River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Guerin's Shawn V Brookdane
COI: 17.28%
CH Guerin's Odin of Brookdane
Guerin's Tawn of Brookdane
WB397266; Brindle
Guerin's Cameo of Brookdane
WB232461; Fawn

Guerin's My-T-Mo of Holidane
(M) 03/30/1972
WC285998; Fawn
Guerin Broom Hilda V Holidane
(F) 03/30/1973
WC455806; Brindle
Big Red Gentle Ben Holidane
; Brindle
Guerin's Eeyore of Brookdane
(M) 01/27/1975
WD892975; Fawn
Guerins Damien of Lakeland
(M) 06/10/1980
WE653711; Brindle
Gold Nugget of Jollydane
WF347995; Fawn
Am CH Guerin's Heller of Brookdane
(F) 01/27/1975
WD035364; Fawn

Donnadanes Ted of Gypsy Hill
(M) 09/10/1979
WE453198; Brindle
Donnadane's Tame Me of Jaylor
(F) 08/18/1982
WF415563; Brindle
Samantha of Hill Forest
(F) 08/18/1982
WF641414; Fawn
Am CH Gypsy Hill's Cedar of Nuttree
WE405273; Brindle
Hite's Sir Christopher Coty
Nuttree's Cypress
WF470830; Brindle
Nuttree's Poplar
WF606467; Brindle
Nuttree's Sequoia
Gypsy Hill's Lady Luck
Gypsy Hill's Mister Man
Guerin's Kam-Me-O Holidane
(F) 06/23/1974
WC846202; Fawn
Blessed Brindle of Holidane
Oak Hill's Talladega Carousel
(F) 06/17/1981
WF176907; Brindle
Guerin's My-T-MS du Bourque
(F) 03/30/1973
WC646335; Fawn
Tatum's Jeff Davis V Guerin
WD434951; Fawn
Tatum's Rhett Butler
(M) 08/20/1980
WE803160; Fawn
Guerin's Sir Written In The Wind
Tatum's My-Ti-Mo
WE203769; Fawn
CH Tatum's My-To-Mo
; Fawn
Guerins Hetaera V Brookdane
(F) 06/23/1974
WC952667; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Captain of Castile
(M) 12/27/1976
WD734413; Brindle
Alrojo's Li'l Tnt Barban
(F) 05/11/1980
Am CH Barban's Citation V Fog Hollow
WF098140; Brindle
Barban's Falconroc Alexander
; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Peach Parfait
Dorank's Dania V Windeehollow
CH Leia Shadowfax of Avondale
(F) 08/20/1978
WE182957; Fawn
CH Raintree's Enchantress
(F) 10/28/1982
Am CH Raintree's Tempest V Erinwood
Guerins Jolly of Gandalf CD
(F) 06/23/1974
WC845786; Brindle
Jollydane's Tiger Lily
WE171680; Brindle
Jollydane's Baccarat
WF411638; Brindle
Jollys Golden Amber
WE503498; Fawn
Gold Nugget of Jollydane
WF347995; Fawn
Written In The Winds Bambi
(F) 12/12/1973
WC682025; Fawn
Rue Guerin Written In The Wind CD
Written In The Winds Scorpio
(F) 11/03/1975
WD695356; Brindle
Written In The Wind Thisizit
(F) 12/14/1977
WE026492; Brindle
Written In The Winds Willow
(F) 06/17/1977
WD803736; Fawn
Mazza's Cindy Again
Gar-Don's Lady Brett Ashley V Brookdane
Lady Brett Ashley V Brookdane
Leslie's Sultan Von Gardon
X-Cell's Hot Toddy
Stark's Magyar Chardash
Black Star's Angry Red Planet
(M) 03/27/1968
; Brindle
Blackstar's Angry Red Planet
(M) 03/09/1968
; Brindle
Tiny Tim of Lawrence
Phaedra of Crete
Big Boozer of Baywood Park
; Fawn
Dawn of Baywood Park
; Fawn
Link of Baywood Park
; Fawn