Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH BMW Jaguar (M) 03/26/1994 WP56632701; Harlequin COI: 32.18% |
B.A.K.'s Cyd Charisse () 10/13/1995 WP66510102; White
B.A.K's Playboy V Equity (M) WP82521803;
Equity's Pandamonium Playboy (M) 04/02/2006 ; Harlequin
B.A.K's Troubadour V Classic (M) 08/12/1998 WP90304301; Harlequin
Am CH B.A.K.'s Isadora Duncan V High Acre (F) 10/13/1995 WP66510103; Harlequin
BAK Mic Mac's Othello (M) 10/13/1995 WP66510104; Harlequin
BMW Rolls Royce Bak (M) 12/17/1996 WP78326305; Harlequin
Abbastans Sushi (F) WS01555201; Harlequin
Am CH Sir Cricket Abbastan (M) 02/02/2005 WS12578104; Harlequin
ABW Classic Jewel Tiara (F) 11/13/1998 WP89108802; Harlequin
ABW Deirdre Macdairbhre (F) WR01855202; Mantle
SMS's Banks a Million (M) ; Mantle
Flints Bank of Liberty Run (F) WS12983101; Mantle
SMS's I Luv Lucy (F) ; Mantle
Xl Bridget Owns the Banks () ; Mantle
ABW Jewel's Game Over (M) WR01855210;
ABW She Is A Show Girl (F) 12/18/2004 WS11700101;
ABW Shunka Wakan V Palmcreek (M) 12/18/2004 WS11700103; Harlequin
Int Ch KRW ABW Rumor Has It CGC (F) 09/17/2008 WS28288701; Harlequin
ABW Kendall Lynn Pendalton Of (F) WS03496005; Mantle
Cid's Leni's Florian (M) WS24784304; Black
The Crucial Election of Cid (M) WS31971602; Harlequin
ABW Lauren Panache (F) WR01855201; Harlequin
ABW Gentle Breeze (F) 05/22/2004 WS08698604;
BBSC Luck is the Lady (F) 05/22/2004 WS08698606; Mantle
ABW KRW Bint Bint Panache (F) 01/11/2011 WS36320411; Mantle
ABW KRW God of the Arena (M) 01/11/2011 WS36320402; Mantle
ABW KRW It Is All About Tacara (F) 11/26/2009 WS32852207; Mantle
Am & Int Ch ABW KRW One In A Million (F) 11/26/2009 WS32852205; Harlequin
ABW KRW Pull Up My Socks (F) 01/11/2011 WS36320401; Mantle
Int Ch ABW KRW Romance's A Tribute 2 Success (M) 11/26/2009 WS32852206; Harlequin
Am CH ABW Saber Spirit (M) WS03496003; Harlequin
ABW KRW History In the Making (M) WS49246703;
BBD's We've Gone A Little Rogue (M) WS49246701; Mantle
Bbd's He's Out of This World CGC (M) 06/28/2017 WS59467001;
ABW Shyla Von Liberte () WR01855206;
ABW Classic Optimus Prime (M) 11/13/1998 WP89108806;
Am CH ABW Classic Sophie Lour Ren (F) 11/13/1998 WP89108801; Harlequin
Int Ch ABW Hummer Sut (M) 02/01/2004 WS06815405; Mantle
Romance's Augustus Casanova (M) 11/09/2007 WS24777501; Harlequin
Romance N Rose's Diva Diana Maia (F) WS34050903; Mantle
Romance's Confetti Camouflage OA NAJ AXP AJP AJP RN (F) 01/18/2010 WS33111104;
Romance's Bedazzled by Me (F) 10/09/2009 WS31891507; Harlequin
Romance's Magic Mike (M) 07/08/2012 WS41595901; Mantle
Romance's Radiant Rose (F) 12/19/2012 WS42872901; Mantle
Romance's Ziva Rose (F) ; Mantle
Romance's High Octane of Spiritdanes (M) 04/24/2010 WS34000212; Mantle
Spirit Danes Inside The Fire V RHDG (F) 07/03/2014 WS47767006; Harlequin
Spiritdane's Blessed Be Bathsheba Breaking Heart (F) 04/18/2013 WS43868606; Mantle
Spiritdane's Just Believe (F) 03/03/2012 WS40263310; Harlequin
Spiritdane's She's A Hot Mess at Dk (F) 07/03/2014 WS47767007;
Steiner's Cash Vondesuden (M) 08/09/2019 WS65611011;
Int Ch Romance's Mil Spec Humvee of CDA (M) 04/24/2010 WS34000206; Mantle
Am CH Beckmar's As Good As It Gets (M) 04/05/2015 WS50285509; Harlequin
Breken Unclaimed (F) 07/13/2014 WS49286102; White
Romance's New Beginnings ABW V Krw (M) 04/24/2010 WS34000203; Harlequin
ABW KRW Sharp Shooter DJ CGC (M) 06/01/2011 WS37909103; White
Fin Ch Romance's Once in a Lifetime (M) 03/23/2009 FI49324/09; Mantle
Genedda ÉgoÏste (M) 11/15/2014 FI55763/14; Harlequin
Romance's Project Runway (F) 04/24/2010 WS34000205; Mantle
Romance's Promise Kept ABW v KRW (M) 03/23/2009 WS29658601; Mantle
ABW KRW Bint Bint Panache (F) 01/11/2011 WS36320411; Mantle
ABW KRW God of the Arena (M) 01/11/2011 WS36320402; Mantle
ABW KRW Pull Up My Socks (F) 01/11/2011 WS36320401; Mantle
Romance's Rock My World (M) 10/09/2009 WS31891505; Harlequin
ABW She Is A Show Girl (F) 12/18/2004 WS11700101;
ABW Shunka Wakan V Palmcreek (M) 12/18/2004 WS11700103; Harlequin
Int Ch KRW ABW Rumor Has It CGC (F) 09/17/2008 WS28288701; Harlequin
Am CH KRW ABW Full Circle (M) 06/07/2013 WS46326103; Harlequin
KRW ABW Jaleesa (F) 07/07/2014 WS49537801; Harlequin
KRW ABW Lady Luck CGCA (F) 05/24/2012 WS41930502; Black
KRW ABW Shine Bright Like A Diamond (F) 06/07/2013 WS46326101; Black
Don-Par's Bella Mia (F) 09/04/2001 ; Mantle
Tolam's Bon Vivant () 12/14/2006 WS20008701; Harlequin
Tolam Bex When Stars Align (M) WS37514301; Harlequin
Tolam's Icing on the Cake (M) 08/08/2004 WS09561001;
Tolam's Full Moon Rising (F) 05/13/2006 WS18508505; Harlequin
Tolam's Iluminate The Night V Cabral (F) 05/13/2006 WS18508501; Black / White
Tolam's Izabelle V Littlehorse (F) ; Harlequin
Tolams Lilliana (F) ; Mantle
Tolam's Isabella V Brookwood (F) WS20008703;
Tolam's Seraphim (F) WS32886801;
Kondor's Kai Von Riverwood (M) 09/04/2001 WR04101907; Harlequin
Donpar Shady Lady (F) 02/09/2004 WS07327603; Harlequin
CMD Leonardo Da Vinci (M) 12/13/2005 WS15651301; Harlequin
Crystal Blue Persuasion (F) 06/11/2006 ;
SD Holy Smoke's It's Sadie (F) 09/12/2003 WS05737901; Harlequin
Don-Par Cupids Cpt of My Heart (M) ;
GI Danes The Mark of Zorro () ; Harlequin
Am CH Don-Par's Classic Pantera (F) ; Mantle
Donpar's Classic Pantera (F) 09/10/1999 WP93305406; Mantle
Donaldson's Bar-Room Bandit (M) 03/30/2005 WS12595508; Mantle
Hendon's Princess Guenhwyvar (F) 05/15/2009 WS30646006; Merle
Jacqueline O' Swampside of A.Shelter (F) WS32519401; Merle Mantle
Swampside Ursula of The Sea (F) 10/28/2012 WS42404101; Mantle
Prices Cam I Am v Swapside (M) Ws35393701; Mantle
Las Vegas The Wild (M) 01/13/2012 WS39974303; Harlequin
Swampside Splash of Color (F) 05/15/2010 ; Harlequin
Swampside's Bar-Room Shocka Lulu (F) 05/15/2009 ; Harlequin
Swampside Hide N Zeke (M) 03/14/2013 WS43561910; Harlequin
Donpar Shady Lady (F) 02/09/2004 WS07327603; Harlequin
CMD Leonardo Da Vinci (M) 12/13/2005 WS15651301; Harlequin
Crystal Blue Persuasion (F) 06/11/2006 ;
Donpar's Hailey Girl (F) 03/30/2005 WS12595502; Mantle
Am CH DonPar's Sundance Kid (M) 09/10/1999 WP93305403; Harlequin
Cmd Sundance Serenade (F) 07/01/2004 WS09393308; Harlequin
Southern Snow SSS (F) WP978228/01; White
Dk Ch Southern Affair Abbastan (M) 05/30/2003 WS05642301 / DK08105/2004; Harlequin
Drew Vincent's Ask (M) 02/11/2006 02946/2006; Harlequin
Grand Fozzy Caroline#1 (F) 11/08/2012 DK19525/2012; Harlequin
Grand Frozzy Highway Star (F) 07/26/2021 DK20262/2021; Harlequin
Grand Frozzy Maybelline (F) 11/08/2012 DK19526/2012; Harlequin
Grand Frozzy Stormbringer (M) 07/26/2021 DK20257/2021; Harlequin
Grand Frozzy Jingle Bell Rock (F) 12/20/2010 DK01466/2011; Black
Grand Frozzy She Loves You (F) ; Harlequin
Horsebjerg Attention Texas (F) 06/30/2005 14353/2005; Harlequin
Dk Ch Horsebjerg Marcello (M) 09/15/2009 DK19189/2009; Harlequin
Platinium (M) ; Harlequin
BMW Wanda (F) 12/17/1996 WP78326303;
Acken Von Ferden (M) ;
Von Ferden Delfina Leatrick (F) WS05724701; Harlequin
Chanoz All That Jazz von Ferden (M) 03/25/2007 WS21579904; White
Jacarandá von der Faust (F) ;
Julio César von der Fuast (M) ; Harlequin
Von Ferden Gloria (F) 12/04/2009 ;
Chanoz Color My World V Victorian (M) 03/25/2007 WS21579901; Harlequin
Chanoz Export of Joy (M) 10/02/2006 WS19103902; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Greatest Act of Love (F) 04/25/2005 WS12512701; Harlequin
Chanoz Breath of Heaven V Dbm (F) 12/25/2007 WS24448511; Harlequin
Chanoz Celebrate The Miracle (F) 12/25/2007 WS24448510; Harlequin
Chanoz Daystars Greatest Gift of God (F) 07/20/2011 WS38272301;
Chanoz Follow the Star (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448513; Harlequin
Chanoz Get Up And Dance (M) 12/17/2008 WS28621301; Harlequin
Chanoz My God Is The Lord (M) 07/20/2011 WS38272302; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Terra Nova (F) 12/09/2010 WS36108803; Mantle
Can Ch Chanoz The Messenger (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448517 / 1106805; Mantle
Chanoz What a Wonder (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448516; Mantle
Chanoz Whirlwind Atmospheric Pressure (M) 12/09/2010 WS36108804; Mantle
Chanoz Zippidee Doo Da (M) 12/09/2010 WS36108801; Mantle
Chanoz's Kimiko (F) 12/09/2010 WS36108802; Mantle
Chanoz High Roller (M) 06/12/2004 WS08869502; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Rahni Jaeger (F) 10/02/2006 WS19103901; Harlequin
Chanoz's Joyful Noise (F) 03/25/2007 WS21579902; Harlequin
Sabrina Von Ferden (F) ;
Von Ferden Delfina Leatrick (F) WS05724701; Harlequin
Chanoz All That Jazz von Ferden (M) 03/25/2007 WS21579904; White
Jacarandá von der Faust (F) ;
Julio César von der Fuast (M) ; Harlequin
Von Ferden Gloria (F) 12/04/2009 ;
Chanoz Color My World V Victorian (M) 03/25/2007 WS21579901; Harlequin
Chanoz Export of Joy (M) 10/02/2006 WS19103902; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Greatest Act of Love (F) 04/25/2005 WS12512701; Harlequin
Chanoz Breath of Heaven V Dbm (F) 12/25/2007 WS24448511; Harlequin
Chanoz Celebrate The Miracle (F) 12/25/2007 WS24448510; Harlequin
Chanoz Daystars Greatest Gift of God (F) 07/20/2011 WS38272301;
Chanoz Follow the Star (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448513; Harlequin
Chanoz Get Up And Dance (M) 12/17/2008 WS28621301; Harlequin
Chanoz My God Is The Lord (M) 07/20/2011 WS38272302; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Terra Nova (F) 12/09/2010 WS36108803; Mantle
Can Ch Chanoz The Messenger (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448517 / 1106805; Mantle
Chanoz What a Wonder (M) 12/25/2007 WS24448516; Mantle
Chanoz Whirlwind Atmospheric Pressure (M) 12/09/2010 WS36108804; Mantle
Chanoz Zippidee Doo Da (M) 12/09/2010 WS36108801; Mantle
Chanoz's Kimiko (F) 12/09/2010 WS36108802; Mantle
Chanoz High Roller (M) 06/12/2004 WS08869502; Harlequin
Am CH Chanoz Rahni Jaeger (F) 10/02/2006 WS19103901; Harlequin
Chanoz's Joyful Noise (F) 03/25/2007 WS21579902; Harlequin
Von Ferden Mercedez (F) KCU1257;
Von Ferden Born To Dance V Chanoz (M) 03/31/2007 WS23175301; Harlequin
Von Ferden Here I am v Chanoz (M) WS21535101 1110260;
Am & Can Ch ValbyDaneFeelWhatsRtVHntrgrn (F) 09/17/2009 ; Mantle
Can Ch Valbydanenhuntergreencoolmove () BE564790;
CH ValbyDnOneHillToClimbVHntrgrn (M) 09/17/2009 ; Mantle
Von Ferden Piu Bella von Pao (F) FCA10675;
Angela von Pao (F) ; Harlequin
Melek Vall's von Pao (F) 01/17/2015 FCA 11966;
Aramis von Pao (M) ;
Arg Ch Carla von Pao (F) 11/08/2010 WS43110301; Harlequin
BISS Ch Breken Anna von Pao (F) 06/06/2016 WS54094501; Harlequin
Breken Crash Landing (M) 12/31/2016 WS56048701; Mantle
Loretta von Pao (F) 11/08/2010 FI19518/11 FCA11080; Harlequin
Regina von Pao (F) ; Black
Rufus von Pao (M) ;
Melek Vall's von Pao (F) 01/17/2015 FCA 11966;
Von Ferden Tizziano (M) ;
Von Ferden Gemma von Pao (F) ;
Emma Bubba Rondo von Pao (F) ; Mantle
Fer Bubba Ronda von Pao (M) ;
Lucy Bubba RondoVon Pao (F) ; Harlequin
Von Ferden Sanson Wanjo (M) 04/23/2000 ;
Von Ferden Wanjo Amadeus (M) WR07248801; Harlequin
Can Ch Croydebayone Magic Brooklyn (F) 10/20/2002 MU844385; Harlequin
Croy De Bayone Alexis (M) ; Mantle
Int, Am & Can Ch Croydebayone Archie (M) 01/17/2005 RA082317; Harlequin
CK Harlequins Dekoster's Thomas (M) 01/03/2015 CA608054; Harlequin
Cockatrice Ck's Magic Lucy (F) 12/05/2010 ;
Cockatrice's Ella Bella (F) ;
Gresko's Chancellor (M) 04/30/2012 WS40701801;
Vulpine's The Gould Standard (F) 03/27/2008 WS27240703; Harlequin
Can Ch Croydebayone Millenium (F) 12/06/2002 MY844388; Harlequin
Trinity (F) 02/16/2007 TC142713; Mantle
Croydebayone Xanadu (F) 05/23/2010 ;
Croydebayone Xquisite (F) 05/23/2010 WS37374901; Mantle
Croydebayone Xtreme Vincentius (M) YU440196;
Am GCh Croydebayone Ye Wright Stuff (M) 10/29/2011 WS40943201; Harlequin
Croydebayone Yield To None (M) 10/29/2011 WS40943202;
La Croy de Bayone Mandrake (M) 12/06/2002 MY844403; Harlequin
Can Ch La Croy de Bayone Millenium (F) 12/06/2002 MY8444388; Harlequin
La Croy de Bayone Trinity (F) 02/16/2007 TC142713; Mantle
Von Ferden Wanjo Amaranta (F) ;
Von Ferden Angelica (F) ;
Danelita Lumina (F) 04/16/2008 ; Mantle
Danelita Medralys Von Ferden (M) 04/16/2008 ; Mantle
Von Ferden Sun Shine (M) ;
Von Ferden Sebastian (M) ;
Saori von der Faust (F) 09/05/2016 ; Mantle
Saudades von der Faust (f) ; Mantle
Scandal von der Faust () ; Harlequin