Algwynne Sole Serenade
(F) 04/24/1990 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Algwynne the Highlander
(M) 04/24/1990 ; Fawn
Ansets Soul Man
(M) 12/18/1993 ;
Ansets Soul Sister of Algwynne
(F) 12/18/1993 0674CH; Fawn
Algwynne Distant Echo at Kornerbrook
(F) 11/25/1998 ;
Ansets Soul Trader of Algwynne
(M) 12/18/1993 ;
Kenex Geordie Boy
(M) 04/08/1997 ;
Dardanus Indiana Legend
(M) ;
Dardanus Ocean of Dreams at Jadeinare
(F) 11/23/2005 ; Fawn
Jadeinare's One And Only
(M) ;
Dardanus Unique Style
(F) 08/30/2000 ; Fawn
Dardanus Crystal D' Ainay
(F) ;
Dardanus Steel The Thunder
(M) 10/20/2007 ; Fawn
Tandy Bell Ring Ding
(F) ;
Dardanus San Deiago Heat
(M) 05/31/2001 ; Fawn
Dardanus Crystal D' Ainay
(F) ;
Danesworld Vesta Flame
(F) 01/12/2004 ;
Tonesfield Beth of Harringdane
(F) 03/19/1998 ; Fawn
Can Ch Harringdane Princess of Roses CD PCD
(F) LN741715;
Tonesfield Blossom
(F) 03/19/1998 ;
Tonesfield Limited Edition
(F) 08/28/1999 ;
Tonesfield The Reverand
(M) 08/28/1999 ; Fawn
Tonesfield Glitter N Glory For Dardanus
(F) ;
Dardanus Ocean of Dreams at Jadeinare
(F) 11/23/2005 ; Fawn
Jadeinare's One And Only
(M) ;
Tonesfield Regal Tribute For Dardanus
(M) ;
Dardanus Steel The Thunder
(M) 10/20/2007 ; Fawn
Ohdinsrhune Frances Smith
(F) ;
Diamondanes Fabia For Soupury
(F) 05/08/2007 3798CT; Fawn
Diamondanes Ruby Tuesday
(F) 05/08/2007 ; Fawn
Duke of Marlene
(M) ; Fawn
Ansets Soul Woman
(F) 12/18/1993 ; Fawn
Ansets Society Girl
(F) ; Fawn
Ansets the Jazz Queen of Jaydania
(F) 02/18/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Jacobs Creek To Alvenor
(M) 03/29/2004 ; Fawn
Alvenor the Foresters Arms
(M) 12/28/2006 ; Fawn
Jaydania Juicy Fruit
(F) 03/29/2004 ;
Ansets Strike a Pose
(F) ;
Ansets Railroader
(M) ; Fawn
Ansets Foreign Affair
(F) ;
Ansets Rising Spray
(F) ;
Ansets the Ram Raider
(M) 12/18/1993 ;
Eleeta Masterplan
(M) 09/10/1994 ;
Meerdyke Mystique
(F) 12/17/1995 ; Fawn
Endroma Scottish Mist
(F) 06/19/1993 ; Fawn
Miss Blondi at Clumbadane
(F) 07/31/1997 ;
Endroma Young Pretender
(M) 06/19/1993 4034CE;
Algwynne Distant Echo at Kornerbrook
(F) 11/25/1998 ;
Danemoor Little Dove
(F) ;
Danemoor Hot Gossip at Dornoir JW
(F) 07/17/1998 ; Fawn
Dornoir Special News
(F) 10/10/2002 ; Fawn
Dornoir Tostig
(M) 11/05/2004 ;
Danemoor Miss Congeniality
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Danemoor Say It With Flowers
(F) 07/17/1998 ;
Danemoor Gold'n Delicious
(F) 05/23/2003 ; Fawn
Danemoor Amethyst at Droolakiss
(F) 09/20/2007 ; Fawn
Danemoor Appellina By Dinahtron
(F) 09/20/2007 ;
Danemoor Arbella
(F) 09/20/2007 ;
Danemoor Armani
(M) 09/20/2007 ; Fawn
Danemoor Persian Spice
(F) 10/08/1997 ;
Danemoor Going for Gold
(M) 08/16/2000 ; Fawn
Danemoor Clarice Cliff
(F) ;
Danemoor Miss Congeniality
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Danemoor Fields of Gold
(M) 03/30/2004 ; Fawn
Danemoor Mata Hari
(F) 05/02/2002 ;
Charlotte Rose of Teeseedane
(F) 05/06/2004 ; Fawn
Teeseedane Just Matilda
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Teeseedane Truly Alvenia
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Danemoor Gold'n Delicious
(F) 05/23/2003 ; Fawn
Danemoor Amethyst at Droolakiss
(F) 09/20/2007 ; Fawn
Danemoor Appellina By Dinahtron
(F) 09/20/2007 ;
Danemoor Arbella
(F) 09/20/2007 ;
Danemoor Armani
(M) 09/20/2007 ; Fawn
Danemoor Lostris
(F) 10/24/2004 ; Black
Danemoor Black Prince
(M) 07/28/2009 ; Black
Danemoor Secret Love
(F) 01/11/2002 ; Black
Pendayne Hellena From Tasdania
(F) 09/10/2002 ;
Pendayne Perephone
(F) ; Brindle
Danemoor Rob Roy
(M) 10/08/1997 ;
Endroma Diablo
(M) 09/12/1998 ;
Endroma Lady Katrine of Danemoor
(F) 06/15/1998 ; Fawn
Danemoor Clarice Cliff
(F) ;
Danemoor Miss Congeniality
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Danemoor Perkin
(M) 10/20/2010 ;
Danemoor Tancred
(M) 10/20/2010 ;
Danemoor Fields of Gold
(M) 03/30/2004 ; Fawn
Danemoor Mata Hari
(F) 05/02/2002 ;
Endroma Sweet Promises For Enydan
(F) WS04216601;
Asbury KRW Classic Cut By Enydan
(M) 04/12/2003 WS04395406; Fawn
Enydan Fully Loaded
(M) 01/13/2005 WS12184604; Fawn
Am CH Enydan Total Eclipse
(F) 01/13/2005 WS12184601;
Enydan Whoom There It Is
(F) 01/13/2005 WS12184603;
Asbury KRW Classical Rose
(F) 05/27/2004 WS08933403; Fawn
Asbury KRW Lily of the Valley
(M) 05/27/2004 WS08933405;
Enydan Asburykrw Classic Promise
(F) 04/12/2003 WS04395405; Fawn
Asbury Au Natural For Enydan
(F) 03/03/2006 WS16900401; Fawn
Asbury Rumour Has ItStripes R In v Winterwood
(F) 01/28/2009 WS29247502; Brindle
Asbury V Jerdans Top Traces of Gold
(F) 03/06/2008 WS25443801;
Asbury's V Bhat's Indian Idol V Winterwood
(M) 01/28/2009 WS29247507; Fawn
Winterwood's Romance Man V Asbury
(M) 01/28/2009 WS29247501; Brindle
Asbury KRW Classic Piper Cub
(F) 06/03/2005 WS13631303; Fawn
Am CH Asbury's Valter's Top Gun
(M) 03/03/2006 WS16900404; Fawn
Valter's Espresso Yourself
(M) 01/05/2008 WS24439107;
AsburyKRW Classic Cargo
(M) 06/03/2005 WS13631302;
Enydan Walk right in
(F) 04/12/2003 ;
Enydan Designed By Dinahtron
(F) 03/05/2007 WS21640604; Fawn
Enydan N Asbury Made You Luke
(M) 03/05/2007 WS21640602; Fawn
Enydan Pistols N Posies
(F) 03/05/2007 WS21640601; Fawn
Enydan Stand N Delvier V Jacoby
(M) 03/24/2006 WS16749301;
Endroma The Maverick
(M) 09/12/1998 ; Fawn
Kirksea Beachwell
(M) 12/30/1999 ;
Kirksea Star of the East
(F) 12/30/1999 ;
Enydan Pure Perfection
(F) ;
Enydan All That Jazz
(F) 10/07/2002 WR07457801; Fawn
Enydan Me Myself And I
(F) 03/23/2007 WS21860001; Fawn
Enydan Fully Loaded
(M) 01/13/2005 WS12184604; Fawn
Enydan Posin' til Closin'
(M) 10/07/2002 WR07457803; Fawn
Enydan Stand N Delvier V Jacoby
(M) 03/24/2006 WS16749301;
Am CH Enydan Total Eclipse
(F) 01/13/2005 WS12184601;
Enydan Whoom There It Is
(F) 01/13/2005 WS12184603;
Enydan Wind Dancer
(F) 10/07/2002 WR07457806;
Edisto's Osceola
(M) 10/30/2005 WS16951201; Fawn
Rinks Mtn Lowcountry Girl By Edisto
(F) 11/01/2006 WS19899804;
Enydan Spirit of Love
(M) 10/19/1998 ; Fawn
Alahmax Spirit of Adventure Via Oaxaca
(M) 02/02/2002 ; Fawn
Alahmax Spirit Of Freedom Via Oaxaca
(M) 02/02/2002 ; Fawn
Alahmax Spirit of Hope
(M) 02/02/2002 ; Fawn
Norsef Nuff Said
(F) ; Fawn
Norsef Our Dream Girl
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Expressive
(F) 10/08/1993 ;
Primus Above And Beyond
(M) 05/21/1996 ; Brindle
Primus Herself
(F) ; Brindle
Purewell I'M Filo
(M) 10/25/1993 ; Fawn
Somersham Drummer Boy at Ansets
(M) 11/11/1994 ; Fawn
Ansets Sticky Money at Daykonea
(F) ;
Daykonea Calamity Jane
(F) 09/07/1999 4380CM; Fawn
Daykonea Jesse James
(M) 09/07/1999 ;
Ben of Zehn at Louarne
(M) 05/25/1990 ;
Chip Off the Old Block at Louarne
(M) 02/20/1993 ;
Louarne The Enchantress
(F) ;
Adreana Caution To The Wind
(M) ;
Miss Bateman of Graconste
(F) ;
Graconste Atlantic Fire From Tawnybrae
(F) ;
Tawnybrae Three Against One at Iluvadane
(F) 07/27/2009 ;
Tawnybrae Three Times A Lady
(F) 07/27/2009 ; Fawn
Tawnybrae Tri Ma Best For Dinahtron
(M) 07/27/2009 4533CW; Fawn
Tawnybrae Tri To Dream
(M) 07/27/2009 ; Fawn
Ir Ch Graconste Lady Gragious
(F) 03/04/2004 ;
Granconste Where is The Love
(F) ;
Grancoste Spring Snowdrop To Kellsiskey
(F) ;
Andreana Caution to the Wind
(M) ;
Gillian Blades
(F) ;
Charlotte Rose of Teeseedane
(F) 05/06/2004 ; Fawn
Teeseedane Just Matilda
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Teeseedane Truly Alvenia
(F) 06/03/2006 ; Fawn
Louarne The Entrepreneur at Danewood
(M) 11/08/1994 ;
Alli Desire ar Dangerpoint
(F) 05/31/1997 ;
Danewood Power of Love
(F) 02/20/1993 ;
Geofphildane Lady Madonna
(F) 09/07/1989 ; Fawn
Geofphildane Naughty'n Nice
(F) 03/02/1992 ;
Geofphildane Free'N Nice
(F) 09/19/1994 ; Fawn
Geofphildane Perfek Choice
(F) 10/02/1996 ; Fawn
Geofphildane Freedoms Boy
(M) 12/24/1996 ;
Geofphildane Nice'n Free
(F) 12/24/1996 ;
Geofphildane Real McCoy
(M) 09/19/1994 ; Fawn
Jofidanehay Eeze Brass
(M) 04/07/1997 ;
Geofphildane Talk of Town With Aldacoll
(F) 03/02/1992 ; Fawn
Jafrak Out For the Count
(M) 04/13/1990 ;
Lorriedale Piston Broke
(M) 10/13/1989 ;
Lorriedale President Elect at Valest
(M) 10/13/1989 ;
Valest Jennifer Flowers
(F) 10/28/1992 ;
Lorriedale the Legend
(M) 10/13/1989 0390CB; Fawn
Luke Held to ransom by Elleyenda
(M) 06/26/1993 ; Fawn
Elleyenda High Priestess
(F) 12/12/1994 ;
Primus Fatal Attraction
(F) 02/24/1989 ;
Primus Rough and Tumble
(M) 02/24/1989 ; Fawn
Dark Crusade
(M) ;
Elsa's girl
(F) 05/21/1994 ; Black
Perfect Raven at Primus
(F) ;
Primus Back Chat at Dinahtron
(F) ;
Dinahtron Supergirl To Internos
(F) ;
Dinahtron Winston
(M) ;
Primus Cafe Noir
(F) ;
Primus Benedict
(M) 02/09/2005 ;
Primus Jargon of Ranaldane
(M) ;
Primus Checkmate
(M) ;
Johnswood Megarich Boy
(M) 07/02/1991 ;
Lanleadane's Rough Justice
(M) 05/17/1990 2697CB; Fawn
Adelphi Evening Star of Croftdane
(M) 08/14/1994 ;
Adelphi Pharaoh's Lad
(M) ;
Flame of Desire
(F) 06/11/1997 ; Fawn
Tutti Fruity Avec Repsac
(F) ;
Repsac Commando
(M) 10/15/2003 ; Fawn
Crisselka Just Before Dawn at Verobindanes
(F) 04/01/1992 ; Blue
Verobindanes Going Alone
(M) 10/16/1995 ;
Crisselka Justin Thyme
(M) 04/01/1992 ;
Lanleadanes Black Sensation
(F) ; Black
Dinahtron Bedazzled
(F) 06/12/2002 ; Blue
Stegill Dynamic Detective
(M) 02/15/2006 ;
Dinahtron Born Yesterday
(F) 12/13/1999 ; Blue
Cantsfield Albarino
(M) 11/19/2001 1770CQ; Blue
Dinahtron Dont Look Back With Dainwood
(F) ;
Dainwood New Story
(M) ;
Dainwood Steele Dawn
(F) 05/21/2004 ;
Dainwood's Bowmore Black
(F) 03/01/2011 ;
Dainwood's Prime Blue
(F) 03/01/2011 ;
Dinahtron Trueman
(M) ;
Davigail Lady Penelope
(F) ;
Azure Princess
(F) ;
Perfect Blue at Clannalba
(M) 01/01/2008 1216CV; Blue
Davigail Midsummer Blue
(M) ;
Jildadanes Blue Lad
(M) 05/06/2007 ;
Jildadanes Little Miracle
(F) ;
Davigail Star Chaser
() ;
Droolakiss Ocean of Dreams
(F) 03/20/2009 ; Blue
Dinahtron Blue Print
(F) 06/07/2003 ; Blue
Dorhan Anneddaday
(F) 04/05/2005 ; Blue
Dinahtron Destined For Ravendane
(M) ;
Ravendane Red Rum
(M) 04/14/2006 AG02287701; Blue
Dinahtron In Carbon
(F) ;
Rotherdale's Nightingale
(F) ;
Rotherdale's Woodlark of Munslamb
(M) ;
Rotherdales Blue Cinders
(F) 12/16/2007 ; Blue
Dornoir Fiall
(F) 05/31/2007 ; Blue
Dornoir Maeve by Dinahtron
(F) 05/31/2007 ;
Dinahtron First Lady Via Culseandanes
(F) 02/27/2012 ;
Dinahtron Lady Luck From Dornoir
(F) 02/27/2012 ; Blue
Dinahtron Money Man For Primus
(M) 02/27/2012 ;
Jengorz Black Majic
(M) 07/31/2001 ; Black
Lanleadanes Black Velvet
(F) ; Black
Baroncroft Pure Lady
(F) 11/10/1999 ; Harlequin
Kenmilltri Saturn
(M) ;
Phoenix Dreamwalker
(F) 12/30/2005 ; Harlequin
Vandabry the Warlord
(M) 07/15/1991 ; Fawn
Master of the Game at Brendaneji
(M) 04/08/1995 ;
Vandabry Here Again at Jarama
(M) 04/17/1995 ; Brindle
Vandabry the Magican
(M) ;
Dame Hectorina of Two Brooks
(F) 10/04/1997 ; Fawn
Thomas of Mercers Creek
(M) 11/11/2000 ;
Lyndew's Fancy Me at Ravendane
(F) 11/20/1991 ; Fawn
Ravendane Aonach Beag
(F) ;
Ravendane Enya
(F) 09/26/1997 ;
Ravendane Nightshade
(F) 09/29/1999 ;
Ravendane Total Eclipse @ Machamore
() 09/27/1999 ;
Machamore Alloa
(F) ; Black
Primus Blue Connextion
(F) 04/14/1992 1853CD; Blue
Davigail Connex With Lanleadane
(F) 12/05/1993 ; Blue
Lanleadanes Black Sensation
(F) ; Black
Dinahtron Bedazzled
(F) 06/12/2002 ; Blue
Stegill Dynamic Detective
(M) 02/15/2006 ;
Dinahtron Born Yesterday
(F) 12/13/1999 ; Blue
Cantsfield Albarino
(M) 11/19/2001 1770CQ; Blue
Dinahtron Dont Look Back With Dainwood
(F) ;
Dainwood New Story
(M) ;
Dainwood Steele Dawn
(F) 05/21/2004 ;
Dinahtron Trueman
(M) ;
Davigail Lady Penelope
(F) ;
Davigail Midsummer Blue
(M) ;
Davigail Star Chaser
() ;
Dinahtron Blue Print
(F) 06/07/2003 ; Blue
Dinahtron Destined For Ravendane
(M) ;
Dinahtron In Carbon
(F) ;
Dornoir Fiall
(F) 05/31/2007 ; Blue
Dornoir Maeve by Dinahtron
(F) 05/31/2007 ;
Jengorz Black Majic
(M) 07/31/2001 ; Black
Lanleadanes Black Velvet
(F) ; Black
Baroncroft Pure Lady
(F) 11/10/1999 ; Harlequin
Kenmilltri Saturn
(M) ;
Primus Change The Plot
(F) ; Black
Primus Melody
(F) ;
Primus Demmie at Chancemajor
() 07/09/2006 ;
Primus One and Only
(F) ; Blue
Davigail Midsummer Blue
(M) ;
Jildadanes Blue Lad
(M) 05/06/2007 ;
Jildadanes Little Miracle
(F) ;
Davigail My Kind of Girl
(F) ;
Davigail Lady Penelope
(F) ;
Davigail Star Chaser
() ;
Jengorz Black Majic
(M) 07/31/2001 ; Black
Primus Blue Illusion at Nulikim
() 07/01/2001 ; Blue
Primus Dolly Daydream to Fendane
(F) ; Blue
Fendane Dark Noir
(M) 08/12/2003 ; Black
Primus Connects With Luck
(F) 12/12/1994 ; Black
Jaster Mereel
(M) ;
Perfect Raven at Primus
(F) ;
Primus Back Chat at Dinahtron
(F) ;
Primus Cafe Noir
(F) ;
Primus Checkmate
(M) ;
Luke Skywalker
(M) ;
Jaster Mereel
(M) ;
Perfect Raven at Primus
(F) ;
Moonlights Legacy of Primus
(F) ;
Primus Abfab
(F) ;
Primus Bobby Dazzler
(F) 08/30/2002 ; Blue
Moonlights Legacy of Primus
(F) ;
Primus Abfab
(F) ;
Feeling Royal
(F) ;
Primus Bobby Dazzler
(F) 08/30/2002 ; Blue
Princess Irulan
(F) 09/03/1996 ; Black
Cantsfield Temperanillo
(M) ;
Cantsfield Albarino
(M) 11/19/2001 1770CQ; Blue
Cantsfield Bibi Dahl Ohdinsrhune
(F) 10/06/2003 ; Black
Feeling Royal
(F) ;
Primus Double Edge
(M) ;
Primus Play the Odds
(F) 04/09/1990 ;
Primus Strength to Strength to Enydelet
(M) 03/31/1992 ; Fawn
Enydelet Return to Sherwood at Morgemma
(F) 06/09/1993 ;
Morgemma Bethan
(F) 01/20/1997 ;
Morgemma Llewellyn
(M) 01/20/1997 ;
Morgemma Myfawny at Great Easton
(F) 01/20/1997 ; Fawn
Great Easton Big Game
(M) 06/15/1999 ;
Morgemma Penny Arcade
(F) ;
Pawtastic Leanonme UK Connection
(M) ; Fawn
Pawtastic Light Bringer
(M) 06/05/2003 ; Fawn
Pawtastic Oversea's 'N Enydelet
(F) 06/05/2003 ; Fawn
Morgemma The Hitman
(M) 12/17/1995 ; Fawn
Dicarl For All Seasons
(M) 07/12/1997 ; Fawn
Dicarl New Dawn of Enydelet
(F) ; Fawn
Can Ch Enydelet Codot
(F) ;
Can Ch Enydelet Eclipse
(M) ; Fawn
Enydelet Middaymoon
(F) 08/11/1999 ; Fawn
Enydelet Mooncast
(M) 08/11/1999 ;
Enydelet State of the Art
(F) ;
Dicarl She's A Dare
(F) ; Fawn
Cherrag Ess See
(F) 03/10/1999 ; Fawn
Cherrag Jaybee
(F) 03/10/1999 ;
Dicarl Cherished Red
(M) ; Fawn
Dicarl Don't Look Back
(F) ;
Enydelet Return to Strength at Jaydania
(F) 06/09/1993 ; Fawn
Jaydania Double Time
(F) 02/18/1995 ;
Jaydania Memory Lane at Knypedane
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Light With Ansets
(M) 03/05/1997 ; Fawn
Ansets the Jazz Queen of Jaydania
(F) 02/18/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Jacobs Creek To Alvenor
(M) 03/29/2004 ; Fawn
Jaydania Juicy Fruit
(F) 03/29/2004 ;
Jaydania Prime Player
(M) 03/05/1997 ;
UK Ch Jaydania Prime Time
(M) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Light With Ansets
(M) 03/05/1997 ; Fawn
Ansets the Jazz Queen of Jaydania
(F) 02/18/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Player
(M) 03/05/1997 ;
Morgemma Penny Arcade
(F) ;
Pawtastic Leanonme UK Connection
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania The Queen Bee For Emaneaz
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Ambition
(F) 11/14/1999 ;
Emaneaz Pure As Can Be
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Cinnamon
(M) ; Fawn
Emaneaz Pure Magic
(M) 11/14/1999 ;
Jaydania Thats Type at Dalanmeg
(F) 02/23/1996 ;
CH Jaydania Time Off
(F) ; Fawn
Jaydania Dream Time
(F) 11/20/1997 2623CK;
Jaydania Alabama
(F) 08/31/2000 0816CM; Fawn
Jaydania Gucci For Dapledan
(F) 09/02/2001 ;
Jaydania Once upon A time
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Ginola
(M) ;
Jaydania Zidane
(F) 11/17/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Power of Time
(M) 11/20/1997 ;
Jaydania Quality Time at Dicarl
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Spitting Image of Primus
(F) 10/14/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Milady
(F) ;
Primus She's The One For Dinahtron
(F) 07/22/2004 ; Fawn
Primus Take a Gamble with Aticnemrac
(M) ;
Jaydania The Time Will Come
(M) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Landobear Hercules at Danex
(M) 04/10/2001 ;
Dicarl Cherished Red
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania Whip Shaft
(M) 10/14/1998 ;
Jaydania Time Up
(F) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Dante
(M) 2621CK; Fawn
Jaydania Its Show Time
(F) 02/01/2000 ;
Jaydania Temptation Time at Vardanel
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Ambition
(F) 11/14/1999 ;
Emaneaz Pure Magic
(M) 11/14/1999 ;
Jaydania Alabama
(F) 08/31/2000 0816CM; Fawn
Jaydania Ginola
(M) ;
Jaydania Zidane
(F) 11/17/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Sinnetta at Ansets
(F) ;
Ansets Foreign Affair
(F) ;
UK Ch Jaydania Time Will Tell
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania A Moment in Time With Eastlight
(F) 12/09/2002 ;
Jaydania Crying Time
(F) ;
Jaydania Doris Day
(F) 08/05/2007 ;
Jaydania Eddie Cochran
(M) 08/05/2007 ;
Jaydania Its Show Time
(F) 02/01/2000 ;
Jaydania the Showoff
(M) 11/30/2003 ; Fawn
Jaydania Rula Rocks
(F) ;
Jaydania Choco Moko
(F) 05/30/2004 ; Fawn
Jaydania Coffee Cream
(F) ;
Jaydania Saving Time of Mydane
(F) 12/09/2002 ; Fawn
Jaydania Temptation Time at Vardanel
(F) ;
Vardanel Morning Victory
(M) ;
Jaydania Time Flys
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania Jacobs Creek To Alvenor
(M) 03/29/2004 ; Fawn
Jaydania Juicy Fruit
(F) 03/29/2004 ;
Jaydania Choco Moko
(F) 05/30/2004 ; Fawn
Jaydania Coffee Cream
(F) ;
Samdice Sweet Child O Mine JW
(M) 02/20/2005 ; Fawn
Stroma Cecilia
(F) 08/01/2006 ; Fawn
Primus Sureshot of Lorriedale
(F) 03/31/1992 3323CD; Fawn
Lorriedale Podium Victory
(M) 10/05/1994 ;
Lorriedale Team Leader of Bengrafton
(F) ;
Bengrafton Benedict
(M) 11/26/1996 ;
Bengrafton Barnabus by Primus
(M) ; Fawn
Primus Yesterday Man
(M) 04/29/2000 ;
Primus By Design
(F) 01/29/2000 ; Fawn
Primus Into The Stars
() 01/29/2000 ; Fawn
Bengrafton Buttons'N Bows By Primus
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Don't Think Twice
(M) ;
Eng Ch Primus Stand and Deliver
(M) 05/19/1988 ; Fawn
Apressenda Forever Amber
(F) 04/11/1992 ;
Apressenda Scales of Justice
(M) 04/11/1992 ;
Eng Ch Darlou Gigolo of Caskayd
(M) 06/25/1991 ;
Narekenda Samba Pa Tl
(F) 02/27/1994 ; Brindle
Narekenda Seconds Out
(M) 02/11/1997 ; Fawn
Narekenda Stained Glass
(F) 02/27/1994 ;
Primus Blast from the Past
(M) 02/23/1993 ; Fawn
Lorriedale Podium Victory
(M) 10/05/1994 ;
Lorriedale Team Leader of Bengrafton
(F) ;
Bengrafton Benedict
(M) 11/26/1996 ;
Bengrafton Barnabus by Primus
(M) ; Fawn
Bengrafton Buttons'N Bows By Primus
(F) ; Fawn
Jaydania Double Time
(F) 02/18/1995 ;
UK Ch Jaydania Prime Time
(M) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Light With Ansets
(M) 03/05/1997 ; Fawn
Ansets the Jazz Queen of Jaydania
(F) 02/18/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Player
(M) 03/05/1997 ;
Morgemma Penny Arcade
(F) ;
Pawtastic Leanonme UK Connection
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania The Queen Bee For Emaneaz
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Ambition
(F) 11/14/1999 ;
Emaneaz Pure As Can Be
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Cinnamon
(M) ; Fawn
Emaneaz Pure Magic
(M) 11/14/1999 ;
CH Jaydania Time Off
(F) ; Fawn
Jaydania Dream Time
(F) 11/20/1997 2623CK;
Jaydania Alabama
(F) 08/31/2000 0816CM; Fawn
Jaydania Gucci For Dapledan
(F) 09/02/2001 ;
Jaydania Once upon A time
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Ginola
(M) ;
Jaydania Zidane
(F) 11/17/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Power of Time
(M) 11/20/1997 ;
Jaydania Quality Time at Dicarl
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Spitting Image of Primus
(F) 10/14/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Milady
(F) ;
Primus She's The One For Dinahtron
(F) 07/22/2004 ; Fawn
Primus Take a Gamble with Aticnemrac
(M) ;
Jaydania The Time Will Come
(M) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Landobear Hercules at Danex
(M) 04/10/2001 ;
Dicarl Cherished Red
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania Whip Shaft
(M) 10/14/1998 ;
Jaydania Time Up
(F) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Dante
(M) 2621CK; Fawn
Jaydania Its Show Time
(F) 02/01/2000 ;
Jaydania Temptation Time at Vardanel
(F) ;
Emaneaz Pure Ambition
(F) 11/14/1999 ;
Emaneaz Pure Magic
(M) 11/14/1999 ;
Jaydania Alabama
(F) 08/31/2000 0816CM; Fawn
Jaydania Ginola
(M) ;
Jaydania Zidane
(F) 11/17/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Sinnetta at Ansets
(F) ;
Ansets Foreign Affair
(F) ;
Primus Catch Your Breath
() ; Fawn
Primus Jack Flash of Deanfield
(M) 08/26/1994 ; Brindle
Primus Seeme Now
(M) 08/26/1994 ; Fawn
Primus Double Edge
(M) ;
Jaydania Memory Lane at Knypedane
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania Thats Type at Dalanmeg
(F) 02/23/1996 ;
UK Ch Jaydania Time Will Tell
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania A Moment in Time With Eastlight
(F) 12/09/2002 ;
Jaydania Crying Time
(F) ;
Jaydania Its Show Time
(F) 02/01/2000 ;
Jaydania Rula Rocks
(F) ;
Jaydania Saving Time of Mydane
(F) 12/09/2002 ; Fawn
Jaydania Temptation Time at Vardanel
(F) ;
Jaydania Time Flys
(M) ; Fawn
Primus Mirror Image
() ; Fawn
Primus Silent Witness
(F) 04/10/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Vision From The Past
(F) ;
Primus Silent Witness
(F) 04/10/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Yesterday Man
(M) 04/29/2000 ;
Primus Echoes of the Past
(F) 02/23/1993 ;
Primus Force From The Past
(M) ; Fawn
Jaydania Spitting Image of Primus
(F) 10/14/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Milady
(F) ;
Primus She's The One For Dinahtron
(F) 07/22/2004 ; Fawn
Primus Take a Gamble with Aticnemrac
(M) ;
Jaydania Whip Shaft
(M) 10/14/1998 ;
Primus Image of The Past
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Legacy From The Past
(M) ; Fawn
Airow Dynamic
(M) 02/10/2001 ; Fawn
Primus Charmfire
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Sweet Talker
(F) ;
Primus Mirror Image
() ; Fawn
Primus Silent Witness
(F) 04/10/1998 ; Fawn
Primus Yesterday Man
(M) 04/29/2000 ;
Primus Recurring Dream of Bengrafton
(F) ;
Bengrafton Barnabus by Primus
(M) ; Fawn
Primus Yesterday Man
(M) 04/29/2000 ;
Primus By Design
(F) 01/29/2000 ; Fawn
Primus Into The Stars
() 01/29/2000 ; Fawn
Bengrafton Buttons'N Bows By Primus
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Don't Think Twice
(M) ;
Primus Vision From The Past
(F) ;
Darlou High Society at Falahall
(F) 06/25/1991 ;
Darlou Me-Darlin
(F) 06/25/1991 ;
Darlou Pearly Queen of Ladymere
(F) ; Brindle
Ladymere Cherokee Brave
(M) 10/02/1995 ;
Zetlyn Naughty By Nature
(M) ;
Jowardane Chowells Lady
(F) ;
Mohos Sneeta
(F) ; Fawn
Ladymere Cherokee Squaw
(F) ; Fawn
Ladymere Red Hot of Aquasulis
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Aquasulis Aesculapius
(M) 11/11/2003 ; Fawn
Aquasulis Bacchus
(M) ; Fawn
Aquasulis Minerva
(F) 11/11/2003 ; Fawn
UK Ch Aquasulis Necessitas
(F) 08/01/2001 ; Fawn
Ladymere Hot News at Merehos
(M) 01/23/1998 ; Fawn
Ladymere Minety of Darlou
(F) ;
Darlou Lords Lady of Ladymere
(F) 06/09/2007 2722CU; Brindle
Ladymere The Leigh For Gillingarra
() 12/23/2004 ; Fawn
Merehos Vanilla Fudge
(F) 08/16/2001 ;
Vavavoom Cherry Oh Baby
(F) 11/02/2003 ;
Ladymere Little Running Bear
(F) 10/02/1995 ; Brindle
Landobear Fiery Fred at Daneworth
() 02/06/1998 ; Brindle
Landobear Gold Thorn
(M) 01/25/1999 ;
Landobear Hercules at Danex
(M) 04/10/2001 ;
Darlou the One and Only at Narekenda
(F) 06/25/1991 ;
Primus Hot Shot
(F) 01/21/1990 ; Fawn
Primus Strength to Strength to Enydelet
(M) 03/31/1992 ; Fawn
Enydelet Return to Sherwood at Morgemma
(F) 06/09/1993 ;
Morgemma Bethan
(F) 01/20/1997 ;
Morgemma Llewellyn
(M) 01/20/1997 ;
Morgemma Myfawny at Great Easton
(F) 01/20/1997 ; Fawn
Great Easton Big Game
(M) 06/15/1999 ;
Morgemma Penny Arcade
(F) ;
Pawtastic Leanonme UK Connection
(M) ; Fawn
Morgemma The Hitman
(M) 12/17/1995 ; Fawn
Dicarl For All Seasons
(M) 07/12/1997 ; Fawn
Dicarl New Dawn of Enydelet
(F) ; Fawn
Dicarl She's A Dare
(F) ; Fawn
Enydelet Return to Strength at Jaydania
(F) 06/09/1993 ; Fawn
Jaydania Double Time
(F) 02/18/1995 ;
Jaydania Memory Lane at Knypedane
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Light With Ansets
(M) 03/05/1997 ; Fawn
Ansets the Jazz Queen of Jaydania
(F) 02/18/1999 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Player
(M) 03/05/1997 ;
UK Ch Jaydania Prime Time
(M) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Light With Ansets
(M) 03/05/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Prime Player
(M) 03/05/1997 ;
Morgemma Penny Arcade
(F) ;
Jaydania The Queen Bee For Emaneaz
(F) ;
Jaydania Thats Type at Dalanmeg
(F) 02/23/1996 ;
CH Jaydania Time Off
(F) ; Fawn
Jaydania Dream Time
(F) 11/20/1997 2623CK;
Jaydania Once upon A time
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Power of Time
(M) 11/20/1997 ;
Jaydania Quality Time at Dicarl
(F) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Spitting Image of Primus
(F) 10/14/1998 ; Fawn
Jaydania The Time Will Come
(M) 11/20/1997 ; Fawn
Jaydania Whip Shaft
(M) 10/14/1998 ;
Jaydania Time Up
(F) 02/18/1995 ; Fawn
Jaydania Dante
(M) 2621CK; Fawn
Jaydania Sinnetta at Ansets
(F) ;
UK Ch Jaydania Time Will Tell
(F) 02/23/1996 ; Fawn
Jaydania A Moment in Time With Eastlight
(F) 12/09/2002 ;
Jaydania Crying Time
(F) ;
Jaydania Its Show Time
(F) 02/01/2000 ;
Jaydania Rula Rocks
(F) ;
Jaydania Saving Time of Mydane
(F) 12/09/2002 ; Fawn
Jaydania Temptation Time at Vardanel
(F) ;
Jaydania Time Flys
(M) ; Fawn
Primus Sureshot of Lorriedale
(F) 03/31/1992 3323CD; Fawn
Lorriedale Podium Victory
(M) 10/05/1994 ;
Lorriedale Team Leader of Bengrafton
(F) ;
Bengrafton Benedict
(M) 11/26/1996 ;
Bengrafton Barnabus by Primus
(M) ; Fawn
Bengrafton Buttons'N Bows By Primus
(F) ; Fawn
Primus Rough And Tuff at Lanleadane
(M) 01/21/1990 ; Brindle
Lanleadane's Seymour of Me
(M) ;
Lord of Rhanoirnwyn
(M) ;
Thomas of Mercers Creek
(M) 11/11/2000 ;
Posy My Beauty
(F) ;
Touch of Radiance
(F) 07/29/1994 ; Fawn
Dame Hectorina of Two Brooks
(F) 10/04/1997 ; Fawn
Thomas of Mercers Creek
(M) 11/11/2000 ;
Primus Jumpback In Time
(M) 05/02/1991 ;
Primus Above And Beyond
(M) 05/21/1996 ; Brindle
Primus Herself
(F) ; Brindle
Davigail Gold Blend
(F) 10/10/1993 ;
Falconbee Out of Time
(M) 07/12/1994 ;
Falconbee Prime Time
(M) ; Fawn
Lynolt First Edition at Dicarl
(F) ; Fawn
Cherrag Chilli Red
(M) ;
Cherrag Solid Red
(M) 01/01/2001 ; Fawn
Sarshan She's My Delight
(F) ;
Sarshan Sarraman
(M) 02/05/2001 ;
Falconbee Time Traveller
(M) 07/12/1994 ;
Primus Passing Time
(F) 11/15/1993 ; Fawn
Primus Herself
(F) ; Brindle
Primus Sign of the Times
(F) 11/15/1993 ;
Primus Catch Your Breath
() ; Fawn
Primus No Limits
(M) 02/19/1991 ;
Primus Rough Diamond
(F) 02/19/1991 ;
Primus Select
(F) 02/19/1991 ;
Vandabry Lady Beatrice
(F) 06/18/1992 ; Brindle
Vandabry Here Again at Jarama
(M) 04/17/1995 ; Brindle
Vandabry the Magican
(M) ;
Dame Hectorina of Two Brooks
(F) 10/04/1997 ; Fawn
Thomas of Mercers Creek
(M) 11/11/2000 ;
Sarshan She's The One For Chabanou
(F) 08/19/1988 0806BZ; Fawn
Chabanou Is She Legal
(F) 12/04/1991 ; Fawn
Chabanou Legal Eagle
(M) 12/04/1991 ; Fawn
Chabanou the Gamekeeper
(M) 09/24/1996 ; Fawn