River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Sir Blu Colerdg Boazwedgewd
(M) 11/18/1988
WG268776; Blue
COI: 2.72%
Marmaduke Larue Blue
(M) 05/04/1991
WP34656411; Blue
Sajc's Blu Candi Princess
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34656410; Blue
Am CH Sajc's Blu Hauoli Hana
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34656402; Blue
Hauerdane's Make 'n' Whoppie
(F) 08/11/1995
WP64668803; Black
Hauer's Perfect With Biscotti
(F) 09/19/1999
Haltmeier's Ember Tynda
(F) 04/06/2003
WS047244; Black
Haltmeier's Embers Haven
(F) 04/06/2003
WS04724401; Black
Am CH Hauer's R U Pash 'N' V Keymaster
(F) 02/08/2001
WR01333704; Black
Keymanster R U Purple Otter Otto
(M) 12/30/2003
Keymaster's R U Lucy
(F) 12/29/2003
Keymaster's R U Mr Majestic Purple
(M) 12/29/2003
Keymaster's R U PashN's Purple Princess Zen
() 12/29/2003
Am CH Keymaster's R U Purple Otter Otto
(M) 12/29/2003
WS07165907; Black
Keymaster's R U Purple With Envy
(F) 12/29/2003
WS07165902; Black
Keymaster's R U the Purple Grand Canyon
(M) 12/29/2003
Keymaster's R U the Purple Rain
(F) 12/29/2003
Keymaster's R U the Royal Reign V Miskre
(M) 10/06/2006
Miskre's Knight Reign
(M) 10/01/2008
Can Ch Miskre's Reign Man
(M) 10/01/2008
Miskre's Rhythm of the Reign
(F) 10/01/2008
Am CH Hauerdane's Brewed To Perfection
(F) 09/19/1999
WP93709101; Black
Hauerdane's Do N It Right
(M) 10/27/1998
WP88140602; Black
Hauerdane's Gdl's Astrotraveler
(M) 09/19/1999
WP93709106; Black
Great Haven's Gereant I Aim 2 Please
(F) 02/24/2004
WS08360806; Black
Greathavens Athena Gereant
(F) 02/24/2004
WS08360804; Blue
Aphrodite XVII
WS21855101; Blue
Aphrodite's Dreamcatcher
; Black
Lilly's Dreamcatcher
WS31617609; Black
Neron the Strong
WS31617604; Black
Blue Thunder XVII
Twilight's Rumbling Storm
(M) 06/21/2010
WS34368002; Black
Knr's Empress Blue Jewel of The Rogue
WS17087511; Blue
Capone XV
WS32234602; Blue
Larisa Fedorovna Guishar
Sweet Baby Blue's Dreamcatcher
WS21855103; Blue
Castlerea's Hidden Gem
(F) 03/08/2012
WS40388707; Blue
Yaya's Cinderbella
WS21855110; Blue
Blue Bella's Dreamcatcher
WS29962108; Blue
Greathavens Axel Gereant
(M) 02/24/2004
WS0836080; Black
Gallegos' Zeus
WS21858703; Black
Aphrodite's Dreamcatcher
; Black
Dreamcatcher's Blue Lilly of the Valley
(F) 06/13/2010
Lilly's Dreamcatcher
WS31617609; Black
Neron the Strong
WS31617604; Black
Mr Blue's Dreamcatcher
WS32714505; Blue
Blue Boy's Dreamcatcher
WS4493106; Blue
Castlerea's Hidden Gem
(F) 03/08/2012
WS40388707; Blue
Jennifer II Dreamcatcher
WS12266802; Brindle
Gallegos' Zeus
WS21858703; Black
Aphrodite's Dreamcatcher
; Black
Dreamcatcher's Blue Lilly of the Valley
(F) 06/13/2010
Lilly's Dreamcatcher
WS31617609; Black
Neron the Strong
WS31617604; Black
Turbo V
Silver Sage's Roxie
Silver Sage's Ellegance in Blue
Silver Sage's I've Got A Secret
Hauerdane's Lucky "N" Love
(F) 02/08/2001
WR01333702; Black
Am CH Cadrmn Ptmd's Fashion Statement
(F) 06/12/2005
WS13679004; Black
Cadrmn Ptmd's Waiting To Exhale
(F) 06/12/2005
WS13679006; Black
Am CH Cadrmn Among the Stars at Olympus
(M) 03/12/2010
WS33888301; Fawn
Cadrmn Olympus Divine Dark Light
(F) 03/23/2011
WS37393003; Black
CADRMN Olympus' Can't Be Tamed
(F) 03/12/2010
WS33888302; Black
Am CH CADRMN Olympus' Embrace The Darkness
(M) 03/12/2010
WS33888303; Black
Cadrmn Olympus' Enchanted Siren
(F) 03/23/2011
WS37393001; Fawn
Can Ch Cadrmn Shining Dreams Rising at Olympus
(M) 03/23/2011
WS37393002 / 1115100; Black
AuChatelet V MyLadys Comes The Greek's Son
(M) 01/03/2015
WS49523001 / 1130276; Black
Mylady's Perchance To Dream
(F) 01/03/2015
WS49253002; Fawn
MyLady's Walkin' After Midnight
(F) 03/12/2016
WS533202001; Black
Myladyshearts Desire TDI
(M) 02/02/2018
WS60054101; Black
Paintedmds So Notorious
(F) 04/05/2006
WS17151101; Black
Can Ch PaintedMds Icy Skyway
(F) 02/26/2010
WS33306004; Black
Paintedmds Not the Easter Bunny
(M) 04/22/2011
WS37575907; Black
Am CH Hauerdane's N To Mischief
(F) 10/27/1998
WP88140603; Black
Hauer's Armed 'n' Dangerous v Tower
(F) 03/25/2001
WR02467401; Black
Hauer-Goldstar One N the Chamber
(M) 03/25/2001
WR02467407; Black
Hauerdane's Don Miguel
(M) 11/15/2002
WS03103105; Fawn
T&J Sam N Tonio Sam V Mithril
(M) 07/13/2006
WS18275204; Fawn
Am CH Tnj Prim N Proper V Hauer
(F) 07/13/2006
Hauer-Nightngale Pistol's N Pearls
(F) 03/25/2001
WR02467404; Black
Am CH Nightingale's Injun Joe
(M) 11/07/2002
WR07470001; Fawn
Nightingale's Panama Hattie
(F) 06/09/2003
WS04540101; Black
Nightingale's Panama Jack
(M) 06/09/2003
WS04540103; Black
Nightingales Kiss This V Ramac
(F) 06/09/2003
WS04540102; Black
Nickel's Double Diamond
(M) 08/18/2006
Nickel's Moonlight To Piistar
(M) 02/22/2006
Fin 17717/07; Black
Nickel-Ramac This Kiss
(F) 02/22/2006
WS16812107; Black
Nickle-Ramac's This Kiss
; Black
Hauer-Roulet Top Gun van Alstyne
(M) 03/25/2001
WR02467406; Fawn
Am CH Hauerdanes Lok N Load Hudson
(M) 03/25/2001
WR02467405; Fawn
Am CH Hauerdanes Smith N Wesson
(M) 03/25/2001
WR02467402; Fawn
Am CH Silveroak's Gun Runner CD BN RA
(M) 08/21/2007
Silveroak's Guns N Roses
(F) 08/21/2007
Lake Silveroak Command Performance
(M) 12/24/2010
WS36243004; Fawn
Lake Silveroak Sweet Promise
(F) 12/24/2010
WS36243003; Fawn
Am CH Silveroak's Pennies From Heaven
(F) 08/21/2007
WS23189804; Brindle
Am GCh Lake Yabba Dabba Do @ Vinmar CGC
(M) 06/19/2011
WS37805406; Brindle
Lake's Brown Sugar
(F) 06/19/2011
Lake's Marmalade Skies
(F) 06/19/2011
WS37805402; Brindle
BISS Am GChS Lake's Prime Time AOM
(M) 06/19/2011
Am CH Hauerdane's Pearl of Kinshasa
(F) 09/19/1999
Am CH Hauerdane's R-U Talk N' To Me
(M) 10/27/1998
WP88140607; Black

Blacktop's Pitch Black
(M) 04/28/2007
WS21964501; Black
Blacktop's Wolf In Sheep's Clothing VLP
(F) 05/16/2010
WS34074003; Black
Vulpine's Don't Cry Wolf
(F) 02/13/2012
WS48373501; Black
Vulpine's Don't Hate Me B'Cuz
(F) 08/27/2012
WS48348701; Harlequin
Vulpine's Nikita
; Black
Am CH Colras A Breeze 2 Point V Friesdale
(F) 11/30/2010
WS36178902; Black

Friesdale Farms Hollywood Musical V Mavro
(F) 02/26/2014
WS46441301; Black
Mauro Hollywoods 5th Ave Putten on The Ritz
(F) 08/10/2017
WS58453708; Black
Mavro Hollywoods 5th Ave Puttin on the Ritz
(F) 08/10/2017
WS58453708; Black
Mavro Kma's Cruzin' Hollywood
(F) 08/10/2017
WS58453702; Fawn
Colras A Simple Twist of Fate
(M) 05/29/2002
WR06699203; Black
Colras Allthatglitz Isn't Gold
(F) 05/29/2002
WR06699206; Black
Am CH Colra Brier Lera's Dirty Laundry
(F) 03/29/2005
Colras Always Bet on Black
(M) 03/29/2005
WS12985302; Black
Am CH Colras Black Bombshell
(F) 03/29/2005
WS12985301; Black
Colra's Man of the Hour
(M) 03/23/2010
WS33666704; Black
Colras Black Eye'D Pea V San Roque
(F) 09/10/2009
WS31587401; Black
Colras Sin City Showgirl V Pacific Tue-J's
(F) 09/10/2009
WS31587403; Fawn
Am CH Colras An Ace In the Hole v Pask
(M) 05/29/2002
WR06699202; Black
Colras Drr Monster Hand
(F) 03/06/2017
Am CH Colras Stacked 2 The T
(F) 08/06/2007
WS23288001; Black
Am CH Colras A Breeze 2 Point V Friesdale
(F) 11/30/2010
WS36178902; Black
Am CH Colras Straight 2 The Point
(F) 11/30/2010
WS36178901; Black
Colras A Force 2B Reckon'd With
(M) 05/29/2011
WS38205102; Black
Am GChS, Can Ch Colras Dunn It Right 2 Impress
(F) 05/29/2011
WS38205105 / ERN14000623; Black
Am GCh Colras Eb Black Obsession
(F) 05/29/2011
WS38205104; Black
Am GCh Colras Non Stop Photo Op
(F) 05/29/2011
Colras The Ultimate Sin
(F) 05/29/2011
WS38205106; Fawn
Colras Unleashing The Force
(M) 05/29/2011
WS38205107; Fawn
Am CH Colras X-Pect 2 B Impressed
(F) 05/29/2011
WS38205103; Black
Colras Thank the Academy
(M) 03/25/2006
Drr N Colras Armed With An Attitude
(F) 09/21/2015
WS52873601; Black
Colras the Critic's Choice
(F) 03/25/2006
Desert Gold's Mirage V Miskre
(F) 03/25/2006
WS17247604; Black
Miskre's Knight Reign
(M) 10/01/2008
Can Ch Miskre's Reign Man
(M) 10/01/2008
Miskre's Rhythm of the Reign
(F) 10/01/2008
Am GCh Hauer's Back N Black Bpc V Artistik
(F) 10/07/2010
WS35372802; Black
Am GChB Big Paws N EB Always Bet On Black
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777701; Black
Big Paws N EB at Last
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777707; Black
Am CH Big Paws N Eb Chosen Jewel
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777708; Black
Am GCh Big Paws N EB Fawn Is The New Black
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777705; Fawn
Big Paws N Eb Neelydanes Fifty Shades of Hauerda
(M) 10/27/2014
WS48777711; Fawn
Am CH Big Paws N Eb Night Shade Remember When Von Brun
(M) 10/27/2014
Am GCh Big Paws N Eb Off Da Chain
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777703; Black
Big Paws N EB Queen of Hearts
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777702; Black
Hauerdane's Dark Horse V Pegasus
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777706; Black
Krystobal Anisette
(F) 02/11/2008
MK Danes Know Before Whom You Stand
(M) 03/08/2015
WS49759505; Black
MK Danes One Hot Design
(M) 03/08/2015
WS49759501; Black
Colras Doin the Circuit
(M) 06/07/2003
WS04457706; Black
Colras In the Ribbons
(M) 06/07/2003
WS04457705; Black
Colras King of the Ring
(M) 06/07/2003
Am CH Colras Larger Than Life
(M) 05/29/2002
WR06699204; Black
Am CH Colras Straight 2 The Point
(F) 11/30/2010
WS36178901; Black
Colra's Fireside Tallbrook Tlc Respect
(F) 08/31/2013
WS45309904; Black
Am CH Fireside Tallbrook Our Favorite Redhead
(F) 06/08/2016
WS54745101; Fawn
Fireside Tallbrook Tlc Jolene
(F) 06/08/2016
WS54745102; Black
Colras Here 4 The Points
(F) 08/31/2013
Am GCh Colras Drr I'M Gonna Whoopass AOM
(M) 02/22/2018
WS60632901; Black
Colras Winner Takes All
(F) 06/07/2003
WS04457701; Black
Desert Stars Spring Sunshine
(F) 02/25/2002
Mdt's Let's Be Brief V Naples
(M) 03/13/2006
Mdt's the Merry Widow V Naples
(F) 03/13/2006
Am GCh Mdt Naples Bare Essentials CGC
(F) 08/11/2009
Mdt Naples San Roque Bullseye
(M) 05/30/2014
WS47480701; Black
Am CH Mdt Naples San Roque Cupid's Arrow
(F) 05/30/2014
WS47480704; Black
Mdt Naples Sanroque Arrow To The Heart
(F) 05/30/2014
WS47480702; Black
Am CH Mdt Naples Sanroque Arrowsmith
(M) 05/30/2014
WS47480705; Black
Am CH Mdt Naples Strictly Top Drawer
(M) 08/11/2009
Hauerdane's Smoke N Hot
(M) 10/27/1998
WP88140601; Black
Hauerdane's Val'n' Tino of Gavea
(M) 02/08/2001
WR01333706; Black

Una do Alto Gávea
Am GCh Payaso's Flight of Fancy Do Alto Gavea
(F) 04/09/2010
Am CH Nor'East's Elora Danan
(F) 05/27/2014
WS47689201; Black
Am GCh Nor'East's Kachina Kamali
(F) 05/27/2014
WS47689204; Fawn
Nor'East's Orfeu Negro do Alto Gavea
WS47689202; Black
Am CH Hauerdanes Expresso Royale V Summit
(M) 09/19/1999
WP93709104; Black
Summit Danes Don Diego
(M) 06/10/2006
Summit Danes Elena
(F) 06/10/2006
Hauers Dustiny Heart 'n' Soul
(M) 02/08/2001
WR01333705; Black
Am CH No-Ka-Oi's Midnight Rainbow
(F) 08/11/1995
No-Ka-Oi's N Sajac's Breanna
(F) 08/11/1995
No-Ka-Oi's Pukalani V Bell
(M) 08/11/1995
Nokaoi Xpreso Yorself V Wong
(F) 02/09/1997
Sajc's Cimarron Legend
(M) 05/04/1991
WP34656407; Blue
Roman's Chariot Girl
(F) 01/17/1993
Shoshonis' Dancing Spirit
(F) 01/17/1993
Sajc's Dakota Rose
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34656408; Blue
Sajc's Marmalade Blu
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34656404; Blue
Sajc's Rocky Mountain Obed
(M) 05/04/1991
WP34656401; Blue