Reverse pedigree of:
Kizzy v't Buitengebeuren (F) WR00078301; Blue COI: 13.00% |
Victory Eve at Willowrun (F) WS03655002; Blue
Willowrun Delux Edition Nickel (M) 06/09/2004 WS08969011; Blue
Nickel's Double Diamond (M) 08/18/2006 WS18929501;
Nickel's Moonlight To Piistar (M) 02/22/2006 Fin 17717/07; Black
Bonel Bella Donna (F) FI40192/10;
Bonel Finest Quality (F) FI52880/12;
Kiamar E-Ticket To Ride (F) 05/12/2015 WS51324101; Black
Bonel Desert Bella Sirblu (F) 06/10/2010 FI40187/10; Blue
Sirblu's I'm The Only One (M) 03/05/2015 WS4989790; Blue
Danemanian Royal Blue (F) ;
Piistar Casus Genedda (F) FIN46549/07;
Genedda Quocumque Modo (F) FI36991/10; Black
Genedda Chacun Son Gout (M) 06/01/2013 Fi38435/14; Black
Nickel-Ramac This Kiss (F) 02/22/2006 WS16812107; Black
Int Ch Ramacs Kiss N Tell V Thunderfire (F) 01/15/2008 WS25224505; Blue
Am GCh Ramac's You've Been Thunderstruck By Glory RN (F) 03/07/2011 Ws37148006; Blue
Am CH Chariots of Fire For Glory (M) 12/29/2014 WS49259805; Fawn
Glory's Bad Boy Boogie (M) 12/29/2014 WS49259803;
Am GCh Glory's Ruler of the Thunderous Seas (M) 03/16/2016 WS53039002;
Am GCh Glory's Tempest of the Sea (F) 03/16/2016 WS53039001;
Am CH She's Got the Look of Glory (F) 12/29/2014 WS49259801;
Am CH Tolsina's Winter Solstice V Glory RE TKN (F) 12/29/2014 WS49259802; Black
Ramacs Just Do It V Greatness (F) 01/03/2014 WS46441101; Blue
Ramacs Think Big V Savy (M) 01/07/2013 WS43020711; Blue
Nickle-Ramac's This Kiss (F) ; Black
Ramac Hampson's Diesel (M) 01/15/2008 WS25224502; Blue
Dellas Thin Blue Line at Valentino (M) ;
Ramacs Double The Trouble (F) 05/06/2010 WS34225303; Blue
Ramac A Dozen Blue Roses (F) 11/27/2015 WS52365601; Blue
Ramac Outback Barbie V Stebero (F) 01/15/2008 WS25224507;
Ramac's Walnut Hill Wonder (M) 01/15/2008 WS25224501; Black
Ramacs Velvet Kisses V Thunderfire (F) 01/15/2008 WS25224503; Black
Willowrun's Elexander Seven (M) 02/06/2005 WS12124606; Black
Victrydane's Going Dutch (M) 09/11/2003 ; Black