River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
BIS, BISS, Am Ch Owlwatch Aztec Sun CGC
WP31743201; Fawn
COI: 7.29%
Cave Creek's Against All Odds
(F) 05/20/1997
Am CH Cave Creek's Morning Star
Cave Creek's Tyler's Chance
(M) 05/20/1997
Dane Lane Scarlit V J-Gar
(F) 11/27/1997
WP83288201; Fawn
J-Gar's Lady Liberty
(F) 07/04/2003
J-Gar's Stargate
(M) 05/15/2002
WR06642702; Fawn
Am CH J-Gar's Voyage To the Stars
(M) 05/15/2002
BISS Ch Dane Lane's Celebration
(M) 11/27/1997
WP83288202; Fawn

Anjadane's Brady Ann Rose
(F) 07/22/2001
WR04231802; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Ananda V Malvern CGC
(F) 06/26/2006
WS19895901; Fawn
Anjadane's Jonathie V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
WS35109001; Fawn
Am GChG Anjadane's Regene V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
WS35109002; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Sweet Baby James V Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010
Am GCh Lothlorien's Ode To Joy RN CGC CGCA AOE
(F) 05/22/2010
Am CH Anjadane's Mack A. Brady
(M) 07/22/2001
WR04231801; Fawn
Am GCh Celebration's All the Right Stuff
(M) 04/23/2008
WS26227501; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's It's All About Me
(F) 04/23/2008
WS26227502; Fawn
Celebration & Dane Lane's Expectation
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528503; Fawn
Am GChS Celebration's Johnny Walker Blue AOM
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528501; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration Party on the Deathst
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531506; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Holding The Party
(F) 05/12/2017
WS57531504; Brindle
Nobledane Celebration "Paris" When Its Sizzles
(F) 04/16/2019
WS64605507; Brindle
MBISS Am GCh Nobledane Otto-B-N-Stripes
(M) 04/16/2019
Am GCh; Brindle
Am CH Nobledane Thinks She Can Fly
(F) 04/16/2019
WS64605501; Fawn
Nobledane Where There Is Beauty In Character
(M) 04/16/2019
WS64605502; Brindle
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Party Crasher
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531503; Fawn
Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Post Party Blues
(M) 05/12/2017
WS57531505; Fawn
Am GCh TNR & Celebration's First Team Allmac
(M) 05/08/2017
WS57531603; Fawn
TNR N Celebration's Really Love Your Peaches
(F) 05/08/2017
WS57531602; Fawn
TNR's Clara Initio Deo Volente
(F) 05/08/2017
WS57531601; Fawn
Tnr's Parabatai Thee To Me
(M) 05/08/2017
WS57531604; Fawn
Tnr's Mr. Sunshine Man
(M) 04/24/2019
WS64783901; Fawn
Tnr's Strike A Pose at Angelwingz
(F) 04/24/2019
WS64783904; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's Straight No Chaser
(F) 04/14/2012
WS40528502; Fawn
Am CH Celebration's Taliskers Special Edition
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528505; Fawn
Dane Lane & Sylcrest A Million Dreams @ Evenstar
(M) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane & Sylcrest's Intuition
(F) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane Tuck Everlasting V Lost Creek
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327305; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dane Lane's Amazing Grace V Lostcreek CD RE
(F) 03/12/2003
WS03327302 / ERN24000574; Fawn
Am CH Hidden Hillz Blonde Bombshell CD, RA
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Sweet Baby Ruth
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Who's My Daddy
(M) 08/07/2005
Hiddenhillz Anothergirl 4 Lucy
(F) 08/07/2005
WS14349201; Fawn
Lucy's Reason To Believe
(M) 08/20/2009
Dane Lane's Commander-N-Chief
(M) 12/30/2013
WS46156206; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's Desdemona V Lost Creek
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Celeste
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666103; Fawn
Dane Lane's Heart of Glass
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666105; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's Illustration
(F) 12/02/2005
Dane Lane's Imagination
(F) 12/02/2005
WS15666104; Fawn
Dane Lane's Singular Sensation
(F) 11/17/2010
Am CH Dane Lane's Jonathan V Lost Creek
(M) 12/02/2005
WS15666102; Fawn
Am CH Gracyn's He Will Reign V Lost Creek
(M) 10/04/2008
WS28269901; Fawn
Blackstone Saul A Saint She Ain't
(F) 09/30/2011
Vonscheer Gracyn's Somethin' To Talk About CGC TDI
(F) 08/07/2011
WS38649104; Fawn
Am CH Gracyns Tell Me Secrets V Lost Creek
(F) 10/04/2008
WS28269902; Fawn
Am CH Duo Gracyn's Mr. Jones V Lost Creek Solara
(M) 03/01/2012
WS40724004; Fawn
Am CH Duo K'Tdane Chanjolie V Lstcrk Gracyn
(F) 01/07/2011
Am GCh Duo N Gracyn's American Honey V Lost Creek
(F) 06/06/2010
Duo's Dawson Gracyn's Lost Creek
(M) 03/01/2012
WS40724003; Fawn
Duo N Alpine's Got To Have That Girl
(F) 06/09/2016
WS 53998101; Fawn
Duo's Something To Shout About
(M) 06/09/2016
WS52998103; Fawn
Am CH Duo's Go Blue Lost Creek Gracyn AOM
(M) 06/06/2010
WS34291701; Fawn
Duo's Gracyn Lost Creek Country Girl
(F) 03/01/2012
WS40724002; Fawn
Duo's Imagine It All Lost Crk Grych
(F) 06/06/2010
WS34291706; Fawn
Dane Lane's Commander-N-Chief
(M) 12/30/2013
WS46156206; Fawn
Dane Lane's Full Circle
(F) 12/30/2013
Am CH Dane Lane's ReGroovin The Dream
(M) 12/30/2013
Duo's Maize And Blue Lost Creek Gracyn
(F) 06/06/2010
WS34291703; Fawn
Duo's Saving the Best For Last Gracyn Lost Creek
(M) 06/06/2010
WS34291707; Fawn
Am GCh Duo-Gracyn'S-Lost Creek Whisper Me No Secrets
(F) 01/07/2011
WS36560506; Fawn
Am CH Goldmyne's Back To the Future
(M) 11/26/2013
WS45715801; Brindle
Goldmyne's Pin-Up Girl
(F) 11/26/2013
WS45715803; Brindle
Goldmyne's Styled For Amador
(F) 11/26/2013
WS45715806; Brindle
Gracyn N Lost Creek Little Mz Sunshine V Stardus
(F) 01/07/2011
Am CH Gracynsduo Lost Creek In Wonderland
(F) 03/01/2012
WS40724006; Fawn
Lost Creeks Bella Gianna V Bruno
(F) 03/01/2012
WS40724001; Fawn
Dane Lane's Tiny Dancer
(F) 12/02/2005
Dane Lane's Dick's Lament v Lost Creek Scandik
(M) 03/12/2003
Am CH Dane Lane's Doubletake V Lost Creek
(M) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Encore V Lost Ck
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327304; Fawn
Dane Lane's Full Circle
(F) 12/30/2013
Am CH Dane Lane's Miya v Lostcreek
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's My Marie V Lost Creek
(F) 03/12/2003
WS03327306; Fawn
Am CH Dane Lane's ReGroovin The Dream
(M) 12/30/2013
Dane Lane's Rhythm Romance VLC
(F) 05/22/2001
Dane Lane's Singular Sensation
(F) 11/17/2010
Am CH Dane Lane's Thomas V. Lost Crk
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712708; Fawn
Am CH Dane Ln Tuck Evrlasting V Lst Crk
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327305; Fawn
Dane Ln's Dick's Lament Lst Crk V Scandik
(M) 03/12/2003
WS03327303; Fawn
Jasmine's Jagged Ice Brislyn
(M) 05/11/2000
WP97437710; Fawn
Jasmine's Ninth Wonder
(F) 05/11/2000
Jasmine's Purple Bigshot
(M) 05/11/2000
Am CH Jd Debut Top Jimmy
(M) 02/22/2003
WS03189703; Fawn

Jd Debut's Joy To Justinian
(F) 02/22/2003
WS03189704; Fawn
Jd Debut's Our Grace at Imagine
(F) 02/22/2003
WS03189702; Fawn
Kativa's Highlander V Danair
(M) 06/16/2000
Kativa's Life After Love
(F) 06/16/2000
Lost Creek's Dane Lane V Hawthorns
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712702; Fawn
Lost Creek's Woo Who Dane Lane
(M) 05/22/2001
Lost Creeks Dane Lane V Hawthorns
(M) 05/22/2001
WR02712702; Fawn
Am CH Obsidian's Forget Me Not
(F) 07/09/2001
WR03986703; Fawn
Obsidian's Kiss Me Kate
(F) 07/09/2001
Obsidian's Kissed the Girls
(M) 06/24/2003
Obsidian's Oskar Celebration
(M) 07/09/2001
Am CH Obsidian's Power House
(M) 07/27/2001
WR04219903; Fawn
Obsidian's Tinsel Town Celebration
(M) 07/27/2001
WR04219902; Fawn
Am CH Obsidian's Tuesday Celebration
(M) 07/27/2001
Raepark's Somewhere In Time
(F) 09/04/2001
WR04400301; Brindle
Rave Dane's Inspiration Indidane
(M) 10/18/2001
WR05558602; Black
Rave Danes Reflection
WR05558601; Black
SVF First Name In Sports
(M) 06/20/2002
WS01388103; Fawn
Trebor's Imagine Dane Martin
(M) 05/23/2001
WR03257402; Fawn
Am CH Von Bruno's Anticipation
(F) 06/20/2002
WS01388105; Fawn

Am, Fin, Swd, Dan &est Ch Daneboa's Sun of Owlwatch
WP57449905; Fawn

Fantelli's Precious Louise
(F) 07/11/2001
WR03498304; Fawn
Helisain Fuga V Graff
; Fawn
Am CH Von Graff's Monterey
(M) 05/26/2000
WP97755404; Brindle
Shoreline's Aint No Mtn Hi Enuf
(M) 07/11/2006
WS18950201; Brindle
Am GCh Shoreline's Som'Thing T' Talk Abt
(M) 07/11/2006
Am CH Madison's N Tavern's It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
(M) 05/21/2014
WS48119802; Fawn
Shorelines Rubber Band Man
(M) 07/11/2006
Bis Biss Am Ch V Graff Whobut Humphrey Grf'N HOF
(M) 05/06/2002
WS00898202; Fawn
Am CH Alexa's Black Tie Affair
(M) 09/03/2005
Am CH Crekside-Deerrun Gunnery Sgt AOM
(M) 08/28/2004
WS10027302; Fawn
Creeksides Chloe
(F) 01/13/2007
Crekside's For Heavens Sake!!
(F) 01/13/2007
Fulcircle's A Porterhousesteak
(M) 04/22/2006
WS17320703; Fawn
Am CH Fulcircle's Army Battle Buddy
(M) 04/22/2006
WS17320701; Fawn
Dar-Lins I.V.
(F) 08/02/2007
WS23227602; Fawn
Deer Run's Aggie
(F) 10/25/2006
Deer Run's Maggie
(F) 07/07/2008
; Fawn
Deer Run's Special Feature
(M) 01/31/2008
Deerrun's Pyro De Casa Arabal
(M) 01/20/2007
WS21148211; Fawn
CH Deerrun-Creekside Babs
(F) 10/25/2006
WS19953302; Fawn
Echolane-Deerrun's Diamond Dude
(M) 01/20/2007
WS21148201; Fawn
Am CH Echolane-Deerrun's Put'In on The Glitz
(F) 12/30/2006
WS20566601; Fawn
Von Graff's Jack Pot
(M) 05/06/2002
WS00898204; Fawn
Vicson Vivacious Vixen at Blk-Bear
(F) 04/26/2005
Vicson's Essence of Sage
WS17547005; Brindle
Vicson's I've Arrived
(F) 09/28/2004
Vicson's Rennie of Now Goedekes
WS13304904; Fawn
Von Graff's Top Sergent
(M) 05/06/2002
WS00898203; Brindle
Shadowweavers Commander Cody
(M) 03/11/2005
WS12957701; Fawn
Hr's Always A Star of Shadowweaver's
(F) 04/23/2011
WS37563906; Fawn
Shadowweavers Commander N Chief
(M) 12/14/2009
WS32879707; Fawn
Shadowweavers Sir Dreyfus
(M) 03/11/2005
WS12957703; Brindle
Witamy's Aiming High
(F) 10/28/2007
WS30325204; Brindle
Witamy-Cabine's Winds of Paris
(F) 05/10/2007
; Brindle
Witamy-Lexis Ima Dreamcatcher
(F) 08/18/2006
Von Graff's Wyatt Abeldanes
(M) 05/06/2003
Helisain Ladykiller
FIN40953/98; Fawn
Helisain Dandy
(M) 09/14/2000
Fin Ch Helisain Massimo
Red Rublev Sade
Fin Ch Red Rublev Purple Rain
Helisain Desoto with Auldmoor
(M) 09/14/2000
Dornoir Tostig
(M) 11/05/2004
Danemoor Miss Congeniality
(F) 06/03/2006
; Fawn
Danemoor Perkin
(M) 10/20/2010
Danemoor Tancred
(M) 10/20/2010
Stagbatch Secret Affair
(F) 05/26/2003
; Fawn
Stagbatch Secret Weapon
(M) 05/26/2003
; Fawn
Helisain Dominica
Alder Glade's Lerida
(F) 04/23/2004
Finlandia's Odysefs
(M) 01/11/2008
DK15543/2008; Fawn
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Gaga
; Fawn
Blaaholms Loke
DK03458/2010; Fawn
Fin Ch Alder Glade's Dave
C'Mon Zoe Lchwd-Vlhla
(F) 11/24/2007
FIN15361/08; Fawn
Fin Ch Alder Glade's Dearie
Alder Glade's Ramona
Fin Ch Alder Glade's Alonso
Alder Glade's Doris To C'mon
C'mon All By Myself
Fin Ch Red Rublev Purple Rain
C'mon Game on Larchwood
(M) 04/18/2010
WS34939301; Fawn
Larchwood Cedarglades Celtic Thunder
(M) 10/07/2014
WS48870103; Fawn
Larchwood Cedarglades Wynd Beneath My Wings
(F) 10/07/2014
WS48870102; Fawn
Larchwood Cedarglades's Million Dollar Baby
(F) 10/08/2013
WS45914001; Fawn
Fin Ch Helisain Dynamo
C'mon Money Talks
C'Mon Zoe Lchwd-Vlhla
(F) 11/24/2007
FIN15361/08; Fawn
Hultängen's Quasimodo
Hultängen's Queen of Sheba
Hultängen's Quentin Tarantino
Hultängen's Quincy Jones
Hultängen's Quinnie
Night Flight's Banana Boat Song
S31697/2001; Brindle
Night Flight's Flitiga Lisa
S34370/2004; Brindle
Night Flight's Mätt Och Belåten
S38909/2008; Fawn
Ganteus La Ragazza Sesto Amabile
(F) 12/24/2009
SE14222/2010; Fawn
Ganteus La Ragazza Sesto Amato
(F) 12/24/2009
Swd, Nwy DK & Nord Ch Night Flight's Muntergök
(M) 04/09/2008
Dk Ch The King and I Prince Arthur
(M) 06/08/2012
DK09929/2012; Fawn
The King and I Princess Angelica
(F) 06/08/2012
DK09922/2012; Fawn
Night Flight's Cat on Hot Tin Roof
S38761/2003; Fawn
Night Flight's Elake MÃ¥ns
(M) 05/04/2003
S38756/2003; Fawn
Dal'z Cool As Ice
(F) 01/09/2006
N07501/06; Fawn
Dal'z Destiny
(F) 01/09/2006
N07500/06; Brindle
Dal'z Lord Fred
N07496/06; Brindle
Aust Ch Azadane My Gold n Stripes
(F) 03/13/2010
Azadane My Grand Plan
(F) 03/13/2010
Azadane My Jetsetter
(M) 03/13/2010
Azadane My Mystery Man
(M) 03/13/2010
; Fawn
Azadane My Phantom King
(M) 03/13/2010
4100184217; Brindle
Azadane My Show Stopper
(F) 03/13/2010
Azadane My Star In Stripes
(F) 03/13/2010
Paper Moon's Billy Jean
Papermoon's Smooth Criminal
(F) 07/29/2009
N 51639/09; Brindle
Night Flight's Esther Williams
Ganteus Il Ragazzo Secondo Elegante
(M) 06/10/2006
; Brindle
Ganteus Il Ragazzo Secondo Gentile
(M) 06/10/2006
; Brindle
Ganteus Il Ragazzo Secondo Selvagio
(M) 06/10/2006
S47183/2006; Brindle
Ganteus Il Ragazzo Secondo Striato
(M) 06/10/2006
; Brindle
Ganteus La Ragazza Secondo Alonza
(F) 06/10/2006
; Fawn
Ganteus La Ragazza Secondo Amore
(F) 06/10/2006
S47180/2006; Fawn
Ganteus La Ragazza Sesto Amabile
(F) 12/24/2009
SE14222/2010; Fawn
Ganteus La Ragazza Sesto Amato
(F) 12/24/2009
Ganteus La Ragazza Secondo Angelico
(F) 06/10/2006
; Brindle
Night Flight's Hejsan Hoppsan
(F) 12/26/2005
S14831/2006; Fawn
Night Flight's Himmel Och Pannkaka
(F) 12/26/2005
S14827/2006; Fawn
Night Flight's Hipp Som Happ
(F) 12/26/2005
S14830/2006; Fawn
Night Flight's Curiosity Kills Cats
S41679/2001; Fawn
Great Stardust's Bright Light
N12627/02; Fawn
Opertunity's Better Be a Star
(F) 01/22/2004
N02612/04; Fawn
Nwy Ch Aludi's Charlie Brown
(M) 02/26/2007
N04118/07; Fawn
Opertunity's Boundless Girl
(F) 01/22/2004
Opertunity's End of Discussion
(M) 03/26/2006
N06858/06; Fawn
Helisain Lapponia
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40952/98; Fawn
CH Helisain Leda of Wynkarn
(F) 10/21/1998
FIN40949/98; Fawn
CH Wynkarn Skyler of Hights
Wynkarn Angus Robin
Dehaviland Le Solitair
CH Dehaviland Totally Gold
(F) 10/07/2010
; Fawn
Helisain Leona
Budoar Jayson
Genedda Ens Entium
(M) 09/30/2006
FIN52063/06; Brindle
Love-Dane's ÄllisStella
(F) 02/10/2006
Fin 19890/06; Brindle
Am CH Don-Lu's Cash Dividend CD
(M) 12/25/1994
WP61069003; Fawn
Am CH Don-Lu's Gift of Owlwatch
(F) 12/25/1994
Aztec Calander Girl V Kativa
(F) 08/20/1999
WP93507104; Fawn
Aztec Centerfold V Kativa
(F) 08/20/1999
Kativa's Brickyard
(M) 04/26/2004
WS09554601; Fawn
Am CH Kativa's Photo Finish BN RE
(M) 04/26/2004
WS09554604; Fawn
Kativa's Victory Lane
(F) 04/26/2004
Kativa's Count Your Blessings
(F) 06/22/2010
WS34801901; Fawn
Kativa's Do You Feel Lucky
(M) 05/01/2016
WS53842503; Fawn
Kativa's It's All About Me
(F) 05/01/2016
WS53842501; Brindle
Kativa's Make My Day
(M) 05/01/2016
WS53842502; Brindle
Hadji's Harley Dakota
(M) 06/25/1997
J-Gar's Lois V Dane Lane
(F) 05/06/1997
Jecamo Sparklnwater Owlwatch
(F) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Firewater of Owlwatch
(M) 01/11/1995
Jecamo's Sparkln Water Owlwatch
; Fawn
Am CH Jecamos Jameson v. Oakstone
(M) 12/28/1995
WP68995008; Fawn
Am CH Aldawn's Fire N Brimstone TT
(M) 10/24/1997
Aldawn's Holiday in Paris
(F) 04/25/2000
WP97190302; Fawn
Aldawn's I Won the Recall
(M) 10/20/2003
BISS Am Ch Aldawn's I'm The Intruder
(F) 10/20/2003
WS07729202; Fawn

Aldawn's In The Buff
(F) 10/20/2003
Andaney's I Get Carried Away
(F) 09/04/2000
Andaney's Manisa Hart Tugger
(F) 09/04/2000
Destiny Danes Tiger Lilly
(F) 05/21/2000
WP98627102; Brindle
All That's Shakin' Not Stirrd
(M) 05/14/2002
WS00894903; Brindle
Am CH Stuhr's She's on Fire V Zarlin
(F) 03/26/2003
Finess's Black Jack
(M) 06/22/2000
Finess's Tiger
(M) 06/22/2000
Gilham v Kareenas Phoenix Rising
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960109; Black
Am CH Gilham Wolke Run'n The Gamut
(M) 10/30/2003
WS06262702; Fawn
Am CH Lampe Eleanor's Sweet Honey Lager
(F) 01/30/2007
WS20507407; Fawn
Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly
(F) 04/20/2009
WS30032201; Fawn
Lampe's Country Love Cow Girl
(F) 07/25/2013
WS44888208; Fawn
Dewinkle's Breakfast Surprise Greta
(F) 08/20/2016
WS54531810; Fawn
Am GCh Dewinkle's Lampe's Sweet Zamara A New Beginning CA CGC TKI
(F) 08/20/2016
WS54531807; Fawn
Am CH Dewinkle's Meriwhether
(F) 08/20/2016
WS54531806; Fawn
Lampe's Mgysgt Blackie's Love of Country
(M) 07/25/2013
WS44888204; Brindle
Am CH Kma's Iron Maiden V Granite Falls
(F) 05/06/2016
Am GCh Kma's U Rock My World
(F) 05/06/2016
Nl Ch Lampe's Mr. Great Pumpkin
WS44888203; Brindle
Buccaneer's Kalypso at Kenaine
(F) 05/09/2019
; Brindle
Buccaneer's Kassandra
(F) 05/09/2019
; Brindle
Buccaneer's Kimberly at Yandamar
(F) 05/09/2019
; Brindle
Fin Ch Edendane's The Joe Cool
Am GCh Lampe's Sweet Country Boy Ruger CGC CA
(M) 07/25/2013
WS44888201; Fawn
Lampes Lady Britta Shes Gone Country
(F) 07/25/2013
Lampe's Wild Child Lights My Fire
(M) 04/20/2009
WS30032204; Fawn
Lampe's Prima Mia
(F) 01/30/2007
WS20507404; Brindle
Wolke's Freeze Frame
(F) 11/15/2004
WS12187501; Fawn
Wolke's Jgd Incandescent Dayla
(F) 11/17/2004
Nat & Int Ch Jgd the Rocket's Red Glare
Wolke's Palladium Print
(M) 11/07/2004
WS12187507; Fawn
Wolke's Queen of Hearts
(F) 02/21/2006
Am GCh Gilham's Boogie Woogie Piano Man
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960105; Black
Dark Heaven's Long Live the King
(M) 04/16/2012
WS40522804; Black
Dark Heaven's Rising Star
(F) 04/16/2012
WS40522802; Black
Dark Heaven's Saving the Best For Black
(M) 09/20/2013
Dark Heaven's Southern Cross
(M) 09/20/2013
Dark Heaven's Tycho Brahe
(M) 04/16/2012
WS40522801; Black
BISS Am GCh GDAB Black Bear Road TKN AOM
(M) 01/19/2015
WS49808401; Black
(M) 11/27/2018
WS62910505; Black
Gdab Oingo Boingo
(M) 11/27/2018
Gdab Siouxsie Sioux
(F) 11/27/2018
Redwood's Everbody Dance Now BCAT
(M) 06/27/2018
WS61711301; Black
(F) 01/19/2015
WS49808404; Black
Gdab Get Your Groove Black
(F) 01/19/2015
WS49080805; Brindle
Gdab I'm the Man In Black
(M) 01/19/2015
WS49808402; Black
Am CH Gilham's Holly Golightly
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262701; Fawn

Gilham Caughtcha Lookin' V Highgates
(F) 05/20/2008
WS26346901; Fawn
Gilham Patterson Limited Edition
(M) 05/20/2008
WS26346902; Fawn
Gilham's I'm Very Busy
(F) 05/22/2015
Int Ch Gilham's JDG Mystic in Motion
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262704; Fawn

Gilham's November Rain
(F) 11/30/2009
WS32960101; Black
Gilham's I'm Very Busy
(F) 05/22/2015
BISS Am Ch Gilham's Run For The Roses
(F) 10/30/2003
WS06262703; Fawn
Am GCh Yamrb Icon Boys Nite Out V Dimnd Star
(M) 06/19/2007
WS22465305; Fawn
Colras Who Dat? V 2j
(M) 03/23/2010
Am CH Laurado's Chardonnay
(F) 04/25/2013
WS44113701; Fawn
Yamrb's Come Fly With Me on A Harley D.
(F) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's I DID It My Way AOM
(F) 06/19/2007
Am CH Yamrb's the Best Is Yet To Come
(M) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's This Lady is a Tramp
(F) 06/19/2007
Colras Who Dat? V 2j
(M) 03/23/2010
Yamrb Gustav von Sugar Hill
(M) 06/11/2008
WS26796704; Fawn
Gilham's The Big Easy
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960102; Black
Jecamo Presidio Spice of Life For Sixstar
(F) 08/24/2009
; Black
Am & Can Ch Jecamo's Bourbon
(M) 07/03/1997
WP79520701; Brindle
Jecamo's Gamay
(F) 05/27/2002
WS01139801; Fawn
Jecamo's Skyy v Gilham
(M) 11/30/2009
WS32960106; Fawn
Jecamo's Zinfandel
(F) 07/03/1997
Am CH Manisa's Roulet of Andaney
(M) 09/04/2000
WP99157702; Fawn
Pena Zarlin's Beautiful Noise
(F) 09/25/1997
Am & Can Ch Penadane Daynakin Solitary Man
(M) 09/25/1997
WP81136601; Fawn
Am CH Penadanes Cracklin Rosie
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133603; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Penadanes Paquestone Play Me
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133609; Fawn
Penadanes September Morn VB
(F) 09/25/1997
Penadanes Sweet Caroline
(F) 09/25/1997
WP81133602; Fawn
Roulets Newbest Friend Jecamo
(F) 09/04/2000
Zarlin's Earth Angel
(F) 02/02/1997
WP75986103; Fawn
Zarlin's My Girl
(F) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Ticket To Ride
(M) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Travelin' Man V Jecamo
(M) 02/02/1997
Zarlin's Walk Like A Man
(M) 02/02/1997
Am CH Maitau's Cairo V Des'Dany
(F) 07/11/1994
WP56374105; Fawn
Am CH Des'Dany's Delusion v Lincoln
(M) 10/23/1996
WP73917303; Fawn
Am CH Des'Dany's Sheer Illusion
(F) 10/23/1996
WP73917301; Fawn
Des'dany's Aurora Lincoln
(F) 08/17/2001
Desdany Sheermagic V Lincoln
(M) 08/17/2001
Des'Dany's Sheer Sensation
(F) 10/23/1996
Am CH Des'Dany's Maggie May v Elan
(F) 05/20/2001
WR03487101; Fawn
Am CH VWF J Bond Legend De Marquie
(M) 09/25/2003
WS05695003; Brindle
Fame's Cartier'
(F) 02/10/2007
WS21484603; Fawn
Am CH Fame's Coco Chanel
(F) 06/29/2010
WS34804705; Fawn
Fame's Giovanni Versace
(M) 06/29/2010
Fame's Louis Vuitton
(M) 06/29/2010
WS34804706; Fawn
Fame's Crown Jewel V Dugan
(F) 02/10/2007
WS21484601; Fawn
Am CH Dugan's Crown Royal
(M) 11/14/2009
WS32357706; Fawn
Dugan's Diamond In The Rough Aurora
(F) 11/14/2009
WS32357703; Fawn
Dugan's Precious Gem
(F) 11/14/2009
WS32357701; Fawn
Dugan's Triple Crown
(M) 11/14/2009
WS32357702; Fawn
Fame's Fabrege
(F) 02/10/2007
WS21484602; Fawn
Fame & VWF Charismatic
(F) 05/05/2012
Am GChS Fame & Vwf's I' Have Another
(M) 05/05/2012
WS40968301; Fawn
Fame & Vwf's It's All About Me For Reimroc & Ela
(F) 05/05/2012
WS40968304; Fawn
Fames Vwf Kahula N Kream
(F) 05/05/2012
Fames Above-Prime
(M) 04/18/2006
WS17713803; Fawn
Fames Dripping In Diamonds V Sonya
(F) 02/10/2007
Fames No-Limit
(M) 04/18/2006
WS17713801; Fawn
Am CH Fames Pre-Approved
(M) 04/18/2006
WS17713802; Fawn
Famesdripping In Diamonds Vsonya
(F) 02/10/2007
WS21484604; Fawn
Vwf Marquie's Moniet
(F) 09/25/2003
WS05695004; Fawn
Des'Danys Sheer Spitfire
(F) 05/20/2001
Lincoln's Brett of Des'dany
(M) 05/15/1998
Am CH Meadowood's Razzle Mr Dazzle
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901603; Brindle
Academy Aspenwood First Lady
WP79011606; Brindle
Academys Lacy
Am CH Academy's Higgins
(M) 12/22/2000
WR01351701; Fawn
Am CH Academys Honey Gold
(F) 04/03/2003
WS04420401; Fawn
Meadowood's Renaissance Man
(M) 04/03/1995
WP61901607; Brindle
Meadowood's Reuel Jisxer Rider
(M) 04/03/1995
CH Meadowood's Robin
(F) 04/03/1995
Meadowood Biscaro's Y Me of Tlc
(F) 06/26/1997
Meadowood's Yvonna Ys Classy
(F) 06/26/1997
WP79148402; Fawn
Six Gold's Trix of The Trade
(F) 09/03/2002
WR07530105; Fawn
Meadowood's Zimt Und Zucker
(M) 05/15/1998
Meadowood's Whonsetler's Rascal
; Fawn
Misty Valley Lad V Foghollow
(M) 06/05/1996
Misty Valley's Levi S.
(M) 06/05/1996
Am CH Misty Valley's Liliuokalani
(F) 06/05/1996
WP70817801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Misty Valley's Logical Choice
(M) 06/05/1996
WP70817803; Fawn

Melnyk's Definitive Logic
(M) 01/18/2003
WS03328901; Fawn
Melnyk's Double Take
(M) 01/18/2003
Melnyk's Dramatic Impact
(M) 01/18/2003
WS03328904; Fawn
Melnyk's Misty Valley Diva
(F) 01/18/2003
WS03328903; Fawn
Am CH Oakstone Dreamcatcher's Gryphon
(M) 01/20/1995
WP62110606; Fawn

Am CH Oakstone's Avante
(F) 12/28/1995
WP68995003; Fawn
CH Oakstone's Aztec Dream
(M) 01/20/1995
Larlyn's Autumn Moon
(F) 11/08/1996
WP74425701; Brindle
Larlyn's Birthday Girl
(F) 11/08/1996
WP74425703; Brindle
Oakstone's Call the Wind
(F) 12/28/1995
Am CH Oakstone's Dawn V Lonidane
(F) 12/28/1995
Am CH Oakstone's Canta Libre
(M) 05/18/2002
Am CH Oakstone's Nina V Lonidane
(F) 05/18/2002
WS01245801; Fawn
Can Ch Oakstone's Shining Orion
(M) 05/18/2002
WS01245804 / 1082513;
Oakstone's Dream Weaver
(M) 12/28/1995
Ch99 Oakstone's Here Comes the Sun
(F) 12/28/1995
Am CH Oakstone's Merry Aubrey Rose
(F) 12/28/1995
Deiza Strz Rogan V Lyonspeer
(M) 03/30/2001
Dejza Starz Forget Me Not
(F) 03/30/2001
Dejza Starz Logan's Run
(M) 03/30/2001
WR03202101; Fawn
Dejza-Starz Franklin Mint
(M) 03/30/2001
WR03202102; Fawn
Bis Biss Am Ch Oakstone's Rock of Gilbraltar
(M) 01/20/1995
WP62110607; Fawn
Am CH Creekside-Bayside Rosetta Stone
(F) 02/02/1999
WP90488201; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Creekside-Bayside Just Tina ROM HOF
(F) 07/20/2003
WS06329902; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Bayside Just A Gentleman
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752901; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Kuster's Athena
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198302; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Vztop's Hillside Just A Diva
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198304; Fawn
Vztop's Hillside Just A Ladies Man
(M) 04/24/2014
WS47198305; Fawn
Am GCh Vztop's Hillside Just Another Scandelous Affair
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198303; Fawn
Am CH Vztophillside Beau
(M) 04/24/2014
Am GCh Bayside Just Another Day In Paradise CGC AOM
(M) 02/24/2008
Affaire's Adventurous Gypsy
(F) 07/02/2011
Affaire's Cruising For Adventure
(F) 07/02/2011
WS37834101; Fawn
Am CH B and K Black DIamond Let's Play Ball
(M) 10/05/2010
Am GCh B And K I'M Here For The Party In Paradise
(F) 04/11/2012
Am CH B & K Paradise St Declan Stone V Harmony
(M) 03/14/2018
B And K Paradise Classic Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
WS60415403; Fawn
BISS Am GChG, Can GCh & Int Ch B And K Paradise El Patron AOM
(M) 06/09/2016
WS53898608 / ERN17000525; Fawn
B And K Paradise High Voltage
(M) 02/02/2015
Am CH B And K Paradise Party On AOM
(F) 02/02/2015
B And K Paradise Pixie Dust
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898607; Brindle
B And K Paradise Playing With Magic
(F) 02/02/2015
B And K Party With the Wild Irish V Paradise
(F) 03/14/2018
Paradise B&K It's Celebration Time
(M) 02/02/2015
Paradise B&k Luck of the Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
Am GCh Paradise B&K Tis A Bit of Blarney
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898610; Fawn
Am CH B And K Just Another Dane In Paradise
(M) 04/11/2012
B And K Madison
(F) 10/05/2010
Am CH B And K Rookie of The Year
(F) 10/05/2010
Bloomgren B And K Million Dollar Baby
(M) 09/27/2014
Am GCh B And K Sean's Grand Slam V. Paradise
(M) 10/05/2010
B and K The Closer
(F) 01/05/2010
B And K's Double Eagle V Lo Nevada
(M) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Hard Candy of B & K
(F) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Material Girl of B And K
(F) 04/21/2011
WS38287107; Fawn
Lo Nevada's Mr. Right of B And K
(M) 04/21/2011
WS38287105; Fawn
Voyager DayStar Tender Mercies
(F) 05/15/2012
WS41045502; Fawn
Voyager Daystar Valley Girl
(F) 05/15/2012
Voyager's A Star Is Born For Carla
(F) 05/15/2012
Am GCh Voyagers Return of the Jedi!
(M) 05/15/2012
WS41045504; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just And True
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854707; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just the Way You Are
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854703; Fawn

Am GCh Bayside's Just Because I Can
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854708; Fawn
Bayside's Just Call me Mister
(M) 02/26/2009
WS29668904; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Just Daddys Little Girl
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854701; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside's Just Dana
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854706; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Back To Georgia V Mirabell
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088006; Fawn
Mirabell's No Strings Attached
(F) 09/09/2015
Am & Can Ch Bayside's Best Bet
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088001 / 1127397; Fawn
Can GCh & Am Ch Paquestone's Intense Rush CGN RATI VGD VDX SJATD
(M) 04/08/2015
CG604030 / WS51727501; Brindle
Am GCh Bayside's Golden Boy
(M) 02/06/2012
Bayside's Golden Girl
(F) 02/06/2012
Indian Ch Bayside's Just in Time v Makario
() 02/07/2007
Am CH Bayside's Just Look at Me Now
(F) 02/24/2008
Am CH Bayside's Just My Luck
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752907; Fawn
Bayside's Just Out For A Good Time
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752906; Fawn
Am CH Bayside One Accord at Owlwatch
(F) 06/29/2011
WS38412207; Fawn
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657505; Fawn
Accord's Joy of My Life
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657501; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657502; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Just Wicked DMD RN
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752903; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest Bayside Your Still the One AOM
(F) 05/28/2011
Sunquests Boomer at Kappadane
(M) 07/23/2017
WS58354502; Fawn
Am GChS Sunquest Rocks at Sunstrike CGC
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989803; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest's Amtrak Zephyr All Adored
(M) 05/28/2011
WS37989805; Fawn
Am GChB Sunquest's More of A Good Thing
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989801; Brindle
Sunquest's Not Just A Pretty Face
(F) 05/28/2011
Am CH Bayside-Creekside Justone Look
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752905; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Just A Touch of Class
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668906; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Just Daisy
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668905; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Creekside Bayside Just Mystyle
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752902; Fawn
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Creekside I'm Too Sexy For My Clothes
(F) 12/22/2008
WS29461301; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Crekside I'll Take Romance
(F) 07/04/2013
Mcemn's-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
Am CH McEmn-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
McEmn-Crekside's Walking In Memphis
(M) 07/04/2013
WS44415501; Fawn
Am CH Creeksides For the Last Time
(M) 10/14/1999
WP95517703; Fawn
Creeksides Time Bandit
(M) 10/14/1999
Alder Glade's Lerida
(F) 04/23/2004
Finlandia's Odysefs
(M) 01/11/2008
DK15543/2008; Fawn
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Gaga
; Fawn
Dk Ch Blaaholms Response
Blaaholms Romance
; Fawn
Blaaholms Loke
DK03458/2010; Fawn
Liberline's As I Expected
NO41797/13; Fawn
Nwy Ch Aludi's Charlie Brown
(M) 02/26/2007
N04118/07; Fawn
Grand De Feld's Quentina Lilo
(F) 03/16/2009
DK 07170/2009; Fawn
Stangvik's Arya
(F) 09/23/2013
; Fawn
Dk Ch Grand De Feld's Sami
; Fawn
Royal Jazz Adams Apple
(M) 04/27/2014
; Fawn
Royal Jazz African Breeze
(F) 04/27/2014
DK06930/2014; Fawn
Can, Int & Nat Ch Royal Jazz Blue Devil
(M) 06/01/2017
DK10308/2017 / 1136602; Fawn
Grand de Feld's Senta
(F) 08/05/2011
; Fawn
Finlandia's Keep on Moving
Finlandia's Moonlight
Finlandia's Odysefs
(M) 01/11/2008
DK15543/2008; Fawn
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Gaga
; Fawn
Blaaholms Loke
DK03458/2010; Fawn
Finlandia's Nandor Knows How
(M) 10/15/2007
10895/08; Brindle
Am CH Crekside's Engagement Time
(M) 10/14/1999
Edisto Hello Dolly
(F) 07/10/2004
Edisto's Fantasy of Rinks Mtn
(F) 07/10/2004
Am CH Crekside's For The Last Time
(M) 10/14/1999
Am CH Crekside's Time After Time
(M) 10/14/1999
Creksides Aston-Baxter
(M) 05/07/2003
TJH Haley of Danedepot
Crekside's Timepiece
() 10/14/1999
Am CH Crekside-Bay Popsicle Toes
(F) 02/02/1999
WP90488202; Fawn
Creekside Cavecrksstolenkisses
(F) 07/09/2005
Crekside Styker of Vidane
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320703; Fawn
Vidane's Annie Get Your Gun
Vidane's Joy to Ride
Creksidelast Tango In Paris
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320701; Brindle
Creksides Come Fly With Me
(M) 12/20/2003
WS07222603; Fawn

Apollo Russell
() 02/19/2005
Caeruleus Shipwrecked Tyrant
(M) 04/27/2007
WS22277701; Black

Creekside's Bad To the Bone
(F) 02/05/2005
Creekside's Too Loose Lautrec
(M) 05/07/2006
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Crekside North By Northwest
(F) 02/05/2005
Am CH Crekside's To Catch A Thief
(F) 02/05/2005
Creksides Born To Be Bad
() 02/05/2005
Creksides I'M No Angel Thunder
() 02/05/2005
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer
(F) 04/20/2008
Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome
(F) 08/14/2007
Am CH Dar-Lins Midnight Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618803; Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618802; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584004; Fawn
Am GCh Shalako It's All About Me V Regent
(F) 11/18/2009
Am CH Shalako N Olympian Universal Harmony
(M) 05/12/2012
WS41304201; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584003; Fawn
Shalako's Angel of the Morning
(F) 11/18/2009
WS32584002; Fawn
Am GCh Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576903; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Augustus McCrae Tx Ranger
(M) 07/23/2015
Am CH Southern Star Dar-Lin's C-W-O-5
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star Easterly's Rock N Roll Presley
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327401; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Freya Rules In Asgard
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551304; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Gen P G T Beauregard
(M) 05/10/2012
Am GCh Southern Star Gen Stonewall Jackson AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
Am GCh Southern Star New Orleans Lady
(F) 05/10/2012
Am GChP Southern Star Norse God Odin at Valhalla
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551301; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Southern Star Valkyries Choose The Victor
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551303; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Viking Shield Maiden Ilsa
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551302; Fawn
Southern Star Viking Viggo the Loki at Lmgd
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551305; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star Yellow Rose of Texas
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327404; Fawn
Am GChP Southern Star's Darvon of the Desert AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
WS35327412; Fawn
Southern Star's Norco of Troon North
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star's Sophia Von Raseac
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327402; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star's Texas Rose
(F) 05/10/2012
WS40837406; Fawn
Am GChG Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt
(M) 04/24/2008
WS27576905; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Gale Force Wind
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714906; Fawn
Laurado's Great Blue Norther
(M) 07/07/2010
WS34714901; Fawn
Laurado's Storm Warning
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714905; Fawn
Deer Run's Boo Delicious
(F) 08/20/2012
WS42187108; Fawn
Am GCh Deerrun's Echo Ln No Doubt About It
(M) 10/28/2011
Am CH Echolane's Alacazar Alacazam
(M) 08/07/2013
Am CH Echolane's Glitz & Glamour
(F) 08/07/2013
Echolane-Deerrun's Beyond Imagination
(F) 03/09/2010
WS33691506; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576901; Fawn
Dar-Lyns Pipe Dreams
() 02/19/2005
Am CH Echolane Creekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Am CH Echoln Crekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Sequoyah's Amazing Grace Willobend
(F) 06/09/2007
WS22336504; Fawn
Sequoyah's Cherohala
(F) 06/09/2007
Sequoyah's I Taw A Putty Tat V. Hglnd
(F) 06/09/2007
Am CH Creksides Fantasy of Flight
(M) 12/20/2003
Creekside Cavecrksstolenkisses
(F) 07/09/2005
Sarum Rocky Mountain High
(M) 06/12/2006
WS18288802; Fawn
Sarum My Mona of Castlerea
(F) 03/31/2009
WS29678404; Brindle
Castlerea's Martha Speaks
WS36471101; Brindle
Sarum Rm Magnum
(M) 10/02/2010
WS36471102; Brindle
Am CH Creksides Stcar Named Desire
(F) 07/05/2004
WS10320704; Fawn
Bayside's Fine Cohiba Cigar v Bragg
(F) 03/07/2009
; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Lady Heather
(F) 03/07/2009
WS29662701; Fawn
Bayside's Time After Time
(F) 10/13/2014
WS48670401; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's My Cousin Vinny
(M) 03/07/2009
WS29662705; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Can GCh Striders Bona Fide Wishmaster
(M) 06/14/2014
BL570523 / WS54774101; Fawn
Striders BF Gaia V Mystic Mist
; Fawn
Striders Bf Kaleena V Drogheda
(F) 04/25/2017
WS59103202; Fawn
Am Ch & Can GCh Striders Leinenstone Kalanimcr
(F) 04/25/2017
EG713284 / WS59103201; Fawn
Am CH Crekside-Bay Set In Stone CGC
(F) 02/02/1999
WP90488203; Fawn

Crekside Dar-Lyns Itsybitsey
(F) 01/29/2002
WR06813607; Fawn
Apollo Russell
() 02/19/2005
Big Toby of Evanscreek
WS07878909; Fawn
Chaudry's Mercedes of Corbin
WS27572908; Fawn
Chaudry's Chelsea of Crobin
(F) 07/24/2010
WS34724401; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer
(F) 04/20/2008
Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome
(F) 08/14/2007
Am CH Dar-Lins Midnight Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618803; Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618802; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584004; Fawn
Am GCh Shalako It's All About Me V Regent
(F) 11/18/2009
Am CH Shalako N Olympian Universal Harmony
(M) 05/12/2012
WS41304201; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584003; Fawn
Shalako's Angel of the Morning
(F) 11/18/2009
WS32584002; Fawn
Am GCh Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576903; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Augustus McCrae Tx Ranger
(M) 07/23/2015
Am CH Southern Star Dar-Lin's C-W-O-5
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star Easterly's Rock N Roll Presley
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327401; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Freya Rules In Asgard
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551304; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Gen P G T Beauregard
(M) 05/10/2012
Am GCh Southern Star Gen Stonewall Jackson AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
Am GCh Southern Star New Orleans Lady
(F) 05/10/2012
Am GChP Southern Star Norse God Odin at Valhalla
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551301; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Southern Star Valkyries Choose The Victor
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551303; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Viking Shield Maiden Ilsa
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551302; Fawn
Southern Star Viking Viggo the Loki at Lmgd
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551305; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star Yellow Rose of Texas
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327404; Fawn
Am GChP Southern Star's Darvon of the Desert AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
WS35327412; Fawn
Southern Star's Norco of Troon North
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star's Sophia Von Raseac
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327402; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star's Texas Rose
(F) 05/10/2012
WS40837406; Fawn
Am GChG Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt
(M) 04/24/2008
WS27576905; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Gale Force Wind
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714906; Fawn
Laurado's Great Blue Norther
(M) 07/07/2010
WS34714901; Fawn
Laurado's Storm Warning
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714905; Fawn
Deer Run's Boo Delicious
(F) 08/20/2012
WS42187108; Fawn
Am GCh Deerrun's Echo Ln No Doubt About It
(M) 10/28/2011
Am CH Echolane's Alacazar Alacazam
(M) 08/07/2013
Am CH Echolane's Glitz & Glamour
(F) 08/07/2013
Echolane-Deerrun's Beyond Imagination
(F) 03/09/2010
WS33691506; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576901; Fawn
Dar-Lyns Pipe Dreams
() 02/19/2005
Am CH Crekside Hotine on Da Tundra
(M) 07/11/2001
WR04000101; Fawn
Crekside's Princess Sable
(F) 03/21/2002
Am CH Crekside's Three Times A Lady
(F) 05/21/2001
Creeksides Chloe
(F) 01/13/2007
Crekside's For Heavens Sake!!
(F) 01/13/2007
Icaro de Casaarabal
Casaarabal's Giraffe
(F) 06/25/2018
WS62110702; Brindle
Casaarabal's The Sunset Star
(F) 06/25/2018
WS62110701; Fawn
Imago de Casa
Crekside's For Heavens Sake!!;
Ziras De Mento de la Casta
Crekside's Too Hot Too Handle
(F) 07/11/2001
WR04000104; Fawn
Creekside's Bad To the Bone
(F) 02/05/2005
Creekside's Too Loose Lautrec
(M) 05/07/2006
Crekside North By Northwest
(F) 02/05/2005
Am CH Crekside's To Catch A Thief
(F) 02/05/2005
Creksides Born To Be Bad
() 02/05/2005
Creksides I'M No Angel Thunder
() 02/05/2005
Am CH Echolane Creekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Am CH Echolane-Fulcircle Dream Girl
(F) 07/15/2003
WS08003103; Fawn
Fulcircle's A Porterhousesteak
(M) 04/22/2006
WS17320703; Fawn
Tribledanes It's Miss Allie To You
(F) 02/22/2008
WS25306608; Fawn
Tribledanes Noble Lady Kennedy
(F) 09/20/2009
Tribledanes Reign of Fire
(F) 03/10/2009
WS29561803; Fawn
Am CH Fulcircle's Army Battle Buddy
(M) 04/22/2006
WS17320701; Fawn
Am CH Echoln Crekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Sequoyah's Amazing Grace Willobend
(F) 06/09/2007
WS22336504; Fawn
Sequoyah's Cherohala
(F) 06/09/2007
Sequoyah's I Taw A Putty Tat V. Hglnd
(F) 06/09/2007
Am CH Crekside-Bayside Come Monday
(F) 01/29/2002
WR06813606; Fawn
Am CH Creksides Pralines 'N Cream
(M) 05/21/2001
WR04228201; Fawn
Am CH Creksides Sterling Silver
(M) 09/06/2000
Grace X
Tanley's Handsome Sampson
Circle Rms Must Be Doing Something Rt
Crekside-Bayside on the Rocks
(M) 02/02/1999
WP90488204; Fawn
Creksides Once Upon A Time
(F) 10/14/1999
Crekside V Edisto Dream Lover
(M) 01/03/2004
Avalon V Edisto Last One Standing
(F) 10/09/2005
Edisto's Osceola
(M) 10/30/2005
WS16951201; Fawn
Rinks Mtn Lowcountry Girl By Edisto
(F) 11/01/2006
Creksides at Last Love
(M) 01/03/2004
Creksides Love For Sale
(F) 01/03/2004
Jecamo's Skyy V Sasdania
Jerdans Drastic Measures
(M) 08/04/1997
Jerdans Sara Sara
(F) 08/04/1997
WP81215803; Brindle
Am CH Jerdans Joy Ride To Rodane
(F) 09/09/2003
WS06455601; Brindle
Am CH Jerdans Simply Irresistible
(F) 03/02/2003
WS03987901; Brindle
Keeystone's Macho Man
; Fawn
Am CH Keeystone's Special Effects
; Fawn
Keeystone's Up An Shining Star
; Fawn
Keystone Charalie Girl V T Danes
(F) 02/11/2000
WP96668603; Fawn
Keystone Marmaduke of Earl
(M) 02/11/2000
Am CH Keystone Piece of the Rock
(M) 03/14/1998
WP85405408; Fawn
Am CH Hidden Hillz Blonde Bombshell CD, RA
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Sweet Baby Ruth
(F) 08/07/2005
Hidden Hillz Who's My Daddy
(M) 08/07/2005
Hiddenhillz Anothergirl 4 Lucy
(F) 08/07/2005
WS14349201; Fawn
Lucy's Reason To Believe
(M) 08/20/2009
Am CH Keystone Shelby O'Northwind
(F) 02/11/2000
WP96668601; Fawn
Northwind Fauna Vondane
(F) 12/30/2004
WS11583602; Fawn
Am CH Northwind Rider on The Storm
(M) 12/20/2002
Northwind Shelby's Jewel
(F) 12/30/2004
WS11583610; Fawn
Northwind Sister Goldenhair
(F) 12/20/2002
WS02621905; Fawn
Northwind Herr Gustav of Potsherd
(M) 10/01/2004
WS10373806; Fawn
Am CH Northwind They Call Me The Breeze
(M) 12/20/2002
WS02621906; Fawn
Northwind Breeze On
WS16390207; Fawn
Northwind Northern Belle
WS41620506; Brindle
Northwind Velvet V Vicson
WS40263801; Black
Northwind Sweet Talkin' Woman
(F) 03/28/2008
Northwind Moondance
(F) 07/04/2012
WS41620506; Fawn
Northwind Pallas
(F) 09/02/2013
WS45121405; Fawn
Am CH Northwind Rock You Like A Hurricane
WS39269907; Fawn
Northwind Rockin In The Free World
Northwind Tempest V Lexis
(F) 04/20/2014
WS47189506; Fawn
Northwind Glory Days
(F) 09/15/2004
WS12057905; Fawn
Northwind Northern Light
(F) 06/19/2007
WS22651905; Fawn
Northwind Maximus Lord of The Bryn
(M) 10/06/2006
Northwind The Glamorous V Rhgd
WS21708104; Brindle
Walden's Elegance In Motion
(F) 10/13/2010
WS35770602; Fawn
Waldens's Huni's To Hot To Handle
(F) 12/22/2008
Northwind Trajan
(M) 12/21/2006
Honi Vale's Rated H For Hot
(F) 09/16/2009
WS31930803; Fawn
Honi Vale's Mystical Butterfly
(F) 11/03/2014
WS49064707; Fawn
Honi Vale’s You're Such A Secret
(F) 01/11/2017
WS56029203; Brindle
Am CH Keystone's Macho Man
(M) 04/03/1997
WP80043603; Fawn
Am CH Keystone's Piece of the Rock
(M) 04/03/1997
Bis Biss Am Ch Keystone's To Protect And Serve HOF AOM
(M) 03/14/1998
WP85405402; Fawn

Am CH M&M's Kevlar's Guardian Angel
(M) 05/30/2003
WS04217501; Fawn
Prin-Zel's Bewitched
(F) 10/30/2005
WS15665901; Fawn
Keystone's Up An Shining Star
(F) 04/03/1997
WP80043602; Fawn
Keystones Bluefire N Brimstone
(M) 08/18/1999
Bluefire's Mountain Echo
(F) 08/01/2003
Bluefire's Sand Sculpture
(M) 04/30/2002
WS00783804; Fawn
Bluefire's Sandcastle
(M) 04/30/2002
Bluefires Mountain High
(M) 08/01/2003
Bluefires Mountain Majesty
(F) 08/01/2003
Bluefires Mountain Melody
(F) 08/01/2003
Bluefires Sandstorm
(M) 04/30/2002
WS00783807; Fawn
Summit View Holy Smoke
(M) 08/01/2003
Summit View Hope From Above
(F) 03/06/2005
WS12753404; Fawn
Summit View Jus B Coz
(F) 03/06/2005
Am CH Summit View Remember My Name
(M) 03/06/2005
WS12753401; Fawn
Keystones She's Got The Look
(F) 03/14/1998
Coquina Ridge's Dizzy
(F) 06/26/2002
Coquina Ridge's Wanderer
(M) 06/26/2002
Am CH Keystones Special Effects
(F) 04/03/1997
Keystones Spicy Apple Blosom
(F) 08/18/1999
Keystones Stargate Keeper
(F) 08/18/1999
WP94163802; Fawn
Stargate's Andromeda
(F) 07/14/2002
West Wind's Millenium Force
() 01/18/2004
WS06876003; Fawn
Stargate's Betelgeuse
(M) 07/14/2002
WS01295211; Fawn
Stargate's Orion
(M) 07/14/2002
WS01292013; Fawn
Am CH Keystones Sugar And Spice
(F) 03/14/1998
Am CH Keystones Third Rock
(M) 08/18/1999
Am CH Keystones Up An Shining Star
(F) 04/03/1997
WP80043602; Fawn
Larlyn's Korvoisier Thor-Kourt
(M) 04/01/1998
WP85405101; Fawn
Am CH Thor-Kourt's Tirza Tifkorvoi
(F) 07/22/1999
WP94882101; Black
Thor-Kourt Dare To Dream
(F) 05/14/2005
WS14135302; Fawn
Can Ch Thor-kourt's Knoir Tirztzar
(F) 05/31/2002
WR07081501 / ERN23000647; Black
Thor-Kourt Kaureen Tomiknoir
(F) 03/21/2005
WS14201301; Blue
Thor-Kourt Klaia Tomiknoir
(F) 11/23/2005
WS17378101; Blue
Am CH Thor-Kourt Kleone Tomiknoir
(M) 11/23/2005
WS17378102; Blue
Am & Can Ch Thor-Kourt Taryn Klarkknoir
(F) 09/20/2007
WS24642102; Black
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Tikirah Knotirz
(F) 01/01/2003
WS03197603 / ERN23002244; Black
Am & Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Tut Knotirz
(M) 01/01/2003
WS03197601 / ERN23002242; Black
Thor-Kourt Klume Tutkloudia
(F) 04/17/2006
WS18673801; Black
Thor-Kourt Kory Tutkisa
(M) 08/11/2005
WS19519801; Black
Am CH Laurado's Irish Mistique
(F) 03/29/1999
WP91359702; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Laurado's Hi Mynt'nance Woman
(F) 05/26/2002
WR06946801; Fawn
Am GCh & Can Ch Laurado's Dragonfly
(F) 05/09/2008
WS26155206; Fawn

Am CH Laurado's Firefly Dreams
(F) 05/09/2008
WA26155203; Fawn

Am CH Laurado's Chardonnay
(F) 04/25/2013
WS44113701; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Gale Force Wind
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714906; Fawn
Am GCh & Can Ch Laurado's Wind Chill
(F) 07/16/2014
WS48087201 / ERN15000370; Fawn
Laurado's Windswept
(F) 07/16/2014
WS48087202; Fawn
Laurado's Great Blue Norther
(M) 07/07/2010
WS34714901; Fawn
Laurado's Storm Warning
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714905; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Flight of Fancy
(F) 05/09/2008
WS26155204; Fawn

Am CH Centurion's N Rj Danes Its Greys To Me
(F) 10/20/2011
Am CH Laurado's Glowing Ember
(F) 12/27/2006
WS20442303; Fawn
BISS Am GChB & Can GCh Laurado's Unchained Melody
(F) 09/10/2011
WS38722904 / ERN12000807; Fawn
Can Ch Laurado's Allure of The West
(F) 04/19/2016
WS53505708 / ERN17000091; Fawn
Am & Can GCh Laurado's Caribbean Drums
(F) 03/06/2015
WS49705703 / ERN15000522; Fawn
Laurado's Caribbean Reggae
(F) 03/06/2015
WS49705701; Fawn
Am & Can GCh Laurado's Frankly My Dear at Sobeit
(F) 04/15/2018
WS60907501; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Laurado's Kick The Dust Up
(M) 04/19/2016
WS53550702 / ERN17000222; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Laurado's Legend of The West
(M) 04/19/2016
WS53550706 / ERN18000451; Fawn
Laurado's MZ Belle A Cappella
(F) 04/19/2016
WS53505702; Fawn
AM Ch BIS Can GCh Laurado's Rhinestone Cowgirl of Sobeit
(F) 04/19/2016
WS53505703 / 1139065; Fawn
Am GCh Laurado's This Ain't My First Rodeo
(M) 04/19/2016
WS53505702; Fawn
Laurado's Maximum Fire Power
(M) 12/27/2006
WS20442301; Fawn
Laurado's Too Hot To Touch
(F) 12/27/2006
WS20442302; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Laurado's What 'N Blazes
(M) 12/27/2006
WS20442305; Fawn
Lonestar's Do Whatcha Gotta Do
(F) 05/20/2001
Lonestar's Gold N Champayne
(F) 08/12/1999
WP93329305; Fawn
Am CH Lonestar's Precious Gem
(F) 08/12/1999
Am CH Lonestar's Trace The Memory
(M) 08/12/1999
WP93329302; Fawn
Am CH Mardi Graslore Krews King
(M) 05/02/2000
Am CH Owlwatch Good Time Charlie
(M) 03/10/1999
WP92060902; Fawn
Am CH Owlwatch Holly Go Lightly
(F) 03/10/1999
Paquestone's Jonah Zaniri
(M) 04/04/1999
JG579801; Brindle
Aust GCh Riesig Solitaire
(F) 09/02/1999
2100069716; Fawn
Sasdania Caribbean Seduction
Sasdania Torquato Tasso
WP92914103; Fawn
Sasdania's Chaslin Rox Marday
Sasdania's Leanonme Oscar
Sasdania's Sporti Spice
WP92914111; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Icon
Spring Mt's Spenser For Hire
(M) 07/20/1998
WP87750704; Fawn
Swayd IM Single Lets Mingle
(M) 02/13/2016
3100337646; Black
Am CH Thor-Kourt's Talese Larlyn
(F) 04/01/1998
WP85405102; Fawn
Von Bruno's Face of An Angel
(F) 04/02/2000
WP96926802; Fawn
SVF First Name In Sports
(M) 06/20/2002
WS01388103; Fawn
Am CH Von Bruno's Anticipation
(F) 06/20/2002
WS01388105; Fawn

Am CH Von Bruno's I'm Tuff 'n' I'm Buff
(M) 04/02/2000
WP96926801; Fawn
Von Bruno's Saturn VI Titan
(M) 04/02/2000
WP96926803; Fawn
Von Shrado's Piece of The Rock
(M) 07/21/1998
WP86815701; Fawn
Am GCh Yamrb Icon Boys Nite Out V Dimnd Star
(M) 06/19/2007
WS22465305; Fawn
Colras Who Dat? V 2j
(M) 03/23/2010
Am CH Laurado's Chardonnay
(F) 04/25/2013
WS44113701; Fawn
Yamrb's Come Fly With Me on A Harley D.
(F) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's I DID It My Way AOM
(F) 06/19/2007
Am CH Yamrb's the Best Is Yet To Come
(M) 06/19/2007
Yamrb's This Lady is a Tramp
(F) 06/19/2007
Am CH Owlwatch Aztec Star V Maitau
(F) 07/11/1994
WP56374110; Fawn

BISS Am Ch Owlwatch Heir Ways
(M) 06/03/2000
WP98458303; Fawn

BISS Am Ch Creekside-Bayside Just Tina ROM HOF
(F) 07/20/2003
WS06329902; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Bayside Just A Gentleman
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752901; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Kuster's Athena
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198302; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Vztop's Hillside Just A Diva
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198304; Fawn
Vztop's Hillside Just A Ladies Man
(M) 04/24/2014
WS47198305; Fawn
Am GCh Vztop's Hillside Just Another Scandelous Affair
(F) 04/24/2014
WS47198303; Fawn
Am CH Vztophillside Beau
(M) 04/24/2014
Am GCh Bayside Just Another Day In Paradise CGC AOM
(M) 02/24/2008
Affaire's Adventurous Gypsy
(F) 07/02/2011
Affaire's Cruising For Adventure
(F) 07/02/2011
WS37834101; Fawn
Am CH B and K Black DIamond Let's Play Ball
(M) 10/05/2010
Am GCh B And K I'M Here For The Party In Paradise
(F) 04/11/2012
Am CH B & K Paradise St Declan Stone V Harmony
(M) 03/14/2018
B And K Paradise Classic Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
WS60415403; Fawn
BISS Am GChG, Can GCh & Int Ch B And K Paradise El Patron AOM
(M) 06/09/2016
WS53898608 / ERN17000525; Fawn
B And K Paradise High Voltage
(M) 02/02/2015
Am CH B And K Paradise Party On AOM
(F) 02/02/2015
B And K Paradise Pixie Dust
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898607; Brindle
B And K Paradise Playing With Magic
(F) 02/02/2015
B And K Party With the Wild Irish V Paradise
(F) 03/14/2018
Paradise B&K It's Celebration Time
(M) 02/02/2015
Paradise B&k Luck of the Irish
(F) 03/14/2018
Am GCh Paradise B&K Tis A Bit of Blarney
(F) 06/09/2016
WS53898610; Fawn
Am CH B And K Just Another Dane In Paradise
(M) 04/11/2012
B And K Madison
(F) 10/05/2010
Am CH B And K Rookie of The Year
(F) 10/05/2010
Bloomgren B And K Million Dollar Baby
(M) 09/27/2014
Am GCh B And K Sean's Grand Slam V. Paradise
(M) 10/05/2010
B and K The Closer
(F) 01/05/2010
B And K's Double Eagle V Lo Nevada
(M) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Hard Candy of B & K
(F) 04/21/2011
Lo Nevada's Material Girl of B And K
(F) 04/21/2011
WS38287107; Fawn
Lo Nevada's Mr. Right of B And K
(M) 04/21/2011
WS38287105; Fawn
Voyager DayStar Tender Mercies
(F) 05/15/2012
WS41045502; Fawn
Voyager Daystar Valley Girl
(F) 05/15/2012
Voyager's A Star Is Born For Carla
(F) 05/15/2012
Am GCh Voyagers Return of the Jedi!
(M) 05/15/2012
WS41045504; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just And True
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854707; Fawn
Am CH Bayside Lore's Just the Way You Are
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854703; Fawn

Am GCh Bayside's Just Because I Can
(M) 02/24/2008
WS25854708; Fawn
Bayside's Just Call me Mister
(M) 02/26/2009
WS29668904; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Just Daddys Little Girl
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854701; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside's Just Dana
(F) 02/24/2008
WS25854706; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Back To Georgia V Mirabell
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088006; Fawn
Mirabell's No Strings Attached
(F) 09/09/2015
Am & Can Ch Bayside's Best Bet
(F) 02/06/2012
WS40088001 / 1127397; Fawn
Can GCh & Am Ch Paquestone's Intense Rush CGN RATI VGD VDX SJATD
(M) 04/08/2015
CG604030 / WS51727501; Brindle
Am GCh Bayside's Golden Boy
(M) 02/06/2012
Bayside's Golden Girl
(F) 02/06/2012
Indian Ch Bayside's Just in Time v Makario
() 02/07/2007
Am CH Bayside's Just Look at Me Now
(F) 02/24/2008
Am CH Bayside's Just My Luck
(M) 02/07/2007
WS21752907; Fawn
Bayside's Just Out For A Good Time
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752906; Fawn
Am CH Bayside One Accord at Owlwatch
(F) 06/29/2011
WS38412207; Fawn
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657505; Fawn
Accord's Joy of My Life
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657501; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657502; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Just Wicked DMD RN
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752903; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest Bayside Your Still the One AOM
(F) 05/28/2011
Sunquests Boomer at Kappadane
(M) 07/23/2017
WS58354502; Fawn
Am GChS Sunquest Rocks at Sunstrike CGC
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989803; Fawn
Am CH Sunquest's Amtrak Zephyr All Adored
(M) 05/28/2011
WS37989805; Fawn
Am GChB Sunquest's More of A Good Thing
(F) 05/28/2011
WS37989801; Brindle
Sunquest's Not Just A Pretty Face
(F) 05/28/2011
Am CH Bayside-Creekside Justone Look
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752905; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Just A Touch of Class
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668906; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Just Daisy
(F) 02/26/2009
WS29668905; Fawn
Am CH Bayside-Remo's Better Be Good To Me
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049504; Fawn
Am GChS Remo's Inspector Clouseau
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049502; Fawn
Am CH Remo's Smarty Pants
(F) 01/13/2014
WS46049501; Fawn
Remo-Hylandane's Adirondack Mountain Leo
(M) 01/13/2014
WS46049503; Fawn
Am CH Creekside Bayside Just Mystyle
(F) 02/07/2007
WS21752902; Fawn
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Creekside I'm Too Sexy For My Clothes
(F) 12/22/2008
WS29461301; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Crekside I'll Take Romance
(F) 07/04/2013
Mcemn's-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
Am CH McEmn-Crekside's My Fair Lady
(F) 07/04/2013
WS44415503; Brindle
McEmn-Crekside's Walking In Memphis
(M) 07/04/2013
WS44415501; Fawn
Crekside Styker of Vidane
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320703; Fawn
Vidane's Annie Get Your Gun
Vidane's Joy to Ride
Creksidelast Tango In Paris
(M) 07/05/2004
WS10320701; Brindle
Creksides Come Fly With Me
(M) 12/20/2003
WS07222603; Fawn

Apollo Russell
() 02/19/2005
Caeruleus Shipwrecked Tyrant
(M) 04/27/2007
WS22277701; Black

Creekside's Bad To the Bone
(F) 02/05/2005
Creekside's Too Loose Lautrec
(M) 05/07/2006
Creeksidearrowood My Secret Carlisle
WS36949906; Fawn
Crekside North By Northwest
(F) 02/05/2005
Am CH Crekside's To Catch A Thief
(F) 02/05/2005
Creksides Born To Be Bad
() 02/05/2005
Creksides I'M No Angel Thunder
() 02/05/2005
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer
(F) 04/20/2008
Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome
(F) 08/14/2007
Am CH Dar-Lins Midnight Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618803; Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618802; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584004; Fawn
Am GCh Shalako It's All About Me V Regent
(F) 11/18/2009
Am CH Shalako N Olympian Universal Harmony
(M) 05/12/2012
WS41304201; Fawn
Am CH Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584003; Fawn
Shalako's Angel of the Morning
(F) 11/18/2009
WS32584002; Fawn
Am GCh Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576903; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Augustus McCrae Tx Ranger
(M) 07/23/2015
Am CH Southern Star Dar-Lin's C-W-O-5
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star Easterly's Rock N Roll Presley
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327401; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Freya Rules In Asgard
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551304; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Gen P G T Beauregard
(M) 05/10/2012
Am GCh Southern Star Gen Stonewall Jackson AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
Am GCh Southern Star New Orleans Lady
(F) 05/10/2012
Am GChP Southern Star Norse God Odin at Valhalla
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551301; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Southern Star Valkyries Choose The Victor
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551303; Fawn
Am CH Southern Star Viking Shield Maiden Ilsa
(F) 08/13/2014
WS48551302; Fawn
Southern Star Viking Viggo the Loki at Lmgd
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551305; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star Yellow Rose of Texas
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327404; Fawn
Am GChP Southern Star's Darvon of the Desert AOM
(M) 10/02/2010
WS35327412; Fawn
Southern Star's Norco of Troon North
(M) 10/02/2010
Am CH Southern Star's Sophia Von Raseac
(F) 10/02/2010
WS35327402; Fawn
Am GCh Southern Star's Texas Rose
(F) 05/10/2012
WS40837406; Fawn
Am GChG Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt
(M) 04/24/2008
WS27576905; Fawn
Creeksides Big Girls Don't Cry-Fulcircle
(F) 08/05/2010
Am GCh Crekside's Take a Chance on Me
(M) 06/20/2009
WS31663501; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Gale Force Wind
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714906; Fawn
Laurado's Great Blue Norther
(M) 07/07/2010
WS34714901; Fawn
Laurado's Storm Warning
(F) 07/07/2010
WS34714905; Fawn
Deer Run's Boo Delicious
(F) 08/20/2012
WS42187108; Fawn
Am GCh Deerrun's Echo Ln No Doubt About It
(M) 10/28/2011
Am CH Echolane's Alacazar Alacazam
(M) 08/07/2013
Am CH Echolane's Glitz & Glamour
(F) 08/07/2013
Echolane-Deerrun's Beyond Imagination
(F) 03/09/2010
WS33691506; Fawn
Am CH Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You
(F) 12/28/2012
WS43052504; Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576901; Fawn
Dar-Lyns Pipe Dreams
() 02/19/2005
Am CH Echolane Creekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Am CH Echoln Crekside's People Will Talk
(M) 02/05/2005
Sequoyah's Amazing Grace Willobend
(F) 06/09/2007
WS22336504; Fawn
Sequoyah's Cherohala
(F) 06/09/2007
Sequoyah's I Taw A Putty Tat V. Hglnd
(F) 06/09/2007
Am CH Creksides Fantasy of Flight
(M) 12/20/2003
Creekside Cavecrksstolenkisses
(F) 07/09/2005
Sarum Rocky Mountain High
(M) 06/12/2006
WS18288802; Fawn
Sarum My Mona of Castlerea
(F) 03/31/2009
WS29678404; Brindle
Castlerea's Martha Speaks
WS36471101; Brindle
Sarum Rm Magnum
(M) 10/02/2010
WS36471102; Brindle
Am CH Creksides Stcar Named Desire
(F) 07/05/2004
WS10320704; Fawn
Bayside's Fine Cohiba Cigar v Bragg
(F) 03/07/2009
; Fawn
Am CH Bayside's Lady Heather
(F) 03/07/2009
WS29662701; Fawn
Bayside's Time After Time
(F) 10/13/2014
WS48670401; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's My Cousin Vinny
(M) 03/07/2009
WS29662705; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside Hillside Watching A Classic Son Rise
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080306; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's Cutting Edge
(M) 11/05/2013
WS45755001; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside's She's My Kind of Girl (Amy)
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755003; Fawn
Sudon Chinar's Stars Over Savannah
(F) 08/19/2017
Am CH Bayside's She's So Vain at Rval
(F) 11/05/2013
WS45755002; Fawn
Rosko Valley's Back In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rosko Valley's Royalty In Black
(F) 12/19/2015
Rval's Thunder Alley V Ironcloud
(M) 12/19/2015
WS52794309; Black
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside Baby Girl
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080303; Fawn
Am GChS VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Blue Dream
(M) 11/05/2016
WS55820101; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Cherry Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820103; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's KeyLime Pie
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820105; Fawn
Am GCh VzTop-Hillside Doctor's Pink Champagne
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820102; Fawn
VZTop-Hillside Doctor's Purple Haze
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820106; Fawn
Am CH Vztop-Hillside Doctor's Sunny Delight BCAT CGC ATT
(F) 11/05/2016
WS55820104; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside Some Splainin To Do
(M) 05/02/2013
WS44080305; Fawn
Am GCh Bayside-Hillside's Classy Chassis
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080301; Fawn
Bayside-Hillside's Queen of Hearts
(F) 05/02/2013
WS44080304; Fawn
Bayside's Buttercup
(F) 02/26/2018
WS60331801; Fawn
Bayside's Spittin' Image
(M) 02/26/2018
WS60331802; Fawn
Can GCh Striders Bona Fide Wishmaster
(M) 06/14/2014
BL570523 / WS54774101; Fawn
Striders BF Gaia V Mystic Mist
; Fawn
Striders Bf Kaleena V Drogheda
(F) 04/25/2017
WS59103202; Fawn
Am Ch & Can GCh Striders Leinenstone Kalanimcr
(F) 04/25/2017
EG713284 / WS59103201; Fawn
Owlwatch Macgyver's Quest
(M) 09/11/1997
Owlwatch Majestic Heir
(M) 06/05/2000
WP98458305; Fawn

Am CH Owlwatch Sun Hunter
(M) 09/11/1997
Owlwatch Sun Kist
(F) 09/11/1997
Am CH Owlwatch Sun See An Heir
(M) 06/05/2000
WP98458301; Fawn
Am CH Bayside One Accord at Owlwatch
(F) 06/29/2011
WS38412207; Fawn
Accord's Bon Heir Mv
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655701; Fawn
Accord's Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657505; Fawn
Accord's Joy of My Life
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657501; Fawn
Accord's Living Hope
(M) 04/09/2014
WS47655702; Fawn
Flight of Elegant Joy
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53657502; Fawn
Am CH Owlwatch Sun Seeker
(M) 09/11/1997
WP81139003; Fawn
Owlwatch Dance With the Sun
(F) 05/20/1997
BISS Ch Owlwatch Fire at Dawn
(M) 07/27/1994
WP57449902; Fawn

Owlwatch Spring To the Front
Am CH Owlwatch The Glory of Spring
WP70977003; Fawn
Am CH Shadam's Chloe Daneadair
WP55760602; Brindle
Sheadane's Fontana Abbey
(F) 01/04/1997
WP75722001; Fawn
Sheadane's Redneck Girl
(F) 10/09/2004
Sheadane's Reflections
(F) 10/09/2004
Am CH Sheadane's Sun Still Shines
(M) 01/04/1997
WP75722002; Fawn
Soritas Dea Amy's Dream
(F) 12/20/1992
Soritas Dreaming Jazmin Reba
(F) 12/20/1992
(M) 12/20/1992
Tabordane Arch Rival
Am CH Tabordane Blame It on Rio CGC
(M) 08/19/1994
Am CH Tabordane Taffeta CD
(F) 08/19/1994
Am CH Tabordane Triple Expectation TD
(M) 08/19/1994
WP58629106; Fawn
K-D Dane's Triple Crown V Tabordane
(F) 01/12/1998
K-D Dane's Triple Treasure
(M) 01/16/1998
Am CH Trikes Fanci
(F) 08/10/1996
Jermon's Harry Houdini
(M) 10/08/2001
Jermon's Little Bit O' Luck V. Trike
(F) 10/08/2001
Jermon's Queen of Diva's
(F) 07/25/2000
WP98381002; Black
Jermon's Snickelfritz
(M) 10/08/2001
WR04519301; Fawn
Jermon's Total Exclamation
(M) 07/25/2000
WP98381006; Black
West Wind Skye's The Limit
(F) 06/25/1997
West Wind The Gamblin' Way
(M) 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's My Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's The Only Way
() 06/25/1997
Am CH West Wind's Winning Ways
() 06/25/1997
Westwind's The Wrangler Way
(M) 06/25/1997