Reverse pedigree of:
Hysis du Domaine de Froimont (F) ; COI: 4.99% |
Konquistadore du Domaine de Froimont (M) ;
Majestic von der Domaine Hohlenfels (M) ;
Playboy of A Great Stars Team (M) 04/13/2017 CMKU/ND/22351/-18/17 / JR 72909 ; Mantle
Uriel Delta Velorum (M) 06/11/2019 ; Harlequin
Portos of A Great Stars Team (M) 04/13/2017 CMKU/ND/22349/-18/17 / JR 72905 ; Harlequin
Qitura Fairies von der Domaine Hohlenfels (F) 11/01/2014 ;
Sherlock Catley Ranch (M) 10/20/2017 CMKU/ND/22336/17; Black