River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
McDane's Luck
Am CH Nandane's El-Tigre of Robmar CD
(M) 04/01/1959
W986845; Brindle
CH Brad-Ann's Brin-Beau
Am CH Erin Dane's El Teagress
WA196892; Brindle
CH Singerdane's Baron V Truevale
Am CH Singerdane's Prima Donna CD
(F) 08/27/1965
WA642108; Brindle
Am CH Jo-Dane's Fantasia Von Apollo
(F) 10/15/1969
WB573480; Fawn
Am CH Abraham von Waldheim
; Fawn
Fanta Athena of Breaside
; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's A Kiss of Kim Dak
(F) 10/19/1971
WC95760; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's Abraham von Waldheim
(M) 10/19/1971
WC92759; Fawn
Dancing Doll von Waldheim
; Fawn
Fanta's Danaity v Chatawa
; Brindle
Abe's Isaac von Waldheim
; Fawn
Am CH Abe's Liten Flicka of Mel-San
(F) 06/02/1974
WC779088; Fawn
Annabella vom Waldheim
Consider Me Tops von Waldheim
CH Danehill's Able Von Waldheim CD
(M) 11/05/1976
WD558057; Fawn
Danehill's Adam von Waldheim
(M) 11/05/1976
; Fawn
Klimko's Bella Rose of Mel-San
Mel-San's Ecstasy
WD889517; Brindle
Mel-San's Fig Newton
; Fawn
My-Jon's Magda Von Waldheim
WD568770; Fawn
Princeton's Icon Von Waldheim
WD879120; Fawn
Fanta's Ace in the Hole von Kim
; Fawn
Fanta's Cover Girl
(F) 07/15/1974
; Fawn
Am CH Fanta's Athena of Braeside
(F) 10/19/1971
WC122952; Fawn
Am CH Heather of Braeside
WC833615; Fawn
Am CH McAfee of Braeside
(M) 05/06/1974
WC863820; Fawn
Am CH Sultan No-White of Braeside
(M) 05/06/1974
WC787134; Fawn
Am CH Torry of Braeside
WD487189; Fawn
Fanta's Bewitching Brat
WC680916; Fawn
Dane Ruhr's Jessi Colter
Dane Ruhr's Waylon Jennings
Dane Ruhrs Airborn Pegasus
; Brindle
Fanta's Escadro of Ginbo
WD314606; Fawn
Fanta's Bonnie Belle
Fanta's Hustling Lady
Glenndane's First Trick
Am CH Fanta's-Ambassador-Of-Kim
WC21870; Fawn
Fanta's Bewitching Brat
WC680916; Fawn
Fanta's Bonnie Belle
Fanta's Ambassadress v Mosel
(F) 07/25/1974
WD016418; Brindle
Fanta's Buccaneer V Mosel
Fanta's Image of Ambassador
Ginbos Arabella of Bass
WD324151; Brindle
Stone Valleys Echo V Fantasia
Jo-Dane's Harvey Wallbanger
(M) 12/29/1970
; Brindle
Jo-Dane's Heiress of Fanta
; Brindle
Dancing Doll von Waldheim
; Fawn
Chalet's Irma La Duce
Fanta's Danaity v Chatawa
; Brindle
Fanta's Dictator
; Brindle
Jo-Dane's Tnt Von Andy
; Fawn
Jo-Dane's Ceasar
Can Ch Jo-Dane's Very Merry Gypsy
; Fawn
CH Jo-Dane's Honey Do V Tamanaco
Am CH Singerdane's Sassy Miss Moose
WA981947; Fawn
Thunderdane's Captain Chord
(M) 06/26/1969
WB403568; Brindle
Am CH Thunderdane's Classic Major
(M) 06/26/1969
WB425494; Brindle
Amberdane's Miss Brandy Wine
Singerdane's Sheba v Jo-Dane TD
(F) 06/06/1967
WB75636; Fawn
Am CH Erin-Dane's El Teager
WA196893; Brindle
Jones Cleo of Erin-Dane
WA555653; Fawn
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle

Rojon's Little Sheba
WB420735; Brindle
Rojon's Risque
(F) 10/08/1971
WC242850; Brindle
Rojon's The Desert Fox
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Bart's Vindicator
WC134154; Fawn
CH Bringold's Hurd O'Hustler
Bringold's Hustler's Hatty
; Fawn
Bronze Gidget's Vali Highness
(F) 02/13/1972
WC 377812; Fawn
Dagons Czar Maxmillian
(M) 02/06/1977
WD706788; Brindle
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
Can Ch Daneivy's Vicgerent
CH Davos Rinky Twink
WE308150; Fawn
Davos' Nickholas
BIS Ch E Frazier Keppen of Tamerlane
(M) 03/21/1973
WC520615; Brindle
E Klan's Drifter
Elegant Lady of Tamerlane
CH Eliza of Tamerlane
WC487627; Fawn
CH Eric of Tamerlane
WC487625; Fawn
Am CH Ever Bit of Tamerlane
WC487628; Fawn
Am CH Gabriel of Tamerlane
Am CH Gatsby of Tamerlane
WC938708; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Gidget's Abraxas of Triana
(M) 06/13/1972
WC235232; Brindle
Gidget's Typone of Triana
(M) 06/13/1972
Gidgets Hustler of Triana
Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy
WD865510; Brindle
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
CH Honey Lane's Repeat P'formance
Isis of Gentle Giants
; Fawn
Jeba's Astarte of Lyn-Ard
WD380470; Brindle
Liberte's Iben Hustled
; Fawn
Lorien's Happi Hustler V Melba
WD071724; Fawn
Lorien's Kolossus v Bakhan
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
WD430050; Fawn
Mecca Dane's Jennet La Joyeuse
Ozark Crest Good Fortune
(F) 11/27/1974
WD097871; Brindle
Ozark Crest Pinafore
(F) 11/27/1974
WD106961; Fawn
Robindane's Denver Dandy
Robindane's Texas Ranger
; Fawn
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
(F) 05/20/1972
WC451414; Brindle
Can Ch Rojon's Petite Amour De Lorien
(F) 11/17/1974
WD085287 /971248; Fawn
Rojon's Robin Hood
(M) 07/04/1974
WC929708; Fawn
Am CH Sabrina-Gay's Bella Playgirl
(F) 12/16/1972
Shanti's Golden Reflections
Shanti's Mr. Ling
Shanti's Nona of Windy Hill
Tallbrook's Eve of Tamerlane
Von Riesenhof the Celeste
WC721052; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
Am CH Erin-Dane's El Teagress
WA196892; Brindle
Erin-Dane's Mandy Mine
CH Nandane's J. Freddy Mcready
CH Nandane's Reflection of Jody
Am CH Orian's Embered Jill V Nandane
Am CH Jill's Java of Rivercrest
WA671081; Brindle
Am CH Bellador's James Bond
Gina's Jazmin V Rivercrest
WC498137; Brindle
Ventura's Delvecchio v Romeo
Ginas Jazmin v Rivercrest
Glentrail's Mr. Icha-Bod
; Brindle
Rainey Dane's Hansom Harold
Sir Tigertail von Rainy Dane
; Brindle
Hawk Sun Goddess v Rivercrest
; Brindle
Hawks Chieftain V Rivercrest CD
(M) 03/30/1971
WB840588; Fawn
Trebor's Noble Erik V Hawks CD
Jonor's Agena of Rivercrest
Am CH Jonor's Lebanon of Rivercrest
WB895815; Brindle
Jonor's Midas of Rivercrest
Jonor's Honda
Jonor's Lady Tara
Jonor's Pepsi Jo of Montville
Polcyn's Copper Dawn O'Neill
Jonor's Taurus of Rivercrest
; Brindle
April's Tygress of Jonor
CH Jonor's Jubilee of Cel-Taur
Am CH Jonor's Lebanon of Rivercrest
WB895815; Brindle
Missy's Lady Duchess
Ty-Ro's Sabrina V Jonor
; Fawn
Tiger Ty of Rivercrest CD
Tompy of Somerset
WA993136; Fawn
Alardane's Sonda V Drury Lane
WC843267; Fawn
Drury Lane's Tawnya
(F) 07/17/1972
WC329599; Fawn
CH Rivercrest Troy of Drury Lane
Valle Lanes Lara v Rivercrest
; Brindle
Am CH Jill's Jonah of Rivercrest
Tig-Mer's Michaela
CH Waco's Ballerina
CH Waco's Bewitched V Stephan
WA659252; Brindle
Tamarack's Lord Vanity
WB089605; Brindle
Rojon's Little Sheba
WB420735; Brindle
Rojon's Risque
(F) 10/08/1971
WC242850; Brindle
Rojon's Sirus the Star
Am CH Waco's Butterscotch
(F) 03/10/1965
WA643984; Fawn
Am CH Tig-Mer's Tiger-Lilly
Am CH Waco's Adonis Rex of Tigre CD
(M) 08/24/1964
WA500149; Brindle
Beckrex My Stars v Pegasus
Kimbayh's K-O von Pegasus
; Fawn
KO's Special Angel von Pegasus
; Fawn
Am CH Brentwood's My Fair Lady V Rex
WB366084; Brindle
Am CH Dac-Rau's Mr Rex Again
(M) 09/17/1968
WB267651; Brindle
Kamshe's Magnificent Malibu
Beejay's Sweet Sensation
Rachmaninoff Joy CDX
CH Deedane's Flaming Star Von Rex
WB272498; Fawn
Dacar's Valentine Von Char-Kay
Dunkirk's Patrick Henry CDX
(M) 03/03/1976
WD328743; Black
Dunkirk's Paul Revere
Prin-Zel's Sinbad of Apollo CD
(M) 04/12/1971
WB843758; Fawn
Am CH Waco's Carousel of Deedane
Am CH Waco's Crusader of Deedane
(M) 06/10/1966
WA764465; Brindle
Waco's Aurora Star of Dacar
Dacar's Beautiful Bit of Rora
Lieberfreund's Bit of Blarney
Guy Ephraim Von Lieberfreund
WB877887; Fawn
Knollwoods Tufernhell
(M) 02/17/1976
WD466852; Fawn
Am CH Lieberfreund's Ethan Alan
(M) 05/12/1971
WB935816; Fawn
Arndale's Patchwork of Alfie
(M) 05/07/1974
WC840256; Fawn
Dartanian Von Lieberfreund
Henry Lane's Le Fils De Coeur
Am CH Honey Lane's Indian Summer
(F) 11/27/1974
WC988801; Brindle
Honey Lane's Le Fils de Coeur
Lieberfreund's Toke em Smoke Em
; Brindle
Am CH Dacar's Burgandy Royal
WA775788; Brindle
Da Maris' Anastasia
Mecca Dane's Thunder Bay
; Fawn
Mecca Dane's Argus Aegis
Nero's Fortuna of Innesfree
WC374570; Fawn
Mecca Dane's Gulf Stream
(F) 03/11/1974
WC752231; Brindle
Mecca Dane's Jennet La Joyeuse
Mecca Dane's Jove v Innesfree
Am CH Dacar's D'Kim Royal v Prin-Zel
Dacar's Valentine Von Char-Kay
Dunkirk's Patrick Henry CDX
(M) 03/03/1976
WD328743; Black
Dunkirk's Paul Revere
Am CH Prin-zel's Kahlua of Dacar
(F) 01/26/1974
WC699117; Brindle
Prin-Zel's Sugar Cookie
(F) 07/11/1978
WE040454; Brindle
Sinlay's Siegerin V Burgandy
CH Sinlay's Sugarplum V Arrow
(F) 11/11/1977
CH Sinlay's Dr. Roustabout
CH Sinlay's Really Ritzy V Tycho
CH Sinlay's Ric-O-Shay V Tycho
WE897032; Brindle
Sinlay's Simply Scrumptious
Sinlay's So Very Berry
(F) 01/30/1983
Sinlay's Strawberry Shortcake