River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Sloane's Gypsy of Iroquois
WA584496; Blue
COI: 8.54%
Akbar Blaulich von Haus Weiss
; Blue
Anja Blaulich vom Haus Weiss
; Blue
Doc Art's Me and My Shadow
(M) 10/21/1968
; Blue
Danecourt's Bianca
(F) 03/21/1969
; Blue
Doc Art's Sweet William
(M) 01/10/1969
WB307435; Blue
Docart's Ace High
(M) 12/25/1969
Docart's Agravating Agatha
(F) 12/25/1969
Docart's Angelica of Wallst
Docart's Anvil Abe
(M) 12/25/1969
Docart's Arrogant Alfie
(M) 12/25/1969
Pasha's Blu Baazen
WB832749; Blue
Druid's Scilla vom Abendstern
(F) 02/14/1970
WB870746; Blue
Sterling's Blue Damien
(M) 11/14/1972
Am CH Sterling's Blue Lupine
WD506987; Blue

Sterling Silouhete of Reanns
(F) 07/30/1981
WE989902; Black
Am CH Reann's Dark Side of Sounda
(M) 07/06/1984
WF652594; Black
Diana-Link's Visa V Sounda
(F) 08/29/1986
WF923356; Black
Sounda's Dark Mystery V Reann
(F) 12/15/1987
WG113388; Black
Am CH Reann's Joe Cool CDX
(M) 04/25/1987
WG021413; Black
Black Gate's Ballroom Dancer
(F) 11/02/1991
Am CH Black Gate's Belle of Liberty
(F) 11/02/1991
Am CH Blue Moon's My-Jo of Champlain
(F) 01/19/1992
WP40122304; Black
Into the Mystic of Valinor
(F) 06/25/1992
WP42297401; Black
Can Ch LaDoguerie Plume Pouding
WP57120301; Black
LaDoguerie Rosie Mariah
Laurs Mahara CD
(F) 10/30/1992
Am CH Laurs Pretty Devil CD
(F) 10/30/1992
WP45430004; Black
CH Laurs Primarily Precious CD CGC
(F) 12/12/1991
WP39139502; Black
Ms Martinique of Champlain
(F) 01/19/1992
CH Reann's Black Pearl
Reann's Joe Too Cool
; Black
Reann's One Moment In Time
(F) 07/04/1991
WP36051406; Black
Reann's Soul Seeker
(M) 07/04/1991
WP36051404; Black
Sounda Reann Night Watchman
(M) 04/04/1991
Am & Int Ch Valinor's Shaquille O
WP42297405; Black
Am CH Wil-Tor's D B Cooper
(M) 05/29/1992
WP41903701; Black
Wil-Tor's Melody To Morgan CD
(F) 05/29/1992
Wil-Tor's Rachel Rothschild
(F) 05/29/1992
WP41903702; Black
Wil-Tor's Stoney Cool
(F) 05/29/1992
Am CH Reann's Noble Spirit
WF609573; Black
Can Ch Belyza's Amazone Cloe
(F) 05/23/1987
UJ657170; Black
Am CH Belyza's Apollon
(M) 05/23/1987
WG316102; Black
Beyza's Amazone Cloe
(F) 05/23/1987
Can Ch Ladoguerie Kali La Noire
(F) 04/15/1988
VG738373; Black
Am CH Millcreek Heaven Sent
(F) 07/25/1987
WG071250; Black
Am CH Reann's April Fool
WG502033; Black
Sundown To Shadzoe
(F) 06/17/1987
WG069395; Black
Tragof's Mt Mckinley
(M) 02/09/1987
WF988550; Black
CH Reann's Ultimate Sin
Belyza's Bentley
(M) 06/09/1990
Am CH Sterling's Bachelor Buttons
WF385716; Blue

Dun Roamin Lyme House Blues
WG053794; Blue
Dun Roamin Logans Shadow
(M) 02/20/1991
Dun Roamin's Lisa Marie
(F) 03/09/1990
WG522859; Blue
Macy's Beau Brummel N Blue
WP33324203; Blue
Macy's Millonario Azul
WP33324211; Blue
Macy's Shadow Gate
(F) 02/16/1991
WP33324207; Black
Sterlings Clancy O'Quinndane
(M) 08/29/1990
Lazy Days Believes In Magic CDX
(F) 07/09/1988
WG250597; Black
Lady Lightning of Lazy Days CD
(F) 05/04/1991
Lazy Days Goodgolly Ms Molly
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34734706; Black
Lazy Days Sweet Inspiration UDX
(F) 05/04/1991
Lazy Days Blue Sky CDX
(F) 11/17/1986
Lazy Days Sterling Silver CDX
(M) 11/17/1986
WF950997; Blue
Lady Lightning of Lazy Days CD
(F) 05/04/1991
Lazy Days Goodgolly Ms Molly
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34734706; Black
Lazy Days Sweet Inspiration UDX
(F) 05/04/1991
Vera's Pretty Girl Scarlett
(F) 04/15/1994
Vera's Riche French Silk
(F) 04/15/1994
CH Nieldane Olga's Orpheus
; Blue
Tanglewood's C. W. Outlaw
VW752887; Blue
Tanglewood's Lady Princess
(F) 11/25/1988
VW75732; Blue
Tanglewood's Munchkin chum CD
(M) 11/25/1988
; Blue
Can Ch Tanglewood's Zari
VW; Blue
Sampson's Delilah
(F) 07/09/1987
Sterling's Clary Sage
CH Sterling's Blue Camassia
(F) 11/23/1982
Sterling's Clary Sage
Sterling's Sweet William
(M) 07/10/1987
Nieldane's Blue Sterling
XL875445; Blue
Sterling's Blue Celmatis
(F) 11/23/1982
Am CH Sterling's Blueberry Muffin
(F) 06/19/1986
Sterling's Blackberry Pie CD
(M) 06/18/1993
WP49232106; Black
Sterling's Blackberry Tart
(F) 06/18/1993
Sterling's Blueberry Danish
(M) 01/01/1992
Sterling's Blueberry Tart CD
(F) 01/01/1992
Sterling's Grand Natural CD
(M) 06/18/1993
Sterlings Blackberry Blintze
(M) 06/18/1993
WP49232104; Black
CH Sterling's Blueberry Pie
(M) 06/19/1986
Sterling's Sapphire V Quinndn
Quinndane Diamond N the Ruff
(F) 10/01/1991
Quinndane's Orion
(M) 09/23/1992
Sterlings Clancy O'Quinndane
(M) 08/29/1990
Sterling's Sarma V Paladin
(F) 06/19/1986
Paladin's Dexter V Dsrtdanes
(M) 07/19/1988
Paladin's Ok Krystal V Kay Sons
(F) 07/19/1988
Paladin's Quixotic Quest
(M) 02/14/1989
Paladin's Midnite Gambler
(M) 07/06/1990
Paladin's Ms. Houdini
(F) 07/06/1990
Silly Sally U-R the One
(F) 06/06/1990
Sterlings Impatiens Lucy
(F) 01/23/1988
CH Sterling's Blue Picasso
(M) 07/30/1981
Sterling's Blunite V Paladin
(M) 11/23/1982
WF390872; Blue
Coleridge's In A Blaze of Glory
(M) 08/07/1984
WF623455; Blue
Coleridge's Blue Pywacket
(F) 09/04/1985
WG015986; Blue
Sir-Blu's Genesis U Coleridge CD
(F) 09/04/1985
WF752255; Blue
Coleridge's This One For Kate
(F) 08/07/1984
WF609557; Blue
Am CH Coleridge's Atlanta To The Sea
(F) 05/15/1987
WG052928; Blue
Coleridge's Bonnie B Blue
(F) 05/15/1987
WG015985; Blue
Coleridge's Panoramic Sam
(M) 05/15/1987
WG041514; Blue
Lakotah's Chiefette Kachina
(F) 04/25/1987
Lakotahs Cheyenne
Am CH Pacific's Garbo V Coleridge
(F) 08/07/1984
WF591808; Blue
CLDG Sirblu By-U V Lovedanes
(M) 11/04/1989
WG451564; Blue
Sir Blu Colerdg Boazwedgewd
(M) 11/18/1988
WG268776; Blue
Sir Blu Colerdge Bogart Again
(M) 11/18/1988
WG240089; Blue
Sir Blu Stormy Knight Colrdge
(M) 11/18/1988
WG264514; Blue
Sirblu Coleridg Dimor Harlow
(F) 11/04/1989
WG389144; Blue
Sirblu Coleridge Carol LMBRD
(F) 11/04/1989
WG468863; Blue
Sirblu Coleridge Dimor Gable
(M) 11/04/1989
WG388798; Blue
Am CH Sirblu Coleridge Edwd G RBNSN CGC
(M) 11/04/1989
WG468862; Blue
Sirblu Colrdg Mty Maximilian CDX
(M) 11/04/1989
WG456498; Blue
Taylor Sir Blu Von Coleridge
(F) 11/18/1988
WG255632; Blue
Paladin's Dexter V Dsrtdanes
(M) 07/19/1988
Paladin's Ok Krystal V Kay Sons
(F) 07/19/1988
Paladin's Quixotic Quest
(M) 02/14/1989
Sterling's Huckleberry Finn
(M) 07/30/1981
Sterlings Jor-El V Willowrun
WE207739; Black
Sterling Silouhete of Reanns
(F) 07/30/1981
WE989902; Black
Am CH Reann's Dark Side of Sounda
(M) 07/06/1984
WF652594; Black
Am CH Reann's Joe Cool CDX
(M) 04/25/1987
WG021413; Black
Am CH Reann's Noble Spirit
WF609573; Black
CH Reann's Ultimate Sin
CH Sterling's Blue Picasso
(M) 07/30/1981
Sterling's Huckleberry Finn
(M) 07/30/1981
BG Merritt's Willowrun
(F) 05/13/1980
WE647082; Blue
Merritts I Love Lucy
(F) 12/28/1982
WF384917; Black
Slim Kittie of Merritt
6WG081570; Black
Bridget A. Merrit Wlwrn Epstn
WE732521; Blue
Willowrun's Just-A-Minute
(M) 10/15/1982
WF426912; Blue
Willowrun's Sin-A-Minute
(F) 10/15/1982
WF367279; Blue
Nieldane's Baby Jane
Pasha's Blu Gizzee
Pasha's Blu Mister Branden
My Blue Heather
(F) 06/11/1975
WD166048; Blue
Dianadane Black Daniel
(M) 08/10/1978
Dianadane Me and My Shadow
Dianadane's the Dreamer
Diana-N-Link's Cameron
Dianadane's the Duke of Earl
(M) 08/10/1978
WE165567; Black

Diana-N-Link's Cameron
Dianadane's Shady Lady Xanadu
(F) 10/13/1981
WF057480; Black
Diana-N-Link's Just Once V-Lee
(F) 02/09/1985
Lee Diamond Chelsea Vwiedane
(F) 02/09/1985
WF793781; Black
Lee's Diana-N-Link You're the One
WF861071; Black
Am CH Leedane's Club MacKenzie
(M) 02/09/1985
Leedane's Rock'n Roll By Seeger
WF902835; Black
Am CH Leedanes' Gwtws' Rhett Butler
(M) 05/29/1986
Leedanes' Kari on With Ease
(F) 05/29/1986
Lees Kodiak Rambo Michaeldan
Am CH Link's April Love V Othello
WE872209; Black
Diana-Link's Visa V Sounda
(F) 08/29/1986
WF923356; Black
Diana-N-Link's Blue Crystal
(F) 02/09/1985
WF823320; Blue
Am CH Diana-N-Link's Chances R
(F) 07/25/1984
WF711606; Black
Diana-N-Link's Chances R Sharif
(M) 07/25/1984
WG139636; Black
Diana-N-Link's Fantasy In Black
CH Diana-N-Link's Foolish Heart
(F) 02/04/1985
WF711605; Black
Diana-N-Link's II
(F) 07/25/1984
Diana-N-Link's Lady Candice
(F) 02/10/1985
WF725394; Black
CH Diana-N-Link's Thunder Lips
Diana-N-Link's Toby
(F) 02/10/1985
WG058149; Black
Link Pappyjack of Deer Run
WF661638; Blue
Wh's Twilyn's Spring Witch
(F) 11/25/1982
Pasha's Blu Maiboy
Pasha's Blu Mister Branden
My Blue Heather
(F) 06/11/1975
WD166048; Blue
Dianadane Black Daniel
(M) 08/10/1978
Dianadane Me and My Shadow
Dianadane's the Dreamer
Diana-N-Link's Cameron
Dianadane's the Duke of Earl
(M) 08/10/1978
WE165567; Black

Diana-N-Link's Cameron
Dianadane's Shady Lady Xanadu
(F) 10/13/1981
WF057480; Black
Diana-N-Link's Just Once V-Lee
(F) 02/09/1985
Lee Diamond Chelsea Vwiedane
(F) 02/09/1985
WF793781; Black
Lee's Diana-N-Link You're the One
WF861071; Black
Am CH Leedane's Club MacKenzie
(M) 02/09/1985
Leedane's Rock'n Roll By Seeger
WF902835; Black
Am CH Leedanes' Gwtws' Rhett Butler
(M) 05/29/1986
Leedanes' Kari on With Ease
(F) 05/29/1986
Lees Kodiak Rambo Michaeldan
Am CH Link's April Love V Othello
WE872209; Black
Diana-Link's Visa V Sounda
(F) 08/29/1986
WF923356; Black
Diana-N-Link's Blue Crystal
(F) 02/09/1985
WF823320; Blue
Am CH Diana-N-Link's Chances R
(F) 07/25/1984
WF711606; Black
Diana-N-Link's Chances R Sharif
(M) 07/25/1984
WG139636; Black
Diana-N-Link's Fantasy In Black
CH Diana-N-Link's Foolish Heart
(F) 02/04/1985
WF711605; Black
Diana-N-Link's II
(F) 07/25/1984
Diana-N-Link's Lady Candice
(F) 02/10/1985
WF725394; Black
CH Diana-N-Link's Thunder Lips
Diana-N-Link's Toby
(F) 02/10/1985
WG058149; Black
Link Pappyjack of Deer Run
WF661638; Blue
Wh's Twilyn's Spring Witch
(F) 11/25/1982
Pasha's Blu Miss Trimm
WB522263; Blue
Pasha's Blu Baybee CD
WB619004; Blue
Pasha's Blu Chester
WC185703; Blue
Rocking Horse's Blue Baron
(M) 07/14/1974
WD102421; Blue / White
Blue Rebel Too
WE783656; Blue
Beck's Shining Star
WE853760; Blue
Rocking Horse's Baroness
(F) 02/05/1979
WE263248; Blue
Rocking Horse's Blu Admiral
(M) 06/07/1978
WE847473; Blue
Rocking Horses Diplomate
(M) 06/23/1981
WE937464; Blue
Tommy's Blue Baroness
WF500862; Blue
Rocking Horse's Blu Sparkler
(F) 08/13/1977
WE032250; Blue
V Stelz's Blu Sparkler Jecamo
(F) 03/11/1979
Von Stelz's Assain V Jecamo
(M) 03/11/1979
; Black
Rocking Horse's Blue Destiny
(F) 11/05/1977
WE019678; Blue
D Mc's Desiring in Blue
(F) 05/22/1983
Rocking Horse's Blue Korina
(F) 02/06/1977
WD678942; Blue
Rocking Horse's Blue Olympia
(F) 03/03/1978
WE020862; Blue
Rocking Horse's Blue Sasha
(F) 11/05/1977
WE235789; Blue
Rocking Horses Diplomate
(M) 06/23/1981
WE937464; Blue
Rocking Horse's Clyde
(M) 02/21/1979
WF397300; Blue
Beck's Lovelady
WF422237; Blue
Pasha's Tingaling San Carley
WC180785; Blue
Am CH Ofi Kabom Wauri Ramsome
(M) 11/18/1975
WD279996; Black / White

Cher D'Lite Blu A' Bleu San Carly
(F) 01/19/1980
WE643087; Blue
Oak Hill Abigail My Valentine
WF915302; Blue
Oak Hill's Blue Christmas
(F) 07/25/1986
WF887187; Blue
Cher D'Lite Sinbad Hassan
(M) 01/19/1980
WE614282; Blue
D-Danes Sarah Lee Chiles
Michaeldane's Blu Rdg Jordache
(M) 06/08/1982
WF500651; Blue
Michaeldane's Blue Knight
(M) 07/19/1982
WF294684; Blue
Michaeldn Blu RDG Silver Fox
(F) 07/19/1982
Cher D'Lite Sonia Von Alaric
() 01/19/1980
WE574496; Blue
Cher D-Lite Gusto
Donethl's Taharga Nubian K
Am CH Michaeldane's Touch of Class
(M) 03/23/1978
WE038467; Blue
Bethcourt the Chairman's Lady
Bluestones Misty Morn Wilowrn CDX
(F) 06/19/1979
CH Jack Daniel's Blue Label
Tasha Misty Blue II
Wiedane T's Royal Tanzanite
(F) 11/15/1982
WF343030; Blue
Wiedane Tc's Smokey Bandit
(M) 11/15/1982
WF343031; Blue
Wiedanes Blue Pride and Joy
(F) 01/18/1984
Wiedanes Sir Eric Kristopher
(M) 11/15/1982
WF320853; Blue
Am CH Wiedanes T-C A-Jax
(M) 11/15/1982
WF334644; Blue
Michaldane Star of Blu Ridge
Venus's Nilek Von Alaric
Can Ch San Carley's Black Velvet
WD379057; Black

Am CH San Carley's Ringo Starr
(M) 11/18/1975
WD327051; Black

Dianadane Black Daniel
(M) 08/10/1978
Dianadane Me and My Shadow
Dianadane's the Duke of Earl
(M) 08/10/1978
WE165567; Black
Diana-N-Link's Cameron
Dianadane's Shady Lady Xanadu
(F) 10/13/1981
WF057480; Black
Am CH Link's April Love V Othello
WE872209; Black
Wh's Twilyn's Spring Witch
(F) 11/25/1982
Diamant Bleu of Champlain
; Blue
Am CH Darce's Shaka of Champlain
(M) 04/07/1984
WF653643; Black
Darce's Sieraleon V Champlain
(F) 01/26/1989
Stardust Towbe of Champlain
(M) 01/26/1989
WG276526; Blue
Glorilane Silent Shadow
(M) 11/28/1977
Glorilane Sybil's Shameon
; Black
Mollen's Black Spot
Naissant Bleu of Champlain
(F) 07/07/1982
Ashanti of Champlain
Willowrun's Taste of Chmplain
(M) 10/20/1986
WG004710; Blue
CH Ringo's Arabesque of Miramor
(M) 06/15/1979
Rhineskeller's Rhaeanne CD
Ringo's Marmaduke of Miramor
San Carley's Black Magic
CH Winhurst Trace of Farah
; Black
Haltmeier's Th' Beef Ebonblu
(F) 11/28/1983
WF828600; Blue
Am CH Winhurst Joshua J Justice
(M) 06/12/1982
WF352337; Black
Winhurst Ninja of Linicks
(M) 06/12/1982
CH Winhurst Tressa Fay
(F) 06/12/1982
Am & Mex Ch Sancarley's Black Velvet
(M) 11/18/1975
WD379057; Black
Bell's Black Lady Luck
(F) 01/09/1979
WE321914; Black
Bell's Dark Scandal
(F) 12/24/1981
WF115767; Black
Bell's Crystal Blu' Persuasion
(F) 01/09/1979
Bell's Ebony Joy
WE239503; Black / White
Bell's Blue Mandy
(F) 05/24/1981
Am CH Bell's Gen Sherman In Blue
(M) 05/24/1981
WE972753; Blue
Bell's Elijah Blu
(M) 01/09/1979
WE198553; Blue
Bell's Bluberi Patch
Bell's Dark Scandal
(F) 12/24/1981
WF115767; Black
Sir Spriggins Warlock
(M) 10/23/1982
Chauffeured's Amy of Troop K
(F) 02/22/1982
Chauffeured's Emissary
Am CH Chauffeured's Evita Beroe
(F) 02/22/1982
WF136149; Harlequin
Chauffeured's Brittania
(F) 10/12/1985
Am CH Chauffeured's S Valente
(M) 10/12/1985
WF785867; Harlequin
CH Chauffeured's Valente
Chauffeured's Shades of Riko
(F) 02/22/1982
Riko's Colossus
(M) 04/16/1986
CH Crestwood's Black Magic
WE571282; Black
Fannidane's Smokey
Crestwood's Dos Equis V Jecamo
(M) 02/19/1980
Dianadane Shady Lady Othello
(F) 03/07/1980
Dianadane's Shady Lady Xanadu
(F) 10/13/1981
WF057480; Black
Jazz II
(M) 06/14/1980
Artic Blu's Blue Max
(M) 11/06/1981
Jecamo's Bohemia
WE720804; Black
Am CH Jecamo's Pieces of Eight
WF051711; Black
Am CH Jecamos' Devil Docga V Davlin
(F) 01/20/1978
WE138871; Black
Docga's Howdy Rowdy V Jecamo
(M) 11/14/1980
Docga's Last Call Jecamo
(F) 11/14/1980
Docga's She's Fast Fanny Jecamo
(F) 11/14/1980
J-Lo's Amooka V Docga
(F) 11/14/1980
WE785771; Black
Jecamo's Cappuccino Divino
(F) 11/14/1980
Jecamo's Guinness
Jecamos' Cappuccino di Vino
(F) 11/14/1980
Jecamos' Riverwind Docga
WE883810; Black
Shatten's Blk Mariah V Jecamo
(F) 11/14/1980
Michaldn Blurg Gigi V Jecamo
WE547862; Black
Michaeldane's Blue Knight
(M) 07/19/1982
WF294684; Blue
Night Pharah's Blue Bayou
Greystoke of Blueridge
(M) 08/24/1984
WF605190; Blue
Odyssey's Marmaduke V Jecamo
(M) 10/02/1979
WE441250; Black
Odyssey's Gemini von Aztec
(F) 11/30/1985
WF795847; Black
Odyssey's Genesis Von Aztec
(F) 11/30/1985
Odyssey's Nikie v Marmaduke CDX
WF091701; Merle
Odyssey's Syphert's Lady Sasha
Sulton Son of Pharah
(M) 05/06/1980
WE713160; Blue
Brandon's Blue Magic
(F) 12/02/1981
Sulton's Blue Sabrina
(F) 12/02/1981
WF059606; Blue wh chest
V Stelz's Blu Sparkler Jecamo
(F) 03/11/1979
Von Stelz's Assain V Jecamo
(M) 03/11/1979
; Black
Z-Dane's Ms. Kizzy V Davis
(F) 01/29/1980
Bardane's Man In Black
(M) 09/09/1982
WF321598; Black
Bardane's Touch Me With Magic
(F) 06/13/1985
Gloridane Deja Vu V Hauerdane
Pasha's Blu N'tasha V Connaught
Pasha's Markus Von Riverwood
(M) 05/11/1969
WB424153; Blue
La Dolce Zita Von Riverwood
; Blue
Leah Von Riverwood
(F) 03/26/1972
WC579772; Blue
My Lady Jodie Von Riverwood
(F) 02/28/1975
WD248837; Blue
Jubilees Jackson V Riverwood
(M) 02/22/1977
WD676115; Black
Krosskey's Fruitcake
Jubilees Jamie Von Riverwood
(F) 02/22/1977
WD659944; Black
Jubilees Jem V Riverwood CD
(F) 02/22/1977
WD775918; Black
CH Vince's Piece of the Rock
Rosh of Schnackenberg Farms
(M) 12/03/1982
Sapphire Corrina Chan
(F) 08/18/1971
WC8333; Blue
Chan's Blue Pearl V D Dunharrow
Cytherian B.P. Mystique v Chan
(F) 02/16/1973
; Blue
Cyterian's Anastasa
Tanalorn's Maximus Super
(M) 01/02/1979
WE516217; Black
Witchcraft's Noble Countess
(F) 01/25/1975
WD111489; Black
Witchcraft's Blau Broom Hilda
(F) 11/06/1976
WD638174; Blue
Witchcraft's Duchess Zarina
(F) 02/12/1979
WE511333; Blue
Princess Thyra Mooshine
(F) 10/16/1980
WE827276; Blue
Witchcraft's Noble Sir Cedric
(M) 01/25/1975
WD111490; Black
Witchcraft's Madame Medusa
(F) 02/02/1977
WE014689; Blue
Landrums Darth Vader Villain
(M) 04/13/1980
WE610458; Black
CH Cylon's Blue Ambracia
(F) 04/17/1985
Cylon's Captain Thor
(M) 12/02/1983
San Roques Rhythm N Blues
(F) 01/09/1987
WF965603; Blue
T-S Alexis of Oak Meadow
(F) 02/22/1986
Am & Mex Ch Taresas Final Conquest
(F) 06/01/1983
WF420146; Black
Starphire Sabrina Riverwood
WB914322; Blue
Blu Spitfire Von Witchcraft
WC834845; Blue
Foxfire T-C Moonshine Gypsy
(F) 05/19/1980
WE693630; Black
Rogue's Original Sin
(F) 08/17/1987
WG047876; Blue
Etars Guilt By Association
(M) 01/12/1991
Etars Stonehenge Controversy
(F) 04/24/1989
Roque's Original Sin
(F) 08/17/1988
I Believe In Magic Witchcraft
(F) 04/28/1974
CH Z-Dane's Afternoon Delight
(F) 01/12/1979
WE368857; Blue

Lemils Intrepid Tess
(F) 01/23/1984
Am CH Lemils Investment In Black
(M) 01/23/1984
Lemils Just Delightful
(F) 08/02/1984
WF632329; Blue
Lemils Just In Time
(M) 08/02/1984
Z-Dane's Country Club Ms Spirit
(F) 05/20/1976
Pheona von Witchcraft
(F) 04/28/1974
WC834842; Blue
Witchcrafts Baron Moonwulf
(M) 11/15/1976
WD655790; Blue
Princess Thyra Mooshine
(F) 10/16/1980
WE827276; Blue
Laurado's Blue Casanova
(M) 03/09/1984
WF667390; Blue
Sirena von Witchcraft
; Blue
Witchcraft I Believe In Magic
Starphire's Khan Von Riverwood
Witchcrafts Tara v Riverwood CD
(F) 08/18/1971
WC522338; Blue
Hathaway's Daisy Jane
WD470959; Blue / White
Deliala of Senn Farms
WD859137; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Tommy's Blue Baroness
WF500862; Blue
Samson of Senn Farms
WD859138; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Tommy's Blue Baroness
WF500862; Blue
Haynar von Witchcraft
(M) 03/10/1974
WC776290; Blue
Hathaway's Daisy Jane
WD470959; Blue / White
Deliala of Senn Farms
WD859137; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Samson of Senn Farms
WD859138; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Taylors Blue Eyed Duke
WD493082; Blue / White
Deliala of Senn Farms
WD859137; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Samson of Senn Farms
WD859138; Blue
Solitare of Senn Farms
(F) 12/22/1980
WE859104; Blue / White
Witchcraft's Onyx Talisman
(M) 02/13/1975
WD111453; Black
Witchcraft's Darth Vader
(M) 09/24/1978
WE251030; Black
Landrums Darth Vader Villain
(M) 04/13/1980
WE610458; Black
CH Cylon's Blue Ambracia
(F) 04/17/1985
Cylon's Captain Thor
(M) 12/02/1983
San Roques Rhythm N Blues
(F) 01/09/1987
WF965603; Blue
T-S Alexis of Oak Meadow
(F) 02/22/1986
Am & Mex Ch Taresas Final Conquest
(F) 06/01/1983
WF420146; Black
Witchcraft's Duchess Zarina
(F) 02/12/1979
WE511333; Blue
Princess Thyra Mooshine
(F) 10/16/1980
WE827276; Blue
Laurado's Blue Casanova
(M) 03/09/1984
WF667390; Blue
Witchcrafts Baron Moonwulf
(M) 11/15/1976
WD655790; Blue
Princess Thyra Mooshine
(F) 10/16/1980
WE827276; Blue
Laurado's Blue Casanova
(M) 03/09/1984
WF667390; Blue
Zargon von Witchcraft
() 03/10/1974
; Blue