Sera
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253802; Black
BGDAWGS I'll Show You
(M) 12/12/2005
WS16253801; Black
BGDAWGS Larger Than Life
(M) 06/16/2007
WS22197801; Blue
Am CH BGDAWGS Loaded Up N Truckin'
(M) 06/16/2007
WS22197803; Black
BGDAWGS Signal Kate Crusader
(F) 12/24/2005
WS16253808; Black
Am GCh Britusa's Reign at Whispering Willow's Sharcon
(M) 06/29/2011
C'mon Expected Choice
(F) 05/17/2009
Fin17528/10; Black
Cae-Sars Dreamkeepers Aurora
(F) 04/14/2004
WS08536503; Blue
Am CH Dreamkeeper's Great Adventure V. Stuhr
(M) 05/09/2009
WS30920202; Blue
Am CH Dreamkeepers Capra's Northern Exposure V Stuhr
(M) 05/09/2009
WS30920203; Blue
Am CH Cae-Sars Livia Drusilla RN
(F) 04/14/2004
WS08536501; Blue
Cae-Sars Livia Julia V Sharcon
(F) 09/20/2008
Am CH Caeruleus Cocktails & Dreams At G8rcreek CGC
(F) 09/07/2017
WS58751804; Blue
(F) 09/07/2017
WS58751806; Blue
Am GCh CH Caeruleus Achilles Prince of Myrmidons CGC CGCU
(M) 02/04/2021
WS71416810; Black
Am CH Caeruleus Olly Olly Oxen Free BCAT
(F) 04/23/2022
WS76337605; Blue
Am CH Caeruleus Sir Cash Is King
(M) 02/04/2021
WS71416809; Blue
Am CH Caeruleus Zaragoza TKN BCAT
(F) 02/04/2021
WS714168/13; Blue
River Rock's Capo Di Tutti Capi RN CGC TKN
(M) 07/11/2023
WS80968702; Blue
NatSr CH River Rock's Feel That Fire RN SHDN CGC TKN RATI
(F) 04/23/2022
WS76337604; Black
Am CH River Rock's Fireproof Legacy RN CGC
(F) 04/23/2022
WS76337606; Blue
River Rock's God of War PCD BN RE BCAT CGC
(M) 04/23/2022
WS76337607; Blue
River Rock's Inspiring Spirit @ DreamKeeper
(F) 07/11/2023
WS80968705; Blue
River Rock's Over The Rainbow CGC
(F) 07/11/2023
WS80968704; Blue
River Rock's Queen of D'Nile At Corazon Azul
(F) 07/11/2023
WS80968714; Blue
River Rock's Salvatore La Droga Shakur
(M) 04/23/2022
WS76337603; Black
River Rock's There Can Be Only One CGC TKN
(F) 07/11/2023
WS80968708; Blue
Caeruleus Makin' Memories For River Rock CD PCD RE BN FDC TKI
(M) 09/07/2017
WS58751805; Blue
Divadanes Hit The Mark V Sharcon
(F) 10/12/2013
4100234805; Blue
Divadanes Brilliant Blu Arrow
(F) 03/11/2019
Divadanes Locked And Loaded
(M) 12/02/2016
4100285308; Black
Divadanes Right On Target
(F) 12/02/2016
4100285313; Fawn
Divadanes Shes A Show Girl
(F) 12/21/2015
4100269104; Blue
Aust Ch Divadanes Tommy's Girl
(F) 12/21/2015
4100269103; Blue
Divadanes Lightingstrikesagain
(M) 10/12/2013
4100234811; Blue
Divadanes Strickly Top Shelf
(M) 10/12/2013
4100238410; Blue
Grandane Diamond
(F) 12/03/2016
4100285111; Blue
Bis Aust SupCh Divadanes Tomahawk Rising
(M) 10/12/2013
4100234809; Blue
Dk Ch Horsebjerg Australian Highlight
(M) 02/22/2017
DK04672/2017; Blue
Dk Ch Horsebjerg Australian Touch
(M) 02/22/2017
DK04670/2017; Blue
NZ Ch Monteral Blackberry Tart
(F) 06/11/2016
05555-2016; Black
Monteral Thunderstruck
(M) 06/11/2016
Aust Ch Rebelwood Celestial Dreaming
(F) 03/23/2015
2100428159; Blue
Divadanes Watchmeflyv Sharcon
(F) 10/12/2013
4100234804; Blue
Csabadane Call Me Csarina
(F) 09/28/2015
4100264955; Blue
Csabadane Call To Arms
(M) 09/28/2015
4100264954; Blue
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Taramia V Sharcon HR
(F) 03/07/2003
WS03402902; Black
Am CH EIO Believer Danes Justified
(M) 07/18/2006
WS18351901; Black
EIO Danes Bp Tenalah V WYSIWYG
(F) 02/09/2005
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Topa V WYSIWYG
(F) 02/09/2005
WS12073403; Blue
Am & Int Ch EIO Talons Wild Karrde WYSIWYG AOM CGC
(M) 02/09/2005
WS12073402; Blue
Am CH EIO Leedane Jl Liam Vantaylr
(M) 03/07/2003
WS03402901; Blue
EIO Danes Almost Famous
(F) 04/06/2006
WS16982805; Black
Am CH EIO Danes Jackson's C.W. Fancy
(F) 04/06/2006
Am CH EIO Heidanes Silverado RN BN CGC
(M) 04/06/2006
WS16982801; Black
EIO Midnite Park N at The Lake
(F) 04/06/2006
WS16982810; Black
Eio's Smooth Criminal v Apollo
(F) 04/06/2006
WS16982808; Black
Force's Second Tyme Around V Geilow
(M) 11/19/2004
Force's Tyme Is on My Side V Geilow
(M) 11/19/2004
Am CH Giddys Barque In the Harbour
(M) 12/30/2003
Giddys Eye'Othestorm Vsharcon
(F) 12/30/2003
WS07219602; Blue
Am CH Della's Above The Law
(F) 04/02/2008
WS26153901; Blue
Am & Int CH Della's Lucky Luciano v KRW CGC
(M) 09/21/2007
WS23794402; Blue
Am CH Della's Pro Bono
(M) 04/02/2008
WS26153903; Blue
Dellas Thin Blue Line at Valentino
Giddys Kiss of Shadows
(M) 12/30/2003
WS07219601; Blue
Northernaire's Joint Custody
(M) 05/18/2010
Northernaire's Kiss at Sunrise
(F) 10/04/2008
WS28074502; Blue
Great View's Clark Iz Superman V Sharcon
Great View's Ramses of the Blue Nile
Great View's Hey There Delilah V Sharcon
WS31356706; Blue
Great View's Blue Jewel
Am CH Great View's Colt 6 Guns A Blazin Howe's of Blue
(M) 07/23/2016
Great View's Miss Kimber Sapphire Howe's of Blue
(F) 07/23/2016
WS54938108; Blue
Am GCh Great View's Sanfte Riese
(M) 03/14/2014
WS47334503; Black
Am CH Gusto's Francesca V Sharcon
(F) 09/14/2006
WS19676106; Blue
Gusto's Naughty Girl
(F) 09/14/2006
WS19676108; Black
Sharcon's Skyhawk
(M) 01/25/2010
WS33022902; Blue
Can Ch Karador's Art of Zen
(M) 06/13/2004
PL001343; Blue
Karador's Classic Rock
(M) 11/11/2004
Can Ch Karador's Moon Rock
Karador's Rocket Man
; Blue
Knopf's Blue Skies Ahead Niccum Sharcon
(F) 11/26/2008
WS39760302; Blue
Am CH Knopf's Elwood Blues Sharcon
(M) 11/26/2008
WS28749601; Blue
Divadanes Shes A Show Girl
(F) 12/21/2015
4100269104; Blue
Aust Ch Divadanes Tommy's Girl
(F) 12/21/2015
4100269103; Blue
Knopf's Emma Blue Heiress Sharcon
(F) 03/09/2009
WS39760301; Fawn
Can Ch Knopf's Joliet Jake Blues Quicksilver Sharcon
(M) 11/26/2008
WS28749603; Blue
Am CH Longo's Braveheart
(M) 06/29/2003
WS05509702; Black
Am CH Longo's Cosmo Noble Legacy
(M) 06/29/2003
WS05509703; Black
Am CH Longo's Million Dollar Tango CDX RA
(M) 06/29/2003
WS05509706; Black
Longo's Sassy Lady v Windwood
(F) 06/29/2003
WS05509705; Black
Niobrara's Tailor Made v Sharcon
(F) 11/30/2007
WS24866201; Black
Paragon Hunting Spirit V Sharcon
(M) 04/24/2007
05311-2007; Blue
Quicksilver Bellestr V Sharcon
(F) 07/08/2008
UN278659; Blue
Quicksilver Clmtjane V Sharcon
(F) 07/08/2008
UN278657; Blue
Quicksilver Pearlhrt v Sharcon
; Blue
Am CH Rhodesends Sharcon's Why Not
(M) 02/25/2005
WS12108301; Blue
Rylaurs Blues at Sunrise
(F) 05/22/2003
WS04798002; Black
Rylaurs She Sings the Blues
(F) 05/22/2003
WS04798001; Blue
Sharcon Wrappedinblack Velvet
(F) 08/19/2003
WS06781402; Black
Sharcon's All My Space
(F) 08/19/2003
WS06781401; Black
Sharcon's Anasazi Ravensnest
(F) 04/07/2003
WS04337202; Blue
Sharcon's And Xr's Masterpiece
(F) 04/27/2013
WS44815404; Blue
Sharcon's Blu By You
(F) 04/07/2003
Sharcon's Dnt Black Pearl Bootie
(F) 09/14/2006
WS19676104; Black
Sharcon's Glory Glory
Sharcon's Good Heaven V Tomahawk
(F) 04/08/2008
Sharcon's Indian Summer
(F) 04/07/2003
WS04337205; Blue
Sharcon's Jim Bowie V Wiedane
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659212; Blue
Sharcon's Midsummer Nytes Dream
(F) 02/23/2006
WS18312401; Black
Sharcon's Pistol Packen Momma
(F) 10/22/2002
WR07590802; Black
Am GCh Sharcon's Reach For the Stars
(M) 06/29/2011
WS38002011; Black
Sharcon's River Dancer
WR07590702; Blue
Am GCh Sharcon's San Sebastion
(M) 04/27/2013
WS44815402; Blue
Sharcon's Venus De Milo
(F) 04/27/2013
WS44815406; Blue
Sharcon's Wind Beneath My Wings
WS20513601; Black
Sharcons Midsummer Nytes Dream
(F) 02/23/2006
WS18312401; Black
Spirituals My Wish V Sharcon
(M) 01/25/2010
WS34180101; Blue
Can Ch Tavernier Stalking Sharcon
(M) 05/09/2005
Fin & LV Ch Tavernier's Barret's Privateer
(M) 01/05/2004
FIN31551/05; Blue
Denim Danes Jimsonweed
DK18463/2008; Blue
Denim Danes Jolie Jolene
(F) 07/28/2008
Can Ch Tavernier's Tommey Girl
PA946059; Blue
Thor-Kourt Kaureen Tomiknoir
(F) 03/21/2005
WS14201301; Blue
Thor-Kourt Klaia Tomiknoir
(F) 11/23/2005
WS17378101; Blue
Am CH Thor-Kourt Klark Tomikloudia
(M) 03/17/2005
WS14201501; Black
Thor-Kourt Kleone Tomakaleb
(M) 10/29/2018
WS63049101; Blue
Am CH Thor-Kourt Kleone Tomiknoir
(M) 11/23/2005
WS17378102; Blue
Thor-Kourt Tiago Tomikloudia
(M) 03/17/2005
WS14201502; Fawn
Tyners Apache V Sharcon
(M) 01/13/2004
WS07075202; Black
Tyners Shawnee V Sharcon
(F) 01/13/2004
WS07075201; Black
Tyners Sioux Zee V Sharcon
; Black
Tyners Tomahawk V Sharcon
; Blue
Wiedane's Priority Parcel To Coleridge
(F) 04/06/2003
WS03659205; Blue
Wiedanes Bonovox
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659210; Blue
Wiedanes Organized Chaos
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659211; Blue
Wiedanes Otto
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659208; Blue
Wiedanes Prince Julian
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659203; Blue
Wiedanes Tangled Up N Blue
(M) 04/06/2003
WS03659202; Blue
Am CH Wiedanes Toohot Tohandle SVF
(F) 04/06/2003
WS03659206; Blue
BISS Am Ch Wiedanes Tootsies Orchid Lounge AOM
(F) 04/06/2003
WS03659209; Blue
(F) 04/06/2003
WS03659204; Blue
Pl Ch Messalina Medium
(F) 05/26/1997
PKR 51764; Blue
Pl Ch Jasmin Medium
(F) 06/02/2000
; Blue
No Doubt Balao
; Blue
Madame Butterfly Balao
(F) 11/19/2007
; Black
Moonshine Balao
(M) 11/19/2007
; Blue
Oh My Darling Balao
Inferno Balao
(M) 08/23/2009
; Blue
Out of Law Billy the Kid Balao
; Blue
Zeus von Gigantic Blau
(M) 01/16/2010
WS37386701; Blue
Pl Ch Louis Medium
(M) 05/21/1999
Angelina Blue Ecstasy
Watanay Dolansky Dvur
CMKU ND/19439/08;
Yperid Dolanský Dvur
Aszra Modry Efekt
PKR II-68768;
Czarina Modry Efekt
PKR II-79475; Black
El Corazon Modry Efekt
(M) 02/10/2006
PKRII-88714; Black
Espagnola Modry Efekt
Favola Modry Efekt
; Blue
Figaro Modry Efekt
Indy Bohemia Ouni
(M) 08/11/2004
KCC 285605; Blue
Kalina Calamites
Kasandra Cynos Familiaris
; Blue
Kassandra Cynos Familiaris
Kylie Minogue Calamites
(F) 02/11/2002
PKR II 70683; Blue
Marihuana Magiczne Kolo
PKR.II-76434; Black
Nike Magiczne Kolo
Noibe Magiczne Kolo
(F) 05/09/2004
PKR.II-85014; Black
Nyno z Blekitnych Wydm
(M) 06/27/2002
PKR II 71977; Blue
Parysa Amigo Perro
(M) 05/05/2002
PKR II 71812; Blue
Illusion Medium
; Black
Eminem Medium
Emanuelle vom Kaltenbrunner Forst
(F) 04/22/2008
Violett von der Bocksleite
Garibaldi Medium
Stevens Blue Topaz of Triple B
WS24930901; Blue
Guarda del Amor Medium
(F) 04/29/2005
; Blue
D Iriso Alter Ego
(F) 01/22/2011
; Black
Harlem Medium
(M) 09/14/2003
VDH/DDC 117520; Black
Harry Angel Medium
(M) 09/14/2003
High Society Medium-B
Meredith-B dei Monti del Keraton
Hollywood Medium
(F) 09/14/2003
Iveresse Medium
Mona Rekener Harlekin
(F) 07/23/2004
NHSB 2518662; Blue
Izydor Medium
(M) 06/05/2001
Czardasz Magnaterios
(M) 11/16/2003
Personal Effect Picador Balao
(M) 08/20/2002
FIN45192/04; Blue
Falaris Dancing Dragon V Denim
(F) 12/16/2004
FIN11824/08; Blue
Denim Danes Jimsonweed
DK18463/2008; Blue
Denim Danes Jolie Jolene
(F) 07/28/2008
Falaris Estonia From Isaevka
; Blue
Lukeria S Ijaevskogo Podvorya
(F) 02/16/2008
WS30812601; Blue
Nolana S Isaevskogo Podvorya
; Blue
Sokrat S Isaevskogo Podvorya
; Blue
Genedda Bene Est Mihi
(M) 10/28/2005
FIN50860/05; Blue
Genedda Bonum Omen
(F) 10/28/2005
FIN50861/05; Blue
Mick Medium
(M) 05/26/1997
Arizona Magnaterios
Czardasz Magnaterios
(M) 11/16/2003
Edgar-B dei Monti del Keraton
Enduro-B dei Monti del Keraton
; Blue
Firstedition-B dei Monti del Keraton
Meadowlarks Javar
WS17461501; Blue
Frekerik-B dei Monti del Keraton
Fujiko dei Monti del Keraton
; Blue
Incanto Elijah Bleu dei Monti del Keraton
; Blue
Isabeau dei Monti del Keraton
Jvonne dei Monti del Keraton
(F) 06/18/2005
; Black
Paprika Margarejro
(F) 11/15/2002
PKRII 73372-PL; Blue / White
Blue Stone Margarejro
PKRII 98845 / VDH/DDC123343;
Perle-Bleue Margarejro
Platinum Margarejro
PKR.II-73416; Blue
Felicia dei Monti del Keraton
Joseph-B dei Monti del Keraton
LOI LO05105254; Blue
Freedom-B dei Monti Tel Keraton
; Blue
Victory's Ode to the Fellowship
(M) 10/27/2004
WS11886402; Blue
Victory's Odyssey of the Fellowship
(F) 10/27/2004
WS11886401; Blue
Kozmic Blue's Don Quijote