River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Danesworth Arc fire
(V)1130062; Blue
COI: 12.05%
Aust Ch Polbrooke Basic Instinct
(F) 12/28/1992
(V)1333127; Blue
Basbleu Arden
(F) 11/19/1995
(Q)1574185; Blue
Basbleu Azzure Belle
(F) 11/19/1995
(Q)1574187; Blue
Polbrooke Drop dead Fred
(V)1333124; Blue
Whichwood Shez Mine
(V)1543567; Black
Andanes Shez Prima Donna
(F) 01/23/2001
3100080113; Harlequin
Polbrooke Elenor Rigby
(F) 01/11/1992
(V)1255275; Blue
Polbrooke Eschell
(V)1413889; Blue
Reblue Archie
(M) 05/10/2000
Reblue Cindabell
(F) 05/10/2000
3100061344; Blue
Malimadogge Benson
(M) 05/28/2003
; Fawn Blue Mask
Malimadogge Black Knight
(M) 05/28/2003
; Black
Malimadogge Braveheart
(M) 05/28/2003
4100097324; Blue
Quintessa Akobu
(M) 09/25/2004
4100114389; Black
Quintessa Ala Mosa
(F) 09/25/2004
4100114393; Black
Quintessa Alexandra
(F) 09/25/2004
4100114390; Black
Quintessa Alpheus
(M) 09/25/2004
4100114386; Black
Quintessa Altamaha
(F) 09/25/2004
4100114392; Black
Mafimafi Cathal Misniuil
(M) 11/23/2007
Mafimafi Ger Gneasach
(M) 11/23/2007
4100153419; Black
Mafimafi Mo Scath
(M) 11/23/2007
Mafimafi Saoirse
(F) 11/23/2007
Mafimafi Siochanta
(M) 11/23/2007
Aust Ch Mafimafi Tis Karma
(M) 01/15/2010
Mafimafi Yasi
(F) 01/31/2011
4100195713; Blue
Quintessa Ambargasta
(F) 09/25/2004
4100114391; Black
Quintessa Apalachicola
(M) 09/25/2004
4100114387; Black
Quintessa Ashburton
(M) 09/25/2004
4100114388; Black
Malimadogge Hexe
(F) 05/28/2003
; Blue
Malimadogge Midnight
(F) 05/28/2003
; Black
Malimadogge Pearl
(F) 05/28/2003
; Blue
Malimadogge Sheldon
(M) 05/28/2003
; Fawn Blue Mask
Malimadogge Silver
(M) 05/28/2003
; Fawn Blue Mask
Malimadogge Star
(M) 05/28/2003
4100097319; Black
Wolfcrests Black Shadow
(F) 08/15/2006
Aust Ch Wolfcrests Black Sway
(F) 08/15/2006
4100138029; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Blu Swayd
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202009; Blue
Thunderfire Brilliant Onyx
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202006; Black
Thunderfire Dark Crystal
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202005; Black
Thunderfire Life of Pi
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Like Mike
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Lord Oth Lake
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Smokin Blu Swayd
(M) 03/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Swaydt Blakk
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Wolfcrests Blu Cloud
(F) 08/15/2006
Wolfcrests Blu Sky
(F) 08/15/2006
4100138031; Blue
Wolfcrests Darka Cloud
(F) 07/18/2010
; Black
Wolfcrests Indigo Dream
(F) 01/31/2008
Wolfcrests Mystic Blue Star
4100165441; Blue
Wolfcrests Silver Princess
(F) 08/29/2008
4100165444; Blue
Malimadogge Thulula
(F) 05/28/2003
; Blue
Reblue Pikachu
3100077448; Harlequin
Wittstone Blackthunder
(M) 03/03/2006
3100165984; Black
Wittstone Blakice
(F) 05/17/2008
3100205401; Harlequin
Wittstone Bon Heur
(F) 03/03/2006
3100165978; Harlequin
Wittstone Cinderella
(F) 11/08/2007
3100196547; Black
Wittstone Saxton
(M) 09/19/2008
3100210898; Harlequin
Danemore Superstar
Danemore White Rose
() 04/12/2011
3100254204; Harlequin
Wittstone Bonnie
(F) 03/03/2006
3100165979; Harlequin
Danemore Superstar
Wolfcrests Rock Star
(F) 12/10/2012
Danemore White Rose
() 04/12/2011
3100254204; Harlequin
Wittstone Cheyanne
(F) 05/19/2004
3100135951; Harlequin
Wittstone Cuda
3100174636; Harlequin
Wittstone Blakice
(F) 05/17/2008
3100205401; Harlequin
Wittstone Harvey
3100189605; Mantle
Wittstone Classic
(F) 09/12/2006
3100175105; Black
Wittstone Cop This
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120646; Harlequin
Kuudane Karma
3100169347; Merlequin
Paurolpark Milkyway
(F) 07/24/2006
3100172258; Blue Harlequin
Paurolpark Fire N Thunder
(M) 12/16/2008
3100214615; Harlequin
Paurolpark Thunderstruck
3100204930; Blue
Wishgram Blue Louie
(M) 11/17/2011
2100352080; Blue
Wishgram Silver Inara
(F) 07/15/2011
2100347048; Blue
Wittstone Galioth
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120644; Harlequin
Worehorse Demon
3100173890; Black
Challangdane Leasure
3100241941; Blue
Challangedane Tiny
3100241936; Blue
Wittstone Gunado
3100029873; Harlequin
Wittstone Cop This
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120646; Harlequin
Kuudane Karma
3100169347; Merlequin
Paurolpark Milkyway
(F) 07/24/2006
3100172258; Blue Harlequin
Paurolpark Thunderstruck
3100204930; Blue
Wittstone Galioth
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120644; Harlequin
Worehorse Demon
3100173890; Black
Wittstone Son Ofa Gun
(M) 07/21/2003
Underane Acarana
3100138839; Harlequin
Wittstone Hamish
(M) 03/03/2006
3100165980; Harlequin
Hameta Roxy
3100202509; Blue
Challangdane Leasure
3100241941; Blue
Challangdane Maddy
(F) 12/08/2009
3100236273; Harlequin
Challangedane Tiny
3100241936; Blue
Wittstone Lacey
(F) 05/19/2004
3100135948; Black
Worehorse Demon
3100173890; Black
Challangdane Leasure
3100241941; Blue
Challangedane Tiny
3100241936; Blue
Worehorse Phenix Skye
(F) 04/25/2008
; Black
Worehorse Scarlett Rose
(F) 04/25/2008
; Blue
Wittstone Son Ofa Gun
(M) 07/21/2003
Wittstone Beau
3100029891; Harlequin
Reblue Pikachu
3100077448; Harlequin
Wittstone Blackthunder
(M) 03/03/2006
3100165984; Black
Wittstone Blakice
(F) 05/17/2008
3100205401; Harlequin
Wittstone Bon Heur
(F) 03/03/2006
3100165978; Harlequin
Wittstone Cinderella
(F) 11/08/2007
3100196547; Black
Wittstone Saxton
(M) 09/19/2008
3100210898; Harlequin
Wittstone Bonnie
(F) 03/03/2006
3100165979; Harlequin
Danemore Superstar
Danemore White Rose
() 04/12/2011
3100254204; Harlequin
Wittstone Cheyanne
(F) 05/19/2004
3100135951; Harlequin
Wittstone Cuda
3100174636; Harlequin
Wittstone Harvey
3100189605; Mantle
Wittstone Classic
(F) 09/12/2006
3100175105; Black
Wittstone Cop This
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120646; Harlequin
Kuudane Karma
3100169347; Merlequin
Paurolpark Milkyway
(F) 07/24/2006
3100172258; Blue Harlequin
Paurolpark Thunderstruck
3100204930; Blue
Wittstone Galioth
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120644; Harlequin
Worehorse Demon
3100173890; Black
Wittstone Gunado
3100029873; Harlequin
Wittstone Cop This
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120646; Harlequin
Wittstone Galioth
(M) 07/21/2003
3100120644; Harlequin
Wittstone Son Ofa Gun
(M) 07/21/2003
Underane Acarana
3100138839; Harlequin
Wittstone Hamish
(M) 03/03/2006
3100165980; Harlequin
Hameta Roxy
3100202509; Blue
Wittstone Lacey
(F) 05/19/2004
3100135948; Black
Worehorse Demon
3100173890; Black
Worehorse Phenix Skye
(F) 04/25/2008
; Black
Worehorse Scarlett Rose
(F) 04/25/2008
; Blue
Wittstone Son Ofa Gun
(M) 07/21/2003
Reblue Mister Bossman
(M) 12/25/2000
3100073133; Black
Reblue Devil Woman
(F) 04/28/2003
Reblue Enchantment
(F) 06/14/2002
3100099629; Harlequin
Reblue Chevvy Delight
(F) 07/11/2005
3100154931; Blue Harlequin
Reblue Enchanted Candelicous
3100205707; Blue Harlequin
Reblue Enchanted Dream
(F) 05/19/2007
3100188800; Blue
Reblue Iced Magic
(F) 07/11/2005
3100154930; Blue Harlequin
Wittstone Revillution
(F) 04/11/1997
WP89657401; Blue
Am CH Bluestone Invincible
(M) 01/11/2000
WP96097301; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Electric Blue TDI
(M) 08/02/2003
NQ892112; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Emerging Perfection
(F) 08/02/2003
NQ892110 / WS18850401;
Can Ch Adonis' Etched In Stone CD Cgn
(F) 08/02/2003
NQ892126; Blue
Can Ch Adonis' Evolution of Blue
() 08/02/2003
Bluestone Black Magic Woman
(F) 10/08/2002
; Black
Bluestone Bottoms Up
(F) 01/20/2007
WS21068203; Black
Bluestone Lo And Behold! Ravedane
(F) 01/11/2009
Am CH Bluestone's Silver Lining To Tnt
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053501; Black
Bluestones Promise Keeper
(M) 01/11/2009
WS29053502; Black
Bluestone King Pin
(M) 10/08/2002
WR07613201; Black
V Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794106; Black
V Stelz Night Moves Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Am CH V Stelz Radioactive Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794101; Blue
Von Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Bluestone Midnight Lace Shirwin
(F) 06/26/2008
WS26773303; Black
Bluestones Vincenzo V Ravedane
WS24899801; Black
Bluestone Make Mine A Double
(M) 01/20/2007
Am CH Bluestone Shirwin Sabrina
(F) 05/08/2002
WR06761703; Blue
Bluestone Midnight Lace Shirwin
(F) 06/26/2008
WS26773303; Black
Shirwin Lukeskywalker V Charma
(M) 08/30/2006
WS19219802; Blue
Bluestone's K Sera
(F) 10/08/2002
WR07613203; Black
Bluestone's Supernova For Denim
(M) 10/08/2002
Denim Danes Dirty Dancing
; Black
G-Dieter's Diva
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Samson
() 03/09/2003
; Blue
G-Dieter's Xena of Potmac Run
() 03/09/2003
WS03455304; Blue
Potomacrun Bewitching Moment
WS12768301; Blue
G-Dieters Grayson
(M) 03/09/2003
WS03455306; Blue
Kelso's Darkside Rendezvous
(M) 07/09/2004
WS09397003; Black / White
Magic's Just Before Sundown
Sundown's Greystone Amber Freyja
(F) 07/11/2005
WS14277003; Blue
Sundown's Shooting Star
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397001; Black
Sundown's Vixen at Lakeside
(F) 07/09/2004
WS09397006; Black
Int Ch G-Dieters Merci Be CGC TT
(F) 03/09/2003
WS03455302; Blue
Int Ch Fall Hollow G-Dieter's Inspiration
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165205; Blue
Fall Hollow's Blissful Reality
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165204; Blue
Fall Hollow's Diamond in the Rough
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Gentle Grace
(F) 06/21/2006
; Black
Fall Hollow's Hita Bonita
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447704; Blue
Fall Hollow's Mischief Maker
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Queen Tabitha
(F) 06/21/2006
Fall Hollow's Sophistication
(F) 06/21/2006
WS18165206; Black
Fall Hollows In The Nikko Time
(M) 06/21/2006
WS18165201; Black
Valentinos Blu Symphony V Fallhollow
(F) 05/27/2007
WS22447702; Blue
Am CH Bluestone Smooth Von Stelz
(F) 01/11/2000
V Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794106; Black
V Stelz Night Moves Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Am CH V Stelz Radioactive Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
WS12794101; Blue
Von Stelz Kashmir of Bluestone
(F) 04/05/2005
Bluestones Good Fella
(M) 08/08/2000
Stonehenges Cabo Mistico Esb
(M) 08/02/2003
Stonehenge's Macha V La Dane
(F) 09/21/2007
Am CH La Stonehenge the Beach Is Back
(F) 03/02/2012
WS40658301; Black
Stonehenge's Supernatural V La Danes
(M) 03/28/2008
Stonehenges Pica Encanto Es3
(F) 08/02/2003
WS08811307; Blue
Stonehenge The Road Back V G.O.T.
(M) 09/21/2006
WS20192401; Black
Stonehenge's Macha V La Dane
(F) 09/21/2007
Am CH La Stonehenge the Beach Is Back
(F) 03/02/2012
WS40658301; Black
Stonehenge's Supernatural V La Danes
(M) 03/28/2008
Wittstone Thunder Moon
(F) 04/05/1997
3100004757; Blue
Aust Ch Hailstone Hazee Daiz
(F) 06/26/2001
Hailstone Hurricane Willy
(M) 06/26/2001
Aust Ch Halestone Haizee Daiz
(F) 06/26/2001
Halestone Hurricane Willy
Aust Ch Wittstone Thunderstruck
(M) 04/05/1997
3100004759; Blue
Polbrooke Lucy in the Sky
(F) 01/10/1992
(V)1255276; Blue
Aust Ch Mardhia Chosen Spirit
(F) 10/25/1996
(N)1645264; Blue
Mardhia Black Storm
(M) 09/17/2000
2100100537; Black
Mardhia C Oz Im Black
(F) 09/17/2000
2100100539; Black
Mardhia Caras Gift
(F) 09/17/2000
Mardhia Makers Mark
(M) 09/17/2000
2100100535; Black
Mardhia Spirit of Apollo
(F) 10/25/1996
(N)1645262; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Apolosceaser
(M) 04/22/2000
3100060348; Blue
Mulgadane Leroythunda
(M) 09/20/2003
2000178450; Blue
Aust Ch Mulgadane Not on Ya Nelly
(F) 07/13/2010
2100324158; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Legend of Th Ark
(M) 10/11/2015
; Fawn
Aust Ch Ahmanvondane Threads of Gold
(F) 09/17/2013
; Fawn
Mulgadane Lord Omtview
(M) 11/17/2001
2100127930; Black
Mulgadane Blue Bayou
(M) 07/23/2004
Mulgadane Dakota Blac
(F) 07/23/2004
2100191576; Black
Mulgadane Hot to Trot
(M) 02/21/2004
Mulgadane Knight Rider
(M) 07/23/2004
2100191573; Black
Mulgadane Knightstar
(F) 10/14/2006
2100240624; Harlequin
Reblue Alisana Nisha
3100236538; Blue
Reblue Arch Angel
(M) 06/12/2008
3100205578; Blue
Reblue Enchanted Candelicous
3100205707; Blue Harlequin
Reblue Enchanted Dream
(F) 05/19/2007
3100188800; Blue
Reblue Gift from the Heart
(F) 06/12/2008
Reblue Heart Breaker
(M) 06/12/2008
3100205577; Black
Reblue Riders Delight
(F) 03/31/2008
3100203790; Harlequin
Reblue Shes My Lady
Mulgadane Xtreme
(F) 02/21/2004
Mulgadane Their Dreaming
(F) 11/17/2001
2100127937; Black
Mulgadane Thunda Bloosho
Aust Ch Thunderfire Attilathehun
(M) 07/16/2002
3100102930; Blue
Nubarron Bodicea
(F) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Desert Dueler
(M) 09/26/2005
; Blue
Nubarron Downunda Thunder
(F) 04/07/2004
WS11859802; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Magnus Opus
(M) 04/07/2004
6100037421; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Shah Jahan
(M) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Brilliant Ava
(F) 07/16/2002
Aust Ch Thunderfire Brilliantcsaba SD, SPD, GD, ADX, JDX, ADO
(M) 07/16/2002
3100102931; Blue
Csabadane A Brilliant One
(M) 10/12/2009
4100179194; Black
Csabadane Brilliant Gidget
(F) 07/15/2011
Csabadane Brilliant Hutch
(M) 07/15/2011
Csabadane A Little Bit of You
(F) 10/12/2009
4100179194; Black
Csabadane Aiming High
(M) 10/12/2009
4100179197; Black
Csabadane Call Me Csarina
(F) 09/28/2015
4100264955; Blue
Csabadane Call To Arms
(M) 09/28/2015
4100264954; Blue
Divadanes Brilliant Blu Arrow
(F) 03/11/2019
Thunderfire BrilliantUno
(M) 07/16/2002
3100102929; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire BrilliantBlu
(M) 03/27/2004
3100132942; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Brillant Art
(F) 02/12/2006
3100180499; Blue
Biss Am GCh Justice's Bare Necessity RN CGC
(M) 12/05/2009
WS32890403; Blue
Am GCH Justice's Once Upon A Dream V Meric
(F) 12/05/2009
WS32890401; Blue
Paurolpark Fire N Thunder
(M) 12/16/2008
3100214615; Harlequin
Rebelwood Skys The Limit
(F) 05/15/2014
2100407366; Blue
Aust Ch Rebelwood Steel your Heart
(F) 05/15/2014
2100407367; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Blu Swayd
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202009; Blue
Thunderfire Brilliant Onyx
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202006; Black
Thunderfire Dark Crystal
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202005; Black
Thunderfire Desert Star
(M) 08/07/2007
; Blue
Thunderfire Life of Pi
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Like Mike
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Lord Oth Lake
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Smokenmirors
(M) 08/07/2007
3100189549; Blue
Thunderfire Smokin Blu Swayd
(M) 03/22/2008
; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire StormBreaker
(M) 08/07/2007
3100189550; Black
Thunderfire Swaydt Blakk
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Law N Order
(M) 03/27/2004
3100132936; Blue
Caesia Dius Gloria Margarejro
PKR II 94929; Blue
Am CH Della's Above The Law
(F) 04/02/2008
WS26153901; Blue
Am CH Della's Pro Bono
(M) 04/02/2008
WS26153903; Blue
Divadanes Above the Law
(M) 08/25/2019
4100333068; Blue
Divadanes Highest Order
(F) 08/25/2019
4100333067; Blue
Divadanes Sweet Obsession
(F) 08/25/2019
4100333066; Blue
Mulgadane Striperella
(F) 03/09/2006
2100226572; Merle
Ramac Hampson's Diesel
(M) 01/15/2008
WS25224502; Blue
Ramac Outback Barbie V Stebero
(F) 01/15/2008
Ramac's Walnut Hill Wonder
(M) 01/15/2008
WS25224501; Black
Int Ch Ramacs Kiss N Tell V Thunderfire
(F) 01/15/2008
WS25224505; Blue
Ramacs Velvet Kisses V Thunderfire
(F) 01/15/2008
WS25224503; Black
Thunderfire Boldnbeutifl
(F) 02/09/2006
3100167946; Blue
Thunderfire Hawaii Fiveo
(F) 05/25/2006
Thunderfire The Enforcer
(M) 05/31/2006
Aust Ch Thunderfire Purple Rain
(F) 03/27/2004
3100132938; Blue
Thunderfire Bob th Builder
(M) 01/22/2008
3100200204; Blue
Thunderfire Let It Reign
(F) 01/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Reign Shadow
(F) 01/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Sparks Will Fly AD JD GD SPD
(F) 01/22/2008
3100200202; Blue
Thunderfire The Shadow Casta
(M) 03/27/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Going Turbo
(M) 08/06/2003
3100121705; Black
Saradane's For Act Able
(F) 03/05/2005
Saradane's From Heart
(F) 03/05/2005
Saradane's Giant King
(M) 03/26/2005
Thunderfire Tolitespeed
(F) 08/06/2003
3100121706; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire De Ja Blu
(F) 04/22/2000
3100060347; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Brillant Art
(F) 02/12/2006
3100180499; Blue
Thunderfire Han Solo
(M) 03/22/2010
3100238208; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire BrilliantBlu
(M) 03/27/2004
3100132942; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Brillant Art
(F) 02/12/2006
3100180499; Blue
Thunderfire Han Solo
(M) 03/22/2010
3100238208; Blue
Biss Am GCh Justice's Bare Necessity RN CGC
(M) 12/05/2009
WS32890403; Blue
Creek's This Girl Is on Fire
(F) 08/30/2012
WS41945001; Blue
Am GCh Mgd EIO Tionnes Lore Seeker
(F) 01/02/2012
WS39504201; Blue
Am CH Ovd Theia Brilliant Eastern Light
(F) 06/04/2013
WS44161102; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's A Kiss To Remember
(M) 12/13/2011
WS39800004; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's Kiss And Tell
(F) 12/13/2011
WS39800001; Blue
Rainmaster's Sealed With A Kiss
(M) 12/13/2011
WS39800002; Blue
Thor-Kourt Kaleb Kalisbalo
(F) 01/05/2015
WS50262202; Blue
Thor-Kourt Kasi Kalisbalo
(F) 01/06/2014
WS46988301; Blue
Thor-Kourt Tzavo Kalisbalo
(M) 01/05/2015
WS50262201; Blue
Unity's Back In Black
(M) 04/05/2014
WS47096105; Black
Unity's Because I'm Happy
(F) 04/05/2014
WS47096101; Black
Unity's Happily Squared Away
(M) 04/05/2014
WS47096102; Black
Unity's This Good Day
(F) 04/05/2014
WS47096104; Black
Can GCh Unity's Treasure AOM
(F) 04/05/2014
WS47096103 / 1132749; Black
Am GCH Justice's Once Upon A Dream V Meric
(F) 12/05/2009
WS32890401; Blue
Am GCH Fleur De Lis Dark Side of The Moon at Rana CA
(F) 03/24/2012
WS40494403; Blue
Am GCh Fleur De Lis' High Hopes at Lovesong CGC
(F) 03/24/2012
WS40494402; Blue
Fleur De Lis' Learning To Fly Soleaux
(M) 03/24/2012
WS40494401; Blue
Paurolpark Fire N Thunder
(M) 12/16/2008
3100214615; Harlequin
Paurolpark Blue Thnewblak
(F) 08/22/2010
Rebelwood Skys The Limit
(F) 05/15/2014
2100407366; Blue
Aust Ch Rebelwood Master and Commander
(M) 05/15/2016
2100455224; Blue
Aust Ch Rebelwood Shades of Grey
(F) 05/15/2016
2100455226; Blue
Aust Ch Rebelwood Steel your Heart
(F) 05/15/2014
2100407367; Blue
Merindaba Wilma the Wombat
(F) 06/09/2018
Aust Ch Thunderfire Blu Swayd
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202009; Blue
Swayd Crazy For You
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263118; Fawn (Blue Mask)
Swayd Crazy In Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263115; Blue
Swayd Crazy Kind of Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263119; Blue
Swayd Crazy Like A Fox
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263116; Blue
BISS Aust SCh Swayd Doing It My Way ET RN
(M) 07/07/2012
3100274603; Black
Aust Ch Swayd Every Which Way But Yours
(M) 07/07/2012
3100274605; Black
Aust Ch Swayd Going It Alone
(F) 07/07/2012
3100274602; Black
Aust Ch Swayd She Drives Me Crazy
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263117; Blue
Swayd Standing on My Own
(F) 07/07/2012
3100274604LR; Black
Thunderfire Brilliant Onyx
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202006; Black
Thunderfire Dark Crystal
(F) 03/22/2008
3100202005; Black
Thunderfire Desert Star
(M) 08/07/2007
; Blue
Thunderfire Life of Pi
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Like Mike
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Thunderfire Lord Oth Lake
(M) 03/22/2008
; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Smokenmirors
(M) 08/07/2007
3100189549; Blue
Am GCh Bluestone Smokeringsnthedark T'Fire
(F) 08/04/2013
WS45750701; Black
Bluestones Smoke A Little Smoke T'fire
(M) 09/18/2017
WS58825701; Blue
Int & Nat JR Ch Oceanblue Steel Magnolia TKN RATI BCAT CGC TT
(F) 10/18/2016
WS55286205; Blue
Rainmaster N Shatten's Smoke N Image
(F) 12/13/2010
WS36296402; Blue
Rainmaster's Heavenly Kisses M&M RN
(F) 12/13/2010
Swayd Crazy For You
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263118; Fawn (Blue Mask)
Swayd Crazy In Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263115; Blue
Swayd Crazy Kind of Love
(M) 10/26/2011
3100263119; Blue
Swayd Crazy Like A Fox
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263116; Blue
Aust Ch Swayd She Drives Me Crazy
(F) 10/26/2011
3100263117; Blue
Aust Ch Taliekin Grand Larceny
(M) 03/23/2011
2100338841; Black
Aust Ch Taliekin Legally Blonde
(F) 03/23/2011
2100338845; Fawn
Taliekin Mystery N Mayhem
(M) 03/23/2011
2100338849; Blue
Taliekin Ranten n Raven
(F) 03/23/2011
2100338840; Black
Aust Ch Thunderfire Darc Knight
(M) 10/20/2009
3100230713; Black
Thunderfire Lets get Loud
(F) 10/20/2009
3100230710; Harlequin
Aust Ch Thunderfire ShapeShifter
(F) 10/21/2009
3100230710; Harlequin
Aust Ch Thunderfire Supernatural
(F) 10/20/2009
3100230712; Black
Thunderfire Smokin Blu Swayd
(M) 03/22/2008
; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire StormBreaker
(M) 08/07/2007
3100189550; Black
Thunderfire Han Solo
(M) 03/22/2010
3100238208; Blue
Thunderfire Swaydt Blakk
(F) 03/22/2008
; Black
Aust Sup Ch Thunderfire Cyrlthefogman
(M) 06/05/2006
3100171543; Black
Bonel Golden Boy
(M) 04/14/2014
; Blue
Leevindane Lawson Lord of the Dance
Della's Small Favor
(F) 07/01/2011
Della's War Horse
(M) 07/01/2011
WS39173701; Blue
Ramac A Dozen Blue Roses
(F) 11/27/2015
WS52365601; Blue
Divadanes Big Rock
(M) 05/17/2011
4100202687; Blue
Divadanes Made ov Bluestone
(M) 05/17/2011
4100202689; Blue
BISS Aust GCh Divadanes Made You Look
(F) 10/09/2012
4100220844; Black
Labella Vita Walking on a Dream
(M) 09/19/2012
Divadanes Set In Stone
(F) 05/17/2011
4100202690; Blue
Divadanes Hit The Mark V Sharcon
(F) 10/12/2013
4100234805; Blue
Divadanes Lightingstrikesagain
(M) 10/12/2013
4100234811; Blue
Divadanes Strickly Top Shelf
(M) 10/12/2013
4100238410; Blue
Bis Aust SupCh Divadanes Tomahawk Rising
(M) 10/12/2013
4100234809; Blue
Divadanes Watchmeflyv Sharcon
(F) 10/12/2013
4100234804; Blue
Divadanes Warrior Morpheus
(M) 05/17/2011
Rainmaster Inthelimelight@wolfpack
(F) 05/31/2011
Rainmaster Shirwin Life Is A Cabaret
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38001703; Blue
Rainmaster's The Rough Rider
(M) 05/17/2014
WS47532408; Black
Shirwin Bluestone Tears In Heaven
(M) 05/17/2014
WS47532404; Blue
Shirwin N' Heart's the Color Purple
(F) 05/17/2014
WS47532402; Black
Shirwin N' Hearts Black Madonna Honey
(M) 05/17/2014
WS47532401; Black
Shirwin N' Hearts on A Clear Day
(F) 05/17/2014
WS47532406; Black
Shirwin N' Hearts Twilights Breaking Dawn
(F) 05/17/2014
WS47532403; Blue
Shirwin N' Heartss Blue Velvet
(F) 05/17/2014
WS47532405; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's Headliner
(M) 05/31/2011
WS38001701; Blue
Rainmaster's She's A Working Girl
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38001704; Blue
Rainmaster's Crowd Pleaser
(F) 10/19/2016
WS55505405; Blue
Rainmaster's She's A Brick House
(F) 10/19/2016
WS55505401; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's She's Fifty Shades of Gray
(F) 05/12/2014
WS47371013; Blue
Rainmaster's Wine Me Up Watch Me Go
(M) 05/12/2014
WS47371003; Blue
Riveran Call Me Fogman Jr
(M) 08/22/2011
FI49906/11; Blue
Grandisons Kinetic Energy
(F) 09/23/2014
; Black
Made With Love V Jewel's Blue
(F) 05/26/2016
; Blue
Pinza's Black Let The Fun Begin
SE55469/2014; Black
Pinza's Blue Because I Said So
Pinza's Blue Why Not
(M) 07/30/2014
DK15072/2014; Blue
Swayd Dirty Little Secret
(M) 08/13/2014
Thunderfire Derek The Diesel
(M) 01/10/2003
Thunderfire Indianajnes
(M) 01/15/2003
WS12346801; Blue
Can Ch Britlinblue's Satisfaction
(F) 06/11/2009
WL302506; Blue
Can Ch Britlinblues Emotional Rescue
(F) 05/31/2012
Britlinblues Full of Malarkey RN
(F) 07/18/2013
AN520934; Blue
Can GCh Britlinblues Get Offofmy Cloud
(F) 07/18/2013
AN520938; Blue
Britlinblues Underruebensthumb
(M) 07/18/2013
Britlinblues Halo Over Dazzleme
(F) 06/11/2009
Britlinblues Standing In The Sadow
(F) 06/13/2018
Eastwds And the Oscar Goes Too
(M) 11/15/2005
Eastwds Emmy Award For Grace
(F) 11/15/2005
Int CH Eastwood's Courage To Change
(F) 08/10/2006
WS18911901; Blue
Spirituals Lady Liberty
(F) 09/04/2010
WS36532101; Blue
Spirituals My Wish V Sharcon
(M) 01/25/2010
WS34180101; Blue
Eastwoods A Steel Horse I Ride
(M) 11/15/2005
Ladoguerie Edwidge
(F) 10/25/2008
WS30013504; Blue
Ladoguerie Fleur Delacoar
(F) 10/25/2008
UU265886; Blue
Can Ch LaDoguerie Harry Potter
Ladoguerie Hermione Granger
(F) 10/25/2008
WS30013502; Blue
Am GChB Madison's Fugheddahboudit She's the One
(F) 10/05/2012
WS41953101; Blue
Am CH Madison's at Creek Danes Just Give Me Purple Ora
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782802; Blue
Madison's C'est La Vie, Paris Can Wait!
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782805; Blue
MBISSOH GCHB CH Madison's Grin & Bear It, He's the One! AOM
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782801; Blue
Am CH Madison's Hedy Lamarr
(F) 07/02/2018
WS61782803; Blue
Am CH Madison's I'm Worth Your Time at Northernaire
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782804; Blue
Madison's Rhapsody In Blue
(M) 07/02/2018
WS61782806; Blue
Maydanes Aluminum Overcast V Stuhr
(M) 06/29/2015
WS51155001; Blue
Am CH Maydanes Can't Say No V Stuhr
(F) 06/29/2015
WS51155002; Blue
Maydanes Stuhr Cora Bella
(F) 12/17/2018
WS63654503; Black
Maydanes I Am Titanium V Fleur Delis
(F) 06/29/2015
WS51155003; Blue
Rainmaster Luxury I Am Legend
(M) 09/06/2007
Rainmaster N Shatten Total Knockout
(M) 05/19/2012
WS41251101; Blue
Rainmaster's BNC's Blue Thunder
Can Ch Bnc's Atouch of Frost at Britlinblue
(M) 02/20/2010
1110995; Blue
Rainmaster's Full Throttle
(F) 07/17/2006
; Blue
Rainmaster's Kiss This at Katcrew
(F) 09/06/2007
WS23820704; Blue
Rainmaster N Shatten's Smoke N Image
(F) 12/13/2010
WS36296402; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's A Kiss To Remember
(M) 12/13/2011
WS39800004; Blue
Rainmaster's Heavenly Kisses M&M RN
(F) 12/13/2010
Am CH Rainmaster's Kiss And Tell
(F) 12/13/2011
WS39800001; Blue
Rainmaster's Sealed With A Kiss
(M) 12/13/2011
WS39800002; Blue
Sharcon's And Xr's Masterpiece
(F) 04/27/2013
WS44815404; Blue
Am GCh Sharcon's San Sebastion
(M) 04/27/2013
WS44815402; Blue
Sharcon's Venus De Milo
(F) 04/27/2013
WS44815406; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's Luxury Lotus V Krw
(F) 07/17/2006
WS18507302; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's Ready To Run
(F) 07/17/2006
WS18507304; Blue
Biss Am GCh Justice's Bare Necessity RN CGC
(M) 12/05/2009
WS32890403; Blue
Am GCH Justice's Once Upon A Dream V Meric
(F) 12/05/2009
WS32890401; Blue
BISS Am GCh Rainmaster's She's A Show Girl
(F) 07/17/2006
WS18507301; Blue
Rainmaster Inthelimelight@wolfpack
(F) 05/31/2011
Rainmaster Shirwin Life Is A Cabaret
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38001703; Blue
Am CH Rainmaster's Headliner
(M) 05/31/2011
WS38001701; Blue
Rainmaster's She's A Working Girl
(F) 05/31/2011
WS38001704; Blue
Rylars Morocco V Sharcon United
(M) 04/01/2008
Sharcon's Hoo Yah
(M) 06/20/2010
WS35563803; Blue
Am CH Sharcon's Storm Trooper
(M) 06/20/2010
WS35563801; Blue
Rylaur's Winning Colors v Amador
(F) 04/01/2008
WS26796802; Black
Amador Believer Danes Freedom Reigns
(F) 01/12/2011
WS36533104; Black
Amador Rylaur's Evening Star
(F) 01/12/2011
WS36533101; Black
Amador Rylaur's Rising Star
(M) 01/12/2011
WS36533102; Black
Stellars C Draconis Eastwood
(M) 11/17/2005
WS15579701; Blue
Eastwood's 2 Bizy 2 Listen
(F) 11/17/2008
WS28690901; Black
Eastwood's Rhythim & Blues
(M) 11/17/2008
1104851; Blue
Stuhr's Air Force One
(M) 01/08/2006
Stuhr's American Graffiti
(M) 01/08/2006
WS16307601; Blue
Am CH Dreamkeeper's Great Adventure V. Stuhr
(M) 05/09/2009
WS30920202; Blue
Am CH Dreamkeepers Capra's Northern Exposure V Stuhr
(M) 05/09/2009
WS30920203; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Law N Order
(M) 03/27/2004
3100132936; Blue
Caesia Dius Gloria Margarejro
PKR II 94929; Blue
Majestic Margarejro
PKR II-113890; Blue
Penelope Margarejro
Wodan Margarejro
(M) 01/13/2016
PKR.II-124418; Blue
Am CH Della's Above The Law
(F) 04/02/2008
WS26153901; Blue
Della's Small Favor
(F) 07/01/2011
Della's War Horse
(M) 07/01/2011
WS39173701; Blue
Della's 2 Hot 2 Handle CGC
(F) 01/24/2013
WS43384409; Blue
Della's Girl Next Door
(F) 05/10/2010
Della's Once More Into The Fire
(F) 01/24/2013
WS43384402; Black / White
Della's Simple Life at Dazzleme
(F) 05/10/2010
WS34011704; Blue / White
Della's Storm Chaser CGC
(M) 05/10/2010
WS34011706; Black
Am CH Della's Pro Bono
(M) 04/02/2008
WS26153903; Blue
Int Ch Caeruleus Georgie Blue Stealin' Thunder TT
(F) 09/14/2015
WS51913202; Blue
Am GCH Rana's Bad Moon Risin'
(F) 11/26/2016
WS55655803; Blue
Am CH Rana's Forever in Blue Jeans
(M) 11/26/2016
WS55655801; Blue
Am GCh CH Rana's North Star at Corazon Azul
(F) 11/26/2016
WS55655804; Blue
Rana's Riddles in the Sand
(F) 06/14/2021
WS73135301; Blue
Rana's Sterling Dark Skyes Hold Fast CGC
(M) 11/26/2016
Divadanes Above the Law
(M) 08/25/2019
4100333068; Blue
Divadanes Highest Order
(F) 08/25/2019
4100333067; Blue
Divadanes Sweet Obsession
(F) 08/25/2019
4100333066; Blue
Wagatude Legendary Love
(F) 09/09/2022
6100137669; Black
Wagatude Legends Obsession
(F) 09/09/2022
6100137668; Black
Mulgadane Striperella
(F) 03/09/2006
2100226572; Merle
Lloki Blue Provence
(F) 09/25/2007
Lloki Day Dreamin
(M) 04/25/2008
Lloki Lady Granada
(F) 09/25/2007
2100258956; Black
Lloki Must B Dreamin
(M) 04/25/2008
Lloki Sierra Silk
(F) 04/25/2008
2100272963; Black
Lloki Velocity Blue
(F) 09/25/2007
Ramac Hampson's Diesel
(M) 01/15/2008
WS25224502; Blue
Dellas Thin Blue Line at Valentino
Ramacs Double The Trouble
(F) 05/06/2010
WS34225303; Blue
Ramac Outback Barbie V Stebero
(F) 01/15/2008
Ramac's Walnut Hill Wonder
(M) 01/15/2008
WS25224501; Black
Int Ch Ramacs Kiss N Tell V Thunderfire
(F) 01/15/2008
WS25224505; Blue
Am GCh Ramac's You've Been Thunderstruck By Glory RN
(F) 03/07/2011
Ws37148006; Blue
Ramacs Just Do It V Greatness
(F) 01/03/2014
WS46441101; Blue
Ramacs Think Big V Savy
(M) 01/07/2013
WS43020711; Blue
Ramacs Velvet Kisses V Thunderfire
(F) 01/15/2008
WS25224503; Black
Thunderfire Boldnbeutifl
(F) 02/09/2006
3100167946; Blue
Thunderfire Farenheit
(F) 12/11/2008
3100215985; Blue
Thunderfire Hot Chilli Woman
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Hot Summer
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Mercury Rising
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire The Wizardfrom Oz
(M) 12/11/2008
3100215986; Blue
Thunderfire Wizard of Oz
(M) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Hawaii Fiveo
(F) 05/25/2006
Thunderfire The Enforcer
(M) 05/31/2006
Aust Ch Thunderfire Purple Rain
(F) 03/27/2004
3100132938; Blue
Thunderfire Bob th Builder
(M) 01/22/2008
3100200204; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Christian Grey
(M) 07/24/2012
3100276451; Blue
Thunderfire Deuce Bigalo
(M) 07/24/2012
Thunderfire Iron Maiden
(F) 07/24/2012
Thunderfire Let It Reign
(F) 01/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Reign Shadow
(F) 01/22/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Sparks Will Fly AD JD GD SPD
(F) 01/22/2008
3100200202; Blue
Csabadane Brilliant Gidget
(F) 07/15/2011
Csabadane Brilliant Hutch
(M) 07/15/2011
Thunderfire Territhe Tractor
(M) 06/05/2006
3100171542; Blue
Thunderfire Farenheit
(F) 12/11/2008
3100215985; Blue
Aust Ch Thunderfire Christian Grey
(M) 07/24/2012
3100276451; Blue
Thunderfire Deuce Bigalo
(M) 07/24/2012
Thunderfire Iron Maiden
(F) 07/24/2012
Thunderfire Hot Chilli Woman
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Hot Summer
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire Mercury Rising
(F) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire The Wizardfrom Oz
(M) 12/11/2008
3100215986; Blue
Thunderfire Wizard of Oz
(M) 12/11/2008
; Blue
Thunderfire The Shadow Casta
(M) 03/27/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Dinatopia
(F) 07/19/2002
Thunderfire Galeteyer
(F) 04/22/2000
Cosnco Blue Pearl
(F) 06/24/2001
Nubarron Bodicea
(F) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Desert Dueler
(M) 09/26/2005
; Blue
Nubarron Downunda Thunder
(F) 04/07/2004
WS11859802; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Magnus Opus
(M) 04/07/2004
6100037421; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Shah Jahan
(M) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Cosnco Cosmic Storm
(F) 06/24/2001
Polbrooke Penny Lane
(F) 01/11/1992
V1255273; Blue
Astrodane Danish Raider
(M) 05/09/1994
(W)1440952; Blue
Astrodane G I Joe
(M) 08/25/1999
Cosnco Blue Pearl
(F) 06/24/2001
Nubarron Bodicea
(F) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Thunderfire Desert Dueler
(M) 09/26/2005
; Blue
Nubarron Downunda Thunder
(F) 04/07/2004
WS11859802; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Magnus Opus
(M) 04/07/2004
6100037421; Blue
Aust Ch Nubarron Shah Jahan
(M) 04/07/2004
; Blue
Cosnco Cosmic Storm
(F) 06/24/2001
Astrodane Girlinbluegenes
(F) 08/26/1999
6100016018; Black
Astrodane Gladiator
(M) 08/26/1999
6100016022; Black
Polbrooke Sargent Peppar
(M) 01/11/1992
V1255271; Blue
Polbrooke Thunder Heart
(F) 12/28/1992
Aust Ch Thunderfire Blue Baron
(M) 12/05/1993
(V)1412691; Blue
Basbleu Arden
(F) 11/19/1995
(Q)1574185; Blue
Basbleu Azzure Belle
(F) 11/19/1995
(Q)1574187; Blue
Thunderfire Revillution
(F) 12/05/1993
V1412697; Blue