River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Am GCh Fendanesylcrests See You Later Allie-Gator
(F) 12/06/2010
WS36036101; Fawn
COI: 12.23%
Am CH Fendane Eb N Prf So You Wanna Play With Magic
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521704; Fawn
Am CH Prf Aim High Aim True CGC
(M) 05/17/2017
WS57449801; Fawn
Am CH PRF Fendane Have I Gone Mad
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036904; Fawn
Autumnridge Flighty Flip The Script
(M) 02/28/2020
WS67822401; Fawn
Autumnridge Flighty Method To Madness
(F) 02/28/2020
WS67822406; Fawn
Autumnridge Flighty Rhythm V Revival
(F) 02/28/2020
Autumnridgeflighty The Hatters Gospel V Prf
(M) 02/28/2020
WS67822403; Brindle
Boathouse Izya Prf Beauty Beyond Compare V Legad
(F) 04/08/2020
WS68542304; Brindle
Boathouse Izyanprf Dancing Through The Starslega
(M) 04/08/2020
WS68542305; Brindle
Boathouse's Sparks Happen Multipass
(M) 04/08/2020
Crimson's 8 Ball Trick Shot
(M) 11/12/2019
WS66825702; Fawn
Am CH Crimson's Desert Jules Fusing Obsidian
(F) 11/12/2019
Desert Jules Once in St Olaf
(F) 11/05/2022
WS78811701; Brindle
Crimson's In Upendi
(F) 11/12/2019
WS66825705; Fawn
Crimson's Rebel Alliance
(F) 11/12/2019
Legado N Danekraaft's Believe It Baby It Talks's
(F) 09/26/2020
Am GCh Legado N Danekraaft's Defying Gravity BCAT
(F) 09/26/2020
WS69691101; Black
Legado N Danekraaft's How Can I Tell You?
(F) 09/26/2020
WS69691106; Fawn
Legado N Danekraaft's So Fetch!
(F) 09/26/2020
WS69691109; Black
Legado N Danekraaft's War Horse
(M) 09/26/2020
WS69691103; Black
Magazu Artemis at Indigo
(F) 11/01/2020
Magazu Cheval Mallet at Legacy
(M) 04/17/2019
WS64545103; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Magazu N Danemark's Let Them Eat Cake V Legado
(F) 04/17/2019
WS64545108; Fawn
Legado N IZYA’s Oops! I Did It Again
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095602; Brindle
Legado's Fashion Icon
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095604; Brindle
Am CH Legado's Great Expectations
(M) 08/29/0222
WS77890905; Brindle
Legado N Danemark's Inis Mor v Rosecran
(M) 12/17/2023
Legado's Here Comes the Sun
(M) 02/22/2023
Legado's Out of the Shadows V Daynakin
(F) 08/29/2022
Legado's Return of the Jedi V Enchanted
(M) 08/29/2022
Legado's Slap Happy
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095601; Fawn
Legado's the Beguiled
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890901; Fawn
Am CH Legado's The Boss's Daughter V Lincoln
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890903; Fawn
GCH CH Legado's The Realm's Delight @ Caerleon
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095603; Fawn
Magazu N Legado La Vie En Rose
(F) 04/17/2019
WS64545106; Fawn
Magazu N Legado the Lady of the Lake
(F) 04/17/2019
WS64545101; Fawn
Magazu N Legado With Each Step We Open A Page
(F) 04/17/2019
WS64545107; Fawn
Magazucheval Mallet of Legacy
(M) 04/17/2019
WS64545103; Fawn
Magazunlegado Creme de la Creme V Echolane
(F) 04/17/2019
WS64545104; Fawn
Magazunlegado Pouvoir De Guerison du Rire
(M) 04/17/2019
WS64545102; Fawn
Mosaic N Danekraaft's The March Hare
(M) 09/26/2020
Am GCh Prf Stuck Run We're All Mad Here
(F) 12/01/2017
WS60177902; Black
Prf N Folklore's Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
PRF N Stuck Run's Copy N Paste
(F) 11/06/2022
; Black
PRF Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
Stuck Run's Gather Your Arrows V. Auryn
(F) 12/01/2017
WS60177901; Fawn
PRF Fendane Nevr Forget Who You Are
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036901; Fawn
Am CH Prf Fendane Tattletail Blackstone Ellenni
(F) 05/17/2017
WS57449803; Fawn
Am CH Prf's I Hear The Train A'Comin
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036903; Fawn
Fendane N Eb's Finest Cigar
(M) 01/28/2014
WS46521702; Fawn
Fendane N Eb's Private Collection
(F) 01/28/2014
Am GCh Fendane N Eb's Winter Is Coming
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521705; Fawn
Am CH Izya Fendanes When One Corridor Closes FDC
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581905; Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrest Going With the Flow RI BCAT DJ TKA ATT VHMA GDCA-VA
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535504; Fawn

Fendanesylcrest I Need A Bigger Boat
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535505; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest the Golden Ticket
(F) 10/30/2019
WS66535501; Fawn
Syvile N Fendane Love You A Lottie
(F) 01/09/2023
WS79179404; Fawn
Syvile N Fendane's No More Drama
(F) 01/09/2023
WS79179405; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest's Dia De Los Muertos
(F) 10/30/2019
WS66535502; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest's Little Munster
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535503; Fawn
Izya Super Natural Sam Winchester
(M) 11/04/2016
WS55581907; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Izya's Fight On & Fly On
(M) 02/17/2018
WS60340302; Brindle

Alaskan's Naked Without Fear
(M) 01/03/2022
Amare's Sparkling Rose'
(F) 02/25/2021
Danemark Anaya's Original Fly Girl
(F) 01/16/2021
WS71235101; Brindle
Danemark Glacier Rewrite Rules, Bstrong & Byou
(F) 01/16/2021
WS71235105; Fawn
Kma in A World of Suckers Be A Lollipop
(F) 09/26/2022
Kma We Are Going All in Mhd
(M) 09/26/2022
WS77963304; Fawn
Kma-White the King of Rock & Roll
(M) 09/26/2022
BIS Int & UKC Ch Danemark's Holding the Heavens
(M) 06/07/2020
WS69170203; Brindle
Danemark's Weekend Warrior at Bridlewood
(M) 06/07/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Cat's Out of the Bag V Hauer
(F) 11/15/2021
WS75190901; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Cat-Alina Wine Mixer
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190905; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Cheese With That Wine V Izya
(F) 10/26/2022
WS78993405; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone I'm A "Guac Star"
(F) 05/06/2023
WS81154601; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Nothing To Wine About
(M) 10/26/2022
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Smelly Cat @ Seven Bends
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190904; Brindle

IZYA Ellenni Blackstone Sugar Crush It
(F) 12/09/2023
IZYA's Sparrow Me The Drama
(F) 12/09/2023
Am GCh CH Ellenni Blackstone Two Buck Chuck
(M) 10/26/2022
Ellenni Blackstone Polar Espresso
(F) 05/19/2024
CH Ellenni Blackstone Yellow Polka Dot Zucchini
(F) 01/07/2022
WS76060401; Fawn

Legado Danemark N Izya's Leave Your Mark
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767803; Brindle
BISS Am GChG Legado N Danemark's A Captive Spirit
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767806; Fawn
Legado N IZYA I Put A Spell On You
(F) 02/11/2024
Legado N Peakview What A Wonderful World
(M) 02/11/2024
WS83391305; Fawn
Legado's Love Walked in V
() 02/11/2024
WS83391308; Fawn
Legado's My Funny Valetine v Shakti
(M) 02/11/2024
WS83391306; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Etched In Stone
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767801; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Legado N Danemark's He Called Me Baby V Deltra
(F) 02/19/2021
WS71430904; Fawn
Am GChB Legado N Danemark's Heart of The Matter
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767802; Fawn
Am GChB Legado N Danemark's I Was Born A B!tch BCAT AOM
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767805; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Gold Rush V Shakti CGC
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159607; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Pawsitively Golden
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159603; Fawn
Legadondanemark All That Glitters Is Gold @Dynam
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159605; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Over The Fence
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767804; Brindle
Am GCh Legado N Danemark's Painting A Legacy
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767801; Fawn
Am CH Danemark N Magazu Fast Like Blanche Sweet As Ros
(F) 11/08/2021
WS75080002; Fawn
POA Danemark's Like In The Fast Laney FDC
(F) 11/08/2021
Legado's Popular V Drr
(F) 09/07/2022
GChB CH Legado N Danemark’s If There’s Any Justice V Sunda FDC CGCA CGCU
(M) 02/19/2021
WS71430907; Brindle
Danemarks Whole Lotta Love@Calicop
(M) 02/14/2023
Ellenni Blackstone Magazu Total Sith Show Holyston
(F) 05/04/2023
WS80803203; Fawn
Jerdan's Into the Matrix
(M) 06/19/2022
Magazu Ellenni Blackstone May the 4th Be With U
(F) 05/04/2023
Legado N IZYA’s Oops! I Did It Again
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095602; Brindle
Legado's Fashion Icon
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095604; Brindle
Am CH Legado's Great Expectations
(M) 08/29/0222
WS77890905; Brindle
Legado N Danemark's Inis Mor v Rosecran
(M) 12/17/2023
Legado's Here Comes the Sun
(M) 02/22/2023
Legado's Out of the Shadows V Daynakin
(F) 08/29/2022
Legado's Return of the Jedi V Enchanted
(M) 08/29/2022
Legado's Slap Happy
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095601; Fawn
Legado's the Beguiled
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890901; Fawn
Am CH Legado's The Boss's Daughter V Lincoln
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890903; Fawn
GCH CH Legado's The Realm's Delight @ Caerleon
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095603; Fawn
Prf N Folklore's Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
PRF N Stuck Run's Copy N Paste
(F) 11/06/2022
; Black
PRF Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
Rocket Man 'Elton' di Castelcampo
(M) 11/30/2020
Izya's Flyin' High And Fancy Free
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581906; Brindle
Izya's I Love Lucy
(F) 11/04/2016
Izya's JL's Showing It All
(M) 02/17/2018
WS60340303; Fawn
Izya's One Helluva Woman
(F) 02/17/2018
WS60340301; Fawn
Izya's Quit Your Harping
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581901; Fawn
Izya's Remember the Alamo
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581903; Brindle
Boathouse Izya Prf Beauty Beyond Compare V Legad
(F) 04/08/2020
WS68542304; Brindle
Boathouse Izyanprf Dancing Through The Starslega
(M) 04/08/2020
WS68542305; Brindle
Boathouse's Sparks Happen Multipass
(M) 04/08/2020
Am GCh Izya's Scarletoak Back to the Future POA
(M) 11/04/2016
WS55581902; Fawn
Scarletoak's Glass Slipper
(F) 04/19/2019
WS64439802; Fawn
Scarletoak's You Cast A Spell on Me
(F) 04/19/2019
WS64439804; Fawn
Scarletoaks Its Good To Be King
(M) 04/19/2019
WS64439803; Fawn
Scarletoaks the Huntsman
(M) 04/19/2019
WS64439801; Fawn
Am CH Fendane Paxton N Eb's General Sherman
(M) 01/28/2014
WS46521701; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Secret Agent at R3
(F) 03/09/2019
WS64648801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Cuckoo For Cocoa Puff
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521708; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329204; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dirty Little Secret
(F) 07/25/2018
WS62027002; Fawn
Pegasus Notorious B.I.G. @ Doce-Eck
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000504; Fawn
Pegasus Run Wild, Live Free
(M) 02/15/2022
WS75789002; Fawn
Pegasus Takin Care of Business
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000505; Black
Fendanesylcrest N eb's Hell's Fury
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329201; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Out of the Box To Shady C
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329202; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Bent Outta Shape
(M) 05/03/2015
WS50811202; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest Pebbles Rocks V Tuscany Emtk
(F) 05/03/2015
WS50811201; Fawn
Grissom's N Melody's First Light
(M) 05/06/2015
WS50386805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Packer Brown
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329205; Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Risgae Business
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329203; Fawn
Fendane Honey's Golden Solae' Sadie RN FDC DCAT DM DSA AN CGCA CGCU TKP
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131209; Brindle
UK Ch FendaneSylcrest American Outlaw at Sunlind
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252808; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Commotion V Danelane
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252802; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Eb Holdin Down the Fort@Dane Lan
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273808; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Higher Ground
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273802; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest I Rest My Case @ Pegasus
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252806; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Lord of the Ring
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273804; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest My Way or The Highway
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252804; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest N Diriso´s This Is the Right Tim AOM
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Priscilla
(F) 05/09/2017
Hauer & Deacons A Little Bit of Black &Gold Magi
(F) 06/22/2021
Am CH Hauerdane's Just Roll With It
(M) 06/22/2021
Legado N Danemark's Gold Rush V Shakti CGC
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159607; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Pawsitively Golden
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159603; Fawn
Legadondanemark All That Glitters Is Gold @Dynam
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159605; Fawn
Am CH Lampe's My Lady of Haurdanes Sweet Isabella
(F) 11/21/2020
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Red Sails In the Sunset at Brahm
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252805; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Renegades Chief Albert V The Swa
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252803; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest Take Note at Diriso
(F) 04/20/2018
WS61252801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Burnin Down the House@Dane Lane
(M) 07/31/2022
WS78548801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Reinas Purple N Gold @ Sunset
(F) 07/31/2022
WS78548803; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Bent N Hell Bound
(F) 07/31/2022
WS78548802; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Thruthe Looking Glass To Ace-Hi
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Up To No Good
(M) 05/09/2017
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Drunk on Your Love
(M) 05/09/2017
WS57131207; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest-"Show Me Your Glory"
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131203; Brindle
Fendanesylcrests Destination Dane Lane
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273803; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrests Kissing Katie Down Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273801; Fawn
Am CH Fendnesylcrests Confetti On Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273806; Fawn
Dane Lane & Sylcrest A Million Dreams @ Evenstar
(M) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane & Sylcrest's Intuition
(F) 01/02/2024
Fendanesylcrests Clydesdale
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests N Eb's Easy Come Easy Go
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329206; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Cane Makes Able
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349402; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Raising the Ransom CGC TKN
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349403; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest U Got The Look
(F) 03/03/2016
WS53349401; Fawn
Cadrmn Fendane Fashionably Late
(F) 06/21/2021
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Wager It All on Black
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349404; Fawn
Am CH Pegasus Black Tie Affair
(M) 07/30/2015