Reverse pedigree of:
Asca Peichluv ranc (F) CsHPK 06729/87; Blue COI: 6.06% |
Anett Borojo (F) CSHPK 01182/92; Blue
Aneas Adyss (F) SHSB490318; Blue
ICh, VDHCh, DCh, CHCh, CJS97, CS98, BS98, VDHES99, ES99 Arvid-Arne vom Blauen See (M) 09/22/1996 SHSB 546914; Blue
Beau De L'Etoile de L'est (M) 05/14/1999 VDH/DDC 107981; Black
Brenda Colossal (F) 05/07/1999 VDH/DDC 107979;
Cora Colossal (F) 11/03/2000 VDH/DDC 110394; Blue / White
Lili "Colossal" (F) VDH/DDC119362;
Evita vom Blauen See (F) ; Blue / White
Victory's Bacardi Breeze (M) 11/18/2002 WS02705908; Blue
Victory's All About Me (F) 11/27/2006 WS22079307; Blue
Victory's American Justice (M) 11/27/2006 WS22079308; Blue
Ilka vom Blauen See () 02/07/2003 ; Blue
Khan vom Blauen See (M) 12/24/2004 ; Blue
Kjetill vom Blauen See (M) 12/24/2004 ; Fawn
Lorelei von der Porta Romana (F) SHSB 614739; Black
Quintus von der Porta Romana (M) 04/26/2005 SHSB 641029;
El CID vom Hause Boss (M) 06/22/2010 ;
Silver Cloud v d Nieuwe Dam (F) 08/25/1999 NHSB 2258863; Blue
Silver Ghost van de Nieuwe Dam (F) ; Blue
Lena-Lisa vom Blauen See (F) 12/07/2005 VDH/DDC 118696; Blue / White
Prada von der Kupferhütte (F) ;
Silver Shadow v d Nieuwe Dam (M) 08/25/1999 NHSB 2258862; Blue
Xamax du Lac des Fées (M) 05/06/2004 SHSB 631220; Blue
Sambucco von der Porta Romana (M) 04/24/2007 SHSB 661121; Blue
Yacodhara's C-Scharisad v Svantevit () 07/18/2000 ;
Wichita vom Blauen See (F) 03/12/1995 WP65224601; Blue
Blue Moon's Chantilly Cheyenne (F) 02/16/1998 WP83632306; Blue
Blue Moon's It'll Play In Peoria () 02/16/1998 WP83632304; Blue
Blue Moon's Madison Della Nebbia (F) 02/16/1998 WP83632303; Blue
Blue Moon's Savannah Glory TT (F) 02/16/1998 WP83632301; Blue
Am CH Blue Moon's Aruba Glory (F) 06/05/2002 WS01128702; Blue
Blue Moon Mgd B the Crown Eio (F) 07/19/2006 WS18574902;
Am CH Blue Moon's Cadence of Glory (F) 07/19/2006 WS18574901; Blue
Blue Moon's For Game And Glory (M) 07/19/2006 WS18574910;
Blue Moon's the Natural (M) 08/26/2007 WS23404702; Blue
Bluemoon's Casino Royale (M) 08/26/2007 WS23404703; Blue
Bluemoon's Kira N Mist Enzodane CD RN CGC TDI (F) 07/19/2006 WS18574903; Blue
Blue Moon's Bimini Beamer (M) 06/05/2002 WS01128703; Blue
Blue Moon's Cruising to Rosherta (M) NHSB 2462692; Blue
Gera van't Oenselerheem (F) 04/20/2007 LOSH 1016388;
Gigi van't Oenselerheem (F) 04/20/2007 LOSH 1016390; Blue / White
Orontes von der Kupferhütte (M) 05/11/2008 VDH/DDC 121221; Blue
Qimba Quartz van Rosherta (M) 12/06/2002 NHSB 2485425; Blue
Quella Qukidee van Rosherta (F) 06/10/2008 NHSB 2709235;
Thunderbird Rhom v Rosherta (M) FIN13999/06;
Tinata the Heartbreaker van Rosherta (F) ; Blue
Troy Truly Heartbreaker v.Rosherta (F) NHSB 2517537; Blue
Xshaya Ximberley V Rosherta (F) ;
Am CH Blue Moon's Havana Smoke and Glory (M) 06/05/2002 WS01128701; Blue
Blue Moon's Smoke Follows Beauty (F) 06/17/2016 WS54634001;
Blue Moon's Smokin' Hot Handsome Hank (M) 06/17/2016 WS54634002; Blue
Am CH Wolfpack Bluemoon Lit Smokin Eclipse (F) 07/05/2005 WS14052304; Black
Wolfpack Smokin' Gun V Bluemoon (M) 07/05/2005 WS14052302;
Wolfpack's Outta the Smoke V Bluemoon (M) 07/05/2005 WS14052306;
Blue Moon's Kona (M) 06/05/2002 WS01128705; Blue
Am CH Blue Moon's Purple Field of Glory (F) 08/10/2004 WS10969301; Blue
Blue Moon's Just Ducky (F) 07/27/2009 WS31279701; Blue
Blue Moon's Tailor Made For Glory (F) 08/10/2004 WS10969302; Blue
Blue Moon's Hunky Dory (F) 07/20/2009 WS31195301;
Blue Moon's Lunar Eclipse (F) 07/20/2009 WS31195302;
Blue Moon's Swiss Paladin of Glory (M) 02/16/1998 WP83632302; Blue
Sullivans Jury of Her Peers (F) WR00502004; Black
Harley Quinn Hopper (M) WS03918704; Harlequin
Araco Adyss (M) MET Dog 5661/H/94; Blue
Brilliáns Stephanie (F) MET 6273/95;
Hung Ch Hamster Veronika (F) 09/05/1997 MET 2872/97; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Attilathehun (M) 07/16/2002 3100102930; Blue
Nubarron Bodicea (F) 04/07/2004 ; Blue
Nubarron Downunda Thunder (F) 04/07/2004 WS11859802; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Magnus Opus (M) 04/07/2004 6100037421; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Shah Jahan (M) 04/07/2004 ; Blue
Thunderfire Brilliant Ava (F) 07/16/2002 WS04287501;
Aust Ch Thunderfire Brilliantcsaba SD, SPD, GD, ADX, JDX, ADO (M) 07/16/2002 3100102931; Blue
Csabadane A Brilliant One (M) 10/12/2009 4100179194; Black
Csabadane A Little Bit of You (F) 10/12/2009 4100179194; Black
Csabadane Aiming High (M) 10/12/2009 4100179197; Black
Csabadane Call Me Csarina (F) 09/28/2015 4100264955; Blue
Csabadane Call To Arms (M) 09/28/2015 4100264954; Blue
Divadanes Brilliant Blu Arrow (F) 03/11/2019 4100319802;
Thunderfire BrilliantUno (M) 07/16/2002 3100102929; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire BrilliantBlu (M) 03/27/2004 3100132942; Blue
Thunderfire Going Turbo (M) 08/06/2003 3100121705; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Law N Order (M) 03/27/2004 3100132936; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Purple Rain (F) 03/27/2004 3100132938; Blue
Thunderfire The Shadow Casta (M) 03/27/2004 ; Blue
Thunderfire Tolitespeed (F) 08/06/2003 3100121706; Blue
Kék-Tengeri Deborah (F) MET Dog 9076/95; Blue
Szoke Dog Dénes (M) 08/22/2000 MET Dog 6108/00; Blue
Ariane Adyss (F) 03/22/1992 ;
Ceream-Cheeks Eclipse (F) 12/25/1995 CMKU ND/14070/95/97; Blue
Laura Dolansky Dvur (F) 06/19/2001 CMKU/NU 16507; Blue
Lota Dolanský Dvur (F) ;
Angelina Blue Ecstasy (F) ;
Watanay Dolansky Dvur (F) CMKU ND/19439/08;
Yperid Dolanský Dvur (M) ;
Boddy Adyss (F) SHPK 00747/97; Blue
Bellocia Bival Via (F) VDH/DDC 107852; Blue
Quintala vom Gohliser Eck (F) 03/27/2002 VDH/DDC 112344; Blue
Quintana vom Gohliser Eck (F) 03/27/2002 VDH/DDC 112345; Blue
Quitlee vom Gohliser Eck (M) 03/27/2002 VDH/DDC 112342; Blue
Bricar's Bival Via (M) 03/16/1999 ;
Bruscoe Bival Via (M) VDH/DDC 107851; Blue
Dacapo Belcanto (M) 09/20/2003 VDH/DDC 114 739; Blue
Bonnie Adyss (F) ;
Adyss Chvalcovický Luh (F) ; Blue
Era Chvalcovicky Luh (F) ; Blue
Beryl Z Basteckého Dvora (F) 08/08/2004 CMKU ND/17808/04/07; Blue
Adonis Von Mraque (M) ; Blue
Bardottka von Mraque (F) 06/25/2008 CMKU ND/19317/08;
Bedriska von Mraque (F) ;
Bora Z Bateckého Dvora (F) ; Blue
Clementina Z Bateckého Dvora (F) ; Blue
Anie Chvalcovický Luh (F) CMKU ND/13434/95;
Baira Dajhar (F) ;
Heera Dajhar-Dog (F) CMKU ND/17154/03/04;
Cameron Apollo Dog (F) CMKU ND/18668/07; Blue