Lobato's Friendly Persuation
(M) 10/29/2001 WR05446202; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Home Run
(M) 10/29/2001 WR05446201; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Jake Harris v Dreamaker
(M) 01/14/2000 WP97032602; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Sahara Gold Dreammaker
(F) 01/14/2000 WP97032604;
Am & Int Ch Lagarada Sahara Desert Ryder
(F) 08/16/2003 WS05424204; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lagarada Sahara La Bolero AOM
(F) 03/25/2006 WS17304703; Fawn
Saul Dancing the Flamenco at Fairmoor
(F) ; Fawn
Fairmoor Azlan of Anvin
(M) 03/13/2015 ZA009916B15; Fawn
RSA Ch Fairmoor League of Legends
(M) 03/13/2015 ZA009919B15; Fawn
RSA Ch Fairmoor Must Be Madison of vom Danois
(F) 01/09/2014 ZA042709B14; Fawn
Vom Danois Miss Moneypenny
(F) 05/18/2019 ZA011385B19; Fawn
Vom Danois the Legend
(M) 05/18/2019 ZA011386B20; Fawn
VomDanois King Arthur
(M) 07/06/2016 ZA013139B16;
RSA Ch VomDanois Mae West
(F) 07/06/2016 ZA013140B16; Fawn
RSA Ch VomDanois Paddington Bear
(M) 07/06/2016 ZA013142B16; Fawn
Saul's Caffeine Free V Durey
(F) 05/09/2011 WS38347704;
Can Ch Saul's Curve ID
(F) 05/09/2011 YJ401814; Fawn
Saul Mohican's All of Me
(F) 11/23/2014 WS50239902; Brindle
Can Ch Saul Mohican's Fiery Gem CGN RN
(F) 11/23/2014 BW590371 / WS50239901; Brindle
Am CH Saul Mohican's Life Izza Beach
(F) 11/23/2014 WS50239903; Brindle
CH Saul Peakview's Mohican
(M) 09/10/2015 WS52706101; Fawn
Peakview's Believe In Magic
(F) 02/09/2017 WS56844801; Fawn
Peakview's Country Boy
(M) 02/19/2019 WS64245501; Fawn
Peakview's Divine Destini
(F) 02/19/2019 WS64245503; Fawn
Peakview's Kiara
(F) 02/19/2019 WS64245504; Fawn
Peakview's Rise Up
(M) 03/01/2018 WS60689202; Fawn
Peakview's Sonic Boom
(M) 02/19/2019 WS64245502; Fawn
Peakview's Stevie Girl
(F) 03/01/2018 WS60689203; Fawn
Peakview's Takin A Chance
(M) 03/01/2018 WS60689201; Fawn
Peakview's Talkin Bout Tealie
(F) 02/09/2017 WS56844803; Fawn
Can Ch Peakview's You Really Got Me
(M) 02/09/2017 WS56844804 / 1137811; Fawn
Can Ch Saul's Dancing Le Paws O Doble
(M) 05/09/2011 WS38347706; Fawn
Can Ch Saul Mohican's Spirit
(M) 06/24/2014 BL567839 / WS50267701; Fawn
CH Saul Peakview's Mohican
(M) 09/10/2015 WS52706101; Fawn
Saul Mohican's Jaune Chien
(M) 11/11/2017 WS61487701; Fawn
Saul's Essance of A Dream
(F) 10/29/2013 AU536760; Fawn
Am CH Saul's It Had To Be You
(F) 06/27/2009 WS32226401;
Am GCh Saul's No Rain No Rainbows
(M) 12/30/2011 WS40904001; Fawn
Ravenna-F di Castelcampo
(F) ;
Rocket Man 'Elton' di Castelcampo
(M) 11/30/2020 ;
Saul Ke Aloha Mohican Rainbow
(M) 03/31/2014 XG354809Be; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Kealoha Mohican Rainbow
(M) 03/31/2014 WS48139701; Fawn
Saul's Noble Ladies Man
(F) 05/09/2011 WS38347703; Fawn
Saul's Pawprints In the Sand
(F) 09/13/2010 WS36387703;
Saul's Remember Me
(M) 06/27/2009 WS32264103; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tequila Mockingbird ROM
(M) 09/13/2010 WS36387702; Fawn
Am GCh Lobato's My Kinda Party AOM
(F) WS44235703; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Action Jackson
(M) 11/17/2018 WS63680403; Brindle
Am GCh Lobato's Copa Copa Havanna AOM
(F) 11/17/2018 WS63680401; Fawn
Lobato's O'Mia O'Maya
(F) 11/17/2018 WS63680402; Fawn
Am GCh Terra Nova V Lobato I'm A Country Girl
(F) 10/18/2013 WS45434407;
Am & Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Cowboy Casanova
(M) 10/18/2013 WS45434403 / 1130171; Fawn
Ashella's Caribbean Dreamer
(M) EW743341; Brindle
RBIS, Can GCh, Am & UKC Ch Ashella's Fire Swept at Dantastix
(M) 04/08/2017 EG714512; Fawn
Ashella's Kitwancool
(F) 04/08/2017 ; Fawn
Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Gunpowder & Lead
(F) 10/18/2013 WS45434402 / 1130172; Fawn
Am CH Touchstone - Terra Nova's Neverbeast
(M) 10/18/2013 WS45434406;
Ashella's Time For A Stella CGC
(F) 08/21/2015 WS51358101; Brindle
MBISS GChG Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Baby Got Bock!
(F) 01/03/2019 WS64426101; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Citra Azz Down!
(F) 01/03/2019 WS64426102; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Hoptimus Prime
(M) 06/16/2018 WS61699703; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Spice 4 Life Asistocr
(F) 06/16/2018 WS61699702; Fawn
Am GChB Ellenni Blkstone Ashella True Friend of The Crown BN RN FDC OAP NJP OFP CAX FCAT7 ACT2 THDX CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITS
(F) 06/16/2018 WS61699701; Brindle
Broken Rd's Pied Piper For Shakti
(F) 02/25/2016 WS53336301; Fawn
Broken Road Anita Vacation To Blackstone
(F) 11/10/2013 WS45735102; Fawn
Elenni Honey John Jacob Jingleheimer V Blackston
(M) 05/03/2017 ; Brindle
Am CH Ellenni Honey Jonjacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Blks
(M) 05/03/2017 WS58125901; Brindle
Ellenni Honey Original Chex Mix
(M) 10/29/2016 WS56602902; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Windwoods Chapter N Time
(F) 10/29/2016 WS56602901; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Always After My Lucky Charms
(M) 10/29/2016 WS56602907; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Bulls Thirty-Three
(M) 12/04/2015 WS53521401; Brindle
Am GCh Ellenni Honey's Cap'NCrunch
(M) 10/29/2016 WS56602908; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Lakers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015 WS53521403; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Sixers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015 WS53521404; Brindle
Ellenni Honey's Snap! Crackle! And Pop! Vwoodsvi
(F) 10/29/2016 WS56602906; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni's Honey of An Oh! V Blackstone CGCA CGCU TKN THDN CA BCAT FDC
(F) 10/29/2016 WS56602909; Fawn
Broken Road's I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball
(M) 11/10/2013 WS45735101; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Blackstone Holly Golightly V Bonafide
(F) 02/16/2012 WS40143502; Fawn
Bonafide Blackstone Lipstick on Your Collar V Mi
(F) 09/03/2014 WS48210004; Fawn
Bonafide Blackstone Thats All She Wrote @Daneacr
(F) 09/03/2014 WS48210006; Fawn
Daneacreblkstone Do These Stripes Make Me Look F
(F) 02/16/2012 WS40143504; Brindle
Daneacres Amazing Grace
(F) 05/14/2014 WS47360704; Fawn
OHBISS OHBIS Am GChB Daneacres Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara AOM
(F) 05/14/2014 WS47360703; Fawn
Am CH Sundara's Engineered To Move
(F) 09/23/2018 WS62909802; Brindle
Am CH Sundara's Gold Dust Woman
(F) 09/23/2018 WS62909806; Fawn
Sundara's Neytiri Warrior Princess V Heartsong
(F) 09/23/2018 WS62909803; Fawn
Am GChB Sundara's Out of the Dark V Heartsong AOM
(M) 09/23/2018 WS62909804; Brindle
Am CH Sundara's Take You By Surprise
(M) 09/23/2018 WS62909801; Fawn
Daneacres Blackstone Changing Murphy's Law
(M) 02/16/2012 WS40143503; Fawn
Am CH Daneacres Diamonds R A Girls Best Friend @ Sunda AOM
(F) 05/14/2014 WS50514101; Fawn
Daneacres Field of Diamonds
(F) 06/01/2015 WS50514102; Fawn
Daneacres Let's Just Drink on It
(F) 05/14/2014 WS47360706; Fawn
Am GChS Rosecran's Larger Than Life
(M) 10/23/2017 WS59138101; Black
Daneacres N the Thunder Rolls
(M) 05/14/2014 WS47360705; Fawn
DaneAcres She 's My Cherry Pie
(F) 06/01/2015 WS50514102; Fawn
Daneacres Walking on Sunshine
(F) 05/14/2014 WS47360706; Fawn
Am GCh Daneacres Wild Irish Rose
(F) 05/14/2014 WS47360701; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Mercy Me She's the One L.A.'s
(F) 09/22/2018 WS62746402; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Ellenni My Kinda Party
(M) 09/22/2018 WS62746404; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Remember When
(M) 09/22/2018 WS62746406; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Shes Got It All @ Harley D Hard
(F) 09/22/2018 WS62746405; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Shut Up & Kiss Me
(F) 09/22/2018 WS62746403; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Something2talkabout@Wecodnz
(F) 09/22/2018 WS62746401; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Ellenni's Brand New Country Star CGC
(M) 12/03/2016 WS56022203; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni's Little Miss Magic
(F) 12/03/2016 WS56022205; Brindle
BISS Am GChB Ellenni Blackstone Honey 1, 2, 3, Tequila Floor!
(M) 05/11/2018 WS62169101; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Blkstone How Many Licks Does It Ta CGC
(F) 11/07/2017 WS60097901; Fawn
Ellenni's Cross Examined
(M) 05/04/2020 WS69893305; Merle
Ellenni's Cross Your T's
(F) 05/04/2020 WS69893306;
Am GCh Ellenni's Crossing the Line AOM
(M) 05/04/2020 WS69893309; Harlequin
Am CH Ellenni's Crossing the Rubicon ATT
(M) 05/04/2020 WS69893302; Merle
Ellenni's If You Can'T Stand The Heat V Stuck Ru
(F) 08/05/2021 WS75225701; Harlequin
Fendane Eb N Poppys Ooh La La
(F) 01/27/2014 WS46521001; Brindle
Fendanepoppy's Pineapple Rain
(F) 10/01/2016 WS55280703; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Super Nova at Lmgd
(F) 10/01/2016 WS55280704;
FendaneSylcrests In The Nick of Time
(F) 10/01/2016 WS55280711; Brindle
Fendanesylcrests Swept With Sunshine
(M) 10/01/2016 WS55280706;
Am CH Fendane Eb N Prf So You Wanna Play With Magic
(F) 01/28/2014 WS46521704; Fawn
Am CH Prf Aim High Aim True CGC
(M) 05/17/2017 WS57449801; Fawn
Am CH PRF Fendane Have I Gone Mad
(M) 06/06/2016 WS54036904; Fawn
PRF Fendane Nevr Forget Who You Are
(M) 06/06/2016 WS54036901; Fawn
Am CH Prf Fendane Tattletail Blackstone Ellenni
(F) 05/17/2017 WS57449803; Fawn
Am CH Prf's I Hear The Train A'Comin
(M) 06/06/2016 WS54036903; Fawn
Fendane N Eb Royal Souverain De L'empire
(M) 01/27/2014 WS46521002; Fawn
Am CH Fendane N Eb's Earned These Stripes
(M) 01/27/2014 WS46521003; Brindle
Fendane N Eb's Finest Cigar
(M) 01/28/2014 WS46521702; Fawn
Fendane N Eb's Private Collection
(F) 01/28/2014 WS46521703;
Am GCh Fendane N Eb's Winter Is Coming
(F) 01/28/2014 WS46521705; Fawn
Am CH Izya Fendanes When One Corridor Closes FDC
(F) 11/04/2016 WS55581905; Fawn
Izya Super Natural Sam Winchester
(M) 11/04/2016 WS55581907; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Izya's Fight On & Fly On
(M) 02/17/2018 WS60340302; Brindle
Izya's Flyin' High And Fancy Free
(F) 11/04/2016 WS55581906; Brindle
Izya's I Love Lucy
(F) 11/04/2016 WS55581904;
Izya's JL's Showing It All
(M) 02/17/2018 WS60340303; Fawn
Izya's One Helluva Woman
(F) 02/17/2018 WS60340301; Fawn
Izya's Quit Your Harping
(F) 11/04/2016 WS55581901; Fawn
Izya's Remember the Alamo
(F) 11/04/2016 WS55581903; Brindle
Am GCh Izya's Scarletoak Back to the Future POA
(M) 11/04/2016 WS55581902; Fawn
Am CH Fendane Paxton N Eb's General Sherman
(M) 01/28/2014 WS46521701; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Secret Agent at R3
(F) 03/09/2019 WS64648801; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest The Bees Knees Blackstone Ellen CGC
(F) 11/03/2017 WS59858801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Ellenni Blackstone My Time Has Come V Magazu
(F) 05/02/2020 WS69644603; Fawn
Ellenni Blckstone Any Way The Wind Blows VStuck
(F) 05/02/2020 WS69644604; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest American Son for Teeseedane
(M) 11/03/2017 WS59858807; Fawn
Keishant Athena
(F) 07/28/2021 ;
Keishant Venus
(F) 10/10/2019 ;
Keishant Zeus
(M) 10/10/2019 ;
Nikami Leap Into Spring for Beaconfell
(F) 02/29/2020 ;
UK Ch Nikami Leap of Faith for Teeseedane
(F) 02/29/2020 ; Fawn
Nikami Leap of Romance
(M) 02/29/2020 ;
Novavida Mist Over Pendle JW
(M) 10/08/2020 ;
Primus She's Got the Lux at Shlarra
(F) 09/24/2021 ;
Rioco My One and Only to Jasnettdanes
(F) 11/24/2021 ;
Fendanesylcrest Cuckoo For Cocoa Puff
(F) 01/28/2014 WS46521708; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Jack Sparrow
(M) 11/03/2017 WS59858802; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success
(F) 06/13/2013 WS44329204; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dirty Little Secret
(F) 07/25/2018 WS62027002; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N eb's Hell's Fury
(M) 06/13/2013 WS44329201; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Out of the Box To Shady C
(M) 06/13/2013 WS44329202; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Bent Outta Shape
(M) 05/03/2015 WS50811202; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest Pebbles Rocks V Tuscany Emtk
(F) 05/03/2015 WS50811201; Fawn
Grissom's N Melody's First Light
(M) 05/06/2015 WS50386805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Packer Brown
(M) 06/13/2013 WS44329205; Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Risgae Business
(F) 06/13/2013 WS44329203; Fawn
Fendane Honey's Golden Solae' Sadie RN FDC DCAT DM DSA AN CGCA CGCU TKP
(F) 05/09/2017 WS57131209; Brindle
UK Ch FendaneSylcrest American Outlaw at Sunlind
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252808; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Commotion V Danelane
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252802; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Eb Holdin Down the Fort@Dane Lan
(M) 09/22/2019 WS66273808; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Higher Ground
(F) 09/22/2019 WS66273802; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest I Rest My Case @ Pegasus
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252806; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Lord of the Ring
(M) 09/22/2019 WS66273804; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest My Way or The Highway
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252804; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest N Diriso´s This Is the Right Tim AOM
(M) 09/22/2019 WS66273805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Priscilla
(F) 05/09/2017 WS57131211;
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Red Sails In the Sunset at Brahm
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252805; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Renegades Chief Albert V The Swa
(M) 04/20/2018 WS61252803; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest Take Note at Diriso
(F) 04/20/2018 WS61252801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Thruthe Looking Glass To Ace-Hi
(F) 05/09/2017 WS57131208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Up To No Good
(M) 05/09/2017 WS57131206;
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Drunk on Your Love
(M) 05/09/2017 WS57131207; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest-"Show Me Your Glory"
(F) 05/09/2017 WS57131203; Brindle
Fendanesylcrests Destination Dane Lane
(M) 09/22/2019 WS66273803; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrests Kissing Katie Down Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019 WS66273801; Fawn
Am CH Fendnesylcrests Confetti On Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019 WS66273806; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest the Bee's Knees Blackstone Ellen CGC
(F) 11/03/2017 WS59858801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Clydesdale
(M) 06/13/2013 WS44329208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests N Eb's Easy Come Easy Go
(F) 06/13/2013 WS44329206; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Cane Makes Able
(M) 03/03/2016 WS53349402; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Raising the Ransom CGC TKN
(M) 03/03/2016 WS53349403; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest U Got The Look
(F) 03/03/2016 WS53349401; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Wager It All on Black
(M) 03/03/2016 WS53349404; Fawn
Am CH Pegasus Black Tie Affair
(M) 07/30/2015 WS51250502;
Jaylor's Hans Solo
(M) 05/04/2018 WS61434301; Fawn
KatCrew's Teflon Don
(M) 09/02/2014 WS48012801; Black
Am GCh Saul Anaya X Factor V F'nwood
(M) 12/08/2011 WS40705102; Fawn
Am CH Saul's In Your Honor
(M) 12/08/2011 WS40705101; Fawn
Sylcrest N AVF Song of My Heart
(F) 03/21/2015 WS50047901; Fawn
Sylcrest's Say Something
(M) 01/27/2014 WS46521004; Brindle
Am CH Saul's Tesla Aurea at Enzodane
(F) 05/09/2011 WS38347702; Fawn
Saul's Timeless Peakview
(F) 09/13/2010 WS36387701; Fawn
Peakview's Copacabana
(F) 11/29/2013 WS45593609; Fawn
Cheetos Diablo Great Dane
(M) 06/21/2015 WS54573701;
Delecta Diablo Great Dane
(F) 10/12/2016 WS57942201;
Am CH Peakview's Gonna Wanna Win
(M) 11/29/2013 WS45593606; Fawn
Peakview's Do You Wanna Dance & Jive
(M) 02/17/2016 WS52676203; Fawn
Peakview's Moonlite Macarena
(F) 02/17/2016 WS52676201; Fawn
Peakview's Rushmore Granite Lady
(F) 02/17/2016 WS52676204; Fawn
Am GCh Peakview's Kiss & Hug AOM
(M) 11/29/2013 WS45593603; Fawn
Am CH Peakview's Kiss Me Quik
(M) 11/29/2013 WS45593607; Fawn
Am CH Peakview's Moonlite Kiss AOM
(F) 11/29/2013 WS45593601; Fawn
Peakview's Believe In Magic
(F) 02/09/2017 WS56844801; Fawn
Peakview's Country Boy
(M) 02/19/2019 WS64245501; Fawn
Peakview's Divine Destini
(F) 02/19/2019 WS64245503; Fawn
Peakview's Do You Wanna Dance & Jive
(M) 02/17/2016 WS52676203; Fawn
Peakview's Kiara
(F) 02/19/2019 WS64245504; Fawn
Peakview's Moonlite Macarena
(F) 02/17/2016 WS52676201; Fawn
Peakview's Rise Up
(M) 03/01/2018 WS60689202; Fawn
Peakview's Rushmore Granite Lady
(F) 02/17/2016 WS52676204; Fawn
Peakview's Sonic Boom
(M) 02/19/2019 WS64245502; Fawn
Peakview's Stevie Girl
(F) 03/01/2018 WS60689203; Fawn
Peakview's Takin A Chance
(M) 03/01/2018 WS60689201; Fawn
Peakview's Talkin Bout Tealie
(F) 02/09/2017 WS56844803; Fawn
Can Ch Peakview's You Really Got Me
(M) 02/09/2017 WS56844804 / 1137811; Fawn
Peakview's Time To Shine
(M) 11/29/2013 WS45593604; Fawn
Svevo's One Is Coming For You
(F) 11/29/2013 WS45593605; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tolduso Uget What Ugive
(F) 05/09/2011 WS38347705; Fawn
Am GCh Saul's Trace the Memory
(M) 06/27/2009 WL299725 / WS32264102; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Via Encanto Double Down
(M) 05/09/2011 WS38347701; Fawn
Saul's You Had Me at Y'ellow
(M) 05/09/2011 WS36387704; Fawn
Kma Kaydean Turnin Heads Coast2coast
(F) 06/28/2013 WS44531302;
Am CH Kma's Iron Maiden V Granite Falls
(F) 05/06/2016 WS53631508;
Am GCh Kma's U Rock My World
(F) 05/06/2016 WS53631501;
Am CH Kma Kaydean's Mpressive G Man
(M) 12/13/2012 WS43491802; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Sahara Lindy Hop
(F) 03/25/2006 WS17304701; Fawn
Lagarada Sahara Karma Song
(F) 01/24/2009 WS29384504; Fawn
Lagarada Sahara Mystic River
(M) 08/16/2003 WS05424201; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Sahara XR I'll Be Back
(M) 08/16/2003 WS05424203; Fawn
 |
Jerdans Xr Peggy Sue V Notre
(F) 10/15/2007 WS24851803;
Am CH XR Over The Raynboe
(F) 03/05/2008 WS26080802; Fawn
XR Sasmac Saved By the Bell
(F) 03/05/2008 WS26080808; Fawn
Xr's Cut To the Chase
(M) 03/05/2008 WS26080809; Fawn
Am CH Xr's Hasta La Vista Baby
(M) 03/05/2008 WS26080803; Fawn
Am CH Xr's Heza Classic V Platinum Elite
(M) 03/05/2008 WS26080807; Fawn
Platinum Elite's Open Carry
(M) 07/05/2016 WS54700901; Fawn
Platinum Elite's Sweet TX Tea
(F) 07/05/2016 WS54700904; Fawn
Xr's Living Large
(M) 03/05/2008 WS26080801; Fawn
Xr's Manly Man
(M) 03/05/2008 WS26080805; Fawn
Xr's Raising the Bar
(F) 03/05/2008 WS26080806; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Xr I'll Be Back
(M) 08/16/2003 WS05424203;
Lobato's Sassy Harris V Dreammaker
(F) 01/14/2000 WP97032603;
Am CH Lobato's She's The One V Dreammaker
(F) 01/14/2000 WP97032601; Fawn
Lobato's Abra-Cadabra V Indra
(F) 09/10/2003 WR07451704;
Indra's Heart And Soul
(F) 07/20/2006 WS20108108;
Indra's Bound For Glory
(M) 04/19/2011 WS37395204;
Indra Lobato I'Ll Catch Your Heart
(M) 05/30/2013 WS44403702;
Am CH Indra's Command Performance
(M) 04/19/2011 WS37395202; Fawn
Indra's Maharaja
(M) 04/19/2011 WS37395205; Fawn
Am CH Indra's Worth Waiting For
(F) 04/19/2011 WS37395201; Fawn
Indra's Dancing In the Moonlight
(F) 03/08/2014 WS46763710; Brindle
Indra's Head Over Heels
(F) 07/14/2015 WS51188501;
Indra's Moon Dance of Lore
(F) 03/08/2014 WS46763705; Fawn
Am CH Indra's Moon Rocket V Ojala
(M) 03/08/2014 WS46763703; Brindle
Indra's Moonshine V Hladik
(F) 03/08/2014 WS46763702; Brindle
Indra's Over the Moon
(F) 03/08/2014 WS46763701; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Born to Be Wild
(F) 09/10/2002 WR07451701; Fawn
Lobato's Catch Me If You Can
(M) 10/06/2003 WS06262405;
Am CH Lobato's Dance To the Music
(F) 09/10/2003 WR07451702; Fawn
Am GCh Lobato's Jitterbug Man
(M) 04/25/2007 WS22177703; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Party Girl
(F) 04/25/2007 WS22177701; Fawn
Am GCh Lobato's My Kinda Party AOM
(F) WS44235703; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Action Jackson
(M) 11/17/2018 WS63680403; Brindle
Am GCh Lobato's Copa Copa Havanna AOM
(F) 11/17/2018 WS63680401; Fawn
Lobato's O'Mia O'Maya
(F) 11/17/2018 WS63680402; Fawn
Lobato's Shall We Dance
(F) 04/25/2007 WS22177702; Fawn
Lobato's Good Fortune
(F) 09/21/2004 WS10457201; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Heads Up
(M) 09/10/2002 WR07451707; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Ananda V Malvern CGC
(F) 06/26/2006 WS19895901; Fawn
Anjadane's Jonathie V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010 WS35109001; Fawn
Am GChG Anjadane's Regene V. Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010 WS35109002; Fawn
Am CH Anjadane's Sweet Baby James V Malvern
(M) 05/22/2010 WS35109003;
Am GCh Lothlorien's Ode To Joy RN CGC CGCA AOE
(F) 05/22/2010 WS35109004;
Legacy's Key Largo
(F) 04/20/2009 WS30567009; Fawn
Am CH Legacy's Kingpin
(M) 04/20/2009 WS30567006; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock's Cabriolet
(F) 04/10/2012 WS40886307; Fawn
Calico Rock's Dancing on My Toes
(F) 01/11/2018 WS61137101; Fawn
Calico Rock Legacy Effin' Big Deal @ Rare Earth
() 07/06/2021 WS74728302; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock Legacy Everythings Better in Tito's
(M) 07/06/2021 WS74728303; Fawn
Lokeni-Legacy's Anchor x Calico Rock's Dancing o
() 07/06/2021 ; Fawn
Calico Rock's Dream of A Doozy
(M) 01/11/2018 WS61137104; Fawn
Am GCh Calico Rock's Call Me Irresistible
(M) 04/10/2012 WS40886302; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock's Call Me Just Call Me
(M) 04/10/2012 WS40886305; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock's Casting Spells
(F) 04/10/2012 WS40886301; Brindle
Legacy's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
(M) 04/20/2009 WS30567003;
Legacy's Kiss the Girls
(M) 04/20/2009 WS30567002; Brindle
Am GCh & Int Ch Legacys Killer Instinct TT, CHIC
(M) 04/20/2009 WS30567004; Brindle
Am CH Lokeni's A Bonnie Lass V Fahmie
(F) 07/03/2016 WS54077503; Fawn
Am CH Lokeni's Ali'i Nui
(F) 07/03/2016 WS54077501; Brindle
Lokeni's Aolani Keona V Hepler
(F) 07/03/2016 WS54077505; Brindle
Lokeni's Atlantis V Smalltall
(F) 07/03/2016 WS54077504; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Lokeni-Legacy's Anchor
(M) 07/03/2016 WS54077506; Fawn
Calico Rock Legacy Effin' Big Deal @ Rare Earth
() 07/06/2021 WS74728302; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock Legacy Everythings Better in Tito's
(M) 07/06/2021 WS74728303; Fawn
Lokeni-Legacy's Anchor x Calico Rock's Dancing o
() 07/06/2021 ; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Saltwater's Angelus
(M) 07/03/2016 WS54077502; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lobato's I Am Sweetness RN
(M) 09/10/2002 WR07451708 / ERN23000059; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's I Picked A Lily
(F) 09/21/2004 WS10457203;
Am GChG Lobato's Caught Red Handed
(F) 11/05/2010 WS35956805; Fawn
Am GCh Elle's Deal With It BCat
(M) 11/04/2015 WS51687602;
Elle's Dreaming of Graceland
(M) 11/04/2015 WS51687607; Fawn
Elle's Red Carpet Ready
(F) 11/04/2015 WS51687606; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Elle's Red Hot Kiss
(F) 11/04/2015 WS51687603; Fawn
Am GChS Elle's Red Light District
(F) 11/04/2015 WS51687601; Fawn
Am GChB Elle's Paint the Town Red AOM
(F) 01/29/2021 WS71104702; Fawn
Am CH Elle's Put On the Red Light
(F) 01/29/2021 WS71104701; Fawn
Am GCh Elle's Red Sky at Night
(M) 01/29/2021 WS71104703; Fawn
Am CH Elle's I Wear the Brand
(M) 07/01/2022 WS77037905; Fawn
Elle's I'M the Bigger Bear
(F) 07/01/2022 WS77037901; Fawn
Elle's More Than A Memory
(M) 07/01/2022 WS77037902; Fawn
Elle's Take 'Em To the Train Station
(M) 07/01/2022 WS77037904; Fawn
Elles Buckle Bunny
(F) 07/01/2002 WS77037903; Fawn
Am GCh Elle's Redeemed By Grace CGC
(F) 11/04/2015 WS51687604; Fawn
Am GCh Elle's Sweetheart of A Deal CGC TKN AOM
(M) 11/04/2015 WS51687605; Fawn
Am CH Elle's Kiss & Tell
(F) 04/11/2021 WS72162901; Fawn
Elle's You Know the Deal
(M) 04/11/2021 WS72162903; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Red Alert
(M) 11/05/2010 WS35956803;
Am CH Lobato's Simply Red
(F) 11/05/2010 WS35956801;
Am GCh Terra Nova V Lobato I'm A Country Girl
(F) 10/18/2013 WS45434407;
Am & Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Cowboy Casanova
(M) 10/18/2013 WS45434403 / 1130171; Fawn
Ashella's Caribbean Dreamer
(M) EW743341; Brindle
Aristrocat Gd Dr Touched By Midas V Ashella
(M) 03/07/2021 GTR3701/41; Fawn
RBIS, Can GCh, Am & UKC Ch Ashella's Fire Swept at Dantastix
(M) 04/08/2017 EG714512; Fawn
Can Ch Danetastix's Bust A Move
(M) 11/14/2020 HW4065810; Fawn
GCH CH Dantastix's But A Move
(M) 11/14/2020 WS76054901;
Ashella's Kitwancool
(F) 04/08/2017 ; Fawn
Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Gunpowder & Lead
(F) 10/18/2013 WS45434402 / 1130172; Fawn
Am CH Touchstone - Terra Nova's Neverbeast
(M) 10/18/2013 WS45434406;
Am CH Lobato's Isn't She Lovely
(F) 09/10/2002 WR07451703; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's It Starts With A Dream
(M) 09/21/2004 WS10457209;
Lobato's Lagarada Indigo Blue
(M) 10/06/2003 WS06262412; Fawn
CH Bullion Arc's Night Bird
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills I'm a Macho Man
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills I'm Dynamite
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Image of a Hero
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Its Gotta be Magic
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Man O War
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Mercury Rising
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Mystify Me
(F) ; Fawn
Danehills Vagabond
(M) 10/30/2011 ; Fawn
CH Danehills Picture Perfect
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Pina Colada
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Tequila
(F) ; Fawn
Danehills Dolce & Gabbana
(F) ; Fawn
Danehills Soni's Limited Edition
(F) ;
Twister of Danehills
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Jon Bon Jovi
(M) ; Fawn
Danehills Just for You
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Kahlua 'n' Cream
(F) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Klarion Ontario
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Knockout Punch
(M) ; Fawn
CH Danehills Kross My Heart
(F) ; Fawn
Danehills Ringo
(M) ; Fawn
Danehills Vagabond
(M) 10/30/2011 ; Fawn
CH Raodane's Prado
() ;
CH Raodane's Stadler
() ;
Am CH Lobato's Pretty Woman
(F) 10/06/2003 WS06262401; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's American Idol BN CGC
(M) 02/24/2009 WS29655403; Fawn
Aadanes Code Blue I'm Breathless
(M) 09/03/2014 WS48296702; Fawn
Vischer's Love Story
(F) 07/27/2016 WS54659901; Fawn
Vischer's Bare Necessities of Life
(M) 03/19/2019 WS64112207; Fawn
Am CH Vischer's Playboy AOM
(M) 09/03/2014 WS48296701; Fawn
Vischer's Bare Necessities of Life
(M) 03/19/2019 WS64112207; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Fender Bender
(M) 03/09/2010 WS33988101; Fawn
Lobato's Good Time
(M) 03/09/2010 WS33988103; Fawn
Am GChB Lobatos Sudden Impact V Rdanes
(M) 03/09/2010 WS33988102; Fawn
Lobato's Special Agent Gibbs
(M) 01/06/2015 WS49376405; Fawn
Lobato's Special Agent Kenzie
(F) 01/06/2015 WS49376402; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Special Agent King Pride
(M) 01/06/2015 WS49376406; Fawn
Lobato's Special Agent Vance V Rdanes
(M) 01/06/2015 WS49376401; Fawn
Lobato's Special Agent Ziva David V Daynakin
(F) 01/06/2015 WS49376404; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Rockin' Robin Hrt'gld
(M) 09/10/2002 WR07451710; Fawn
Hrt'gld Flirtatious Fiona
(F) 04/12/2004 WS08090501;
Lobato's She's No Lady
(F) 09/21/2004 WS10457204;
Lobato's Steel Magnolia
(F) 10/06/2003 WS06262402;
Am CH Lobato's Striking Interest RN, RA, CGC
(F) 09/21/2004 WS10457202; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Takn Care of Business
(M) 09/21/2004 WS10457207;
Ace-Hi's You Ain'T Seen Nothin' Yet
(F) 12/12/2008 WS28631701; Fawn
Mirabile Visu Everybody Wants You
() 03/14/2010 WS33646504;
Am CH MirabileVisu's Charm'd N Dangerous
(F) 03/14/2010 WS33646503; Fawn
Am & UKC Ch MirabileVisu Ace-Hi's Divine One
(F) 04/06/2013 WS44455201; Fawn
Mirabile Visu's Divine Goddess
(F) 03/07/2018 WS60662505;
Mirabile Visu's Divine Son
(M) 03/07/2018 WS60662503; Black
Mirabilevisu Ace'Hi Divinely Charm'D
(F) 09/07/2015 WS51666910; Fawn
Mirabilevisu's Invincible
(F) 04/17/2019 WS64593306;
Mirabilevisu Ace-Hi's Divine Royal
(F) 09/07/2015 WS51666908; Brindle
Mirabilevisu Acehi Divine Temptation
(F) 09/07/2015 WS51666905; Brindle
Ace-Hi's Don't Tempt Me Thomas
(M) 09/03/2019 WS65847707;
Ace-Hi's Givin In To Temptation @ Voyager
(M) 09/03/2019 WS65847704;
Am GCh Ace-Hi's Lightning Crashes V Tolsina RE NAJ TKN
(F) 09/03/2019 WS65847708; Brindle
MirabileVisu's Divine Goddess
(F) 03/07/2018 WS60662505; Black
Mirabilevisu's Divine Son
(M) 03/07/2018 WS60662503;
Mirabilevisu Gator King of The Swamp
(M) 04/08/2014 WS46851604;
Am CH Mirabilevisu Memory of The Charm'D One
(F) 04/08/2014 WS46851606; Brindle
Mirabile Visu's 3x Charm'd
(F) 11/11/2017 WS59262207; Brindle
Mirabilevisu's 3x Charm'd
(F) 11/11/2017 WS59262207;
Mirabilevisu She Walks In Thunder V Tolsina RA
(F) 04/08/2014 WS46851607;
Mirabilevisu's Charm'D Forces
(M) 04/08/2014 WS46851602; Brindle
Am CH Mirabilevisu's Dangerous Jungle
(M) 04/08/2014 WS46851603; Brindle
Mirabilevisu's Funny Business
(M) 03/14/2010 WS33646505;
Mirabilevisu's My Kinda Lover
() 03/14/2010 WS33646501;
Mirabilevisu's Rock Me Tonite
() 03/14/2010 WS33646502; Brindle
Am GCh Lobato's Thr Can Be Only One
(M) 10/06/2003 WS06262407; Fawn
 |
Daynakin's Isabella Svf V Danelind
(F) 10/27/2005 WS16441702;
Am CH Daynakin Danelind Up To No Good
(F) 06/27/2011 WS38173401;
Daynakin Danelind Upon A Midnight Star
(F) 06/27/2011 WS38173403;
Am CH Daynakin Danelind Uptown Girl
(F) 06/27/2011 WS38173402;
Daynakin's Tahitian Thunder
(M) 07/30/2010 WS34825104;
Daynakin's Texas Titan Duke of Elway
(M) 07/30/2010 WS34825107; Fawn
Olympian One N Only Party Girl
(F) 09/15/2011 WS39544003;
Am GCh Olympian Alexander the Great
(M) 05/06/2014 WS47690701; Fawn
Olympian Romulus the Great
(M) 07/10/2015 WS51140201;
Am GCh Olympian Spartacus the Great V Lobato
(M) 09/15/2011 WS39544002;
Svf Shiloh the One N Only Lobato
(M) 11/27/2005 WS16441701;
Svf's Oh Rick Kiss Me Kiss Me
(F) 04/13/2006 WS17934504; Fawn
Svf's Play It Again Sam
(M) 04/13/2006 WS17934502; Fawn
Am CH Svf's We'll Always Have Paris 'n Starz CGC
(F) 04/13/2006 WS17934501; Fawn
Arondyke Anew Dawn at Stuavar
(M) 06/07/2009 WS30992403; Fawn
Starz Blaz'n Hot Sirius Blu
(M) 06/07/2009 WS30992401;
Starz Blazn Oakstone Luke Skywalker
(M) 06/07/2009 WS30992407; Fawn
 |
Am CH Starz Svf Akasha Shines at Rocwind
() 06/07/2009 WS30992406; Fawn
Am GCh Starz SVF Blaz'N Hot Spago Argento CGC
(M) 06/07/2009 WS30992409; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Shakti-Starz Retro Rocketeer
(M) 11/25/2015 WS52303001 / ERN16000641; Fawn
Am, Can, UKC & Int Ch Shaktistarz Witchy Woman
(F) 11/25/2015 WS52303002 / ERN16000654; Fawn
Knopf's Sergeant Major Sundown x Shaktistarz Wit
() 11/01/2020 ; Fawn
Shakti's A Nod To Mom
(M) 11/03/2020 WS70837201; Fawn
Shakti's Biden My Time
(M) 11/03/2020 WS70837201; Fawn
Shakti's Echoes of the Past
(M) 11/29/2019 WS67078405; Fawn
Shakti's Whole Lota Deja Vu FDC
(F) 11/19/2019 WS67078404;
Starz Svf Comet Tails A Blazin
() 06/07/2009 WS30992402;
Starz Svf Fraulein Elsa of Lyon
() 06/07/2009 WS30992408;
Am CH Lobato's You Don't Know Diddly
(M) 09/21/2004 WS10457206;
Savana's Precious Zoie
(F) 01/14/2000 WP97032607; Fawn
Am CH Sheridane Isis
(F) 07/25/2003 WS06577402; Fawn
Am GChB Tiffany's Baby Athena
(F) 10/28/2009 WS33495803; Fawn
Am GChS Madison's Cassiopeia A Kiss To Build A Dream On
(F) 07/22/2013 WS44671101; Fawn
Ghdd Finn Legacy of Seamus
(M) 07/29/2017 WS58258101;
Am GChS Madison's Mars There Can Be Only One
(M) 07/22/2013 WS44671102; Fawn
Am CH Madison's N Tavern's It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
(M) 05/21/2014 WS48119802; Fawn
Madison's Orion-The Mighty Hunter
(M) 07/22/2013 WS44671104; Fawn
Tiffany's Dakari V Sheridane
(M) 06/18/2007 WS24148102; Fawn
Tiffany's Irisi V Sheridane
(F) 06/18/2007 WS24148101; Fawn
Am GCh Tiffany's Nefertiti V Sheridane
(F) 06/06/2008 WS26513601; Fawn
Sheridane's Black on Track at Mylady
(F) 11/21/2014 WS49182101; Black
Myladyshearts Desire TDI
(M) 02/02/2018 WS60054101; Black
Am CH Tiffany's Precious Lexi
(F) 10/28/2009 WS33495802; Fawn